#xldkx for originally posting abt this
llazyneiph · 5 years
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@meinkatz​ CoronaSale aside, this statement on your website raised some red flags for me for a few reasons.  1. Are you buying a commercial license for them or personal licence? Personal licenses have a sales limit on them so how are you applying that to each individual model? Especially since you have multiple tiers (all extremely and unreasonably expensive. Like seriously dude, your highest tier is ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY DOLLARS. That is almost THREE HUNDRED Australian dollars.) But you also appear to sell these models as one off purchases. (I saw $2.50,  $5.50 & $7) And touching again on personal licenses, all some artists ask is to be credit and I cannot find a single instance of that on your website. (I am not talking about the brand)
2. Asking people to pay for models you have just converted is quite absurd. The price you are asking versus the product you are delivering does not add up.  You’re charging hundreds of dollars for a process I learnt in half a day when I didn’t even know how to use blender. Plus, charging for conversions is not well received in this community at all. I know I am coming off an asshole (as per usual) but I live and breathe this industry, I’m still a student but I spent my whole last semester learning about the legal system in regards to the game industry. I had to spend an entire term learning about creative licensing and situations just like this. It’s the reason why I stopped converting from other games (altho I never charged for that). So please listen to me about this, I actually do know what I’m talking about. You need to know if your income is (or will) exceed the personal license sales limit which is entirely possible considering your prices.  Most especially since you seem to wanting to build somewhat of a brand here, you can find yourself in legal hot water very easily.
you can choose to ignore this or just brush me off as a ‘hater’ and continue to do this, but then my only suggestion is to keep your subscription money to pay your possible future legal fees. Block me if you wish, it doesn’t make a lick of difference to me, you just need to know the hole you’re digging for yourself.
Here is a fantastic online course that I first took when I started learning 3D modelling, it can help you get into it yourself.
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