tof-writings · 2 years
Sorry if it's too much..but Zeke with sfw alphabet?
Zeke SFW Alphabet
An: ZEKE!!! BEST BOY!! I LOVE HIM!! YES!! If you want Zeke from the trailer which we see like a second of him..(it'll be like a reunion and all) re send the ask and I'll do it!!
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A = FFECTION [How affectionate are they? How do they show affection? Do they enjoy PDA?]
Zeke would be a bit affectionate, but in his own way! He'd make sure you're fine after battles and patch you up if you aren't! He's not much on PDA.. probably when you two are alone he'd be more affectionate.
B = EAUTY [What is their favorite part of their partner. Body part, trait, anything?]
His favorite thing of his S/O? Either their eyes, smile, or just their voice. He probably loves to listen to you talk (unless it's not nonsense/hj) and just to look into your eyes..and make a small smile whenever he sees you smile so happily!!
C = OMFORT [How do they comfort their partner? Ex. after a panic attack or bad dream?]
This man would try and comfort you, but knows personal boundaries and won't push them. He is respectful of you!! He would help and be gentle, but he'd also be a bit confused. (Idk..either he doesn't know..or he somehow does from taking care of Shirli?)
D = EVOTED [How devoted are they in a relationship?]
He is pretty devoted. He would be loyal and can be a really in love guy, he just doesn't show it. He is awestruck from you!!
E = NDING [If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?]
Oh nooo..how he would do it? He would probably go somewhere nice, maybe the outskirts of Astra Shelter and have a few nice seconds and minutes together..before absolutely breaking his and your heart. He would be pretty quiet.
"..I'm sorry, Wanderer. I just feel like it's right. This is my goodbye, and my wishes for you to find someone better."
F = UTURE [What is their ideal future with an s/o? Marriage? How would they be domesticly?]
After all this Heirs of Aida and Shirli is saved, he would probably want to have a break, hang out with you.. probably get married with you! He would smile a few times when he does, and behind the scenes, Nemesis is trying to calm down a bawling Zeke.
G = ENTLE [How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?]
Zeke is probably really gentle! He might have some rough edges, but he's fine! If you see is model..he has his abs showing..(omg he's so fine) so he'd probably be a bit strong. mentally? He would be gentle, probably saying stuff more gently to you and feeling he isn't Astra Shelter's leader and he can calm down for a few..
H = UGS [Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?]
His hugs are pretty strong, but is caring! He would hug as goodbye if he has to do something away from you, or he missed you after you went somewhere. He does it in times when you need to separate from each other or when he knows something might happen.
I = NTUNE [How intune are they with their s/o's emotions? Can they read their s/o well?]
He probably could tell your emotions. He notices small details! (Good or bad..) He can tell the small scrunch of your eyebrow, and the twitch of your lip. He is quite all knowing at small details.
J = EALOUSY [How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?]
I feel he won't get too jealous. He would get a bit tense if someone tries to flirt with you. People probably know about your relationship, or not, so they might know to back off because..who wouldn't be intimidated by a towering man with red eyes and muscles??
K = ISSES [Good kisser? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?]
This man probably is good at kissing, but most times it's like a quick peck. He loves to kiss you on your lips though. For where he'd like to be kissed? Probably also on the lips, or his cheek. (Extra: if it's like a almost suicide mission, he'd probably get so scared..poor baby,, and would 100% kiss you so deeply that it'll make you loose your breath, he just was so scared!! :( )
L = LOVE LANGUAGE [What is their love language? Gift giving? Quality time?]
Love language of his? Probably quality time! He just likes to be near you, it makes him feel calm knowing you're right there and you aren't gone.
M = MEMORIES [What are their favorite memories with their s/o or family?]
Some favorite memories? If you and Shirli are close, probably watching you and Shirli just have fun together, running around and making boring tasks fun! Another favorite? Probably seeing you were waiting for him, and you fell asleep. You looked so peaceful, and he couldn't help but smile.
N = ICKNAMES [What do they call their partner?]
He wouldn't really use nicknames, mostly your name. Rarely he might use dear, love, or my (name).
O = PEN [When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?]
He slowly reveals it. If you do the main quest, if I remember quickly he tells you pieces of it? (SCREW SHORT TERM MEMORY LOSS..I WANNA REMEMBER MY BBG ZEKE)
P = ATIENCE [How easily angered are they?]
He's patient, but also can get angry a bit fast if you say something specific, or too close to home.
Q = UALITY TIME [How would they spend time with a partner? What are dates like?]
He'd love to just be in your presence, even if you two do different things. He would be sweet with dates, bringing you around simple places, walking around Astra, so and so.
He probably would love to do your hair. He seems like the best at doing it. If you do his hair? He might keep it in for a bit, but he might get slightly embarrassed and take it down.
S = ECURITY [How protective are they?]
He's protective, but not in an overbearing way. He will protect you in fights. Do you see those cutscenes where he fights!? Bro is majestic..(except when he was a follower..bbg missed so many times..)
T = TINY ONES [How do they feel about kids? How would they act with kids?]
He probably has a soft side to them, reminding him of Shirli when she was young.
U = UPSET [How do they act after a fight? Would they be the first to apologize?]
He would be a bit tense and would be stiff with his words. He wouldn't really apologize first, mostly going for a walk and clearing his head. After that, he would apologize. He doesn't want to hold grudges with you at all.
V = ALUE [How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?]
This relationship to them is important! But also he wouldn't like it sometimes because the tradition of killing someone close to you if they're becoming an aberrant..he dealt with Shirli becoming Nemesis..he would probably try his damnest to save you too, though. It's pretty strong, he loves you dearly, and you are at a tie with Shirli on how important you are to him. (I really feel like we would be #1 but.. Atlas..)
W = HOLE [Would they feel incomplete without you? What is their worst fear, what causes a hole in their heart?]
He would 100% feel incomplete. He just feels something missing without you, like everything is so bland. His worst fear? Having to kill you if you fall into aberrant hands. He gets so scared, that you shouldn't be surprised if you see him coming over, saying he just wants to see you..you always know he thought of that, and you reassure him. (Man almost died from something every wanderer has dealt with..like wanderer has been through hell and back and he almost DIES from one hit..sorry bbg)
X = XENOS [What is something about them that is strange? Something that most wouldn't like]
He always has a blank face most time. He never really shows much emotion. His voice is nice, but it doesn't show much emotion also. You need to study every detail of him to find stuff about him.
Y = ANK [What do they do that makes their partner mad? That makes one wanna yank they ass?]
In the main quest..(SPOILER) in Warren snowfield..bbg was hurt and you told him to stay, and he still went??! HE DOESN'T LISTEN MUCH IF IT INCLUDES SHIRLI, HE WILL 100% RISK HIS LIFE TO SAVE SHIRLI..(AND YOU!!)
Z = ZZZ [What are their sleeping habits? Do they snore? Is the schedule fucked up?]
Sleeping habits..he overworks himself sometimes, but he sleeps at a schedule. he snores sometimes whenever he knows it's safe, showing he is relaxed. He probably sleeps on his back or something.
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tof-writings · 4 months
Aaah finally someone who's willing to write zeke! I'm obsessed with him. Could I have a short fic/head cannons idk u choose about the f!mc and zeke/ming jing growing closer and finally get together after having to bond with him basically starting from scratch? Tbh any fluff with him is fine aaaa I want more zeke fics in my life there's basically none 😔 xoxo keep up ur amazing work!
Second Times The Charm..
an: I'm so obsessed with him it's insane..I know it said short fic or headcanons but I got VERY distracted and went full on for a fic. I'm trying my best!! It's a good game, but barely any ToF characters x readers.
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You searched for months for him..and you met him, using the name of Ming Jing. It was more of a solemn time, for you and Nemesis. You and him were already pretty close before he decided to 'sacrifice' himself for Shirli, Nemesis. What made it worse? He forgot. He forgot himself, everything. It absolutely broke you.
He looked happy here, trying to figure his own past and having his pleasant time in Domain 9. It was a peaceful time as the festival was happening soon. He was confused, confused why you both seemed a bit pained even if happy. It was a happy time, why be pained? It was a shame, a damn shame that he forgot, he was always so stubborn and he wanted to save his sibling no matter the cost, you too.
You and him did automatically click of course, even if a few different changes, you still remember how you two became friends...well, you were mostly found by Shirli and then sorta got along. Ming Jing really didn't understand though, how do you seem so odd? He couldn't place it. You couldn't say a word about his past, it'll overwhelm him and it'll ruin his new life. It was good he was enjoying his time, but he also needed to remember for the sake of you and Shirli.
You spent most of your time with him at the festival, getting along as usual and drinking some tea also. Nemesis was indeed included, as you were a trio in the beginning, you can't just break that. Ming Jing seemed more softer, his tense expression he normally had back then as 'Zeke', gone. Yes, he did seem stern faced at times, but only in such situations.
The main show of the festival was starting, all three walking over to the railing and looking up into the sky. It made you all happy, feeling determined for maybe three different reasons. Ming Jing held your hand, feeling as it was right, and it wasn't really for a romantic reason yet. That was enough to give you hope, hope you can start over, you can maybe help him remember slowly, and you can get the man you loved back into your arms.
During the middle, of course you had to give Nemesis and Ming Jing their moment as Nemesis was his sibling. You could tell he was already close with you, and he knew also. You both had some sort of.. connection, a bond that couldn't be severed even if separated by memories. You will find each other in any realm, right? He found you in the beginning and you found him now, fate seems to put you together, even if there's things in the way.
You and him were fated to be intertwined, no matter the consequences. Both you and him know.
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notes: I'm so insane..if you actually want like fluff and romance after having him remember then ask again!! I haven't played through the main quest much..my bad!!
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tof-writings · 4 months
Cooking up ANOTHER ZEKE WRITING HAHA, YOU CAN TELL I LOVE HIM..but it's ming jing remembering you slowly!!
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tof-writings · 4 months
Idk if it helps but I could definitely see a lot of potential in a Zeke and Hykros Reader. Like, the reader is affiliated with Hykros in some way (being a normal worker there or an executor, whatever would work the best Ig) and accompanies best dad Franz to the Astra Shelter. Ofc he's distrustful, but still polite at first because of his past, his dad-
But seeing them help around the shelter, hanging around with Shirli eases him and makes him warm up to them? God, I just want to see Zeke happy, man deserves so much 😭
The Astra story broke my heart, I just finished that yesterday and 1. the ending made me sad, and 2. King deserves more screentime, he got done dirty with us only seeing him like one time
Warming up...
an: I'm unsure if this is an ask or a ramble, but I'm making something for it because it includes Zeke and oh my god that's perfect because my main character, I hc her lore to be like that too! More notes at end of the post because I'm gonna rant..
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Zeke was always unsure, a odd taste at the back of his throat knowing you, a Hykros worker was here at the shelter. Did they have news? Did something happen? He grew weary with his thoughts but he kept a calm exterior. Didn't help that Franz was also with you. They knew Franz, both him and Shirli, quite a bit, but what was truly happening? Something had to be happening.
They seemed nice though, waving to the people and coming here to just help. .. help, huh? They were good on their own, right? Why would they need help? It was nice, but he was of course weary, his face tense. Shirli swore his eyebrows would stay furrowed with how he always had them such a way!! Zeke grew a bit more softer with his sisters nagging.
Astra Shelter was getting the extra help it needed, Shirli also talking with you and you keeping her in check..unless you and her were also secretly going out the shelter? Oh, how he seemed like a mother hen. You seem trustworthy though..he couldn't help but wonder more.
You had a few conversations with him, he didn't really seem too talkative though. You do meet up a bit more often as Shirli likes to have you as a trio, a group of friends. That brought you two to talk more, Zeke slowly warming up more and more. Maybe, just maybe, you were trustworthy, someone to lean on when his work gets too stressful. He was the leader basically, he has so much on his shoulders..he wants to keep everyone safe, but most importantly Shirli safe.
It was yet another time of having some fun as a trio, fun being taking care of some plants. Shirli was chatty as ever. Zeke could only watch you two giggle and laugh about something, a joke she made. Somehow, Zeke felt himself slowly smiling, faint. Seemed he grew attached and comfortable after the weeks, maybe a month of getting to know you and trust you.
Maybe, just maybe, you'll be the help and friend he'd need. Maybe even more? Now he feels more hopeful. He internally thanks you, for making Shirli more brighter than she already is and also coming here at a right time, when stress was high. Who knew a Hykros worker would be such a saving angel? He looks back down at the soil, internally thinking..
“ Thank you. ”
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notes: Zeke..Zeke...he's so amazing as a character I always sob about him he changed me forever, my favorite character in ToF. The story was so sad and then how he is, a bit stern but he just wants the best. He'd be the best friend and/or lover.
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tof-writings · 2 years
About to make some angst for Zeke and Wanderer because I am sobbing and also feel in a Zeke mood so expect that soon!!
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