wishenvy · 9 months
Sorry for such a personal and rather sad post but... I really need to talk about this.
I don't think i'll ever get over a heartbreak like logging back on and seeing that Vel ( xpeculiariity ) deactivated. Just hopping online and seeing they had deleted their discord, left all of our servers, & deleted all of their blogs.
It just breaks my heart not having had the chance to check on them or getting the chance to say goodbye before they deleted all their medias. Vel was someone I had close to my heart & always adored our plotting and brainrotting together. I just wish I would've checked on them more often, talked to them more, & got to become closer before finding out they left.
And it always just completely reshatters my heart to log into this blog & the first thing I see when I open my inbox is this reminder of it.
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And on pinterest this archived board of ours.
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That's why I had taken such a long hiatus here & dropped Genshin for a very long time. I don't know who, out of my mutuals, knew Vel too. But if you know anything about what happened ( if anything did ) or can offer any closure in any way... i'd greatly appreciate it. 💜
I just want to make this post as a means of some kind of closure for myself I guess. I just really really hope this wonderful individual is okay & thriving.
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nulltune · 2 years
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MATCHING ROBES U SAY....... @xpeculiariity
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petitexmagician · 1 year
What Brand of Stupid?
Smart until infected with stupid
You think you're safe don't you? You are probably the responsible one in the group, perhaps even the mom friend. You are relatively smart but all it takes is one little thing to suck all your braincells out. It could be hanging around your fellow stupid friends, it could be being left alone, it could be having a bit too much fun. The stupid lives inside you and it just takes the right environment for it to show.
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“..This is how Tighnari feels..”
tagged by: @scarlxtleaves​
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@xpeculiariity​ - asked for a starter from  Dehya, Layla or Faruzan for Tighnari please. 💚  - Taken from this *  
;;~ Dehya had found herself being summoned to Avidya Forest , where at first she stuggled a little to fgure out  how on earth to get up to the top of the tree house however she finally managed to figure out how and made her way to the top of this opperation himself. “So.. tighnari . right?... Cyno said somthing about you having a job for me here?” 
Dehya spoke up as she placed a hand to the back of her head smiling a it awquardly, realizing how emmbarsing it was that she struggled to get up here, after all the forest wasn’t Quite like the desert. the Erimte looked at the animal eared male himself who seemed to be doing somthing important.”
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 “Oh uhh.. Am I here at a bad time, I mean if I am I can come back later on if you need me too.” 
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magiclcss · 1 year
( ♡ @xpeculiariity​​ said; ( Twain 👀 ) “Have I ever given you a reason to doubt me? Don’t answer that.” ♡ )
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    Leaning her back against the nearest surface, the mafioso’s amber hues lock onto the Ginger member of the guild. Singular brow raising up in suspicion while her left hand is tucked comfortably away in the pocket of her leather jacket. All while the manicured thumb and index finger hold onto the stick of the lollipop that was in her mouth.
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    “Mhm,” she takes a moment to remove the candy from her mouth. “Well, it’s a good thing you told me not to answer that, emerald eyes.” Kaede speaks in a somewhat monotone voice. “Cause I would’ve most likely hurt your feelings.” the blonde continues on with a shrug.
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    “Then again, however, my opinion on you is indifferent.” There’s a sigh following after her words. “Although, that’s because whatever interactions we have had has most likely been short. So while you haven’t given me a reason to doubt you, you haven’t given me a reason to trust you-- either.” Kaede gives a tiny nod. “But, if it counts... you don’t bore me, which is a good thing.”
random dialogue prompts … sentence starters ( accepting. )
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dcndrohime · 1 year
Random Asks. // Always Accepting.
@xpeculiariity​ -  " There's no harm in chatting with your garden now and then. I still do that, my parents still do that, too. I believe so long as you don't solely rely on talking to your flowers to grow them, you're not 'crazy' or whatever. Plus, your flowers are blooming very well, Miss Hina. So, don't tuck your tail between your legs over it, silly."  ( Tighnari )
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Okay, maybe having a decent sized greenhouse next to her quarters, was a little too flashy but its always helped her unwind after hard days of study, wheter in and out of the Akademiya’s walls.
She’s sat here, knees against healthy soil, patting around grown Wolfhook berries before teal hues averted towards docile Fungi waddling around, minding their business. If anything, they’ve always been with Hinamori since the Fungi tournament, given she attended it. 
It wasn’t long before she’d look over to whomst spoke, however. 
‘‘I think a little crazy never hurts, just letting loose one’s frustration atleast’‘, there was but a small chuckle at the end of her response. ‘‘We do deserve these days to let it out’’, ever since many sages were stripped of positions, things have been getting out of hands. 
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lacolumbina · 2 years
@xpeculiariity​ ; collei started following
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      “ do mine senses deceive! of doll’s poppet play! oh my! oh my! lost or wandering? intentional or sparring? ooohhh i wonder! ”
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viisiond · 1 year
@xpeculiariity​ said: ( Dain to Sam ) " The water is teeming with fish if you care to join me now. I have a second pole and I can spare you enough string. The pole can serve to impale the fish, too, if you're swift enough. Just firmly grasp it in your hands like this. " Unprompted Asks // Accepting!
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          Samael looked between him and the water before he just rolled his sleeves up and picked up the pole- the harbinger was rather... surprised to see the other so willingly invite him to join him in this endeavor. But it was something as simple as fishing.
   “I think I should be fast enough- I’ve truly never had enough patience for things like this.” he replied, setting his uniform hat on a nearby rock- the Angel leaning over where they were set up to curiously look at the fish below only to jump back at a splash from one.
     Ruler of hell, he was. But he was still a curious angel beneath it all....
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     And yet in retaliation he aimed his pole at the aggressor fish and went to stab it.
            “I’m more adept at...foraging if I am to be honest...” A quiet laugh as he pulled his pole out of the water and much to his disappointment- nothing. Turning to Dainsleif he just uttered one phrase as a pout began to take form on his face-
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                        “...that fish is mocking me.” Challenge accepted, fish, challenge accepted...
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picavecalyx-a · 2 years
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headcanon/development questions ( no longer accepting ! )
@meistoshi​ and @xpeculiariity​ asked:
What’s something they’ve mildly been afraid of before? Not a huge trauma, something small?
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  The biggest thing that isn’t based off of something that is related to a huge trauma is probably her fear of loud noises. Things like fireworks, gun shots, thunder, even something falling if it’s loud enough can trigger her to start trembling or want to hide.       There are multiple reasons for this fear, but it’s in both of her main verses so I might as well lay out the reasons for both:
One Piece, there are a lot of loud noises, a lot of gunshots, a lot of fighting just outside the grove in Saboady. Silva will refuse to admit it, but she has seen many people be shot and killed. Like she’s not even dumb when it comes to something like Celestial Dragons. You see a Celestial Dragon, you bow, and you never look or talk back. They hold a gun and if they choose, they can end your life in an instant.
Pokemon, in a similar fashion with guns, except it has to do with hunters. They are a legitimate threat in the forests, whether it be legal or illegal hunters, to a young child who’s been told things from the point of view of the pokemon--of animals--a gun, or the sound of a gunshot is terrifying. 
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wishenvy · 2 years
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@xpeculiariity​ this has to be my favorite screenshot from tonight. It gives me an opportunity to ship tag drop! Huhuhu.
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ouraniatm · 2 years
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@xpeculiariity​ asked: ( Jade ; For Beans Day. No mercy. ) "Oh, you're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?"
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❛ yeah i am. you really think i’ll be scared of a noob like you? ❜    she retorts jade’s threatening question with her usual, snarky answer but with flair of confidence you wouldn’t usually associate her with. while she wasn’t all for physical activity ( if her barely average grade at P.E could be any proof of that ), these type of events certainly peaked her interest. great seven, bless coach vargas for making beans day way more fun than it needs to be. not only was it fun and exciting but this meant she could put her skills as a rather experienced player of games where you’d have to shoot down your enemies. how could she NOT go a little manic and shoot each and every victim of hers in high speed and velocity. now, beans day might’ve been akin to a fun day for the vice president of ignihyde but it didn’t come without sets of challenges and oh, there were many. jade, for example, was the prime example of level of difficulty set to hard. 
usually, cora would throw herself in battle and call it off after a good catch but she knew jade was different and far more terrifying of an opponent. never mind that she successfully captured him last year, this only meant he’d be more careful. every consideration had to be taken care of, no matter which class your character belongs to. that being said, the green haired snickers and holds out her trusty net whilst her other hand points at the vice president of octavinelle. her grin said everything - she was taking this way too lightly.  ❛ i’ve been waiting to have a one-on-one with you, jade. the other villagers were getting too boring for me, i needed a REAL fish to catch. enough chit-chat. come at me, you lanky eel....show me what you got. ❜  he wanted a rematch? oh, he will get one. 
UNPROMPTED THE SERIES ... always accepting!
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constellaris-a · 2 years
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          @xpeculiariity​     //     unprompted  ( always accepting )
( Cyno to Nilou b/c he heard she's in a ''spicy'' mood xD ) He shows up and holds a large, cold bottle of milk out to her. " ...drink. It should help."
       ( can continue / reblog )
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   Trust the true meaning of her words to go right over his head ...  A soft giggle of amusement sounded from the dancer as she reached out toward him,  hand resting atop his own rather than taking the drink offered.
   “ I appreciate it ,  Cyno . ”  Nilou began,  lifting up on her toes to brush lips against his own  -  only to drop her voice to a whisper upon their parting.  “ But ...  What I’m feeling is a little  different  ,  and the only thing that can help is  you  ~ ”
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maugus · 2 years
@xpeculiariity​ ;;  ( Tighnari, in fox form ) Just casually strolls beside her and gentle paps her head with his lil paw. He greet. He pap.
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She’s been papped ! What a funny greeting ! Cue an inquisitive chirp before she’s bonking her head into his chin and slipping under for a full body rub ! Her tail catches against his snout as she flips back around for another soft bonk !
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petitexmagician · 2 years
xpeculiariity // Cyno over here staring silently at all this with his 3% senpai rating status xD
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magiclcss · 1 year
( ♡ @xpeculiariity​ said; ( Jade ) “You have a lot of bite for someone so small.” ♡ )
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    "And you talk a lot for someone who I could easily bring down to my height with a swift kick to the back of your knee,” there was a short pause before she speaks once more. “But what do I know about thaaaaaat~?” 
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    With arms crossed over her chest and one leg crossed over the other, Kaede finds herself cocking her head slightly over to the left before letting out a playful giggle. “But all jokes and the mention of my height aside, I guess I’ll accept your words as a compliment, so thank you, Jade.” uncrossing her arms, both hands move up behind the blonde’s head to adjust her ponytail. 
    “Now then, unless this was your way to strike up a conversation with me, I believe this conversation might be coming to an end quite soon. I am a busy girl you know.~”
random dialogue prompts … sentence starters ( accepting. )
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mckiingbiird · 2 years
What Does Your Muse's Name Mean?
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Meaning & History
From an English surname that originally belonged to a person who played or made harps (Old English hearpe). A notable bearer was the American author Harper Lee (1926-2016), who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird. It rapidly gained popularity in the 2000s and 2010s, entering the American top ten for girls in 2015.
Tagged by: stolen from @sangdelune & @aevisong
Tagging: @deprcvities @killedarlings @xpeculiariity / @xfestiviity @crownshattered
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