fantasycorrupted-a · 11 months
@xsorrowofamanxx from here.
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Ever since he and his brothers had moved to the States to stay out of trouble’s way, becoming invisible for their grandfather and uncle who would no doubt string them back into fighting each other while the rich watched, Kamael had gotten used to life here. What stores he could find the food he needed in, a place to stay that wasn’t his friend’s house, but an apartment of his own... and even a few friends - friends of his friend, but they still counted.
What he had not gotten used to was being an angel. It had been permanent. And although there had been a way for him and his brothers, most of which fallen angels, or demons, to reverse this and become human again, they had decided against it. They had not been born celestial beings, instead becoming such in gruesome scientific experiments, behind which was those exact grandfather and uncle they had fled from, as well as a team of scientists.
And not just that. Friends of theirs had been involved, too. Like Nathaniel, who had moved in town years before Kamael and his brothers had. He was also German like them, but having lived here had made him a bit like the locals. Nat’s neighbors liked him, he’d told Kamael, so if he wanted to, he and his brothers could join him and move there. Well, life takes unpredictable turns, Kamael thought.
He had gone out to pick up some ingredients for food, as it was the weekend and he had the time to cook something less fancy than what he made at work... and then a man dressed in black spoke to him. A... priest? Kamael felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. It was enough to think about anything connected to religion to fill his heart with fear, like it was with his brothers. What if, like angels and demons had been created, so had been other holy beings, turned into weapons by the same organisation his grandfather was behind! “Ah, I’m sorry,” he said, his German accent showing through as he spoke. “I apologise.” Was it obvious he was lost in thoughts?
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theheadlessgroom · 8 months
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature? (from kent mun)
Thank you!
🐉 - Randall has always had a particular fondness for the Dullahan, the headless horseman of Celtic folklore-even before he himself lost his head-finding them to be fearsome and fascinating, especially with such gruesome details as carrying their heads under their arms or using a spine like a whip. Post-mortem, he's still fond of them, finding an affinity for them, and as such has gone as a Dullahan for Halloween, posing with a ghostly horse and his own head in hand for added affect.
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deathmaiidens · 8 months
@xsorrowofamanxx from [x]
"Again," Adelaide started, her grave countenance a stark contrast to her youthful beauty (at least until the old grandfather clock struck midnight and you could see right through her bones, right through to her broken heart). "You're gonna have to be more specific. Many things happened here. To start with, there was William and Eleanor Gracey, but I think the ground was cursed long before they built this place..."
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Wide brown eyes darted towards the portraits in the hallway where you could hear a low howling sound (or was it only the wind?), then back at the man. "They came here from England with their only son, Edward Gracey. Eleanor went first, died of yellow fever, and then William followed hoping to find her in the other world, forgetting he'd be leaving a little boy behind, all alone in a house full of ghosts. None of which were ever his mom or dad -- only strange phantoms with white hair and see-through bones like blue glass. When he grew up, he fell in love; found his bride in the most beautiful woman in New Orleans, but history was doomed to repeat itself. She died giving birth to a baby girl who wasn't expected to survive the night. Against all odds, she survived many a night from then on. So did her Papa who promised he wouldn't make the same mistake his Papa did and leave her, as much as he wanted to be with her Mama. As tired as he was of wandering through the haunted ballrooms and cemetery parties every night hoping to find her in the crowd of spirits let in by his father before him.
"Pretty soon thirteen years had gone by and you know what they say about the number thirteen, non? He was always there in the shadows, I think, but for some reason, Death himself waited that long to take the girl and her father. I suppose to make sure they'd never leave and well..here we are, to this day."
She smiled sheepishly, as if she were an ordinary little girl telling an ordinary little story. Only for a moment though, before she took on that serious glower again. "I know it's a little trite to say 'beware' at the end, but believe me when I say that there's something here...something that doesn't just want to scare people like the others, something that's hungry."
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statesmanvodka · 9 months
i'll love you 'til my breathing stops. (From @xsorrowofamanxx )
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Lena couldn't help but blush at Kent's confession, looking at him she bit her lower lip a moment before saying, "I love you too, unless this is one of your cons. . ."
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erika-de-claire · 10 months
9.Do they have a word or phrase that they tend to overuse? (From @xsorrowofamanxx )
//Thank you!
Oc Asks: https://www.tumblr.com/erika-de-claire/725186692020043776
9.Do they have a word or phrase that they tend to overuse?
Erika CHRONICALLY uses the word ‘Sorry’, to the point that it’s a genuine habit she is working on fixing! No matter what it is, she will likely say ‘Sorry’ at least 3 times when talking to you, even apologizing for apologizing.
It has been a habit of hers for years and who truly knows if it’s going to stop or not. \\
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greycricle · 7 months
(Hi there, this is the starter for the rp)
"And here we are in the main study of the manor" *Pat lead the group into the large expensively room* "Sir Crump would spend most of his time in this room for business meetings were held in here as well the chairs here are also shorten with the head seat taller with pillows added" (Ben rolled his eyes they weren't getting anywhere with finding an item till he saw the glass case) "excuse me that display those books inside did they happen to belong to Crump" (pat sighed again with this questions) "no they were forms from his business trades but the book in the middle is believed to have been his personal journal found in his desk" (the book in the case was an old the leather cracked and faded the pages yellow a fancy C was engraved on the cover) "Kent see that got an item" (Ben whispered to him starting a plan to get the book).
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spookyhollowart · 8 months
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Come along to Pret-a-Metatron where you can get free coffee and a cookie. This is an endorsement from @/helphowdoiusethis (Jay), an unpaid intern working at Pret-a-Metatron. Pass this message on to 5 mutuals to spread the good word.
I don't like coffee!I tried it once it was DISGUSTING!
@hildagirl99 @hokkaidossoul12 @jestersnonsense @rebornghostgirl @shaydystheshadowqueen @xinchargeofthetvax @xsorrowofamanxx @yourlocalhauntedmansionnerd @zamii-mountian
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the-expatriate · 9 months
🌺(i guess for kent)
"I've literally only seen you in passing. BUT YOU LOOK SHIFTY AS FUCK."
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statesmanvodka · 11 months
"I left him/her at the alter." (from @xsorrowofamanxx)
"Was it cold feet or something else?" Lena asked.
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the-expatriate · 5 months
🔥 ( for kent)
"Mate, you're muscling in on my con! I mean, you're clearly not a priest and you scrub up nicely BUT YOU'RE MUSCLING IN, DAMMIT."
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statesmanvodka · 7 months
v. haunted mansion
verse with @xsorrowofamanxx - Lena currently is working as writer in New Orleans when she meets Kent, recently she lost her mother and is dealing with that process.
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