viviskull · 2 years
@xsprxsso​ : x
“… ma'AM-” Riley turned to look indignantly at Vivi, who she’d tossed over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Ah, the perks of having a tiny best friend.
“First off, I am also a woman. Second, I don’t want you to dIE? I get that you’re like- a god- or something- but I would prefer my friend is not a blue puddle at the bottom of a cliff, please and thank you?”
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“Aw heck, that was ONE time!”  Exclaimed the extremely pouty Divinity as she makes her irritation known with a light kick to her companion’s ribcage.  However, given she still hung helplessly on the back of Riley’s shoulder, Vivi couldn’t do much beyond crossing her arms in her own tiny fit.  “My leg healed up just fine when I last jumped off that school roof years ago.  What’s the difference when this cliff ain’t that much higher than that two story building?”
Vivi you sure aren’t indestructible, but how many times have you kissed death at this point?  Yeah you can respawn, but where’s your self preservation when it ISN’T dealing with some B tier baddy knocking on your doorstep??  First it’s cults wanting your heart and NOW you want to get your adrenaline rush all of a sudden!
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“What’s a gal gotta need to have her fun every once in a while in this goddamn town?”  Although she’s long since admitted defeat to being carried, she still lets out a grumble.  “Being God gets a bit boring these days.  Where’s the drama in this job?”
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lightswcrn · 2 years
stares at u. stares at ur askbox
// 👁️👄👁️
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royalreef · 2 years
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@xsprxsso​ inquired: If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference? Character Development Questions - Accepting
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(( Here’s the fun thing — it would be remarkably, remarkably easy to tell if someone was impersonating Miranda, to the point that they wouldn’t need to pose any singular, specific question to determine that it wasn’t her.
In fact, trying to ask her any specific question wouldn’t help at all, and would probably only confuse things further.
This is because Miranda’s already a notorious liar who presents a lot of different false images and perceptions of herself based upon what people want to see, what they want to hear. She’s already spinning a web of lies with her at the center, and half of the time, she’s not even really recognizing that she’s doing it. There’s a lot of things that Miranda will say and will swear to and insist upon with complete conviction in her voice, that are entirely untrue and she knows it.
See, you have to think of Miranda in a lot of very indirect ways. If you come at her from the front and take her at face value, you’ll get something much different than what she actually is, and that’s almost intentional. She’s Crown Princess. She has to know how to play the courts, and that includes saying things without saying them and understanding how to pacify and manipulate those around her and phrasing everything just right to not get caught. If look at her directly, that’s exactly where she wants you to be, and where she has the most control over how she comes off. It’s not just coincidence how she can command a room and keep all eyes on her effortlessly. It’s literally where she’s most in her element, and most able to obscure herself.
However, if you look at her more from the side, less of what she’ll say and more of her intentions, what she wants out of things, how she navigates the world, all of her little reactions that she won’t bring attention to — then you start getting the real picture of what Miranda is like. She’s an unreliable narrator and you have to treat her like one. All of the things she brings attention to are seldom the most important thing, and that’s why I leave so many little breadcrumbs in my writing that tie back into the bigger picture but will sit unnoticed if you don’t pick up on them being there. Miranda’s like water. She’s fluid, and has to be held in a container to take on a proper shape that can be understood.
She’s also entirely tied up in denial and a lot of complicated emotions that she’s nowhere in the right place to untangle, so she’ll entirely ignore them until there’s a quiet enough moment where she can begin to pick at them.
All of this is why Miranda can be so... much, sometimes. She’s cute and silly and kinda dumb sometimes, she’s efficient and ruthless and fully in control at other times, and she’s tragic and confused and powerless at different moments still. She’s any one of these things, and she’s all of these things, and she’s none of these things, all at once, because you have to think of her as something else that is being constantly shaped by what’s around her. It’s why she can turn on a dime, or seemingly without warning, or have wildly different reactions to the same thing. There’s a deeper core to her character, and what you see is not what you’re going to get.
So I feel like the first mistake would have been impersonating Miranda. There are much easier targets, and the fact of her inconsistency and her habit of lying actually make her all the harder to actually pull off. All it would take is simply being too consistent with Miranda, focusing too hard on any one of her singular facets, or just taking her at face value and believing she is who she says she is. She’s not contained in what she says or how she holds herself. She contained in all these tiny, wordless, thoughtless habits and trends that people who have been around her have noticed or picked up on, and if you fail at those unsaid things, then that’s a HUGE red flag that that’s not really Miranda.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
(xsprxsso) ❓ monster prom lore?
I think that the games themselves don't go into it enough and often seem to go for the lazy route, like we get vague things but like what's going on in hell? Why is there a war there? Do humans know about monsters? How interconnected is human stuff to monster stuff? Y'know I've got questions and they are questions that aren't really in the scope of a dating sim
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(xsprxsso) “  the world feels too big for me to be noticed,  yet too small to hide.  ” (Missy to Oz mayhaps?)
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      "And to think, the world is much, much bigger than most will ever see in their short life times! I've found tons of places to hide over the millennia, but then again, I might as well be the reigning monarch of hide-and-seek."
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rainnstormm · 2 years
(xsprxsso) "Oh, don't worry! It's a contained portal run by my manager. Only turns on and off when my job is done, and right now I'm on a research mission so I just have to send her a signal when I wanna go home." Marcy looks awfully proud of herself for a moment. "Who are you callin' small? And who's...[BLEEP] boy?"
She's being censored by the Disney gods.
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"Huh. Ohhh.... kay. Weird job you have." Magic is fuckin' weird. She never bothered asking the old man about it 'cause it always seemed so complicated and fancy. Who has time for that stuff?
"Oh, Piss Boy?" She shrugs. "Guy who lives here. He's usually either here or in that stuffy castle not too far from here."
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s1lveredw1ngs · 3 years
There’s a small notecard, writing on one side and a handful of pen doodles on the other of various flowers. “I apologize for the fae bothering you, I didn’t mean to cause you any trouble when visiting the king. Are you alright? If there is anything I can do, it’s no trouble at all. -Riley” (xsprxsso)
Sparrow blinked at the note, trying to place who this person was. As far as he could recall...he didn't know much about them, if anything at all. But was this person that the fae's had been poking him about? The other person who...oh...oh dear.
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"Well, now don't I feel like a heel..." Sparrow hummed to himself, reading over the card again. He really had let himself get pretty upset hadn't he? Sparrow decided really needed to do some thinking about himself and what was important in this whole mess.
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bluescarfvivi · 3 years
feed them! (from Marcy, who has a plethora of weird snacks from like a hundred dimensions)
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“Can I get one of each?? Please, please, please, pleeeeeeease?” 
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rxtroskull · 3 years
spooky state skeletons! (send shivers down your spine- sorry I had to. -xsprxsso)
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//Hehe it's alright! Thanks for reading the rules!
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viviskull · 2 years
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for the assumption game
- Autism™
- Nerd (affectionate)
- You can be pretty excitable when you have the energy for it, sometimes even a bit feral
- l o u d
- when you have your mind set on something, almost nothing can stop you and you will not stop what you're doing until it's done
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((Aw shucks, I suppose Luz did kinda gave most of that away.  4 outta 5 (for your assumptions), I related a ton to most of the characters I picked out mainly for the neurodivergent vibes given I tend to see myself in them quite a bit.  Eve was my first,  Vivi was my second, and Luz and Bluey are the more recent ones I latched onto to in recent years.  I like these guys because they remind me of myself as a kid in some ways, be it for sad reasons or happy!))
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lightswcrn · 2 years
abandoning Arthur? :(
// not at all ! i just have another muse is all lol. i would never abandon my king <33
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talesofnovembria · 3 years
(xsprxsso) Warning: has a cool factor way to high to calculate with a taste for angst. Handle with care and tell them they're awesome, because they are :3
What if the MUN had a warning label? What would it say?
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((So many sweet warnings with a dash of angst. Beware or those of your who compliment may be my next target for that love with a dash of angst. HAHA!))
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atropaanimus · 2 years
(xsprxsso) “don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t exactly blend in.” (from Missy?)
A blink and a smile crossed their face. "Of course not my dear! If anything, I'll take it as a compliment."
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"Nothing about my social life involves blending in, hun. However..." Milo gave a look over the newcomer with a happy stare. "I don't think we've formally met! Milo Belladonna."
Milo didn't always offer an immediate handshake, the touch of death myth and all. However if the woman offered one, they would gladly oblige. It was only proper manners after all!
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(xsprxsso) ❛ you’re welcome to stay, if you want. ❜ (Brian and,,,, missy-?)
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      "...I was hoping you'd say that, because honestly? I don't plan on moving for a solid hour or two now that I'm here."
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rainnstormm · 2 years
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This isn't even her house.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
(xsprxsso) spotify wrapped!
Feeling Good - Michael Buble
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The party the night before had gotten wild as hell, and that was saying something given what camp spooky was like but really what better way to kick off the first few days of summer?
Still someone had to clean up in the mourning and Polly had offered to, it helped her 'sober up' so to speak. While she was going around grabbing bottles she noticed somebody who looked like she must have fallen asleep on the out skirts of the party.
"Hey girl, you good?"
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