moonprincemulti · 4 years
Can I request a Headcanon for what stray kids changbin would be like with a Ftm Transgender Partner? From starting hormones, transitioning, to getting surgery, & just in general.
Thank you ☺️ I love your writing and it makes me so happy to see people include Male readers 💚💛
- 26 Oct 2020
- Stray Kids Changbin reacting to a FTM partner
I have been so excited to write this request! I'm sorry that it took so long for me to reply though... I have schoolwork that takes quite some time so, I do my best to fit in some writing time where I can.
Anyway, I'd love to imagine how Changbin would react to their partner being like this, since I am a trans person myself.
Coming out:
Changbin would be surprised at first. He knew you weren't the girliest girl, but he hadn't thought about any gender problems at all. As he listened to your nervous words, he'd smile and then pull you into a hug. He'd tell you that he loved you for who you are, no matter what your gender was. He'd help you the best he could, and was curious for what this course would bring you both. He was glad you were able to tell him, as he'd be ready to support you through everything.
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Psychological treatment:
Changbin would wish you good luck everytime you had an appointment with your psychologist. He'd ask you how it went, and he would be happy if you came back with good news. He'd often get little treats or gifts for you, to reward you for being so strong.
During dysphoric moments:
Changbin wouldn't always notice immediately when you were having trouble with dysphoria, but once you spoke up about it, he would desperately try to distract you. He'd talk about your favourite show, sing you a song, and if things were really bad, he'd just hold you in a tight hug, whispering sweet encouraging words in your ear.
Start of T (horomones):
Changbin would be nervous, maybe even more nervous than you, because this was the first big real step in the transition. You had been preparing for it for a while, but Changbin was still nervous what it would mean for you. He hoped the best of course, because he wanted you to feel better and more confident. As things started to change after a few months, Changbin would notice them and compliment you. The moment your voice began to change, he would tease you about how it would crack or shoot up, but you two could always laugh about it.
Top surgery:
The day of the surgery was one bomb of nerves, anxiety and hopefullness. Changbin had made sure that his schedules would not interrupt this big happening, because he wanted to be there for you the whole time. Before the surgery he would make you laugh, talking with you about how he would take care of you afterwards. Because with tiny t-rex arms, you were helpless, and Changbin didn't mind providing for you. He held your hand as you were given the anesthetics, and he stayed with you until the last moment.
When you came back from the operating room, he'd quickly grab your hand again, talking to you with a sweet voice. He'd tell you how great you did, and when you burst out in tears of happiness, he'd do the same. He was so happy for you, to finally have been freed of your most prominent female features.
Changing your legal name & gender:
Changbin came with you to the government facility. He would hold your waist as you'd talk to the personell, and stroke your back as you sat down to write out the paperwork. When all that was done, he'd surprise you with a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant. The moment you two left the government facility, he couldn't stop calling you 'his man, his boyfriend, his handsome y/n'.
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So yeah, I think Changbin would be very accepting and supporting throughout the whole process. He loves you for you, no matter the gender. He would show his love through various things, but he would always be there for you.
I hope you liked what I wrote out. I didn't include bottom surgery because not all transmen want to get that done. This is also partly from my perspective on how I view my transition, so it might be different than how you view your transition. But I atleast hope it made you happy.
For any transmen that come across my blog, feel free to request something!
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