drpeppertummy · 4 months
ok i never draw val bc he always comes out ugly & fucked up but this is THE best ive ever drawn him. when connie catches u spoiling ur dinner
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[ID: a drawing of a guy wearing a "kiss the cook" apron holding a frying pan in one hand and a salt shaker in the other, smiling and shrugging sheepishly at the viewer and saying "taste testing?.." a caption pointing to his rounded tummy says "snuck like 30 bites."]
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drpeppertummy · 2 months
too much pumpkin soup be upon ye old men
i been writing this for like a week😭😭😭😭😭
"Okay, I know it's too hot out if you're wearing short sleeves," groaned Connie, leaning against the door frame.
"I don't know what you're talking about, I think it's beautiful out," grinned Val. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek as he passed by her, pot in hand.
"Whatcha makin'?"
"Pumpkin soup!"
"Oh, Christ, Val!" Connie let her head fall back against the wall at the thought of hot soup.
"I know, I know, it's not pumpkin season," he teased. "Canned will still get the job done." Connie rolled her eyes. "Hey, don't worry, I'll make somethin' nice and cool for the rest of you."
Connie leaned against the fridge while she watched Val work, hoping to leach out some of its coolness. While the rare sight of his exposed arms was a testament to the heat--he spent most of the year bundled up, the New Jersey air far too chilly for a man from Hell even when it was warm--it was a welcome view for Connie, who seldom got to see much of her husband's skin. He had just a touch of muscle to him, not too much for her simple tastes but enough to give him the enticing air of a man who could move some furniture, and plenty of dark hair. A faded scar across his bicep was just visible under the edge of his sleeve, which, as the story went, was left by his sister centuries ago when they were wrestling as children. While Val passed easily as a human, his sister, whose long claws had dug deep enough in play to leave a permanent mark, was another story.
"Excuse me, miss, can I help you?" Connie pulled her eyes from Val's arms to see an amused look on his face. She smiled back at him.
"Maybe when it starts getting chilly again," she teased. She'd have loved to sweep him off to bed right then and there, but with his body temperature being well over a hundred, she couldn't bear the thought of it.
"Oh, believe me, I'll be there," he grinned. In theory, summer should have been Val's favorite season. It was the only time of year the weather felt good to him, and the only couple of months where he didn't have a cold. He'd gladly have traded both of those perks, though, for the comfort of Connie's arms. In chillier weather, he made a perfect little personal heater for her to cuddle, but in the sweltering heat of summer, they had to keep a little more distance between themselves for her sake. It was tough for both of them, particularly Val, who, in addition to being an exceptionally physically affectionate person, still craved a little extra warmth against his body even during the hottest of days. If he couldn't get that extra warmth from her, a hot bowl of soup would have to suffice.
With the soup simmering away on the stove, Val got to work putting together a lighter, more refreshing dinner for the rest of the family. He didn't realize how hungry he'd been getting until he started preparing the salad, and his belly let out a loud rumble. Connie, now by his side at the counter helping him chop vegetables, gave his empty middle a playful poke. He smiled sheepishly up at her.
"It's dinnertime," he said with a shrug.
The recipe wound up making far more soup than Val expected, and he was glad he hadn't doubled it like he'd thought about. If nobody else was interested in having any, it would be close trying to finish it all off before it went bad. Of course, he could always freeze some, but Val hated handling anything from the freezer. The frozen-solid packages stung his hot skin, and the rush of cold air when he opened it chilled him to the core. He preferred to avoid it altogether. With that reasoning, he sat down at the table with a particularly large serving of soup.
"Since when do you have room for all that?" Connie teased, taking her seat across from him.
"I'm hungry! Besides, there's a ton of it."
"Mm, whatever you say," she said, and he gave her a look of playful annoyance.
Val had done an excellent job on both soup and salad. The salad was light and flavorful, filled with fresh berries and tender chicken and crisp vegetables, hardly even needing dressing to enhance it. The soup was rich and creamy, hot and filling and exactly what Val had been craving all day. The two even exchanged a few bites, unable to resist the allure of the other's dish.
"How'd I manage to snag such a good cook?" Connie leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the nose.
"Oh, where do I begin?" He smiled adoringly at her, and she stuck a strawberry in his mouth.
"Don't start," she giggled. "Your soup's gonna get cold."
"Ooh! Can't have that." Val gave an exaggerated shiver and scooped up another spoonful, humming happily to himself as he ate. He was halfway through the bowl now, and he was starting to feel the weight of the soup in his belly. It was good, though, and while he began to slow his pace, his appetite had yet to falter.
"Aren't you full yet? That's a lot of soup for a little guy like you," Connie teased, slipping an arm around his waist. She hadn't been particularly hungry herself, and she'd already finished her small serving of salad.
"A little," he confessed, leaning back in his seat. His tummy poked out slightly against his shirt. Connie gave it a friendly pat.
"Don't go overdoing it," she warned. "You're not gettin' a belly rub outta me when it's this hot out." She was only bluffing, of course; even in the heat of the summer, she would never leave him to nurse an upset tummy on his own.
"I'm fine," he assured her, though he wasn't sure he'd be able to finish. He was in the stage now where he was thoroughly aware of how snug his stomach felt, and each bite nudged him closer and closer to the threshold of discomfort. Still, he was enjoying the warmth in his belly, and picked up his spoon and went back in for a few more bites. Connie rose from her seat and started straightening up the kitchen while he slowly worked on his dinner.
Val was quickly running out of space, his tummy feeling uncomfortably tight now, and he paused to let it settle for a moment. He set the spoon down and held a hand to his belly. It bumped out snug against the waist of his pants, his belt hugging it tightly, and the curve was plainly visible under his shirt. He leaned back with a sigh, hand resting on his belly.
"Do you want the rest of this? I'm stuffed," he said.
"Nah. Why don't you throw it back in the pot? I won't tell."
"Ah, it's just a tiny bit. May as well finish it." He hesitantly picked up the spoon again. Truthfully, he wasn't sure his stomach could hold that tiny bit. He felt like he had pumpkin soup up to his tonsils. Still, it seemed silly to quit with such a small amount left in the bowl, and he reluctantly scooped up another bite.
There were only a few spoonfuls left, but each one felt like a gallon to his straining belly. The first one went down hard, the second even harder. As he picked up the third, his hand stopped. His stomach felt like it was stretched to its limit, and in that moment, he felt sure that if he searched his entire body inside and out, he wouldn't be able to find even a pinch of space to fit that last bite of soup. With a heavy sigh, he set the spoon back in the bowl and slumped back in his seat, both hands resting on his distended tummy.
Connie glanced over her shoulder to see Val looking utterly defeated, his belly sticking out dramatically over the waist of his pants and peeking out under the hem of his shirt, and she barely stifled a laugh. He looked up, his expression weary but good-natured, and she smiled fondly at him.
"Little too much?"
"Little too much."
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drpeppertummy · 3 months
character needing to clean up the house etc, making the mistake of stopping for lunch and accidentally embiggening themself and now can't bend over to clean properly 😔
(definitely not based on real life events.. 😭)
[mild hunger & stuffing]
He hadn't wanted to stop cleaning at all. He'd been on a roll, and when Val was on a roll, not much could slow him down. When his rumbling stomach became too difficult to ignore, though, he'd finally caved and reluctantly set down the duster for a lunch break.
Val was surprised to see that it was after one by the time he got to the kitchen. No wonder he'd been so hungry; he hadn't eaten since early that morning. He held a hand to his belly as it let out another irritable growl and took to the fridge, wincing at the cold air as he fished out last night's leftovers. The idea of a hot bowl of soup made his mouth water. Humming softly to himself, he scooped out a good-sized serving and stuck it in the microwave.
Not wanting to get too settled in and lose his momentum, Val opted to eat standing up, leaning against the counter with the bowl in his hand. He hadn't realized how hungry he was until the first bite hit his stomach, and suddenly he was wolfing down his lunch like he had minutes to live, his empty stomach guiding his pace. He didn't slow down until the bowl was nearly empty. By that point, he realized, he was undeniably stuffed, his belly feeling taut and bloated after gulping down so much soup so quickly. There was only a little bit left, though, and he supposed he may as well finish it.
The last few bites went down more slowly, but it wasn't long before the bowl was empty. He sighed, resting a hand on his full belly as he took a moment to settle. He'd definitely overdone it a little; he felt like a stuffed turkey with his tummy bulging out snug against his pants. Still, there was cleaning yet to be done, with a dirty bowl now added to the to-do list. He hummed as he washed it, round tummy pressing against the counter as he scrubbed.
With the bowl out of the way, Val returned to the living room and went on dusting. He stood on his toes as he reached up for a high shelf, leaning in as he strained to dust off the books hiding atop it, and heard a clatter below him. Looking down, he realized he'd bumped a picture off the shelf with his protruding belly. Fortunately, it had landed on the soft rug and didn't appear to be damaged. Sighing, he leaned down to pick it up. He was stopped, though, when he found that he was too bloated to lean over all the way. He stood upright, hand on his belly. Then, cautiously and awkwardly, he knelt down on the floor.
"Having a little trouble?" Val looked up, startled, to see Connie on the stairs, leaning against the railing with an amused look on her face.
"It got away from me," he said, smiling sheepishly. Connie laughed.
"They do move pretty quick," she chuckled. Val pulled himself upright and set the picture back in its place. Connie approached him and draped an arm over his shoulders.
"I think you've got this place looking pretty sharp," she said, giving his tummy a fond pat. "Why don't you call it a day before you knock anything else over?"
"Ha, ha," he said, unable to hold back a smile. He slipped his arms around her waist and hugged her warmly, planting a gentle kiss on her jaw before letting his chin come to rest on her shoulder. Connie smiled and patted his back.
"Alright, come on, Romeo. There's better places to hang around than the bookshelf."
"Oh? And where did you have in mind?"
"Hm, if you're still in a cleaning mood, how about the bathtub?" He looked up, and she gave him a sly smile.
"Oh, I could be persuaded," he grinned. "Maybe we can go change the sheets afterwards, how about that?"
"It's a date."
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drpeppertummy · 4 months
Oo you should do something with Val! Maybe he eats something that doesn't react well together and his belly get all bubbly
[bloating, discomfort, One Big Burp]
Connie leaned against the door frame, hand on her hip. The amused look on her face was met with a sheepish smile, though the discomfort on Val's face was still plenty apparent.
"Alright, what'd you eat this time?" She sat down on the couch beside him, able to hear his belly gurgling and grumbling before she'd even made it across the room. It sounded almost fizzy, like it was bubbling up inside, and she could guess how tight it must have been just by the pitch of the sounds. When she placed a hand on his rock-solid tummy, she realized with some surprise that she'd underestimated the pressure.
"Jeez, Val," she exclaimed, wincing.
"Y'know that fruit I brought back from Hell?"
"The really spicy one? Yeah, I remember."
"Don't eat it with anything carbonated."
Connie was one of the few people Val knew who would have been in any danger of fooling around with the fruit; most of his human friends wouldn't have been able to stand it at all. Even having been raised on spicy Thai food, though, the things Val brought back from his trips home could still be a bit much for her human taste buds. The little taste she'd tried of this particular fruit hadn't immediately scared her away, but the feeling of her poor husband's distended tummy certainly did.
"Boy, did you learn a tough lesson," she chuckled, gently rubbing his belly.
"Someone's gotta be the guinea pig, right?"
"Yeah, sure, as long as we're not blowing them up! Jeez, your poor belly…"
"I'm fine," he assured her. His stomach let out a sharp, strained gurgle of disagreement, and he rested his head against her shoulder with a sigh. Connie wrapped an arm around his waist and held both hands against his tummy. It felt impossibly tight; the pressure inside must have been immense, and she supposed it must have ached badly. Just thinking about how stretched out his stomach must have been for his belly to be so hard to the touch made her own stomach ache. She rubbed as gently as she could, trying not to press in too much, and she felt him relax a little in her arms.
"You gotta try to burp some of that up," she said, giving his belly a soft pat. It sounded taut and hollow, as though it were filled with air. "C'mon, let's hear a good one. Don't worry about being polite."
"Aw, please."
"Seriously! Come on, you can't leave your tummy like this."
"For you, my dear, I shall try," said Val in his best overly-suave voice. Connie winced sympathetically at the feeling of his belly tensing up under her hand as he tried to bring up some of the gas. She pressed lightly as she rubbed, giving his back a helping pat with her other hand, and his belly groaned uneasily. She was almost as eager as he was to relieve some of the pressure, worried about the strain the intense bloating was putting on his poor aching stomach. A tiny, forced burp finally came up, and she gave him a look of playful annoyance.
"You're gonna have to do a little better than that, mister," she said. "Come on, gimme a good one or I'm gonna have to squeeze it out of you."
"Alright, alright. I'm trying," he insisted, laughing. "It doesn't want to come up!"
"I'm gonna press a little harder this time, okay?"
"Alright. Be gentle," he said, looking up at her with soft, pleading eyes.
They tried again, Connie pressing cautiously but firmly into Val's drum-tight belly. She almost couldn't stand the feeling of it straining under her hand--the tautness of it made her cringe--but she could stand the idea of him being so uncomfortable even less, and she was determined to coax up the trapped gas. His brow furrowed as he tried to work up a burp. Finally, suddenly, an enormous one rushed out of him, long and loud, and Connie felt his stomach deflate considerably. He fell against her with a heavy sigh, hands resting on his belly.
"Christ, Val," she exclaimed, both surprised and amused at the size of the burp. "I didn't think you could even fit that much in you."
"You know me, I'm full of surprises," he said, giving her a sly smile.
"Yeah, sure," she laughed, patting his belly. It was still slightly bloated, but not nearly as much as it had been. "Only thing you're full of is fruit gas. How do you feel?"
"Much better," he said, and he meant it. "Can I kiss you after that?"
"I suppose so," she chuckled. Smiling, he tipped his head up, took her jaw in his hand, and they kissed.
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drpeppertummy · 1 year
truthfully my friends this isnt something im overly into or experienced in & as such i have Absolutely no idea if its any good or not. godspeed
[alien-esque parasite creature-in-stomach bordering-on-rapid-horror-preg situation, ends in hospital post-surgery bc you know id never let it explode him but the hospital isnt like a whole big thing, nobody has a good time in this but hes fine]
Val was beginning to wonder if eating at that sketchy restaurant in Hell had been a good idea.
Truthfully, he'd known it was a bad idea from the start. He hadn't liked the look of the place when his sister had brought him there, the service had been awful, the food had been worse, and he'd felt a little off ever since. That had been a few days ago, and he was back home now. It was always shockingly cold returning to the mortal world after visiting his family, but he was glad to be back in Connie's arms, even if it meant braving the chilly autumn air.
Exhausted from the busy week behind him, Val flopped down onto the bed. He was freshly showered and dressed in his pajamas, and very glad about it. Connie was taking her turn in the shower now. Sprawled out flat on his back, Val looked down at himself, and his brow furrowed. He hadn't felt quite right ever since visiting that restaurant, and he was still a little bloated. He laid his head back down on the pillow and rested his hands on his belly.
"Looks like your mom stuffed you like a turkey," Connie teased, standing in the doorway. "Does she think you're as skinny as I do?"
"Christ, does she," Val laughed.
"Maybe you oughtta visit more often, let her beef you up a little," she giggled, dropping herself onto the bed next to him.
"I don't think I could handle that," said Val. "You know everyone else in my family is like ten feet tall?" Connie laughed.
"And I bet they feed you like you are too, right?" She placed a hand on his rounded tummy and raised her eyebrows at how firm it felt. "Sheesh, you really feel stuffed."
"Tell you the truth, my sister dragged me out to some weird restaurant a couple days before I left. It was a mess, you never woulda gone in. Whatever I ate didn't sit right, I guess, my stomach's been a little funny ever since. I've spent the past few days feeling like I swallowed a bowling ball."
"Huh," said Connie, rubbing his belly. It gurgled uncomfortably under her hand. "Maybe you got, like, mild food poisoning or something."
"Maybe," he sighed. "Probably."
"Do you feel sick?"
"I don't know. Not quite. Just off. ADR, as they say at the vet. I mean, I definitely feel bloated, I can tell you that much."
"Believe me, you don't have to tell me," she chuckled, patting his belly. It didn't sound hollow, like it was filled with gas. Instead it sounded solid, like patting a rock, and it let out another sickly gurgle. Connie winced sympathetically.
Suddenly, Val sat up. Connie looked up at him, surprised. His face was difficult to read, but he seemed tense. Concerned, she sat up beside him.
"Val, what's the matter?" She placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I don't know," he said uncertainly, holding both hands against his tummy. He looked down, brow furrowed. Was he more bloated than before? His stomach felt tighter, and…strange, somehow. Almost as if something inside him was pulsing.
"Maybe you should go to urgent care or something," said Connie. She didn't like the look on his face, and she didn't like that he was still so bloated days after eating whatever he'd eaten.
"I can't go to urgent care. I'm not even human. They wouldn't know what to make of me even if I was feeling fine."
"Yeah, but…I don't know. I'm worried," she said, squeezing his shoulder. Now that he was sitting up, his belly looked even more distended than it had when he was laying, and it was oddly top-heavy, as though whatever was making it so swollen was stuck up in his stomach. She didn't like that at all.
Val couldn't disagree with her point of view. Still, he preferred to avoid letting people find out he wasn't human if he could help it. It was a dangerous secret to reveal, and there had been plenty of times where he'd nearly paid a heavy price for it. He didn't have much time to mull it over, though, because his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a bizarre wave of pain in his stomach. He doubled over with a groan, clutching his belly.
"Val!" Connie grabbed his shoulders. Val remained frozen, trying to process what he'd just felt. It was pain, certainly, and pressure, but it almost felt like movement as well. Cautiously, he sat back upright, his breathing shallow and shaky.
"That's it, you're going to the hospital," she said, standing up. Val opened his mouth to protest when another surge of pain shot through him, and this time he definitely felt movement. He doubled over again, gaping like a fish as his belly pushed out against his hands.
Carefully, Connie pulled him to his feet, putting an arm around his waist to hold him steady, and hurried him out of the bedroom. As they walked, she felt something shift under her hand, and for a moment she froze, looking down at him.
"What the fuck was that?"
"I don't--I don't know," he choked out, desperately hugging his middle.
"Let's go," she urged, and practically dragged him out of the house.
Connie hastily put the directions into the GPS and was off like a flash before Val could even finish buckling up. His belly bulged conspicuously over the seatbelt, undeniably rounder than it had been earlier, and whatever was inside was growing restless. A moan of terror escaped him as he watched something move under the skin.
"Connie, I love you," he blurted out, his voice shaking.
"I love you too. Don't talk like you're gonne die. You're not gonna die." She reached out and grabbed his shoulder tightly before returning her hand to the wheel. Val thought she looked like she definitely thought he was going to die.
The pressure inside his stomach was unbelievable, and only seemed to be increasing as whatever was inside continued to move around and grow. It was growing fast now, and he could feel his stomach stretching and straining to contain it. He tried not to think about how far it could stretch before it burst.
"We're almost there," said Connie, trying to reassure herself just as much as him. She glanced over at him and was horrified to see his belly visibly squirming. Suddenly, his belly surged violently, and he let out a hoarse cry as the creature inside him began to thrash, pushing out hard against the walls of his stomach.
"Oh, god, please," he cried out, clutching his belly as his tightly-stretched skin was pulled tighter still. "Oh, please, god, no--"
Val woke up feeling like he'd been run through with a chainsaw. He wasn't sure where he was or what had happened, and he didn't have the strength to care. All he knew was that there was a horrible searing pain in his belly. As he regained consciousness, though, he began to recall the events of the night, and he looked down at himself. His belly was flat. Flat, and bandaged up. He let his head fall back onto the pillow with a sigh of relief.
The surgeon told him that he'd barely made it in time, and that they'd pulled something like a sucker-mouthed chupacabra out of his stomach, and that it was nearly the size of an infant, and that his wife had urged them to just not ask questions, and that after the procedure they were inclined to just roll with that, and that he'd have to stay in the hospital for at least a week. Val groggily accepted all of this information; the surgeon could've told him he'd grown a second head and he'd have nodded along. With his stomach intact, all he cared about now was seeing Connie.
EPILOGUE BECAUSE I CANT WRITE ENDINGS: It took one day for Val to win the hearts of all the nurses with his charm and only five for him to be released--for good behavior, he'd joked. Against all predictions, he recovered surprisingly quickly, although his tummy remained terribly sore for weeks; that was, of course, to be expected. He'd persuaded the hospital to let him ship the creature back to Hell for further evaluation. Astonishingly, they'd managed to get it out alive after sedating it right along with Val, and it had been nicknamed "Fluffy" by the frightened staff who were in charge of keeping it under observation. Fluffy, as it turned out, was a relatively common parasite found in undercooked lava cod, which was exactly what Val had eaten, although most of his fellow demons and devils were built sturdily enough that it wasn't much of a danger to them. Connie, who had been even more shaken up by the incident than her husband, received even more affection from him than usual in the following days. He felt awful for putting her through the experience--he'd expressed this, and she'd incredulously assured him that it wasn't his fault--and he made sure to bake her something special for taking care of him.
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drpeppertummy · 11 months
how long have i been saying im gonna finish the val force feeding story. Seven Whole Pages my longest one yet featuring one of his past wives, also from hell, Set in hell circa Back In The Day
[brief hunger, consensual force feeding, stuffing, tummyache, tummy rubs]
Val looked up at his captor with big innocent eyes, batting his lashes sweetly as she paced around him like a hungry lioness. He was tied firmly to the chair, wrists pulled tightly behind the back and ankles bound to the legs, with a rope around his middle for good measure.
"What're you gonna do to me?"
"Feed you dinner," she purred, leaning down to face him. She was three feet taller than he was, with scales and horns and claws and wonderfully sharp fangs. Her fierce gaze was met with a puppydog stare.
"That all?"
"That's all." Grinning widely, she tapped his nose with one of her long claws, and he returned the smile.
Val knew there must be some sort of twist to the dinner situation, he just wasn't sure what it was. Steth was the kind of woman who was into just about anything. Fortunately, just about anything was exactly what he was willing to try. They'd been together for about thirty years--this length would go on to be only a tiny snippet of their marriage--and she had still yet to run out of ideas.
Steth slipped out of the room, and Val's stomach growled in anticipation as he waited patiently for her to return. She'd instructed him to skip lunch that day, and it was late in the evening now, just about the time they'd normally eat. Listening, Val heard the familiar click of her claws on the stone floor, and Steth entered the room once more, now holding a multitude of plates and bowls in her four arms. So there was the catch. Her goat-like ears flicked approvingly at the sound of his belly rumbling again, and she smiled.
"Good," she grinned, her sharp teeth glittering in the lamplight. With a clawed foot, she grabbed the table and pulled it up behind Val's chair, then set out the array of dishes on it. He couldn't see what was on it, but a mixture of pleasant smells wafted around him. He thought he could make out the scent of fish, but the rest all blended together into an unidentifiable but delicious aroma, and his stomach let out a whiny growl.
"Patience, beautiful," teased Steth, running a blade-like fingertip along Val's tummy. He shivered at the tickling sensation. She stood before him, then slowly, almost tauntingly, she reached past him to pick up the first plate. As she brought it forward, he saw the fish he'd smelled, a sizeable, meaty fish found in the deep streams of lava in their local region of Hell. It had been cooked whole, minus the armor-like scales that protected it from the heat, and glazed with a sweet-smelling sauce. His mouth watered at the sight of it. Steth scooped up a forkful of the flaky meat and brought it almost to his lips, then paused, pulling back. He looked up at her, puppy-eyed.
"Are you sure you're hungry?"
"Steth, you're killing me!"
"I just want to make sure," she said innocently. "I wouldn't want to go giving you a tummyache, you know."
"I'm starving," he groaned, and his stomach growled desperately in agreement. Steth laughed, a low, throaty sound which Val absolutely adored.
"I suppose that's proof enough," she said, and she fed him the first bite of fish. Val wasn't sure if it was just how hungry he was or if it really was that good, but that first bite was the best thing he'd tasted in ages, and for a moment his eyes fluttered shut in absolute bliss. Steth giggled and leaned down to plant a kiss on his cheek.
"You're adorable," she said.
"You're an incredible cook," Val responded, still dazed with pleasure. "And beautiful."
"There's plenty more where that came from." Steth brought another forkful to his mouth, and then another, and another. Bite by bite, she fed him the entire fish, occasionally running a hand over his belly to gauge how full he was. His hunger slowly melted into comfortable satisfaction as he ate, and by the time the skeleton of the fish was picked clean, he was pleasantly stuffed. Steth rubbed his full belly with two hands as she leaned over him to set the plate back on the table.
"Still hungry?"
"Should I be?" Val smiled cheekily up at her.
"You better be, because that was just the start." She gave his belly a gentle squeeze. It poked out slightly, and it was all she could do not to untie him and scoop him into her arms then and there. She had to be as patient as he'd been, though; there was still much to be done. Still leaning over him, she nuzzled his thick, dark hair, then straightened up once more with a new plate in her hand.
Val wasn't particularly hungry anymore; the fish was big and had filled him up nicely. His appetite was far from gone, though, and he was certainly not opposed to the idea of eating more, although, thinking about the amount of dishes Steth had brought out, he wondered how long he'd last before having to tap out. Right now, though, the plate before him held one of his greatest weaknesses: raw red meat.
"You don't really like this, do you?" Steth teased, tickling at his slightly rounded tummy with one clawed finger as she held the plate in front of him.
"I've been known to try a bite once in a while," he said, and she laughed.
"Once in a while, huh?" She skewered a dripping chunk with a long claw and waved it before his face, amused by the way his big dark eyes followed it. She brought it towards his mouth, then, just as she had with the fish, pulled it back.
"I don't know," she said, lightly running her fingers across his cheek. "That was a pretty big fish for a little critter like you. Aren't you full?"
"Oh, Steth," he whined, his eyes pleading, and she gave in. Smiling, she let him pull the meat from her claw. A drop of juice trickled down his chin, and she gently swiped it up and licked it from her finger. She brought another piece to his lips, and he took it in his teeth with a soft hum of pleasure.
"I think this is my favorite of your ideas yet," he said, swallowing and smiling up at her. She laughed.
"I thought you'd like it," she said, returning the smile.
"And how are you liking it?"
"Just as much as you," she purred, feeding him another chunk of meat.
"Oh?" He looked curiously up at her. His stomach gurgled softly as he swallowed.
"You're just so cute when you're full," she said, running her hand up and down the side of his belly. He shuddered at the pleasant feeling. He was indeed getting very full, and his belly poked out considerably now, bulging against the rope tied snugly around his middle. He supposed that rope would start to get uncomfortable if he ate much more, but right now it was just a small pressure against his stomach.
Fortunately, the amount of meat was less than the fish, and it wasn't long before that plate, too, was empty and his belly was twice as full as it had been before. He let his head fall back with a sigh. His belly was straining against the rope and the waist of his pants now, firm and taut and round, but it didn't quite ache. The warm weight of all the meat in his stomach was comfortable, actually.
Steth reached past him to set the plate down, and this time she came back empty-handed. Smiling, she pulled up a chair of her own and sat down in front of him. Two of her hands cupped his bloated tummy, gently rubbing along the solid curve of it, slipping underneath his sweater to caress the taut, hairy skin. Another hand reached up to stroke his dark, wavy hair, and he couldn't help but purr at the pleasant sensations. The fourth hand rubbed his thigh teasingly.
"How do you feel now?"
"Stuffed," he sighed, and he meant it. He knew he would be able to eat more, but we wasn't sure how much, and the rope around his belly was beginning to grow uncomfortably tight.
"Think you can fit a little more?" Steth pressed gently into his belly as she rubbed, coaxing up a small burp.
"For you, I think I can."
"You're a doll," she smiled. She massaged his bulging tummy for a few moments longer, then reached past him once again to retrieve a new dish, a bowl this time. Looking into it, Val saw that it was filled with chunks of a spicy root vegetable native to Hell, and his appetite began to perk back up. The spice level of this particular vegetable would be nearly intolerable to a human, but to Val, it was perfect. Still, it was a big bowl, and he didn't think his stuffed belly could fit the whole thing.
"Hope you're not too full yet," said Steth, dipping her fork into the bowl and feeding him a bite. He let out another little hum of pleasure at the flavor, but his stomach groaned uncomfortably as more was pushed into it. It took only a few bites more to push him into the realm of discomfort, and his stomach began to ache as it stretched tighter. Steth didn't let up, though, and kept going until the bowl was empty.
The rope was pressing tightly into his skin now, and he was sure there would be a deep red mark across his belly when the evening was through. His stomach felt taut and strained, struggling against everything that had been forced into it, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying in vain to find a position that would ease the pressure in his distended belly.
"I don't think I can eat any more," he confessed. He forced up another quiet burp, followed by a soft grunt of discomfort.
"Oh, poor sweetheart," said Steth, setting the bowl down and returning her big warm hands to his tummy. He arched his back slightly, trying to press his belly against her hands, and she smiled. Gently, she began massaging once more, rubbing the taut curve jutting out just beneath his ribs. She pulled up his sweater, struggling to inch it up from under the rope but finally freeing it to expose his entire belly. She gazed admiringly at his belly for a moment, taking in the beautiful roundness of it, the uncomfortable bulge of his sides, the strained rise and fall of his breath. Then, she leaned down and planted a kiss on his tight upper belly, and then another, and another, until the entire surface was covered with the tingle of invisible kiss marks.
"Don't you think you can try a little more?" She looked up at him, gently rubbing his sides. "For me?" Val looked down at her and was immediately entranced by her gaze. His stomach was just about at its limit, but he couldn't say no to her.
"For you, I'll try," he agreed. She smiled brightly up at him, then sat upright, took his chin in her hand, and kissed him on the lips. He melted into the kiss and was disappointed when she pulled away to find the next dish. He craned his neck to kiss hers as she leaned past him, then tried to nip at her arm.
"You better quit it," she giggled, giving him a gentle thump on the belly.
"Oof," he groaned, wincing. "Mean." There was no bitterness behind the word, only affection, and she kissed him on the cheek as she righted herself with a new dish. He was relieved to see that it was smaller than the last few.
"I'll go easy on you with this one," she said, sticking the fork into the bowl and pulling out a piece of fruit. That was a relief as well; he was still stuffed beyond words, but at least fruit would be a light course. She brought the fork to his mouth, and, reluctantly but obediently, he ate.
Val's stomach grew tighter with each bite, and it gurgled unhappily as it strained to hold onto everything inside it. The rope was very uncomfortable now, and it ached as his belly pressed into it with each breath. The waist of his pants was becoming too much as well, and the fabric creaked as the pressure beneath it grew.
"Wait," he gasped suddenly, turning his head away as Steth tried to push another forkful into his mouth.
"What is it?"
"Can you unbutton my pants? Please," he begged, looking pleadingly up at her. Steth raised her eyebrows, then looked down, quietly considering the way his belly bulged uncomfortably against his pants. He fidgeted in his seat.
"Alright," she said finally, reaching down with her free hands. She had to pull the waist of his pants tighter to get enough slack to undo the button, and a quiet moan escaped him as she did, followed by a sigh of relief when she let go. It helped a little bit, but the rope was still overbearingly uncomfortable, and even without it, his belly was stuffed to the point of aching.
"I'll tell you what," she proposed, and he looked up attentively. "We'll finish this bowl, and then I'll untie that rope around your tummy."
"Deal," he said eagerly.
"But," she continued, holding up a finger. "After that, it's time for dessert." Val wasn't quite as thrilled about that as he was at the idea of releasing his distended belly from its constraints. He supposed he could turn her down and tap out, but he hated the idea of disappointing her when they were so close to concluding her activity. He considered the alternative. A little more fruit and dessert couldn't be so bad. Even on a painfully overstuffed belly, Val had a strong sweet tooth, and he could always be talked into dessert. He decided to push on.
"Alright," he agreed. Steth smiled and leaned in to kiss him again.
"You're a sweetheart," she said, touching her nose against his before sitting up and bringing the fork back to his mouth.
The bowl of fruit was small, but it didn't go down easy. Val's stomach was so stuffed that he found it difficult to force any more into it. He let out a quiet moan of discomfort as Steth pushed another bite into his mouth, and his belly groaned in protest as he swallowed it down. Finally, the fruit was gone, and Val felt ready to burst.
"Good job," said Steth, impressed. "That's an awful lot in that little tummy. You still want me to get rid of that rope?"
"Please," he groaned, letting his head fall back.
"Are you sure? It might be the only thing holding you together," she teased.
"Please," he begged, looking urgently up at her.
"Oh, alright," she giggled, and, with a quick slice of her razor-sharp claw, the rope fell to the floor. Val let out a heavy sigh of relief. A sore red imprint streaked across his round belly, and Steth rubbed it gently. His stomach felt unbelievably tight under her hand, and for a moment she wondered whether going through with dessert would be too much for her little husband. He was, after all, considerably smaller than she was, and she had a tendency to overestimate how much his tummy could hold.
"Think you can still hold up your end of the deal?" She rubbed her hand in slow circles over his bulging stomach, and his eyes fell shut at the soothing touch.
"I'll try," he said. "For you."
"You're the best," she said, kissing his belly as she rubbed his sides.
"If I say stop, though, you gotta stop, otherwise that's gonna be the end of me," he said with a weak chuckle.
Dessert was a big slice of pie, and Val perked up a little at the sight of it, although he had absolutely no space left to fit it in. Still, when Steth brought a forkful to his mouth, he obediently opened up and ate for her. He almost couldn't bring himself to swallow, but swallow he did, and he felt his stomach stretch further to accommodate the new addition. He didn't think it could stretch much more. He let her feed him another bite, and then another, but when she brought the next to his mouth, he turned away, still struggling to force down the last mouthful. Finally, he swallowed with a thick gulp.
"I can't," he groaned, looking defeated. "I can't eat any more." Steth nodded and set the plate back on the table.
"You did so good for me, sweetheart," she said, placing two of her hands on his drum-tight belly and reaching around with the other two to untie his wrists. His arms fell limp by his sides as they were freed, then, weakly, he reached up to wrap them around her. His belly pressed against hers as he hugged her, and she could feel the strained digestive gurgles rumbling through it.
"I can't believe how stuffed you are." She reached down to cut the rope from his ankles, planting another kiss on his belly as she did, right on the painful red mark crossing it.
"Well, you're very persuasive," said Val, clinging to her again as she righted herself. He nuzzled his face against her neck, planting a small kiss before laying his head wearily on her shoulder.
"I don't suppose you're up for anything else," she teased, running her fingers through his hair.
"God, no," he moaned, and she laughed. Gently, she scooped him up in her arms, scattering a series of kisses over the taut skin of his belly before carrying him bridal style back to their room. She laid him down on their bed and then climbed in beside him, tenderly rubbing his tummy.
"I'll pay you back tomorrow, though," he said, smiling slyly at her.
"Promise," he said, and they kissed once more.
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drpeppertummy · 6 months
"They sit down after having been standing, their outfit no longer safe as their belly pushes against it." <- would you like to write something for this one?
On It Bossss ive been neglecting my assorted middle aged couples for Too Long
[post-stuffing button pop]
Val couldn't wait to leave the party.
It wasn't that he didn't like parties. As a matter of fact, he loved them. He was a very social creature, and he was always glad to spend an evening chatting away and catching up with everybody. Right now, though, he was absolutely dying to go home and lay down. It was well past his bedtime, his head ached, and, after a few hours of almost nonstop snacking, his belly felt ready to burst out of his far-too-snug pants.
He casually took Connie's hand as they chatted with another couple, and the two exchanged a brief but knowing glance. Connie was much less of a party person than Val, although there were a number of people that she'd been looking forward to seeing, and he was surprised she hadn't been the one to give the signal. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she was just as ready as he was, though, and, slowly but surely, the two said their goodbyes and made their way out.
"God, I'm stuffed," groaned Val as they slipped out the door. They were met with a chilly spring breeze, and he huddled against her.
"I can tell," she chuckled, wrapping an arm around his waist and patting his belly. "You look like you ate a horse."
"Hey!" He gave her a playful swat on the arm, and she squeezed him close. His belly let out an uneasy groan.
"The hell did we park?"
"We're like, all the way down the block."
On they walked, arms around each other, Val shivering in the chilly night air. Connie's hand wandered to the waist of his pants and rubbed gently.
"Man, that's really gonna leave a mark," she said, wincing.
"Tell me about it. I can't wait to get changed."
Finally, they made it back to the car. Val groaned as he climbed in, his snug pants squeezing his middle uncomfortably. The unwelcome pressure was relieved abruptly, though--the button popped right off as he sat down.
"Christ," he exclaimed. He knew he was full, but he hadn't realized just how much his belly was bulging out. Connie erupted into laughter. He tried to glare at her, but found himself unable to hold a straight face, and soon he was laughing right along with her.
"Oh, Jesus," he groaned, still giggling. "Let's get outta here."
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drpeppertummy · 3 months
sorry for not posting fetish art but im dreaming of october [image context: the guy in the angel accessories is a literal devil from hell]
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[ID: a drawing of a woman and man sitting on the porch step, bordered by jack-o-lanterns. they're sitting close together with their arms around each other. the woman is dressed in short sleeves and is wearing fake devil horns and a tail, and the man is dressed more warmly in a sweater and scarf and is wearing fake angel wings and a halo. he's also holding a bowl of candy.]
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drpeppertummy · 1 year
i was gonna be like "a little something for the burp people" but not really bc im dogshit at writing burps
[fever, continuous bloating, burping, tummyache, tummy rubs]
"Jeez, Val, are you alright?"
"I'll be okay," he said weakly, gazing listlessly up at Connie. He'd seemed a little under the weather when they'd first woken up that morning, but now he looked absolutely dreadful. He was wrapped up tightly in a blanket, shivering, looking flushed and clammy and exhausted and overall ill.
"Maybe you will, but you don't seem very okay right now," said Connie. She touched her hand to his forehead and pulled it away just as quickly with a jolt. Val, being from hell, had an exceptionally high temperature on a good day. When he had a fever, which he evidently did, that already high temperature skyrocketed. Connie was shocked to find her husband painful to touch.
"Sorry," he said sheepishly. "Should've warned you."
"Well, hey, it's the only time you've ever hurt me, so I'd say we've got a pretty good streak," she said. "Alright, old man, what do I do? How can I help?"
"I don't know," he sighed. "Normally I just wait for it to go away on its own."
"If I sit next to you am I gonna get some kind of hell virus?"
"No, I don't think so. But I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to keep your distance."
"Well, I'll take my chances," said Connie, sitting beside him. "I can't leave my poor boiled ham sitting here all alone." Val smiled at her.
"You're an angel," he said, leaning back against the couch. She reached out to stroke his hair, but caught herself. Suddenly, her face lit up.
"Oh! I'll get the grill gloves," she exclaimed. A friend had given them to her for Christmas years ago but she'd never used them, and with Val's heat tolerance, he didn't either. She rose from the couch and disappeared into the kitchen, then returned wearing the heat resistant gloves, a glass of water in one hand.
"Here," she said, handing him the glass as she sat down. "It's kinda warm, so it shouldn't be too harsh."
"Thank you, sweetheart." He took the water with a shivering hand and took a small sip. Connie kissed her gloved finger and touched it to his forehead.
"Do you want anything else?"
"No, I took a little ibuprofen. Only other thing I can think of is you."
"You are such a cheeseball," she said, grinning. He smiled back at her.
The two sat together, Val drinking his water and Connie stroking his hair. He desperately wanted to snuggle up against her and wrap his arms around her, but even if he hadn't been painfully hot to the touch, he was still sick. Glumly, he finished his water and set the glass down.
As they sat, Val became aware of a growing tightness in his stomach that hadn't been there before. He rested a hand on his belly and was startled to find it unusually bloated. Suddenly, before he could react, a large burp escaped him. Connie looked at him, surprised.
"Sheesh, where did that come from?" she said with a chuckle. Val shrugged, bewildered. He didn't feel any less bloated. In fact, the pressure in his stomach only seemed to be growing. He let out a soft groan of discomfort, followed by another burp. Connie looked down at his distended belly, which was bubbling and gurgling softly, and her eyes widened.
"Oh, Christ, Val, the water," she exclaimed.
"The water you drank, you're boiling it!"
"Sh-urp-shit," Val groaned, clutching his stomach.
"Keep burping," she urged.
"I'm tryi--" He was cut off by a big one, accompanied by a puff of steam. He covered his mouth, embarrassed. Connie placed a gloved hand on his belly. It was unbelievably tight, and only seemed to be bloating up even more. Val burped into his hand, trying to do so quietly.
"Jeez, Val, I'm sorry," she said, carefully rubbing his belly. "I didn't think you were that hot."
"I di-urp-dn't either," he said. His stomach ached horribly as it stretched well beyond what it was used to. His cheeks puffed as he burped with his mouth closed, and he let out another steamy breath. His belly gurgled uncomfortably as the pressure inside it continued to build.
"Don't worry about being polite," said Connie. "Just try and let it out. I don't want to have to track down all your kids and tell them you exploded." Val nodded, burping into his hand again. It was a long one, and steam rose up between his fingers. He was absolutely mortified, but she had a point. It felt like the steam was building up faster than he could let it out. Gently, Connie pressed into his bulging belly, massaging just deeply enough to coax out another long burp.
They went on like that, Connie rubbing his sore, continuously bloating belly as he did his best to release the steam. Of course, she never would have judged him, especially in a case like this, but he was horribly embarrassed at the situation regardless. Still, for the sake of self preservation, he eventually became relaxed enough to keep on top of it, burping freely enough that his stomach no longer felt like it was constantly on the verge of bursting. Finally, after a little while, the bloating slowed and, eventually, stopped. His stomach was still painfully distended, but at least the crisis was over.
"I'm sorry," he said, looking sheepishly up at her. Connie stared incredulously at him.
"You're sorry? Jesus Christ, Val, I thought you were gonna explode! I'm the one who should be apologizing!"
"It's not your fault." He stifled a small, pained burp, followed by a soft grunt of discomfort.
"It literally was, knucklehead," said Connie, gently rubbing his taut belly. "Jeez, your poor tummy. That's gonna hurt for a while." That, he couldn't argue with. His stomach was terribly sore after being stretched so harshly, and he imagined it would remain sore at least for the rest of the day, probably more. Still, with Connie keeping him company, nothing was unbearable.
"Come on, let's try to get a little more of this out," she said softly, massaging his bloated belly as gently as she could. He winced, but it was still less painful than trying to force a burp out himself. Reluctantly, he allowed another one to come up, and this time, the pressure finally eased a little. Another burp followed that one, and he let out a sigh of relief. Connie was glad to feel his stomach begin to deflate at last. He would likely be bloated for a while still, but at least his stomach wasn't stretched to its limit anymore. He laid his head back against the couch cushion, shivering and exhausted. Connie looked sorrowfully at him, wishing she could hold him in her arms, when an idea struck her.
"I'll be right back," she said, standing up and wandering off. She returned moments later with the pillows from their bed. Val looked up, curious. She returned to her spot on the couch, propped the pillows against herself as a barrier, and gestured for him to come close. Smiling, he leaned against her, laying his head on her shoulder. Connie wrapped one arm around his back, using a pillow from the couch to shield herself from the heat, and rested her other hand on his belly.
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drpeppertummy · 9 months
You should give val a HUGE steak <3
finally SOMEONES being nice to val😤😤😤 [<-his tummy hurts]
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[ID: a simple, cartoony little doodle of a guy with devil wings sitting happily with his hands on his full tummy.]
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drpeppertummy · 7 months
a potential writing suggestion if you want!
perhaps... mean to him painfully hungry val ? 🫣
this is soo tiny & shitty but in my defense i havent written in 500 years
[hunger, very brief mention of stuffing at the end]
Val winced and hugged an arm around his middle as his stomach let out an angry growl. He hadn't eaten a thing since the crack of dawn. He hadn't had time. He'd woken up early that morning with a busy day ahead of him, and despite all his preparations, he'd still found himself running late. In his hurry to get moving, he'd only had time for a cereal bar.
Now, it was after one. He was finally on his way home from a long day of errands and appointments, and his stomach ached badly, as did his head. He tried to ignore the nagging hunger pangs as he drove. His belly rumbled impatiently. For a moment, he considered swinging into the Wendy's that was approaching on his right, but decided against it; he'd rather get home quicker and be done with the long day out. It was only once he was too far past it to change his mind that the traffic began to slow.
The traffic only grew slower as Val entered the congested stretch of road, until he was just barely inching along. He let out a groan of frustrated defeat. What an idiot, he thought dismally. He'd known it was a bad way to go, but somehow it had still seemed quicker than taking some back road route. His stomach whined pitifully, and he slumped back in the seat.
At the next red light, Val did a quick rummage through the glove compartment, hoping to find some sort of forgotten snack hiding between the napkins and papers. It wasn't unheard of for a loose granola bar or a piece of candy to be sitting around in the car, but right now, he couldn't find a thing. His belly let out a long, hollow groan, and he pressed a hand against it, trying in vain to soothe it. Nothing at all, not even an abandoned bottle of tepid water rolling around on the floor. Somebody must have cleaned out the car recently, and he silently cursed them for it.
It was nearing two now, and the ache gnawing away at Val's empty stomach was only growing worse. He hoped there might be another restaurant he could pull into as traffic trudged along, but it seemed like Wendy's had been the last one on that stretch of road. That at least meant he was probably almost out of the worst of it. He desperately hoped so, anyway. His head was pounding, and he felt sore, fussy, and tired.
Finally, the pace of the traffic began to pick up, and Val could see his turn in the distance. It remained in the distance for some time, teasing him, until finally, at long last, it was upon him, and he eagerly slipped away from the busy crowd of cars. He'd have liked to go tearing down that quiet road like a madman, but, ever cautious, he kept his speed reasonable as he made his way back home.
"Sheesh, where've you been? I thought you were only gonna be like a couple hours," said Connie as he dragged himself through the door.
"Me too." There was a certain grumble in his voice, but more than anything, he sounded relieved. His belly rumbled loudly.
"I made potato soup," she said, taking his arm. Val didn't think he'd ever heard a more beautiful sentence in his life.
After a big bowl of thick, chunky soup, the painful hunger was a distant memory, having been replaced by a much more welcome feeling of fullness. His belly felt taut and heavy and warm, and he wanted nothing more than to snuggle up in Connie's arms and take a nap. After cleaning up, with his long list of tasks finally done for the day, he was finally able to do just that.
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drpeppertummy · 8 months
Put val in a tight suit and stuff him <3
Pickin On Him,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
[light stuffing, little bit of tummy care]
"I feel like a goofball," said Val, looking with amused distaste at his reflection.
"Well, I think you look very handsome." Connie reached around him to adjust his bow tie, then kissed him on the cheek. He smiled.
"Good enough for me." He fidgeted with the buttons of his suit jacket. "Do you think it's too small?"
"Seems impossible," she teased, and he rolled his eyes at her. "No, I think it looks fine. Maybe a tiny bit snug, but I doubt anybody would notice."
Val had been dreading the formal work party ever since he heard about it. It wasn't that he didn't like parties; Val was a very social creature, and he was always glad to get together with his colleagues. It was the formal aspect that had him worried. While he tended to keep himself looking put together, he was more of a business casual guy, and he hated getting all dressed up. Nobody ever had any fun in a suit, he'd always said. Still, he supposed it wouldn't be too bad. He'd catch up with a few people and have a few snacks, and then he could slip out.
It wasn't long into the evening before Val realized that the suit was, in fact, too small.
Val was a skinny man, and the waist of the pants had just barely fit around his narrow middle when he'd put them on. Now, a few snacks and a couple drinks later, he was beginning to feel constricted. The snug pants pushed his tummy up and out, and he wondered how long it would be before they popped open. He could feel his jacket tightening around his belly as well. If he were at home, he'd have gladly unbuttoned it, but the idea of showing off his bloated tummy to all his coworkers wasn't exactly appealing.
"Hey Val, you alright? You look a little off," said a friend, giving Val a pat on the back. He smiled up at her.
"I'm okay. Tired," he said, and he was only half lying.
"Why don't you come eat something? That'll wake you up a little," she suggested, and before he could think of a way out, she swept him off for another bite.
Val couldn't get out of the party soon enough. He said his goodbyes to the people he cared to say them to, feigning a migraine, and slipped away before anybody could catch him. He unbuttoned his jacket the moment he stepped out the door. He regretted that quickly--it was chilly out--but he found himself unable to get the buttons fastened again over his belly. He'd lost track of what he'd eaten over the course of the hour or so he'd been there, but he felt absolutely stuffed, and his tummy pushed out hard against his too-tight pants. Truthfully, he hadn't eaten an unusual amount; the stupid suit was just so tight that he felt like he'd eaten a horse.
Connie covered her mouth at the sight of her weary little husband coming through the door, trying not to laugh. He gave her an exhausted look, then flopped onto his back on the couch, undoing his pants with a heavy sigh. Removing that pressure was a tremendous relief; he was astonished the fly hadn't popped open on its own by now. Connie sat down beside his head, still looking amused, and placed a hand on his tummy.
"So I guess the suit was too small after all, huh?" She smiled regretfully and rubbed his sore belly.
"All part of your wicked plot to get me home sooner, I'm sure," he teased, and she laughed.
"Yeah, right! Hey, that's good, I'll write that down for next time," she said. He grinned up at her. She leaned over him to untuck his shirt, and as she did, he craned his neck awkwardly to kiss any bit of skin he could reach, with little success.
"You better quit it," she giggled, tugging his shirt up to examine his belly. There was a harsh red mark slashed across it where the pants had been pressing tightly into his skin. "Oh, gosh, Val!"
"Told you it was too small."
"I'll say," she said, wincing. She rubbed the mark gently, then an idea dawned on her. "Want me to kiss it better?"
"Connie, I don't know what I'd do without you," he said. Smiling, she leaned down to plant a kiss on his cheek, then leaned over his tummy once more.
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drpeppertummy · 1 year
being nice 2 val after hurting his tummy yesterday
[hunger, mild stuffing, tummy rubs/light tickling]
Connie walked into the kitchen, yawning. She'd woken up that morning to an empty bed and the smell of pancakes, and, as predicted, there was her sleepy little husband standing over the griddle. He barely looked awake, with his bedhead and a blanket wrapped around him. He looked over his shoulder and smiled.
"Morning," he said.
"Morning." Connie walked up behind him and slipped her arms around his waist, clasping her hands over his tummy. It growled loudly just as she did so, and she could feel the vibration under her hands. She laughed and gave him a gentle squeeze.
"A little hungry, huh?" She leaned forward to rest her chin on his shoulder, idly rubbing his empty belly. He smiled sheepishly.
"A little," he confessed. "I hope you are too, because there's plenty to go around."
"Sure am," she said. His belly rumbled again, and she gave it a playful pinch. "Maybe not quite as much as you, though." As if to contradict her, Connie's stomach let out a soft growl.
"Well, there you go," Val grinned, and craned his neck around to kiss her cheek.
The two sat down at the little round table together, each with a stack of Val's famous pancakes. He would always claim it was his "top secret recipe," then immediately reveal all the secret ingredients, the most important being apple cider. They were a favorite of the kids and their friends, and a favorite of Connie's as well. This morning, however, the kids were elsewhere, both having spent the night at their friends' houses, leaving Connie and Val together in a quiet, sleepy kitchen. Val didn't often make pancakes without them, but he'd woken up with a craving he just couldn't ignore.
Connie had a hot cup of coffee accompanying her breakfast, and Val, having decided to go all out and indulge his insatiable sweet tooth, had a cup of hot chocolate. While Connie was hungry, he was absolutely starving. He'd had a very light dinner the night before, and now his stomach was bordering on aching. It growled impatiently as he buttered his pancakes.
"Your tummy has a lot to say over there," Connie teased, drizzling syrup over her own. Not that they needed it; Val had tweaked his recipe to please his daughter, who couldn't stand the texture of soggy pancakes, and they were perfectly fine without the added sweetness. Connie just preferred her pancakes with syrup. Val opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, his belly let out another rumble. He closed his mouth, smiling sheepishly, and the two of them laughed.
"Eat your pancakes," she giggled, cutting up her own. He gladly obliged, and his stomach happily welcomed the first bite of hot, fluffy pancakes. He had to force himself to not wolf them down as fast as he could. As he ate, the hunger slowly gave way to fullness, and before long, he found himself struggling to finish his breakfast.
In spite of his fullness, Val cleaned his plate. He felt comfortably stuffed, his belly taut and bloated but not aching. He sighed and leaned back in his seat, resting one hand on his full belly, taking a moment to relax before cleaning up.
"Wow, those really filled you up," remarked Connie, looking over the table at Val's rounded tummy. She felt comfortably full herself, but not nearly as stuffed as him. She'd taken a smaller stack of pancakes, having not been starving like he was, and she also had a larger stomach capacity than him. She was a little surprised Val had managed to finish his, considering the servings would have been more fitting if they'd swapped.
"Well, you know. You can't go light on pancakes," he said with a shrug. He stood up, and his stomach suddenly felt much tighter with the change in position. He held a hand to his belly and paused for a moment, looking a little winded. Connie chuckled.
"You alright?"
"Maybe I should've gone light," he said.
The two cleaned up, Val washing the dishes while Connie held him from behind, hands resting on his full tummy. She loved the way his little belly felt under her hands when it was full, warm and round and perfectly holdable. Smiling mischievously, she slipped her hands under his shirt, and he gasped and flinched at the cold touch on his hot skin.
"Connie! I am gonna get you," he exclaimed, holding up the sprayer.
"Oh, please," she laughed, squeezing the tiny swell of softness under his belly button which she affectionately referred to as his primordial pouch. It tickled, and he fidgeted in her arms as he tried to finish washing his plate. Amused, Connie lightly ran her fingers up the curve of his hairy belly, tracing the jagged scar that crossed it up to the tight area under his ribs. He squirmed at the sensation. Mercifully, she ceased her delicate attack and held her hands over his bloated stomach, gently rubbing. Val set the clean plate in the dish rack, turned off the sink, and tilted his head back to look at her.
"You are a menace, you know," he said, placing his hands on top of hers. Connie smiled and kissed his nose.
"I know."
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drpeppertummy · 10 months
For the prompt: "you should've told me you were full!"
Thank Youuuuuuu i had something else going for this but scrapped it & started anew bc it wasnt workin out
[post-stuffing stuffing, brief tummyache & belly rubs]
Val had barely made it through the door before he found himself tightly wrapped in Connie's soft arms. He fell into the embrace with relief, overjoyed to see her again after being away for a few days.
"I missed you," he said, nuzzling his face against her neck as he hugged her tight.
"Y'know, I was looking forward to having the bed to myself for a few days, but it sure is dull without you in it," said Connie. Val laughed and planted a casual kiss on her neck, then leaned back to look up at her.
"Well, we can make up for lost time, hm?" He gave her a sly smile, and she kissed him. As they kissed, the oven beeped.
"Oh! That's dinner," said Connie. "You better be hungry, because I've been in the kitchen all damn afternoon."
"Hey, since when do you spend afternoons in the kitchen?" teased Val.
"I wanted you to come home to something nice," she said, giving him a gentle squeeze.
"Aw, Connie, you're such an angel." He leaned up and kissed her again. "You didn't have to do all that."
Val was, as a matter of fact, not hungry in the slightest. Connie couldn't tell by looking at him--he was thoroughly bundled up to protect himself from the shock of returning from the cozy warmth of Hell to the chilly fall air of New Jersey--but he was absolutely stuffed, courtesy of his family. Val passed easily as a human, and a fairly small human at that, but he was an outlier among his relatives. His family was made up of creatures considerably larger than himself, many of them around ten feet tall and sporting thrilling features such as wings and scales and horns and hooves and other such things.
Being much bigger than him, Val's family had a tendency to overestimate how much he could eat. This, combined with their belief that he was much too thin, often led to a very overstuffed tummy any time he came to visit. This trip had been no different, and Val's belly was still beyond full. Had he been dressed lighter, Connie would have easily noticed it bulging uncomfortably from his slender frame, but under his layers of warm clothing, it was difficult even to feel, let alone see. Still, he couldn't say no to Connie's kind gesture, especially when she'd worked so hard to make it, and, not letting his reluctance show, he followed her into the kitchen.
"I don't know if it'll hold up to your cooking, but I tried," she said, putting together a plate of salmon, potatoes, and asparagus for each of them.
"Well, it smells pretty damn good," he remarked. "Looks pretty damn good, too." And he meant it. Even without a shred of hunger to speak of, he couldn't deny that the plate was immensely enticing.
"It better be," she chuckled, and they sat down together at the table. Val felt the button of his pants creak as his already-stuffed belly pressed against it, but he ignored it, and together, they dug in.
The food was wonderful. Even on an achingly full stomach, Val didn't have to pretend to enjoy it, nor did he have to force himself to eat it. As a matter of fact, the first few bites went down fairly easily. Still, it wasn't long before it caught up with him and the overbearing tightness of his stomach became too much. He only managed to get through half the plate before he was too stuffed to fit another bite. He leaned back in his chair with a soft groan, resting a hand on his belly. Connie looked up, surprised to see him quitting so soon.
"Hey, you feeling alright? It's not that bad, is it?"
"It's fantastic," he assured her, and a small burp escaped him. He covered his mouth, embarrassed, and a sudden look of understanding came over Connie's face.
"You already ate! Oh, you knucklehead! You should've said something," she exclaimed. He smiled and shrugged sheepishly at her, and she rolled her eyes. His belly let out an uneasy groan.
Connie finished up her dinner--she was already almost done; Val had been eating very slowly--and got up to clear the table. Val stood to help her and was momentarily taken aback by how stuffed he felt. His stomach felt almost unbearably strained, pushing out so hard he wouldn't have been able to suck it in if he tried. He held a hand against his distended tummy for a moment, then joined Connie in cleaning up.
Val was so full he found himself having to arch his back a little to accommodate his overstuffed belly, and Connie couldn't help but chuckle at him. He smiled up at her, and she slipped an arm around his waist, resting her hand on his bulging upper belly. Even under the layers of clothing that had concealed it before, there was now no hiding just how taut and bloated it was.
"Oh, jeez, Val, you feel like you're about to bust," she said, wincing. "You should've told me you were full!" Reaching around him, she burrowed her hands under his oversized sweaters to find the waist of his pants and undid the button. It was no easy task; it was pulled tight against the hole, and she had to tug at it to get it undone. Val couldn't hold back a tiny whine at the momentary pressure on his sore tummy. Feeling sorry for him, Connie brought both hands to his tummy and rubbed gently. It was tight as a drum, with absolutely no give to it.
"Jeez, your poor belly," she said, massaging as gently as she could. His stomach gurgled uncomfortably, and she could feel the vibration against her hand through the taut skin.
"It was worth it," he said, tilting his head back to smile up at her, his dark eyes twinkling red and his just-too-sharp teeth glinting under the kitchen light.
"You are such a knucklehead," she giggled, kissing his cheek.
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drpeppertummy · 10 months
seepy val & connie 4 u
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[ID: a drawing of a man and woman laying together in bed. the man is fast asleep and snoring, and his full belly peeks out from under his sweater. the woman, laying on her side, smiles lovingly at him and rests a hand on his belly.]
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drpeppertummy · 7 months
2 teenytiny little prompt things from Enrichment Activity with my friend
[stuffing/post-stuffing & very mild tummyache for both]
Kathleen - Skinny Skirt
"This skirt was a mistake," said Kathleen, her face tense with discomfort.
"Why? It's cute," said Irene.
"Yeah, but it has no stretch to it."
The skirt had been a bold choice for Kathleen from the start; she rarely wore anything other than long pants, but something about the snug brown skirt had spoken to her. She certainly wouldn't have worn it to work, of course, but for a date with Irene, it seemed like a nice choice. Or, at least, it had when she'd put it on. Right now, she was dying to get out of it. The couple had gone out for dinner together, and after an appetizer and a salad, the stiff, sturdy fabric was beginning to grow uncomfortably tight around her middle.
"I don't know how I'm gonna fit anything else," said Kathleen. "This thing's squeezing my guts so much, I'm already full."
"Aw, I'm sure you'll change your mind when you get your fish," Irene teased.
As if on cue, their waiter returned with their dinners. He set down the plates: a steaming bowl of spaghetti for Irene, and a big hunk of salmon for Kathleen. As always, Irene was right; Kathleen's appetite perked right back up at the sight of the fish. It was only a few bites, though, before she began to feel absolutely stuffed. The amount of space in her already-small stomach was further reduced by the compression of the skirt, and her upper belly bulged uncomfortably over the top of it. Still, the salmon was delicious, and she couldn't help picking at it until her tightly-packed stomach ached.
"Oof, you really look stuffed," remarked Irene, peering across the table at her wife's bulging tummy.
"Stuffed is an understatement," Kathleen groaned, setting her fork down. "Don't let me eat any more. And don't let me wear this stupid skirt again, either." Irene laughed.
"Hey, maybe you can pass it off to Wendy, it looks like somethin' she'd wear. Probably fit her, too, she's about as skinny as you are."
"Yeah, if I haven't stretched it all out."
Val - Big Sweater
"Isn't that a little big for you?" Connie looked down at Val with a fond smile, hands on her hips.
"Maybe." He smiled back at her, the smile of a sleepy cat blinking slowly in adoration. It was her sweater, and it was, in fact, a number of sizes too big for him. He was practically swimming in it, and he loved it. He loved the warmth and the softness and the weight of it covering him like a thick blanket, and most of all, he loved that it was hers.
On a more situational level, he loved how forgiving it was to his sore tummy. He'd eaten far too much at dinner earlier, and now, hours later, he still felt uncomfortably bloated. The big cozy sweater was loose and comfortable, though, and it concealed the conspicuous curve of his belly, as well as the fact that he'd unbuttoned his pants to accommodate said curve.
Connie sat down beside Val on the couch and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a gentle squeeze before loosening her grip. He laid his head against her shoulder, and she let one arm fall around his waist, her hand coming to rest on his belly. She was a little surprised at how round it felt; an overstuffed tummy was usually pretty noticeable on her skinny husband, but right now it was hidden entirely within the big soft sweater.
"Boy, you really overdid it, huh?" She gave his belly a gentle pat, and he smiled sheepishly up at her.
"Maybe a little," he admitted. She rubbed her hands together to warm them up, then slipped one under the sweater. Despite her efforts, she felt him flinch at the cold touch.
"Can't blame you," she said. "You could put Giuliana's out of business with that chicken." He laughed and planted a kiss on her jaw.
"I don't know about that," he grinned, nuzzling his face against her neck. "They make some damn good chicken there."
"Well, I like yours better," said Connie, rubbing his full belly. "I got a thing for the guy who makes it."
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