fairycosmos · 1 year
Can I get your opinion on my cat Stanley? He died a week ago I think, not even a year old. It really traumatized me bc my other cat died almost a year ago and I don't know what I did to deserve it of either of them. Stanley was named that bc he loved drinking water from a faucet and it reminded my siblings of the movie Holes, the scene where Mr Sir is like "Thirsty, Stanley?"
I really do miss my boy so much and I don't think I've been able to say much about him bc i distanced myself, as it took me 2 weeks of non-stop hardcore crying and being unable to breathe for me to somewhat accept my cat's death last year, so this one was even more of a struggle.
The main thing stops me from grieving too much is that Stanley was literally fearless. He should've been like a normal cat, afraid of cars, but he wasn't so I can't get mad at him for not being here anymore. I know he loved me bc the day before he died, he must've known something was gonna happen bc he jumped up next to me on the bed, came up to me, sat in my lap, kissed my face, let me kiss his head, purr, and not leave me alone for a while before he went to my little sister and did the same with her. 🥺
I'm not trying to make this sad or anything, just wanted to ask what you'd think of him, given my description of him?
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ohhh lyle i am so so sorry that you are going through this right now :( the pain of losing a pet is so real and so awful. he looks like such a wonderful, well-loved and well cared for little angel. i especially love his eyes and the pattern of his coat - what a sweet little love. and what a great name, too. unfortunately i think during grief our minds try to make sense of the mourning by turning to familiar concepts such as self-blame, or pondering questions without an answer as a distraction or a way to make it all seem clearer - i.e, what did i do to deserve this? the answer is nothing. the answer is horrible things happen without reason to lovely people and lovely animals all the time, and it is horrifically unfair. it is very clear just from this message alone that he loved you just as much as you loved him, that you guys had a really special bond that can never be taken back or lost fully. the reaction you're having, the crying and the grieving and the depth of the hurt, is completely understandable. esp when the death is so sudden and unexpected - it takes time to move through these emotions. the coping mechanism of distancing yourself from talking about him and your other cat is very common, and i think it's a good sign that you're able to share him with me and recognize all the love that exists between you two. i hope you have good people around you who you can begin to open up to about this - maybe your sister, who clearly cared for stanley like you did. honestly, if the mourning continues to be hard to deal with, i would even consider talking to a counsellor about if i were you. just to have someone to unload all these feelings and verbalize what you're going through. i know that's a big and complicated step, but it's ok to need help dealing with this sort of thing for real. mostly i hope you're able to find ways to remember him and honour his life as yours goes on, even just by remembering him as he was - adorable and deeply appreciated. if you ever wanna talk about him, share stories or more about his personality or pics when you're ready, i would love to hear it. i hope he can rest in peace, poor little guy. :( sending you a massive hug. x
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c4ndyf4gg0t · 1 year
xxnothuman-vwolfxx >>> dangerousharmonyzombie
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fairycosmos · 2 years
When my family and I moved into our current apartment, I was home by myself. I was getting v creeped out. All of a sudden I saw something for up the stairs, walk past my room, and walk across towards my sister's room. I was the only one home and I know I saw the shadow person bc of the way the floor darkened. Still v creeped out. It happened this past March, around the time I had to have shunt surgery (I was fine for 10 years) and deal with trauma. -Lyle
omg lyleeee 😭 i was going to say, aren't you still freaked out living in your apartment lol?? honestly, there's so many potential reasons we see shadow people sometimes but i totally get why you were terrified. maybe it was the stress of the surgery, which is totally plausible. or your mind playing tricks if you were already creeped out. though people say when youre going through a bad time youre more vulnerable to the "other side" and stuff lol, if we want to keep things spooky. i hope you've been recovering from your ordeal well. much love <3
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c4ndyf4gg0t · 2 years
dumblebyke >> xxnothuman-vwolfxx
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