#y’all need to learn some way to deal with your problems other than murder. thats what i think
blookmallow · 9 months
i havent been liveblogging much bc i need to get screenshots off my steamdeck which i have forgotten how to do but anyway,
i felt like i was keeping up pretty well with new vegas for the first long while, wander the desert, visit towns, help people out and solve problems along the way, learned some about the main factions, ok, ok
then i finally make it to vegas and everything just went all to hell at once i have no FUCKING idea whats going on anymore :’)
SO i go to new vegas to find out why benny tried to kill me. i guess revenge is an option but i mostly just wanted Answers
weird mystery andrew ryan probably-an-AI ruler of vegas suddenly decides im his special bestie and gives me a ton of privileges. makes sense if he wants me to get him the platinum chip back. he seems weird and corrupted but ill take “offering benefits and bribes to manipulate me into helping him” if its mutually beneficial. thats the closest to nice anyone’s been to me in a while. “hasnt tried to kill me yet” is pretty much where the bar is and it sounds like he hired me in the first place so i say ok ill get the chip
then i have a weird mostly incomprehensible (to me) conversation with benny about how he wants to take over vegas and then he runs off with the chip again. i dont know if im supposed to want to get it or care that he has it but its just the principle of it at this point, cant go killing me /twice/,
then i find his robot who tells me benny wanted to kill mr house and now for some reason /I/ have to kill mr house, because, uhh, i can? because a robot suggested it?? i don’t understand why im killing him. i dont Trust him but i dont know why murder is necessary here. and i have to decide if i want to take out all the vegas strip families or not and this is just way too much pressure!! i dont know any of y’alls politics!!! i came here to see the pretty signs and tacky hotels!!
and THEN i get a fucking. special vip invite from fucking CAESAR, who has been sending assassins after me every five minutes for like the entire game and i hate them SO MUCH, why the FUCK do you want to talk to me now,
or maybe i became enough of a Problem its just an attempt to kill me since everyone in the mojave wants me dead apparently (and for what!!! i am Idolized in like 5 communities at this point im NICE)
also got roped into resolving a whole cannibalism cult sideplot completely out of nowhere as i was minding my own business exploring. ive somehow become friends with a gang of elvis impersonators. i dont know whats going on anymore
i didnt ask for any of this im just out here killing scorpions and trying to collect as many pool balls as i can find im going back to my shitty novac apartment and my 80 dinosaurs
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