#y’all really said ‘oh angst prompts!! I’ll vote for that :)’ and let go of my hand
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What it feels like being the only one to post in a day of Sketchbook Week (so far at least)
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Love Talk - Taehyung
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Pairing: Taehyung x reader (nicknamed Lace)
Wordcount: 11k words
Genre: smut, fluff, (Taehyung is moody but no angst I guess) dating au, idol au
Rating: 18+
Finally! I can post this! My inner praise-thirsty brat has been missing y’all’s attention so here I am!
Actually I’ve managed to write the end this afternoon after I finished writing a whole chapter of my dissertation (God, why do I need a degree...)
Anyway, here is Taehyung’s take at love talk. This is clearly smut, so minors please, do not read or interact.
Quick recap/everything you need to know before reading. Taehyung and Lace (in this fic called many many nicknames since “Lace” hasn’t sticked yet) have been dating for a couple months and Tae has been taking it slow, they have done some coupley stuff and have made out, but they haven’t been really physical yet. Until he visits her late at night after coming back from a trip in Paris with Jimin. And he has a gift which might spark up something interesting. 
Disclaimer: Personally, I don’t see Lace as the stereotypical slim girl, but there’s a very generic reference to this. Also, Lace has taken bondage and basic domination lessons in a dungeon. Taehyung knows this. Both of them treat this fact as something serious rather than a kinky fun fact, since it comes from one of Lace’s insecurities.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: woah. so. Foreplay, mostly masturbation (male and female receiving), making out and grinding, marking, biting, Oral (male receiving), duality king Kim Taehyung, mental health and depression, body image issues, the characters discuss public sex, food play, oral sex, sensation play and impact play, wax play, tantric massage, BDSM, domination, bondage and submission, sex toys, exhibitionism, dungeons. Both the characters have had same-sex experiences and relationships. There might be a few swearwords here and there.
Wordcount: 11k. This thing is big so I’ll come back and edit it a bit at a time. 
Here is my masterlist!
And remember to vote for next prompt :) (link in bio!)
Enjoy <3
“Hey.” He replied right back. He was standing in the empty corridor at three a.m., the light coming from your doorway illuminating his chocolate curls, his eyes gleaming darkly. “Can I come in?”
You nodded, opening the door and letting him in. 
The low lights of your hallway made him move slowly in the room, since he’d never ventured upstairs before. Reaching your living room, you switched on the small lamp beside the sofa, a gentle yellow warmth diffusing. 
“Your house is very pretty.” He said, looking around. 
“It’s basic. I’m still trying to buy some pieces as I go.” You commented, your mind still slowed down by sleep. 
“I’m sorry. I know it’s late.” He said. He was being extremely scarce with his words. “We arrived in town ten minutes ago.”
“How was our trip?” You asked out of habit. You were still trying to understand what to expect from this. 
“Very tiring.” He murmured. “I think I’ll be jetlagged all the way to next week.”
He had been in Paris with Jimin after being in London for group schedule. Of course he’d been conflicted between coming back to you and spending some time with his best friend, but at the same time, he thought you'd been dating for a short time and after all, he should give Jimin the priority. 
You smiled. “Eight hours?”
“Seven.” He corrected. “May I?” He gestured to the sofa, a two-seats dark red velvet number dominating the room entirely. 
You nodded. 
“You look incredible.” His low voice made your insides shake. “Have you just woken up?” He shook his head in disappointment. “I’ve woken you up, haven’t I?” He shook his head, reprimanding himself. 
“It’s okay.” You said, sitting beside him at a respectful distance. “What brings you here at three a.m. on a workday?” You asked, mischief tinting your voice. 
“I wanted to see you.” He replies dryly. 
What’s with the atmosphere?
Something felt off. It wasn’t just your sleep-addled mind. There was tension. 
“Okay.” You argued back in his same attitude. 
He shook his head, throwing his spine against the pillows, inflating his lungs. As he turned towards you, something lustful and obscure possessed his eyes. “Say yes.”
You furrowed your brow. “To what?”
“Fuck, just say yes, ____.” He begged with a growl. 
You bit your lip and nodded.
He was on you in a millisecond, kissing you with an intensity that you didn’t think his lithe figure could muster. Yes, of course he was solid under your touch but his body was sinewy rather than bulky. It was a matter of kinetic force rather than actual strength. 
He smothered you under his torso, your lungs constricting with the impact. The kiss wasn’t even an attempt at gentleness. It was a matter of teeth and tongues and sucking straight away. Your hand gripped the hair at his nape, trying to control him, slow him down. If he kept this up, he was going to bruise your lips. Soon he grew breathless and parted from your lips. His body was thrown over the sofa, over your lap, into your arms. 
“I’ve been thinking of this single spot for days.” He murmured, diving for the crook of your neck, immediately nibbling on it. One hand already on your hair, he tried to move the other one around you, between your back and the soft burgundy velvet. “And I find you all fuzzy and warm from sleep, skin tender, freshly woken up, wearing this sorry excuse of a nightgown.” He snarled.
“Taehyung.” You murmured. 
“Lace looks incredible on you, dove.” He lowered his head and started sucking on the upper curve of your left breast, clearly intending to leave a bruise. 
You combed his hair back, looking at him while his eyes stared into yours. 
“Tae, baby. Why don’t we get more comfortable? I have a queen size bed in the other room, are you sure you want to stay on the sofa?” You offered gently. 
He shook his head, still latched onto you, no intention of letting go whatsoever. 
"Taetae, you're gonna get a cramp, darling." You caressed his face with affection, his wide-eyed look making you weak. 
He finally parted from you and inspected the bruise. Happy with the result, he kissed the mark, drying it with his cheek, slightly scratching you with his stubble. "I think we should stay on the sofa." He argued with a rumble. 
He wouldn't answer for himself if he had you in bed. And it was too early to go all the way anyway. Of course his aim was getting his hands under your clothes — and possibly your hands under his, — but he also knew he wanted to take his time. His will was still strong enough to wait, but he knew, were he to be tempted, he would not hesitate. And he knew he wanted to play it slow, go one base at a time before diving all the way in. 
"Were you listening, Tae?" You asked, noticing the absent look on his face. 
He shook his head with an innocent look, his curls tickling your bosom. 
You giggled, fondness warming your gaze. "You want to stay here?" 
He nodded, his hair grazing your skin once more, his expression sparkling with a playful smile. 
"Then we'll stay here." You declared. "Do you want something to drink? Something to eat? To you it should be dinner time, right?" You fussed. 
"No, I'm okay, I'm trying to adjust." He explained. His expression went blank for a moment before lighting up in an Eureka! moment. "I have a gift for you!" He chimed happily. 
"Really?" You replied, incredulous. 
"It's a bit artsy and sexy, but it's from Paris, so…" He shrugged. 
"Oh, now I'm curious." You combed his hair back, exposing his forehead. 
"Let me—" He sat upright, disentangling himself from you. He sat cross-legged on the sofa and dove for his canvas bag. "Here." He said, handing you a paper bag. 
"Is it…" It was heavy. Very. You opened the bag and you were met with the heavy scent of printed paper. "A book." You realised, taking the volume in your hand, gently removing it from the bag. It was still covered in a thin layer of plastic. "Oh, God! It's that book! How did you find it?" 
He grinned. "A friendly bookseller. A connoisseur." He winked. "I didn't open it. I didn't want to ruin it. And I wanted to open it with you. Do you like it?" He dove into the crook of your neck once more, shaking his shaggy locks against your tender skin. 
"Thank you, baby." You kissed his cheek. You were still getting used to his mood swings from dark, charming gentleman to his bubbly tiger cub persona. “Do you mind if I go grab a glass of water and then we leaf through it together?” You asked. 
“Yeah. Grab one for me too.” If he had to have you half naked beside him for an hour or so, he’d better have something to keep him cool.
As you did your thing in the kitchen he looked around, wide eyed. The relaxing golden light coming from the lamp illuminated a shelf of fashion books and a series of black and white pictures on the walls. He recognised one as a feather. It looked very classy, still he knew you had bought it in a cheap shop downtown, a vintage parlour the two of you had visited during your fourth date. 
“Here, Tae.” You said, entering the room, putting the glasses on the small tables at each side of the sofa, one of which hosted the lamp. 
“Thank you.” He was sitting comfortably, legs slightly parted, his back laying on the sofa, elbows propped on the pillows. You stood in front of him, admiring him a little. 
He was used to being watched, but your scrutiny was so fierce and detached that he felt crystallised, as if any movement would send him shattering on the floor like a frozen leaf.
He looked up at you, mesmerised, but also so terribly afraid of your next move. Like you could incinerate him with your eyes. Slowly, he raised his back from his slouching, hands naturally meeting your hips. It was intimate and cold at the same time. You felt afraid of the intensity he could evoke with a simple touch and a glance. 
He called your name and it felt like an awakening, like you had never had a name before. His long lashes covered the upper part of his irises, giving you the sultriest, darkest look.
“Taehyung.” You whispered back, in hope you would sound just like he did. 
His hands moved from your hips to your waist, bringing you closer, right in front of him. He scooted closer to the edge of the cushion, his nose skimming the soft silk of your nightgown from your sternum to the dip of your navel. “I missed you, darling.” He kissed your belly, propping his chin on your stomach. 
Again, you combed his hair back. “I did send you a small gift, though.” You reminded him coolly. 
Once again he remembered the picture, the voice text, your breathy moans and needy whines as you whispered how much you were missing him, how dumb you had been to tell him that you could wait one more week before seeing him again. Your relationship wasn't sexual yet, but during his short stay in Paris you realised how quickly it had escalated, feeling the need to simply tell him how he made you feel, how hot it was to listen to his deep, warm voice as he talked about his day. He could have been reading his shopping list and you would get wet anyway. 
"You did send it." He replied. "And it was wholeheartedly appreciated." He said with a growl. 
You licked your lips as you noticed his legs spreading farther, parting to accommodate your standing figure. 
"Are you gonna make me beg for it?" He murmured, a pinch of worry in his voice. 
You raised an eyebrow, playing confused. 
Shaking his head, he tutted and grabbed your waist, his strong fingers digging into your skin as he turned you with his back to him, making you sit heavily between his thighs. "I won't beg for you tonight, Lace." He huffed minaciously in your ear, one arm coiling around your waist while his other palm dragged possessively from your hip bone to your knee, fingers digging into the soft skin of your inner thighs. 
“Let’s look at your kinky, niche art book.” He growled at your ear.
Nodding silently, you bent to the coffee table, lunging for the book, your hair tumbling forward and exposing the naked expanse of your shoulders. 
Of course he profited from the moment, lunging forward, drawing the line of your spine with the tip of his nose, from the upper hem of your nightgown to your nape, inhaling the flowery scent of your shampoo. 
You almost lost your grip on the heavy book, your body responding to his touch with a deep shiver and a slight loss of balance. He gripped your waist tighter, helping you up. “Did you like that?” He asked. 
You let your short breath and stumbling heartbeat speak for you. 
“Did you like that, sweetheart?” He asked again.
“Yeah.” You huffed. 
He chuckled gruffly. “Open the book.”
You used your nail to open the thin plastic foil, ripping it until you managed to open the cover. The first page was an unmade bed, the title printed in a dark, heavy font. 
“Passion portrayed”
The theme was very… French. Your ex-flatmate had recommended you the book, printed by one of her former university classmates. 
It didn’t even feign being ordinary or appropriate. From the very title of it, it was unmistakeably an erotic book, meant to expose intimate parts of the subjects’ life, exhibitionism in its most artistic vest.
“How does it work?” Asked Taehyung, his chin settling on your shoulder. 
“It’s a book.” You said, matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, but the theme.” He said, taking the book from your hands and turning it around, searching for an abstract.
You shrugged. “From what I’ve been told, some couples asked the photographer for a series of intimate pictures. They loved the results so much that they asked if the author ever thought of publishing them as a collection. The pictures were selected and rearranged to create this book.” You explained, using your forearm to sustain the back of the book, your hand turning the first page. 
“I like this.” Taehyung said, the page printed fully offering a wide, light green clearing in the middle of a wood. The straw field was bathed in orange twilight, the light cutting perfectly into the lens, creating small, interference halos in the picture. 
You smiled, nodding, your hair brushing against his cheek. 
He exhaled, his body relaxing. You felt so soft. Like his personal teddy bear. The skin of your thigh was warm against his palm, if slightly clammy. You were holding the book so to allow his hands to wander and he felt somehow confused and grateful for it, not knowing whether he could take advantage or whether you were just testing him. 
“Tell me when you want me to turn.” You said quietly. 
“Turn.” He said. The following two pages were only partly printed, hosting a smaller photograph on the center of each page. Both offered the same setting as before with a change of perspective, one lowered to the ground, in a picnic, the traditional chequered blanket laying on the ground, a wicker basket, small glass cups for wine, grapes, cheese and picturesque, cliché sandwiches; the other filtered through the backseat of a pickup. The definition of an American Sixties teenage rendezvous. “I can kind of figure where this is headed.” He murmured. 
You snickered. “I can only imagine.”
You turned the page again. Black and flashes of neon pink. Probably a club, empty. 
“Wow.” You said. The atmosphere had changed dramatically, contrasting with the previous page. The juxtaposition was somehow interesting. 
“Turn?” He asked.
You obeyed. Same disposition of pictures: two, smaller, at the center of the page, same setting — the club —  but through a different cut. A gothic black velvet armchair, the seat surrounded by elaborate swirls of sculpted ebony. The glimmering of metal in the darkness, reflecting the neon hot pink. 
“It looks like an adult club.” He murmured, his finger exploring the vague shape of chains hanging from the wall in the picture on the right. 
“I think so, too.” You agreed. “Have you ever visited one?” You asked, turning slightly to examine his reaction. 
He denied with a tut. “I’d like to visit one, though. It would be curious.” He shrugged.  “Have you?” 
You cocked your head to the side. “Kind of.”
He waited for you to elaborate. 
“Call it an occupational hazard of sort for a lingerie retailer. You just get used to a lot of crazy stuff, meet a lot of crazy people, get into a lot of crazy hobbies.” You approximately justified yourself.
“Was it for your… extracurricular?” He asked, a lazy smirk on his face. 
“Yeah.” You confirmed, licking your lips.
He nodded delicately, trying not to punch his chin into your collarbone. “Next?” He called and you turned the page. 
A bluish bathroom. Maybe a spa room, it had a massage bed. But everything was blue. Entirely blue. Blue tiles, blue floor, blue carpet, blue supplies. Blue. everywhere. Soothing, calm. “So much blue.” He commented. 
“I think she’s going through primary colours. Yellow, reddish pink, blue. We’ll see what’s next.” You explained. 
Tae stared at the picture. “Do you like it?”
“I’m not sure.” You turned the page. Again, two smaller pictures at the center of each page. The first one was a closeup of the massage bed, with its plush blue cover and a small shelf of products and candles. The other picture contained another detail, a white, thick candle and its burning wick against the dark blue tiles. 
You nodded with a knowing huff. 
“Want me to turn?” You asked. 
Taehyung hummed in approval. 
Black. And white. And grey. This is the same setting as the title page: bedroom, silken, glimmering sheets. But now you could figure out the rest of the room. A plain bedroom, the headboard made by a sophisticated tangle of iron swirls and bars, the rest of the scene empty except for a big wardrobe and a drawer. The setting in time is completely anonymous, the black and white chromatism killing any light that could suggest day or night or twilight. 
First detail: the silken sheets appearing through the iron bars at the foot of the bed. 
Second detail: some absolutely ordinary, if not cheap and old clothes abandoned on the wooden floor of the room. 
This is where it starts. 
Taehyung was growing impatient, his hand getting restless on your leg. He started drawing small circles with his short nails on your inner thigh. "So…" 
You stopped turning the page, leaving it perfectly standing, pinched between your fingers. 
He suddenly shut his mouth, as if he had decided not to speak, however his glance gave him off, his eyes stuck on the page you had just uncovered. 
He moved his hand from your belly, catching your wrist and making you turn the page fully. 
On the page on the left a dainty, lithe female body occupied most of the picture, picturing the torso and lower body, covered only slightly in a cute, gingham lingerie set with small embroidered cherries. It looked like coquettish demureness, the combination extremely girly and juvenile on the model’s barely-there curves. 
You turned to Taehyung as you felt his adam’s apple bob against your neck. He was staring at the picture on the other page, where a wooden honey dipper hovered over the girl’s lower abdomen, dripping the sticky, sweet liquid on her skin, her bent thigh hiding her crotch from the camera. “I like the angle. And the colours.” You commented.
He nodded simply. 
You observed the picture for one more second before letting your fingers reach for the corner of the page to turn. 
“Would you let me do that to you?” He growled, leaving a soft kiss on your neck. 
Let him cover you in honey? “Would you lick it away?” You asked, curious, trying as hard as possible to play it cool. Secretly you were self-combusting. 
“Duh. Of course.” He kissed you again. 
“Yes.” You replied, without even thinking about it for half a second.
The following page moved back to the club, all black and magenta. This time everything you could see was the silhouette of someone laying on their front, naked, on a flat surface. It was impossible to recognise a male or female anatomy. It made everything more interesting. On the page beside, the picture focused on the dip of their spine, showing a vague outline of the shoulder blades and the frilly tip of a feather barely grazing the skin, as if the person in the room with them was running the… tool? down his or her spine. 
“And you, would you let me do this to you?” You asked, curious, looking at him. 
His fingers clawed at your lower thigh, making you hiss at his vicious grip. “You want to torture me, sweetie?” He teased, parting your thighs. The cool air licked at your sweaty skin, raising goosebumps in its wake. “Want to make me furious? Get me mad?” His lazy, soft kisses turned into an aggressive nipping, his main intent that of making bruises bloom on your tender skin. 
“I want to see you wild.” You replied, still hoping to sound detached, even though at this point it was your own arousal rather than your sweat making your thighs clammy. “I’ve seen your stages. You roar.” You used your free hand to grab and knead his knee, but unfortunately he stopped you. 
“Hands on the book.” He reprimanded. “What about my stages?”
Flashbacks of his Singularity performances ran through your mind. “You’re sultry. Seductive. Predatory. And so aggressive.” You explained. “So sinful...”  You admitted.
“I know it drives you crazy.” He whispered, nuzzling into the underside of your ear. 
“Fucking insane.” You huffed out, leaning into him. 
He chuckled. “You’re so weak for me.” He mocked you. 
You wiggled a little in his hold, your backside brushing against his lap, a deep, vibratoed moan exiting his mouth. “You’re so weak for me.” You teased back. 
And then you squealed. He had just bitten your shoulder. “Turn the page, you menace.”
You did as you were told. This time it was a woman for sure laying on the massage bed, her body covered from chest to knee by a pale fluffy towel. Again, everything felt a bit too blue. You liked that she looked overall fuller, curvier than the previous models, the towel draping around her curved belly, her fleshy thighs. It wasn’t that strategically planned plumpness. It was genuine, showing both the traditionally attractive and the socially unaccepted parts of body fat. It wasn’t all tits and ass. It was arms, calves, belly. And it looked beautiful. Still, you couldn’t see her face.
“You like her?” Taehyung asked. 
You shrugged. “Her body's non-canonically beautiful. You can tell that she loves her body. I like that she didn’t let society kill her vibe, that she likes her body so much that she wanted to have this kind of pictures taken. I think she trusts the photographer a lot.” You shook your head. “I’m so dumb. All of them must have trusted the photographer a lot. I don’t know why a curvier person would be more insecure about her body than a slimmer person.”
“I think society kind of taught us that people who don’t adhere to a certain beauty standard should or actually do feel ashamed for it.” Taehyung mumbled. “I don’t see why a curvier girl should be ashamed. And curvy is not just the sexy curve. Curvy is fleshy, handfuls everywhere. I don’t really care. I just want flesh and fullness to grip while I’m fucking.” He continued mumbling with a slightly careless but also complaining tone. 
Suddenly the meaning of the hand coming around your middle, gripping the skin on your side and occasionally your love handles changed meaning. “So that’s what you were doing when you gripped me?” You asked. The first time he did it during one of your previous dates, you had felt wary, almost called-out by his action. 
“The first time we kissed. And then some.” You blushed. “I thought you were pointing out that I’m fat.”
“You’re not fat. You’re beautiful and sexy and yeah, you’re soft, so what? You feel so good. And we all have body fat. You like eating. You eat regularly and healthily. You care for yourself and love yourself. You’re one of the most confident women I’ve ever seen.”
You dipped your head, trying to avoid spilling the tear almost rolling down your cheek. “Thank you.”
“And you make lingerie look like sin.” He added, turning your head and holding you tighter. “I grip you and grab you because you’re sexy and because I need to stop myself from doing dumb, ridiculous stuff. And you’re squishy. It calms down my nerves. It soothes me.” He kissed your cheek. “If you ever decided to lose weight I would support you, of course, but if it were for me, I wouldn’t want you any other way.” He kissed you again. “And look!” he pointed to the following photography. “She seems to like curvy girls too.” He pointed to the other female figure appearing in the picture, standing beside the bed, untucking the towel and revealing the top of the laying woman’s breasts. “I like that they have a same-sex couple. Do you think they’ll have two boys too?” He asked. 
“Are you interested?” You asked, no judgement or excitement in your voice, trying to silently communicate that he was safe whatever his reply would be. 
“I mean, you have two girls, why not two boys?” He said, raising one shoulder. “Plus, I’m not opposed to it.”
“Have you ever had a boy?” You asked, quite blatantly.
He tutted. “It was a quick thing. I prefer girls, I think. The female body is more attractive.” He confessed. “It has way more secrets. It’s more interesting to explore.” He pushed his hips against your backside. “I think that the moment I feel attraction and curiosity, I let myself experience it. I don’t limit myself to something as dumb as gender.”
You loved his eclectic, versatile tastes. He is experimental and seductive, a natural hedonist. 
“That sounds good for you.” You admitted. 
“Have you had girls?” He asked, curious. 
You smiled. “Yeah. I was in a relationship with a girl, in uni. A small thing.” You told him. “And yeah, they’re more interesting.”
“Right, you mentioned.” Taehyung remembered.
“I don’t wanna sound rude or pervy but… how was the sex? I mean, is it different, other than anatomically speaking?” He asked. 
You exhaled, thinking about it more accurately, trying to remember. “Every person is different. I never really had male lovers, but the few subs I had all  had something special and different — not that I had that many, that is.” You blushed. 
He nosed his way through your hair and against your nape. 
“It was more… conversational?” You tried finding the right word. “We gave each other a lot of constructive feedback.” You reminisced. “And fuck, I loved how responsive she was.” You scrunched your face. “I do miss fucking a girl every now and then. Wrecking a pretty girl gives me quite a boost of adrenaline and self esteem.” You admitted with a wild, embarrassed laugh. 
“I agree to that.” He laughed too, his diaphragm moving with a belly laugh that ricocheted from his stomach into your back. “I can’t wait to wreck you.” He spoke with a dirty, hot, gruff voice. 
You arched your neck, offering him the curve of your shoulder as you licked your lower lip. “Why aren’t you inside me already?”
The hand on your thigh, which had lost some pressure, climbed half an inch higher. “Because you couldn’t wait to see this book.” 
You shook your head in disagreement. 
“And because I’ll put my fingers inside you first.” He said aggressively. “And because I’m waiting. When I’m so desperate that I’ll wake up sweaty and horny in the middle of the night because I was dreaming of your dripping, sweet cunt on my face, then I’ll come fuck you until your entire body is nothing but a pretty toy trained for my pleasure.” His hand shifted from the harsh grip on your side to the devious, light, teasing fingertip tracing your puffy areola and erect nipple which were pushing against the satin of your nightgown. "I need to wake up so fucked out that I can conjure your taste in my mouth, that I can almost feel the wetness of you around my fingers. Your pretty, red lips around my cock.” 
You hummed at that, wanting nothing but the stretching feel of his blunt, long erection inside your mouth, warm and salty down your throat. “Fuck my mouth, Tae. Please.”
He snarled and snickered. “Not a chance, darling. Now, turn the page.” He felt dumb for turning you down, but he had plans. He needed to resist. Good boys go to heaven. 
Turn the page. The black and white felt soothing after all the coloured shots. “Oh.” 
Taehyung breathed out loudly. “Fuck.”
You were too fascinated by the picture to look at him. 
“Yes?” He asked. 
“Yeah.” You replied. 
“You’d let me?” He asked again. 
You nodded. “Would you? Let me, I mean...”
“You wanna tie me up?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. 
You momentarily put the book on your legs joining your pointer fingers together at the fingertip. “I have taken lessons, so...” You bit your lip, blushing.
He kissed your shoulder. “I can’t wait to try that. With you.” He gave you small bites this time, playful and caring. “And I’d be very happy if you taught me too.” His hand caressed your belly gently, the other one digging in the valley between your joined tights. 
“Thank you, baby.” You pressed your shoulders into his chest enjoying the solid feeling of his body supporting yours. 
“Anything for you.” He replied politely. “Now, can we move on?” He asked, trying to ignore the picture that had sparked the conversation, where a man wearing only boxers laid in bed, his wrists tied to the bedpost with a sturdy, rough rope. 
You nodded, picking up the book and turning the page. Back to the babygirl in the field. This time her lover had his mouth on her; the shot a closeup of his stubbly cheek and chin and his open mouth sucking at her inner thigh. In the matching picture his mouth was on her small breast, sucking her nipple over the fabric of her bra. You clenched your legs slightly, wiggling a little in your seat. 
It went maybe unnoticed. Maybe. Taehyung stopped breathing for a second, until you settled and he managed to gain his cool again. 
You managed to keep it cool with the second set, the dungeon, where the only thing really happening was for the feather to caress the submissive’s ass, in the picture on the left, only to be substituted by a furred glove on the following photograph. 
The third set had Taehyung gasping and moaning. You simply breathed out a small laugh. “Will you do this to me too?” You asked. 
“I’m gonna worship you head to toe, dove.” He grinned, observing the pictures. Both involved the standing woman massaging the laying one, with strong, oiled hands kneading the round globes of her ass and thighs, the soft and pale plants of her feet. 
“I love your hands.” You murmured, placing yours atop the one on your navel. 
He smirked. “Don’t you?” He twisted his wrist to intertwine your fingers. 
Nodding, you added: “They look so strong. And big.” You took a deep breath, daydreaming about the feel of them grabbing your breasts, your ass, your neck, pinning your wrists, moving inside you. Your brain had a special gallery dedicated exclusively to his hands. 
“I bet you can’t wait to have them inside you.” He teased, the hand on your thigh climbing a little closer to your heat. You were wondering how long it would take for him to find out about your little surprise for him. 
Let him live in innocence for now. 
“That, yes.” You admitted, not even playing coy. “And also I can’t wait to see them on yourself.” You provoked him, hoping that he would understand. 
“You want to see me touch myself?” He asked, his face absolutely impassive. 
“Yes.” You replied plainly. 
He laughed with a series of quiet exhales. “We’ll see.”
You turned a few pages, observing all the small details of the four different foreplay scenes. 
“Would you do it outdoors?” He asked at a certain point, his stare fixed on the coquettish blonde angel sucking off her partner at the picnic. 
You raised an eyebrow. “If the setting was right, yes. Though here in Seoul it's quite difficult.”
“We could visit my hometown. There are a lot of empty, remote fields over there.” He said, his arm holding you tight as he made both your bodies scoot back, away from the edge of the sofa.
“I would rather avoid you risking your career for a fuck out in the open air.” You commented pragmatically. 
“We’re only risking that if we get caught. And I’m sure we’re smart enough.” He tried to convince you. 
“What about insects? Bugs? Safety?” You asked, concerned. 
“We’ll think about it in detail if we ever decide to walk down this path, yeah?” He suggested respectfully. 
You pouted, nodding in agreement. 
“Holy shit, look at this.” You commented, quite shocked. In the dungeon, the dom was sprinkling glitters on the backside of his submissive, which you had discovered being — much to Taehyung’s chagrin — also a man.
“I want that. Oh my God, they're gonna get all over the place.” He replied, frowning at the thought. “You can go through major catastrophes and those bitches would still colonize every nook and cranny of your body.” His brow creased. “But fuck it looks amazing.” Especially since in the second picture the dom was using a leather glove to spank his sub, making all the glitter disperse into the air at the impact, creating a purplish halo around the silhouette of the spankee.
“I’m gonna spank you.” He said, out of the blue. “I hope you’re okay with that.”
Yes, sir, Your slutty brain replied. “We’ll see,” you said out loud. 
Ha laughed dryly. "You'll want me to. It's only a matter of time."
You turned around, smirking at him. You tipped his chin back with a finger, kissing him with a cruel tenderness. His eyes closed, initially surprised, but then he became more than eager to deepen the kiss. Still you drew back, while his mouth tried to chase after yours. 
"No." You whispered. 
"Are you telling me no?" He asked gruffly. "Mh?" The hand between your thighs had kept rising and by now his palm laid on the junction between your hip and thigh, his index tracing your mound. "Is it a no?" 
You moaned lasciviously. Was he going to discover your surprise for him? 
He finally reached your sex, expecting to meet a wet patch on your underwear. "____. Where are your panties?" He murmured in your ear. 
You bit your lip. "Not wearing any." You murmured gently. 
"Say it again." He growled. 
"I'm not wearing panties, Tae." You mewled tauntingly. 
He moved his hand from your navel to your breast, the other one cupping your crotch. 
"Naughty girl." He snarled. "Bad, bad girl." His mouth latched at your neck while his hands pushed you further into him, his erection pressing against the small of your back. 
"I want you." You whined. "So bad, Tae. Please." 
"You're wet for me?" He said, his mouth parting from your skin long enough to interrogate you, only to continue to lick you as soon as he was done talking. 
"I'm drenched. I want you. Make me cum, Tae, please."
His chest shook with an evil laugh. "You told me no earlier." He replied. 
"I made a mistake. I only wanted to tease you." You cried out, your free hand trying to reach for his between your legs. 
"Hands on the book, bad kitty." He said, nibbling your earlobe.
You obeyed with some quiet complaining. 
"Why would you tease me?" He asked
"I wanted you to want me." You confessed. "I wanted you to stop resisting me."
"I'm not gonna fuck you." He repeated. "But nothing is stopping me from making you cum with my fingers." He kissed your temple. "Are you okay with that?" 
You nodded. "Just make me cum, Tae." 
He snickered. "Then keep your hands on the book. Keep watching your kinky pictures. Let's see what makes you even wetter."
You whimpered as his long fingers moved against your folds, and you parted your legs further to grant him better access. 
On the following page, the women had moved from a tantric massage to a steamy, slow session of waxplay. The receiving partner was now laying on her back, her breasts exposed for her lover, her skin glistening with oil as the other woman let a droplet fall on her unmarred skin, however you could tell it wasn't the first drop from a stain barely visible in the corner of the picture, out of focus. 
Taehyung interrupted your musings with a twitch of his fingers, while he spoke directly in your ear. "What about waxplay, darling? Would you like to try that?" 
You exhaled at the movement, your head falling forward as the muscles on your neck went slack. 
"Your body would be a work of art, covered in coconut oil, sweat, droplets of wax and my cum."
You felt your soul leave your body. From your seated position your inner organs were positioned so that his fingers perfectly reached your g-spot. "Fuck, Tae, you're fucking perfect."
He kissed the corner of your mouth, the hand on your chest toying with the hem of your nightie until he slipped the strap off your shoulder and uncovered your naked breast. "Oh, you like it." He bent some more trying to reach for your mouth. He thought about using one hand to turn your face but he was content with where they were at the moment. 
The black and white bondage scene turned into a submission exercise, the woman standing on her knees over the face of the laying man, using a vibrator to pleasure herself. 
And he simply laid there, mouth open, waiting. You almost turned when Taehyung stopped you. "I'd love to try that." His voice was slightly strained, probably from the strange angle he was in. Both his arms were busy and working from a difficult position. Not that you noticed. 
Ever since he had started touching you, you had been in a haze, your head feeling extremely light and floaty. 
"Anything you want." You replied before your voice broke in a mewl. "I'm close." You were, already, and incredibly so. All you needed was for him to keep talking. "I wanna hear your voice."
"What do you want to hear, Lace? How soft your cunt feels on my fingers? It feels like fucking velvet, darling. Do you want to know how much I wanna eat you?" He moved closer to your ear. “I wanna hear you scream for me, Lace. I want you to be so loud that everyone will know you’re having the best orgasm of your life.” He bit your earlobe. “I’m gonna make you cum so many times you lose count. I’m gonna make you regret teasing me. I’m gonna make you cry in every best way possible.” His fingers moved faster between your legs, his thumb meeting your clit. “I’m gonna fuck you so much you’re gonna hate yourself for complaining I haven’t fucked you yet.”
His dirty words got to your head like liquor, your hips undulating to find the final stimulus you needed to come apart. You felt your backbone roll dangerously and in a few seconds you snapped forward, his forearm on your chest keeping you upright through your climax. “That’s it, Lace. Ride my fingers.” He commanded and you complied, like the needy, desperate animal you are for him. Only for him. 
Never in your life had you experienced the need to bend over backwards for anyone, least of all a man; yet, here you were, pliant like putty in his hands, feeling submissive for the first time of your life. “Taehyung.” You whispered, too lost to realise it was barely hearable. Still, he noticed, slowing down his movements. 
“Are you okay, dove?” He checked on you, his voice warm and caring. 
You shook your head yes. “I need a second.” You said through heavy breath.
He moved away the hand on your breast, bringing it to your cheek, making you ease back against him and cradling your body gently. “It was beautiful, Lace. Beautiful. I can’t wait to see you do that again.” He murmured, comforting you and praising you. 
You giggled cutely in reply, turning toward his face and puckering your lips. 
He read your cue and pressed his lips to yours chastely. “Need some water, dove?” He asked. 
You nodded and for a second he thought how he could possibly grab the closest glass with both his hands busy. Noticing that, you caught his dirty hand and brought it to your face.
“Lace.” He groaned as you observed the slick coating his fingers. 
“Tae.” You groaned right back at him, turning to give him a nice view before you put his fingers in your mouth, sucking lewdly. 
His hips rolled below you, his eyes fighting to stay open while his forehead met your temple, jaw hanging low in a silent invitation to slide your tongue in his mouth. What you did, your devious will overpowering you, was to free his digits and part them in a V against your lips and chin, lashing your tongue out in the valley between his middle and ring finger to make out with him. 
The sound he emitted was something so dirty and lewd that you found yourself turned on again, ready to slip his hand between your thighs once more.
“I cannot fuck you tonight.” He reminded himself once he parted from your tongue — and his hand. 
“I still don’t see why.” You teased, always the temptress in a wild attempt to lure him into your bed. 
“I need to take my time.” He gave himself the whole talk. “I need to learn you, your language, your tells and cues. Let’s run the bases and then I’ll take it home. Let’s enjoy every little step that takes us there.” He explained, giving you his whole vision. 
You nodded. This is what he wanted. To make every single milestone meaningful, important, unique. “You should have said.” You caressed his face. “I wouldn’t have been so bratty, had I know of that.” You kissed his cheekbone. 
“It’s cool.” He breathed out, eyes shut, teeth gritted. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, fondling him some more.
“I’m just… dealing with something.” He replied, stressed, pressing his hips against your. 
And you felt him. He must have been pretty big. 
“Would you let me take care of you?” You questioned tentatively.
He shook his head. Then waited a few second. “Would it be okay if I grind against you?”
You raised your eyebrows, only to grin madly after it. “Yeah. Whatever works for you, love. Touch yourself, grind, I don’t care, just… let me be there for you.” You comforted him. 
“Water first.” He said, using his clean hand to reach for the glass, mourning the departure from your chest for a quick second. As soon as he brought the glass to your lips, you took it from his grasp and placed his palm back to your chest, taking a small sip and and offering him some. He stretched over your shoulder and you helped him drink, tipping the glass carefully to avoid him choking or spilling. As soon as he was done you moved the glass back to the small table, grabbing the book in the process. 
“Okay, back to where we left.” His hand covered in a dried up mixture of your and his spit laid on your navel, hiking up your nightie. The other was cementified to your naked breast, toying with your nipple. 
On the pages there was an escalation of foreplay, the American sweethearts moving on to her offering him a blowjob.
“You okay with that?” You asked Taehyung, refusing to assume that all men love blowjobs. 
“I think so, yeah. I hope in the near future I’ll be able to feed you my cock multiples time a day, sweetie.” He indulged in your kink, still shocked by your earlier request to suck him off. 
You had to stop yourself from asking him to feed you now. He had asked for one step at a time. You owed him that. “All you need to do is ask, Tae.” You simply reminded him. 
“Can’t wait to see you on your knees for me.” He mumbled, his hips thrusting up against you.
“What about spanking tools?” He asked as you turned the page, amazed by the riding crop that the dom was sporting. 
“I’ve used them in the past, but I’ve never had them used on me.” You confessed. “I tested them on myself first before using them on someone, obviously, but I was never… I’ve never been truly dominated by someone else, so—”
He moaned and caressed your neck with the tip of his nose. “That’s okay. We don’t have to...”
You shook your head. “I want to, though. Just— easy. As you said, one step at a time.”
He ohed at that, nipping at your jutting collarbone. 
You went through some more pages, discussing details, objects, feelings. 
Of course your fascination with the dungeon scene grew when Taehyung cupped your pubis once more as a flogger appeared in the picture. “I’m close, I just wanna feel your wetness.” He explained. “I’d love to use that—” He indicated the flogger with a gesture of his chin “—to tease you. Drag its soft tips from your toes to your breasts, flick it innocently over your sensitive nipples. Draw lazy circles on your belly. Watch you lick, suck and hump the handle.”
You awed at that. Most importantly you awed at how he was pressing his hard on against your asscheeks through his trousers and your nightie. 
“I’m close.” After ten minutes of being on the very edge of it, he gave up and brought his hand to his crotch, just adding more pressure. You felt somehow disappointed that you wouldn’t feel him on you anymore. 
The next page was his undoing. In the bedroom scene, the man was still bound, propped up against the pillows, wide eyed, imploring. On the right page you discovered why: the woman was showing him her backside, on her knees, chest to the mattress, fucking herself with a huge dildo. “Fuck” he growled. “Lace, would you?” He asked, needing you to talk, to give him a scenario. 
“Yes, I would. I would do it like that but I would also do it with your cock in my mouth, the dildo making me so relaxed that I could easily deepthroat the monster you’re hiding in your pants, mister.” You teased. 
He smiled like the devil, barely holding in a snicker. “Fuck that, Lace, you just want my cock in your mouth, don’t you?” He mocked. 
“I’ve never been so hungry for a cock, Taehyung. I just want to see you fucked out.” You had never felt so dirty and sexy in your life. You were fighting with your teeth and claws for him. There were so many people out there willing to do anything to get him. Might as well set the bar up high and offer him more than anyone else would ever dare to. 
He whimpered, his forehead pressed to your nape. 
You turned, grabbing his chin, making him look at you. “Let me see that bliss, Tae. Show me your pretty face when you cum for me.” You spurred him on gently. “Give me your best look. Come on, I wanna save that for the next time I fuck myself with my toy. Please.”
And he crumbled, holding your gaze, precipitating into oblivion. His mouth hung open, releasing a deep cry while his chest fell into your shoulders, pressing into you. He couldn’t care less about cumming in his pants, or messing up his trousers, in that moment he was only looking for a way to let his soul slither under your skin and tangle with yours. He wanted closeness and warmth and to leave his body and feel light. 
When you saw his eyelids tremble, you tutted repeatedly, calling for his attention. “Keep looking at me, baby bear.”
He whined at the nickname, fighting the postorgasmic haze threatening to drag him under. 
You fumbled with your hold of the book, freeing a hand to caress his wavy hair. “That’s it, baby.” You murmured, finally allowing him to let go of the snippet of control he had left over his body. “Are you okay, Tae?”
He nodded and inhaled against your neck, his mouth opening and laving your skin with heavy, wide and wet licks. He still had his hand between your legs and it looked like he was very happy with it.
"Are you happy, baby?" You asked him, combing his hair back. 
He simply offered you an elated smile, nodding and nuzzling into you. 
"You look so pretty when you cum, Tae. And so damn sexy." You praised him, being absolutely straightforward about your thoughts. 
"I feel so good, ____." He said, his expression completely blissful. 
"Do you want to keep leafing through the book?" You asked, still completely focused on him. 
He scratched his cheek and nodded, even though he barely hid a yawn. 
After making sure that he really wanted to keep going, you took hold of the book again. The couples in the pictures moved on from foreplay to actual intercourse, simply showing the closeness of body parts, but never including genitals in the photographs. It was only possible to identify which belonged to whom because of the light and setting. You appreciated the so-to-say gender neutrality of the shots.
"It's interesting how all the couples feel the same. The positions are slightly different but still there's always the same closeness, intensity, passion and intimacy." He noticed. 
You agreed. 
"It feels like they're together not just as in doing stuff together but actually exist together. They're one." He said, running his finger along the same possessive pose of the arm — snaking around the lovers back and keeping them close — which was featured on four different pictures put together, side by side, from each of the couples. 
And finally it was the open mouths, the hard grips, the arched backs of an orgasm. 
"It's so… Natural. The way we feel pleasure." He murmured, his heavy breathing and the movement of his lips teasing the sensitive spot behind your ear. "I mean, I know that there are some people who don't like sex. Or who don't perceive it as a necessity. And that's natural too." He thought about it some more. "But this feels like a universal language. Like music. You can read it in its little signs." 
You were growing impatient again. The book was almost over, only a few pages left. What happens now? Does he want to leave? Is he going to stay? 
You hesitated before turning the page, but he spurred you on. 
This was aftercare. While the other photographs looked like they were made for the observers' aesthetic pleasure, this looked like invading the models' privacy. 
"I feel uncomfortable." You spoke gently. 
Taehyung worried. "Is it… Do you need space?" He asked, realising that you've been sitting for almost an hour in a very uncomfortable position. He started unraveling his hold on you but you stopped him, blocking his hand between your legs with the muscles of your thighs and blocking his other arm by catching his wrist. "I was talking about the pictures. It feels like I'm seeing something that I'm not supposed to see."
"Yup." He agreed. "But I like the one in the field. The one with the sweethearts." The sun had almost completely set behind the trees and the boy and girl were sitting exhausted in the backseat, her body perched on top of him, his head resting on her breast. "I would stay inside too." Taehyung said. "It's so warm. Intimate. And when you're tired and vulnerable it's so good to feel that emotionally together with someone. To stay sheathed inside." He mused. 
You felt his fingers twitch almost imperceptibly on your folds. A wave of wetness oozed out. 
"Oh, you're ready for another, doll?" He grinned, brushing against you more pressingly. 
"Tae." You cried out. 
"Yes, Lace?" 
"Let me suck you." You said with a more imposing voice than before. 
He made you turn your head and look him in the eye. 
"You want that so bad?" He asked mischievously. "I guess you won't have any problem saying it again as you look me in eyes if you're truly so desperate for my dick."
You shook your head briefly. "Please Tae, let me suck your dick. If you don't give that to me I swear I'll go down the street and suck it to the first attractive man I see." You said, growing impatient both to his denying and his teasing. 
"How can I say no to that?" He grinned sardonically. "Plus it would be dumb of me to put you at risk, wandering through the streets at this hour of the night wearing that skimpy mess of a nightgown." He parted your hair and moved it to the side, removing the locks that had stuck to your neck because of your sweat and his saliva. "And no panties.” His hand squished your breast aggressively. “You're driving me crazy with all this lace, baby.” He took a small pause, like he was thinking. “Come on, you want my cock in your mouth? Get in position and be ready to take it." He directed you harshly. 
You put away the book, only the acknowledgements page left unread, and jumped to your feet, much to his chagrin, kneeling on the floor with the speed of a lightning. 
“God, you sure are hungry for my dick, uh?” He kept getting cockier and cockier. 
You probably should have played it cool, but you were too into it to fake aloofness. “Undo your trousers, Tae, please.”
He smirked, his eyelids lowered to look at you on the floor. He looked like a sex god, the kind of god that teaches unspeakable, sinful things. 
His hands moved slowly and deliberately, so that you had the time to spot a wet patch of fabric where his tip was located. As soon as he undid his belt, you threw your hands at his button, but he stopped you. 
“You don’t want me to block your hands, do you?” He warned you. 
You raised an eyebrow as if doubting his words. 
“I know basic knots, doll. Don’t test me.” He growled. 
You pouted and looked at the floor. 
He tutted. “Have I offended you, doll?” He questioned. 
You rocked your head in a way that meant “so and so”. 
He shook his head. “I’m so strict with you. I’m sorry, Lace.” He took a moment, thinking about how to make it up to you. “Would you be happy again if I asked you to pick a toy to play with while I use your mouth, doll?”
Your mouth opened slightly in surprise as you processed his request. You looked up at him. His zipper was undone, his cock partly out, his hand slowly, heavily petting it. 
“Is this what you wanted to see, doll?” He threw his head back, licking his lips and giving you quite the show. “Go pick your toy, nymph.”
You sucked your lips in, indecisive between staying and not losing one second of this view or going to get something to relieve yourself.
“Go quick, doll.” He ordered. 
Staying with your eyes fixed on him, you stood up and walked backwards to your room, running as soon as he got out of your sight. You quickly fished your favourite dildo from your bedside table, rushing back to the sofa. 
“Here already? You chose quickly, doll. Are you sure you chose wisely?” He questioned, his voice caving when his hand reached the tip and circled it slowly but energetically.
“Yes, Taehyung.” You said, showing him your candidate, turning it so he could analyse it. 
“It’s a very nice toy.” He commented, “It looks squishy.”
“It’s a special silicone.” You explained. “It was expensive but it feels amazing. And it’s safe, most importantly. No silly, cheap rubber.”
“Excellent, sweetie. Come kneel, doll.” He invited you and you complied obediently. “Such a good girl.” He praised you. “Look at you, all pretty, diligent, cute and wide-eyed. Who would guess that you’re the filthiest nymph ever?” He sat on the edge of the pillow, spreading his legs as far as his trousers allowed.
“May I roll them down?” You asked, leaving the toy stranding on its base on the floor while he nodded, your hands tried to push his linen trousers to his calves and ankles. 
“I want you to put the toy inside, doll.” He growled. 
You looked at him with an endearing expression. “Will you make it wet for me?”
“Want me to spit on it, doll?” He asked and you nodded neutrally. 
He started collecting some saliva in his mouth before ducking to collect the accessory and rolling his tongue out, letting the liquid spread over the thick head. 
“The base is important.” You tipped him, “it’s were I need it to be more slippery, since it’s thicker.”
“Okay, dove.” He said, his lips puckering dragging a thick coat of wetness all around the base. 
It looked very erotic. Especially with his other hand stroking his shaft
What looked even more erotic was to see him stare at you before sliding his face up, all the way to the tip, his mouth opening and swallowing two thirds of the impressive length. His hand became faster on his hard-on.
“Holy shit, Tae, I— ” Words lost sound and meaning when you saw him bob his head on the toy, closing his eyes and moaning. He played with it for a minute or so before slipping it out of his lips, offering it to your chin. 
There is a saying. No sub is truly trained unless they kiss whatever their dom puts before their lips. 
And you kissed it. 
He grinned with lust-fevered eyes. “Put it in, Lace.”
You took a second, staring at him. Your hands naturally reached the hem of your nightie and dragged it up and away.
“Fuck, doll. Look at those tits, you’re delicious, babe.” He praised you, and you beamed up at him, retrieving your toy and bringing it between your thighs, the tip already at your entrance.
“In, Lace.”
Once more you obeyed.
A moan escaped your throat and echoed from his own lips. He had moaned himself. 
“Shit, all the way in nymph. All the way.” He said, replicating your pace on his cock. 
When you bottomed out, he gripped his base, slipping his hand down to his balls and squeezing them delicately. With his eyes closed, head thrown back, he rumbled: “leave it there. Don’t move. If you can make me cum before you do, I’ll stay the night. But remember I won’t be fucking you.” He regained his controlled demeanour, staring at you, voice empathetic. “It’s up to you. I’ll still go if you want me to. Just know that there’s a way, if you want to make me stay.”
Distracting yourself from the filling sensation, you dragged yourself back to reality, making the best of the moment. As his hand gripped his base, you leaned in and licked the head with the tip of your tongue. 
His rumble sounded like an earthquake. “Do what you want to, doll. Remember our game.”
Grinning, you opened your mouth and took him in as far as he would go. 
You took maybe one third of him. 
God, he was so big, his skin glistening, his veins pulsating so fascinatingly just under the surface. 
He caressed your face and hummed. "Beautiful." 
You took two more inches, eyes watering, lungs burning, but oh so determined to take all of him. 
Backing up a little, you released some of his length to focus on the tip, twirling your tongue around it as you regained your breathing. 
When you felt ready, you sinked again, adding one inch to your previous goal. 
"Fuck, so tight, doll, you're a crime." His hips jutted forward and you opened your eyes wide, a little surprised by the motion. A single teardrop spilled, not due to discomfort but only to his shaft hitting the back of your throat. 
"You okay, doll?" He checked in on you as soon as he felt the droplet hit his thumb. His hand gently tangled in your hair and pushed you back delicately, trying to free your mouth. You whined as his tip slipped out of you with a pop, even though you had tried to suck on him to keep your hold.
"Listen carefully, _____. I need to fuck your mouth, nymph." He said, panting, trying to control himself. "Can I put my hands in your hair? Is it okay if I stroke in?" He asked, worried.
You just nodded. "I want that, Tae. Just use me." You pleaded, caressing his erection, placing small kisses on the thick underside. 
"Good. I just thought it was good to warn you. And make sure that you like that, doll." He combed your hair. "Now let's get it, sweetheart."
He showed no mercy. The moment you sucked his tip past your lips, he started pushing in with short, quick jabs. However, when he saw you getting more and more of him inside, he lost all semblance of control. 
In the meanwhile you had lost any sensation apart from those coming from your mouth, almost forgetting the toy inside you, of which you were reminded the moment he started thrusting so hard that your whole body began to roll back and forth. 
He groaned before murmuring deeply, "I'm gonna cum." At that he zoned out, going completely silent, his thrusts getting sloppy before he spilled into you with a long, raspy hum.
You welcomed his taste in your mouth, as he fussed, whimpering ‘don't swallow’. His first spurt was already down your throat but you focused on the second, the third, the last one a weak series of drops. He stayed still a few second and you admired his form: lush ringlets of hair sticking to his forehead, head tipped back as he filled his lungs hungrily before huffing out, his breathing pattern quick and heavy. His lashes fluttered and his brows knitted together every few second as he tried to get a grip on himself. He licked his lips, which had grown too dry with all the panting, his eyes finally opening and focusing on you. 
You slowly pulled him out of your mouth. 
"Lemme see." He growled. 
You knew what he meant. 
"Such a little nymph." He praised you, and you felt your inner walls flutter at that, moving the toy inside you. 
"Do you want to swallow it? Drink me?" He asked with a condescending tone. 
You nodded, trying not to spill his release from your tongue. 
"Do it." 
Eagerly, you did, the gulping sound almost too loud in the quiet room. 
"Show me." He said, just as you parted your lips to do just that, assuring him that not a drop had gone to waste. 
"Come here, doll. Keep the toy inside.” He grumbled, lowering himself to put on his boxers, coming close to you and kissing the top of your hair in the process.
Biting your lip, you stood up, quickly propping one knee on the sofa and straddling him, one hand gripping the base of the dildo. 
“Tae.” You whispered. 
He kissed your lips delicately, simply pressing his lips to yours. “Want me to do it?” He asked. 
You nodded. 
He caught your hand on your crotch and substituted it with his, the other one grabbing your ass. “Can I move?”
You nodded, “I just need hard and fast, please.”
Taehyung grinned, kissing your forehead as you lowered your head, looking at his veiny forearm starting to pump the toy inside. “Is it good like this—”
“Faster!” You exclaimed, your hand tugging at the hair of his nape. 
In response he placed his lips on your cheek, nibbling at your soft skin. He hammered the toy inside you, teasing you on how nasty, kinky and absolutely divine you were, how incredible you looked, how much he wanted you to cum, how he was going to destroy you the moment he’d get to be inside you. 
You felt on the very edge of pleasure, the sensation so disturbing since you felt like something was missing. 
“Tae?” You asked with a whiny voice. 
He slowed down, trying to let you focus on talking“What is it, doll?” He huffed gently.
“I need to touch myself.” You said with a pout. 
He nodded and bent to your mouth. “It’s okay, sweetie. I’ve got you.”
He kept his pattern slow, trying to adapt it to your fingers on your clit. He synced up so nicely that you managed to rub yourself for maybe a minute before the tip of the toy reached the perfect depth, making you come apart in Taehyung’s hold. 
“That’s lovely, doll. Lovely.” He whispered in your ear, speaking sweet nothings that you couldn’t quite register from your fucked out state. 
After a couple minutes you managed to go back to reality. “Are you okay, Tae?” You asked. 
“I should be asking that. You moaned your lungs out, doll.” He kissed your lips, bringing your wrist up from your mound to his mouth, smearing his lower lip with your wetness before licking it sinfully. 
“Kim Taehyung.” You said in warning and exasperation. 
He looked at you wide eyed, playing innocent. “I believe you earned me as your sleeping buddy tonight.” He joked. 
“Indeed.” You said, wincing a little as he extracted the dildo. 
“Are you sure it’s okay, you’re okay?” He asked. 
You simply nodded. “Let’s just head to bed. It’s four thirty. I’ve got work tomorrow morning.” You explained. 
“Can we have have breakfast or will you have to rush out?” He asked, already in tiger cub mode. 
Your body deflated in desperation over your lost sleep but you smiled gladly when you looked up at him. “I’ll be happy to wake up early and have breakfast.”
Cleaning up was a bit messy, especially finding sleeping clothes for Taehyung, still you managed to hit the bed at five am, Taehyung managing to stay in his lane for maybe five minutes before cuddling up against you and falling asleep like a toddler. 
Of course your head tried to process how you felt about the whole event, but your exhausted body and his gentle embrace cradled you to sleep. 
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louiserandom · 4 years
The MadaTobi adventure has been chosen...
AND IT’S SOULMATES EXCAHNGING POWERS WOOOHOOOO (purple and green are the same option i just edited the form like a dumbass)
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However, I’ve come to the inevitable conclusion THAT I WANNA WRITE ALL THESE FREAKIN PROMPTS or at least a couple more, so after this CYOA ends, I might just tackle the rest :D Thank you ALL so much for voting! I seriously didn’t expect this much feedback and I’ll do my best to deliver :3 *sends you all hugs, positivity and rays of sunshine during these trying times and hopes that each one of you is safe* Hopefully the story will provide some fun and distraction from the grim anxiety <3
Now, I couldn’t resist writing the first part before Camp Nano started so I’ll be posting the chapter a bit later today once I’m all done with work stuff :3 And as always, a few more notes on the rest of the survey questions~ 
Thank you for enabling my thotty side. Again ehehehehe
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+ Virgin Tobirama knows everything about sex; semi-feral tobirama who spends too much time with his summons; Hate to Love; A+ banter, maybe 1 combined w/ secret relationship; shameless Izuna - oh, 3 of these are definitely gonna be in the story ;)
Now, fair warning: it will be long because my brain made me add this huge plot and Zetsu’s fuckery to the mix which will result in his gruesome elimination from existence sorry for spoilers lmao and because I’m hopeless, expect some bijuu shenanigans as well👀👀👀 Granted, some of the plot points and tropes are going to be revealed in the story; like, Tobirama’s obliviousness level and the exact level of Hashirama’s over-protectiveness will depend on your choices :3 Hope y’all have fun with me!
And below the cut, comment responses <3 I’ve had to group some because I’ve got so little time right now but will hopefully be able to answer every question separately as time goes. Again, THANK YOU all for voting!!!
I would really like both options two and four, any chance? This all sounds incredible I am super excited thank you!
The third option also sounds good
I like Plot II and III too actually as well
I wish I could pick all of the story options ;)
I love your work and am so excited for this! I had so much trouble choosing answers in the poll because everything sounds so good!
Chose option I but strongly hesitated with option II cause it could be so funny.
All of these plots sound so awesome!!! It was super hard to pick one.
Argh! Why is choosing so hard? I want at least one of every option in every combination imaginable. That said, I chose plot 2 for the hilarious potential of put upon Tobirama with a sharingan but plot 1 was a very close contestant. I can't wait to see what you cook up. It's gonna be so great! - oz
DUDES ALL YOUR COMMENTS AND MY OWN EXCITEMENT ABOUT THESE PROMPTS MADE ME WANNA WRITE THEM ALL, FUCK IT!!! I definitely want option 4, it’s peak hilarity, tho I wonder if it would work more as a story proper, not a CYOA (I can think of a few interesting conflicts and choices in that verse tho, so we’ll see). But I do love option 1 as well; option 3 may be a little overdone? But basically, just lemme finish this one, try my best to deliver and then put the rest of the plots to another vote <3
p.s. Oz, you’re as always too kind <3
It would be funny if Tobirama was hilariously confident and actually decent at flirting with a flailing Madara but was actually a virgin. Like just completely and utterly shamelessly saying something like, 'yh I'm a virgin so you better make this good. I've got a lot to learn ;)' And of course Madara flails :D
THANK YOU. YES. THIS XD (Tobi would, wouldn’t he. And he very likely will, in this fic ;)
He is the dumbest Bitch alive with Tobi and Hashi running for second place. Bitch should have gotten some Senju dick to calm tf down.
No comments, only applause. You know what’s up
The fandom thanks you for doing God's work ;)
My insecure ass thanks you for your kind words <3
Hurt Tobi to show how protective Madara can be
Bold of you to assume I won’t hurt both of them and have them build each other back up again (lmao ignore my dramatic ass, as I said, nothing but light angst haha. But still some pain because plot said so :o)
Both being stupidly weak when it comes to kids
CLEARLY. Hashirama, Mito, Touka, and Izuna should all be one giant poly pile. 👀 Also it was impossible for me not to pick the option with Kurama. I love that grumpy asshole fox and I have... So many... Headcanons for him.....
HashiMitoTouIzu poly pile *stares* this... this.... MAYBE NOT IN THIS FIC BUT I WOULD LIKE TO TACKLE THIS IDEA AT SOME POINT LMAO THAT WOULD BE AWESOME :D (will maybe try to write a fic with them for camp nano ehehe)
Also, although ultimately, option 2 was chosen…. I couldn’t resist and added the possibility of Kurama appearing, I love his grumpy ass too much :D (Altho this will depend on the votes👀)
Maybe a child, adopted (kagami) or mpreg
Hmmm, no mpreg, just in this particular fic, but lots of interactions with children ;)
Wasn't he already? ://
Madara is clearly the dumbest (Hashi is a close second)
(Personally, I think Hashirama is the dumbest founder lol) But could you maybe make Tobirama and Izuna actually get along? They don’t have to be friends but just no active animosity. Maybe. You obviously don’t have to— would probably love it either way— but ‘tis my request
I may have to write that thesis about Madara’s dumbassery after all lol, be sure that I will convince you
And oh yeah, they definitely get along, don’t worry! Writing Tobirama and Izuna’s friendship warms my heart :3
I love flaily Mads and oblivious Tobes
Madara is not dumb, just a dumbass ^^ Also, bringing in Tobi's sensing is always a YES from me!
Nooooo HE DUMB AND A DUMBASS HOW BOUT THAT XD ehehe oh there’s gonna be a lot of sensing fuckery in the chosen option so I hope you enjoy! :3
At some point please let Mito and Tobirama befriend Kurama 'cause they're all powerful sassy bitches that will bitch slap you into your place and they all put the ultimate smack down on meddling Elders who've teamed up with Zetsu?
Although option 2 has been chosen… Kurama may appear in the story *shifty eyes* AND mf Zetsu lmao I need to kill that bitch. He’ll know pain^-^
Hashirama should be a smiling sociopath a la Symbol of Subjugation style. He knows there's something wrong but, hey, he wants to see his precious all happy :)
Oh, I considered that actually, I adore that fic! But imo it works better with a couple of other plots so I may consider writing him that way for a future CYOA :3 
I can already tell that this is gonna be one hell of a ride and I can’t wait!
Hell yeah go forth you funky lil author, you got this :D
Nope nope I have non good luck
Luv ya <3
Have fun
Thank you so much guys! <3 I’M EXCITED AS FUCK AND I CANNOT WAIT TO START :D
18 notes · View notes
oftenderweapons · 4 years
Love Talk - Jungkook
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader (nicknamed Candy)
Wordcount: 8.3k words
Genre: mild angst, smut, fluff, romance
Rating: 18+
Hello! I’m definitively back! It’s still complicated because of my presentation, but we’ll see!
I have extra updates, which I’ll share on a separate post, but now let’s focus on part 7/7 of Love Talk! It’s Jeonggukkie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, quick recap: Jeongguk and Candy have been dating/messing around for a couple months before he left for tour (he describes his situation with Candy on his Conversation with Yoongi and Joon), as soon as he comes back, he tries to meet up with his girlfriend to clear things up. They both have a lot of things to say. 
Descriptions and Trigger warnings: THIS IS SMUT, MINORS DO NOT ENGAGE. There’s a bit of angst, mostly because of their previous relationships and miscommunication. Also fluff. This man is really romantic and he literally deserves the most loving girl in the universe. About smut and filth: there’s oral, both male and female receiving, boobjob (and it has nothing to do with plastic surgery), unprotected sex within a committed relationship (PLEASE STAY SAFE Y’ALL.), cockwarming; sweet, fluffy pillowtalk. 
Wordcount: 8.3k words
Here is my masterlist! Also, check the link in my bio if you want to vote for the next prompt :)
Enjoy 💜😘
Yoongi was laying comfortably in his seat, a light blanket protecting his body from the AC currently turning the airplane into a fridge. The only visible part of his body were his puffy cheeks, and his closed cat eyes.
Beside him, Jeongguk hesitated, pondering whether it would be a good idea to wake him up. Maybe he could ask Namjoon?
No. He knew he needed Yoongi.
"What is it, boy?" The sleepy figure rumbled.
"Oh, you're awake, hyung."
He clicked his tongue. "I was waiting for you to speak."
"I didn't mean to disturb you."
"I could kind of tell you had something on your mind. I was waiting for you to spit it out."
"It's Candy." Gguk replied.
"I see." Yoongi yawned and tried to open his eyes, rubbing them.
"I think I want to see her as soon as I'm back but I don't know how to handle all of what happened and actually talk about stuff without it degenerating." Jeongguk seemed to deflate as soon as all the words got out.
Yoongi nodded and balled up even more under the sheets. "If you want to see her, you should. And if you want her, you should tell her. You should tell her all you've been feeling and then ask her how she's been feeling too. How she feels about what you told her." Yoongi rolled onto his back, stretching his arms. "The seven of us have been together for many many years. We are telepathic by now, but it doesn't work like that with Candy. She cannot read your mind yet, so you should teach her how."
Jeongguk shook his head. "I suck as a teacher. Even I don't know what's going on there half of the time. And I don't know how I've been feeling."
Yoongi shook his head, tutting. "You've been missing her, right?"
Gguk nodded and hummed.
"And you want her, right? You want this to work?"
"Yes, if she wants it, too." The younger man confirmed.
"That's already something, isn't it?" Yoongi encouraged him.
Again Jeongguk nodded.
"I suggest that you reflect on it a little. We have a few more hours before we reach Seoul. You can write a note on your phone about how you felt when you were with her, when you took a pause, when you were without her. And you can write a list of improvements you want to do. Things that you want to change or that you can change to make her stay. Be realistic. Make them small things, just two or three. Show her that you care. That's all it takes to make a conversation work. Show the other party that you're doing your best to meet them in the middle. I'm sure she will appreciate the effort." An arm moved heavily under the blanket, timidly emerging and patting Jeongguk's hand. "And remember to ask her what she doesn't like. Be empathetic. Suggest improvements. That's what women appreciate: empathy."
Jeongguk blinked at that, quickly grabbing his phone to furiously type everything down. As soon as the clicking stopped he raised his head. "Thank you, hyung."
Yoongi closed his eyes and smiled. "That's okay, bunny." He turned around and fell asleep, ignoring the slower but fluent typing happening on the seat beside his.
"Hi, it's me." Jeongguk's voice said sweetly on the other side of the phone.
"Hello Gguk." You replied soberly. You still didn't know where this whole thing was headed.
"I'm in Seoul." He said, with a slightly insecure, though happy tone.
"I'm glad you're back." You said politely.
"I would like to see you, if you want to." He murmured tentatively.
This is it, you thought. This is the part where I lose him because I was so eager and harsh. Because I didn't respect his bounderies. "Where and when?"
He smiled. "Even now. I'm sort of… Outside your door? I was hoping you would say you were free." He confessed, embarrassed.
This is the shy, but eager and genuine boy you had fallen for. Waiting outside your door, being impatient and frolicking his way back to you anytime he felt unsafe, like a labrador puppy.
"My apartment is a mess right now." You apologised in advance.
"If I'm being honest, I was just trying to pick you up and take you back to my apartment." He explained, his voice betraying his flustered state.
You smiled but still you felt insecure, still fearing the definitive break up.
"Let me grab my things." You said, quickly gathering your bag and keys.
"I'll wait for you." He said, disconnecting the call.
You galloped down the stairs and reached him in record time as he waited for you in the parking lot, a baseball cap on and his mouth covered in a mask.
You neared him with an easy step.
"Hi." You chirped.
He turned to you and smiled with his eyes. "Hello. It's so good to see you." He greeted, hesitating before patting your shoulder. "Let's just get in the car, yeah?"
Again, you realised how stressful it was to have eyes on you all the time.
In the car he patted your knee and caressed your cheek. "I'm sorry, you know. About that." He said, his chin pointing out, referring to his previous behaviour. "Let's just go home so I can kiss you like you deserve." He said, now more confident. "I missed you a lot." He said and his words felt so pure, so sincere.
You put your hand on his. "Let's go home."
Again he smiled and started the car.
The drive wasn't long, his arm coming around your middle as soon as you were both out of the car in the underground parking lot of his block. "How has it been?" He asked, making light conversation as you went into the lift.
"The usual. I've been away for a week for an upgrading course in Busan. The rest was pretty much the same."
He beamed. "Did you like it there? Was it nice? How was the weather? Did you go to that restaurant —? “
He seemed ecstatic about the news until he stopped and frowned. "I wish I'd been there too. With you." He huffed out a breath, his head sinking between his shoulders.
You caressed his back and cheered him up. "We can go together next time." If there will be a next time.
"Yeah, sure." He looked happy again. He liked the idea of you mentioning a next time. It made him feel like he still stood a chance with you.
You entered the apartment still tied together by his arm. "God, your place is always so neat." You said, looking around.
But your looking around lasted only a couple seconds, his hand connecting with your cheek as he placed his lips on yours, delicate, pure and gentle.
Your heart fluttered. This was good. This was everything. He tugged at the heel of his shoe with the tip of his other foot, taking both sneakers off in the process, which you realised only because of him getting an inch shorter. He then parted from your lips, looking you in the eye. "You have no idea how much I missed you." He dove for the crook of your neck, propping his forehead on your collarbone.
He knelt to the floor and something in you caved in at the meaning of the gesture, his hands reaching for your shoelaces and undoing them, your hands going for his shoulders as he took off one of your shoes, then the other, placing them beside his.
Your heart sobbed. Too much. You loved him too much. And he wasn't ready for that. It was way easier to hide your feelings behind excuses and fussing.
He stood up, beaming at you and you closed your eyes, looked away.
He somehow felt it like a punch to the nose.
"Are you hungry? Did you eat?" He worried, walking away.
"Yeah, I ate." When are you leaving me?
Still you tried to pretend it wasn't going there.
"Would you please come here?" He asked, patting the pillows of his sofa.
Here it comes.
Still you moved closer, every step feeling like you were willingly heading for your execution block.
"Sit?" He asked his eyes glittering at you.
When he looked at you like this — and he did so a lot — you felt like you were his whole universe. It was the stare he only had for his hyungs. And for his mother, who you had met accidentally.
You simply sat down, tired of waiting for your impending doom.
"I have something to tell you." He said softly, taking his phone out of his pocket.
He held your hand, crisscrossing your fingers together.
You couldn't hold back anymore. "Gguk."
"Me first." He said, stopping you.
You shook your head, staring at your lap.
"How are you feeling? How have you been feeling since I left?"
Broken. Numb. "I won't lie. It's been hard. I missed you." You confesses.
"I'm sorry." Jeongguk whispered. "I'm sorry we fought before I left."
"It's okay." You replied, squeezing his hand.
"It was hard for me too. Of course I missed you. Sorry if I didn't show. And sorry if I hardly ever called you." He closed his eyes, gulping.
"I am not okay that you disappeared. We dated for like… Three months? Before you left for the tour. And for one month of those three you were touring here and in Japan." You remembered. "Why didn't you call?"
He bit his lip. "It hurt." He put down his phone.
"Why, Jeongguk?"
"Because I missed you. Because I was dumb when I let you go, before I left. When you smashed the door on your way out that night, so enraged that you didn't even put on your shoes in your rush out, I thought I would never see you again. It feels like a miracle to see you in my house again." He was speaking through a lump in his throat. "And it hurt even more because every time I heard your voice, I was reminded of how much of a dick I had been. And in all of that I ignored that I hadn't been fair to you because I was too busy wanting you."
You frowned.
"I missed you. Not only your soul. Your body too." He blushed. "I had a hard time accepting that."
You exhaled. "I was angry, but I realised I had overreacted."
Jeongguk looked up at you. "You had every right to be angry. And overreacting is not a thing. It was important to you but I didn't get that. I'm sorry." He apologised again. He was ready to say sorry one million times more if that meant that he could have you.
"And then I didn't call because it felt like you were busy. You were so stressed before you left and I figured you didn't want me distracting you and reminding you of all our problems."
He tried to put himself together. He felt he was going to cry. "We both didn't call." He paused. "I must say Yoongi helped me when he saw I was struggling. That was the first time I called. He helped me understand a lot of things." He changed the hand holding yours and wrapped his free arm around you, bringing you closer to him, tugging you into his side."You know I'm shy. And inexperienced. I only had one person before you and it was toxic." Once more he shrinked and hid into you.
"Do you feel like talking about it?" You asked gently.
"No. We talked about her plenty." He said, exhausted. "You know my limits. And I want to improve. But I need you to help me out with this." He sobbed. He was crying. "I don't know how to do this alone."
It was a mess. You started crying too.
"I know my mind is fucked up, and I don't speak much. When I do, I say dumb things and most time they don't make sense—"
"Don't berate yourself like this. You're a sensitive young man. Kind and smart and very private about your emotions. Of course I can't understand you like your friends do, but I want to." You tried rubbing his tears away with the palm of your hand, but he hid even more into you, sobbing into your T-shirt. "I think I'll learn to ask you how you feel. I can ask you more often, if you want to. And I'll keep nagging until you elaborate." You laughed at that, even though your cheeks felt wet. "How do you feel right now, Googie?"
He hugged you to himself, wrapping you tighter in his arms. His words came out smothered against your bosom. "I feel cared for. Thankful." Pause. "Loved."
You bit your lip at that. You had managed to show even though you had desperately tried not to. Your fear of him not loving you intensified. He said he had missed you, your body, and that he didn't want you to leave. That he wanted to improve this relationship. But did he love you?
"What would happen if I fell in love with you, Jeongguk?" You asked, terrified. It was worth a shot. If it went wrong, he would ask you to leave and both of you would nurse your broken hearts separately. But if it went right? It was a leap of faith.
He parted from your chest. "Are you in love with me?" He asked, wide bambi eyes shining in marvel.
All you did was nod.
He started sobbing again, crying rivers, suffocating himself against the crook of your neck.
You smiled, shaking your head in confusion. "Googie. How are you feeling, baby?"
"Happy. Very grateful." He hid into you. "I prayed so much for this." He stared at you. "I'm young. I don't know if what I feel is love. It's a messed up concept for me. But I want to hold on to you. Take care of you. I hope this is enough until you teach me what love is like."
You nodded, stars sparkling in your heart. You didn't expect him to say it back. It was good for now. All your fears had to do with him sending you away, leaving you. You didn't care if he didn't love you back as long as he kept you. It might speak poorly of you, but for now it was enough. You would show him, teach him. And maybe someday he'd understand what he feels for you.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked meekly.
You nodded with a smile.
This time, he kissed you slowly, deliberately, cupping your cheeks and stopping with his nose pressed to yours. "Why are you crying?"
You shook your head, giving him Eskimo kisses in the process. "I was afraid you were leaving me. And you were crying, so I cried too."
He smiled and joined your lips, gently asking for you to open your mouth.
It wasn't a tangle of tongues. Not straight away, at least. It was more of a series of kitten licks to the tip of your tongue, deepening with long sweeps to your palate. The experience turned out to be wildly erotic. Jeongguk might be a demure man, but he's a keen student and a quick learner. Ever since your first few make out sessions, he had learnt what he liked and he had learnt to deliver it flawlessly, making you completely forget whatever your preferences were. You didn't care as long as he put his dedication and passion into it. He managed to make everything feel good and you didn't even know why.
It must be the virgo energy, you wondered. Perfectionist.
"I still have things to say, Candy." He spelled on your lips.
You whined. "Later." And you captured his lower lip between yours.
Still he pulled away. "Candy. Please."
You pouted and sat back. "Okay, I'm listening."
"When I was on tour I often felt guilty. And it's not just that. I somehow felt it back then, before the fight." His fingers intertwined. "It was… Lust."
You remained neutral, listening.
"I felt guilty, for wanting you even though you were angry at me. And before, it was guilt too, when I wanted you all the time, without being sure that you were right for me. When I only wanted you for your body." He confessed, unsure. "I want you a lot and I'm not sure I love you but I care about you so much, like family, like friends."
You exhaled and laughed. "I know how lust feels. And it's okay to want someone without being sure about your feelings. We feel attraction. And it's right. It's good." You grabbed his hands and brought them to your lips. "I wanted you too. I was scared and then angry, then you were gone and I missed you. I missed your body too." You replied.
"Why were you scared?" He asked, titubant.
You didn't manage to make eye-contact. "I realised I have feelings for you. I was afraid that you weren't ready and that you would not see me anymore."
He stood very still, eyes barren. "I am sorry you felt like that." He tried to make you look at him. "I'm sorry I didn't make you feel safe enough to talk about that." As he saw another tear roll down your cheek, he hugged you to his chest lifting you and placing you on his lap. "I'll make it better. I promise I'll learn to talk to you." He said. "With small steps. I'll need encouragement and support, constant nagging. I don't know if we'll manage, but I want to try."
You let his wide chest engulf you.
"I'll make it up to you, Candy. Anything, baby." He kissed the top of your head. "I have feelings for you too, you know, right?"
You sobbed harder and he cooed. "Don't cry, honey, or I'll start crying too." He spoke gently, rocking you back and forth. "You're my precious Candy." He crooned at your ear. "They're not taking my candy from me." He sing-sang again, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
You calmed down at his gentle ways, safe in the port of his arms.
"What would you say if we went to bed?" He asked, waiting for your feedback.
"It's five pm." You replied.
"I'm jetlagged." He volleyed back.
You didn't have much strength to argue back. "Carry me?"
He snickered and picked you up bridal-style. "Your majesty, we respectfully announce to you that your royal carriage is about to depart. Destination: the bedroom. We recommend you keep a firm hold on the safety devices." He proclaimed, making you laugh, but also making sure that your fingers were firmly laced behind his neck.
With a few long strides he reached his room, taking smaller steps to the bed to make sure that he wouldn't hit the frame with his calves, like the first time you had sex here. He had twin bruises a few inches below his knees the following day. It was hilarious.
He got ready to get on the bed, but you stopped him.
"Can I rinse my face?" You asked. He raised his eyebrows and carried you to the bathroom, dropping you only for you to wash your face quickly. He did too, passing you some soap and then offering you his moisturiser. Once your faces felt brand new, he insisted on picking you up again, only to carry you for a few steps before climbing the bed. He knelt in the middle of the mattress, lowering you to your side of the bed. "That's your place. I hope you learn to stay there." He whispered, and you weren't quite sure this was your Gguk. This looked like his dark, demanding personality, whose appetite for you never seemed to quiver or die down, who only took on his terms, according to his tastes — and just like with making out, oh boy, did he deliver.
"Cuddles?" You asked, pouting.
He threw his body down, beside yours, tucking you under his chin. "Yup. Let's just nap a little."
You nodded. The weather outside was right, with the slight bite of cold due to the rain supposed to come in the evening and a gloomy greyness coming from the cloudy sky.
He slid out from beneath you, and sat up, taking off his t-shirt. "There you go." He said, offering you the garment at the same as you slipped your sweater off, exchanging it with the shirt. As he laid back down and took off his sweats, you unhooked your bra and threw it to the floor beside your sweater.
Shaking his head he snickered, rolling on top of you and smirking as he gathered your clothes and folded the sweater, his fingers getting caught on the frilly straps of your nice bra. "This is that one?" He asked, blushing slightly with a raised eyebrow as he folded that too. "Off with your jeans too."
"The one from our date, yeah."
"From our microwave date." He reminisced, catching the jeans you'd just taken off and folding them too.
"From our ramen date." You reminisced, rolling on your side to look at him as he moved the neat pile to his empty bedside.
He moved back, laying on his side facing you.
"Best ramen of my life." He whispered, his fingers wrapping around your hipbone and pushing you on your back, then shifting you around until he was spooning you, his hand climbing up underneath your shirt. His shirt.
"It's just cuddles, really." He said, cupping your breast lovingly.
"Sweet dreams, Candy." He said, shushing you and settling in for sleep.
His big hand tucked between his mattress and the side of your boob, his chin resting atop your head.
Somehow you both found yourself falling asleep. You slept peacefully, Jeongguk progressively expanding over you. In his sleep he always grew clingy but you didn't bother, normally you would wake up sweaty and let him take you against the shower wall, getting dirty before cleaning yourself up.
You didn't know what time it was when you woke up, just that there was almost no light coming in, the sky opening up in downpour.
And someone was nipping at your belly.
With a groan you opened your eyes. "Gguk," you murmured, your arms stretching above your head, back arching as your body woke up.
"You awake?" He asked.
You nodded with a lazy smile. "Not like you woke me, uh?"
He giggled with mischief. "Me? Why? How?"
You shook your head. "What do you want?"
Jeongguk kissed a path from your belly to the waistband of your panties. "Can't you guess?" His eyes closed as he nuzzled his nose to your pubis. "I just woke up. I want a snack."
You hesitated. "You don't have to…"
He immediately lifted his head and looked away, his expression absolutely transparent with emotion. "You don't want me to?" He said, worrying his lower lip.
You blinked, at a loss. "It's… I don't know. Why?"
"I want you." He said bluntly, his face and neck blushing. "You always make it so good. I want to taste you." He brushed his lips against your thigh, hiding from your incredulous stare. He took your hesitation for reluctance. "But if you don't want to it's okay." He parted from your crotch, climbing upwards and laying his head on your chest.
He never pushed you into this. He was always so delicate in terms of what you wanted. And he had never asked for more than what you had already offered him. It's not like he's never offered to go down on you. He has, very subtly, but you had somehow slalomed your way through his hints. You knew he would be patient, he would listen to your feedback and stop if you asked him to, but you had been there before with other people and you had no intention of undermining his confidence with your insecurities and limits. You didn’t want to fake it with him because first, probably he would know and second, that would mean undermining his confidence too. Plus you wouldn't want to spark his competitive side, setting him off on an impossible quest. No orgasm from oral sex in your life. It was good like that. You could live through it.
"I just think we should talk about this." He said shyly, slightly confused — or maybe sad? You couldn't properly interpret his tone without seeing his expression. "You do it all the time for me. It feels unfair." He explained, feeling extremely sorry for what he perceived as one of his many shortcomings. "I just want to please you." He said, his voice begging.
"Googie." You called simply. "It's just that I don't need you to do that to please me."
"I've never done it before." He said, quietly.
You froze midtrack. You were both beginners at this. So maybe… Maybe you could both figure it out. "See, I've always sidestepped the topic because, well… I've tried this before and I’ve never liked it much. It was frustrating and they always kept going even though I asked them to stop. They always said 'oh, I'm gonna change your mind' and stuff. And in the end I always got tired and angry and I always faked it." You combed his hair with your fingers. "I don't want to disappoint you. Or make you waste your time."
He raised his head, propping his chin on your breastbone. "It’s not a waste of time. I want to do this because I want to kiss you there. Taste you. Show you I want to please you. It has nothing to do with making you cum. Sure it’s a nice optional, but that’s it.” He rambled bluntly. “Anyone who does it so that they are just proud of their skill are missing out on the intimacy of it. You should do it to show that you care, not to show that you’re good at it.” He said, getting quite upset over the selfishness of your exes. “I… I think we could give it a try. Just once. Whenever you're ready." He offered as calmly and kindly as his enthusiasm allowed.
Seeing him so excited had you doubtful but optimistic. "Just promise me that you won't get upset if I don't…"
He pouted, his expression melting at your vulnerability. “I won’t get upset. I will stop and make love to you, if you want to. Or I’ll just go grab a snack and we can watch something on the tv or play games, whatever...” He reassured you, holding your hand.
You curled your lips and looked up, away from him as you sweetened your voice. “Can we try?”
He cocked his head to the side. “I didn’t mean we have to try now, but if you’re ready then I’m ready.”
“I want to.” You said definitively.
He stretched to kiss your lips. “Just tell me when it feels good.”
You smiled and bent your legs at the knees, opening them for him. "I promise I will.”
“Perfect.” He started kissing down your torso, still covered by his shirt. You didn’t make to remove it, and he ignored it, his attention focused elsewhere. A chill ran down our spine as you felt the heat of his naked torso leave your upper half, your nipples hardening in the process. "We're only doing this so you feel good." He lifted the t-shirt with his pinkie finger, kissing and nibbling the tender skin of your belly. "If you change your mind, just tell me." He said, gently pressing his lips to your hipbones, first your left, then your right one. "It's an experiment.” He pouted against your belly button. "I’m only trying to show you how much I want to make you feel good. And maybe I'll have beginner’s luck." He shrugged smiling demurely to himself before placing his mouth on your mound.
He teased it delicately, just bringing his lips side to side over the fabric of your panties. His shoulders and arms moved below your bent legs, hooking around your thighs, his hands meeting yours on your navel. "I just want your taste. The rest is useless. I don't need you to cum." He said, as reassuring as possible while his ears blushed.
"You're sharing your feelings with me, Gguk. You're doing amazing, baby." You cheered him on, trying to encourage him. "Are you happy, love?" You tested the nickname on your tongue for the first time.
His reaction was impeccable. "I am ecstatic." He kissed your clit chastely through the fabric. "Also, starving."
You moaned in delight. His naked torso between your spread legs was a vision to behold, especially as you observed the muscles of his back fluttering. "And who am I to deny my boy a snack?"
He lowered his head, licking the gusset of your panties, now almost soaked through. "Oh, I'm your boy?" He asked you cutely.
"You are, Googie." You said, one hand leaving his to stroke his long bangs away from his face.
"Your boy." He teased. "Boy." He snarled. "As if I haven't fucked your brains a hundred times already."
You grinned and pushed your hips up against his face. "I can't wait for that."
With a bunny smile he dragged your hand down to the waistband of your panties. "Do you want to touch yourself?” He asked, this time without a blush.
The shift was always fascinating. One moment he couldn’t even say the word “cunt” and the second he was calling you his pretty fuckdoll, grabbing your waist and making you bounce on his cock as you rode him.
“Mmh…” You thought about it. “What if…” You took the lead over your joined hands, dragging both yours and his to the gusset, hooking your digit into the fabric and slipping it to the side, baring yourself.
“Smell so good…” He said, looking in your eyes as his tongue lolled out and slipped up along your slit.
A long moan escaped your mouth. “Gguk.”
He ended his swipe with a kiss, parting from you. “Yes, honey?”
“Take ‘em off.” You whispered. “Please.”
He grinned and left your hands, his fingers gripping the fabric on your hips, and tugging downwards.
You both fumbled a little until your panties reached your ankles and he aggressively took them off and away. He regained his position, this time with much more gentleness.
“Direct me.” He asked, his thumb grazing your clit.
You closed your eyes, biting your lip and focusing on the feeling between your legs, “More to… there.” You huffed, your legs parting even further.
His mouth stretched into a smile as he kissed the warm, moist skin of your labia. Humming, he opened his lips just barely, using the velvety inner side of them to encompass first your left side, his tongue teasing the skin as he sucked it gently.
You were getting wet, and it wasn’t because of his drool. You were liking it, a lot.
It wasn’t just someone placing their o-shaped mouth against your crotch and humming. He wasn’t drawing the alphabet on your clit or doing fancy business with his tongue in your hole. He was making out with your cunt. It felt amazing.
"I like what you're doing, Gguk." You reminded yourself to lead him.
He nodded and moved to the other side, doing just the same, his lips trapping your flesh and sucking on it gently, his tongue lashing at it. You pushed your hips against him, trying to gain some pressure on your clit, currently under his thumb.
Noticing that your wetness had started oozing from your core, mixing with his drool, he licked it like a dripping ice cream, the motion producing a loud slurping sound. The upward flick of his tongue had you squeaming. "That's very very—" You stopped mid-sentence to release a skittish moan. "More, Jeongguk, please." You begged, his hand leaving your clit to wrap around your wrists and bring your palms to the crown of his head.
Now happy with the new position he started licking you, using the hard flat of his tongue to push your clit up, exposing the tender nerves which rarely received such an intense stimulation.
And then you felt it. The tightening of your core, the sudden need to hold your breath and tense your legs.
"Gguk, baby, you're doing incredible." You didn't know the exact ingredient that made his technique work on you, probably the mix of pressure and motion, which to your memory you had never experienced before.
His tongue almost cramping, Jeongguk took a pause, sucking on the apex of your labia. You whined.
"Sorry, sweetie. I need a second." He muttered apologetically. "Any feedback for me?" He asked.
You shook your head, a whine escaping when he unhooked one of his arms from your hips and slid two fingers between your thighs, into your cunt, crooking them in that way that always had your legs shaking. You moaned and threw your head back.
"Feedback, darling?" He reminded you with a teasing smile.
"Keep doing that licking thing." You whined.
He smirked. "This?" He asked, sucking your labium and teasing it with the tip of the tongue.
"No Gguk!" You cried out.
He released your left fold. "Oh! You mean the other side?" He said, before mirroring the gesture there.
You shook your head, gripping his hair and pulling, trying to move his mouth upwards. His fingers inside you were bringing you closer and closer. "Make me cum, Gguk. I want your tongue on my clit, please."
He let go of your skin with a pop. "That's what you want, baby?" He asked, looking into your eyes. "Are you really that close?"
You nodded with fervour before pushing his lips to your bundle of nerves.
With the perfect flick and swipe he found the right spot once more, the motion so natural and easy to him that with a couple strokes he had you on the verge of your high.
"Gguk, baby… So good. I'm… I can't believe it, baby. There…" You babbled until you felt your hips snap, his tattooed forearm pinning you down while your body abandoned itself to the throes of ecstasy. You didn't realise your grip on him was becoming painful, and neither did he, being so focused on your reaction.
His fingers kept stretching your inner walls, making you forget that sense of emptiness that always had you dissatisfied with your orgasms while he was away.
When your body went limp and released all the tension, melting on the bed, he let go of you, gently removing his fingers to suck at your wetness with a moan. "You look so pretty." He murmured simply while you were still recovering.
Slowly, he climbed up your body, laying down at your side. "Are you okay, Candy?"
You nodded unconsciously, curling onto your side and hiding against him. "That was insane." You whispered, still panting, a phantom touch making you quiver.
He too huffed a heavy breath of exertion, smiling with his eyes closed. "I'm glad I broke the spell." He spoke quietly with a giggle.
"I wanna blow you." You said neutrally.
He wrapped his arms around you. "Before we do that, I must tell you that I thought about what you said. About me not looking at you."
You opened your eyes and tried to focus. "You know I said that but it's not a big deal? I totally overreacted and said that just to pick a fight—"
"The point is that you said that." He objected, dragging his fingertips up and down your spine. "So it must mean something." He kicked his lips nervously. "You know that most times I don't look at you only because I get shy. And then because I find it hot." He explained, hiding from your gaze. "I know that if I looked at you, I would make a fool of myself. I would just come apart straight away like a boy."
You tutted, confused. "And what's wrong with that?"
He shook his head and laughed. "You always say I'm your boy." He got really quiet, his voice soft and delicate. "I just wish I were your man."
You exhaled. "How much you last has nothing to do with that. Honestly, I do see you as a man. However I love your delicate, emotional, more innocent side, just as much as I love your demanding, strong and mature one." You kissed his chest. "I feel a lot of fondness for you, and it makes me want to protect you, and call you my boy, because this feels so sweet all the time and you're so romantic." You caressed his face and made him look at you. "But I don't want you to perceive that as a threat to your manhood. I don't see it like that." You brought his palm to your lips and then laid it on your breast, leading his hand into squeezing your flesh. "I know when you're my boy and when you're my man. Sometimes they mingle and it's nice, you get playful and domineering at the same time and it's amazing. Sometimes it's just delicate and emotional, other times it's raw and crude. I love it." You laughed as you thought about it. "I've never had all this variety in my whole life. This feels new." You let go of his hand as he started moving to his own taste and pattern.
He lifted his gaze from your chest to your face, blinking slowly. "So it's okay? We're okay?" He checked.
"We are." You replied warmly.
"So it worked… Down there?" He questioned, biting his lip. "I mean, I kinda get you liked it, just…"
You laughed again. "I liked it, yeah. Hell, I came so fast." You blushed, surprised. "And yeah. You definitely did the right moves." You combed his damp hair back. "Let me thank you properly.” You grinned, laying on top of him and straddling his waist, sitting back on your knees and taking off your shirt.
Jeongguk blushed and chuckled, his eyes going to your perky nipples while you were busy removing your garment. As you re-emerged, you noticed his gaze move upwards, acting as if he hadn’t been staring at your tits.
"Keep looking, come on." You spurred him on as he smirked at you. Slowly you backed from his lap to his knees, dragging your nails along the V-shaped indentation at his waist, capturing the waistband of his boxers in the process and pushing it all the way down his thighs and kneecaps; finally he removed the garment completely with small kicks of his legs. Right in front of you, you spotted his erection. He looked so magnificent with a slight upward curve that replaced the thickness and length that some of your exes had. And god, he was dripping already.
You bent over him, giving a slow lick from base to tip. You looked up, expecting to see his head tipped back, eyes closed, lips parted gently as he moaned for you. Instead he was propped up against the pillow, wide bambi eyes glued to you, staring.
"Choose. Either I stare and cum in a minute or I look away and we take our time." He said and you barely understood how he switched from your cute boyfriend to a sexy, dark dom.
"Eyes on me."
"Then make the show worthy, Honeybun." He smirked.
You went straight for it, gripping the base hard and wrapping your mouth around the spongy tip, sucking.
"Oh God. More, Candy. Your mouth is a miracle, ____."
You felt proud. He always lost his mind with the way you sucked him.
"Are you proud of yourself?" He asked, looking at the way his length disappeared in your mouth.
Releasing him, you licked his slit, capturing his taste and nodding.
“My dirty, dirty girl.” He muttered as you scratched his thighs, your head working a few inches of his length before sinking down. “Fuck, Candy. Yes.”
You sucked harder, his tip hitting the back of your throat.
“You look so good, honey.” He praised you, “You’re gonna ruin me, ____. Look at me.” He whined, placing his hands in your hair and pushing your head up, making you look at him.
You let him slip out of your mouth. “Does it feel good?” You asked, devilish.
He nodded, caressing your face.
“Then why aren’t you cumming yet?” You said, raising an eyebrow.
His mouth opened in shock before he gripped himself with one hand and brought his tip to the seam of your lips. “Open up.”
You let your tongue slip out, taking a kittenish lick before whispering, “Then keep your eyes on me.”
His eyes locked with yours. “Open up.” He repeated.
You smiled and took him in.
His moan was divine, his eyelids fluttering as he tried not to close his eyes. “Take it all. Candy.”
You moaned and his hips jumped slightly, making you focus on your throat, trying not to gag. Your drool dripped all over him as you released his cock, twin tears running down your cheeks after his intrusion.
“Was that too much, honey?” He cupped your jaw and dried the stain. “Did I move too fast?”
You denied, eyes still on him as you started pumping his shaft, repeatedly hollowing your cheeks with a pulsating pattern.
“Oh fuck! Keep doing that, Candy!” His voice was rumbly, his accent thicker with the gentle lisp of his dialect, his brow furrowed and his beautiful, expressive eyes were on you, taking in every single one of your moves. His pupils were dilated, darkness and desire swirling there with repressed intensity, his jaw locked tight as he tried not to snap his hips upward. “Candy I’m gonna—”
You swallowed him, your nose reaching an inch from the base, your gaze still focused on him.
This time he couldn’t control himself: he thrusted in, his hands gripping your hair but leaving you free to move, in case he went too deep. What truly amazed you was the way he moaned out your name, his chest deflating, his eyebrows lowering and his eyes narrowing, but staying as open as he could muster. He looked sex-addled and blissed-out.
He looked beautiful. He looked as beatific as he could ever possibly get. His bare chest was flushed, his nipples hard, his biceps bulging with the way he was tightening his fists. “Candy, honey?”
His voice was so sweet and tender compared to the way he had growled your name almost a minute ago.
You gently let him slip out, his cock laying half-hard on his stomach. "Yeah?"
"Come here." He whispered, inviting you up towards him.
You climbed his body.
He was breathing heavily. He looked at your stomach, trying to think how to say this properly. He exhaled. And then spoke. "I know you might want to venture in more kinky stuff." He explained. "And I want to do that too. It's just that I'm still pretty new to the basic stuff, so I think I'd like to get good at that before we explore the kinky stuff."
You raised your eyebrows, quite unsure where all of this was coming from. As you got ready to say 'okay' he started speaking again.
"However, there's a thing I'd like to try…" His sentence ended with an upward intonation, making it sound like a question.
"What is it, love?" You asked, worried and curious.
He blushed and hid his face behind his hands. "I don't think I'll ever get used to you calling me that." He goofed.
You pouted, absolutely endeared, laying down on top of him and placing your head on his chest, kissing his breastbone. "Tell me what you want, Googie." You gave him another kiss. "You know I won't deny you."
You felt his chest inflate before his breath fanned over your hair. "I want you to use your breasts… There."
You licked your lips. "Holy fuck, Gguk." You took a few seconds. Slowly, you started kissing down his chest, stopping every now and then to suck at his bronzed, taut skin.
He moaned as you bit gently at his abs. "Is this really happening?"
You nodded, giggling. "Yes, baby." You brushed the tip of your nose on the ridge of his upper abs.
He whined. "I want the other nickname."
You laid your chest on top of his lap, making your breasts rock from side to side. "Oh, you're getting picky, love."
His gentle moan stopped at his throat, changing in a raspy groan as you gripped the sides of your boobs and squished them together, engulfing the top of his hard-on.
"Like this?" You asked, starting to slide on him. Next time you intended to do this, you'd better have him slippery, but for this time you'd make it work.
"Yes, Candy." This time he did let his head tip back and his eyelids roll close. He was a vision to behold. You felt him get harder and harder, already pulsating. When you felt him starting to twitch you looked up.
He was staring and he looked ravenous. Keeping eye contact, you licked your lips and stretched your tongue out, teasing his tip.
"Fuck me, Candy. Fuck. Get on that dick, baby. Ride me." He ordered.
Smiling to yourself you straddled his hips and grabbed his cock, using your slickness to rub his head over your slit, pushing him in and sliding down slowly. He groaned at that while you hummed, focusing on taking him a bit at a time. "Please, Candy." He growled, biting his lip and looking at your face. "Touch yourself. Wanna feel you cum." He said as soon as you sat on top of him.
Bringing your middle and ring finger to your lips, you soaked them in your saliva, a string of it connecting your tongue to your digits as you extracted them and moved them south. You immediately found your clit and started drawing slow circles.
"Cum, Candy." He whispered.
"Give me a couple minutes." You reprimanded embarrassedly. "I need to–" You moaned as he gave the smallest push of his hips.
"Stay there. Keep touching yourself." He ordered, circling his hips gently. You started moving yourself, trying to slide up but he blocked your hips. "No. Want to feel all of it. Don't move."
He was filling you, his shaft moving with small motions. However the fullness turned out to be particularly effective, somehow making your inner nerve endings more sensitive to the movements of your fingers. "Gguk."
"Keep quiet unless you're cummin, honey."
You simply bit your lower lip and obeyed, focusing on your task. As your breathing grew erratic, you felt Jeongguk's lips meet your left nipple, sucking it until your hips snapped and your climax dawned over you. You screamed his name, loud and proud while he pounced on you, throwing you with your back to the mattress, hammering into you with a speed no man had ever fucked you to before.
"Say it, Candy." He growled.
You panicked. What could he possibly want? You went for the classic. "You're the fucking best." You murmured.
He snickered, hitting you with a punishing thrust. "Try again."
Your brain felt like a juggler losing control of his trick, too fucked out to actually find the right words. "You're my perfect man."
He tutted and gave you an harsh glance. "Don't make me ask you again."
"I don't know Jeongguk, please. I'm sorry." You cried out, your body going haywire with overstimulation. "Please, slow down, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't want to leave you." You babbled, reminding yourself of the hard time you had given both of you with your separation. "Please, it was a mistake. I was dumb. I love you, Gguk, please." You kept begging.
"Again." He groaned through his laboured breath.
"I made a mistake. Please, forgive me. I love you." You begged.
"That's it." He huffed out. "You love me." He repeated himself, his thrusts growing sloppy.
That’s it. "I love you." You repeated. "I love you," You kissed his bicep and stretched to his lips. "I love you."
He groaned your name and collapsed on top of you. "You love me." He whispered.
You simply nodded. "I do." You shivered as he gave the last few pushes.
"I do." He repeated.
Your heart did a somersault at that. You would unravel those two words later, since you knew he was probably just fucked out and incoherent, absolutely unconscious of what he was actually saying. You caressed his hair tenderly. 
"I want to stay inside." He whispered, getting sleepy. "You feel so good." He got comfortable, rolling both of you on your side so he wouldn’t smash you with his weight. "I don’t ever want to give this up."
This was the moment when his tongue grew loose, when he would just let himself confess all those things that worried him, that buzzed through his mind but that he didn’t want to validate by speaking them out loud. 
"I missed feeling this free with you." His eyes were closed, one arm wrapped around your waist, the other laying on your hip as his palm gripped your ass. "You have no idea how happy I am when I’m with you like this. I lost my mind thinking that last time would be our last time forever."
You tutted at him, touching his face. 
"I kept thinking you were doing it with someone else. I was furious. And before I went to bed I always thought of you. How difficult it feels to fall asleep without you by my side."
"I’m not your ex, Googie. I don’t solve problems between us by going to someone else." You ran your palm down his spine, playfully patting his behind. "And I’m in love with you. That means I can’t think of anyone else. I don’t want anyone else. And no one else can give me what I have with you."
He kissed the top of your head. "I will take care of you." He promised. "I will keep going. Until there’s no doubt left. Until I can love you like you deserve." He yawned.
"We’ll be alright."         
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