#y'know what; yeah. if they can't give me an extension (to give me enough time to fucking figure this shit out) i'll just quit
fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
I love when I open the guidelines for next week's assignments and it literally makes no sense. I don't mind this
#i know we haven't covered this material yet but also what does it MEAN. what does it all mean#and my netlify blog is broken ✨ and i don't know why ✨ the debug console tried to tell me but i couldn't understand what it was saying ✨#when i tell you i haven't changed ANY of the deploy settings or info. i haven't changed the njk files. i haven't done ANYTHING#i suspect either netlify or github has updated and broken my blog themselves#or maybe just Maybe i accidentally did something but.... no. i don't think it's anything that i personally did#because i'd see it in the version history in my repository and there's nothing. i don't see anything#i love this. i love that i didn't even break it and it's STILL on me to fix it. that's great actually. i don't mind this#i am so heavily thinking about quitting this course but i'm literally 2 weeks from the end so that'd be stupid. right? ...right?#i'm not going to do it. unless.....#no honestly the time to quit was like a month after starting lol. i have been confused and annoyed this whole time#yes i've learned stuff but most of the time i just get so frustrated i end up cutting corners and doing the absolute bare minimum to get my#assignments done because i honestly do not care anymore. i don't want to work in tech after this. i am so blatantly not cut out for it#i'm going to defect back to education but in a support role this time and just hope for the best#which is also what makes me think i might as well quit the course? idk. i should've quit weeks ago because now sunk cost fallacy#is kicking in. i told my friend and she was like 'i had no idea it was this bad :( you can't quit' 1) yes it is 2) yes i can#maybe i'll just ask for an extension. i have had a really bad couple of months#y'know what; yeah. if they can't give me an extension (to give me enough time to fucking figure this shit out) i'll just quit#either give me a long ass time to do the assignments or i'm not doing them#personal
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disquiet-dream · 3 months
what an interesting character.
So, i'm at the part where Aechmea says they're being controlled by bits of ghost quartz, has them removed, big personality shift, etc.
And like, when i first read it i took that at face value and assumed it was true, but like
Is it though? Is it really?
Like... Would such small pieces really have that much of an impact? And in the eyes, something already established as not strictly being part of their bodies in the same way as the rest of them?
Phos sure hasn't had such a significant change, and you can't even assume it's just from getting inert materials attached since, y'know, the whole head transplant thing.
Like, big changes? Of course! But nothing THAT severe.
(Not to mention that the biggest influence Lapis did have (the whole showing up in Phos's dreams thing) they specifically said was something special they did, y'know?)
I mean, from what Aechama said you could maybe think the eyes the eyes are special... But Phos also just had an eye replaced and again. No change THAT big.
I mean, hell, if little bits of Ghost supposedly had such an impact, Why didn't Cairn making up most of Ghost's body do nearly as much? Isn't it safe to assume that to some extent anything Ghost wanted up to the point they were removed was probably also wanted by Cairn? Wouldn't they have enough influence to shift Ghost's priorities otherwise?
So like. idk. Makes more sense to me to just kind of assume Aechmea was bullshitting lol.
Like, the only thing I'd consider real evidence in favor of it was Cairn falling apart, which I guess you could blame on Ghost... But we also know (and were shown extensively only a few chapters before!) that the gems just do that when they're distressed.
That's not to say i don't think Cairn's new wants and personality are like, fake or the result of brainwashing or something dumb like that.
I think it's real. I just think they already wanted that and Aechmea gave them an excuse to finally act on it.
Even if Ghost had that much of an influence - and again, I highly doubt that - I can't imagine it was total control. I'm almost certain Cairn did care about Phos that much at the start. But like, 100 years and so many big changes...
It's not really hard to believe Cairn just... changed, while Phos was gone, and was suppressing that out of some sense of obligation and attachment to Ghost.
(Especially considering how many times we've also been told recently Cairn is a good actor. Like, if you've been lying to yourself for a century... Yeah.)
And then you tell them they can be free of that and, well, it's not surprising they took it.
And of course I can't not mention it so like. Cairn is clearly trans right. Went from presenting androgynously (and arguably closer to masc than most of the gems) and took the first opportunity to be more feminine.
And so like, spending so long trying to fulfill this role you were given by other people and suppress any urges to be something else, then jumping right to it the first time someone goes "ok, but you don't actually have to do that" is like.
It fits better thematically to me if Cairn was doing that to themself. To fufill expectations of others, but still to themself. Like, even calling Aechmea a liar (which he is. even if this was true just like, in general.) I don't know if I even consider this one malicious.
I'm sure there's some trans people among the Lunarians and like, it's been tens of thousands of years. I'd be very unsurprised if he legitimately did just go like "well, I can see what's going on here, but I can't really explain gender to the gems so let's just lie instead."
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he actually was trying to help Cairn, is what I mean.
Anyway, I'll see if anything later contradicts this, but those are my current thoughts.
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instasiswetrust · 3 years
"Whatever our souls are made of-"
"If you two still have souls." Mike points out only to wilt at the vitriol he finds in Steve's dark eyes.
"As I was saying," He glares at Mike for a moment longer before turning back to the other members of the Party sprawled across his living room couch. "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."
"Yeah, but how do you know?" It's Lucas this time, looking skeptical like he almost can't believe what's happening. Had the kids not seen Steve in his Beta form, maybe he would be worrying about Lucas believing him or not.
The answer to that question is easy enough. "I have seen it. His, and mine."
Jane frowns, perched on the back of the couch like the weirdest fucking cat Steve has ever seen. Her eyes narrow as she observes him, seemingly looking through him rather than at him. She exchanges a glance with Will who gives a nearly imperceptible nod before giving Steve and once over of his own. It's fine though, he understands that their dynamics have shifted ever since he crawled his way out from hell itself. He wasn't the Steve they had met at first, not anymore.
Dying kind of changes a guy, y'know?
"He's right." She says at last, burying her fingers into Max's messy hair to work her way through a braid. "They are... bonded. Connected."
"So what? If we kill Billy, Steve dies?" Mike snaps, sounding like a particularly annoyed toddler who's just been told he can't get a new toy.
Will shakes his head before Steve can explain, putting a hand on Mike's thigh and giving it a firm squeeze. It does wonders to kill the awful mood the taller teen seems to be stuck in. "No, it's not like that. I don't think Billy can be killed anyway. He feels... different. Warped. Completely unlike anything we have faced before, Mindflayer included."
"Steve though, he's a host. Still very much a demodog and a human in equal parts. He can die, it's just very hard to do." Will offers him a wry smile and he shrugs in response. It's fine, he's not offended. He kind of expected it, to be honest.
"I'm lost." Max groans, throwing her head back in exasperation and accidentally foiling Jane's efforts to tie her hair up in a braid. She receives a pinch on the nose for her disregard. "Ouch, okay fine! But for real, can someone explain what exactly are we talking about?"
"Dustin wanted to know if Steve was dating Billy or if they had a purely mutualist relationship."
"Jury's still out on that one." Lucas quips, chuckling at the horrified expression on Mike's face.
Jesus, these kids were the worst. At least they were letting him talk and not shoving him into a sauna to burn alive. "Our souls are made from the same thing because he and I are dwellers of the Void. Dart and I walk the land meanwhile, Billy is on the other half of the mirror. In the whispering waters."
Dustin opens his mouth, probably to ask five or six questions about each of the places Steve had just mentioned but a single glare from Max is enough to shut him up for the time being. Good, because if he gets interrupted one more time, Steve's gonna leave them here to fend for themselves.
"Basically, the hierarchy inside the place we surge from demands that Dart — and by extension, me — answers to any command Billy places upon us. Of course, he rarely makes use of those commands, and not once has he used them unless it was absolutely necessary." He finishes, allowing his gaze to settle on each individual teen for a moment. "So that's why Billy and I are together. Not because we are dating."
I doubt Billy would want to date me anyway.
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saiharas-world-blog · 5 years
Okay, so I have to post something.
Uh, uhm.
(By Mod Kiibo!)
Gonta Gokuhara
- "hey gonta can i put these on you?"
- this is sweet boy
- so when you walk up to him with alot of tiny ribbons
- and ask if you can place them on his hair
- he'd instantly go with it
- "gonta don't understand why s/o wants to put ribbons in gonta's hair"
- "its okay you dont need to"
- you guys just enjoy some silence for a while, you're probably humming too
- "gonta feels like a christmas tree"
- uh
- okay he didn't have to put it that way
- but by the time you're done he's super happy
- they look so cute! Gonta likes it!
- 50% because you took the liberty to make the ribbons look like butterflies but okay
- overall happy Gonta though💕💕
- by the end of the day your hair could practically be a mess like his
- plus some (fav. color) ribbons strung onto your hair
- he's pretty gentle, im not gonna lie
- but there are just those times
- you may or may not have yelled at him
- yeah maybe next time you should teach him how to do it properly
- "wait what"
- he doesn't understand, he'll be reluctant
- "come on, it'll be fun!"
- "but aren't ribbons for girls??"
- he'll probably google boys with ribbons on their hair while you're talking
- soon enough he agrees
- okay so once you start caressing his hair you're just like
- what kind of f_cking conditioner do you use?
- like, holy hell his hair feels like the things you'd see on a L'Oréal commercial.
- he's confused with your reactions because
- what are you talking about?? its just his hair??
- when he tells you it's synthetic you're like OH
- you keep quiet after that, just enjoying the way his hair feels so ugjkhwNKfhlKlwhIHoGj
- he doesn't ask to put ribbons on your hair when you're done, since he's calculated a 78.6% chance of failure
- he actually loves the way it looks though, little electric blue ribbon delicately strung onto his hair.
- oh, then you show him a surprise
- basically you turn off the lights and the ribbons glow
Kaito Momota
- okay you wanna know what you did?
- yeah?
- okay, so you didn't tell him that you were going to put ribbons in his hair
- instead, you went something along the lines of;
- "hey kaito can i put stars in your hair?"
- he's hesitant because where the hell are you going to get stars to put in his hair
- also because it probably isn't masculine
- but i mean
- they're stARS HOW COULD HE NOT--
- so he says yes
- okay his hair is weird and you'd probably have a hard time working with this
- but the end result is worth it
- you practically made his hair a canvas and your ribbons the paint
- you stuck to your word though
- in his hair, laid a freaking galaxy
- kaito's hair color was perfect
- purple, yellow, and white glittery ribbons adorned the man
- and they were shaped into stars
- you have no idea how much this boy's love for you has grown
- "hey maybe i can add some to your goatee too"
- that was a joke
- obviously
- but when he went "Go ahead!"
- you just hAD TO
- so now he's walking around with stars on his hair and one glittery purple star on his goatee
Kokichi Ouma
- let me show you something
- its just ouma with ribbons
Tumblr media
- i edited that, i know
- he looks like a girl but don't mind that
- ngl, you probably did this while he was asleep
- so he'd wake up in the morning like he usually does
- then he looks into the mirror and--
- immediately runs to you
- you'd be making coffee or something
- then you'd look at him and burst out laughing
- "y'know, that look suits you"
- pouty boy
- "as the ultimate supreme leader i demand you rid of these immediately!!"
- nah, man
- he tried removing the ribbons
- he failed miserably
- you may or may not have made a bet that he can't survive 24 hours normally with those on
- you may or may not have said you wouldn't remove it if you won
- he may or may not have said he'll style your hair and you'll have to go with it for 24 hours if he won
- at the end of the day he just walks into your room
- with that huge smirk on his face
- and oh sh_t he won the bet
- you just slowly remove the ribbons as it dawns upon you that your supreme overlord boyfriend is going to mess up your hair
- haha good luck
Korekiyo Shinguji
- why bother put ribbons in his hair
- if you can make his hair into a ribbon
- initially, you were just running your fingers through his hair
- the thought of how his hairstyle is so feminine sparked into a conversation
- eventually leading you to suggest styling his hair
- "no"
- "but--"
- "no"
- don't worry though
- he'll reluctantly agree
- that is after you promise not to cut or color his hair
- he tells you stories while you do your thing
- you know tsuyu asui from bnha?
- imagine kork with that hairstyle
- +lucky clover shaped ribbons
- "you're a walking good luck charm now!"
- "no wonder you're here with me"
- SMOOTH 100
- he styles your hair to (somehow) match his
- he doesn't know how to do the clover ribbon thing
- so he just turns them into extensions of sorts
- you and kork should do this more often!
Rantaro Amami
- "okay"
- avocado boi is just so chill and open
- like you don't even have to ask
- slight hassle because his hair is short
- you ended up adding clips too
- so he basically has this one medium sized ribbon on the right side of his head
- and a sh_ton baby ribbons just scattered everywhere
- you just start joking around
- "oh no! Ribbons seem to have invaded your scalp!"
- he goes with it
- "oh no! Am i going to die??"
- "if you can get to the cure, then you won't have to suffer anymore"
- "and the cure is?"
- "hidden after hours of cuddles"
- im sure you can tell where this is going
- so you guys cuddle
- you remove the ribbons from his hair
- and the day goes on like usual
- then tomorrow comes
- and avocado boi sees you with a bunch of ribbons in your hair
- its too early for this
- before he can even speak you look at him and exclaim
- "the wHAT??"
- a few minutes later and you're just laughing
- "okay so maybe i wasn't infected. do you like my new hairstyle?"
- "sure, it suits you"
- avocado boi is amused
- yay to s/o!
Ryoma Hoshi
- i
- i just
- im not sure how this'll work
- his hair is super short???
- that doesn't stop you from trying though!
- he goes with it
- he plans on covering them with his hat anyway if ever you insist he keeps them on
- you did a thing
- where uh
- you weaved the ribbons and stuck them to a bunch of clips
- those in which you placed onto his hair
- like amami, ryoma has this "surperior ribbon" on one side of his head
- when you're finished he probably looks like a 2 year old kid with an extra (personality wise) woman for a mom
- ngl he doesn't like how it looks
- of course he won't tell you that
- he won't try to decorate your hair, mostly because he can't reach but--
- he'll ask nicely if he can remove the ribbons
- as nicely as he can at least--
- its a whole different story when you compliment him though
- "maybe i'll keep them on a little longer"
- nice work s/o!
Shuichi Saihara
- "o-oh?"
- he'll give you a minute to wait before he says yes
- atua knows why he took a minute but alright
- in your mind its just;
- "i'm going to make sweetchi look sweeter after this"
- you decided to get some goth ribbons beforehand!
- like those little clips with those tiny glittery skulls
- okay maybe you went with pastel goth
- moving on,
- his hair is so smooth
- it feels like he uses Patene or Treseme even!
- "even hairstylists are impressed"
- "what"
- "nothing, i just thought of mimicking a shampoo commercial"
- you had some fun combing his hair
- so much fun that he had to remind you that you were supposed to put ribbons
- oops, haha
- you start squealing halfway through
- "are you okay?"
- "yes im just imagining how cute you'd look after this"
- you were practically going to die once you finished
- one look at him and you knew
- Mission: Success
- and he just has this rosy blush and the way his eyelashes flutter--
- rip in peace s/o
- (rest in peace in peace???)
- he decorates your hair as a thanks
- he did amAZINGLY
- oh yeah he also used the pastel goth ribbons
- so now you two match!
- happy sweetchi and happy s/o!
Side note: I'd love to see sprite edits/fanart of these!
-Mod Kiibo
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