#ya'll imagine if you created your own students for me to fan over
lemonboy011 · 9 months
It's time for more UnderAcadamia before I head into work! This time, it's information about the school and its teachers.
The school's name is Magic Academy, and it's a four year school. The building itself is rather large since both human and monster children alike attend. There's also two dormitory buildings for the students to live in, having been built originally for the humans, as the two kingdoms are a week-long trip apart. Two teachers watch over each building.
Sans and Papyrus watch over building 1, which houses the first years and third years. Then Undyne and Alphys watch over building 2, housing the second years and fourth years. At the end of every year the dormitories hold a prank war, with building 1 currently being the unbeatable champion for three years.
Students begin attending the school when they are ages 11 and 12. Second years are ages 13 and 14, third years are typically 15 and 16, and fourth years are typically 17 and 18.
The school colors are a golden yellow and royal purple, with the school mascot being a golden yellow flower with a smiley face, named “Flowey” by the monster prince when he was younger.
The school uniform colors are a golden yellow and royal purple color, as those are the school colors. The students are always given a striped sweater, blazer, or cardigan to wear over a white button-down shirt, while having a choice of either golden or royal purple pants, shorts, or skirts. Any gender can wear whatever they wish. Shoes are typically black boots or tennis shoes.
Human students are given a heart-shaped pin to wear that corresponds with what type of soul they have. (Example; a Soul of kindness gets a green heart pin)
Monster students and the teachers have an upside-down heart pin that's always the color white with a different color outline to correspond with the monsters souls. (Example; A Monster Soul of integrity is white with a dark blue outline)
Character Introductions (I'll release their designs eventually, just might take a while);
Basically this AU's Frisk.
Human, 12 years old, they/them, soul of DETERMINATION.
A curious and adventurous child, their favorite colors are green and blue.
A first year student.
Nicknames: Principle Asgore, Mr. Dreemurr, King Fluffball, Mistletoe
King of the Monsters, and the “principle” of the Magic Academy.
Based off of a Boer Goat.
Gardening is his favorite hobby, and he quite enjoys tea.
Always happy to lend a helping paw.
Looks over the Gardening Club.
Nicknames: Mrs. Dreamer, Miss Toriel, Tori, Queen Mom, Dandelion
Queen of the Monsters, and a teacher of the Magic Academy.
Teaches Healing Magic for second year, third year and fourth year students. First year students, she teaches the history of magic.
She also overlooks the Baking Club, as it's her main hobby.
Has healthy snacks hidden in her desk for hungry students.
Based off of the Jamunapari Goat.
Nicknames: Professor Sans, Highlighter, Nunito
Retired assistant to the royal scientist, and a teacher of the Magic Academy.
He teaches gravity manipulation to second years, third years and fourth years. To first years, he teaches the basic principles of magic.
Also tutors for all subjects during after school classes.
The type of teacher that lets you sleep in class, because he also sleeps in class. You somehow pass, you're not sure how.
Sleeps during tests under his desk, in the closet, or falls asleep standing up. Students have to wake him up when everyone is done.
Nicknames; Teach, Mr. P, Papy, Lexend
Second in Command of the Royal Guard and teacher of the Magic Academy.
Teaches how to form “bullets” to second years, third years, and fourth years. He teaches basic orange and blue attacks to first years.
Wears glasses because he thinks it makes him look more teacherly, but doesn't actually need them.
A bit calmer than other papyri(?).
Has a lot of fidget toys in his desk for students to use, and sometimes for himself too.
Overlooks the Track Team with Undyne.
Nicknames: Coach Dyne, Coach Whiskers, Spots, Koi
General of the Royal Guard, and teacher at the Magic Academy.
Teaches Defense Magic to second years, third years, and fourth years. For first years, it's a basic gym class.
Overlooks the Track Team with Papyrus.
Based off of a koi fish.
Absolutely will wrestle with students if they start it.
Gay as fuck, married to Alphys.
Half-blind, was kinda just born like that.
Nicknames: Miss Alphys, Dragon, Sunflower
Royal Scientist's Assistant and teacher at the Magic Academy.
Teaches how include magic in daily lives to third years and fourth years. To first years and second years she teaches the importance of one's soul, and the importance of intent.
She also overlooks the Anime/Gaming Club.
Based off of a Bearded Dragon.
Gay as fuck and married to Undyne.
Also kind of counts as the school nurse in a way.
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