#yaaaaay evil slasher orphanage i love them
echoes-lighthouse ยท 16 days
6, 9, 11, and 12 for the Slasher Orphanage if you'll take Platonic asks for this ask game, please!
Ohohoho I most certainly will!
6. Can your f/o lift you? Can you lift them?
I think that everyone in the house could probably lift me, I'm the second-shortest of the original bunch. (Thank you to Sadako for not hitting her growth spurt yet, but I'm sure she'll spring past me in time.) I can lift everyone except for Jason but most of them I can only kinda do the hug-around-waist and lift a couple inches off the floor! I can definitely carry Sadako and I think I could probably carry the teens as well (Carrie, Stu, and Billy). Maybe in a piggy-back!
9. Has your f/o killed for you, or would they? Have you killed for them, or would you?
The main problem is getting them not to kill for me, if we're being honest! Yes, there have been a couple of casualties through the years: potential members of the house that didn't work out, or people who tried to go to the police and one of us had to interfere. More mulch for the gardens, more bones for the stock! We try to keep the body counts as low as possible.
11. Would your f/o still love you if you were a worm? How about vice versa?
Jason, Carrie, and Sadako might still love me if I was a worm. Vincent and Billy probably wouldn't have any feelings about a worm. Stu and Brahms do not like worms and would not make an exception for me.
I don't think that worms really need love, but I would certainly make sure everyone had enough compost to eat and that no one strayed onto pavement and got themselves stepped on. Maybe that's as much love as a worm could ask for.
12. What was your f/o's first thought about you?
Oh boy. That's a fun question for this bunch. Let's do it chronologically.
Brahms: that I looked bright. I came into the house and he thought that I might be enough.
Sadako: that I reminded her of her mother. She saw me interacting with Brahms the first time she saw me.
Michael: he doesn't really distinguish faces, so it took a while before I existed as a person for him. I think that the fact that Sadako and I were small was the first thing that registered. And then it was my cooking after that: a status as a provider.
Vincent: confusion about who I was. Again, he came in semi-catatonic and was mostly trying to figure out if I knew him: he couldn't believe that a stranger would be taking care of him.
Carrie: that I looked weird. She couldn't figure out how to place me: whether I was an adult or a teenager, a boy or a girl. Either way, she was scared of me because I was another person.
Jason: first, that I wasn't a threat. second, that I didn't see him. (I absolutely did see him, I was just not going to deal with it at the moment.)
Billy and Stu were too busy being like 'oh fuck a person who's going to turn us in' and then being like 'what the actual fuck is happening on this farm' to actually think about me for a while lmao. I think Billy's first coherent thought about me was that I was short, and Stu's first coherent thought was that I reminded him of a kid's show character.
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