haisai-haitai · 7 years
Muse Superlatives!
For muns with multiple muses, past and present, on any blog. Fill out the form according to which muse suits each title best. (The same muse can have multiple titles.) Reblog or repost and tag. Feel free to add more!
Taken from: @blithened Tagging:  @tandemxri , @singing-in-the-water and whoever else is multimuse and wants to have a go at it!
Favorite Muse:  what? i? uh... decline to comment?
Most Character Development:  As in my creation/fleshing them out or in-universe?  Mmmm…. Sarei... like in threads especially if that makes sense?
Trash Muse:  My knee-jerk reaction about Mika is to call him a piece of shit so that must mean something
The Memelord: ...Yanagi i’m so sorry you put up with this sarei
Most Likely to Start a War:  Mikazuki.  ...I think he has too. Who let this man loose
Worst Personality:  wha- I mean like that’s so relative... idk but maybe Sarei’s wife, Remi? Also Sarei himself too, and Mika, also there was a guy he used to call “bitter black tea” for a reason....  Basically they all hate on people quick and make it known because fuck you
Best Singer:  Aaaahhhh I never really considered this??? and I'm drawing a blank???? uuuhhhh fuck. 
Most Attractive Muse:  Now that’s a trick question, some are related so they share beauty okay, and some who are pretty have this ugly/scary expression a lot of the time.  .....Sarei’s mom, she was beautiful and never made faces like that.
Biggest Heart: ...tan-mee/birdie/mr. amagasa/best dad
Falls in Love Quickest: They're all pretty difficult with this honestly? I don't know how that happened… But even though it was once, only one (1) single time, the amount of time it took beats everyone else and is why it's going to Akiyo
Most Likely to Drop Their Phone in the Toilet:  Yume, because she's more likely to try to multitask
Ice Ruler:  Sarei
The Edgelord: decline to state bc idfk ok
Most Tragic Backstory:  Suffering is not a competition. Besides... it’s a draw. Sarei and Mika and maybe mr. amagasa i’m sorry
Best Case of Puberty:  Mijirin
Most Awkward:  I think... Udui
Busy Bee:  Muoka, he’s the head servant of The Dog’s estate although I don’t think his predecessor was so busy... Why do you run around so much go to bed
Most Clueless:  honestly mika’s old Leader
Most Likely to Forget Their Wallet at Home:  Father-daughter tie (mika and miji)
Best Dressed:  Idk but I feel like any of the family because they have the means to have nice clothes  *note i have not worked out what everyone wears in modern
Biggest Flirt:  Akiyo
Most Dramatic:  M I K A   (yume and miji also quite a flair, but mikazuki beats them all)
Least Likely to Show Up Late:  Sarei probably
One with Weirdest Habit:  Although a particular habit doesn’t come to mind, I feel it would be Mika regardless
Most Likely to Be Caught at the Gym: ….Sarei, because Yanagi dragged him along. (the others although they may work out wouldn't… go to a gym)
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haisai-haitai · 7 years
So I've been working on "A Really Long Character Survey" off and on for... well @blithened tagged me in this literal months ago and I'm kinda doing all my OCs at once as a development-comparison-thing??? --regardless there's a Soul Type Quiz which I just did...
Anyways here! +feel free to do this too if you’d like~
Akiyo - tie between Thinker and Leader
Mijiri - tie between Hunter, Creator, and Performer
Mikazuki - Leader, but I've never liked putting one label on my muses especially not this one except for that he is a piece of shit and since the other two got ties here's the rest of his results
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Sarei - Leader, but compare the rest of his results with Mika's especially the performer category
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Yuduri - Caregiver
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Yume - Hunter, and with an impressive quadruple tie for second place
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haisai-haitai · 7 years
Woodpecker Children’s Home
Minor Characters (from Mika’s past edition 6/6?)
*The little house’s official name in modern human AUs, because I like to make references to their original selves. Otherwise it didn’t really have a name in the ancient days
**I’ve tried searching for the Okinawan word for youkai, like the kijimunaa are tree spirits and there are other supernatural creatures, but idk I just can’t find one? The closest thing I’ve found is from my wordbook: yanamun (“demon, evil spirit, apparition; villain; a bad thing”) which well literally breaks down to “bad thing” so no… And then there’s bakimun (cognate to bakemono; “monster, ogre, goblin, witch”).
***part one, two, three, four, five (although this, part six, is pretty much unrelated to the other ones)
Tanmee actually. The word itself means “grandfather” however it’s said a toddler started this. They called him something like tana/tanan/tantan (apparently imitating a woodpecker’s knocks), then either that child when they were older, or other children, affixed -mee「前」to it (a respectful honorific meaning “before; previous”) thus creating tan-mee.
Tui-gwaa「鳥小 (とぅいぐぁー) “birdie, little bird"」
Taarii …or at least the children would like to call him “father”
Real name: unknown… kind of. It’s some whistle-chirp.
Species: Okinawa woodpecker bakimun
Looks: Straight wine-red hair, shoulder-length and tied in a low ponytail, straight bangs, and two thin chin-length locks that framed his face. Black eyes, with a tired but kind expression.
The eponymous woodpecker who takes in those in need (mostly children).
More about him will be in a different post.
Most had an affectionate nickname during their stay; these ended with -gwaa or -ngwa (a diminutive suffix in Okinawan; think like - chan for Japanese). For some this was the first name they ever had; others had a name before they arrived. They usually leave with a different name.
苗小 (ねーんぐぁ); "sapling"
Species: Okinawa or Ryukyu flying fox
Admission: deformed/underdeveloped wings, cleft lip; uknown/undecided arrival
Looks: Hair worn in two low side ponytails. She always wore a bandanna over her nose and mouth
The oldest (an adult) of the little house, and de facto "eldest sister.”
Tan-mee would sometimes leave her in charge if he had to take care of something.
Seemingly mute, but she does talk/whisper as she’s passed on information/tales from the past - regarding what she has witnessed, and what the children who were at Tan-mee’s when she arrived had told her.
She willingly keeps on the bandanna even though she’s been told it’s fine to not wear it.
雨小 or 雨子 (あみぐぁー); “rain" or “drizzle, light rain”
Species: half-human, other half is something along the lines of a water or rain sprite/nymph/spirit
Admission: likely for being a halfling; entrusted into Tan-mee’s care as a toddler
Looks: Straight black hair, different locks in braids but with plenty of hair still loose. She had ice-blue eyes with cloudy-gray ring in the middle.
About 8 or 9 years old when Mika showed.
She was very caring but could sometimes demonstrate a cocky wisecracking streak. A confident and responsible girl.
She was Shirunna’s buddy, and was the first to braid Mika’s hair.
She made wunai-tiisaaji (kerchief made by a sister and presented to her brother to keep him safe while on a journey) for Kaaroh (a light blue one) and for Mika (a red one).
釣小 (ちーぐぁー); "fishhook"
Later Name: Chiigani (fishhook)
Species: human
Admission: around the age of 5 or 6 was accidentally separated from family and lost in the woods; was found by Tan-mee
Looks: Straight black hair, a bit spiky. He had a very squinty eye, that half the time was closed.
The oldest boy at the time, so de facto "eldest brother.” About 12 or 13 when Mika showed, and ‘assigned’ to be his buddy. A happy and dependable brother.
蜆 (しるんな); “basket clam"
Species: demon(*?)
Admission: runaway, abuse, fear of men; found by Ami-gwaa around the age of 7 to 10
Looks: Light hair that draped over her face. Light eyes with partial heterochromia.
Incredibly timid and nervous due to trauma, clung to Ami-gwaa who she also spoke through.
About 9 to 11 years old when Mika showed, whom she eventually and very slowly partnered up with to work through some of their troubles together.
川小 (かーんぐぁ); "river"
Later Name: Kaaroh (both rivers)
Species: Ryukyu scops owl bakimun
Admission: fell from nest, broken wing; saved from a river by Tan-mee as a newborn
About 3 or 4 years old when Mika showed.
A chipper little boy who left a few years later to travel around the coast.
It appears that his nest may have been attacked, as he had a damaged wing. He was originally a mortal owl, but the night after he was saved he turned into a youkai out of grief.
三月 (みーつぃち); “three moons” March
Nickname: Chijuu (a person with curly or wavy hair)
Species: dog bakimun
Admission: stray, abuse, ill; brought in after collapsing near the house at an estimated age of 9 to 12
A stray dog, of poor health mentally and physically when found. Eventually recovered enough to reveal a boy that was lively, sharp, and feisty.
He left a few years after Kaaroh, but returned decades later.
青葉小 (おーさぐぁー); "leafy vegetables"
Species: half-human
Admission: being a halfling + medical complications; left on a path near the little house at the estimated age of 6
Looks: Undecided, but hair was tied in a ponytail that leaned more to one side. Had one leg.
A happy boy who was a little slow, who ended up in Tan-mee’s care after Mika but before Juu-gwaa.
Tan-mee suspected that someone else must have been caring for him, before (for reasons unknown) he was left on a path near the little house.
He suspected the boy had a weak heart from how he tired after a while of playing. He eventually passed away.
尾小 (じゅーぐぁー); "tail"
Species: human
Admission: born with a tail, abandoned out of suspicion/superstition; found by Tan-mee as an infant, likely left in the forest to die
Looks: Dark brown hair and dark eyes
A human baby boy who ended up in Tan-mee’s care a couple of years after Mika showed. It looked like he was becoming a good kid.
*When Mika returned decades later, all "the children” he had known had left Tan-mee’s with the exception of Ami-gwaa. It’s known that Chiigani lived to become an old man with grandchildren; he had passed by the time Mika returned to the island. The size of the house varies across years, and it was rather small when he returned
鷺 (さーじゃー), “white heron"
Species: human
Admission: albino, nearsighted as side effect; undecided/unknown arrival
Looks: Light hair either very light blond or white, and pale blue eyes which looked red/violet under certain lighting conditions. Wrapped a cloth/sheet around his self to protect himself from the tropical sun. 
A very helpful boy, always willing to try his best.
福小 (ふーぐぁー); "good luck"
Species: demon(*?)
Admission: deaf; unknown/undecided arrival
Looks: Short brown hair and hazel eyes
Younger than Saajaa. She was calm and willing to approach people.
大浜朴・黄槿 (ゆーな), "sea hibiscus"
Species: human
Admission: found wandering in the forest in her mid-teens; unknown/undecided reason
Looks: Long brown hair, tied half back. Dark eyes.
A young lady who ended up in Tan-mee’s care a few years after Mika’s return.
(*?) = I haven’t decided if they have human blood too yet, so they may be full-blooded demon or half or idk. Also I haven’t decided what kind of demon they are.
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haisai-haitai · 7 years
For some time now, I've found that soccer is a good fit for Mikazuki... Like there's plenty of running dogs love walks which he's pretty good at and has the stamina for. He also gets to kick stuff, and essentially chase people to take the ball back fetch the ball boy  It just feels like a good fit you know?
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haisai-haitai · 5 years
the ume tree blooms first in late winter, and because of that it is associated as a harbringer of spring and with perserverance *(it gets translated as “plum” a lot of the time but it’s not really a plum, but related to plums and apricots, so it’s also known as chinese plum and japanese apricot)
sarei likes the ume for that: its the first sign of spring, his favorite, and blooms despite the cold
although japan is known for its fondness for cherry blossoms, in ages past it was the ume that was favored, and mika’s family estate (being constructed in those older days) has more ume than sakura
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haisai-haitai · 6 years
If you look around, you see that plenty of places offer discounts for veterans and active military.
There have been a few times when Yanagi accompanies Sarei to America and he brings it up on Sarei's behalf - much to his embarrassment... (well it's more how Yanagi brings it up that embarrasses him).  However Sarei doesn't really bring it up himself... but there is one thing he slams that military ID onto the counter for and that's Knott's Berry Farm's free month for military
*okay yanagi's trips with sarei is to go to knotts berry farm **also yanagi trying to sign sarei up for a like a little parade, and sarei's buddies agreeing that yeah join us dude smile and wave
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haisai-haitai · 6 years
You know, for modern au, I have Sarei in the army because it's the ground forces and because there's a more... idk, common man element to it? well specifically when he signed up he just went straight into infrantry, fresh out of high school, because there was nothing else for him really... nothing to really get him into other specialized branches. Nothing for him to specifally pursue in college either. No specific work he wanted to do. But he wanted out of where he was.
And idk, that commoness, that lack of being inherintely special, that almost aimlessness, but still with a goal of geting out of where he was -- that’s an element of his that I really try to keep, because as a youkai, well, Sarei is from nothing. He was considered expendible. And from being a common foot solder he rose up and made a name for himself.
And because I try to keep parallels in my OCs lives across aus, Sarei of course turns out to be quite the determined hardcore bastard. Since he’s army, well I had to look up the badasses, and I picked the Army Rangers. They're advanced light infantry. It also has the added bonus of sounding cool.
So in modern, Sarei eventually got into and then spent a good while of his career in the 75th Ranger Regiment until he got injured - because apparently to be a ranger you have to be at like 105% of your physical ability. Sadly, after the injury, Sarei was only able to recover to like 98% so couldn’t go back :(
And thus Sarei is in Japan, I think kinda helping out the JGSDF? like teaching them shit possibly... or as military police tbh idk exactly what he’s doing there but one day I will
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haisai-haitai · 8 years
On bowing::
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Sarei bows to his superiors, which at his current rank is like to a dozen people. He bowed to more and more the lower his rank was. He also bows to the elders of his wife's family. He has full on, willingly, grovelled/kowtowed - like on hands and knees + forehead touching the ground, to his general.
Akiyo bows sparsely. He bows to his parents, and has kowtowed before them too. When he was younger he'd bow to some lords (specifically the ones his father seemed to respect). Otherwise he may do a very light bend, or just a nod. I feel like he may bow kinda mockingly sometimes tho? like a little bend but he'll be looking up at you with a little smirk. Admittedly he's kinda being a dick when he does that.
Mijiri bows as much as Akiyo does, minus the mocking part. She also bows a little to her brothers.
Yume bows quite a lot. She freely bows to seniors, and will give a nod to juniors. She may over-dramatically bow to friends sometimes.
Mikazuki and Yuduri do not bow. Separately, they were born in Okinawa around the first century bc, this little island between main Japan and Taiwan, and in their community/group bowing was not a custom they were raised with.
When Mika got older and went to China he had the gesture properly explained: something about it being an act of humility and submission, and exposing your neck to make a beheading easier -- similar to the act of rolling over on one's back and presenting the vulnerable underbelly to someone more dominant.
Eventually Yuduri learned more of the gesture, however when she attempted bowing to Mika he discouraged her from doing so to him. In a way, she's decided to bow to whoever Mika bows to - which is no one. She will acknowledge someone with a smile and nod however.
Mika will greet people verbally without nodding. There are very few who he will give a nod to. He has only ever truly bowed to one person: when he returned from his trip to his caretaker, before he left once more (this time to Japan), Mika got on his hands and knees. He explained what he was doing, and what it meant (to which his caretaker commented that it was rather morbid), and Mika lowered his face to the ground. It was the first, last, and only time Mika bowed, let alone grovelled, before anybody.
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haisai-haitai · 7 years
FC for minor characters that I didn’t include in the posts about them well I mean I could go back and edit those posts and probably will one day but some of those were complex posts my guy ...what
For Hakujou, worthy FC - Azee of Gundam: Iron-blooded Orphans
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For Remi, worthy FC - Lady Moonlight of Karakuri Douji Ultimo
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For Ji-ning, worthy FC - Doumeki of xxxHolic
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For Tan-mee, worthy FC - Kazuma “Shishou” Sohma of Fruits Basket
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For grown Ami-gwaa, worthy FC - Sakurako Kujou from Beautiful Bones: Sakurako’s Investigation
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***their bolded names link to their posts
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haisai-haitai · 7 years
you know how in sitcoms there's always a shot of the couple in bed and the camera is like at the foot of their bed? mikazuki sleeps on the left and yuduri on the right
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haisai-haitai · 7 years
A fun fact I remember and forget (hah) is that Sarei is bad with names+faces. He could give a very good yelling to a subordinate and the next day have no freaking idea who that guy is when he sees them again. Idk he just... doesn't bother committing the names+faces of people?? He usually has to ask Yanagi.
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haisai-haitai · 7 years
Minor Characters (from Mika’s past edition = 5/?)
part 1 + part 2 + part 3 & part 4
these characters are demons/youkai/yāoguài - not human. characters are from China.
At Sea Saga ‣ 咲ちゅるでーぐ Arc。
4.)  Yīng
瑛  "luster of gem, crystal"
Species: Chinese dhole
A young lady from a Chinese circus troupe. The Cì Tóng crew enjoyed their performances and due to many of the crew’s unfamiliarity with currency, they tended to “over tip.” That drew the attention of Ying and many others of her family, which started a conversation between them all. They even invited and/or dared some of the crew to try/learn their tricks.
Ultimately Ying and others of the troupe joined the crew.
Later on, due to an accident in a rock fall one of her arms had to be amputated.
4.5 -- The Troupe::  A handful of others from the troupe, a mix of gals and guys, but they tended to be on the younger side. Ying was their de facto leader.
‣ (clever title tbd) Mini-arc。
The Chéng’s::  Not part of the crew. Cheng the son was a boy the captain met during his time missing. The boy talked to him a lot, even though he didn't respond. Later on, after escaping, he found the mother to tell her the unfortunate news. The young man was in such bad shape however, that she insisted he stay until he recuperated his strength. He stayed with for a couple of months, until he found the whereabouts/what had happened to his crew.
‣ (poetic title tbd) Arc。
**Characters who are not part of the new arc= Bone, Eeka, Naabeeraa, Biao, The Gillies, miscellaneous
5.)  Jì Nìng
寂寧  “still, desolate” and “peaceful”
Kǔhēichá / Hēichá / Chá 「苦黑茶 / 黑茶 / 茶, lit. "bitter black tea" / "black tea" / "tea"」
Xiǎo Jìng 「小靜, “calm”」 by old master
Species: a jiàn tsukumogami (kind of)
Height: 5'8"
Joined while Xinyue was missing, he was quickly promoted to First Mate, although was demoted to Second Mate once he returned. He had searched for the captain because he'd heard he was strong.
He was originally a sword, and after his first master (as far as he remembers beginning to gain sentience) was killed in battle he laid there unable to do anything for years. Eventually a swordsman came along who heard his spirit speaking, and then extracted his soul from the sword and give it a body.
He's a grim and stoic individual, who nonetheless chose the captain as his new master. He seemed determined to help the dog become something better and live up to his potential
5.5 -- The Baiyue::  A couple of members from Yue tribes of the south; the expansion of the empire in the recent century or two had left them a little displaced. Some angrier fellows had heard of the crew and thought it would be a good opportunity to get some vengeance, even if it was kinda small scale. 
百 】-  Ying had long brown hair that she kept tightly bound during acrobatic feats. She also had two big red spots that started at the corners of her mouth. She was lithe of body and well toned.
戲 】-  Most of the troupe have marks that resemble different parts of clown make-up. Somebody has the tears, another a circle on their nose, someone else with the line down the eye, and another with spots on their eyes, etc
劍 】-  Despite his staunch ethnocentric behavior, Ji-ning did not wear his hair up (although he used to). His hair was cut in a forward-slanting chin-length bob, and curiously enough one side was shorter than the other. He had steel gray eyes. The sword was ordinary.
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haisai-haitai · 7 years
Sarei-- moths & claustrophobia
(It's kinda related)
Now the thing is, Sarei didn't realize there was any lasting effect from the chrysalis incident (besides occasional nightmares) until years later. I recently thought, maybe the first time was after he'd gone outside...?
Maybe he was out with Yanagi and their little squad (since they were still young they weren't on the front lines yet and were more assigned menial work) while searching an area, and little Sarei came across an abandoned building...  The floor collapsed when he went in and he fell into total darkness--immediately he began to scream bloody murder.
Yanagi ran to him, hopped in, and created a little ball of fox fire to give light until the others helped them out soon after. They weren't sure what had happened; from the way he'd been crying out they thought little Sarei had been attacked. It was a freak accident after all - maybe it was the suddenness of it? maybe the thought that he'd be trapped there? No one was sure, not even the boy himself...
However long later on, there was a moth youkai, and Sarei ended up caught in a cocoon. It was happening again -- there was no need to create illusions to fill him with terror.
After everyone in the cocoons were freed, Yanagi ran over to check on Sarei - who was on his knees shaking, gasping for air between coughs and tears, still muttering with a voice now hoarse "please let me out" - and he realized that this was something more. And after Sarei had calmed down, he realized it too.
Sarei didn't like moths after that. He doesn't mind mortal moths - not that they get near him anyway (they keep away as much as butterflies do) but moth youkai he can't bear to be around. Not those cocoons.
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haisai-haitai · 7 years
Minor Characters (from Mika’s past edition = 4/?)
part 1 + part 2 + part 3
**characters from the first three parts who are not part of the new arc let me pretend that this is a guide book okay shhh = the Leader & Hishi.
these characters are demons/youkai/yāoguài - not human. some characters are indigenous to taiwan and for the sake of my own sanity speak Amis, and others are from china.
At Sea Saga ‣ 咲ちゅるでーぐ Arc characters。
1.)  Remes
Amis for “blood” 
Alias: Dānzhū 「丹朱 (dan ju); “vermilion”」
Species: undecided endemic species of Taiwan
Remes was overall friendly and with a sense of humor, which spared the crew long enough to show them their situation: they were shipwrecked.
The crew took refuge in his village, and eventually he joined as Co-Navigator because of his familiarity with local waters.
He mostly joined because he found their antics amusing, and didn't want them crashing again also the stuff they took was nice.
When the captain disappeared Remes returned home along with his comrades, that is until the man came back.
1.5 -- The Tribe::  A few of Remes's peers joined too. They mostly listened to Remes and used him as a bridge to the captain. Some became Doc’s assistants.
2.)  Biāo
颮  “whirlwind”
Species: yāoguài
Biao was aboard the second ship ever robbed by Deegu (they took the whole ship actually), but he was spared and shanghaied by the crew upon learning that he was the navigator.
After communication difficulties, he was coerced into becoming another Co-Navigators, this time for maneuvering between the waters of China and Taiwan.
He also served as the crew’s Chinese language teacher by force, and provided everyone’s alias as well as the translated crew name: Cì Tóng 「刺桐 (tsyh tongr)」
It is suspected that he somehow helped in the captain’s capture as he was treated favorably by the Traitor...
2.5 -- The Riffraff & Rabble::  Random assortment of members of various ages and species that joined across the years. The youngest ones were recruited in an arguably misguided attempt to give them agency and safety. Some were already on the wrong side of the law. The traitor was among them.
3.)  Doc / Chūn
椿  “ailanthus / Chinese mahogany”
Nicknames: Doc
Species: yāoguài
During one fine heat wave, the crew went looking for a doctor. Eventually they came across Lǎo Chūn, and pleaded for his assistance.
Admittedly he accepted because of their payment, even though it was from questionable sources. They came for his aid a handful of times more and convinced him to be the crew’s doctor.
He continued his practice on the mainland until it became too dangerous for him and he had to go to their hideout.
He was a patient old man and would sometimes give advice or talk back.
When the captain was captured, he left with Remes to Taiwan, resigned to stay there until his return.
3.5 -- The Gillies::  About a dozen or so flying fish yaoguai. They were merfolk-like but small, no longer than three feet, and served as underwater look-outs and as reconnaissance.
血 】-  Remes's (as well as the rest of comrades) overall appearance, unfortunately, is still undecided.
圖 】-  Biao wore his hair up, otherwise his overall appearance is still undecided.
醫 】-  Doc looked like a wise old man, he wore his light/graying hair up and had a small mustache and goatee. 
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haisai-haitai · 7 years
Minor Characters (from Mika’s past edition = 2/?)
part 1
these characters are demons/youkai from okinawa with names in okinawan and not japanese. in their creation some characters had placeholder names/nicknames, and many have a second chinese name they adopted; bolded will be the name i use in narration/when speaking of them.
At Sea Saga ‣ 舟子ぐぁーしー  Arc characters。
4.)  Asatti
あさってぃ ・「明後日」 “day after tomorrow”
Nagamun  (lit. “long thing”) *taboo substitution for habu snake
Andajuusan Habu  (oily snake) fuck superstition by Mika ❤
Alias: Lǎnyóu 「欖油  “olive oil”」
Species: hon habu (yellow spotted pit viper)
Height: 5'7"
Asatti was part of the gafasaa-warabaa, or “The Delinquents” as the Leader dubbed them. It could be said he was the leader of his trio (which included Riichi & Naabeeraa).
The Leader appeared in the nick of time before Asatti’s beheading; he and his group were the next to join the JOS as it was a better alternative to being executed.
He and Naabeeraa are oddly friendly with the rail bird Riichi, despite them being pit-vipers.
Asatti was among the most agile and quickest of the Squad, and developed a bickering relationship with the dog pretty much at first sight.
Quite the randy snake, known to delay killing prey to fool around if they were attractive enough.
Also a very determined wingman he's gotchu bro. 
5.)  Riichi
りーち ・「荔枝」 “lychee”
Alias: Shānlì 「山荔  “mountain lychee”」
Species: yanbaru kuina (Okinawa rail)
Height: 5'1"
The fact that he was part of the trio despite being what would normally be lunch for habu’s is the primary reason why the Leader saw them as having the potential of upholding the “pillars of justice.”
Riichi was apparently a body of warmth for the cold-blooded pair, as both would curl up next to him on either side at night.
A cheerful birdie who has much better social skills+compassion than the snakes. However the time he's spent with them has made him overcome his instinctual fear and become less squeamish. 
The missing third of Asatti's maturity.
6.)  Naabeeraa
なーべーらー ・ 「糸瓜」 “sponge gourd”
Niibuyaa  (sleepyhead) *local name of this snake maybe also a euphemism?
Alias: Sīguā 「絲瓜  “silk gourd”」
Species: hime habu (dwarf lancehead snake)
Height: 5'3"
Naabeeraa was part of The Delinquent trio and joined the JOS alongside them, but was a habu-duo with Asatti for a long-time beforehand.
Befitting of her nickname, she could be apathetic and unmotivated, and definitely harder to rile up than Asatti. However she could and would deal with things with swift violence.
Naabeeraa would be tied with the other habu for agility, but the left side of her body was heavily scarred - especially her face, collar and arm. What exactly happened is unknown.  
The other missing third of Asatti's maturity.
波】 -  Asatti had shiny dark green hair bordering black that reached to his collar. There were scales on his joints, such as the elbows and knees. The entire back of his hand was scaled too. As a pit viper, he had the heat-sensing pits on the lower outer corners of his eyes and those were also surrounded by scales. 🐍
鶏】 -  Riichi had brown neck-length hair and round eyes with red irises. *worthy FC - Toboe of Wolf's Rain 🐓
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布】 -  Naabeeraa had long waist-length, greenish-gray hair that was stiff, and long sidelocks that framed her face. There's less hair on the front-left of her scalp. She also had scales on her joints and the backs of her hand. Her heat-sensing pits were under her eyes and surrounded by scales, although the left one is damaged. 🐍
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haisai-haitai · 7 years
Minor Characters (from Mika's past edition = 1/?)
these characters are demons/youkai, and from okinawa - thus their names are in okinawan and not japanese. in their creation some characters had placeholder names/nicknames, and many have a second chinese name they adopted; bolded will be the name i use in narration/when speaking of them.   *chinese names will be written in pīnyīn
At Sea Saga・ 舟子ぐぁーしー  Arc characters。
1.)  Leader of the J.O.S.
しーどぅ (shiidu) ・「指導者」 “leader”
Species: Ryukyu long-tailed giant rat
Height: ~5′4″
Original founder of the “Ocean Squad of Justice” (JOS = Justice Ocean Squad)
A foolishly energetic and optimistic man, he long had the aspiration to one day go out and create a group that would uphold justice. These dreams were generally turned down by his family and his old friend Bone, but the day finally came when he decided to do it for real (and Bone followed him to make sure he didn’t get hurt).
Even though he was the leader, he was actually quite useless when it came to actually “enforce” justice since he couldn’t fight and wasn’t strong or fast... 
Eventually the day came when in an attempt to uphold justice and protect another he got hurt in such a way that he would likely be unable to walk properly again, if at all. He was taken back to his home village.
2.)  Bone / Nanachibushi
ななちぶし (nanachibushi) ・「七 ち 星」 “seven stars” as in the big Dipper
Funi  (lit. “bone”)
Magii  (big guy)
Alias: Dà Gǔ「大骨  “great bone”」
Species: uni (Okinawan oni)
Height: 6′6″
Bone lived in the same village as Leader and when he decided to head out to uphold justice, he “joined” to make sure he didn’t get hurt.
This makes Bone the first recruit of the JOS, as such he had the position of First Mate
He was also in charge of the anchor since he was the only one strong enough to pull it.
He was the tallest and among the strongest members of the Squad. 
Bone was a man of few words, but reliable and always looked out for everybody. He would break up any squabbles by throwing them overboard to cool off, and overall tried to maintain peace.
3.)  Hishi
ひし ・「環礁」 “atoll; shore reef”
Species: Hawksbill sea turtle
Height: ~5'2.5"
Hishi was struck with a hammer during the construction of the squad's boat, “The Water Piglet”, while heading out to the open sea after visiting shore.
Hishi assisted greatly with the design as he'd seen boats during his journeys at sea. This, along with his vast knowledge of navigating around the coast and Open Ocean resulted in the the Leader begging him to join. He begrudgingly became the Navigator.
Kaaroh would eventually serve as his apprentice.
He was among the oldest of the Squad next to the Leader and Bone, perhaps even older. He was a grumpy turtle who nonetheless had a helpful-streak he and Bone were the only real adults of the crew.
鼠】 -  Leader's overall appearance, unfortunately, is still undecided. 🐀
鬼】 -  Bone was a broadly-built humanoid, and due to some island dwarfism, was smaller than mainland Japanese oni. He had fulvous-colored skin with swirling black markings, and wore his black hair long and in twin braids. His horns were along his hairline and he had a widow's peak. He wore a long, faded-black, sarong that went to his ankles that had splashes of white ash (representative of the night sky and stars). This was replaced with a genuine black cloth with a white polka-dot pattern when he went to China. He loosely wore a beige/light yellow sash as a scarf. 👹
亀】 -  Hishi had straight hair in seaweed-colored tones; since he frequently swam in the ocean it was usually messy. Thanks to Leader, it's in a slanted-forward bob-cut. He wore a shorter sarong that reached mid-thigh, and it was blueish/greenish colored. His back was covered by shell scales, and his skin had sparse brown speckles which were also scales. Hishi's upper lip was partially beaked, and his eyes were shaped well like a turtle's. 🐢
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