gimmethatagustd · 6 months
i found your account a couple of months ago and have been quietly enjoying EVERYTHING but it is time to come explode in person with all my love for you and your writing 🤭
1st my venor BABIES. the way i am being the pastor (vicar? pastor? person who stands at the front) at their wedding and no one can stop me because they're growing old together in my head, the pottery date????????? i'll die if someone takes me on a pottery date it was so cute 🥺 my life has been measured in days till next venor chapted and there's no better way to wish my life away
sunday smut book club??????? i don't know how to explain it but it itched my brain so good because it was so interesting and so well written. i've never read a fanfic writer fanfic and it was such a funky lil experience
i love everything, even what I haven't read yet I know it's another 5 star piece of writing, you're so great and i can't believe i get to read it for free
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and they were like "aw cute"
anyway i adore you and i'm gonna be sick over how cool and funny you are, thanks
atp the venor babies would have a massive wedding cuz so many people are screaming at me to let them grow old together and TRUST ME, there is no other way their story could end. that's true love, y'all. it's true love. they are never letting each other go 😭
AND SUNDAY SMUT BOOK CLUB !! THANK YOU !! i was kinda nervous about posting it since it's very much not the type of smut/pov people are accustomed to, so i'm glad you liked the vibes! it was really entertaining to write
i hope you genuinely do enjoy the other fics of mine that you read! 🥹 lord knows i have way too many wips to share with the world eventually too
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taegularities · 1 year
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someone's gonna think im watching fkn p*rn or something, i...
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atletasudando · 1 year
Quirón ganó la Copa de Clubes en la Argentina
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Fuente: CADA y FAM Al concluir la Copa Nacional de Clubes del atletismo argentino, este domingo 15 de octubre en el Cenard, Quirón retuvo todos los títulos de conjunto, tanto en damas como en hombres, y en la clasificación general. El certamen se desarrolló en la pista del Cenard, en Buenos Aires. Quirón acumuló 145 puntos en damas, 134 en hombres para un total de 279, quedando el segundo puesto de la general para Malgor (Mar del Plata) con 84 y el tercero, para la Municipalidad de San Isidro con 70. Entre los puntales del equipo campeón estuvo nuevamente la velocista Florencia Lamboglia con tres medallas de oro (100, 200 y posta corta). En la jornada de clausura, Lamboglia marcó 23.80 sobre 200 metros –viento de 0.8ms- para obtener una de las pruebas más relevantes en la distancia, seguida por las cordobesas Luisina Zabala (24.08) y Noelia Martínez (24.39), con Camila Roffo en el cuarto puesto (24.48). Otra figura del sector femenino fue la mediofondista marplatense Micaela Levaggi (FOTO) quien, buscando retornar a su nivel de la temporada anterior, se impuso este domingo sobre 5.000 metros con 16:33.80, tras ganar los 1.500 en la primera jornada. Entre los varones, una de las pruebas más importantes sobre el cierre del torneo fue la del salto triple donde el recordman nacional Maximiliano Díaz llegó hasta 16.04 metros, su mejor marca de la temporada. Y Nazareno Melgarejo, en gran superación personal, consiguió 15.76 m. para el segundo puesto (viento de 1.5ms), un registro que lo coloca entre los ocho mejores especialistas del historial argentino. Se trata de su primera temporada en la categoría mayores, por lo que se vislumbra un gran futuro para él en esta prueba. Otro nombre destacado de la clausura fue el del velocista Juan Ignacio Ciampitti, encabezando una final de 200 metros llanos donde los cinco primeros bajaron de 22s, con viento de 0.1ms. Ciampitti marcó 21.21, delante del puntano Gonzalo Delagdo (21.37) y del mendocino Renzo Cremaschi (21.81), quedando el cuarto puesto para el juvenil local Manuel Robles con 21.81. También ganaron en esta última jornada Carlos Johnson (9:20.49 en 3.000 con obstáculos), Juan Dutari (14:54.57 en 5.000) y, en damas, Yaila Malizia (1.60 en alto) y Malena Córdoba (40.53 en jabalina). Durante el turno matutino de este domingo Franco Gastón Peidón, atleta proveniente de Balcarce, obtuvo los 800 metros llanos y bajó por primera vez de 1:50 en la distancia para emerger como una de las figuras de la Copa. El sábado Peidón había ganado los 1.500, además de ocupar el tercer puesto en 400, y ahora marcó 1:49.59 en las dos vueltas a la pista, seguido por Estanislao Mendivil (1:50:14) y el campeón sudamericano juvenil Rodrigo Uriel Muñoz (1:52.14). Entre las damas- la ganadora de 800 fue Victoria Olives, de Rosario con 212.53. En su puesta a punto hacia los Juegos Panamericanos, el campeón nacional y sudamericano de salto en alto Carlos Layoy pasó la varilla a 2.15 metros, quedando el segundo puesto para el juvenil Benjamín Aguilera con 2.00. En los 400 metros con vallas ganó Damián Moretta con 51.91, seguido por el recordman nacional Guillermo Ruggeri (52.42) y, entre las damas la vencedora fue Camila Leonela Correa con 1:03.89, con segundo puesto para la neuquina Agustina Anabella Salazar con 1:03.61. También ganaron la salteña Luciana Gennari en salto triple con 11.98w y la juvenil local Candela Ratibel en disco con 43.98 m El torneo, uno de los más relevantes del calendario nacional, fue organizado por la FAM con el apoyo de la Secretaría de Deportes, Asics y la Asociación Ñandú.     Read the full article
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squidlykitten · 1 year
No. 6: “Do or die, you’ll never make me; Because the world will never take my heart.”
Recording | Made to Watch | **“It should have been me.”**
Kajj walked silently beside the Speaker’s procession, one hand lingering upon the trolley that carried the body down the hall, wheels clacking rhythmically against the tiles as they moved.  Grim faces ringed the trolly, familiar and clad in the traditional Motherguard orange -- Members of the Speaker’s warren, along with Mechanic Wess and Treasurer Kahna.  A sizable cohort and yet… their numbers were fewer than what they should have been.  Thinner.  He could see the mental calculus as they all looked at one another over their silent charge, could see the recognition in their eyes. The truth that none of them were willing to say. 
A pair of Caretakers were waiting for them at the end of the hall, white robes pristine and crisp, arms out and palms up in supplication and welcome as they prepared to accept their charge.  Kajj let his gaze linger on the figure on the right… he recognized this one.  The Hatchmaster himself,  Elder Hiir.  An honor. 
A hollow honor, but an honor all the same. 
The Motherguard fanned out as the Caretakers took control of the trolley, the quiet hum of sorrow rising up from their chests, the Motherguard’s voices joining in with theirs.  Kajj closed his burning eyes as he added his own song to the chorus, his rich baritone clear above the others as the Caretakers rolled the Speaker towards the middle of the room, beneath a gleaming silver machine that hung from the ceiling.  It was richly decorated and engraved, glittering with jewels that reflected a rainbow of dancing lights throughout the chamber but Kajj still saw it for what it was -- the true final death, waiting for every vincam. The Uploader.  The Way Home. 
*~Dearest hatch-mate, we now bring you to rest~* the chorus sang, watching as the Caretakers reached for the silver machine, pulling it down towards the trolley with a quiet click.  *~We bring you here, to this place of sweet endings.~* Kajj forced his eyes to open, forced himself to watch as the Caretakers pulled back the Speaker’s orange silk shroud, revealing the face of his friend, pale and still.  Calix.  
He spoke the name within his mind, that private bit of self the Speaker had shared with him so many years ago.  Calix, lover of animals, lover of tea.  Calix, with eyes as blue as yaila flowers, chitin a dusky sage green.  Calix… *~Hatch-mate, you have traveled far, now you are returning.  Home’s arms are open wide, warm and safe and yearning.~” The Caretakers rolled the speaker gently onto her side, freeing her cable from its hidden port on the back of her head.  Elder Hiir hooked her into the machine and then lowered it fully down from the ceiling, the Speaker’s face and torso disappearing beneath a shroud of jeweled silver. 
Kajj slipped one hand into his robe’s pocket, his fingers finding the small carved figure that rested there.  Once, it had rested inside of Calix’s quarters.  *~Hatch-mate, though you leave us now, your memory remains.  Your echo joins our endless song, to sing forevermore.~* The song of the chorus rose in volume as the Uploader began to whirr, Calix’s memories, her data, her very echo copied from within her implant to be sent down to Home’s databases and added to the Collective.  Eternal life, in its own way.  There were even those who said that the echos had made themselves a sort of simulation there, where they lived a kind of second life.  
Kajj could never quite bring himself to believe that.  Death was… death.  He had seen a lot of it, more and more with each passing year.  His enemies, his acquaintances… his friends. 
His family.  
Calix, of the warm heart.  Calix, of the easy laugh.  Calix, the never ending stream of facts and figures, always with a relevant piece of trivia to share.  
*~Hatch-mate, fare well, until we meet again.  Tell the others we love them.  Tell the others, we are joining them soon!~*
It should have been *me*, Kajj thought to himself as the Uploader clicked once again, the lights on the machines dimming.  He was supposed to protect her.  He was the head Guard now, since the passing of his clutchmate, it was his duty to ensure the safety of all the colony… and the Motherguard in particular.  
His fist tightened around the carved figurine, his throat burning as he stared at the machine.  
He… had been *sleeping* when Calix had fallen.  *Sleeping* when the research station was attacked.  Why hadn’t he insisted on going with her?  Why had he allowed her to go alone? 
The mourning song faded, Kajj’s own sputtering out with it, leaving his chest feeling numb and empty as the room fell to silence, as the Speaker’s data left the body behind and left them with just a shell upon the trolley.  
The Speaker was gone. 
*Calix* was gone. 
…and it should have been him, instead. 
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rifandironal · 2 years
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Alhamdulillah dapat space baru untuk belajar dan doing my research. Bagian khusus di Library untuk HDR students.
Dhangula Yaila Room.
Mengingatkan pada nama seseorang.. :D
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prospeleo · 6 years
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Экспедиция в новые части пещеры Слияние . Сенсационные первопроходы Долгоруковской Яйлы #cave #caving #cavingcrew #cavingrussia #expedition #sliyanie #sliyaniye #sliyaniyecave #dolgorukovskayayayla #yayla #yaila #АссоциацияСпелеологовСевастополя #асс #экспедиция #пещера #узость #Слияние #первопроходы #Долгоруковская #яйла #долгоруковскаяяйла #россияпещеры
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
the way I was ready to teleport into venor universe to find yoongi a man myself and then the 👏PLOT👏TWIST👏
i just know jungkook is never going to shut up about it and I support him fully in that
THE PLOT TWIST !!!!!!!!!!! i knew i needed that man to have something good in his life cuz he has been suffering the whole fic LOL
jungkook is gonna make him miserable over it tho. all the jokes and giggling and "yoongi hyung you made fun of me for being a lovesick puppy but LOOK AT YOU NOW"
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taegularities · 8 months
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i heard you like flowers so i'm on my way
FLOWERS ARE ONE OF MY FAVOURITE THINGS IN THE WORLD and it's actually crazy how the brightest one in this message is the one sending them <3
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salwanada · 4 years
udah lama banget rasanya ga nulis di tumbrl krn harus nulis menuntaskan kewajiban sebagai mahasiswa cielaa daan lg ikut kelas online bengkel diri.. bsk klo udh selesai ikut kelas akan ku share testinya yaa gais
beberapa hari yang lalu di hari ulang taun yg ke 22tahun *hadeu dah segini aja amal gini gini bae* ada dm masuk minta request collab membuat konten bertema happy. karena katanya w adalah org yg ceria dan sll happy.. *ya emg ga waras aje*
teruss.. stuck dan ga ada ide mau ngomongin apa tentang tema itu.
iseng bikin script tapi akutu lebih sering nulis curhatan tentang yang sedih sedih dan sendu drpd yg happy. entah apa ide nulis itu muncul ketika dpt hikmah dr ujian bikin plooong gitu rasanya.
when my spare time i decide to watch TED-talks andalanku menambah insight. ternyata topiknya banyak ttg happines dll lalu kurangkum intinya "action" will be more powerful in your life... kurenungin oya bener juga yaaa🤗
heheee semoga jd deh collabnya tp ak gajanji jadi krn belum pernah bikin podcast, -yaila nad pikiranmu saja yg membatasi dirimu- sm sebenarnya rada risi denger suara merduku ini-
10.10 pm
ditulis didepan laptop pas mau nulis pembahasan ternyata rekategorisasiku salah. harus ngulang analisa lagi hari ini setelah entaaah beberapa kali banget banget banget ngutek ngutek ini angka. tapi aku yakin aku bisa selesaikan ini biar jadi sarjana keperawatan aamiin aamiin
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prokaryotii · 5 years
Semua terlaksana hari ini kecuali ketemu pak tamad. Nyampe kampus uda agak siangan. Jadinya perut uda mulai laper. Udahlah mana ibuk ditungguin lama benerr abis ngawas ujian, ternyata draft seminar banyak juga revisinya :( Ibuk wadek, gue tungguin, mo bebas lab doang, tandatangan sedetik, nunggunya seabad. Ampe nabrak jam makan siang lah. Gue nunggu belio sambil mulai cranky. Akhirnya gue tinggal ke matahari la.. yas, alhamdulillah blazer bole dituker. Tapi nda jadi beli sepatu, malah gue beli baju lagi. Karna gue mikirnya, yaila semhas cuma sejam doang. Trus kaki juga ketutupan meja, trus pake ro panjang. Lagian sepatu gue item semua masih ada 3. Gapenting beli sepatu item lagi. Kalo mau beli mending sepatu main aja de.. e tapi males ah. Mending beli baju aja hhh.. pas mo balik dikabarin uswa kalo bu wadek uda ada di ruangan. Yodah gue paksain walupun mood dah bodong. Nanggung abisan. Nyampe ruangan, si ibuk ternyata lagi konsul sama mahasiswa bimbingan yg lain. Nunggu lama lagi, setengah jam. Ya lorddd. Makin la gue cranky. Monangis di depan ruangan. Capek, laper belom makan dari pagi. Tadinya padahal mo ke pa tamad sekalian, tapi hamba tidak sanggup. Sekian. Akhirnya gue balik. Siapin makan sambil emosi. Piring2 jatoh, makanan tumpah, kamar berantakan. What theeeeeee..
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fallingmeteor · 3 years
[21/10, 08:40] Larasati Nadhifah: Jengjeng
[21/10, 08:40] Larasati Nadhifah: Tidak jadi juga hari ini wkwk
[21/10, 08:41] Afif Faizal: Wkwkwkwkw
Nahan komen sw ayas 🤣
Eh ngabarin juga 🤣🤣
[21/10, 08:42] Larasati Nadhifah: Yaila gausah ditahan napa🤣🤣
[21/10, 08:45] Afif Faizal: Wkwkwkwk ye kan jaim jaim. Gtu 🤣
[21/10, 08:46] Larasati Nadhifah: Hahahahahahahaha gemes amat🤭🤭🤭
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squidlykitten · 1 year
No. 6: “Do or die, you’ll never make me; Because the world will never take my heart.”
Recording | Made to Watch | **“It should have been me.”**
OCs: Elder Kajj, Speaker Calix
Wordcount: 819
Kajj walked silently beside the Speaker’s procession, one hand lingering upon the trolley that carried the body down the hall, wheels clacking rhythmically against the tiles as they moved. Grim faces ringed the trolly, familiar and clad in the traditional Motherguard orange -- Members of the Speaker’s warren, along with Mechanic Wess and Treasurer Kahna. A sizable cohort and yet… their numbers were fewer than what they should have been. Thinner. He could see the mental calculus as they all looked at one another over their silent charge, could see the recognition in their eyes. The truth that none of them were willing to say.
A pair of Caretakers were waiting for them at the end of the hall, white robes pristine and crisp, arms out and palms up in supplication and welcome as they prepared to accept their charge. Kajj let his gaze linger on the figure on the right… he recognized this one. The Hatchmaster himself, Elder Hiir. An honor.
A hollow honor, but an honor all the same.
The Motherguard fanned out as the Caretakers took control of the trolley, the quiet hum of sorrow rising up from their chests, the Motherguard’s voices joining in with theirs. Kajj closed his burning eyes as he added his own song to the chorus, his rich baritone clear above the others as the Caretakers rolled the Speaker towards the middle of the room, beneath a gleaming silver machine that hung from the ceiling. It was richly decorated and engraved, glittering with jewels that reflected a rainbow of dancing lights throughout the chamber but Kajj still saw it for what it was -- the true final death, waiting for every vincam. The Uploader. The Way Home.
~Dearest hatch-mate, we now bring you to rest~ the chorus sang, watching as the Caretakers reached for the silver machine, pulling it down towards the trolley with a quiet click. ~We bring you here, to this place of sweet endings.~
Kajj forced his eyes to open, forced himself to watch as the Caretakers pulled back the Speaker’s orange silk shroud, revealing the face of his friend, pale and still.
He spoke the name within his mind, that private bit of self the Speaker had shared with him so many years ago. Calix, lover of animals, lover of tea. Calix, with eyes as blue as yaila flowers, chitin a dusky sage green. Calix…
~Hatch-mate, you have traveled far, now you are returning. Home’s arms are open wide, warm and safe and yearning.~
The Caretakers rolled the speaker gently onto her side, freeing her cable from its hidden port on the back of her head. Elder Hiir hooked her into the machine and then lowered it fully down from the ceiling, the Speaker’s face and torso disappearing beneath a shroud of jeweled silver.
Kajj slipped one hand into his robe’s pocket, his fingers finding the small carved figure that rested there. Once, it had rested inside of Calix’s quarters.
~Hatch-mate, though you leave us now, your memory remains. Your echo joins our endless song, to sing forevermore.~
The song of the chorus rose in volume as the Uploader began to whirr, Calix’s memories, her data, her very echo copied from within her implant to be sent down to Home’s databases and added to the Collective. Eternal life, in its own way. There were even those who said that the echos had made themselves a sort of simulation there, where they lived a kind of second life.
Kajj could never quite bring himself to believe that. Death was… death. He had seen a lot of it, more and more with each passing year. His enemies, his acquaintances… his friends.
His family.
Calix, of the warm heart. Calix, of the easy laugh. Calix, the never ending stream of facts and figures, always with a relevant piece of trivia to share.
~Hatch-mate, fare well, until we meet again. Tell the others we love them. Tell the others, we are joining them soon!~
It should have been me, Kajj thought to himself as the Uploader clicked once again, the lights on the machines dimming. He was supposed to protect her. He was the head Guard now, since the passing of his clutchmate, and it was his duty to ensure the safety of all the colony… and the Motherguard in particular.
His fist tightened around the carved figurine, his throat burning as he stared at the machine.
He… had been sleeping when Calix had fallen. Sleeping when the research station was attacked. Why hadn’t he insisted on going with her? Why had he allowed her to go alone?
The mourning song faded, Kajj’s own sputtering out with it, leaving his chest feeling numb and empty as the room fell to silence, as the Speaker’s data left the body behind and left them with just a shell upon the trolley.
The Speaker was gone.
Calix was gone.
…and it should have been him, instead.
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honeyreaper · 3 years
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Isaac Levitan (1860 -1900)
On peaks of Yaila
Oil on canvas
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pawsthings · 3 years
yaila gini amat sik
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realism-love · 7 years
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On peaks of Yaila, 1886, Isaac Levitan
Medium: oil, canvas
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
the vendor moodboards are SO CUTE 🥺 they're exactly what I had in my head as I read, you bought them to life so well through your writing!!
YAY IM SO HAPPY!! I’m glad you liked them 🥹 it was so fucking fun to make. I also get nervous that I don’t make my characters fully developed enough, so it’s nice to know that you felt like the moodboard was fitting for them 💜 thank you!!
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