#yall are soooo weird about a o 3 it's really funny
cynda-queer · 6 months
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Like you do understand that's to cut down on bots, you know that right? Or are you just trying to be self-superior because there's content on there that you personally don't like?
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oingo233 · 4 years
Sirius Comforting S/O After Rough Day
Summary: Blurbs for how Sirius would comfort his S/O after a rough day.
Sirius Black x Reader (neutral)
Warnings: like a mention or two of sexy times, fluff, so much fluff, some angst, cussing, also nothing about reader is specified and therefore totally neutral.
Authors Note: pls I need this man in my life!!  I hope you all enjoy this! And though I’m no Sirius, if yall are having a bad day feel free to rant and talk to me whenever <3
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                                               ****Love is Medicine****
He is always there to remind you he is there for you and that he loves you.  But for the most part it depends on what kind of rough day you had. 
 - If it was a bad test, or mean people in the halls, or maybe just an onslaught of unlucky things happening all in one day and your mood is just rotten and down then will sneak in your favorite snack and some butterbeer “Lets not drink too heavily when we’re sad.  Sad drinking is a no, no.  I should know, know...”
- He just gets super dorky with everything he says, like his little “know know” joke above.  He’ll definitely do everything in his power to make you laugh and smile.
- Will give you his coziest sweater, and bundle you up in a burrito blanket with him.
- When it is really bad, but in the sense where you’re just mentally and physically exhausted he’ll let you sleep on his chest or lap and charm paper animals to run and leap around you.  You’re favorite is when he charms a simple rat, dog, stag and human boy (who looks a lot like Remus) and has them act out these great adventures or amusing plots which might have or might not have actually happened.  
- If it’s a rough day that leaves you in a very self-conscious mood or just feeling weird he’ll make sure to show you how much he loves you, and if you are okay with it, he will make very slow, passionate love to you that leaves you blushing and in bliss for the rest of the night.
- Or if the day has you really angry he will for sure, again if you’re down, let you take your anger out in the bedroom.  He is a switch, I just know it, and finds it so sexy when you take control and are rough ooops this was supposed to be fluff
But some other things he does on any rough day are...
- He’ll braid your hair (or try to, no matter the length, though depending on how short he might give up and pout, making you laugh), and then let you braid his.  He learned how to braid hair from Lily when drunk and wanting his hair to be braided like hers.
- If you like reading, he will pick up your favorite book, drag you ontop of him, and then read to you and rub your back and hair.  He’ll even do funny voices for each character.
- Lots of cuddles, and very long hugs and lingering forehead kisses, and periodical squeezes of the hand.  He’ll always be touching you when your sad, to give you comfort and let you know that he is the shoulder you can cry on. 
- I feel like sometimes he’ll try and put the situation into perspective or say certain things to make you feel better, but sometimes it comes off as invalidating.  Once you told him this he immediately says he is sorry, while hugging you to his chest, and he feels awful, because he never wants to make your bad day worse.  After that conversation he always makes sure to be more affectionate and just a listener when you’re sad, rather than someone who tries to talk you away from the exhaustion or source of negative feelings.
- But sometimes he says the most heartwarming sweet thing, or like really helpful and wise things that just make you feel better.
- Other times he will say the most out of pocket shit you can imagine, or tell you about a prank he did and just one of his many great stories that have you laughing and on the floor.  Telling good and funny stories is a skill, you can’t tell me otherwise (one I don’t always have), and it is one skill he defiantly is very good at. Though I can see him getting sidetracked mid-sentence sometimes.  
- If it was just like a shitty and lame day then he’ll turn on your favorite record and dance around the common room like a crazy person with you.  He also knows how to slow dance because of his family gatherings, so he would definitely sway you around and bring you close to his chest and you’d feel his heart beat under your palm as he sang the lyrics softly to you, and then pulled away to spin you and suddenly your whole world was alight with joy again.  
- On your rough days he was always calmer, more understanding and very humorous.  He’d be very observant to your mood and learn how to make you feel better after a while of dating.
- Sirius is the type to also ask what you need from him when you storm into the dorms crying or upset.  He’ll hug you and say “Do you want advice?  Cuddles?  Comfort?  An ear? A shoulder?” Sometimes he’d drag it on to weird things just to make you laugh “A foot?  A bag with chocolate and socks?  A golden snitch?  James got one of those around ere’ somewhere.”  And then after you chuckle a little, he’ll look down at you and wait for your answer.
    - He does this because he is afraid of making things worse for you by giving crap advice or not listening or holding you close enough when you need it.  He’s had a fair amount of times where he was so frustrated and upset but had a hard time communicating what he needed and ended up feeling worse, he never wanted the two of you to have that problem.  
    - But also because sometimes he gets uncomfortable and lost when comforting someone, and needs some direction.  But after a while of you two dating he hardly ever needed to ask, he’d just know.
- He would be soooo good at cuddling for comfort and at whispering the sweetest things that always make you feel better.  Because he thinks back on all the nights he’d cry himself to sleep at home, and remember how he just wanted to be held and told those same things.
Overall very good at comforting S/O because he knows bad days.  He’s had countless himself, but he also lives with a Remus, a werewolf, and with James who always seems to be hopelessly in love, and Peter who is always insecure.  He’s woken up and comforted them each through nightmares, bad days, rejections, and the turmoil of full moons. 
 He also just knows you.  He knows your favorite band and books, the way you take your tea and breakfast.  He sure as hell knows how to love you and comfort you.  And in return, he always turns to you for comfort of his own.  The love he has for you is unconditional, it is adoration and respect, sometimes that thought alone cheers up on your bad days too.
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