#yall can stop sending me trolling messages about them not wanting her
uswnt5 · 2 years
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Speaking of teams that are having trouble scoring, Angel City was shut out for the third time in six matches and saw its scoreless streak grow to 200 consecutive minutes in Friday night’s 3-0 road loss to the Portland Thorns.
But there might be a simple answer to the team’s scoring woes: Tobin Heath.
The two-time World Cup and Olympic champion is in Southern California and out of contract after her season with Arsenal ended early because of a hamstring injury. Her 2021 season with Manchester City also ended early because of knee and ankle injuries.
But if Heath, 34, can get healthy, Angel City would do well to sign her because she could provide the offensive spark the team has been missing six games into a season in which it has scored just four times. Heath, who has been visible around Banc of California Stadium since returning from England, also could provide the key to unlocking Christen Press, her teammate with the Pali Blues, the U.S. women’s national team and Manchester United. Press has scored just once despite taking a team-high 16 shots, including seven on goal.
To get Heath, Angel City (3-3-0) first would have to outbid the OL Reign to obtain her NWSL rights from Racing Louisville, which traded away its claim to Press last August in exchange for Angel City’s first-round pick in the 2022 draft, $75,000 in allocation money and full roster protection in the expansion draft.
When Angel City first expressed an interest in Press, it was believed it would be a package deal, but team executives at the time said they were interested only in Press and gave her a three-year deal worth just less than $700,000, at the time the richest contract in NWSL history. Heath signed with Arsenal 11 days later.
Racing Louisville President James O’Connor said he has had “dialogue” with Heath’s agent about the player’s future. The Reign also have expressed interest.
“I think they’re trying to figure out what the next step is for them. I think they maybe have their own idea what they want to do,” said O’Connor, who added that when his team originally acquired the rights to Press and Heath, it partly was in the hopes they might be worth something in trade one day.
One rival NWSL club executive said a Heath-Press reunion in Los Angeles makes too much sense for it not to happen.
“Likely only going to one place,” the executive said of Heath.
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gulescamisade · 7 years
Virginia:  Day 3
TAKODA: -they're all fueled up again and he's back to driving, but he's found another place for them to stop while he tries to figure out the best route to minnesota. he's noticed that a lot of major highways are blocked off by the military, so... it's probably best to avoid those. even if the condesce wants to toy with them as she is, there's no way of predicting anyone else's behavior.-
DEREK: -meanwhile, he's hovering around his brother. takes a seat next to him wherever he's at.- Hey.
DAVENFORTH: -He's been sitting here, thinking too much. Help him. At least his brother is here.- Sup
DEREK: ... I dunno about you but Ive been thinkin a lot about the news.
DAVENFORTH: Nah i havent thought about it even once in fact id forgotten about it entirely
DEREK: Yeah ok. 
DEREK: So whats your plan? I know youve got one.
PENNY: -slides closer from like two seats away- what news?
DAVENFORTH: What do you mean are you really asking me if im a bad enough dude to assassinate the presidents
DAVENFORTH: Because thats not even on the table look at every card and lo and behold it aint there conveniently missing like the last piece of the puzzle
DEREK: ... 
DEREK: -looks at penny- Dual juggalo presidents.
PENNY: ... -snrk- 
PENNY: yall just found out that happened?
DEREK: Cant say Ive had much opportunity to keep on top of all the bullshit goin down here.
PENNY: hoo boy well. 
PENNY: welcome to the new United States of Whatever.
RILEY: -she was dead asleep, and suddenly, she wakes up. sleeping on a party bus is great. she stretches a little before noticing that penny is talking to Derek and davenforth, but it's hard to know if it's a step forward or backward. which is why she's conveniently pretending to not pay attention but in reality is intensely eavesdropping-
DAVENFORTH: This is my united states of whatever
PENNY: -she still hasn't quite figured out that Derek is her Boy. she's been avoiding looking at Riley a little too much.- 
PENNY: and then up comes Zafo and Im like yo Zafo whats up hes like nothin and Im like thats cool.
PENNY: ok but really.
PENNY: the whole things a joke and everybody knows it.
PENNY: but not even a good one.
DAVENFORTH: Pretty dangerous joke
DAVENFORTH: Your new buddy back there finds their very existence offensive
PENNY: yeah well Im more scared of what were doing right now than the clowns sitting in the White House.
PENNY: literal clowns.
DAVENFORTH: Those clowns are a lot more dangerous than you think
RILEY: -why does jodie love the clowns so much-
PENNY: Im a lot more dangerous than they think.
PENNY: theyre just human anyway.
DAVENFORTH: Ill let you fight em then
DEREK: Yeah but. Humans appointed by the queen bee bitch herself no doubt. DEREK: Clearly theyre influencin the populous into a compliant lifestyle under her rule.
DAVENFORTH: Anyway i think we should make a pit stop on the way to minnesota
DAVENFORTH: Let condy were coming
PENNY: oh sure. PENNY: Id love to punch a juggalo in the dick.
DAVENFORTH: Thats good to hear
HIGHBLOOD: to eavesdrop, weren't like it wasn't gonna already get up and goin on, bein in the middle of that route makes shit easier =Dueces from the back=
DAVENFORTH: Kill the figureheads and send the heart a message
DAVENFORTH: She can be touched
PENNY: fuck troll booths GO JOHN WILKES BOOTH.
RILEY: -done with eavesdropping apparently- are we assassins now?
MAYOR: -produces a burger King crown and stomps on it on the floor. NO MASTERS. NO KINGS.-
DEREK: Lil dude knows whats up.
DEREK: -to be fair riley some of us here have always been assassins.-
QIRIN: =she has almost been assassinated several dozen times. does that count as experience?=
RILEY: -aside from assassinating the abstract concepts of family-
QIRIN: =ladies=
PENNY: so whats the plan? how are we doing it?
RILEY: anarchy.
HIGHBLOOD: you'll find the how's always changin sis HIGHBLOOD: best to do it, get it done cause ain't no event can be planned down
DAVENFORTH: Especially not with clowns in the mix
DAVENFORTH: Trust me we got this
PENNY: so were driving the party bus into the White House. got it.
HIGHBLOOD: hell yeah
DAVENFORTH: Not quite but close
RILEY: but still with a bang.
RILEY: no plan. everyone for themselves. if our plans contradict each other's and we all die, oh well.
HIGHBLOOD: amen sis, everybody's gotta go sometime
RILEY: -oh my god he's being serious-
RILEY: that is not actually what i think we should do.
RILEY: just putting that out there.
HIGHBLOOD: =Is he? Who knows= here i was under some mass assumption that the ones all up without alla that gumption and fight experience was gonna leap they asses into the fray wills n nills flung about
DEREK: -snickers. oops.-
RILEY: -unimpressed face at derek-
DEREK: -love u...-
DEREK: -just winks-
RILEY: -acts like she's pushing her hair out of her face but she is only using her middle finger-
DAVENFORTH: I could probably get in easy enough by myself
DAVENFORTH: Doubt the security is much of anything
HIGHBLOOD: =sNRK, they really aren't much of anything he's sure=
DAVENFORTH: Hardly playing hero
RILEY: then who's gonna be your backup?
DEREK: That would be me.
RILEY: then who's going to be YOUR back up?
DAVENFORTH: We got each others backs thats three sixty coverage
DAVENFORTH: We could take molly hes rowdy enough -That's you ghb-
HIGHBLOOD: i was already headed there but i could leave a trail for y'all :oP =eats nachos at=
PENNY: alright well I call dibs on the getaway bus.
RILEY: can we make sure my kid has a dad and an uncle and a...big clown guy by the time we leave D.C.? no stupid reckless shit.
DEREK: Baby please when have I ever been reckless?
PENNY: -side eyes-.........
PENNY: kid?
HIGHBLOOD: =eats these nachos and watches this=
RILEY: all the fucking time. -glances at penny- yeah. kid.
DAVENFORTH: Pretty sure lif would kill me if i died
PENNY: -she's real quiet now, staring at the floor of the bus.-
RILEY: hilarious. -she notices penny's demeanor change and isn't quite sure why, but figuring out her sister now isn't as easy it was when sadness went away with hugs and singing made her happy-
PENNY: -She's working her jaw and tapping her foot as the seconds and the minutes go by, and then before long she hops up and rushes to the little bus bathroom, clanging the door shut behind her.-
DEREK: -watches her storm off- ... -looks back at riley-
RILEY: -also watches- well, shit.
ROXANNE: -With the sound of the bus bathroom door shutting she starts to wake up from her nap in the back of the bus. Why people gotta be noisy.-
LIFERA: -probably snuggled up to Roxanne too. It's a cuddle nap party in the back of the bus.-
ROXANNE: -Sits up some more only to have the donuts GHB apparently stacked on her head while she was out topple onto her lap.- ........... -blinks at them.-
ROXANNE: -Also heck, fish queen is adorable, shes taking care not to wake her as she sits up and quietly stretches.-
HIGHBLOOD: =In which case Lifera has donuts on her horns=
ROXANNE: -That... is amusing.- ROXANNE: -Okay time to stretch her legs, she carefully gets up from the back of the bus snuggle pile and moves herself forward towards the rest of the awake people.- ROXANNE: -Sits and dusts donut crumbs off herself.- So. Miss anything interestin'?
DEREK: Only that were gonna storm the white house and assassinate the presidents.
ROXANNE: ....Are we bein' serious or not in saying that?
RILEY: -her mind's a little elsewhere and she keeps having to focus on not looking at the bathroom door.-
ROXANNE: -Maybe Riley needs a nap. Naps are pretty relaxing. Just look how calm Roxanne is right now.-
DEREK: I cant believe yall are accusing me left and right of taking such serious subjects lightly. Unbelievable.
ROXANNE: Thats not technically an answer.
ROXANNE: Just want to be clear on whatever plan people are makin' up when im snoozing.
RILEY: baseless accusations. -she's gonna move next to Derek because too many feelings about family right now.-
ROXANNE: -Props her feet up on the empty seat next to her.-
DEREK: -wraps an arm around riley. relax, babe.- For real though thats the plan. DEREK: Were right on the Capitals doorstep. In the middle of a war. The Condesce thinks she can do whatever the fuck she wants with any idiot working under her. DEREK: Might as well send her a message.
RILEY: -leans against him.- they wanna fuck shit up.
ROXANNE: -Mmmmm, she certainly feels conflict over this idea. On one hand, earth is her home and damn right shes all for getting rid of this clown presidency bullshit. However, her biggest priority is to find and get back to her loved ones asap...- 
ROXANNE: I get the sentiment.
ROXANNE: You make it sure sound easy though.
DAVENFORTH: Its just juggalos how hard could it be
juggalos. Even Trump had protection.
DEREK: Yeah but Derek and Davenforth Strider werent alive back then. -this cocky motherfucker-
ROXANNE: -He is the most cocky.- ROXANNE: Mmmhm.
DEREK: -more winking-
ROXANNE: -Manboy please.-
JODIE: -burps-
ROXANNE: -Side eyes Jodie at the burp.-
JODIE: scuzie.
HIGHBLOOD: blame it on the bubbly sis =he's probably shared faygo with her=
JODIE: i thought y'all would be more anxious to reunite with yer kid.
ROXANNE: I sure am.
ROXANNE: No offense to porrim but my skin has been crawlin' knowin russet is on the ship without at least one of us.
QIRIN: =has she been pacing? yup=
JODIE: sorry...kids.
RILEY: we are all very far apart i think so... i'm not sure this detour will take away much time at all.
JODIE: yeah. 'caus eoverthrowin the government is really just a pit stop.
ROXANNE: It's goin' to take more time them going straight there.
ROXANNE: Also there is the whole. 
ROXANNE: I dunno' chance of dying?
DAVENFORTH: Jinjin is in good hands besides what were doin is gonna help make a better place for them to grow up
JODIE: do you really think everythin is gonna work out exactly as you plan it to. -just staring flatly-
ROXANNE: -She's with you Jodie.-
JODIE: i mean you're the ninja's not me.
RILEY: ain't dave in alaska? and dirk is in the black hole of texas.
JODIE: 'sides it hought you all were apart of a crew but i don't see you askin permission.
DAVENFORTH: Im real bad at doing that
ROXANNE: Wow the confidence is unreal. -She's a little salty that Derek isn't more anxious to get back to his kids.-
DAVENFORTH: Ask my nephew
JODIE: sounds like arrogant, poorly planned bs.
JODIE: this is just a testosterone-fest.
JODIE: -snorts-
DAVENFORTH: No this is about sending a fucking message
JODIE: don't try to make it seem all noble. at lesat be honest. haha.
DEREK: -naturally he's anxious to see them, but he's with his brother here...-
RILEY: -watches jodie-
ROXANNE: -Stand up to your brother-
DEREK: -why would he stand up to him when he agrees with him??-
HIGHBLOOD: =Plays tense, appropriate music for the bickering humans. Tramatic muffled trumpet softly in the bg=
DAVENFORTH: This is about telling her that were not standing for this bullshit she knows were coming but shes gonna know were coming with a goddamn vengeance im not gonna let my daughter grow up in the grips of a galaxy that despises her fuckin existence and im damn sure not gonna let her live with the same bullshit ive gone through
JODIE: -sad trombone would be more fitting in her opinion-
DAVENFORTH: If youve got a problem youre welcome to walk
JODIE: i'm just sayin, you can't go around claiming this is the best plan for everyone. it's just the best plan for yer ego.
JODIE: i ain't going anywhere.
JODIE: i don't have any special powers. and i ain't got no leg to stand on when it comes to decision making. i'm barely a crew member.
ROXANNE: Im siding with Jodie on this. ROXANNE: Im really all for taking the ax to this new government, but we've got other issues to deal with first.
ROXANNE: We can meet up with everyone else and regroup an attack later.
DAVENFORTH: You can go too i dont give a shit
ROXANNE: Right now we are spread thin, with no back up, no intell. And like hell you two are doin' it on your own.
JODIE: -just snort laughs.-
JODIE: well, there wasn't no harm in trying. -JUST CHINHANDING.-
DAVENFORTH: Im not askin for backup and im not asking you to be alright with it ill go it alone if i goddamn have to but im not just gonna let this woman have her way with earth like she has every other planet
DAVENFORTH: Shes fucking playing us
DAVENFORTH: Weve lost too much we hold dear
DAVENFORTH: Its her fucking turn
ROXANNE: -Stares straight at Derek like "Can you believe this??"-
JODIE: -shrugalugs at riley and then just sprawls over the bus seat again.-
DEREK: -sorry ro...- We gotta pass through DC regardless so. 
DEREK: Maybe yall dont wanna go with us but aint nothin gonna stop me and him from trying.
QIRIN: | )
DAVENFORTH: Just drop us off fuck it
ROXANNE: Derek. You got one infant girl on a ship hundreds of miles away. ROXANNE: And another unborn baby sittin' right next to you.
ROXANNE: ...Are you actually bein' serious right now???
ROXANNE: You can be as confident as you want but you know going through with that plan means you might Die right?
DAVENFORTH: Third times the charm -Scoffs-
JODIE: if you can't convince em not to do it, you should try to minimize the damage.
QIRIN: >_> =what did u say=
RILEY: -she doesn't know exactly what to say here. she considers herself stuck either way. There's no winner here. Some of the most stubborn people she knows are in this bus. she sighs, rubbing her own neck-
DEREK: -stfu dave u ain't dying.-
JODIE: -looking at Roxanne- you're a smart lady arentcha. they'd have a better chance of survivin if you helped.
QIRIN: Is the term not "three strikes, you are out"?
ROXANNE: -Side eyes Jodie even more.- Of course im helpin' if he goes through with this stupid plan.
JODIE: cool beans.
DEREK: -scoffs a little. incredible...- 
DEREK: Well yeah Im goin through with it.
ROXANNE: Maybe hopefully he'll realize how crazy this is if both of Russet's parents are at risk--
RILEY: -while they're talking, she moves Derek's arm off of her and walks off where she sits in the back-
ROXANNE: -Her eyes follow Riley, shes pretty miffed she didn't say anything in this argument.-
JODIE: -she's also judging riley for this tbh-
JODIE: -but she's already accepted her fate. she's doing all she can to help, at least for jamie's sake.-
DAVENFORTH: -He's quiet. Thinking about his two daughters. How condy's reign would mean their literal deaths.-
QIRIN: =She's thinking utter subjugation and ruin of her people=
QIRIN: =though both are not pretty thoughts=
RILEY: -she thinking about history repeating itself and how truly fucked they'll all be this time-
DAVENFORTH: -But he's also thinking about Beforus, Europa, the people here on Earth. How much would it mean to end the figureheads of their subjugation. Would it spur them on to fight? Would Condy's grasp on Earth slip even a little bit?-
JODIE: -She's thinking about how aginst this James would be.-
JODIE: -Sorry charlie!-
JODIE: -If somebody stronger was here in her eplace.-
RILEY: -she wasn't thinking about the consequences much before. but where the hell is she going to have to wait around while all this happens?-
DAVENFORTH: I think everyone who doesnt want in should continue to minnesota
RILEY: -from the back, a little irritated- and wait?
JODIE: no. i'm gonna help. -SPITEFUL-
JODIE: -maybe you get to do this, but she's not going to let you HAVE this-
DAVENFORTH: Thats your choice
DAVENFORTH: You just gonna wait in dc riley
JODIE: -She's liking Davenforth less and less all the time. Stupid jerk.-
RILEY: i don't fucking know. i sure as hell ain't going out of state away from you three while you try to pull this off.
DAVENFORTH: -It's fine he's used to it-
RILEY: i don't want to leave anybody behind.
DAVENFORTH: I respect that
DAVENFORTH: I dont want yall in danger for somethin you didnt sign up for i aint forcin that on anyone but im doin this
ROXANNE: Do you honestly think you would be doing it alone. Not everyone on this bus is okay with letting some of us go on a possible suicide mission.
DAVENFORTH: You should know me by now ro
JODIE: -Snorts.- so charitable.
RILEY: look, if i didn't have a tiny person inside of me, then i'd jump in and help.
ROXANNE: Guess I thought I did. -She shrugs.- 
ROXANNE: Im doin' it with you two, but im not happy 'bout it. Actually Im pretty pissed. 
ROXANNE: We do live through this I'm kicking your asses myself after we get back to the ship.
QIRIN: =clears her throat after a very long time of being quiet= I would like to hear more of this plan of yours if you or...we are to go through with this.
DAVENFORTH: Everyones kicking my ass after this one probably
TAKODA: -all these bad vibes... he's just going to go back to driving since they uh... have a plan now, he guesses. he's mostly uneasy because he knows, as a part of the resistance, they should take an opportunity as it's presented to them...-
RILEY: -rubbing her forehead-
DEREK: -his guilt isn't obvious, but it's definitely there. he doesn't want to endanger anybody here, and it ain't as if he wants to orphan any of his kids, but... sometimes you gotta follow your gut. he's just keeping quiet for now.-
RILEY: -she puts her hood of the jacket she's wearing up and turns so that she's watching everything pass by, damn hormones and emotions making her eyes all watery-
JODIE: -drinks-
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