#yall have such amazing home made blorbos plz I can't!
deejadabbles · 10 months
My beloved friend!! Here with a blorbo for the oc x oc ask game!!
Jaya Nollac
26 year old Chalactan female.
Animal conservationist and researcher.
Massive flirt even with friends.
Saint like patience.
Can't keep any living space tidy but knows where everything is.
Never misses a Huttball game.
Drinks bubble tea instead of caf.
Cannot wear mismatched socks
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I will leave romantic or platonic up to you!
@anxiouspineapple99 My darling!! Thank you so much for sending this in, I love Jaya 😍 So, he's one of my OCs that I don't talk about too much, but I think she would get along amazingly with my clone medic, Dott!
So, Dott is an animal lover and he's also a giant nerd who loves to research. So I could see them somehow getting in touch because he sent some nerdy comm to her professional email, asking questions and such and the two quickly become pen pals perhaps? 👀 He would be incredibly interested in her conservation work as well! He sees so much destruction on war-torn planets and since he's the type who always thinks about the future, he's definitely concerned with what can be done to help the wildlife of those planets.
I hope she doesn't mind him dropping the air of professionalism after the first couple holo-letters, because he's someone who, if he likes your vibe, becomes very personable and comfy in his interactions with others. And if her flirty side starts to show in her own typed messages? Oh boy, he's going to take that opening to be his overly cheesy self!
When there's any window where they can meet in person, he's jumping at the chance and boy howdy, he's stunned with how pretty she is! Has to actively tell himself not to get lost in her eyes as they're talking. He's not one to get flustered easy, but you'll definitely notice a blush on his cheeks as she talks about the things she's passionate about. Dott very quickly accepts that he's done for, and is perfectly fine with that.
Also, I'm glad she's patient, because this boy doesn't know when to stop with his terrible jokes and cheesy one liners lmao
After their in person meeting he really wants to expand their interactions. Vid calls when possible and, if by some miracle his limited free time allows it, wants to stream Huttball games off the net together 💗 Eventually Dott will almost casually mention at the end of a letter just how much he cares about her and is thankful for her. He leaves the next move up to her and is fine with any outcome, so long as he doesn't lose her friendship completely.
Man, I really loved thinking about these two together! They're honestly so cute and I hope you think so too! Thank you for trusting me with Jaya my friend 🥹
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