#yall i have too many fanfic tabs open
cadoodledoodleydoo · 6 months
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Both haunted & holy. @amevello-blue and @alicat54c are back at it again feeding me with even more found family turtles™️. If you haven't checked out Pawn's Gambit yet on AO3 you're sorely missing out. Please enjoy this slinky little baby. Bardi my love. What a perfect big brother 💕
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palepinkgoat · 11 months
Weekly tag game Wednesday
I was tagged by so many of you! @deedala @metalheadmickey @juliakayyy @francesrose3 and @mmmichyyy ! Thanks yall!
Name: Karen
Last song you listened to: Zombie by the Cranberries
Artist on Spotify giving you the feels Julien Baker always and forever
Favorite blorbo moment? Now that I know what blorbo means I'll say "sorry I'm late." I even have a tattoo! It's on my right forearm so it's hard to take a picture of. Always a weird angle. Also that black heart has my arm hair, not all cracked up or whatever. I got it while visiting Chicago!
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Guilty pleasure snack: any kind of chip. I'm not feeling guilty about it tho.
What food are you craving today? I'm still sick so I want something comforting but at the same time have no appetite. My daughter made cupcakes though so I might eat one of those.
Last fanfic tab you opened? Running Into You by @juliakayyy
Favorite fic project you've created? I have no idea about whatever I wrote, but something fun I did that took a long time and a lot of hard work (I recorded and edited it and recorded it like 8 times) was reading @captainjowl's amazing fic Almost There as a Podfic recording. (Note, you have to have an Ao3 account to access these_
Next tattoo you want? I'm thinking about what I want on my one bare shoulder that I've been saving room for. I might be getting a spoon tattoo too I don't know though.
What's living in your head rent-free? The TLC show "Seeking Sister Wife" which I'm watching for some reason. Probably because I'm really sick right now.
I think most of you have done this already but if you do it please tag me so I can see!
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