#thank you for sharing your creativity and love for these turtles with us!! <3
cadoodledoodleydoo · 6 months
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Both haunted & holy. @amevello-blue and @alicat54c are back at it again feeding me with even more found family turtles™️. If you haven't checked out Pawn's Gambit yet on AO3 you're sorely missing out. Please enjoy this slinky little baby. Bardi my love. What a perfect big brother 💕
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fabuloustrash05 · 4 months
Hello! This is my first ask so I’m naturally nervous but I have a question. If you don’t want to answer that is perfectly fine.
Anyway, since you’re basically the all knowing god of TMNT 2012 lore, I was wondering how comfortable you would be if I made my own version of Lotus Blossom with her own back story. I wouldn’t change her original design by much, but I’m wondering if by changing some aspects of her design can make her more OC-ish.
TL;DR: if I changed Lotus Blossoms’ backstory and design a bit, would she be considered an OC?
First off, thank you. I’m flattered people see me as some sort of TMNT 2012 lore god but in truth I would’ve go that far. I just love the series and I’m very passionate about the story so I always enjoy writing fanfics and analysis of its characters <3
Secondly, I believe there might be a misunderstanding (or maybe I misunderstood your ask anon), but I do not own the character Lotus Blossom so you don’t need to ask for my permission to make your own version of her lol
Lotus is a character from the TMNT 1987 series.
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She was a ninja that Kraang hired to replace Shredder and she was assigned with the task to kidnap Splinter and destroy the Turtles. Eventually she betrays Kraang, becomes a trusted ally to the Turtles and even has a little romance with Leo.
If you’re referring to my OC 2012 Lotus Blossom, again she’s just a reimagining of the 87 character in the 2012 series.
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So you don’t need to ask for my permission, anon. Lotus is a canon TMNT character, I just did my own fun spin on her for 2012 like many other fans have done for other characters in the franchise.
If you meant you wish you use some of my ideas I did for 2012 Lotus in your own version of her, then go for it! Creativity is meant to be shared! Go nuts with your imagination and have fun! I can’t wait to see your version of her! :)
And yes technically she would count as an OC but more of she’s your own original take on this already existing character.
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Questions for your tmnt au, if you’re alright with them, you totally don’t have to answer if you don’t want! I also love them so much, their designs are amazingly well done!
1. When did raph find out he was trans?
2. Who is raph talking to on his phone all the time, especially in that one doodle in the first post about the au where they’re texting hearts back and forth?
3. How are April, Casey, and Splinter in this au (if they’re in it) ?
4. Is there any sort of plot you have 👀?
Again don’t have to answer if you don’t want! I really admire your art and creative abilities!
*cracks knuckles*
1. When did raph find out he was trans? Pretty early in life, so much that Mikey and Leo don't remember ever calling Raph a sister. He still uses his birth name, Aka (Red in japanese), and chose Raphael when he was around 9 with his siblings.
2. Who is raph talking to on his phone all the time, especially in that one doodle in the first post about the au where they’re texting hearts back and forth? Raph is always texting April when she's not around because they're besties. But as for the heart messages, I'm planning to give Raph two love interests/crushes. One of them is Monalisa ('cuz I LOVE Ramona) and the other is an OC i'm still planning. I just really love the little red turtle finding love and being s softie hehee~
3. How are April, Casey, and Splinter in this au (if they’re in it) ?
April is a childhood friend of the turts like in Rise, but I'm still planning how they met. The only things I have right now is: she's a lesbian, she's some years older than the turtles, is Raph and Donnie's best bestie and she's brasilian because,, because i need to give them a reason to speak my language lmao-
Casey is more undercooked than April, cuz I want to do some Jonatello like in TMNT12 but I LOVE Rise Cassandra. I'll probally split Casey in a pair of siblings. I plan to make 'em latino because yes, love latinoamerica 'till I die.
Splinter already has some good backstory thought out for him, but I crave to redesign him. I tried drawing him twice, but he looks too much like a mix of Lou Jitsu and 12!Splinter and I wanted to give him a more,, monstruos look? I don't know if that's the right term, but I'm looking for a bigger "rattier" mutant look for him. He's a very affectionate and autistic dad that loves his turtle children very much.
4. Is there any sort of plot you have 👀? Yes I have! :] I'm kinda bad at writing and explaining my ideas, but I can try to give a tiny sumary- Splinter is the reincarnated soul of Hamato Yoshi mixed with one of his decents, that was being kept in a lab for some good years having her DNA used to make tests. He "possesed" his current body while the original soul basically died in the process of getting mutated after the lab where she was being kept exploded. Thanks to various injuries he remembers little to nothing about none of his lives besides fighting and few other stuff. He almost completely forgot how to speak english and spent good years only speaking japanese with the turtles, that until they met April. In the current time (?) they're in, he can remember his former names and has memory lapses here and there.
The turtles and Splints will have family mystics abilities like in Rise, but I'm still thinking of how to implement it without being a straight up copy Shreder is still in the corner not being thought about, just like Draxum, Karai, Big Mama, Usagi, the Mutanimals, etc. Not very sure if I'm going to use all of them too-
As for mystical weapons, wich is a concept i LOVE, the only explanation I have for how this kids got them is: They stole it.
Is very little stuff, but i'm happy to share it anyway :)
Thank u for ur kind words about my art, it really means a lot lot for me! <3 /gen
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hyperfigations · 2 years
Hacketteer's Campfire Tag!
OG by the lovely person who tagged me: @lowonmelatonin
1. First things first, how did you get into writing/drawing fan content (this doesn’t have to be specific to The Quarry)?
LMAO, It all started with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and that terrible Leonardo x Reader fanfic I made that I will never reveal. Down hill since then.
2. What was the first thing you wrote/drew for The Quarry?
My first TQ Fanfic was Hallucinations! It was the first fanfic I wrote in 2 years! I was very proud with how it came out.
3. What is a work you’ve done that you are the most proud of?
Hmmm.... Idk haha. I am proud that I started writing again but I've kinda fallen a bit flat with my works. Tryna work on that. I guess my fanfic No One Escapes From Life Alive is the one I love the most.
4. Name a favourite trope you like to draw, read or write.
Angst. I love love love Angst. Most Major Character Death. Idk why LMAO. That or like protective lovers type thing. Makes me all giddy.
5. Is there any specific character/scenarios/ships in The Quarry that is a go-to of yours to write/draw about?
Usually Radioheads/Rylan. I tend to write more angsty type stuff that or pure fluff. No in-between.
6. Has there ever been a time when creating a piece that you’re just like ‘I can’t do this’, but have pushed yourself through it and been extremely proud of the end result?
The prologue to my fic No Escapes From Life Alive for sure! First time writing gore/horror! So I was like not having fun while writing cuz I was like "welp, this is pure shit" but I liked the way it came out!
7. What is one specific thing you love about creating fan content for The Quarry?
THE COMMENTS! Lord, the comments?!?!?! I love seeing people's reactions to my work. I know that is vain as hell but GODDDD any comment/feedback just makes me so freaking happy. I want to grow and be inspired and those comments just drive me!
8. Is there any specific routine you have to get into before creating said work, if so, what?
I get a vanilla iced coffee, pop on my specific playlist and go ham. LMAO. It has to be super super late like 3 to 4 am. Something about writing at those times is just soooo yeaahhhh
9. Any current/future WIPs that you would like to share with us?
Haven't finished No One Escapes from Life Alive! I also have a silly Killer Klown TQ AU called Funny Side Up. I am also going to (hopefully soon) be working on a Hocus Pocus TQ AU called Just a Bunch Of Hocus Pocus AND a Blygbank Jennifer's Body AU!
10. What do you tend to do when you’re stuck in a creative rut?
legit just wait it out. Which is terrible but yeah.
11. Any advice for newcomers to The Quarry fandom?
Make friends with people in the fandom! I know it's terrifying. I suck at social interaction but this silly game is helping me come out of my shell a little. Love it for that LMAO.
12. Name your favourite memory about creating fan content for The Quarry.
My FAVORITE FUCKING MEMORY was when the AMAZING @homohaamu DREW FUCKING ART OF ONE OF MY SCENES IN NO ONE ESCAPES FROM LIFE ALIVE!!! Dude, when I tell you sobbed myself from joy to sleep that night, I mean it. It was just so AGHHHHHHHH Idk how to describe how fucking happy I felt.
Anyways, Thank you for tagging me! So freaking fun!!! I won't tag anyone BUT if you wanna do it, consider yourself tagged LMAO!!!
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I loved failed expectations and falling so much! It’s such a creative idea and I’d LOVE to read more of it. How reader and zuko get closer, how they turn from strangers to friends to (eventually) lovers (random thought: their first time must be pretty awkward if they’re still like that by then lmao) and I just love the whole concept. It’s so cute and lovely! That’s why i wanted to ask whether pt 3 is possible or not? p.s. happy belated birthday to you! <3
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Omg thank you SO much for requesting a part 3! I never thought people would even like part 1 that much 🥺😊 I won't be writing anything about their first time or anything like that because I'm not comfortable with it. I’m pretty sure this will be the last part in this little series, so thank you to anyone who liked/commented/shared and enjoyed the previous two parts, it means a lot! Also this one is a bit long hehe, hope you like it!
(also, thank you for the birthday wishes even though I'm answering this long after my bday)
Confessed Feelings (Zuko x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: slight mension of smut, but nothing too serious.
Genre: Fluff.
Fandom: Avatar, The Last Airbender.
Summary: Zuko and reader fall in love with each other.
Word Count: 2904
part 1 | part 2
He realized he was falling in love with you, and suddenly, all the increased heartbeats and the nerves he felt whenever he was near you started to make sense. He knew you were already married, but he still feared you wouldn't feel the same way as he did, so he didn't say anything for a while.
What he didn't know, though, was that you were starting to have feelings for him. When you saw what he had been planning for your birthday, you realized that maybe a happy future with him was more possible than you'd initially thought. Your family stayed for a few days, and it was really nice to spend some time together.
Both of you stayed silent about your feelings for each other for a while. Sometimes you suspected he didn't feel the same way, but whenever you were alone and he made you laugh, or told you stories about his childhood, you thought that maybe he could like you too.
Your picnics near the turtle duck pond were a usual thing already, you went there at least once a week. But there was one day when he went to your room to tell you that he wouldn't be able to spend some time with you. You could tell how sorry he was, so you looked at him with a warm smile on your face and told him that everything was okay, that you understood.
That week was a tough one, and in the time you'd been there you got to know Zuko quite a bit, and you knew that he was always too hard on himself, you a few days later you decided to visit him.
"Hey, Zuko," you said as soon as the guards opened the door.
"(Y/N), hi! What are you doing here?" He wasn't expecting and was even a bit surprised when he saw you there, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't happy about seeing you.
"I guess I just missed spending time with you," you began saying. "And I figured you would be a little stressed after spending so much time here by yourself."
"Well, I miss spending time with you too, (Y/N)," you couldn't help but smile at his words. "And you're right, I have been busy with some Fire Lord stuff."
"I can leave if you want to, I don't want to bother you," you said.
"No, no, stay. You could never be a bother, (Y/N)," he extended one arm, inviting you to sit in the chair in front of him. "I could use a break," he mumbled loud enough for you to hear him. You sat on the chair and leaned on his desk with your elbows, resting your face on your hands.
"You're worried about something, aren't you?" You knew he was, you could tell just by looking at him, and he knew just by looking at you that there was no point in lying about it. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me."
He turned his gaze to one side, staying in silence for a moment. He then let out a sigh and opened his mouth to talk.
"I knew being the Fire Lord would be difficult," he started saying. "But sometimes I wonder if I'm good enough for this," he admitted. You quickly got up from your chair and moved it so you could be next to him before sitting again. He looked at you and suddenly you realized that his body was not as tense as before. "Sometimes I'm afraid of ending up like my father, of being so bad and evil, not only to the Fire Nation but also to those around me." You made eye contact and gave him a reassuring smile.
"I'm not going to pretend that I know what you're going through as Fire Lord, but if there's something I know is that you're a good person, Zuko," he turned his gaze to the floor and you grabbed one of his hands. "Hey, look at me," you cupped his face with your free hand, making him look at you in the eyes. "You're nothing like your father, okay?"
"How can you be so sure about that?"
"Because I know you, and I'm happy that I'm married to someone like you, Zuko," you said. You could tell he had tears forming in his eyes, and you ran your thumb across his cheek. "Listen to me, I know that running a whole country is hard and that you have responsibilities, but everyone needs a break from time to time."
He nodded and closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. One tear started to fall down his face and you wiped it away with your finger.
"Thank you, (Y/N)."
"There's nothing to thank for, Zuko. Just know that I'm always here if you need me, okay?" He nodded again and leaned over your hand as you kept caressing his face. He opened his eyes and thought about how beautiful and sweet you were. The two of you were getting closer, and when you were about to kiss, you were interrupted.
"Fire Lord Zuko, your meeting is about to begin." You quickly pulled away from each other and he got up abruptly.
"I'll be there in just a moment," he said to the guard. He turned around to look at you and suddenly he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. He took you by surprise but you still wrapped your arms around his waist. "Thank you again, (Y/N)," he placed a sweet kiss on your forehead and you buried your face in his chest to hide how much you were blushing. He let go of you and as he was walking he stopped once again. "Would you have dinner with me later?"
"Of course, Zuko," you agreed.
"Great, it's a date," he told you, not fully realizing what he'd said, but he quickly turned around and left the room.
Later that night, you had dinner together. It felt nice for Zuko to take a little break, and he absolutely loved spending time with you. Neither of you mentioned anything about what had happened earlier right before the guard interrupted you, but things were just a little bit awkward because of that moment. Still, you had a good time, and there was a smile on both of your faces as he walked you to your room.
"Thank you for today, I had a really nice time," you said to him once you reached your chambers.
"I should be thanking you, (Y/N), and I really had a good time, too." You stayed there for a couple of seconds, wondering if you should -or wanted to- say goodbye, and then he kept talking. "You know, I was thinking that maybe you could stay in my room," you looked at him clearly confused and he blushed right before correcting himself. "I don't mean tonight! I mean as, like, a permanent thing, but nothing like... that, you know?" You giggled and grabbed one of his hands.
"I think I'd like that, Zuko," you said. He sighed slightly and smiled at you.
"Okay, then tomorrow I'll start arranging it." It was clear that neither of you wanted to say goodbye and put an end to such a beautiful day, but it was late already and you were pretty tired.
"I think I'm going to go to sleep," you commented. He nodded with his head and scratched the back of his neck nervously.
"Yeah, it's late. So, good night, I guess".
"Good night, Zuko," you placed a kiss on his cheek, and then you got into your room. You closed the door and on each side of it, the two of you were blushing and smiling.
You went to bed and stayed awake a bit thinking about him. You didn't know that he was already in love with you, but what you did know was that you were falling for him too.
As the days went by, you two fell harder for each other. You wanted to tell him how you felt, but something deep down always held you back, which you knew was a bit dumb since you were already married, but still. Zuko felt the same way as you did.
You’d permanently moved your things to his room, which you now shared, and at first, things were a bit awkward. You got used to sleeping next to him, however, and he loved seeing your face as soon as he woke up every morning.
During the past few weeks, you’d got even closer; Zuko learned how to lean on you whenever he needed it, and he was always there for you too. You finally felt at home, and those days when you wouldn’t even speak to each other felt so far away in the past.
“(Y/N)?” You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard your name. “What do you think?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you say,” you admitted. Zuko smiled briefly and sat on your bed before grabbing one of your hands.
“I said that I’ll have to travel to the Earth Kingdom in a few days, and I would love it if you came with me,” he said. “Only if you want to, of course.”
“It would be my pleasure, but why?” He turned his gaze away from you and took a deep breath.
“I want you there with me because I trust you,” he began saying. “But also because you’re my wife, and I want to rule the Fire Nation with you by my side.” You smiled at his words and nodded with your head in agreement. “Thank you, (Y/N). We can also go visit my uncle while we’re at Ba Sing Se, he’s very excited to meet you.”
“Well, I can’t wait to meet him, too.” Your words made him smile happily, he loved the fact that you wanted to meet someone that was incredibly important to him, and he couldn’t wait to see his family all in one place. “When are we leaving?”
“In two days, first thing in the morning.”
When he said first thing in the morning, he truly meant it. It was a calm trip, and thankfully when you arrived in the Earth Kingdom, you had enough time to get comfortable in your room and tidy your things before your meeting in the afternoon. The two of you had just finished when suddenly there was a knock on the door. It was a guard that informed you that the King wanted to give you a tour around the Palace since you were going to stay for a few days. Right after said tour, you had lunch with the King, and then it was time for the meeting. It ended up being pretty long, but you were glad you got to be there since you found it quite interesting.
Once you were back in your room, Zuko asked you if you wanted to go to his Uncle’s shop, to which you said yes. You looked for some clothes to get changed and you went to the bathroom, but when you put your dress on you realized you couldn’t tie it, so you decided to ask Zuko for help.
“Zuko, can I come out?” You asked.
“Yes, (Y/N), you can.”
“Oh, great. Could you help me with my dress? I can’t tie it,” you said.
“Yeah, sure,” you walked over to him and turned around, with your back facing him. He grabbed the two strings of your dress and tied them in the back. When he was done he placed his hands on your shoulders, and you turned around to look at him. “You look very pretty,” he said.
“Thank you,” you answered, completely blushed. You stayed there for a few seconds, making eye contact, and then you looked at his head. “Your topknot is a mess, Zuko,” you commented while giggling. He laughed too and checked his reflection in the mirror.
“You’re right, it’s probably because I changed my clothes,” he mumbled. He then got rid of it, letting his hair down and he tried to fix it with his hands before giving up.
“Come here, I’ll do it,” you told him while getting closer to him. He bent over a bit since you were a little shorter than him, and you fixed his hair in just a few seconds. “See? Much better now.” He thanked you and then you went to the tea shop.
His uncle was already waiting for you, and there was no one else in the shop. When he saw his nephew, he wrapped his arms around him.
“And this must be the lovely (Y/N) you’ve told me about,” he wondered.
“That’s right, sir, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” you said.
“The pleasure is all mine, you’re the one who makes my nephew happy after all,” he commented. You let out a small smile, but you were confused about what he’d said. However, you didn’t say anything, but you thought about asking Zuko what he’d meant once you were alone.
You spent a lovely evening, full of laughs and fun. You’d already finished eating dinner, so you were just talking and telling funny stories when suddenly Iroh spoke.
“Why don’t you two go upstairs while I make some tea?” He suggested. “It’s a really nice night and I’m sure the stars look beautiful.”
“I don’t know, uncle-.”
“Come on, I don’t want you to get bored,” he interrupted him. “The new balcony looks really nice, now go,” he said while waving his hand. You finally gave in and went upstairs, to the balcony as Iroh had said, and realized that the stars actually looked really beautiful.
“Well, your uncle was right about the stars, they’re beautiful,” you mumbled while leaning on the railing.
“Yeah, they are,” he said. He wasn’t paying attention to the sky, his eyes were on you and he couldn’t help but think how you were much more beautiful than the stars.
“I had a good time tonight,” you began saying. “It’s like we got to be just (Y/N) and Zuko for a while and not the Fire Lady and Fire Lord, you know?” You looked at him and he got closer, also leaning on the rail.
“Do you think we would’ve got along if we’d met under different circumstances?” He wondered out loud.
“I don’t know, but if I have to be honest, I wouldn’t change a single thing about… us.” He turned his gaze at you and let out a cheesy smile.
“I would change only one thing,” he began. “I would’ve been nicer to you from the first day I met you.”
“Yeah, you were kind of a jerk at the beginning,” you chuckled. There was a small silence before he spoke again.
“Do you still regret marrying me?” He asked. You looked at him confused, waiting for him to continue. “A little over a month after we got married, one of your friends went to the palace to visit you, and I kind of heard what you were talking about,” he confessed. You opened your eyes in surprise at his words, but couldn’t say anything since he kept talking. “I didn’t mean to do that and I feel very guilty about it, but your words kind of stuck with me, so that’s why I asked you that.”
“I don’t regret it, Zuko,” you said after a few moments of silence, “I’m actually very happy with my life right now. Yes, at first things were difficult, but as I said, I wouldn’t change anything, Zuko. And I mean it,” you explained. “I’m glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“I have to tell you something,” he said right after you finished speaking. You placed one of your hands on his shoulder and grabbed his hand with the other in a reassuring way. He looked at you and then took a deep breath. “I’m in love with you,” he admitted. “I just can’t keep hiding it. I love you, and I know we’re married already but I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way and that we’d go back to no talking again, and-.”
“Hey, wait, Zuko,” you interrupted him. “Hey, look at me,” he did as you said and looked at you in the eye. “Calm down, you don’t have to be afraid of that.”
“What do you mean?” He whispered.
“What I mean is that I love you too, Zuko,” you said. He cupped your face with one of his hands and looked at you with confusion.
“Are you serious?” You nodded with your head and you could see that there was a tear rolling down his cheek.
“I am, I love you.” You pressed your foreheads together and he asked if he could kiss you, to which you answered yes. His lips were soft, and you thought about how different it felt to kiss him now compared to the day of your wedding. You wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you, and both of his hands were on your face. When you pulled away, the two of you were smiling, and you thought about how lucky you were to be able to spend the rest of your life with him by your side.
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flameohotfamily · 3 years
so yesterday one person called me the maiko authority, and recently some people referred to this blog as to the main maiko blog, and now i think that i might've sounded rude or offended, denying their words. so here is the thing: i'm not offended or want to be mean/rude/obnoxious towards you. the truth is... i'm just embarrassed and surprised, guys. i'm sorry if i responded harshly or didn't show it clear, offending you instead.
i mean, yes i'm running maiko blog, true. but i'm not some maiko sanctuary even though i wrote it in my bio (it's jokingly, okay?).
i love maiko, i adore maiko, i love to talk/ramble about them with you at 3 a.m., i love to write headcanons, i love when you send me prompts and asks, or want to know my opinion. i love when you write me messages about my fics. i love when you write me all of a sudden because some ideas hit you and you want to share it with me. i love when you reblog my stuff and write those long speeches in tags. i love when you reply under my posts or add something. i love when new people start to follow me or recommend my writing. i love it. i appreciate it. i enjoy it.
i'm just... surprised. i wasn't supposed to be the turtle who carries maiko fandom, i was just! writing! headcanons!! this blog even didn't start from headcanons. i made it because i wanted to have a corner where i would just reblog maiko arts/jokes. and now when someone looks up to me or call me a main/official blog, it's kind of weird and overwhelming. flattering, of course, but overwhelming.
if you assume that i'm the main here just because my blog is first in "top blogs", i suppose it's because i used tag #maiko ten times more than other people who write about more important stuff than the relationship between two non-existent cartoons. besides, it's really not a big deal or something great/something i'm proud about. maybe a few months ago i would've been proud, but now... it seems so so unimportant and stupid. i just had time and opportunity and inspiration, and i grateful that you supported me!! i'm not complaining, i met wonderful people here, i met my first audience and first readers here. it's so nice!! but there are a bunch of hundred times more talented and creative people in maiko and atla fandom in general, and they're making such a great stuff, and i want you to appreciate them and cherish them because they deserve it, not me.
of course, i will continue to run this mess, and of course i will be glad to see your asks/messages about maiko (and not only maiko) at any time!!! i'm not disappearing or denying my blog. i just... want to be like all of you, because frankly speaking i am!! i'm just like you!! and i'm really really really making nothing great (okay maybe someone smiled because of my headcanons, but hey, people smile when they see memes with cats!).
so, that's it. sorry for bringing it again, but it's just spilled out. thank you for the attention!!!
“i don't hate you” all ❤️️
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violet-t-9 · 3 years
Check in on my (not very realistic) wish list for episode 141
 1. Blooming Grove Clay family reunion! Hugs and tears! Home-cooked meal and tea! Much needed relaxation and downtime after saving the world.
Ay that was a nice meal and a good night’s sleep.
2. Widogast’s Nascent Nein (9!) Sided Tower because Caleb still has a spell slot for that! So many cats and books. Also, rooms for Essek and Molly (9!). Bonus: seeing more rooms on the 8th floor of the tower?
Oof well thanks Trent now we don’t get to see the tower again, ever. I’m 100% sure that Essek will see his room during the Aeorian study fun times and Luc and Yeza will see their rooms in magical summer camp with professor Widogast though, so I’m happy.
3. Check in and visiting Allura to return her staff and Kima’s Holy Avenger (”hey we saved the world killed Lucien stopped the city Allura are you proud of us? You are? Tell us who is on the Tal’Dorei council.”)
They mentioned it, but they didn’t play it out, unfortunately. Alas, the members of the Tal’Dorei council shall forever remain a mystery.
4. Check in and visiting Yussa and Wensforth to apologize for their last visit to the Tidepeak Tower and using his emergency exit plan, but Yussa being too grateful to be saved from a screaming city hivemind to care.
Yep, thank you Caleb for remembering Yussa lol. Should have known that he would want to study the Happy Fun Ball... Wizards sharing knowledge, how nice! Also, Veth’s goodbye to Wensforth was very sweet.
5. Molly getting more and more of his memory back and slowly becoming his old flamboyant self.
I... wow I mean I guess Kingsley? This technically happened? He is going to become someone new, which is always exciting! He got a lot of... interesting memories back too. He is also interested in learning about Molly’s memory too, even though he is somebody else (and just as flamboyant).
6. Caleb says goodbye to Frumpkin and there is either a sweet farewell or Frumpkin just goes “nah fam I choose my wizard you can’t get rid of me”.
Aw Frumpkin didn’t feel ready to leave at first... :( The actual farewell was indeed short and sweet, I loved it. 
7. Beau and Yasha moments, conversations, fun times, shameless PDA, or potentially fade to black because they deserve it.
Camping outside at night, aw. Their moment after the Zeenoth trial was very touching as well! “Yes, my love?” and “my Expositor” lol how romantic they are. They are planning to settle down and explore Yasha’s past together! Their honeymoon little trip! Also, “I will have you and then some” was indeed hot.
8. Jester and Fjord being domestic, adorable and sharing kisses/conversations or potentially fade to black because they deserve it.
The sleep snuggle was soo cute and Jester’s love admission was adorable! Also the rain and double confession wow Fjord what a romantic man. Their conversation in Nicodranas was sooo cute guys. They planned boat trips!
9. Caleb and Essek have a long one-on-one conversation about their “it’s complicated” relationship and have some more physical contact (still reeling from the forehead touch last episode).
Caleb attempting to include Essek in the globe of invulnerability and Essek dragging Caleb away from melee combat aw. The kiss on the cheek and the empathetic hug... I will take the time travel conversation as well. 
10. Veth, Yeza and Luc’s joyful/tearful family reunion and happy fun times in which Veth and Yeza may or may not celebrate in private.
Aw that was a nice reunion, so very cute. Veth gets to fully return home to her family after saying goodbye! I’m going to assume that she celebrates her return with Yeza in private. 
11. Cad’s moments with his family and also with Molly (because it’s fun to watch them on screen together and conversing let’s be real).
Caduceus gets to be with his family now, enjoying life at the blooming grove! He deserves the relaxation!
12. Jester’s reunion with her mother with big hugs and finding out that parent trap TM has succeeded thanks to her genius plans. Also, the gentleman being a super awkward but loving dad.
Yes I knew it would work! The gentleman is a nervous drinker confirmed lol. The mother-daughter talk was very nice and a great reminder!
13. The Mighty Nein plans for the future: getting rid of Cloven Crystal, Fjord visiting Vandran (with Jester probably, who discusses Tusk Love with him) and maybe Sabian? Yasha’s plan to bring flower to Zuala (trip with Beau?). Beau’s plans regarding Zeenoth’s trial (has that happend yet? Does she want to go?) and Caleb’s plans for the assembly (or even further ahead, magical school? Aeorian research with Kryn Colleague? How pissed is Ludinus Da’leth?)
Well, the empire siblings sure started a task force against the assembly huh. Also yeah Caleb you tell him, F**k your vacancy Martinet Ludinus Da’leth! Professor Caleb will teach Luc. Astrid would be more interested in the position anyways. Fjord got to visit Vandran with Jester and got him to join their sailing adventures! Jester also talks about Tusk Love with him wow. Beau testified against Zeenoth with Yasha by her side! Yasha gave flowers to Zuala on a trip with Beau! Caleb and Essek got to do their Aeorian research study! Fjord’s cloven crystal adventure was also addressed! I’m so good at predictions you guys I KID YOU NOT I predicted everything.
14. Getting an update about Astrid and Eadwulf to find out that they are in fact doing fine because Trent is in deep trouble and under heavy investigation by the Augen Trust and Cobalt Soul (bonus: Trent is already starting to get what he deserves. Or even better, Trent has died from liver failure in jail. Like his jaundice really kept getting worse so one can hope I guess?)
F**k you Trent, you just had to show up and ruin everything didn’t you. Well, Astrid and Eadwulf are fne now, and Trent IS in deep trouble and rotting in jail. Still hoping that he will die from liver failure after like, a few years.
15. Fjord officially “meeting the parents” and Gentleman/Marion giving Fjord the shovel talk because that didn’t happen last time.
Aw he didn’t go with! But the gentleman did talk about Fjord anyways lol and gave her some sound advice.
16. Wedding mentions/discussions? Proposals? Anyone? No?
Well Jester proposed to marry... her parents? Lol did not see that one coming. Veth and Yeza renewing vows yes! It was a nice suggestion. 
17. Artagan/sprinkle joins in the celebration because why not (bonus: Sprinkle gets to be free! Or whatever an undead weasel could be lmao)
Artagan and Jester’s conversation was very nice development for them. Sprinkle gets to stay forever, unfortunately for Sprinkle lol.
18. Obligatory wish for Essek’s fancy dunamancy or magical items (like I know we will never see dark star probably but I live for spell casting flavours).
Essek’s hold person on Trent was clutch, “stay down”, what a king. The tether essence, lightning bolt and gravity sinkhole were all wonderful. Still sad about the dark star never being seen though.
19. Obligatory wish for the polymorph spell (look, I just love it okay).
Hey, Jester threatened Astrid with it! Polymorph mention wins! Fjord was sad about the potential choice of turning her into a turtle but it would have been funny.
20. Obligatory wish for Caleb to use more fire/customized/dunamantic spells creatively or with nice flair (what’s sexier than wizards NOTHING).
What’s sexier than counterspells and dispel magic NOTHING. Also hey, the manacles of stasis worked!
21. Discussion about Essek’s future because oh boy can he even go back to the Dynasty? Have they found him out yet? If they did, how mad is the Bright Queen? Are Volstruckers too busy to chase him down? We need to know!
Oh man I mean Essek found a way to live freely at least! With a lot of illusions and identities, of course. He also got to stay in contact with the M9! I think he may show up in campaign 3!
22. Group hug! Group feast! Group cheer! I dunno, just do group stuff. They are the Mighty Nein, they are the Mighty Nine, they saved the world!
A lot of group hugs and feasts! I especially loved the hug when they said goodbye to Essek. 
23. Visiting/checking in with other NPCs or allies potentially! Like Kiri, Calianna, Twiggy, Keg, Shakasta, Bryce, Dagen oh also the Hag (I’m kidding).
They checked in with Orly! Not these allies but you know, Orly is awesome. 
24. Obligatory wish for everyone (the Nein, their friends/families) to get a happy ending that gives me a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment, and that the episode/campaign ends with a poetically beautiful scene!
Yes, it was a very poetic and very beautiful story indeed
I love the Mighty Nein/Nine, I love the cast. I’m so grateful for their story in my life. Words are not enough to describe my thankfulness for being able to go on this journey with them.
Now excuse me I just need to go sob in a corner.
My score: 19/24
Seriously though check out #13 I’m proud of that one
Other Highlights: 
Caleb hit 100 HP OMG I too am proud of him.
Well I didn’t expect the boss fight but I’m glad we are getting one? 
Caleb’s produce flame was used by Veth on Fluffernutter, nice!
The Veth + Beau putting collar combo was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen, also there is something poetic about Caleb relying entirely on his friends and Astrid to carry out the collar tactic on Trent.
The forced empathy commands by Cad lmao wow angry Cad is scary, too bad Trent didn’t have any.
Veth’s silent image... Caleb disintegrating and burning everything in the T-dock... Caleb’s book for his parents... Professor Widogast... Excuse me I’m going to cry now.
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iron-mum · 3 years
Tag Game!
Thank you for the tag @kiki-shortsnout 💕
1. why did you choose your url?
Iron Mum is the nickname the wonderful @kevyfanfics gave me shortly after we essentially adopted one another. As this account is predominantly for my writing and interests (predominantly Marvel) it seemed like a good pick! My AO3 name IronMum was taken here so I had to add the dash here.
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I do not, I barely have enough content for this one 😂
3. how long have you been on Tumblr?
About 6 months. I joined shortly after posting my first fic on AO3 which was at the end of January :)
4. do you have a queue tag?
I do not (not even sure I know what that means 😅)
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
It seemed like a really great way to continue interaction with those who enjoyed my stories as well as admire other people’s creative talents. Some of the art posted here is honestly to die for and I just love it so much. I really enjoy things like the FFWF, writing events and tag/ask games and have made some great friends.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
The flag is self explanatory. And Doctor Strange is my favourite Marvel character :)
7. why did you choose your header?
It’s one of my favourite pieces from @kevyfanfics I love the colours so freaking much :') It was a bonus that it fits so perfectly with the overall theme of my page.
8. what's your post with the most notes?
It’s an image from the comics in which Peter Parker is sarcastically calling Tony Stark dad just before they get into a fight.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I have about 70 mutuals :)
10. how many followers do you have?
I have 121 followers.
11. how many people do you follow?
I follow 352 (and counting!)
12. have you ever made a shit post?
I don’t believe so unless you count some of the crack ideas that I’ve shared 😂
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Midday and evening are my usual check in times though if my phone notifies me of an ask or tag then I’ll hop on if I’m not doing much.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another lot once? who won?
No arguments or fights in this neighbourhood.
15. how do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
I don’t see them all too often if I’m honest. I’ve seen some that say to reblog if you're a safe space (which I am) and that I am happy to receive prompts or asks (which I am).
16. do you like tag games?
I absolutely love a good tag game. They are often WIP ones too which serve as a kick up the ass for me.
17. do you like ask games?
100% I try and post as many as I can (without being annoying anyway). As long as people want to keep interacting with me then I am here for it!
18. which of your mutual do you think is Tumblr famous?
Oh gosh, I’m not sure. I am mutuals with a lot of amazing Irondad and Ironstrange writers who are well known within the community but there’d be a lot to name.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I do not.
20. tags?
No pressure of course! And apologies if you've already been tagged :) @retro-memo @potatoqueensays @winter-turtle @real-turtle-bean
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hellishvu · 5 years
Imagine BTS (hyung line): how they show their affection/love
a/n: this format is so <3 cute <3 i really loved writing this and it was short sweet and just an easy read. it would be 5am and i would just want to keep writing but sxjxskd i would be half asleep. but enjoy and wash your hands luvs !!
Kim Namjoon: <3
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˚✧₊⁎ I honestly believe Namjoon would always check on you. If he leaves earlier before you wake up due to practice or such he would always just text you good morning with a cute compliment.
˚✧₊⁎ “Good morning baby! You look really cute in my sweatpants. That image is forever stored in my memory thank u <3”
˚✧₊⁎ When he comes home he would ask how’s your day, if you need anything. He knows that your dating life between the both of you is rather different and can be difficult. He makes an open space to allow you to rant or tell him what is wrong.
˚✧₊⁎ “I know it’s difficult being away from each other but just know I count the days till I can see you again. I will always make time for you okay honey? I love you.”
˚✧₊⁎ For dates he would always do the most creative dates, like things that you never expect. Pottery but instead of only painting it’s a full blown class of making a whole vase.
˚✧₊⁎ “How are you so good at this? Could you help me?” Namjoon would ask while his vase is literally textbook worthy. At the end of the day he wanted to just do those cheesy hand holding moments in those movies.
Kim Seokjin: <3
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˚✧₊⁎ Seokjin loves the idea of spoiling you, since he works so hard. Why not spent it to the person he loves the most?
˚✧₊⁎ Sometimes you would struggle to get this thing you wanted for so long. Ranting about it to Seokjin you didn’t expect it to show up the next day on your side of the bed. Many thank yous were shared that day.
˚✧₊⁎ “You deserve it okay, you’re the best thing that’s happened to me and I want to just spoil you. Not the sugar daddy way of course.” Seokjin would always crack a joke to make you smile.
˚✧₊⁎ But with dates he wouldn’t go all extreme because he knows gifts and money don’t win the heart. So he would take you out to your favorite restaurant and pick up your favorite desert. Showering you in compliments and how great you are.
˚✧₊⁎ “I love you. Just know that, even with all these gifts I want to show you that I want you in my life not only to spoil but to forever cherish and love.” Seokjin smiles while he kisses you. Embracing you tight and enjoying the moment with you.
Min Yoongi: <3
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˚✧₊⁎ Yoongi is a man that enjoys kisses! There isn’t a day where he wouldn’t give you a kiss, and he showers in it. Sometimes the smallest accomplishments he gives you kisses.
˚✧₊⁎ “You ate dinner?” Yoongi would ask while you wash the dishes. “Yes.” You replied with a smile while Yoongi gives you a fat forehead kiss. “Kisses for you!”
˚✧₊⁎ Sometimes he would ask for kisses from you. When I say sometimes it’s more all the time. Especially after a long stressful day he just wants to cuddle and get kisses from you.
˚✧₊⁎ Dates would always matter to him. He makes time for them and they are always outside. Staying in that studio for long periods of time can be rough so your dates would be at parks or carnivals.
˚✧₊⁎ “Pass the fishing rods.” Yoongi grabs one proudly while he sat on the dock of the river. “The number one rule of fishing with Yoon, we let them go after catching them!” Yoongi passes you one while you let your feet hang in the water.
˚✧₊⁎ Many dates at the park where he’s just enjoying your existence really, holding your hand and letting you ramble about all different topics.
Jung Hoseok: <3
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˚✧₊⁎ Hoseok loves to take photos of you, it’s a hobby that he found when he took a really gorgeous photo of you in the morning. Right then and there he became obsessed. Not in the creepy way but he volunteered to be your photographer.
˚✧₊⁎ He also loves to take selfies with you, his wallpaper is you two in Hawaii. Sometimes you’ll take photos of him and he gets shy like a turtle and just shrinks. When you two travel he gets so excited to spend time with you and collect the memory.
˚✧₊⁎ “Selfie! Selfie!” Hoseok calls out while you take one with him kissing his cheek. He does a bright wide smile while he clicks the camera.
˚✧₊⁎ Of course he got tips and tricks from Jungkook with his history of photography. Sometimes he’ll think Hoseok is coming for his gig. But in the end he finds it honestly adorable.
˚✧₊⁎ “Are you recording?” You blush while you grabbed the camera and turned it to him. “Wow look at my amazing boyfriend! How did I get so lucky? Give us a pose greek god!” You teased Hoseok while he whines to give the camera back.
183 notes · View notes
costellos · 4 years
tell me who you’d take on a date and where you would go! — CLOSED
@thisbloghasnoaesthetic​ asked: Id love to take Jotaro on a date. Just something chill. Like getting some good food. Or just sitting together doing nothing. I'd love to just read a book with my head on his shoulder. Just enjoying eachothers quiet comfort :)
omg that sounds like a great date for Jotaro! he definitely seems like the type to want a chill date. he’d probably opt for something that offers takeout if you’re referencing Part 3!Joot, somewhere a little nicer but just as casual if you’re referencing Part 4!Joot. and while you’re reading, you might just catch a teeny, tiny smile on his lips. but don’t say anything or you’ll ruin the moment 🤭💕
anonymous asked: i would wanna take kakyoin out to an indoor roller rink so we could rollerskate together 🥺 it’s one of the things i like to do most and i’d wanna skate around w him while holding hands! also cause he’s tall, i feel like it’d be hard for him to keep balance and prevent himself from falling lolll. but we could go out to an ice cream place nearby afterwards and watch the sun set (if the time is right) 💗
how cute!! sharing something you love with the one you love most... I dig it. Kakyoin would be soooo embarrassed, though! he just wants to impress you but his center of gravity is absolutely awful. rip. at the end of the day, however, he’d be so appreciative that you shared something so personal with him. ❤️ let him pay for the ice cream, it’s the least he can do!! and maybe hold your hand while you watch the sunset 🌅
@lavaicerinkk​ asked: I would ask mista, probably to like a concert or something like that. We'd probably go as homies, then when we get home id be like "what if we kissed haha" and hed be like 😳😳 ok, and then we live happily ever after
LMAAAAOOOOO. I feel like this is v in character for Mista.... he’d be caught so off guard by it! esp since he probably would’ve accepted that you were just friends. not that he’d say no, tho 👀 he’d just be like, “wait, for real?” and waste no time kissing you after you gave him permission. what a happy ending. 💕
@murcx04​ asked: Take someone on a date huh hmmmmm- Josuke is my bet HAHA Hed be so refreshing to be with óuò. And we'd go shopping kfbfjfn And that where- he'll just show his pleading eyes and want you to buy the shoes he wants oh boy-
I agree, he would be a very refreshing plus one! I think a shopping date would be v traditional with him. I’m imagining you both at the mall, where he cackles at all the weird sex stuff at Spencer’s and shares his food court soft pretzel with you. 🥨 he probably wouldn’t explicitly say that he wants new shoes, but he’d nudge you and be like, “hey. if you wanna know what to get me for my birthday...” and point to the Air Force 1′s on display. so subtle. 🙄
anonymous asked: tbh i think i'd like to take kira out to dinner and go on a walk. i know its a simple date but i think he's really neat and i don't really like big or flashy events and i don't think he would either kjfnksnjks. its just sumn that would suit both of us nice
ooo interesting choice, nonnie! I 100% agree with you on this one. Kira would probably take you to one of those restaurants that have private rooms. I think some ritzier places are like that? anyway, he’d want to focus this date all on you. no mindless chatter from other patrons, no screaming children — the more noise he can minimize, the better. and during your walk, I can see him allowing you to take the reins on the conversation. he just finds everything you say so fascinating! 🌷💗
@catnymous​ asked: I'd take Fugo first to just a simple lil cafe then to the park :3
Cat!! I missed you!! you should come into the askbox more often, I always enjoy your replies. in the meantime, Fugo probably overthinks a lot so this date would be casual enough for him to relax. he would probably opt for some coffee and a slice of cake that he can share with you 🍰❤️ and a stroll through the park would be the perfect way to walk off the calories! (plus when you get to a fountain he’ll probably make some corny wish about getting to spend more days with you like this a;sdfkjl)
anonymous asked: Idk if you’re familiar with part 7... but I would bring Johnny to the planetarium; it’s a place that I love, and bringing him to a place special to me would mean a lot, I think. I’d tell him all of my favorite things about space. And, it’s a little mushy, but I’d remind him that just because you can’t always see the stars doesn’t mean they’re not there; every one is special and the same is for people. And of course, it would be a fun day out to appreciate the beautiful things in the world
unfortunately, I’m not familiar with Part 7... :( but thank you so much for sharing nonetheless! this is such a heart-warming confession 💕 I wish there was more I could say; I love that you’d share all your favorite things about space, and how everything and everyone is special. 💫 such a beautiful confession. 
@serenityblaze44​ asked: I would take Bruno and/or Abbacchio to a conservatory or garden, maybe bring a picnic. Nothing too exciting, just time to relax and spend time together. Then go home for cuddles.
por que no los dos? ahaha nah I’m joking... unless 👀 no but for real, this sounds ideal for both of them! ❤️ they would both appreciate the time to unwind. I could see Abbacchio prepping all the food, while Bucciarati handles everything else (packing the blanket, utensils, alcohol, etc.). they’d probably opt for somewhere outside of Naples since it’s far too crowded in the city. afterwards, be prepared for a gr8 nap between two warm, loving boys!!
anonymous asked: I'd take Kakyoin on a date! I think it would be really fun to go somewhere like an amusement park or arcade so we could just kinda be stupid together and forget our problems. Id go on the Ferris wheel and try to kiss him at the top but he'd probably shake the cart the whole time to freak me out 😂😂 After everything he's gone through, he deserves to have a lot of fun and id love to see him smile 🥰😍
aw friend, this is such a sweet scenario! hopefully the Ferris wheel doesn’t give him too many bad memories of Death Thirteen though ope,, anyway, what a lovely way to forget about all the stuff he’s endured! he’d playfully challenge you to some arcade games (and I’m using “playfully” lightly here) and then destroy you. 🙄 but it’s okay, any tickets he gets will immediately go to a cute stuffed animal just for you 🧸
@hadesaedes​ asked: OOOH I’d have to go with either Yukako or Koichi (even tho i have like TWO hands either is fine). Yukako is a very passionate and strong lover which I LOVE cause im shy with affection so being bold with it is MWUAH. While Koichi is also passionate I like to think he enjoys more simple and low key dates which is my type of thing. Having to just bask in each other’s company without having to fill the silence is GREAT. THEY ARE BOTH GREAT!!! In this essay I will-
AHHH A+ CHOICES, FRIEND. Yukako and Koichi would spoil you so much!! they’d handle any date expenses (movie tickets, food, etc.) and would adore having any opportunity to hold your hand 😊 Yukako would probably be more physically affectionate; she’ll either have her hand on top of yours or her feet wrapped between yours when sitting. Koichi would opt for compliments, praising you on how cool and smart you are! wow, what a supportive pair 🤝
anonymous asked: It's very hard to choose, but I'd go on a date with Bruno. Idk I'm just very gay for him. He knows a lot of nice and fancy places in Naples, but since that's not really my world, I'd take him to a small coffee shop or something. Nothing fancy or expensive but still very enjoyable. Maybe some ice cream. Walking through the city and going to a restaurant in the evening. Maybe something fancy this time, or just a simple pizza
how lovely!! Bucciarati would honestly be open to try anything, but I think a small coffee shop would be v enjoyable for him. there’s so much you can learn about someone over a cup of joe. ☕ since he’s been living in / around Naples his whole life, he’d probably share some neat facts about the city while on your stroll! “the Amalfi Coast is best known for its limoncello liqueur. I know a great place to try it if you’re interested.” 🍋
@moloko-tyan​ asked: Hello, little bird💫sending you rays of love and positive energy! This new event is so much fun. Several hours I wondered with who I wanted to go out, ahah. And I think it would be Erina. She deserves to have fun especially after all those awful events in her life. We would go to atelier. We could go through fabrics to choose which fits the best. We would look at lovely laces, buttons, jewels and we would argue about models of dresses and evening gowns. I want her to feel safe🌻 thank u so much!
friend! I always get so excited when you pop into my askbox!! ty for participating 💕 Erina is such a great choice imo. and this is such a creative date! she’d have so much fun running her fingers over all the interesting fabrics. Erina would take the most beautiful dresses and hold them up against you, saying how lovely the color suits you. 👗 although she’d be too shy to try those dresses on herself, she would have so much fun spending the day with you!!
anonymous asked: I hope it's okay to send this (I honestly don't want you to get overwhelmed)! But if it's okay: I would love to take Fugo on a date! I love this boy with all my heart and I would love to travel with him to my country to a town next to the sea and give him a tour of its history (and visit the local art and history museums there)! And later grab some ice cream and walk along the seafront in the evening where there are less people and just enjoy the walk together as the sun sets. -Turtle Anon🐢
oooohh, Turtle Anon!! thank you for your concern. you’re all good, don’t worry! anywho, that’s a wonderful date for Fugo. he would have an absolute blast reading about all the art and history your country has to offer 🏛️ you might have to push him along though, he’s the type to absorb everything n really slow down when reading... but at the end of the day, as you’re walking along the beach, he’d thank you for sharing a part of yourself with him. he’d be so honored! ☀️
anonymous asked: tbh i'd love to take narancia on a super spontaneous date... only the date and time are set, the entire day is just going around town and doing whatever stupid fun random things,, eating street food and going into shops to try on random fits and running around laughing, mayhaps go to an arcade, or do some karaoke. and then wind down at like a mcdonalds late at night, tired but happy and satisfied.. hhh nara is v fun i just wanna hang out w him honestly 🤕😔🤕😔
yeeeess this is the perfect date for Narancia!! he loves spontaneous stuff like this. he’d have so much fun gorging himself on street food and playing around with weird fits. he’d probably put on the stupidest things he can find, like this. and if you go to karaoke, be ready to screech some absolute bangers. he will not take anything less than confident (yet bad), loud (yet joyous) singing. 🎤 n while he might be falling nodding off at the McDonald’s, he’d sleepily tell you how amazing the day was and how he wants to do this again 💕
@tomomi012​ asked: I'm going to share another ideal date idea, but with Kakyoin. I'd like us to go to one of those cat cafes in Japan. I mean, cats, coffee and a cute Japanese boy, is this heaven? and I would tell him: "Nori, today I am in heaven"
ofc, share all you want! omg... I love this idea..... Kakyoin would be so soft anytime a cat approaches him. he’d do a little “pspsps” and hold out his finger for them to smell. and once a cat actually nudges him, he’d just melt! he wouldn’t show it outwardly, but you can see it in how bright his eyes get. I think Kakyoin would be the type to either attract a ton of cats or cats hate him, there’s no in between. 😭❤️ both make for some gr8 scenarios, though! 
@pommmejuice​​ asked: for your post about taking a character on a date :,) i think i’d like to take abba to art museums/cultural centers ,, i’d love to talk to him about my culture and what life is like (if he’d be interested;; lol) n maybe afterwards while we get italian food he can talk to me about what italian culture is like, the parts that aren’t shown in the media 🥺 so uh a date where we’re both learning new things about each other hehe
n maybeeeee take fugo to a café where we can study together n talk about our favorite things in our lives/culture.... n maybe hold hands on the table and maybe stare into his eyes tenderly ... you know because he’s my BFF (Best Friend Forever) .. you know how best friends do.. 😳
ooo Ireeene I figured you’d say Abbacchio :3c but that’s such a cute date for him! ofc he’d be interested in learning more about you!! you wouldn’t see it, but every time you share something you that you love about your culture, Abbacchio’s gaze on you would be so loving... 💖 he adores that you’re sharing so personal with him (of all people!!). and he’d get a kick out of telling you misconceptions about Italy. don’t get him started on how much he hates the Mario Bros.
as for Fugo, he would react similarly. I could see him ask more questions about your culture, while Abbacchio lets you go on and on. he’s so interested in everything about you!! and the moment you hold his hand... wow... get ready to see some intense blushing... he wouldn’t pull away, but his attention would turn to something else and his stutter would be apparent. pull yourself together, Fugo! 😤
anonymous asked: I'd take Rohan on a date, I'm a lil gay for that trash man. Tbh, it would either be an amazing date or a total disaster. I think we'd plan something fun and relaxing, like going to an art gallery or seeing a movie, but we'd end up in an adventure because that's what keeps happening to Rohan for some reason. At the end of the day we'd go to a restaurant to put a normal ending to that strange day
HAHAHA omggg friend this is a pretty accurate description of Rohan’s life. I think he’d be really annoyed that the day ended up this way, but he’s glad that he got to spend it with someone he tolerates. 💕 Rohan would try to push past those feelings once you go to the restaurant. this date is still salvageable!! he might complain a lil, but ultimately, he’d try to focus on you and what you enjoyed 🥰
@xxbluejayxx​ asked: For the Jojo date thing, I'd take Abbacchio. Well not really picky about the kind of date, I feel a nice quiet one at home would be best. It could be a homemade dinner, a movie night, or both. When it comes down to it, for me anytime spent with someone I love is time well spent, and that is something I will willingly admit
this is such a peaceful date for Abbacchio! I agree, a quiet date at home would be best. 😊❤️ as I mentioned in other scenarios, he’d likely take over kitchen duties. no need to worry about anything, just tell him what you want and he’d whip it up for you! and when it comes time to watch the movie, he’d tell you to sit a lil closer to him... he’s not very good with verbalizing affection, but he loves when he can feel your skin against his.
anonymous asked: I reeally wanna take Polnareff on a date. He deserves it sooo much. He's such a handsome sweetie. Id turn on the charm for him for once, like he always does. I have a beautiful image in my head of an outdoor patio restaurant with hundreds of strings of lights. We both dress up and have a lovely meal under the stars and magical lights, and then our favorite song plays and we have a dance beneath the lights. I think it would be goofy and romantic, stepping on toes as we attempt to dance around 😍
ahhh Polnareff would be so flattered to have you flirt with him! he’d probably get a lil flustered since this is nicer than what he’s used to, but seeing you dressed to the nines would make make him go 🥵 likewise, he’d push himself through the situation by just focusing on you. and when you start dancing... wow!! he’d lose himself laughing and being absolutely miserable at showing his moves. but it doesn’t matter, because he’s here with you and everything is okay ⭐
@rat-makes-stuff asked: Ok so I would take Giorno back to my home state of Michigan. Mafia boss has got to be tired as hell, so what's better than walking through the woods and collecting rocks at Lake Huron (I'm biased that's my favorite lake no CAP). We would watch the sun set and then look at the stars when they come out. Wildflower picking, trying to see how many deer we can find, and picnics by the lake? Yes pleaseee
before I start, Tumblr wasn’t letting me tag you in this!! so I hope you still see my response :( anyway, this is such a relaxing date! Don Giorno would love to unwind in nature. he’d probably take some stones he found near Lake Huron and turn them into a bouquet of flowers for you! 💐and since he’s probably never seen the sky without light pollution, he’d be astonished at how beautiful the sky is. he wouldn’t be able to say anything, just pull you close to him and thank you for taking him out here 🌠
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Reviewcaps: X-Men Evolution: Strategy X
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I take my first look at X-Men Evolution the second and less famous, but no less loved, cartoon about everyones faviorite mutant outcasts. In our first episode Scott blows up a gas station, Nightcrawler finds what it feels like to have a home, Toad tries to join the x-men and both of the latter two end up nearly dying because Chuck forgot to teleport proof the one room in the house with deadly lasers. All this and football under the cut. 
A few days ago I realized something weird: I hadn’t reviewed any superhero cartoons on here. What makes that weird to me, is that I realized when writing this that Superhero cartoons are what MADE me a superhero fan in the first place. I grew up as a little kid watching the spider-man and x-men animated series, and watched most marvel shows that came about as I grew, and became a lifelong fan of Green Lantern and the Flash thanks to Justice League , the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles thanks to the 2003 cartoon (another franchise I absolutley adore I haven’t covered on here for some reason) and the Teen Titans thanks to well.. Teen Titans, not to mention all the great original superhero shows at the time like the legendary Danny Phantom (even if butch heartman can take a short walk into a cave full of bears lately), My Life as a Teenage Robot, El Tigre.. the list of good shit goes on. So being on an X-Men kick again lately, I decided to revisit what turned out to be one of the first of this wave, and a show I’d had the opporoutnity to binge for a while , first on hulu and then on D+, and wanted to revisit to see how it holds up, while, if not as fast as I watch them, reviewing them here to combine my two intrests. And it probably wont’ be the last marvel animated series I binge or cover here, nor the last superhero show I cover so if you have any, Marvel, DC, from other companies or completely original, shoot me an ask or reply to this and i’ll see if I can get to it. For now we’re starting the evolution.  Evolution was the first X-Men cartoon, and somehow one of 5 overall not counting the hulk vs wolverine movie, pryde of the x-men pilot and various crossover apperances in other cartoons, to follow the 90′s one, which as you probably know was a huge hit that defined the x-men for a generation of young fans, was a huge sucess and launched the mostly great sorta shared cartoon universe with classics like Spider-Man the Animated Series (Which not concidentally is what made me a lifelong fan of the webslinger), The Incredible Hulk, and the second season of Iron Man and Fantastic Four.. and yes only the second as the first seasons were both by entirely diffrent creative teams and gave us things like this. 
Yes that is Johnny Storm doing an objetivley terrible hip hop song, no it dind’t cause that building to sink into the earth, and yes it is so bad it’s delcioius. Sadly the rest of hte series is more flat and boring than “bwahahahaha” but my point is made. The point is Evolution had a steep hill to climb, and with the previous cartoon compressing most of the decades long Chris Claremont era and some of what came after into 5 seasons of good if cheesy stuff, the creators clearly, if only because Ic an’t find a making of, decided to go in a diffrent route, making their own unique take on the characters and world of the x-men instead.  For starters rather than being vetrans with years of experince, either from being an x-man or just from general life experince like the comics were since the 70′s aside from the ocasinal exception like Kitty Pryde and Jubilee, they’d be teens, grappling with hormones alongside blue fur, head lasers and not being able to touch anyone. This wasn’t something x-men had shied away from, New Mutants and Generation X existed, but it was the first time in decades the X-Men themselves were kids. Sure Storm and Wolverine weren’t aged down, but there were just as many missions that were just these teenagers hoping to surivive the experince and keep mutants a secret till the world was ready.. and then dealing with the fallout when an unready and hateful world found out anyway. And I honeslty like the direction: The previous series had done the mostly straight adaptation bit, there wasn’t anywhere to go and aging scott and jean back to teens, and having nightcrawler and rouge get to be ones for the first time though, was an intresting idea, as was having Kitty Pryde be a teen alongside them instead of their plucky teenage member  Another intresting direction was, while Xavier’s still existed and was where the cast lived and learned to use their powers, the X-Men also went to regular high school. While it’d take till season 3 for them to actually have to deal with being out mutants in the setting, it was still an intresting tactic: The X-school in the comics, while no less studious is still an isoalted boarding school and when the New Mutants met some friends in town, most had only heard whispers about the old Xavier Mansion and were delighted to visit for a slumber party.. granted this being an x-men schindig our heroes ended up having to deal with an alien who eventually became one of their closest friends that night but still, for the x-men having the robot, or technoorganic in this case, NOT try to murder them on purpose and be a loveable 80′s sidekick instead is an easy night. While i’ts not done perfectly here from what I can remember, the main human characters we see are nightcrawlers love intrest amanda (who is thankfully NOT his adopted sister this time around thank christ), local stock blond football bully and flash thompson impersonator Duncan, and Scott’s nondiscript friend paul, who I can’t think of without thinking two things; one , what do you WANT paul: 
I mean a man so vauge just can’t be trusted. The second is that paul looks a lot like Doug Ramsey and i’m suprised they didn’t just.. make him Doug and have him go through a similar arc from the comics:A crush on kitty and the rest of the team finding out he’s a mutant and eventually bringing him into their world. For those unaware Doug Ramsey is a mutant with the ablility to translate any languge, including computer code from the get go and body laungage when he came back, an easy fix to him being the non-combatant of the group no one thought of, who died tragically in story sacrifcing himself to save his girlfriend’s life and out of story because the artist tricked the writer into killing him off. Thankfully he did come back about two decades later, took a level in badass thanks to a combination of the body language thing above meaning he could anticipate moves and dodge and computers having advanced to the point that part of his powers was now 80 times more useful, and has recently become a key part of the dawn of x relaunch. He���s also a faviorite of mine as you can probably tell and given how much the early 2000′s loved their computers, it’s weird to me they didn’t think of this and it’s even weirder he didn’t show up with the lions share of the other new mutants next season, along with Karma and Warlock which somehow has become a recurring theme thanks to the movie saving them for sequels that ended up not happening because fox stupidly put the movie in Limbo where it remains until maybe next month.  But yeah even if muted a bit the idea of the x-men going to a public school alongside their training is a decent one.. sure a hero going through high school is again a cliche, but it’s a thing the x-men hadn’t done in this way before or sense, and was intresting to see in action. Most high school scnees in x-comics are usually some poor mutant having their powers manifest and either hurting someone by accident, being treated like crap for it by their class or hunted down for accidently hurting someone before the x-men show up to kick their asses and welcome this youngster. Or getting rejected by family and friends then coming to the x-men.. there’s a lot of angst directions to go in. My point is we’d never seen the x-men try to blend in and have a more standard school experince, and combining that with them hiding their powers instead of being out in the open at first made for a unique dynamic for the x-men that makes well tread ground nice nad fresh even 20 years later. 
So that’s our basic setup going in: The X-men wake up, go to school, then save the world or train to save the world while harnesing wonderful and dangerous powers and protecting the helpless agaist less charitable mutants. The basic x-setup with a 2000′s era superhero high school show flavor. Good stuff. But we’ll see what it does with this premise, how good it holds up and what’s still delightfuly cheesy about it as I take a nice look at the first episode Strategy X
We open at night and
Yup Scott and Jean are at the football team where the aforementioned Duncan, guy voted most likely to peak in high school in last year’s yearbook poll, is playing some foot ball and trying to flit with Jean Grey whose the first X-Man we meet and is somehow receptive to this despite his radaiating douche and is lucky this Jean’ , unlike say the time transfered one from the comics who thought the best approach to helping Bobby Drake come out of the closet so he could help his older self do the same and be his best self, was to just blunty say he’s gay and refuse to let him explore thtt for himself or get someone more quliafied to help her. And yes that did indeed happen and yes the original x-men were brought into the present for a while and yes it was weird Moving on. Still i’m pretty sure duncan’s thoughts would read like  “Man she looks good.. I want to bang her so hard she uh.. wakes up sideways.. yeah that’s it. Your a legend duncan, a total legend. “.  As you can probably tell I don’t have fond memories of this character or this sorta but not really love triangle, and question why they couldn’t of just had spyke be the other man in the triangle if they wanted to do this. Granted Spyke himself is kinda annoying, but it still makes more sense to have him fill in for angel or wolverine in a jean-scott love triangle than this walking burnt end. The warren, scott one worked, as much as a 60′s love triangle could because warren was conventionally handsome and had angel wings while scott has to keep glasses on just to not murder anyone he looks at, so there’s a bit of contrast there, while with WOlverine it’s straight laced dependeble scott versus unhinged manly man Logan. You know before recently where they just decided to all bone in a pile and wolverine even goes on vacation with them. And that’s not a joke I made up, that’s actual canon. Both make logical sense while Jean would be intrested in both in the former case, as Scott was still a kind and dependable leader, and tempted in the latter case if never acting on it before recently and with her husband’s full consent and either watching from the closet or taking one up the ass for jean to watch. Duncan in contrast is just wholly unlikeable and it makes me question why use him as the third in this love triangle, ESPECIALLY since the show would later introduce another scott and jean based love triangle with Rogue wanting scott that’s way more intresting, and even people wanting those two to hook up don’t want Jean with Duncan! Instead of creating a vitable alternative to make a later love triangle more intresting or create some shipping wars or anything of value any hint jean may be intrested just wastes screentime and tests my patience and is thankfully breif here.  As for why Jean’s here sh’es taking pictures for the school paper since the Daily Bugle wasn’t intrested in photos that weren’t of spider-man and they already had a teen photographer for that. Porker or something. Anyways this episode ofa low rent friday night lights knockoff is interuptted when one of duncan’s buddies on the team spots local trouble maker and ,judging by context, bully punching bag Todd Tolansky, aka Toad which is a cruel nickname turned slightly lesss cruel code name here, pick pocketing the people in the stands, and sensing a flimsy context to punch a nerd, Duncan goes to tell the coah he’ll be busy for a moment totally not carving someone’s face in again. Coach says as long as he leaves him breathing, and through a straw still counts and since their so far ahead as long as he’s back for the celebratory rampage anything goes.  Also spotting Toad’s stan pines approved sticky fingers is Scott Summers, leader of x-men and all around cool guy. Scott here is a bit more emotive than he was int he comics at a time, a trait he’d have later on in the late 2000′s and even currently and a version I prefer to the “has something shoved so far up his ass you can see it when he opens his mouth” boring straightman of the 90′s cartoon. He’s a bit more impulsive, a bit more emotivie but still a good and well thought out leader and the tactical genius, at least as far as I can remember, that he’s known for being. IT’s a good portayal so far, it reminds me of 2k12 leonardo: he’s still growing into being a leader in some way but clearly has the talent and drive for it and a deep sense of heroism> That deep sense is shown here as Scott leaves to go confront toad.. and then confronts Duncan and buds when he finds them about to squish Toad. Unlike Duncan, whose “heroism” consits of a filmy excuse to beat a third hole into todd’s head, Scott wanted to stop Toad because it’s the right thing to do, and wants to stop Duncan because his actions are just as wrong: Sure Toad is stealing stuff, but it’s clear from the way he and his buddies grin widlly at seieng toad pick pocket that they just want an excuse to pummel the kid and not get in trouble for it. It’s confirmed when Scott makes a resonable offer: Since Toad still has the money and most of the lifted wallets, he can return what he stole, which Toad not wanting to die today agrees to, but Duncan refuses. Scott however gets the three thrown to the ground and while Toad escapes, with the two other idiots in persuit, an enraged duncan attacks. But since Scott Summers, even teen scott summers has batman level judo, it’s an even fight despite Duncan being bigger and more muscular.. until Jean runs in shouts scott no.. despite you know Duncan starting this and Scott merley defending himself, distracts Scott long enough for him to get shoved to the ground.. and loose his googles, sending an optic blast out before he can clamp his eyes shut, knocking duncan over and igniting a nearbye propane tank. Toasty! Also yikes.  Cue the opening theme and credits. While the opening Creidts are very 2000′s, they aren’t half bad but the main draw is the theme song which.. honestly I feel is great and very close to the 90′s x-men theme in quality, only not being AS good because that one’s one of the best theme songs period. but this one’s no slouch as it’s fun, energetic and will get stuck in your head. Good stuff.  After the theme we cut back to the credits where Scott is closing his eyes despeartly holding his powers in. It was a good opening and a great way to show off the premise of the show and just how dangerous mutant powers can be even accidnetally, with this followup showing it’s not inetentional. it was even shown before as while scott’s eyes flash, he notably never uses his powers in the fight and they only came about accidnetally. We also get some JeanScott ship tease as she finds his glasses ,and with Duncan having a concusion and not remembering anything, a bit that hasn’t aged well, things seem well.. except the cop seems to notice something supscious.. before help arrives in a rolls royce. Charles Xavier, voiced by the icomprable David Kaye who I feel is one of the best daviers and does a great job here and quickly makes the guy see nothing supscious, a classic use of his powers and an understdanable one: while yea going into someone’s mind isn’t a great tihng to do.. scott being possibly outed as a mutant this way would only land the poor boy in a jail cell, as it did for Bobby Drake in the comics when his own powers activated and hurt someone. We also meet storm who unlike the others isn’ aged downa nd is one of two senior staffers for the school, a touch I like as she was a great mentor figure to kitty pryde and the comics and the roll suits her, while evolution also tones down the ham 80 degrees so she’s even more like the comics; reserved but utterly confident and badass and a good #2 to xavier. Xavier also likely wiped Duncan’s memory of scott’s power triggering I figure.. I mean he could’ve got concussed but I wouldn’t be suprised if chuck manipualted that too. Jean comforts Duncan for.. again some reason. Like he was just in a fight with her best friend and she’s a telepath.. I get she’s being respectful but time and place. Scott is naturally Jelly, but Toad.. genuinely thanks Scott for the help while Scott brushes it off. It was the right thing to do and Toad is still a creep, but it’s still a nice gesture. Also toad eats a fly to show that yep he too is  a mutant.  Xavier and Storm go to the train station and pick up a mysterious teen clad all in robes. Ohohoo hominus.  Meanwhile somewhere in the westchester area, Wolverine comes in! Snkity sknikty snoik. He’s voiced by, and dresses exactly like, Scott McNeil, a vetran and awesome voice actor who I honestly think does a better job than his prdecessor. Not that 90′s wolverine is bad, it’s just McNeil has more of a range even while keeping the gutteral growl of hte former and can tur it off at times while his previous acto rwas pretty much on snarl mode constantly. He wasn’t bad, all the 90′s voice actors were at 100 most of the time and undersndably given the hamm nature of that cartoon, but its’ still a ncie change of pace and one we’d see again with steve blum in the next cartoon. More on that obviously when i inevitably cover Wolverine and the X-Men He picks up a paper about the explosion, and sensing he must go his people need him, cuts the top off the water he ordered, because you can’t get beer on a childrens cartoon, and thanks the clerk who wonders what the fuck just happened. And it’s a weird ass scene especially because in this series the x-men are trying to keep a lid on mutants and Logan’s just .. causally cutting off a water bottle because fuck it. It fits the character a LITTLE but it’s still just weird and out of place. Speaking of weird and out of place sabertooth is stalking logan on a mountaintop because.. 
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Thank you wrestlecrap. He dosen’t show up again and is apparently introduced several episodes from now, and sports a design similar to the 2000 movie which isn’t a terrible look apart from the long lead singer from Creed haircut. The next morning at Xavier’s scott’s annoyed at jean taking her time in the bathroom because “women amirite?”.. yeah... 
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On that gag. Before the two dart off for school Xavier calls them in to meet the new kid: Kurt Wagner, aka Nightcrawler, whose blue and fuzzy as ever, though without the fully yellow eyes he usually sports, though I figure it’s less because they wanted to make him more humanoid, though his Kelso from that 70′s show hair certainly helps with that too, and more because that way his human disguise he’ll get in a bit can just be an easily just recolor and redres his civlilan design. Though why he couldn’t just have the yellow eyes in elf form and give him regular ones in transducer form, epsecially since they had to make a whole new outfit and ears for his non elf form anyway is beyond me, but whatever. At least he’s a full part of the team here and oh so adorkable.  As you can probably wager by the fact there’s only 3 x-men and one asshole here, Evolution takes it’s time introducing everybody, the first few episodes using the debut queue style of storytelling and introducing the main cast about one or two per episode.. which I like a lot as it gives each of the x-men room to breathe and get a proper introduction, while usually doing the same for the latest addition to the brotherhood. IT’s a godo way to ease us into a decently sized main cast and let each get their own origin story of sorts. Good stuff. 
Jean and Scott are shocked by the poor boys three fingers, but Charles helps asuage kurt.. by pointing out scott’s fuckup then berating him. Both don’t come off great: Scot whines about having two cannonballs under his eyes, which while fair is something he knew going into a situation where they might get knocked off and didn’t prepare for, while Charles lambasts him for “not having more control”.. and his tone implies it’s more about his POWERS. If it was about self control fine, that’d be godo character stuff but if it’s of his powers..  Scott didn’t use his powers at all during the breif scuffle and was only let loose by pure shock, and something you easily covered for minus the explosion part. It could just be both having a point but I dunno. But with that Xavier does show kurt that even human passing mutants like Scott have huge struggles and he no longer is alone. Jean is curious what his power is and Kurt demonstrates his teleporting, impressing both and bonding the three a bit. Xavier sends them off to school, and they’ll talk more about kurt tonight.  At school Toad is getting dressed down by principle darkholme, aka mistque whose apparently also his boss.. yes while the founding x-men are two upstanding well trained, if one a bit hot headed youths, Mystque got.. a guy who pick pockets because as we later see the house she got for them looks like the ghosts of the frat who used to live there did a number on the place. Yeah easy to see why your guys later become the comic relief villians Raven. Anyways she plans to have Toad use his newfound leverage with scott to try and sneak in with the x-men before shapeshifting into a knockoff brood to scare him because she’s a dick. Also how the hell would she explain that if someone walked in and DIDN’T comically walk right back out and just explose her posing as a monster for the student body to see. Not a bad show of her powers but a really goofy and nonsenical one. Also yeah unlike the comics raven can change her shape further than just humanoid.
Back at the school Kurt is excited to see his spacious and luxrious room, his parents, whoever they were, having sent him here, and is even more excited when Xavier gives him a gift; an image inducer. This is something that actually comes from the comic: it’s a device disgused as a watch that holographically makes Kurt look like your standard human. Kurt in the comics of course used it to look like errol flynn.  Naturally Chris Claremont eventually realized the implications of a person of a minority who looks diffrent masquerading as someone else to blend in and Kurt later decided to go without it, as he shoudln’t have to hide himself. Evolution does use it better though: For starters when Kurt says he’s finally normal, Ororo assures him he always was, this is just to help a bit and the idea of him needing to blend in makes sense since the x-kids are going to public high school and mutantkind is more hidden to avoid prosecution. It’s sitll a BIT shaky, but it’s at least trying to avoid a lot of the pitfalls of the concept and modernizie it a bit and I can give them credit for that. 
Back at School scott’s preparing to lunch, telling paul to save him a seat. Good old Paul, when Toad comes up to him thanking him again and revealing his own mutant powers and stealing Scott’s glasses because that’s how you charm someone. Toad offers to hang but Scott wisely refuses and moves on though he does use the cafeteria pay phone to call Charles, who already found out about todd via Cerebro and despite Scott’s understandable reservations about letting a literally slimy pick pocket who talks like goddamn j-roc , know what i’m sayin, into the team, Charles in a very charles xavier move says they can’t turn their back on ANY mutant, even the assholes. Now read that in a patrick stewart voice. Your welcome. Scott wonders if he should ask Todd over to play fooseball and ask about joining his teen militia but Chalres said no need, he’ll take care of the audition himself. He then explains Cerebro to a curious kurt, global telepathic mutant tracker basically, and prepares for the audition. 
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That night Toad goes to the mansion.. with a costume already. And rather than evaluate all the costumes up front i’m going to do so as they show up in series. As such.. toad’s is REALLY good, a nice armor look with a small part peaking up resembling a collar of some sort , a nice update of his silver age costume’s collar. It really feels frog like and really is neat. Storm, who is watering her garden a detail I like, heads out and rains on his parade. Her costume is fine, a standard storm outfit, nothing really outstanding but still not bad. Storm then sends lighting at him to see what happens when a Toad is struck by lighting.. probably the same as everything else before he runs inside and runs into kurt. 
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Kurt then shows up, and while I’d forgottten this, he was already in costume from earlier having gotten his at the same time as the inducer. His costume.. is about the same as the comics except hte gloves and boots are yellow, i’m somehwat eh on it but I get doing so to have him fit with the black and yellow color scheme of most of the other x-men in some way. Though i’d love to see a black and yellow redesign of his classic oufit someday that’d look spiffy. But yeah it’s pretty good and one of the standouts of the evolution costumes. The two trade barbs thanks to toad being kind of a dick about nightcrawler and end up having a petty squabble and tussle for a bit around the mansion. Xavier still considers Toad x-men material while Storm considers not missing with lightning this time. In all seriousnes this is more good character stuff for Charles, as it shows that no matter how troublesome, he’ll welcome any mutant child in with open arms. Though I question why neither questions the fact that a mutant they just met somehow brought his own top of the line uniform, but I chalk it up to that probably not having been written into the episode and either being an error or execs wnating to show off his battle suit to have a proper superhero tussle to close out the episode.  However said tussle, which is really more a hilarious fight between an asshole and a dork, is interupted when Kurt accidnetly ports them into the danger room, an x-men staple.. no really “new mutant accidently enters or finds the danger room” is old hat at this point, most iconically with Kitty in the comics shortly after she joined. 
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Naturally not wanting to have to clean up another set of teen corpses, he just got the Vulcan smell out of there, Xavier dispatches Cyclops and Jean to go deal with it.. since Jean dosen’t have a code name here since marvel forgets to try and get her a non phonenix one better than marvel girl and it annoys me. Anyways fashion show time again, and yes i’m aware these aren’t from strategy x, but I didn’t want to just use hte model sheet shots from the wiki so I combed for decent action shots. Scotty’s costume is decent, a bit bulky with the very 90′s shoulder pads and boots, but otherwise looks pretty good, a nice combination of his 90′s uniform and his second x-factor uniform. Even with the bulk it looks really good. On the oppsite end.. we have Jean, who easily has the worst outfit of the main x-men by a mile, with a weird lime green stripe for some reason. Maybe they were going for phonenix colors I dunno, but it just looks half assed in comparison to the rest of the gangs outfit. The gold rings and fingerless gloves are a nice touch, but this one’s still just bland in comparison. Like they couldn’t figure out how to update jeans 90′s outfit so they put her in a jassercise outfit instead. 
Scott and Jean arrive with Jean saving nightcrawler, Kurt asking if sh’es an angel, she asking if he’s a demon and me asking if I can get a trashcan to vomit in. It didn’t work for George Lucas a year before this why did you think it’d work here? Anyways Kurt realizes their not in xavier’s snuff dungeon, as far as he knows and it’s simply a trianing room and tries to disarm it, but it instead nearly blasts toad who nopes outta htere, scott too injured to follow. And while when watching the episode yesterday It hought it was a bit abrubt.. it really fits. Toad is a bit of a coward from memory, bosatful and cocky.. till reality reminds him he’s freaking toad as seen with the bullies earlier and mystique after that. So of course he’d run the minute things looked dicey and it looked like xavier reguarlly put his students through the hunger games to thint he herd. Xavier bemoans that Toad simply isn’t ready.. sure he’s a mutant and xavier likely senses mistque’s involement.. but he genuilly WANTED to help todd and give him a real home and support.. its just Toad/Todd dosen’t WANT it or to put in any real work to be better, and you have to WANT help to get it.  Kurt blames himself and ports out feeling he dosen’t deserve to be there and Scott goes after him while out front Toad runs into a returning Logan, whose ready to add another dead teen to the pile out back when Xavier insists he let him go... he’s not an actual threat, and as we find out later Xavier removed the schools location from his mind and probably gave it to toad in the first place, so while Logan says he’ll be back.. he has no way of coming back and there’s no sense roughing up a teenager, when that’d just draw more attention to them and give Toad an angle to work. That being said Charlie still gladly welcomes Logan back though both smell trouble on the horizon.. and also toad. He tends to leave a scent that one. 
We then get what I feel is the best scene in the episode: Cyclops finds Kurt in the room with the blackbird, which this show remembers is an actual type of plane and that the x-mens is simply a souped up version of , though I can’t tell you what version he’s saying it’s superior to because I don’t know planes THAT well. But Scott comforts Kurt, saying it’s OKAY to fuck up: the entire point of this place is so they can afford to make the mistakes they can’t make out there and learn and grow as people. Everyone screws up, as Scott himself did rushing in without a plan at the start, but the point is you learn from it and do better next time and Kurt decides to stay. Welcome to the X-Men Kurt, hope you surivive the experince. Also Scott decides to show him where they hide the sodas.. which either Chuck is a dick about their pop or that’s code for booze.. or possibly both. I could see Logan really liking root beer alongisde his nightly 6 pack. 
We close out with Mystque berating toad for running the hell away and for you know, getting mindwiped.. the latter is far from his fault, but the first part.. yeah Toad kinda sucks at this and Raven screams for him to get out, with her turning back into her natural form for the first time.. and then being confronted with HER boss with Magneto, from.. somewhere.. he appearas as a spooky projection but I don’t know if he’s using a device to amplfy himself or he just hides in the closet of her office all day for when he needs to consult her on their evil schemes. Probably the latter. Anyways Erik wisely consults her to be a bit easier..while toad is a bit of a dipweasel.. they can’t afford their ranks being thinned.. and really he’s not wrong. The x-men currently have them 6 to 3. Even if he’s the weakest of the three of them, they can’t afford to spare him. He then ominously says htis is only... THE BEGINING.
FINAL THOUGHTS:  Strategy X is a decent start for the series but not without it’s problems, with one or two questionsable moments like the whole angel and devil exhcange or the entire “Storm stalks toad as he goes to the mansion” scene as a way of testing him, which makes both her and charles come off bad and makes me wonder how the hell that was an actual test of anything. But it’s held up by good character: While Jeans kind of a bit of wallpaper here, the rest of the x-men and our three villians are all given great character moments that show them off to the audience well and really show the writers get the characters while taking their own spins on the younger ones: Nightcrawler, who could be a bit of a dork in the comics, see here his seduction tequnique. 
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I mean damn if that shit isn’t still Sexy but still. They just ramped it up a bit since this version is younger and more naive, while Scott is likewise a bit more rambunctious and likely to question Xavier, while still being a good hearted guy who knows how to lead. It’s good stuff. While the quality isn’t PERFECT, it’s a good start and I look forward to watching more and EVENTUALLY reviewing more on here. If you liked this be sure to let me know and like I said above if there’s any other marvel show or any dc ones you want me to cover, and any specific episodes at that, lemme know. Comics too. And until we meet again, courage.  PS.. what the hell is up with the title of this episode? No really it has nothing to do with anything. Is it Mystuues’ inflitration plan? 
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laws-hat-headcanons · 4 years
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I realised after I had posted this that I did it on a reblog that was already pretty long... so I have now done a separate post to try and make it smaller! Sorry! 
I was tagged twice to do this and was writing out my answers when Coop tagged me AGAIN!! So I am sorry to all of you, this is long and you're going to learn more about me than you probably wanted to!!
Answer 10 questions then add 10 of your own: 
@lucynnamonroll thank you for the first Tag flower!
1. A dream that you still remember?
I dreamt once that someone was chasing me and my dog and they bit me, took a big chunk out of my arm. And then my dog gave me this big blue fruit and my arm grew back. My dreams are always very strange.
2. What job did you want to do when you were younger?
I wanted to be a vet but I am way too emotional around poorly animals and also not smart enough to learn how to treat them haha!
3. And now? Did it has changed?
Yeah, I don't think I was ever cut out to be a vet. I'd like to work with animals though, maybe kennels or something? Zoo Keeper would be cool.
4. A favorite game?
I'm gonna take this as video game... There are a lot. I love Mass Effect and Dragon age, Gears of War... but Horizon Zero Dawn was amazing. I loved every single thing about it. Beautiful game, great story – just.. chefs kiss
5. Where did you have traveled? (Either it’s in your country or not)
I've been a few places- France, Spain, Somewhere else hot but I can't recall where... Ireland, Scotland. I was supposed to have gone to Bulgaria at the beginning of May but Coronavirus done fucked me over.
6. Did you have a totem animal/a favorite animal?
Ever since I was about 6 wolves have been my favourite animals. I originally started drawing so I could create a wolf fursona …. siiigghhh
7. Did you/Do you have a teddy bear to help you to sleep? How it was looking?
Yes, a little dog called Custard. He is a beige colour with brown ears but is still in pretty good condition. He sits on my desk chair when I'm not using it.
8. THE animated (or not) serie of your childhood/teenage years?
TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES – heroes in a half shell, turtle power!! I was also hella into Dragon Ball Z on Toonami when I was a kid. I remember we went to see some family up north and they didn't have Toonami and I cried because it was mid way through the Buu arc and I was gonna miss it.
9. Do you have anime/series/movie/whatever things merch?
I have a few bits. A Hatake Kakashi figure, one for Katakuri and Zoro. A heart Pirates hoodie. I think I have Kid's wanted poster somewhere...
10. How was your day?
Oh. It was a day. I slept through most of it. My energy/motivation levels are pretty low at the moment. But it was sunny, so that was nice.
@luffytarhoe thank you for my second tag!! 💙
1- What’s your favorite show/anime of the moment ?
I don't watch a huge amount of anime despite the focus of this blog. So probably One piece on that front. Otherwise I am watching Outlander atm, which is pretty good but there is sooooo much sex. An ungodly amount of sex.
2- What type of music are you into?
My music tastes are quite varied. I like stuff that you can listen to and put into a situation, so usually sad stuff where I can imagine I am the main character weeping over the bodies of my fallen comrades. Also Goo Goo Dolls!
3- If you could have one superpower , what would it be ?
Probability, or luck. Like Domino in Deadpool. That's always been such a cool concept to me.
4- What’s your favorite color ?
Blue and all it's hues. Maybe teal if I had to get specific.
5- Do you prefer animated or live action shows/series ?
I am happy with both. Though some animated shows should stay animated – looking at you ATLA...
6- Do you believe in ghosts ?
I believe that energy never disappears, only changes forms and I don't think that's any different for whatever happens to people energy once we die. I'm a big wimp though so it's easier for me not to believe in them!
7- Do you speak any foreign language(s) ? if yes which ones ?
No, sadly I never had a talent for languages. I'd love to speak Gaelic though.
8- Your n°1 fictional character ?
Probably Stone from the Raksura book series. He's just a fun grumpy old shapeshifting man.
9- Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert?
Definitely an introvert. I like me time. And all my hobbies are single person hobbies so that doesn't help haha.
10- What was the best vacation you ever took and why?
I haven't been on holiday in over 10 years but we went to a zoo in Spain once and a Monkey sat on my head. That was pretty rad.
@doctorgerth and finally, thank you for my 3rd tag!!
1. What are your zodiac signs (sun, moon, rising, if you know them) and do you think they fit you pretty well?
I am an Aries and that is pretty much the extent of my knowledge on the subject. Aries are meant to be pretty hot headed and outgoing and I can only really claim to be one of those thing and only when I need to be. So no, I'm not sure it fits me.
2. What is your favorite clothing item and/or accessory?
I don't reallllly care a lot about clothes and or stuff. So I guess either my glasses because I need them to see long distances (and to drive) or my phone if that counts as an accessory because that has all my crap on it.
3. Any future children or pet names?
Noooooooooooooo and no
4. If you could meet anyone (can be past, present, future, real, or fictional) who would it be?
I would have liked to have met Steve Irwin I think. He seemed pretty chill and I grew up watching Crocodile Hunter on TV so he was a big hero of mine for a long time. Also the Rock or Jason Mamoa because of reasons....
5. Brag on yourself! What’s something you love about yourself?
I am passably amusing and guess I write okay too haha
6. What is a movie or show that you could rewatch a million times and never get tired of?
The film Evolution is endlessly funny to me and it makes me laugh every time I watch it. I used to have it on VHS and I kept a video player in the house to watch it until my cousin got it for me on DVD (Yes I am old.)
7. What is your favorite album of all time?
I haven't listened to it in a long time but I really loved Maroon 5 – Songs about Jane.
8. Do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens? If you have stories to back up, plz share.
I want to belllieeveeeeee! Ghosts, yes, hesitantly but I think I answered that in a previous one. Aliens 100% because I refuse to believe that we are the only sentient life the universe. It's just... statistically impossible.
9. What do you do/who do you look to for inspiration?
I guess human being wise my mum is my inspiration for a lot of things? She's just a lovely person and she's very kind and sweet. I am very aware that we are not much alike, but I look to her as the sort of example of a good person. Creativity wise it's just a clusterfuck of books and badly organised pinterest boards.
10. What is your happiest memory?
Practically anything that has my nephews in it I guess. They're just... hilariously weird little dudes and I love them so much. They always make me laugh.
And here are my questions!!
1. What is your favourite book?
2. What is you most loved item and why?
3. If you got the chance to travel to another planet (knowing you would never see your friends or family again) would you do it?
4. One song that makes you cry?
5. Do you believe in supernatural stuff? Ghosts and Monsters and Fairies? Any experiences with it?
6. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever witnessed or had happen to you?
7. What one thing would you buy if you had the money?
8. What is your worst habit/personality trait?
9. If you could alter your body with one cool feature, what would it be? (camera eyes, monkey tail, etc)
10. Do you have the patience to play a full game of Monopoly with no breaks?
I'll tag @pinkhatlizzy @nakunakunomi @lirulee @one-piece-dumpster-fire and anyone else who wants to answer my dumb questions!! Tag me because if you decide to do it so I can see your answers 💙
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fandomoniumflurry · 5 years
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Since I haven’t been around for a while, Gish, life, health, and all kinds of things, I decided to host a challenge. I haven’t written anything in a long time so I want to read some fics to try and get back in the mood.
This is an original character challenge, no reader inserts allowed. Get creative, let those talented juices flow. This is of course a SPN challenge so the OC has to be in the supernatural universe whether AU, RPF, ABO, canon or whatever. Fluff, smut, angst, flangst, flut, whatever genre you want. As long as you put appropriate warnings and tags and such. 
Your OC’s can be any kind of character, whether it be based off of you or just some person that is stuck in your head. Whoever they are, they need a name and a personality maybe even a description. LGBTQIA or cis, family or lover, hell, it can be the family dog, as long as its original. Make me love the character as much as you loved writing for them. 
Pairing is fine or no pairing at all. But There is a limit to the canon characters I will read so the list of characters to write with are as follows:
Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Jo Harvelle, Charlie Bradbury, Rowena, Michael, Bobby Singer, Arthur Ketch and their actors.
So your OCs can react with any of those mostly. You can mention others those just pairings or family ties or anything have to be centered around just these. There is no word limit and there is no minimum. As a matter of fact if you just want to make a moodboard or aesthetic or edit that works too. Just as long as there is an OC involved.
I’m gonna give you the rest of the month to get this done. Sign up will not be closed, so you can start writing whenever you want. As long as you sign up and submit by the 31st of August. I will make a Masterlist the first of September with all the submissions. If you need more time, I’m flexible.
If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or complaints, just message me! Or if you just wanna chat, you can message me then too.
Now let’s get to some prompts below the cut!
These prompts are going to be tv shows I grew up on. You can use them as shows or use the phrase or just put whatever twist you want on it. It’s for you to decide what to do with the prompt! Just message me what prompt you want and that’s it. The rest is up to you. You can not use an episode of SPN that has already used the prompt, like Scoobynatural. Put your own story to it.
1. Sister, Sister 2. Fresh Prince 3. Saved by the Bell 4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5. Bill Nye the Science Guy 6. Bob the Builder -@keepcalmimthecupcake 7. Blue’s Clues - @peridottea91 8. Gargoyles 9. Mighty Ducks 10. Cowboys of Moo Mesa 11. Boy Meets World 12. Hanging with Mr. Cooper 13. Perfect Strangers - @wingedcatninja @allonsy-yesiwill 14. Step by Step 15. Scooby Doo - @princessmisery666
When you submit, tag me and put #MikeysSPNOCchallenge in the first five tags!
Now for my taggers! I’m tagging all my SPN taglist peeps. You don’t have to participate but it would be nice if you could Like, share, comment, follow and all that jazz, please and thank you!
@keepcalmimthecupcake @becs-bunker @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @ambermei @janai-mcgarrett @lukecastellamz @hunterswearingplaid @elsatxx @fangirl-moment-x @a-fan-fighting-for-equality @50shadesofsubtext @winchester-lover999 @kriswritesthethings @oliolioxiclean
Want Tagged? Go sign up Here
Wanna read my shit? Go Here
Buy me coffee? Go Here
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evscabuwazi · 4 years
It’s called Butterfly paint. You draw it with your cursor and then it starts moving around. A really cool and “useless” web aplication- just for your own amusement, still it needs some creativity and focus. Thank for this, dearest Martina! Try it out. :) Buy the way, talking about Martina...this is her with Carla. The Latin sisters by coincidence dressed up very similar, but you might already noticed that. I think I took this at one of my last visits to my dearest friends from the “Morustrasse department”  before I started taking seriously the quarantine.
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About Solidarity, I reminded myself, after our coordinators also reminded us several times, it’s time to do act somehow in this way. So, I took my pencils and made this table below. The idea of doing this was shared with us previously.  Then I had an interesting inside story, I want to share with you: No one filled it out since two days, BUT the day after I put it out in the hallway of my house, an older woman I know from long time ago contacted me from Budapest- if I could help her buying some groceries. :) Can you sense? After talking to her and seeing my sign again, I had a moment of lucidity when I understood the humor of the universe- I announced my offering of help in Berlin, and I got a request, as a response to it from Budapest. I think it’s like karma- something you do to someone won’t come back from the same person, but it will from another one. In my case I think the same mechanism worked, trough different spaces. Eventually I managed to help her even from far, giving her the information about where she can get help in her environment. I was really amused by this process. 
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Anyway. Just another fun fact. I bought one normal sized cabbage, and this is how many kind of food we prepared from it:  There is still left in the fridge and also in the freezer, we just couldn’t handle it...
So, if you want to buy a cabbage, think for a week or try to live in a bigger WG then me.
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And the last but not least thing I want to share is my answer to this: 
We got it as homework to answer the question of this text: What world do you want to build for yourself? I will answer it even if I am a bit skeptic about the validity of the source- it doasn’t really matter, since the content is positive.
My answer to this is, that I would like to build a world that I am building already: one with strong attention to myselv and to the people around me, where I can live in my own rhythm, planing from one day to another with short term but important goals- which make me and the community I live in stronger and more beautiful, wiser and more fun...using my time to things I value most, like connecting with people who I love...trying to give, to pass something useful or joyful for people who need it and being creative about that, since my tools are different now from the ones I had one month ago...developing myself in order to be more positive- to strengh my immunity and to have power for solidarity...to make movement every day, to ask my body and discover what it needs and to give it...to grow plants, to cook, to meditate, to do mindfullnes and therapy more deeper then before, since I don’t need to rush anywhere...to look around me and to look inside of me, to enjoy and respect nature, to think, to read, to draw, to write, to do pictures, to dance, to learn, to share... and the list is progressively forming itself in the future. 
How are you REbuilding the world?
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rpgmgames · 6 years
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July’s Featured Game: Black Crystals
DEVELOPER(S): Yoraee ENGINE: RPGMaker MV GENRE: Fantasy, RPG WARNINGS: Alcohol Reference, Drug Reference, Use of Alcohol, Use of Drugs, Use of Tobacco, Mild Blood, Fantasy Violence, Sexual Themes SUMMARY: Starsio, a street performer, finds himself in the stickiest of situations. Starsio was kidnapped off the streets of his home town and brought to the brothel Paprika where he is forced to become a performer. One rainy night, Starsio gathers his courage and wits and plans an escape. He convinces Arthur, an apprehensive and fidgety new found friend, to accompany him. Starsio sets his escape plan in motion with one last song…
Our Interview With The Dev Team Below The Cut!
Introduce yourself! My name is Hind, but online I go by Yoraee (fans of Breath of Fire may recognize my handle).
I used to make parodies of anime openings and endings featuring the Ninja Turtles (If you REALLY want to you can look them up on youtube by searching for Yoraee!)
I am a HUGE fan of Ninja Turtles, Inazuma Eleven, Cyborg 009, Hetalia, and Ace Attorney! My favorite video games are Saga Frontier, Tales of Destiny, and the Suikoden series.
I joined the RPG Maker gamedev community about two years ago when I started working on Black Crystals. I LOVE it here! :D
What is your project about? What inspired you to create your game initially? *Yoraee: Black Crystals at its core is about Home. Whether it be finding home, returning home, or creating home. Black Crystals features a large ensemble of characters, each with their own story and struggle, all of which revolve around this central theme.
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How long have you been working on your project? *Yoraee: About two years now.
Did any other games or media influence aspects of your project? *Yoraee: Yes! The jigsaw chain coop system and the spontaneous leaning system featured in Black Crystals' combat system are based on similar mechanics in the PS1 game Saga Frontier. Of course I added my personal touches to these system to make them less of direct copies. The Interact and Talk system is inspired by Undertale in the sense that a battle can be concluded without the need for combat. In Black Crystals, however, you are able to interact with the environment and alter it, so you can actually see the results of your choices in battle and how they change subsequent choices.
Have you come across any challenges during development? How have you overcome or worked around them? *Yoraee: Definitely! The main two challenges for me are time and motivation.
Since I work full time, the only times I can work on Black Crystals are after work or during weekends or holidays, which limits my productivity greatly. I took some leave from work at certain points and basically locked myself in my house and worked on the game's systems, but aside from that work on Black Crystals has taken place during my little free time.
Motivation, well, comes and goes for me. Some days I'm all like "YEAH! THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!" and other days I'm like "what am I doing why am I wasting my time on this". In order to keep myself motivated, I made a habit of posting weekly on my devlog. By posting weekly, I get more regularized feedback, which gives me a good motivational boost to get me through the week till the next update.
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Have any aspects of your project changed over time? How does your current project differ from your initial concept? Yoraee: The systems design didn't change much. I had an outline of the features I wanted in Black Crystals; the interaction system, the state of mind system, the coop and leaning system. What came next was implementing these features and refining them.
The characters underwent changes in the way they are written. Arthur and Starsio's personalities sort of switched midway through writing, and the current way they are written seemed more cohesive to the story line.
Several other NPCs also underwent changes. I had a Paprika worker, Anita, for example, who played the role of both herself and Patricia. Later I split the roles and ended up with two characters; Anita and Patricia.
Finally, the whole cats thing was non existent two years ago. They sort of materialized into the game a few months ago :3
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What was your team like at the beginning? How did people join the team? If you don’t have a team, do you wish you had one or do you prefer working alone? *Yoraee: Aside from music, which I commissioned, and the plugins, which are contributed by the amazing coders in the community, I'm a one-woman team taking care of all aspects of the game.
I prefer to work alone, simply because my processes are horrible and my pace is very erratic. I think I would drive potential team members mad XD
What is the best part of developing the game? *Yoraee: Seeing how everything clicks and fits together in the end :) The end product to me is always worth it.
Do you find yourself playing other RPG Maker games to see what you can do with the engine, or do you prefer to do your own thing? *Yoraee: I love playing other RPG Maker games. I think you can't help but think and analyse how things are done in a game while playing it if you are a dev yourself. I think its adds to the fun of the experience for me.
Which character in your game do you relate to the most and why? (Alternatively: Who is your favorite character and why?) *Yoraee: My favorite character hasn't shown up yet :( Its a secret for now!
I like Arthur's character in the current story. He reminds me of a younger me, too easily influenced by others and too scared of saying no. While writing the story I feel like grabbing him and giving him a good shake and yelling "Just say NO you passive fool!" XD
Bonus Info: The game has six main characters! :D
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Looking back now, is there anything that regret/wish you had done differently? *Yoraee: Yes, the animations. I spent so much time making skills detailed and fluid. I think I kind of lost track of the bigger picture. My animation process is much more improved now, with a more streamlines approach to animations.
Also putting animations together in the Animation tool in RPG Maker MV. I used to manually set up each frame next to the next frame, and it took AGES for animations that comprised 6+ frames. Later it clicked that I could set a template and record the x and y positions and then just move everything around in one chunk to save me TONS of time. I need to make a tutorial on that some time because its such a time saver!
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Once you finish your project, do you plan to explore the game’s universe and characters further in subsequent projects, or leave it as-is? *Yoraee: Black Crystals is episodic. The current game is Episode 1. As episodes progress more will become known about the game's universe and characters.
What do you look most forward to upon/after release? *Yoraee: Players reaction and feedback first and foremost, because to me that will be detrimental to whether or not I continue the series.
Is there something you’re afraid of concerning the development or the release of your game? *Yoraee: Just the capability of the RPG Maker engine. I'm worried about the game lagging or dropping frames when played, given the graphics size. Lag to me kills the experience so I'm doing my best to make sure it doesn't happen in Black Crystals.
Also I'm kind of nervous about how people will receive the battle system ~_~
Do you have any advice for upcoming devs? *Yoraee: Learn from the community. Its amazing the amount of resources and knowledge we have in the RPG Maker community. Don't be shy to ask for help if you need it. From my experience the community is one of the best there is.
Question from last month's featured dev @maimiestoybox: What has been the most rewarding part of your game dev journey so far? *Yoraee: Just sharing tidbits of the game and getting feedback from the community. It does wonders to my self esteem :)
Also the feeling of self accomplishment when you see the bits and pieces you created come together and your project take shape. Best feeling!
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We mods would like to thank Yoraee for agreeing to our interview! We believe that featuring the developer and their creative process is just as important as featuring the final product. Hopefully this Q&A segment has been an entertaining and insightful experience for everyone involved!
Remember to check out Black Crystals if you haven’t already! See you next month! 
- Mods Gold & Platinum
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bugheadfamily · 6 years
Bughead Family Discord Member Spotlight
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Graphic by: Katie ( @betty-cooper )
This week the spotlight is on Bridget (@duskyblossom)! Click the read more link below to get to know our member!
Spotlight by Mila, @jughead-jones
Bridget | @duskyblossom
Name: Bridget
Age: Old enough to do Lego.
Location: Somewhere in this crazy universe.
Any other languages aside from English people can contact you in?: I would say a little bit of French but probably best not to haha.
Favourite Riverdale characters and ships?: Betty, Jughead, Cheryl (after she reconciled herself), Mary, Midge (rip), Valerie (somehow fell off the face of the earth?), Fred! My favourite ships are definitely Bughead and Choni, they’re just so adorable!!
Favourite moments from S1 & S2?: My favourite episode was 2x09 because of how the writers executed it, I know a lot of people disliked it but I thought the storylines in that made sense (Not because of the lack of bughead, I liked the actual CONTENTS and not just the shipping aspect.) 2x12 was also really good! In terms of bughead content,obviously 2x12 and 2x14 were the most bughead filled parts of Season 2, but I really liked 2x05 because man, that pulled at the heartstrings. Stuff like the ‘I believe you, Jughead.’ scene was what made Season 1 really cute in terms of Bughead. I also really liked the dynamic they had between Betty and Jug in S2.
What are your hopes for S3?: In terms of Bughead, I really want to see RAS giving them a chance to act like real teenagers not 25 year olds. I want to see them being all cuddly and just being happy for once!! I’m also super intrigued to see where the serpent storyline will go, and how Betty will interact with Gladys and Jellybean.
Other fandoms you’re into?: Nothing, really. I used to be a huge Hunger Games and Harry Potter nut, so you can still talk to me about those! I also LOVE The Office, it’s my other favourite TV show!
Something non-fandom you love?: Reading, art, and baking!
What are some of your favourite movies/TV?: Oh, BOY. This question is really hard. For TV, obviously Riverdale is my number one, but The Office US comes a close second. I got so invested in The Office and it was so difficult to see it end. For movies, the Sound of Music can’t really be beat in my books. It’s such a timeless classic that i’ve loved forever. La La Land is my VERY close second, that film was and still is the death of me. Lady Bird was an INCREDIBLE film, I really related to it and its bittersweetness and sentimentality! And classic musicals like Mamma Mia and Grease.
Favourite books?: I read a lot, so I’m so excited to share some of my faves! Obviously the Harry Potter series, that influenced me a lot. The Hunger Games trilogy was also really gripping and I loved that. The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon was so enlightening and I loved that. The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Saldinger, such a classic and I loved the way it was written. Turtles All The Way Down by John Green is a really good book that brings light to mental health in a less harsh sense which is perfect for me. I’m also reading The Circle by Dave Eggers at the moment which is great so far!
Favourite bands/musicians?: I don’t really listen to anyone in particular, but my 2 favourites are Adele and Sam Smith.
If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?: I feel like everyone says this, but probably Harry Potter. I wouldn’t want to risk the chance of getting murdered in Riverdale tbh!
Favourite food?: This question is so so SO difficult but I’d have to say shoestring fries with aioli and a huge side of salad.
Favourite season?: Spring! All the flowers bloom and all the baby animals are born, it’s starting to get warmer but it stills rains! Everything about it is just wonderful.
Favourite plant?: Baby’s breath! It’s so delicate and sweet.
Favourite scent?: Starfruit or vanilla bean. Starfruit is such a fresh and pleasant scent, while vanilla makes me feel all cosy and calm.
Favourite colour?: Pink, pink, pink!! I love it so much.
Favourite animal?: Can I be boring and say dogs? I just love them.
Are you a night owl, an early bird, or a vampire?: Can I say none of these? I love sleep so mornings are not for me, and being a vampire is a big no-no. So I guess I would say night owl, as I’d rather go to sleep late than wake up early.
Place you want to visit?: All over Europe - it’s such a beautiful and interesting continent.
Do you have pets?: If you do, tell us a little about them: Yes I do! I have a schnoodle (schnauzer + poodle cross). He is the cutest little thing and always gives me snuggles even though he really just wants food haha. I love him to death.
Tell us a little about yourself?: I mean, what’s there to tell? Hmm… I guess I could say I’m a creative person. Work that I’m not inspired by is really difficult for me such as areas like mathematics or science. I’ve always been a creative soul, I much prefer the arts over sitting at a computer and typing equations or finding out molecular structures. That stuff just doesn’t interest me! I’ve always been a girly girl at heart, as I said before I adore the colour pink and cutesy things. Tying in with being a girly girl, I’ve been a hopeless romantic since I can remember. I feel like I always look at the idealistic side of things, which doesn’t help me being a perfectionist. To all the people who aren’t perfectionists, lucky you. It’s beyond frustrating when something isn’t how I want it to be. Making art and other things is a challenge for me, if I’m not completely happy with what I’ve done, I will throw it out. There’s a running joke that I’m not allowed to give up on a piece anymore because I’m that bad! I’ve always been super academic, I’ve never been one for sport as it doesn’t activate my mind as such. Although I must say, swimming is something I’ve always been good at. I’m such a water baby! I’m super in to fashion and photography, it really interests me how you can express yourself through simple things like what you wear. I think that’s it!
Fun or weird fact about you?: My pinky finger on my right hand moves completely on its own. I can move it up and down without any of my other fingers moving. I haven’t met one person who can do it too!
Asks for fanfic authors:
How long have you been writing?: About 3 years now!
Which is your favourite of the fics you’ve written?: Well I mean My Muse Yet My Saviour as that’s the only thing I’ve done in the bughead fandom so far!
Favourite fic/chapter/plot-point/character you’ve ever written?: Probably Chapter 9 of MMYMS. (Spoiler if you haven’t read it!) I was really glad I got to incorporate Jellybean into the story and write her out in my own way as I’ve seen other writers do before. I can’t wait to see how she’s portrayed in S3!
Which was the hardest to write, and why?: All of it, to be honest. Writing is difficult for me as I get bored easily with a lot of things and I have to push myself to put out the best content I possibly can.
How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? (examples: Do you draw inspiration from real life? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?) Do you have an process to your writing?: Can I say my brain? I just make stuff up as I go along, and somehow make it work! There’s no rhyme or reason to my writing either - I just word vomit onto my document and then organise it!
Idea that you always wanted to write?: Just normal, teenagery bughead. I think that’d be adorable!
Favourite character to write?: Betty - she has so much versatility and you can create a lot of dimension with her!
Best comment/review you’ve ever received?: All of them. I’m so appreciative of all the praise I get, it really motivates me to create more content. Thank you to anyone who’s ever commented, I appreciate you!!
Best and worst parts of being a writer?: Best is probably having that creative outlet to share your work and ideas. It gives me a chance to share all my thoughts and feelings in a way and I love it! Worst is probably the time it takes. Mostly I don’t have enough free time to write and when I do I’m not in the mood. Finding that balance is really difficult.
Do you have any advice to offer?: Keeping working hard! If you don’t push yourself, your work won’t be of your best ability. Giving yourself a challenge shows off your skills and makes you work harder than before, which really pays off.
This is the second instalment of Bughead Family’s Member Spotlight series. Each week, a member’s url is selected through a randomizer and they will be featured in a spotlight post. In order to participate, please join the Bughead Discord (more information found here). Thank you.
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