#yalt plays
chtoyalt · 4 months
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Going on with Jett.
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[here could be a screenshot with Jett agreeing to let Yalt live if he crashes Faathra’s accounts]
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So I thought I’m trying to play a neutral BH, and then turns out that if you don’t like separating other people’s heads from their bodies and then use them to humiliate those who were close to these heads (with their bodies), and you don’t kill random people who has nothing to do with you just because there is a bounty on their head, then you’re light sided person (I prefer to think about this as a “sane person”). 
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I love this “let’s cosplay Calo Nord” moment
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ajw720 · 5 years
The countdown to the end of 2019 - any surprises?
* Nice to see D/arr/en on the big screen, albeit in a small role
* No acting award nominations in the pipeline for D this year. A big contrast to last year, but hardly surprising
* The ‘subtle’ references to the NOLA wedding are still haunting us. The Ke/th/er D (and D.C) Instagram with the pink hair streaks  - really?
* Surely Ro/yalt/ies should be viewed objectively when it is completed. I understand that it is easy to label it as merely a nepotistic agent for S/Kids or whoever. Why not reserve judgement until after viewing?
*  Even though Ry. M. is not everyone’s favourite person, the new ACS collaboration sound very promising
* Perhaps I am not looking in the right places, but I don’t see much posted about the successful entertainment at the TSG bar lately. Perhaps the only real attraction is not so available anymore?
*  While wanting to spend time with one’s relationship partner is obviously normal, I really don’t understand the need to entirely base your career and indentity around someone else. Where is the self respect in that? Wouldn’t someone who is an advocate of feminism seek to branch out and stand independently? I would be mortified if my daughters grew up to display the same life expectations and work ethic as M.Sw.
* The speculation concerning D\C & C\C personal relationship will likely go on forever. If D. really is in the closet, he has been pushed so far back he can probably see Narnia. The straight narrative has been around for so many years (true or not) I think he will likely take it to the grave. I would, however, be surprised if he stays married to his current wife. I think she will eventually become a professional liability to him and her behavior will really bring him down sooner or later.
* On a brighter note, I am looking forward to seeing more of Ch\C and reading A Tale of Magic.
Hello there, so many thoughts! 
So excited for M/idway!  I think it is such an amazing career move for him and I am sure he will brilliant in his role.  Just from the snippets i can see how expressive his eyes are. On the awards, unless there is an award for failing to produce a convincing fake wedding or he is nominated for the TB commercial that until last month was the entirety of his acting for the 1st 7 months of the year, one cannot be nominated when there is now work.
The pink streaks, nauseating. I find that woman to be incredibly annoying and she is just so willing to play the games. I understand she has no concept about the harm being done, but she is shameful in my opinion, she is using D to be relevant. On the show as a whole, I can’t help but pre-judge but i would like to be wrong.  But there isn’t anything exciting about it, I don’t want to see the creepster or PBB butchering D songs.
On HWood, fact RM is a deplorable evil human being who has caused great harm. But as I just said to a friend, all i want right now is for D to be safe, and I don’t think he is with his current team and beard.  Just look at the pic from last night and the EF video, he looks on the verge of collapse again. So if RM leads to a break from these pathetic excuses for humans, I am 100% in favor. And the show itself sounds amazing, love to know more, curious why they have not told us what character D is playing.
On the sex club, if there is nothing good to say, why say anything at all?  There was the one recent article written by a SK, so hardly anything that deserves to be considered as valid.   Apparently this week’s issue is no AC.  Shocking.  I just want D distanced from that utterly misogynistic bar that is anti-me too.
On M, she simply doesn’t care, she has no interest in being her own person. The fact that young women look at her as a role model is appalling. I would never want any young women in my life to admire her or even pay attention.  She makes me embarrassed to be female.
On your last comment, I 100% disagree. D will come out. Not today, not next week, maybe not even next year or the one after that.  It might be 10 (I hope for him it does not take that long).  It is what he wants desperately, to live his life honestly and openly.
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chtoyalt · 2 months
i can fix him
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chtoyalt · 2 months
glados ignores wheatley for as long as she can until she’s forced to address him when he takes over her body, and during that scene she basically only speaks to him to inform him that we (the player) did all the work for him so there’s nothing for wheatley to be proud about, and to call him a brain tumour. i’m in love
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chtoyalt · 3 months
im playing portal 2 and wheatley keeps on peaking at me from the cracks in the walls, not now wheatley, adults are on a date
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chtoyalt · 4 months
im so sorry kim but this is your life now
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chtoyalt · 4 months
it’s probably been talked about enough over the (4,5) years of disco elysium’s existence but fuck i love character’s portraits
the splotches of yellow, white, and green behind rené as he stands there and looks past harry at the horizon with his face in the shadows, overshadowed by his past
the mess of pale colors behind smiling gaston
the sharp silhouette behind harry - a gaping hole of white nothing, an absence of meaning; something was there once, but now there’s just painfully white light
the halo behind kim - a spotlight; warm, simple colors and simple shapes, as simple as his trust in harry, as simple as harry’s trust in him
paledriver, barely there; no outline, just a sketch on a black background; harry doesn’t even see her eyes, only a bit of light reflecting off them as she looks at something far away harry can’t see; the darkness is slowly taking her away, but there’s wind in her hair
lilenne’s tired, confident eyes calmly searching for something in the distance; waiting for another body to wash up to the shore, alive or dead
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chtoyalt · 4 months
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*sighs* anything for you kim kitsuragi *loads previous save*
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chtoyalt · 4 months
our first date. we’re cargazing
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chtoyalt · 4 months
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chtoyalt · 4 months
woah... they weren’t joking about exploration of crime scenes in their mature content description… i just… entered a corpse… with my hand… through its mouth… into its brain…. and then kim looked me in the eyes and called me Detective… anything for you kim kitsuragi……
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chtoyalt · 2 months
well that was creepy
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chtoyalt · 4 months
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i admit it i’m a coward i chose the first one but it would’ve been fun to overshare (again) (for the 15th time) (kim is so tired of me)
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chtoyalt · 4 months
it’s probably just main character's (i’m only 4,5 hours in, i don’t know his name yet) "espirit de corps" voice assuming things and being too trustful towards other cops but i love how the moment he sees kim kitsuragi he's like, oh, he would die for me, would he? main character wakes up from a drugs and alcohol (??) induced demo-version of death (??) which left him with memory loss and probably brain damage, sees a guy and immediately decides to trust him with his life
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chtoyalt · 4 months
a big fan of looking like this
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