#yandad charles xavier
Yan Charles and yan Erik each trying to convince biokid reader into joining their side 👌 yan Charles would be a great manipulator since he can literally read what you are thinking haha
Yandad!Charles would be a terrifying manipulator, especially if his darling had no way of keeping him from getting in their head or hearing their thoughts. He’d know just the keywords and topics to mention to get the darling’s attention and bring them closer to him and the X-men. Not to mention Charles can very easily portray Erik as a bad guy/villain and drive the darling further away from him and his family.
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mutant!reader!misanthrope:I think humanity has to die yan!emma frost:I agree
Mutant!Misanthrope!Reader: I have no qualms about humanity dying. I mean they’re pretty trash if we’re being honest *shrugs*
Yandad!Charles Xavier, gasping: Y/n?! I did not raise you to think like that!! This is very serious!! THE WORLD IS IN PERIL!!!
Mutant!Misanthrope!Reader, whispering to themself: You didn’t raise me at all. I’m not even your real kid but what whatever. Also I’m a full grown adult and can have my own ideals but go off I guess.
Yandere!Emma Frost, stepping in: I mean they’ve got a point, Charles, humanity is pretty shit. You have to at least acknowledge that.
Yandad!Erik Lehnsherr, making a glorious entrance: I’m all for the demise of humanity.
Yandad!Charles Xavier, rubbing his temples already feeling the massive headache to come: Oh, my god! Shut up Erik and go away!! You weren’t even invited to this meeting!!
*Yandad!Charles and Yandad!Erik bickering in the background*
Yandere!Emma Frost: Hey, Y/n? Wanna get out of here and have dinner with me?
Mutant!Misanthrope!Reader: It’s noon but whatever. I could go for some food but I don’t wanna deal with people.
Yandere!Emma Frost: Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything🥰🥰🥰
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
How would the superhero yandad/papas react to their kid choosing to be a villain?
Yandad Bruce Wayne/Batman: Not on his watch. He’s not going to allow that. If he has to he’ll lock up his bby before they have the chance to dip their toes into any destruction or chaos.
Yandad Clark Kent/Superman: Clark would be so taken aback at the fact that his bby willingly wants to become a villain. It has to be a joke right? If so it’s not a funny one and he’s not going to let his bby go down a dark path. His bby wouldn’t be allowed to be left unsupervised for any reason. A member of the Superfamily would have to be with them until he deems otherwise. If his bby were to lie and pretend they were over trying to take over the world or whatever then he’s going to have to be a bit rough trying to bring them back home where they would be grounded for the rest of their life.
Yandad Arthur Curry/Aquaman: Nope. No. Not happening. He’s not allowing it. Mera won’t allow it. Arthur will do whatever he has to to keep his bby from becoming what he strives so hard to fight against. If he has to keep them grounded in Atlantis then so be it.
Yandad Steve Rogers/Captain America: He’s not going to let that happen. He’s always been one for allowing his bby to do whatever makes them happy but if villainy is one of those things then it’s not happening. Not on his. Not on anyone’s watch. If it gets too out of hand then he’ll ask Tony if he can keep his bby somewhere they won’t be able to hurt anyone else or themself. He and the rest of the Avengers will help them through this phase in their life and it is a phase. That’s all it is. It’s something that will pass. Hopefully.
Yandad Tony Stark/Iron Man: He’s another one who would think his bby was joking around. He wouldn’t take it too seriously until they actually did something devastating. He’d blame himself for not doing something about it sooner but he’s not going to allow for anyone but himself to lock them up. He won’t put them in an actual prison with other prisoners because he knows that his bby is nothing like them, they just need a little rehabilitation and they’ll be as good as new. Tony will make sure they get the help they need to weed out the bad part of them that they want to fuel.
Yandad Logan Howlett/Wolverine: He would probably think that his bby has been spending too much time with Wade and not take it too seriously. Again, they would have to do something bad before Logan thinks too much about them being serious. When that happens he would hold himself to blame but he would mostly want to get his kid away from anyone else they could hurt or hurt themself. His first call would either be Charles or Jean and he would be willing to do whatever to help his kid. Logan wouldn’t know where to start but he’s willing to trust Charles.
Yandad Charles Xavier/Professor X: He would know what his kid was thinking before they even did anything. Charles would try and talk to them about what they’re thinking and why they’re thinking that. If they’re adamant about doing bad then he wouldn’t have any other choice than to keep his bby somewhere safe, safe from other bad influences and themself. He’s already been through this with Erik he isn’t going to go through it again. Especially not with his bby.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
I think the most terrifying Yan!dad someone could have is Charles Xavier, I mean, using cerebro, he could find you anywhere and mind control you to come back
Running from Charles is stupid and risky. No matter what you’ll always end up back home with him and the X-men. Speaking of the X-men, if you’re Charles’ bby then they’re just as protective of you. They’ll stop at nothing to bring you back to him.
They are just trying to keep you safe after all.
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