#yandere Team Babylon Rogues
yanderegrizzsworld · 2 years
Hi hi! I hope you're having a lovely day/night! 😃
I've recently come up with a few headcanons for the Babylon Rogues and wanted to hear your input! I've based 80% of this from the "platonic team-up with Babylon Rogues" headcanons. I tried to write similar to your style cuz I really like it! (sorry if it seems like I'm copying). These headcanons can be taken as romantic or platonic 😊
Jet is a Manipulative & Isolating and/or Monopoly(?) yandere.
I'd say that Jet is a manipulative yandere since you mentioned that he'd try to bribe his darling with the promise of riches, just so long as they join in on their heists. I agree with that headcanon a lot and it sounds pretty in character to me imo. I feel as though he would only give you a small percent of the cut just so you wouldn't have enough to want to leave on the first heist. If you threatened to leave unless he gave up more then I'd say he'd most likely budge, but only just a little. Just enough to keep you hanging around. He'd give you the excuse that "you need to prove your worth by doing few more heists until we pay you equally". In reality he just wants you to stay for as long as possible. Even after 10 or so heists you still get under paid and whenever you press him on this his only response is "soon". Unfortunately for his darling, soon means practially never (unless he's certain that you won't leave afterwards).
Now I believe that Jet would be an isolating and/or monopoly yandere due to his arrogance and superiority complex. He sees your time and attention as a competition, a competition he can't lose. I agree that he'd use his title of leader to merit himself more time with his darling and less time with everybody else. He considers himself to be far more superior than everyone else. Because of this, he assumes that out of anybody you could choose to spend time with, you'd obviously choose him. So he's just doing you a favour! Right?
Even if you straight up tell him that you don't wanna be around him he'll just wave it off and chalk it up to you having a bad day, which leads to him unintentionally gaslighting you. He'll immediately blame everybody else for your bad mood and tries to act less harsh on you.
For most of the time his behaviour is best described as "tough love" as he always tries to push you to do your hardest on missions. This normally goes without any words of affirmation but he will occasionally say a "good job", unless if Wave or Storm are present to which he only says it under his breath.
Though there are some rare moments where Jet acts "soft" around you, for example if he notices you're bothered by something he'll kick everyone out of the room and listen to any of your problems. He won't have any advice for you but he'll still be there to listen.
He doesn't really mean to be so hard on you, he just wants you two to be a power duo. He wants you both to be the wealthiest treasure hunters in the galaxy. Unfortunately, he struggles to make that possibility happen without upsetting you in the process.
Wave is a Wrong Idea & Clingy yandere.
I could definitely see Wave being a wrong idea yandere due to wanting her darling to only own gadgets made by her. After all, how dare they try and one-up her!
She wants to do everything she can to impress you. The need for your approval doesn't come from the joy of an ego boost (okay maybe sometimes :p) but instead a reminder of her place in your life. She wants to be your number one, the person you go to whenever you have a problem, even if it's a minor one. Wave is a huge over-achiever and doesn't settle for anything less than amazing.
Unfortunately this can lead to her getting a little carried away. You're having a slight problem with the kettle or coffeemaker? Bam! Now it's fixed and it also has voice recognition along with 6 other new features. She notices that your bedroom door gets a little jammed? Bam! Problem solved! Also it requires fingerprint authorisation to open now and if someone that isn't you (or her) tries to open it then you'll get a message sent straight to you both. (Also it has a built in taser).
Now as far as she's concerned, if you have a problem, there's nobody else who will fix it as good as she will and she's willing to prove that. Much like Jet, she's oblivious to the fact that she might actually be the problem.
The reason I put Wave as being a clingy yandere was because I could imagine her always wondering about what you'd think of her latest creation. She'd open the door to your room in the middle of the night and drag you out of bed to proudly show you the newest update on her extreme gear. Prior to this she'd make you a cup of coffee or tea to drink before waking you up, it's the least she could do for waking you up at 2am. While she pridefully explains all of the new features, you stand there absolutely lost and still half-asleep. The fact that she doesn't dumb anything down for you makes you even more lost (if possible).
Usually during the day if nothing is planned then she works or researches an ancient tech the group found in your company. She normally resides in your room while you both sit in comfortable silence. Most of the time your doing something in the background while every now and then you're interrupted by Wave asking for a second opinion or showing off a finished piece.
She isn't very clingy in the sense that she's very affectionate but she's always around you. If anything, you'd have to be the one to initiate it since any kind of affection makes her red and flustered.
She's actually pretty harmless overall apart from the usual rude remarks towards anyone you're close with out of jealousy (especially if it's the Sonic Team).
(Tbh I really wanted to write about a wrong idea yandere cuz they're one of my favourite types and I thought she might suit it.) (Just realised that she might be a bit more of a possessive yandere rather than a clingy one but idk.)
Storm is a Caring & Protective yandere.
Like you mentioned before, he's a gentle giant. Whereas he usually tries to seem tough towards others, he's a big softie around his darling. He's often flustered and stammering for no reason around you. He just thinks you're so amazing and doesn't wanna accidentally scare you off. Though his fidgeting, lack of eyecontact and stuttering can seem obnoxious and off-putting, he only means well.
With the only other two people in his life being Wave and Jet (who certainly aren't the nicest), it hasn't really taught him how to express his feelings well. Due to being awkward whenever he tries to give affection, he'll normally just murmur out a "you look nice today". If you're already a part of the Babylon Rogues, then more often than not he'll tell you that you did a good job out there before nervously patting you on the shoulder or head after completing a heist.
He's definitely a caring yandere imo. He always tries his best to keep you happy and can't stand to see you down. Although he's the most awkward of the three he's still by far the most affectionate. Whenever you're down he'll try to cheer you up with an accidentally bone-crushing hug (it's the thought that counts). Not only that but he's the least clingy of the three. He'd obviously want to be around you often much like any other yandere would, but he still respects your privacy.
I agree that he'd believe that with enough time you'd be as devoted as himself. Although a part of him is still protective of you and wants to keep you safe, he won't bother you too much. Whenever he hears that you're going to out hang with a friend, he only asks a few small teeny tiny questions: Who is it? Where will you be/what places are you going to? How long are you going to stay there? What will you be doing? How safe is it? When will you be back? Nothing much, right?
He allows you to hangout with almost anyone except Knuckles (he will begrudgingly allow for anyone else in the Sonic Team).
If anyone were to hurt or insult you, then they're swiftly met with a hard punch to the face and an angry albatross demanding that they apologise. Followed up by him asking if you're okay for the rest of the day.
Storm trusts you to death. He will never doubt in anything you say. You could tell him the most obvious lie and he'll take your word for it. I can and can't see him being super naive so I'd expect that he'd play along since he doesn't wanna rudely call you out on anything. He's usually worried that he might do or say something that'll make you think less of him, so he appreciates any reassurance.
After all, he wants you at his side forever! So he has to make sure that he doesn't let you down and can't let you get hurt.
(I really liked the idea of Jet and Wave being tsundere yanderes while Storm was an awkward sweetheart. I wanted to write more about Jet and Wave being touch-starved tsunderes but I realised that I had probably written a novel at this point so I left it out.)
I really really hope you don't take this as me trying to steal your spotlight or anything! I love your work and it inspired me to have a go at coming up with something myself! 
Thank you so much for your time, I really appreciate it! Have a good one! :)
(Also again sorry this is so long I got carried away 😅)
🐋~ anon
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Anon, dear, the amount of times I've re-read this is absurd.
There were parts in Jet's part that made me laugh, like the fact that he'd essentially pay you the amount you'd get working in customer service, though will only budge & give you a higher pay (though not much) if you remain stubborn & I can perfectly imagine Jet's face while doing so.
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His ego tends to lead to his arguments with Wave (whether or not she's a yandere too) with her arguing that he either spends too much time with us or he hogs out attention too much & he argues that, he's the leader! Of course he deserves more time with you! This just baffles everyone, except him & you ( atleast according to him). I agree that he'd just blame anyone & anything but him, you aren't upset at him, you just woke up in a bad mood! Honestly if he didn't master gaslighting then, he definitely does now with you (whether intentionally or not).
Wave is an overachiever by nature & knows few can come close to her level of intelligence (besides Tails) & as such, she'll eat up any praise directed at her. I agree that she'd more often than not go overboard with her inventions, for her it's a constant reminder of her place I'm your life & forever hopes that you'll run to her with whatever issue you have. Though I would warn, don't let her catch you accepting some gadget that wasn't made by her or going to someone else with an issue, she'll view it as being replaced/not being number one, that never happens to her! She's the best at fixing your problems! She also completely denies & refuses to entertain the idea that she's the root of your problems, what do you mean she's the reason behind your current problems? she can't be!
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Wave dragging you out of bed just to show you her latest project as if she hasn't slept (girl rest) & y/n with a cup of coffee/tea while she explains everything but the fact she doesn't dumb anything down so you think she's speaking in another language & you're just standing there like
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This will live in my head rent free from now on
I am such a sucker for soft yanderes & thinking of Storm being one brings a huge smile to my face. I like to think that Storm is fully aware of his brute strength & so, fights with himself because on one hand, he wants to give you the biggest, warmest bear hugs he can offer, but on the other hand, he fears he might accidentally break a bone as he does tend to forget how strong he is & while that does upset him, he more than makes up for it by words of affirmation! Expect him to shyly compliment you daily & I can guarantee you, it is the cutest thing you'll ever see. Storm isn't one to insert himself in others businesses & with you that doesn't change. He doesn't ask much, he trusts that you can take care of yourself! But if he ever overhears someone talking shit about you, man can get scary real quick, man's protective & if he has to use his stature to care others then so be it.
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This man 100% trusts you, I kinda imagine that he never believes that you can intentionally lie & considers that you were just misinformed, saying something along the lines of like "Okay um... Well, last time I checked, [xyz] can't do that" or "That doesn't really sound like something Wave/Jet would say"
Storm's a good boy who's trying his best for you!
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yanderegrizzsworld · 2 years
Team Babylon Rogues Masterlist
Jet the Hawk
Platonic Team-up with Team Babylon Rogues
Platonic Rivalry with Sonic the Hedgehog
Storm the Albatross
Platonic Team-up with Team Babylon Rogues
Wave the Swallow
Platonic Team-up with Team Babylon Rogues
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yanderegrizzsworld · 2 years
Can we get platonic yandere Babylon Rogues headcannons if it’s not to much
Imagine: Platonic Yandere Team Babylon Rogues (Team-up)
The Babylon Rogues tend to behave more like bickering siblings rather than a leader & two underlings. Each one being similar to those of Team Sonic but lacking meekness or sympathy that the other team has, only showing such traits towards each other occasionally.
As the leader of the team, Jet perceives a sense of superiority & believes that there is no better individual than himself & accepts no other narrative than his own. With this creed Jet often declares how he deserves much more of your time than the others & has used that alibi to keep you with him longer.
Aware of her genius intellect Wave has developed a sense of ego in knowing very few match or reach her level of intelligence. Even though she allows you your time alone, she's open of her enmity of you owning any gadgetry that isn't her own as she views it as someone striving to one up her.
Despite his broad figure Storm is practically a gentle giant who deeply cares for his team. Unlike the other two where they display their animosity towards others who might have more importance in your life, Storm trusts that with affability you'll be just as loyal to them as they are to each other.
Jet's vainglorious attitude leads to arguments with Wave on how he hogs most of your time in which he reckons with his excuse of leader which doesn't pass over by Wave. These occurrences result with Storm leading you away from the dispute which only issues Jet to get upset of not getting the time with you that he believes he merits.
Telling the hawk & swallow to abide to you spending more time with others that isn't the team is the tantamount of telling them to accept second place. To them there is no greater team then them & situations like this threaten their mentality of significance in your life.
Jet insists that you join them on a treasure hunt with the other two supporting him with the idea. The hawk takes this opportunity to vaunt his precedence in the field of treasure hunting, even promising you riches which is a subtle way of him bribing you to perhaps join the Babylon Rogues.
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