#yandere keinz drocell
animeyanderelover · 4 years
This will be the last basic Hc’s for Black Butler. But if you want to see basic Hc’s for a character from Black Butler I didn’t write about yet you can of course send a request in. Please enjoy!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, stalking, clinginess, manipulation, sabotage, gaslighting, isolation, blackmailing, bribing, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of killing
Yandere Black Butler Hc’s
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🚢When I think of Lau I think of the manipulative type. His goofy side can trick everyone and the s/o is no exception. His way with words is also really interesting and he can wrap the darling pretty easily around his finger. Also a stalker, but not he is stalking you, it’s Ran Mao. She watches his s/o wherever they go.
🚢Also the obsessive type, he makes sure that Ran Mao finds out every single detail about his darling and reports it to him. He’s also very touchy, it’s even worse than with Ran Mao! His hands will always be on some part of the s/o’s body.
🚢He is most of the time very calm and composed and even when he is jealous he would never show it, still having his closed eyed smile on his face. But he would somehow interrupt whatever conversation the darling had with the other person and would somehow lure the s/o away from them. If someone really tested his limits than he’ll give Ran Mao a sign to pay this person later on a small visit.
🚢As mentioned above if someone pushes their luck with him he makes sure to send Ran Mao after them. This guy has clearly some propensities for violence and if someone really angered him enough he might even order Ran Mao to bring them to him alive so he can torture them a little bit too. But most of the time he lets Ran Mao do all of the dirty work.
🚢Lau will take his time with kidnapping the darling, trying at first to win their heart with his harmless act and if he success with that he won’t kidnap them. But if they start to avoid him, have interest in someone else or might be in danger then he tells Ran Mao to get them. After that there’s no chance for them to escape him anymore. He takes them wherever he goes to and now the s/o will always sit on his lap whilst Ran Mao stands beside them. If Lau isn’t out he locks them somewhere up and makes sure that Ran Mao watches them.
🚢You will never realize his sinister feelings for you until it’s too late and no one else will expect how insane this guy can really be. He’s awfully calm with you and no matter how much you scream and yell at him, the smile will never leave his face. Not the worst one I guess, if you have a wish just tell him and he’ll ensure that your wish will be granted as fast as possible.
Ran Mao
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🌺Ran Mao is the stalker and obsessive type of Yandere. This girl makes sure to watch her darling from early morning ‘til late at night. She’s obsessed with her s/o’s every habit and movement and since she watches them at all times it won’t be hard to figure very much out about them. Might even steal the one or other thing from them just to have something that reminds her of them.
🌺Also a lovestruck type. The s/o is in her eyes a true beauty and whenever they mention that they want something, even if it’s meant as a joke, Ran Mao will immediately disappear and will only come back when she has what her darling asked for. Also the clingy type, this girl will always hold onto them as if her life depends on it.
🌺Ran Mao doesn’t show much facial expressions when somehow takes her darling’s attention away from her, but believe me on the inside she’s boiling and already planning how to eliminate that obstacle.
🌺Ran Mao is ready to kill everyone who comes too close to her darling for her taste or somehow possess a threat to them or their relationship with her. She’s a trained assassin and it’s a living nightmare for those she hunts down.
🌺She would only kidnap her darling under some extreme circumstances, the most likely scenario is when she confessed to them, but they rejected her for some reasons. That’s when Ran Mao takes them with her.
🌺Even though she kills for you she isn’t a bad Yandere to have. Her clinginess is sometimes just a bit suffocating, but overall a really caring and harmless one, at least to you. I can’t say the same about the people who dares to hurt you.
Angela Blanc
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👼Angela is a delusional and obsessive Yandere. In her eyes the s/o is the only pure person in London and in the whole world and that it’s her job to protect this pure soul. That makes her naturally obsessive with them, feeling the huge need to find out everything about her darling, about what exactly makes them so pure.
👼Also very manipulative with the darling, talking them into avoiding people and spending more time with her, trying to keep them away from “unclean” humans. She’ll also guilt trip them, acting like a submissive woman who just wants the best for the s/o. She is also a worshipper, the purity of her darling is everything for her.
👼Her jealousy is a bit different than from others. I think from both of her angel sides she’s more maniac about the whole purify thing what makes her more than paranoid when other people spend time with her darling, tainting them with their filthy presence. She can’t and won’t accept that!
👼As mentioned above she’s terribly paranoid with her darling and sees everyone as a threat for her s/o’s purity and makes sure to wipe every dirty human who dares to even look at the s/o out.
👼Her paranoia and desire to keep her darling clean will lead her to kidnapping her darling very soon. She just wants to keep them safe from all this awful dirty humans. Her darling will surely understand that, right?
👼She would never lay a hand on her darling because she would never hurt such a clean human. But she’s still a terrifying Yandere to have. You’ll never see a human in your life again and her speeches about how she’ll keep you safe and how she’ll purify this dirty city are in my opinion enough to give you some ugly nightmares at night. Who the hell said that having a guardian angel is a good thing?!
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🐺This guy is a demon hound and has some typical traits of his animal side in his Yandere traits. For example the possessive and clingy part. That’s not even a question, is it? This guy is incredibly territorial with his s/o and sooo clingy as well. It’s even worse than with Sebastian! This guy is literally glued to his darling’s hip.
🐺Also the lovestruck Yandere. Never in all of this posts I posted so far was the phrase being a lovesick puppy more fitting than in this. Pluto is the s/o’s obedient dog, ready to do everything they ask him to.
🐺His jealousy is terrible. His possessiveness and clingyness and the fact that he’s basically an animal makes this really bad. He doesn’t even has to see his darling with other people, as soon as he smells another person’s scent on them that isn’t his, he’s already “jealous”. When his darling is talking to other people this guy’s grip on their hip will tighten and he’ll growl dangerously at the other person. If that doesn’t work then be prepared for seeing something you wish you hadn’t.
🐺I already mentioned it above. This guy kills basically everyone that isn’t him if they don’t leave the s/o alone. As I said, if he senses another smell on you he’ll remember that smell later on to hunt that person down and rip them apart. He even kills someone when you’re with him and expects you to praise him after that! He’s confused when he smells the fear on the darling. He only protected them, didn’t he? I think from all the Black Butler characters he’s the most obvious about it since he often comes home covered in blood and with something pretty shocking in his mouth, bringing a “small gift” for his darling.
🐺His form of kidnapping is a bit different. Most of the time he’s okay with clinging onto his darling’s grip, but if Pluto senses another smell on them that isn’t his or if he thinks they are in danger he’ll transform into his demon hound form and run to a cave in the forest. He keeps you there and only lets you out after you’re covered in his scent again or until he made sure to erase whatever had endangered the s/o’s safety.
🐺He’s one of the worse ones simply because in his eyes he does nothing wrong and because he’s so horribly obvious with it all. No chance that you can escape him, he has your scent burned into his memory and if you don’t want to be chased by a demon hound who burns everything in his way down don’t even try it! This guy would find you even if you would travel to the ends of the world.
Prince Soma
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🍛Oh god! This guy is together with Finny one of the most delusional ones, mixed together with the clingy and lovestruck type. The thought that you might not even see him the way he does doesn’t even cross his mind. Arguments are useless because it’ll go into his one ear and will go out the other ear. Privat space? What’s that? He doesn’t leave the s/o alone and is so weak for them. Soma spoiles his darling to the rotten.
🍛Also a worshipper. For him the s/o is his god/goddess that he has to worship. He’s also very touchstarved and wants always some kind of physical contact with the s/o.
🍛It’s almost too easy to make this guy jealous. He’s a really spoiled brat and as soon as he notices that the s/o looks at someone else he’ll throw a tantrum, yelling at the other person who took his darling’s attention away from him. Honestly, it’s so childish and embarrassing. And this happens at least five times a day!
🍛Soma doesn’t kill people. He relies more on Agni and his high position. For goddess sake he’s a prince! Most of the time Agni is enough to scare anyone away from his darling. But if he sees how someone tries to take them away from him or harms them in any way then this person will get first of all beaten up by Agni and then Soma will ruin their lifes with his power.
🍛He never sees it as kidnapping. He thinks of it more as finally being able to keep his darling safe and spoil and love them like the prince/princess they are.
🍛Would never hurt you, but his delusions are the problem here. There’s absolutely no chance that you’ll ever be able to convince him that you don’t love him, he’ll just brush it off as you wanting more attention from him which he happily gives you. Try to see it from the positive side, at least this guy will grant you whatever wish you could possibly have.
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🤜Agni is in my opinion the aware type of Yandere. Even though it took a while for him to develop such strong feelings the moment he had them was the moment he knew that they weren’t normal. I can see him as the overprotective one as well. He had not the most prettiest past and that makes him naturally more protective over the s/o.
🤜Also the lovestruck one. For this guy his darling is like the sun, the moon, the stars. Prince Soma might have given him a new life, but the s/o gave him a reason, a meaning to this life.
🤜Agni feels bad for feeling this way and has already much patience, he needs it to not go crazy with Soma. So he can hold on for a good amount of time. It takes a lot to make him jealous, but I think even then he wouldn’t do anything about it. He chooses to suffer silently.
🤜As mentioned he feels bad for feeling this way and is shown as a very calm individual so he’ll try to not kill, it brings back memories of his past. But he has a breaking point and if that point is crossed it will get ugly. If his darling gets seriously hurt he’ll start seeing red.
🤜He would only kidnap you if something really bad happened for example you getting seriously hurt. That would be the breaking point for this guy. He’ll take his darling to make sure that something like this will never happen again. Agni is the type to apologize for all of this, feeling terrible for not being there to protect them and feeling bad for kidnapping them. Then why did you do it?!
🤜Overall one of the better ones. He knows that his behavior is wrong, always listens to your complaints and considering them and making sure to take care of all your needs. He’s even ready to take you out, but promise him to stay close to him!
Ash Landers
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▫️Even though he and Angela are somehow the same person I decided to write a separate Hc for him since both of them are also somewhat different. But just like Angela he’s a delusional one, seeing in his darling the perfection he always wanted. Also possessive, he just found the most pure soul he has ever seen in his life, do you seriously expect him to let them go just like that?
▫️He’s the manipulative type, he already uses his manipulation on the queen to bring her to do what he wants and he’s ready to use manipulation on his darling as well to ensure that nothing can taint their clean soul. A pure worshipper, seeing the s/o as perfection itself.
▫️Similar to Angela he sees every other person as a threat that could dirty the s/o’s purity. That is his jealousy. But surprisingly I can also see him as someone who will feel sour when his darling tells him about how much they admire someone else. He wants to impress his darling and when they like someone else he’ll boil with jealousy.
▫️Just like Angela he’s ready to destroy every person who might taint your clean soul, but as mentioned above he also kills when you tell him that you like someone else, killing this person brutally because they dared to make a spot in your heart which he believes is only reserved for him. For him that’s an almost even worse crime than trying to dirty you!
▫️This one will kidnap his darling very fast because similar to Angela his desire to keep the s/o pure will get him paranoid, not that bad like Angela, but still. He’s also as mentioned the possessive type and hates when the darling is talking about someone else that isn’t him. Like this he can make sure that he’s the only one the s/o can think about.
▫️From both of the angel sides he’s the less worse one because he is a little bit less maniac about this whole purifying thing. But overall he’s still one of the worse ones from all. From both of his angel sides Ash is the one who’s more eager to fight which means he’s even more willing to kill and is more brutal than Angela. And just like Angela his speeches about how he’ll make sure to clean this world and how he’s going to protect you will give you some nasty nightmares.
Keinz Drocell
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🪆Let’s give it a try with this guy. The first thing that comes to my mind is the manipulative type. Keinz is very insidious as shown when he lured Elizabeth into coming to him. The same counts for the s/o. He’ll lure them into coming willingly to him. Also possessive, he’s a puppet and normally doesn’t have emotions so if you give someone like him someone that lets him feel something you can be sure that he’s never going to let this person go.
🪆Also the obsessive and stalker kind. Something about his darling made him feel something and he decides to watch them secretly to find out what exactly makes his insides tingle whenever he thinks of them. He becomes quickly obsessed with everything they do every little thing that might have looked normal in the eyes of others is to him a masterpiece what gives him the traits of a worshipper as well. He sees the s/o as a masterpiece, one in a kind.
🪆I like to believe that his darling managed to spark some emotions in him and that’s the bad part. If someone who doesn’t normally have emotions feels something it’s going to feel intense for them. Same goes for Keinz. He normally doesn’t have emotions, but the darling changed that. For them he has emotions and whenever he sees them talking to someone else it feels like his whole body is on fire, he’s burning with jealousy.
🪆He killed already a lot of people for his master and has no problem with killing people for the s/o as well. As mentioned above if he feels something he feels it intense and even though he doesn’t understand this feeling he has whenever someone spends time with the darling he does know that he doesn’t like that feeling and the easiest way to make sure that he doesn’t need to endure this again in the future is to get rid of the source of this feelings.
🪆This guy will kidnap the s/o after watching them for a while. By then his feelings for the darling have grown too strong for him to endure any longer and he feels the desperate need to keep them with him. He isn’t really sure why he feels this burning desire, but he knows for sure that if he doesn’t do what his brain is screaming at him to do he might just go insane. As if he isn’t already.
🪆This guy is creepy. He often just sits there and stares at you for hours straight without even blinking and it’s very eerie when he turns his head 360 degrees around and doesn’t even realize that it gives you the chills. He likes to show you his little “collection” of puppets and often brings you along when he makes them. He also likes to give you a little show with them. The song he uses to control the puppets will hunt you in your deepest dreams. The only good thing is that he doesn’t want to turn you into a puppet as well!
Charles Grey
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🤺Charles strikes me as the obsessive and manipulative Yandere. It is really not easy for this guy to become interested in someone so if someone actually manages to make him a Yandere for them than you can bet that this guy will feel excited and thrilled about it. Most of the time he feels a little bit bored, but not with the s/o. He wants to satisfy his curiosity about them. He’s also very manipulative with the darling and can be very mean with his words, but if he gets them to do what he wants to then he’s fine with it.
🤺I can also imagine him as the delusional and clingy one. He thinks of himself very highly and is overall a very arrogant and self confident guy what leads me to the belief that this guy thinks that he’s the only one, the perfect one for you! No one can love, treat, care and protect you better than he can! He’s very clingy what comes from his obsessive trait. When he’s near his darling he has the best chances to observe their actions and movements, getting to know them better like this. He also enjoys being near them.
🤺This guy gets paranoid whenever he sees the s/o looking at someone else. He’s the one they should look at! He’s the one who’s perfect for them! Even though he flips out on the inside he manages to look calm on the outside. I mentioned that he can be very cruel with his words, remember? He won’t use them on his darling, but on the other person, talking down on them with an almost disgusted look on his face, making the other person feel worthless.
🤺This guy definitely enjoys fighting a lot and he’s very paranoid when it comes to his darling. Both of this isn’t a very good mix so be glad that he needs to hold himself back most of the times because he’s one of the Queen’s butlers. He only kills someone when they spend too much time with the s/o or when he knows that they like his darling or his darling likes them. Then he’ll come over for a short “play”.
🤺This guy wants to kidnap you badly, but decides to try it at first in a smarter way. Charles has to hold a reputation after all. He asks your parents for your hand in marriage and it’s nearly impossible for your parents to say no to this. I mean, he’s rich and comes from a high position so who wouldn’t agree to this?! If that doesn’t work he’ll most likely blackmail the s/o, using his power to force them into an engagement.
🤺Soo arrogant and filled with himself, it’s frustrating with him! Of course he can be a gentleman if he wants to be and of course he spoils you, but this ego of this man is too much. He always expects you to tell him how good looking, great and talented he is and you aren’t allowed to even talk in a admiring way about another person that isn’t him!
Edward Midford
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🎩In the Anime I didn’t see much of him, but I’ll give it a try. I think he’s an aware Yandere, knowing that his feelings aren’t supposed to be that strong. Also the lovestruck type, even though he doesn’t want to show it openly because it’s somehow embarrassing for him. He can’t let others know how much the s/o has him wrapped around their fingers.
🎩Also the overprotective and possessive one. He’s already very overprotective and possessive over his sister, but with his s/o it’s way worse. They’re just so precious to him and he can’t bear the thought of losing them.
🎩Possessive Yanderes are bound to get jealous very fast, but he tries to hold in for as long as he can. He doesn’t want others to see how unhealthy his feelings actually are and will watch his darling’s interaction with other people whilst gritting his teeth. But when his limits are crossed he’ll grab the s/o’s hand drag them quickly somewhere else where he can spend some time alone with them.
🎩Killing is a no to him even though he sometimes desperately wants to do it. But he can’t risk to ruin his and his family’s reputation or even worse ruining his good image his darling has from him. This guy comes from a rich family with a lot of influence and he’ll use that to put a lot on pressure on people who harmed his darling or tries to take them away from him.
🎩Similar to Charles he would try to set up an engagement between his darling and him. His family would support and try to convince the darling’s parents as well, knowing how fond Edward is of you. And there’s a more than likely chance that your parents will say yes because who wouldn’t say no to such a handsome and charming man? If that doesn’t work he’ll use manipulation, bribing other people into cornering the s/o or their parents into some tricky situations and then he suddenly steps in and helps them. He doesn’t like using such dirty ways to get to the darling, but it’s all for the s/o’s sake. He only wants to ensure that he can protect them.
🎩One of the better Yanderes from this list. He respects your wishes and is such a gentleman for you. He also spoils you here and there with small gifts and shows his tender side to you and only you.
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nekojetto · 7 years
My personnal challenge for the next 50 days!
I don’t know if anyone care about that but I made a list of my 50 favorites characters (at the end of 2016). I want to draw one of them (or more) by day during the year. I choose randomly but I think it coud be really fun for everyone if you request me something for a character you like ôwô
My ask box is open for this challenge! So you can send me a number (One I didn’t already draw please ♥) and if you want a letter in the bonus list at the end. Of course I’ll update the list all day!
1. Onigawara- Mob psycho 100 2. Josuke- Jojo’s bizarre adventure (part 4) 3. Okuyazu- Jojo’s bizarre adventure (part 4) 4. Speedwagon- Jojo’s bizarre adventure (part 1) 5. Ryu- Shaman King 6. Crocodile- One piece 7. Hisoka- HunterxHunter 8. Amaimon- Ao no exorcist 9. Ghirahim- Zelda 10. Hans- Frozen 11. Soïchi- Junji Ito’s novel character 12. Shun- Saint Seya 13. Jasper- Steven Universe. 14. Mettaton- Undertale 15. Wander- Wander over Yander 16. Bartolomeo- One piece 17. Masao- Shiki 18. Gregorio- Last man (not the animated serie) 19. Christo- Last man (Same) 20. Klarion the witch boy- From Yung justice or comics 21. Hyouketsu no judness- Mayoiga 22. Habashira Rui- Eyeshield 21 23. Metal Bat- One punch man 24. King- One punch man 25. Peacock Peak - Deadman Wonderland 26. Kaisar Lindford- Shingeki no bahamut 27. Joseph Oda- The Evil Within 28. Caesar Clown- One piece 29. Uda- Parasite 30. Krory- D-Gray man 31. Hunson A badeer- Adventure Time 32. O.D.- Gatchaman 33. Whis- Dragon Ball Super 34. Kayoshin- Dragon Ball Z 35. Aphrodite- Saint Seya 36. Jack Spicer- Xiaolin Showdown 37. Happy- Fairy Tail 38. Drocell Keinz- Kuroshitsuji (the first animated version) 39. Fubuki- inazuma 11 40. Sitri- Devil & Realist 41. Koji Tanaka- Ajin 42. Tom- Star VS the force of evil 43. Carrot- One piece 44. Medli- Zelda the wind walker 45. Fujimoto- Ponyo 46. Musashi Gouda- Mob Psycho 100 47. Liono- Thundercats 48. Hol horse- Jojo’s bizarre adventure (part 3) 49. Pietro maximoff- All Marvel universe 50. Chrona- Soul eater
Sorry for this long post! And thank you if you send me request or you just follow this project! I do that just for fun (and drawing my babies ♥) so I’ll do it without any stress :)
Bonus (not an obligation):
A; In a Background B; In couple with who I want C; In fight/serious mode D; In blushing action for him/her E; In the best situation for him/her F; In the worst situation for him/her G; The first scene when I said:"wow I love him/her!" H; Alternative Universe I; Genderbend (because I have a lot of men haha) J; He/she’s Vilain/good guy now!
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Once again I have a pretty unusual request and I'll understand if you can't write it but here I go... Can I ask for Drocell with an s/o who is also a doll, but for some reason doesn't realise that until he points iz out? She lived all her life as a human with her "parents" and aways thought she's a human as well. At first she gets angry and doesn't belive him, but eventualy calms down and accept it. (Kinda like Ellie from Ice Age don't believing she's a mammoth at first)
It’s been a while since I wrote about him. It isn’t weird at all. Wow, now I feel like I want to watch Ice Age again.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessiveness, obsessiveness, mentions of kidnapping
s/o is a human doll
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🪆Drocell used to think for a very long time that he was a human as well until his master abandoned him. He isn’t good with expressing his emotions either so the moment he realizes that you are just like him, only a lot more human than him, he would point it out rather bluntly, not considering your feelings. He didn’t expect you in the first place to feel emotions so much more intense than him, being a bit confused when you suddenly lash out on him for it, the thought of you just being a puppet upsetting you.
🪆Drocell himself is a puppet maker, but is genuinely surprised with how well you were craved and taken care off, even possessing real emotions which sometimes make him jealous. When it comes to creating puppets, Drocell is somewhat of a perfectionist and would definitely want to talk with your parents about how they created you and how they managed to breathe so much humanity into you whilst also questioning them why they never told you.
🪆Finding out that you aren’t normal is never a very nice experience. He knows this experience, even though he’s with his emotions more dull than you are. He’s still evolving with it. But you aren’t. You grew up under the firm belief that you were a human, you have the same feelings as one and you blended perfectly in into society because you always thought that you were a human.
🪆Drocell is very persistent because he wants to help you realizing that you aren’t what you think you are, most likely because it’s the truth, but also because he wants you to accept it and live with it. He would suddenly start pointing out all the things on you that aren’t human on you whilst also trying to talk your parents into telling you. He isn’t the best in helping you understand that you aren’t human since he’s very straightforward and never considers your feelings. He doesn’t do it purposely, but he just lacks all the emotional understanding you already have.
🪆And at one point you will slowly start noticing that he might just be right, realizing how your body seems to not feel any kind of pain and that you aren’t able to do certain things that every other human can. You would confront your parents about this, demanding the truth from them. And after they finally told you the truth, you would accept it. That doesn’t mean that you won’t feel suddenly like you were just isolated from everyone, seeing yourself as a freak and creeper for being a living doll. It’s something straight out of a ghost story. Just because you accept the truth doesn’t mean you have to accept yourself too.
🪆And that’s where you might start feeling more connected to Drocell. He’s also a human puppet, not that evolved like you are, but he also thought for a long time that he was human before accepting that he wasn’t. And Drocell never seemed to mind the fact that he wasn’t human, just accepting it and accepting himself like he is. He’s a puppet and there’s nothing he can change about that. He’s also rather blank when it comes to you suddenly feeling like a monster. He never saw you as one in the first place and thinks of you as perfection, a true masterpiece.
🪆Is definitely interested in taking a closer look at your body and adore every inch of it, your body almost looking like one of a human, making him respect your parents for creating such a wonderful being like you. He would definitely want to take care of your body if you and your parents would allow him too and is keen on learning a bit from your father on how to probably nurse your body if it should be damaged.
🪆I mentioned it already above once, but he’s also a bit jealous. Your masters or parents really went through a lot of effort to create you because they weren’t able to have a child of their own and love you. And you grew to have feelings too, your father working on a special heart that allowed you to feel. He doesn’t have this, he isn’t completely emotionless though, he’s just with his emotions a lot more behind you. He does feel very strongly for you, but he just can’t express his feelings like you can. Joy, sadness, laughter, he knows that he’s the low quality puppet from you two. And that will hurt him somewhat even though he can’t show it openly due to at first not really understanding that he feels like he’s below you.
🪆So whilst Drocell would teach you how to live with the knowledge that you’re a puppet, it would be your job to help him bring more open with his feelings and how to act with them. Because it’ll sadden you to see how little he’s really informed about feelings and emotions and how little joy he seems to experience in his life. Your parents would most likely welcome him into your house and give him a place to stay after he became rogue when his master betrayed him and would give him a purpose. And it would be up to you to explain to him how to blend in with the crowd and express emotions like you can. Smiling, crying, laughing, stuff like this.
🪆Drocell is about good in everything he does since he’s a fast learner, but when it comes to emotions he just struggles a bit more than he normally would with something else. He does understand how a human feels in certain situations and why they acted like they did, he can understand this. But it’s just so different to actually feel for them. And he would be pretty disappointed for not being able to have such emotions like you are, giving him once again the feeling that he’s outdated. But with enough patience he will slowly start getting the hang of it.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
How about Dagger, keinz and joker with sick reader.
Of course. Here you go.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, overprotectiveness, sick s/o
Sick s/o
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🔪Dagger as a delusional Yandere who sees you and him as soulmates would make a huge fuss about it, treating you like you’re going to die anytime soon even if it’s just a small cough. He would run back and forth, bringing you everything that could help making you feel better. More blankets, pillows, soup, tea, whatever he knows might help.
🔪It doesn’t matter if he’s at that time still part of the circus or not. He’s the one who will nurse you back to help, it’s his job as your soulmate. Only when your condition seems to worsen he would reconsider this. He’s somewhat in panic because you’re suffering in bed and he knows that he has to stay strong for you.
🔪The type to threaten the doctor or, if he already kidnapped you at that time, any other person who has access to medicine or the knowledge to help him if he thinks he needs help, often involving stuff like medicine. He’s also the type to start informing himself about different kind of illnesses and how to cure them so he’ll be prepared when you get the next time sick.
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🤡Joker is not faced in the least bit. He knows that they are certain times a year where cold goes around and also witnessed a lot of people in the circus temporarily needing to take a break due to needing to recover from a sickness. He has much experience and knows what to do.
🤡He’ll ask Doctor for help, medicine and, if he thinks it’s needed, a checkup on you. But the biggest part he’ll handle alone because he wants too. Taking care of you when you’re more vulnerable is a good chance to strengthen your trust in him.
🤡But just because he’s calm doesn’t mean he won’t do something if he notices that you don’t rest enough or refuse to take your medicine. In that case he’ll become more strict and shoo you quickly back into bed and/or force you to take your medicine. He only wants you back into top shape.
Keinz Drocell
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🪆He used to be a human himself, but he isn’t anymore and the only thing he has to worry about is termites. So he would not know exactly what’s going on when you one day suddenly don’t seem okay, constantly coughing and dark bags under your eye. He knows that this is a sign that you aren’t well, he knows that much. But what is he supposed to do now?
🪆You’ll have to tell him what to do or else he might do something completely wrong. That doesn’t mean he won’t just do nothing. He’ll steal books about different kind of illnesses and how to nurse someone properly back to help properly. He’ll steal the needed medicine you need and is, to your huge surprise, a good cook and will serve you soup and tea.
🪆Keinz is a very fast learner, you’ll realize that the next time you’ll get sick. He won’t be clueless anymore, having memorized everything from the books and his previous experience when you got sick. He’s observant and once he knows how to do something he’ll do it perfectly. An advantage with him is that he doesn’t risk getting sick himself by taking care of you since he’s a puppet.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Hi can i request four of your fav black butler characters with a s/o who has insomnia? like how would they treat them and stuff ( also i read through your entire blog and i love it so much you writing is amazing 🥰❤️)
I had such a hard time choosing😥. Funny thing here is that my favs and the characters I like writing Yandere stuff about are sometimes very different. But I went with characters I didn’t write so much about so far. Thank you for reading through my entire block, I’m happy that you like it so much😍!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, overprotective actions, clinginess, insomnia
s/o who has insomnia
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👓The moment Mey-Rin finds out that her darling suffers from insomnia a switch will turn on into her. Suddenly the clumsy and shy girl will be gone and a responsible and mature woman will instead appear.
👓She wants to know how long you already suffered from it, if there’s a reason for it and much more. She’ll listen to everything the s/o tells her without interrupting and asking questions. If there is a reason or a person that made them worry so much that they lost sleep due to it then Mey-Rin will find a way to take care of this person, hoping that her darling can sleep better after this.
👓If that doesn’t work or she can’t get rid for whatever reason then she’ll try to help you differently. Pillows to cuddle with, more blankets, warm milk with honey or tea, this girl will try everything she’s ever heard of. She’ll definitely ask Sebastian for advice since he knows a lot of things and if Sebastian tells her something that might help she’ll try it out immediately. She’ll even ask if it would help if she would sleep with you. If you say no she’ll respect your choice, but if you say yes then you can bet that she’ll most likely have a short heart attack, feeling overjoyed that you think that she can make you feel safe enough to sleep. She’ll cuddle you the whole night whilst whispering sweet promises into your ear. Might even sing a lullaby if you ask her to. I can guarantee that nothing will happen to you whilst she’s with you, watching you like a hawk and making sure that you aren’t uncomfortable.
👓Overall one of the better Yanderes to deal with insomnia. She’ll do everything to help you get some sleep and is ready to grant every wish you say as long as it might help you a bit.
Keinz Drocell
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🪆Keinz is a puppet and doesn’t need sleep so when the s/o tells him they suffer from insomnia his first reaction will be confusion. Sleep? What is that? Is that important? He doesn’t know if it’s dangerous if you don’t get this ‘sleep’, but he’s quick to inform himself about it and is shocked when he finds out that sleep is needed for humans and if they don’t get enough sleep they might die! He surely doesn’t want that.
🪆He is completely clueless about what exactly to do and just asks his darling bluntly about why they suffer from insomnia and how he should handle this. Let’s be honest, one of the main reasons why the s/o can’t sleep is probably because of him and they’re quick to tell him this. This irritates Keinz. It’s his fault? Why?
🪆He’ll most likely kidnap a doctor and forces him to help you. Threatening to kill someone if they don’t works miracles. But he himself wants to help you in some way too. If the doctor needs something he’ll get it. If you want something he’ll get it instantly. He’ll also have a serious talk with you, questioning about what exactly he did wrong to cause you such fear that you can’t sleep and as soon as you’ll tell him he’ll immediately takes action. He doesn’t show you his collection anymore and he tries to not do such spooky things with his body anymore. He’ll also make you many plushys with which you can cuddle. Don’t worry, he made them from nothing that was once alive. When he hears that cuddling helps he might even try to cuddle with you, but he doesn’t know how to do it so it will be a bit...awkward.
🪆He’s the reason why you suffer from it and he didn’t even knew it! Well, at least he tries to help in some way...
Timber, Thompson & Canterbury
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🤫It’s their fault and they know it. I already mentioned in their Hc’s that it’s their punishment and they know exactly how far they can go with their darling, how extreme they can get until they’ve reached their goal to make the darling suffer from insomnia. And they’ll act like they didn’t have anything to do with it...
🤫Even though they know why the s/o suffers from insomnia they’ll pretend like they don’t and ask the s/o with fake innocence and worry why they can’t sleep anymore and are quick to comfort their darling when they tell them about the horrible nightmares that they had in this room. They’ll use this as a chance to tighten the bond between their darling and them.
🤫Mentioned it already in the Hc’s, but once again, after this you won’t be able to even close your eyes for a second when they aren’t with you in the same bed anymore. They have a schedule about who gets to spend the next night with you and make sure to grant you every wish. You want some hot chocolate in the middle of the night? Give them a second, they’ll even add cream and marshmallows to it. Some night stories? Tell them which one you want to hear. And of course cuddling is a must. And the best part of it? They don’t even have to force you since you clinge onto them for dear life on your own. These are the rare times were you will hear them talking to you, murmuring compliments and comforts in your ears and pressing soft kisses to your face and body.
🤫They take brilliant care of you, buuuut...IT’S THEIR FAULT AND THEY EVEN KNOW IT!!! And do they stop? NO!! The worst part about this is that they’ll gain your trust and love quickly like this which is exactly what they want.
Charles Grey
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🤺Charles never really cared for anybody except himself and the queen in his life, but now there’s someone he cares for as much as for himself, his darling! He quickly noticed that something is wrong with them since he watches them always and will most likely discover what’s wrong without even needing to ask him. Insomnia? That’s new for him.
🤺At first he’ll most likely be annoyed. It’s important for him that everyone at least thinks that he treats his s/o great, but when they would notice the dark bags under their eyes, what would they think of him? They would think that he doesn’t treat them good enough! Na-ah, we can’t have that happen. He also sees it as a chance to prove his darling that he really is the only one who can love and treat them right.
🤺This guy has money and influence and since he doesn’t know how to handle insomnia he’ll hire for sure the best doctors in the country to help. He’ll also inform himself about what he can do to help you as well since he wants to see to you like the perfect fiancé he thinks he is. He won’t make you tea or hot chocolate, why would he? He has servants that can do that for him. If you have any wishes that might help you with your condition he makes sure to sent a servant to get it as quick as possible because he won’t leave your side unless he really must. He heard that spending time and cuddling with the ones you love helps. And in his delusional mindset you love him so no chance that he’ll leave you alone. Even if you ask him to it will go in the one ear and go out the other.
🤺Oh dear. He won’t leave you alone at all and will stay the whole night with you in bed whilst cuddling you even if you told him not to! He’ll also tell you stories about his past, wanting to impress you with them, but in reality you want him to just shut up! Sorry, he won’t. You might even be able to sleep since he’ll really exhausts you with his behavior. At least one good thing...
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can you write number 50 to Keinz Drocell?
Consider it as done.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, stalking, kidnapping
Prompt 50: “Tell me, is love supposed to be...this passionate?
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Do you know the feeling of being watched constantly? The feeling of eyes drilling themselves into your soul wherever you go? The feeling of slowly going insane and starting to question your sanity? That’s what you were going through. The last few weeks had been more than just nerve wrecking for you. You had the feeling that something was watching your every movement. You had never seen anyone watching you, but your gut told you that you had a stalker. A really talented one since you even felt eyes on you when you were inside your house. You hadn’t told anyone about this so far because you still weren’t sure if you were right or wrong. It would also be pretty useless to inform the police without evidence shown. So you had endured this torture alone without anyone knowing. It had gotten worse and worse the longer it lasted and by now you couldn’t help, but always look around when you were walking on the streets. But no one seemed suspicious. Just normal people minding their own business. No one looked like a stalker to you. And that drove you crazy.
It had been late at evening when you had gotten home, the sun had already started to set down, illuminating the sky in warm colors. And you were done. Work was so stressing for you, probably you snapped at pretty much everyone who looked at you longer than a second. You guessed having the feeling of being watched had made you sensitive regarding this topic. And even now the gaze was still on you. In your own four walls. You really hoped that this all was just a really bad case of paranoia and nothing more. But that still didn’t stop you from covering yourself with the blankets when you changed in your nightclothes. It there really was somebody watching you, you wouldn’t let them see you naked. After you were finished with changing you checked twice if all of the windows and doors were locked up. You knew that this probably looked a bit overcautious, but you felt a bit more at ease when you did this. You glanced out of the window, looking at the streets of London. Since it was getting late the crowds out there slowly died out, the streets slowly getting empty. And that’s when your eyes suddenly stopped at a specific person out there. A man who had light orange hair and was wearing a blue tailcoat and a black top hat. A music box was hanging around his neck.
Why you had stared at him in the first place? You didn’t know, probably because he stood with his clothes clearly out from the crowd. Or it was maybe the fact that he was just standing there, not caring about the people passing by him and glancing curiously at him. He just stood there. Right in front of your house. Was he waiting for someone? You just stood there, leaning on your window to catch a glimpse at his face, but he had his head hung low so that you weren’t able to. A few minutes passed by and he still didn’t move an inch. You had heard from one of your friends that some humans were able to fall asleep whilst standing. Was that the case? Why did you even mind so much? You should just lay down in your bed. Other people could take care of him. But just as you were about to turn around the man suddenly lifted his head. He was handsome, you gave him that. He had amethyst colored eyes and some pretty looking symbol was painted under his right eye. For a moment you were just taking in all his features before you realized something. His gaze was fixicated on you, his amethyst eyes focusing on you. That’s when you felt it over you washing. The same feeling that had seemed to follow you this past few weeks. No way! Was this man your stalker?! Both of you stared at each other for a few moments and you could feel your heart drumming against your chest, your mind racing with panicked thoughts. That’s when the man suddenly turned away from you, disappearing in the crowd. You watched him until you couldn’t see him anymore, letting a breath out you didn’t know you were holding in and closing the curtains. Had you just seen your stalker? But why was he suddenly showing himself?
You woke up later that night. You didn’t know why exactly, probably because the sleep you had gotten so far wasn’t very relaxing. That damn guy was even watching you in your sleep. His face had been everywhere in your dreams. You sighed and turned around so that you were facing the door leading out of the room. You hadn’t opened your eyes so far and didn’t want too. That was at least until you felt your skin crawling with uneasiness. It was the feeling you always had when someone was watching you. But right now it felt so intense, too intense. As if someone was standing right in the room and watching you. You slowly opened one of your eyes. You nearly suffered from a heart attack then and there. Only inches away from you was kneeling the same man who had looked at you this evening and who’s face had haunted you in your dreams. “AAAHHH!!!!” You let a terrified scream out, pushed him out of your way and raced towards the door. But before you could reach the door you suddenly felt something cold wrapping itself around your legs. You saw how your face was racing towards the hard and dirty ground, preparing yourself for the most likely painful impact, but it never came. Instead you felt two arms grabbing you under your armpits and preventing you to meet the ground.
“Please be more careful. I don’t want you to get hurt.” You tensed up when you heard his velvet voice. You turned your head around to get a better look at him. He was staring intensely at you, giving you the feeling that he wanted to pierce your soul with his somewhat emotionless eyes. “W-who are you? And what do you want?” He tilted his head a bit at your question. “My name?” He sounded almost clueless. He became silent and looked like he tried to find an answer to your question. Did he really not know what his name was? “I suppose...that my name is Keinz Drocell.”, he spoke after a few moments. Took him long enough. “And I’m here to take you.” He sounded so awfully calm whilst saying that as if it was someone normal. You on the other hand felt downright horrified. How could he sound so...so apathetic? “You’re the one who watched me, didn’t you?” “I did.” Again he sounded terrifying calm. “Do you even realize that what you did and what you’re about to do is wrong?! Are you crazy?!”, you yelled, fear audible in your voice.
“I reasoned with myself that I have to do this because I love you.” He...loved...you? “When I first saw you, you were a shining beauty and originally I planned to turn you into a puppet made out of silver and gold to match your beauty. But when I started watching you I suddenly felt so...weird. It felt like something invisible pulled me to you. The way you laugh, talk and move. All of it was a masterpiece. I came to realize that if I would turn you into a puppet, I would ruin all of this. Not even the most noble materials could suit you. You’re already a masterpiece.” Turning you into a puppet?! The most noble materials?! You a masterpiece?! What was he talking about?! You had started shaking. This guy was scaring the living shit out of you! “But there was another thing that made me realize that you’re special.” Another one?! “Whenever I look at you I feel a tingling sensation in my core. I reasoned, that I must be human, but then why do I feel so empty without you? I never realized how lonely I was until I was away from you. I came to the conclusion that I don’t like it when I can’t see you and I also don’t like it when you spent your time with other people. It feels like I’m burning when I see how they dare to ruin such a masterpiece of you. So I was thinking to myself, why not take you with me? I’m sure that I’ll get endless inspiration from you and one day the both of us could probably create together puppets.”
You didn’t know what exactly came over you in that moment. It was probably pure survival instinct. But you suddenly turned around and swinged your fist with his face. A hollow sound was heard and in the next moment you felt pain shooting through your hand. You cried out and instantly pulled your hand back, observing your knuckles. Where your hand had hit his face the skin started to turn red already and some of your skin had even been scratched open from the impact. You stared stunned at your hand. His skin... It hadn’t felt normal. It was too hard and too cold to be human skin. When you looked up you shrieked sharply. His head was turned around in an angle that couldn’t be considered normal. It became even more eerie when he slowly rotated his head 360 degree until he was facing you again. His cheek looked perfectly fine, not a single scratch on his skin. He glanced down at your hand before slowly taking your hand in one of his gloved and caressing with his thumb the reddened and partially peeled off skin. “Didn’t I tell you to be more careful? Now you’ve ruined your skin. But if I remember right your body will heal this wound very soon again.”
You had the feeling that your eyeballs would pop out of your skull if you would continue staring at him with your eyes wide open. You glanced back and forth between your hand and his face. Then you did something unexpected. You lifted your not hurt hand towards his face, touching his skin carefully and tracing the tip of your fingers over it. That was no skin! What was that? It was cold and very smooth. Was that...wood? Keinz had started to stare intensely at you after you had started to caress his face. “What in the world...are you?”, you asked him shocked. He blinked a few times. “I’m human. I suppose.” “You don’t know what you really are?”, you asked him. For a moment he fell silent. “Am I not human?” So he really didn’t know. You almost felt a bit bad for him. When you were about to pull your hand away from his head one of his hands suddenly grabbed your wrist. “Don’t stop. For some reason I like it when you caress my face.” He pressed your hand against his face again. You were too perplexed to do anything else in the moment so you just continued stroking his face.
“Do you have experience in love?”, he suddenly asked out of the blue. “Huh?”, you asked confused, catched off-guard. But after a few moments you answered:”I suppose I have?” “Tell me, is love supposed to to be...this passionate?” You froze, shifting your gaze to the ground. How could you answer that question? He was obviously no human and seemed to be a bit lost in general when it came to how to act around other humans. Would he even understand you if you would answer him? You doubted it, but he was obvious waiting for your answer. “No. Normally it isn’t. But I guess you’re just a special case?” You sounded extremely unsure. Keinz seemed to try to find a deeper meaning behind your words. “So...you say I’m different?” “More or less.”, you replied. Keinz stared down at his hands clenching them to fists and opening them again. “I’m no human?” You kept quiet, clueless about how to help him. For a short moment you were certain that you saw a flash of sadness in his eyes, but they turned quickly back to their emotionless look. “I guess it doesn’t matter whether I’m human or not.” His grip around your wrist tightened and he moved his face closer to yours, too close for your taste. “As long as I have you with me I feel something. I feel emotions. I feel human. That only adds a new reason for me to take you. Even if I’m not human, as long as I can feel like one by keeping you with me I’m fine.”
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Can I have number 29 to Keinz Drocell. Thank you :)
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsessiveness, possessiveness, mentions of kidnapping
Prompt 29: “Stop giving me that look! Stop looking at me as if I’m a monster!”
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“Build it up with iron and steel, iron and steel, iron and steel. Build it up with iron and steel, my fair lady~.” You pressed your hands over your ears, trying to block his voice out, trying to block this horrific melody out, but you knew that it would be useless and would give you for sure another nightmare. How had it even come to this? What did you do so bad for god to hate you that much? You didn’t know. And that frustrated you more than anything. “You don’t even look.”, you suddenly heard his monotone voice saying. You flinched and looked up. Keinz was staring at you, no expression on his face as always. You gulped the lump you had in your throat back, your whole body trembled. He kept continuing to stare at you, waiting for an answer. But you couldn’t say anything, feeling frozen with fear. “Are you...scared?”, he asked after a few moments passed by. Was that even a question?! You were shaking here like a leaf and he was asking you whether you were scared or not?! You didn’t answer him and suddenly he stopped controlling his little “toys” and walked towards you. The next moment he bent down to you and tilted his head in a way that once more reminded you that he wasn’t human.
“I brought you here because I wanted to show you the new pieces, but you somehow don’t seem to enjoy them. Should I make new ones that you would like as well? You would just need to tell me how you want them to look.” You tensed up when he said, your eyes wandering behind him to look at the dolls. Each of them dressed in a pretty dress and you were sure that most little girls would love to have such a realistic and gorgeous doll. But you knew that they didn’t just look realistic, they had been once humans! Their eyes were empty and lifeless, but you still had the feeling that there was some sparkle in their eyes, a silent plea for help. “Well?”, you jumped startled away when you noticed how close his face was to yours. You were sure that if you would overlook the fact that he had kidnapped you and that he was a puppet you would find him very attractive. His emotionless amethyst eyes were watching you closely. It was almost funny that this guy had kidnapped you in the name of love or as he had described it to you back then ‘an unfamiliar burning desire’.
You still remembered how you had first ran into him, literally. Back then you hadn’t watched where you had been running to and like this you had doomed yourself pretty much. You had bumped into him and had landed on your ass whilst he hadn’t even budged. He had just looked at you and had tilted his head in a slightly irritated manner. You on the other hand had cursed at him for just standing there and not helping you. He had at first blinked before finally helping you up, but he hadn’t let go of your hand back then. Instead he had let his eyes wander up and down your body, not in a lustful way, but more in a fascinated way. But it had still been creepy and you had ended up slapping him on the face. Your intention back then had been to hurt him, but instead you were the one who had gotten hurt. Back then you had been shocked by how hard his skin was and how weird it had felt, almost like hard wood. He on the other hand had just continued to observe you in a fascinated way, not looking very impressed that you had just hit him with a lot of strength. This had continued for a few seconds, him just staring at you before you had gotten creeped out and had quickly walked away from him, not missing the chance to call him a jerk. After that you had never seen him again, but the feeling of being watched had followed you everywhere. At first you had brushed it off as simple paranoia, but when suddenly your friends and everyone you talked to had started to disappear you had gotten very anxious. And one night he had suddenly stood in your room, watching you with no emotion on his eyes. You had slept so safe and soundly and had nearly gotten a heart attack when you had woken up and had seen him staring at you. You had reacted like every normal human would, screaming, pushing him away and sprinting to the door. But you hadn’t come very far because suddenly something had wrapped around your body and had restrained you from running away any further. When you had looked down on your body you had discovered that it had been steel wire. He had told you that you shouldn’t run away from him and had them introduced himself and had explained to you that he had been watching you for those past few months, that you had stirred up something in him and that he felt a desperate need to keep you with him, also telling you that he had gotten rid of everyone who had come too close to you. He had sounded so calm whilst he had told you this what had freaked you out even more. How could he sound so calm and emotionless whilst telling you this?! The last thing you could remember from that night was how he suddenly had pressed some clothes in your face that had smelled weird. Shortly after you had passed out.
It had merely been a month since that night and you had found out things since then that you wish you didn’t. Starting with that your kidnapper was actually a puppet!! You had discovered this when he had turned his head once 360 degrees around what no human could have done! When you had asked him about this he had tilted his head, showing you his confusion. This guy didn’t even know that he was a puppet and you still weren’t sure if he had completely understood how inhuman he really was. The next and much more horrific thing that you had found out that Keinz had a truly terrible hobby. Making puppets out of real humans. When he had first shown you his collection you had actually been impressed with how perfect this puppets looked like. But he himself was a puppet so you just thought that it had been natural that he was talented with making puppets. When you had asked him how he made those, being sincerely interested in this he had started explaining to you. By the end of his speech all color had left your face and you had nearly collapsed on spot, not being able to handle the knowledge that this dolls had once been girls just like you. Up until this day you feared that he would turn you into one as well even though he had told you countless times that you were a masterpiece just as you were and that he didn’t have the intention of turning you, but you weren’t sure if you could trust him. The problem was that you never knew what he was thinking, his face and voice never giving away his feelings and to be honest you doubted that he even had them. After all he was a puppet.
Keinz seemed to understand that he wouldn’t get an answer from you and just stood up. “You look like you won’t be able to focus on anything today anymore. Go to your room.” He extended his hand, wanting to help you stand up, but you flinched back. You had seen what he did with those hands, you had seen how he created his puppets and these were pictures that you would never be able to get out of your head. Keinz blinked at your reaction and pulled his hand back, waiting for you to stand up on your own. You slowly stood up, your legs feeling very wobbly. You needed to support yourself on the wall to not fall back down. Once again Keinz wanted to offer you his hand, but as soon as he moved his arm you flinched again what caused him to return his hand once more. “Are you sure that you can walk on your own?” You nodded quickly, just wanting to get as fast as possible to your room. Somehow you managed to stumble your way through the house without your knees giving away under you. Keinz turned once in a while around to ensure that you wouldn’t collapse. As soon as he opened the door to your room you quickly ran inside and dived into your bed, grabbing the blanket and wrapped yourself in it so that you were completely hidden in it. You just hoped that you would be able to get at least a few hours where you would be able to sleep without having another nightmare or without waking up and finding Keinz just staring down at you like he often did.
You had expected Keinz to just leave you alone like he always did when he led you back to your room, but for some reason he continued to stay this time. You peeked confused from under your blanket at him. He had a...peculiar look on his face given the fact that he normally had never any kind of look on his face. “(y/n)!” You tensed up when you heard his voice which sounded very firm. “Y-yes?”, you stuttered out, feeling anxiously because he suddenly acted so out of character. “Stop giving me that look!” You felt confused. “P-pardon?” For a few moments it became awfully silent between the two of you and you noticed that Keinz looked confused as if not quite understanding himself what he just meant with this. But then a look of realization crossed his face, followed by a...what was that? A sad look? “Stop looking at me as if I’m a monster!” With these words he closed the door, his footsteps fading away. You on the other hand stared with wide eyes at the door, not having missed the almost hurt undertone in his voice. Did...did he just showed you that he had emotions? You weren’t sure about how to think about this. It was the first time Keinz had showed you that he wasn’t just a puppet without feelings. But you sure hoped that it wouldn’t be the last time that he would show you his emotions. It would probably be a bit more easier for you to live in here with the knowledge that Keinz wasn’t a complete emotionless creep. But only probably!
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
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first masterlist
falling for the same darling (Sebastian and Claude)
calling them big brother (Joker)
darling kisses rival back (Dagger, Joker, Soma)
falling in love with the same darling (Ciel&Alois)
with a demon s/o (Viscount of Druitt)
not just an act (Sebastian)
falling for the same darling (Claude and Hannah)
Soulmate AU with a ghoul (Grell)
sick s/o (Dagger, Joker, Keinz Drocell)
neko s/o (Sebastian, Finny, Undertaker, Snake, Pluto)
friends with a giant spider (Elizabeth, Claude, Hannah, Grell, Snake,)
Valentine's day date (Snake)
modern s/o who can shift between the worlds (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, all reapers)
s/o helps them after they've been transported in their world (Ciel, Alois, Sebastian, Claude)
accidentally kissing (Joker, Ran Mao, Soma, Agni, Charles Grey)
pregnant and engaged darling (Joker, Lau, Ran Mao, Soma, Agni)
it's too late (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Timber, Thompson & Canterbury)
loving them despite being kidnapped (Ciel, Alois)
Already taken (Joker)
close your eyes for a surprise (Dagger, Ran Mao, Soma)
worshipped by a cult (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash)
modern s/o who sings and plays the guitar (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Ash, Grell, Ronald, Wiliam, Undertaker)
intrigued s/o asks him constantly questions (Sebastian)
fighting over the same darling (Sebastian, Claude, Hannah, William)25
male s/o (Ciel)
Prompt 52 (Dagger)
s/o is Ciel's older sister (Finny, Dagger, Joker, Soma, Agni, Charles Grey)
hardworking yet lazy (William)
s/o is a human doll (Keinz Drocell)
welcome to my world (Ciel, Sebastian)
s/o has a nightmare (Finny, Grell, Undertaker, Joker, Snake, Soma, Agni, Ash)
cuddling the s/o on her period (Ciel, Alois)
too innocent (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Vincent)
Happy Death Day (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Hannah)
s/o in love with Ran Mao (Lau)
and suddenly there are three (Bardroy, Joker, Soma, Agni, Edward)
s/o is already married (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Madame Red)
monster hunter (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Grell)
s/o has ADHD (Ciel)
how embarrassing (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Edward)
sharing a darling (Finny, Mey- Rin and Bardroy)
good luck charm (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Charles Grey)
Prompt 124 (Sebastian, Ash)
mermaid s/o (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Sebastian, Ash, Timber, Thompson & Canterbury)
Prompt 32 (Ran Mao)
ghost s/o (Grell, Lau, Ash)
NSFW Hc's (Ash)
Why do you like me? (Sebastian, Hannah, Soma, Ash)
darling is a hybrid (Ciel, Sebastian, Claude, Grell, Ronald) 50
Prompt 26 (Ronald)
R!Ciel hc's
behind the mask (Sebastian, Alois, Claude)
fighting over the same childhood friend (O!Ciel and R!Ciel)
just like the mother (Ciel)
s/o nearly dies whilst giving birth (Sebastian)
I don't trust either of you (Sebastian & Hannah)
falling for the same darling (Angela & Ash)
Prompt 53 (Lau & Ran Mao)
Prompt 8 (Ash)
Prompt 127 (Grell)
buff strong and protective s/o (Hannah)
Can I patch it up? (Ash)
friends (Sebastian, Alois, Lau, Agni; platonic)
Prompt 72 (Claude)
Prompt 41 (Madam Red)
disguised (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Elizabeth)
asexual (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash)
Prompt 137 (Sebastian)
depressed darling (Sebastian)
Phantomhives eldest daughter (Lau)
bizarre doll project (Undertaker)
s/o with major trust issues (Ciel, Sebastian)
Prompt 137 (Hannah)
parents (Madam Red) 75
Prompt 123 (Frances)
trans darling (Sebastian, Claude, Hannah)
they are so beautiful (Sebastian, Claude, Snake, Ash)
NSFW Hc's (Agni)
Jealousy (Snake, Pluto)
Prompt 120 (Ronald)
Gentle and loving s/o (Grell, Madam Red, Rachel, Vincent)
s/o escapes from forced marriage (Sebastian, the triplets)
Bad sleeping habit (Ronald)
Treat you better + NSFW Hc's (Sebastian)
Secret admirer (Sebastian, Joker)
Prompt 9 (Platonic!Sebastian)
Stop controlling my life (Platonic!Lau)
Yandere Alphabet (Snake)
Prompt 102 (Sebastian) 90
Married yet falling in love again (Ciel&Elizabeth)
Ahead of their time (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash, Undertaker)
Holding hands (Elizabeth)
Yandere Alphabet (Grell, Ronald, William, Undertaker)
s/o has Akatsuki abilities (Sebastian)
Sharing a darling (Grell&Madam Red)
Yandere Alphabet (Sebastian, Claude)
Yandere Alphabet (Grell)
Third masterlist
416 notes · View notes
animeyanderelover · 3 years
Tumblr media
Phantomhive manor Hc's (Ciel, Sebastian, Finny, Bardroy, Mey-Rin, Elizabeth)
Trancy manor Hc's (Alois, Claude, Hannah, Timber, Thompson & Canterbury)
Grim Reaper Hc's (Grell, Ronald, William Undertaker)
Noah's Arc Circus Hc's (Jumbo, Peter & Wendy, Doll, Beast, Dagger, Joker, Snake)
Meeting and falling for their darling (Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Grell, William, Undertaker)
Black Butler Hc's (Lau, Ran Mao, Angela, Pluto, Prince Soma, Agni, Ash, Keinz Drocell, Charles Grey, Edward)
darling can transform into a cat (Sebastian)
kidnapping the s/o who tries to reason with her (Grell)
Madame Red and Frances Midford Hc's
s/o confessing and taking him on a date (Alois)
noble s/o being bethrothed (Claude)
falling for the same darling (Sebastian and Ash)
s/o accepts to stay (Undertaker)
rejecting them and dating Undertaker (Sebastian and Ash)
s/o can see and talk to ghosts (Undertaker)
s/o has insomnia (Mey-rin, Timber, Thompson and Canterbury, Keinz Drocell, Charles Grey)
s/o is the Queen's granddaughter and in love with Ciel (Charles Grey)
Prompt 7 (Grell)
Prompt 47 (Undertaker)
Prompt 34 (Dagger)
Prompt 16 (Claude)
Prompt 50 (Sebastian)
Prompt 41 (Charles Grey)
telling him to go to heaven (Sebastian)
Prompt 23 (Mey-Rin)
Prompt 20 (Alois)
Prompt 2 (Dagger)
s/o nearly dying whilst giving birth (Charles Grey)
Prompt 29 (Keinz Drocell)
darling going into labour (Ciel)
Prompt 15 (Alois)
tiny s/o (Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Hannah)
detective partner who wins always at chess and teases him (Ciel)
Prompt 8 (Pluto, NSFW)
darling being kidnapped by the circus group (Ciel)
Prompt 25 (Finny)
kidnapping her darling (Madam Red)
immortal s/o who can't die (Sebastian, Undertaker)
Prompt 46 (Snake)
s/o finding out he killed family and friends (Ciel)
Prompt 26 (Alois)
Prompt 18 (Finny)
darling is half-angel (Sebastian, Claude)
Prompt 26 (Finny)
Yandere s/o lost interest after Ciel became the Queen's guard dog (Ciel)
more Hc's (Vincent, Rachel)
Prompt 20 (Pluto)
Prompt 31 (Timber, Thompson & Canterbury)
prideful s/o (Ciel)
Prompt 26 (Snake)
s/o is Alois's sibling (Ciel)
Prompt 48 (Pluto)
cuddling their s/o (Agni, Soma)
Elizabeth as the Queen's guard dog
Prompt 5 (Lau)
Prompt 18 (Snake)
s/o and Frances raising a child
Prompt 27 (Dagger)
pregnant s/o (Alois)
s/o who doesn't want any kids (Beast)
Prompt 50 (Keinz Drocell)
Prompt 47 (Grell)
pregnant s/o (Frances)
s/o can understand snakes (Snake)
artist s/o (Undertaker)
two or more kids (Madam Red)
s/o with an "I wear the pants" attitude (Grell, Undertaker)
runaway pregnant s/o (Ash)
raising Edward and Elizabeth (Frances)
performer who works with birds (Snake)
dating the Queen's granddaughter (Ciel)
reaction of others with his human s/o and child (Sebastian)
childlike innocent s/o (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Ash)
fighting over a transported modern reader (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude)
Prompt 55 (Grell)
immortal s/o (Wendy & Peter, Dagger)
modern reader gets transported into their universe (Grell, Ronald, William, Undertaker)
vampire darling stays willingly (Grell)
pregnant s/o who ran away (Alois)
Prompt 8 (Sebastian)
Wedding/Marriage (Agni)
pregant s/o leaving after finding out the truth (Joker)
Viscount of Druitt Hc's
finding his darling and his child years later (Joker)
darling finally loving them (Sebastian, Hannah)
darling learning Hindi to surprise them (Soma, Agni)
meeting childhood friend and old crush again (Grell, Ronald, William, Undertaker)
getting transported into a world where angels and demons live together (Ciel, Sebastian, Grell, Ronald, William, Undertaker, Ash)
getting transported back and meeting them as celebrities (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude)
aborting the infant after running away (Joker)
taking his s/o out and they try to run away (Alois)
Prompt 90 (Ronald)
getting transported back and meeting them as celebrities (Grell, Ronald, William, Undertaker)
getting sent back and being followed (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude)
confessing his feelings (William)
Prompt 88 (Ash)
sick s/o (Finny, Alois, Snake, Pluto)
darling doesn't mind him being a Yandere (Snake)
232 notes · View notes
animeyanderelover · 4 years
 basic Hc’s
Reincarnation Hc’s Pt.1
Reincarnations Pt.2
secret admirer
s/o gets jealous
 basic Hc’s
Reincarnation Hc’s Pt.1
Reincarnations Pt.2
s/o gets gets jealous
 basic Hc’s
reaction to the s/o getting hurt
s/o is single parent
secret admirer
 basic Hc’s
Yandere Prompt: 3&10
basic Hc’s
s/o who doesn’t want any kids
 basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
clan forbidding to court/marry the s/o
Yandere Prompt: 42
  basic Hc’s
  basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
Securing to be chosen as his darling’s betrothed
Madara and Hashirama taking interest in the same darling
Hahirama and Tobirama falling for the same darling
s/o is the Daimyo’s daughter
reaction to the s/o getting hurt
Reincarnation Hc’s Pt.1
Reincarnations Pt.2
clan forbidding to court/marry the s/o
s/o wishes to start her own family+family and child Hc’s
s/o is single parent
soulmate Hc’s
Mito and Hashirama sharing a s/o
secret admirer
s/o gets jealous
Yandere Prompt: 47, 69
 basic Hc’s
Securing to be chosen as his darling’s betrothed
Hashirama and Tobirama falling for the same darling
s/o is the Daimyo’s daughter
reaction to the s/o getting hurt
s/o wishes to start her own family+family and child Hc’s
s/o is single parent
secret admirer
s/o gets jealous
Yandere Prompt: 50, 39, 27
  basic Hc’s
reaction to the s/o getting hurt
s/o is single parent
secret admirer
s/o gets jealous
Yandere Prompt: 15, 58
 basic Hc’s
Kushina’s sister fluff
s/o wishes to start her own family+family and child Hc’s
s/o is single parent
pregnant s/o
Yandere Prompt: 41
 basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
Soulmate Hc’s
basic Hc’s
secret admirer
 basic Hc’s
s/o wishes to start her own family+family and child Hc’s
Yandere Prompt: 27
 basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
characters who would want two or more kids
 basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
Breeding kink+ arranged marriage & reaction to pregnancy of the s/o
Madara and Hashirama taking interest in the same darling
s/o is the Daimyo’s daughter
Reincarnation Hc’s Pt.1
Reincarnations Pt.2
clan forbidding to court/marry the s/o
 basic Hc’s
Indra and Asura having feelings for their childhood friend
Yandere Prompt: 31
basic Hc’s
Indra and Asura having feelings for their childhood friend
characters who would want two or more kids
basic Hc’s
Mito and Hashirama sharing a s/o
basic Hc’s
s/o who doesn’t want any kids
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
s/o gets jealous
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
Yandere Prompt: 17
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
Mei Terumi
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
Hunter x Hunter
 basic Hc’s
characters who would want two or more kids
basic Hc’s
Gon & Killua sharing the s/o
basic Hc’s
Gon & Killua sharing the s/o
Yandere Prompt: 46
basic Hc’s
Kurapika with a pregnant s/o
pregnancy fluff
characters who would want two or more kids
Yandere Prompt: 44
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
s/o who’s physically weak, but mentally strong
Yandere Prompt: 30
basic Hc’s
Yandere Prompt: 16
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
Chrollo and Feitan sharing a darling
Darling escaping & Chrollo finding her years later with a four-year-old
s/o who doesn’t want any kids
childhood friend
Yandere Prompt: 33
basic Hc’s
Chrollo and Feitan sharing a darling
basic Hc’s
Yandere Prompt: 37, 3
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
darling who’s easily manipulated & reaction when finding out the truth
Yandere Prompt: 17
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
Black Butler
 basic Hc’s
Darling going into labour
detective partner who always wins in chess and teases him
Darling being kidnapped by the circus group
s/o finds out that Ciel killed their family and friends
yandere s/o who commited crimes, but lost interest
prideful s/o
s/o who is Alois sibling
 basic Hc’s
meeting and falling for the s/o
Sebastian with a darling who can transform into a cat
Ash and Sebastian falling for the same darling
darling rejecting Ash and Sebastian and starts dating Undertaker
the s/o tells him to go to heaven
tiny s/o
suicidal s/o who can’t die+reaction to his darling’s immortality
darling is a half-angel
Yandere Prompt: 50
 basic Hc’s
Yandere Prompt: 25, 18, 26
 basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
s/o suffers from insomnia
Yandere Prompt: 23
 basic Hc’s
Elizabeth as the queen’s guard dog
basic Hc’s
My little butterfly Pt.1
My little butterfly Pt. 2
meeting and falling for the s/o
s/o confessing to Alois & taking him on a date
tiny s/o
pregnant s/o
Yandere Prompt: 20, 15, 26
basic Hc’s
meeting and falling for the s/o
reaction to the s/o being a noble + being betrothed
tiny s/o
darling is a half-angel
Yandere Prompt: 16
basic Hc’s
tiny s/o
Timber, Thompson & Canterbury
basic Hc’s
s/o suffers from insomnia
Yandere Prompt: 31
basic Hc’s
meeting and falling for the s/o
Grell finally kidnapping the s/o+ the s/o trying to reason with her
Yandere Prompt: 7, 47
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
meeting and falling for the s/o
basic Hc’s
meeting and falling for the s/o
Undertaker with a s/o who accepts to stay with him
Undertaker with an s/o who can see and talk to ghosts
suicidal s/o who can’t die+reaction to his darling’s immortality
Undertaker with an artist s/o
Yandere Prompt: 47
basic Hc’s
Wendy & Peter
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
Yandere Prompt: 34, 2, 27
basic Hc’s
 basic Hc’s
reaction to his s/o being able to understand snakes
Yandere Prompt: 46, 26, 18
basic Hc’s
Yandere Prompt: 5
Ran Mao
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
Angel, hope of my life
basic Hc’s
Yandere Prompt: 8, 20, 48
Prince Soma
basic Hc’s
cuddling his s/o
basic Hc’s
cuddling his s/o
basic Hc’s
Ash and Sebastian falling for the same darling
darling rejecting Ash and Sebastian and starts dating Undertaker
Keinz Drocell
basic Hc’s
s/o suffers from insomnia
Yandere Prompt: 29, 50
Charles Grey
basic Hc’s
s/o suffers from insomnia
s/o is the queen’s granddaughter and is in love with Ciel
Yandere Prompt: 41
Charles s/o nearly dies whilst giving birth
Edward Midford
basic Hc’s
Madam Red
basic Hc’s
finally kidnapping her darling
characters who would want two or more children
Frances Midford
basic Hc’s
s/o and Frances raising a child
Frances with a pregnant s/o
basic Hc’s
basic Hc’s
93 notes · View notes