#yandere angela
animeyanderelover · 5 months
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You meant BB as in Black Butler, right?
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, paranoia, isolation, manipulation, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, abduction, death
Tags: @lovley-valentine7 @leveyani @chxxz
Words: 1.4k
Prompt 91
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Eyes of deep amethyst narrowed for a split second when she saw the ropes tied around your hands and the rough hand on your biceps which pulled you forcefully closer to the house from which you had just tried to escape from. The look of unbridled hatred which she held for humans, one that could have perhaps been used to convince the policeman that she was the one who was insane.
Unfortunately you were the only one who saw this flashing expression on her face as you were already familiar with the witch behind the mask. Anyone else couldn't have been anything but fooled as large doe eyes shimmered with tears as she quickly rushed to meet you. No trace of the previous hatred was visible on her face, her expression as soft and shy as her demeanor as she took your hands gently.
"(y/n)... Oh, I was so worried about you! What if you would have gotten hurt out there?" The tears in her eyes were true, you knew that much as you saw the salty water gathering in her eyes out of gratitude that you were unharmed and fine. The sweet smile she gave the officer who had brought you back though wasn't but you were the only one who knew that and after everything that had just happened, you felt far too discouraged to argue with the ignorant and easily fooled man once again. You would only waste your breath on him.
"I cannot express how grateful I am to you, officer." she stated as she clasped her soft hands together and looked with large eyes at the older man before bowing her head to feint thankfulness.
Far too easily was the officer swayed by her beauty and submissive charm as you could see the hint of a pink blush appearing on his face as he was yet another one to be deceived by Angela.
"I only did my job, Miss Blanc. If any problems should arise, do not hesitate to inform me."
You had the urge to roll your eyes when you saw how he straightened his back and puffed his chest ever so slightly out in a pitiful attempt to appear bigger to impress the gorgeous woman in front of him. Perhaps you hadn't been able to hide your clear annoyance completely though as you received a quick glare from him when he caught your gaze on him that was clearly patronising him.
He turned his body to your direction, giving you what you assumed was meant to be a stern glare in an attempt to chastise you.
"I do hope that you will not attempt anything reckless anytime soon again, (l/n). You worried Miss Blanc to no end because of your immature actions. Please consider her feelings too if you should try to do it again."
You could only silently clench your jaw as you had to silently endure his words as you knew very well that talking back wouldn't be a good decision right now.
That guy didn't know shit about the world yet he was pretentious enough to believe that he had any right to lecture you about your feeble escape attempt. Blessed were the idiots indeed who didn't have to worry about all what lied beyond the perception of humanity.
There were a lot of things you would have loved to say to him as he finally decided to depict himself as benevolent enough to untie the rope from your wrists. You noticed how Angela took a subtle step closer, her eyes observing your skin for any injuries that would then be the sole responsibility of that officer.
He remained as unaware as ever though as he courtly lifted his head for her before he returned to the carriage with which he had come. You could feel delicate hands on your back, ushering you back inside all whilst the deceiving smile stayed on her lips as she bid goodbye to the officer who was looking at you two through the carriage.
It was only after she had escorted you safely back inside and had locked the door that her face finally morphed and reflected her true feelings. Wrinkles appeared on her normally smooth skin as her face twisted into one of pure revulsion and you were within earshot to hear how she started muttering fanaticallly to herself how she would have to get rid of another insect.
You deemed it to be wisest to let her be as long as she was like this yet your yearned solitude was short-lived as her eyes found yours and the disgust was partially replaced by worry as she grasped your hands in her own, inspecting your wrists closely now.
"How dare he to tie a dirty rope around your wrists like you are some livestock!" she ranted angrily as she pushed you with the palms of her hands onto the armchair, the gentleness of her touch a sharp contrast to her harsh and infuriated voice.
You could hear her seething even as she shortly disappeared from your sight only to appear with a bowl of cold water and a towel. When she grabbed your wrist to clean you from whatever stench she thought was on your skin right now due to the rope, you actually rejected her as you pulled your arm away from her.
Amethyst eyes gave you an incredulous look before she hid it behind a composed and sweet mask, her soft voice jarring to listen to as she suddenly treated you like one would a scared baby deer.
"Oh, I know that you must have been so scared all alone out there. I'm forever sorry that I couldn't search for you personally, I should have chosen you over my other task. You do not have to be scared anymore though, I'm here right now."
It struck all the wrong cords within you to hear those words from her as you knew too well and that made you hate her and the entire situation even more.
"And just what makes you think that you know me best?!" you hissed at her, clearly pissed about constantly being asked to sit down and let her do everything just because of her misguided assumption that she knew you better than you knew yourself.
Many other people would have fallen for the shocked and hurt look appearing on her face when she heard your words, for the tiny gasp escaping her soft lips as you targeted her with your cruel words.
"I only ever desire the best for you! I have always protected you and guided you from the very moment I laid my eyes on you!"
A tender touch graced your face as her hands cupped your cheeks, her eyes a mirror to her inner turmoil. Your words always shook her yet she would always excuse it for you were pure deep down, an attribute that made you worthy of safety and protection. She knew that you weren't the one speaking those harsh words and showcasing such bad manners. You were merely copying what you had been exposed too.
"Have I not freed you from the chains of that unworthy and sinful man? Have I not done everything in my power to erase the lingering traces he has left in your mind and heart?"
You visibly recoiled when she asked you this, although not necessarily because of the question but more because of the memories it brought back.
Your father had been a terrible man even before your mother had passed away but after her death you had been the sole victim to his indifference and drunken aggressiveness. His only saving grace had been his wealth or otherwise he would have been thrown into jail a long time ago.
He was a shadow from the past now though as Angela had freed you from his torment, his body missing even months after his disappearance. Still, you found yourself having a hard time letting his memories go as it had been the only familiarity in your life for many years. Silently, without letting Angela know, sometimes you even wished him to be still here as his indifference and aggressive behavior had all been aspects you had learned to handle.
"Your pure heart is truly admirable. You still seem to believe that other people outside are better than he will be. Believe me, they aren't. People are self-centered and egotistic."
You didn't know how to handle Angela though. Your father had been a terrible human but ultimately he had been nothing more. Only a silly, mortal human whose liver would have eventually given up on him.
“They are going to hurt you. They are going to leave you, mock you, betray you, abandon you. But not me. I’ll be here for you. I’ll worship you, love you and protect you from the world. Just you and me. Forever.”
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Can I request general yan concept for Angela from lobotomy corporation? Love your works alot <3
Watched a summary, damn this game is fucked up.
I'll see what I can do! Tumblr app crashed for most of the draft so that was fun. May be short as I am still upset the original draft got bombed. Hope I still got my ideas across!
Here's the brief summary for Lobotomy Corporation I watched to make this fic happen.
(I know, may not be the most accurate but I was not watching a five hour lore video rn, lol)
Spoilers for Lobotomy Corporation.
Yandere! Angela Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Deception, Manipulation, Murder mentioned, Graphic descriptions, Implied isolation, Death, Obsession, Slight possessive behavior, Forced partnership.
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From what I know, Lobotomy Corporation is an SCP-like management game and Angela is your assistant, or more specifically, an assistant to 'X'.
The outside world is garbage.
Inside the corporation is garbage.
And Angela is a clone of 'A/X''s dead partner or something.
Which is... fun.
Based on what I've seen with Angela, she'd be Deceptive, Manipulative, Controlling, and Obsessive.
She's been neglected by her creator and as a result has become unstable.
Angela controls most of the facility here and has a lot of power.
Angela, due to being a copy of Carmen's brain, was created to be the perfect assistant.
She expresses human emotion and claims she's the perfect partner.
She'd probably obsess over someone connected to 'X' or an unlucky employee.
Angela is dangerous due to how much power and how deceptive she is.
She acts so happy to work... like she cares for everyone in the corporation.
She doesn't. She feigns a lot of what she feels.
The only things she cares about is results and you.
She doesn't care who gets hurt in the process.
Be it those around you... or you yourself.
If you die there's always alternative ways to fix it.
She'll keep you here if she wants you here.
Angela would lie and manipulate you to keep you close to her.
Due to all the power she has you think to trust her.
She'll keep you safe.
Which... yes she will, at the cost of others.
Angela doesn't care who dies during her obsession.
They're all expendable.
She doesn't care about murder, violence, or imprisonment.
She'll have you right where she wants you.
Her obsession seems caring at first.
If you're an employee she wants you to not be near the abnormalities.
She wants to hear all about your day even if her questions seem prying.
It's like she's conducting research on you.
Angela remembers everything, so she dedicates a lot of her memory to results and you.
Although, while it all seems very caring, Angela isn't very considerate of your rights.
If you don't like her attempted affections towards you, that's unfortunate.
Angela refuses to have you neglected like her creator did her.
She promises to care for and utilize you the best she can.
Even if you die to her obsession... she refuses to see you go.
She'll bring you back, harvesting your brain just like the Sephirah.
She'll give you a second chance... a new life as an A.I.
With memories suppressed, she'll make you only know her.
As a human or A.I. she promises you'll be cared for.
She'll tell you she wants the best for you and her.
You just need to trust her.
Under Angela in this corporation, your life is no longer yours.
You will be controlled one way or another.
She either dictates every move of yours as a human or an A.I.
Angela wants results...
She feels she'll get the best results alongside you instead of 'X'.
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i love how a bunch of gross misogynists and pickmes came up with the terms メンヘラ (menhera, mentally unstable), 地雷女 (jirai onna, lit. landmine woman, as in dating them is like stepping on a landmine due to mental health issues), and 量産型 (ryousan-gata, lit. mass produced, basically cookie cutter) to demean women who dress and behave a certain way, and then all these women were like "oh, so if i dress like this you'll leave me alone? cool" and a bunch of other people went "oh, you don't like mentally unwell women who dress in cute clothes? skill issue lol" and now you can't walk 10m without bumping into a woman with one of these fashion styles.
idk, it just warms my heart.
(and as a lesbian in japan who both is one of these women and is also attracted to them, i'm eatin goooooooooooood)
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k0koii-yu · 24 days
I think I now get where all the Angela hate (and mischaracterization) came from
(Posting another ramble dedicated to my beloved yay)
I might sound like I’m beating a dead horse here since the Angela hate has died down as of recently but I still can’t help but wonder why she had received that much hate in the first place. What warranted her to get this much hate even until recently, whereas other characters who are written similarly to her, or have done much worse, are not as actively hated? Where did the popular fanon conception of her— one that portrayed her as an abuser, stalker and even r wordist at one point— also come from?
After some thinking and also me having known this fandom for 3 years up to this point, I think(?) I was finally able to trace where all this hate came from and where the infamous fanon version of her came to be.
CW: spoilers for WE and mentions of abuse/stalking/sexual assault and other potentially triggering themes. Please proceed with caution.
Also note: I do not intend to harass or call anyone out with this. Therefore, I will not be naming any names (if any) nor will I mention any works that can be triggering. This is simply a meta analysis trying to dissect a character’s fan reception, and while I may give my own thoughts somewhere down the line, I will also try to be as objective as possible with my observations.
0. Pre-C42
Before C42 came out, Angela did not receive as much hate. She wasn’t as popular as Jack or Elliot either, yet people didn’t have a reason to hate her at all prior to IPS. It was likely because she didn’t have much to remember her by other than being “Lars’s wife” or the S3 coroner, either due to the fact that she doesn’t have as much screen time as compared to other characters, or simply doesn’t have anything that makes her stick out as a character or as iconic as others in the team (e.g. Jack, Elliot and Marina for their designs, Lars, Carmen and Elliot for their attitudes towards the team and other people around them in general).
This, however, will be a topic of discussion again in a while, so please keep this in mind as we move on to the next point in this analysis.
1. The aftermath of C42 and C56
This seems to be the starting point of this whole hullabaloo, and understandably so. Angela had just murdered someone, betrayed us, and tried to frame other people for it (C42) and of course, people were upset about it, yet there were still those who had hope for her and tried to sympathize with her. And then came C56, where she returned, but as a colder, more aggressive version of herself that has pledged loyalty to SOMBRA and was willing to carry out their orders so dutifully that she was willing to plant a bomb. This, of course, likely fueled the hate and people had more of a reason to hate her when she made fun of Dupont’s death. Although one take in particular did stand out to me (and not in a good way):
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The idea that she doesn’t genuinely love Lars.
Yes, I do understand that this is a very old take from 2016 and things may change from there, but I would just like to highlight how dangerous it is to perceive characters this way. Takes like these erase the complexities of her writing and essentially reduce her— someone who has had to make a lot of hard decisions to even be with Lars, which became the basis of the person she was up to that point— into a nothing more than a caricature of how people think morally gray characters should be based on whether or not they are deemed “good” or “bad” in the traditional sense.
I also do think certain plot holes in PS’s handling of her character in the final case also contributed to it. It felt ridiculous to see how a character whose most defining trait is being family oriented suddenly turned cold and bitter towards her old team, unhesitatingly claiming that they were enemies now as if their previous friendships did not matter. Maybe this was where the idea that she’s manipulative and/or possessive came from: since she was still clinging onto Lars and the triplets (that her literal last wish was to see them again) while showing this lack of compassion that would be unnatural to her past self.
With that said, the fact that she wasn’t as memorable as a main character but was more iconic as a traitor/antagonist did contribute to mixed opinions from the fandom back then. While a lot of people seemed to be mad at the things she’s done, there were some who thought it made her more interesting as a character. I guess it depends on subjective interpretation in this case, though unfortunately, back when WE first came out, many people fell into the mindset of black-and-white morality, and end up hamfisting complex and nuanced characters into extremes based on whether or not they like them.
2. Fanon/“Yandere” Angela
Following the events of WE, this seems to be a very common fandom perception of her. This subject is somewhat hard to accurately put into words, but I will try my best to give my analysis and thoughts on it, so please correct me if I get something wrong.
For those who don’t know, this is what a yandere is supposedly defined as:
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TL;DR: yanderes are known to be violent, possessive and obsessed with a particular love interest. This may even go to the extent of hurting any potential “rivals” or even their love interests themselves.
If you have been in the fandom long enough, and especially if you’re into WE or Angela, you might find that there have been numerous fanfics that described her this way: as an absolutely horrible person who abuses and even stalks Lars in some, along with getting upset when others get close to him.
It may have originated from Wattpad, where there were two fics (afaik) focused on the concept of Angela being a yandere in itself. This, and considering the fact that there is barely any fan material of Angela (most especially fics) and that almost every fic that has her in it at the time either has her play an antagonistic role or use her as a plot device (usually for other ships to happen) may have contributed to the whole idea of her being a “yandere” that was almost universally accepted as the basis of her character in fics.
There is also that perceived manipulation and “sociopathy” from earlier that may have contributed to the idea of yandere Angela. A common fandom perception of her is that Angela has a warped idea of what love is and ends up displaying unhealthy/dangerous behaviors towards Lars as a result of her obsession (which she perceives as “love”). And as a result, she ends up resorting to actual criminal behavior in some of these fics: stalking Lars, physically abusing him and in one extreme case, even raped him. (Disclaimer: I will not be naming any of these fics since I do not condone hate or harassment towards the authors, nor do I want to further trigger anyone reading this by openly naming said content.)
This may have also been a big factor in contributing to Angela hate as the normalization of this depiction of her has led to people almost unanimously accepting this as her actual character.
I would like to say that I very much disagree with this take on her character. While yes, it is true that Angela does have questionable morality (e.g. she understands that what SOMBRA did to children is wrong and actively condemns it, yet was willing to blow up the Bureau hq knowing that Elliot and Sanjay are inside), her love for Lars seems to be genuine and even healthy for the most part. Time and time again, she has shown that she really loves him— hell, her laptop password even has his name on it.
3. Popularization of these misconceptions
As these fics were the only depiction of Angela in the fandom for a time, they are, by far, the most infamous depiction of her. This, along with the “I hate her because she’s a bad person and did bad things” majority, has then led to her getting this much hate from the fandom.
Moreover, there was a time in 2023 where there’s an influx in WE-centered fics, and that also resulted in most of the anti-Angela fics for the most part. This may explain the more recent hate directed towards her as compared to characters from other seasons.
Much of the hate towards Angela in particular stems from both severe misinterpretation of canon events and her character’s actions/intentions, and this version of her being extremely popularized to the point where people treated it like it’s actually her. The former mostly applies to around the time WE was still ongoing to after it ended (2016-2017 ish) while the latter could explain the more recent hate. Fortunately, it seems as though more people have the media literacy to read along the nuances of her character and understand her intentions before forming an opinion.
Anyways this was A LOT— probably even longer than the Carmen/Angela post but I’ve been thinking about this for just as long (there was a time I was afraid to admit I liked her because of how hated she was). Thank you for listening to my TED Talk, I guess.
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hs-killjam · 3 months
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Why must these games always got to have a bitch I have a love/hate relationship with
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2smolbeans · 4 months
Hi there long time lurker first time asker, before everything else I just think you are a fantastic writer like you do the horror elements really. I genuinely feel suffocated some times reading your work.
Yesterday I realized 'Yandere best friend x obstacle reader' is my Roman Empire and I was just thinking about you explaining how Marco is a giant and defeating him is almost impossible but that what you are not understanding about, I don't have to win we can both lose. When I kill Marco and lay dying in a puddle of my own blood, I'd atleast be able to look at Angela with a shred of dignity on the other side.
Also I need to know did Marco poison Mila against us?
Can I be squid annon?
AKDKWJSISIQAAAA?!?!? Thank you so much?!?!?! That means a lot!?!? 😭💖
Im happy to know that you enjoy my writing and that it can convey a certain emotion haha!
And yes ofc you can be squid anon lolol ^^
Okay now that you mentioned Marco (one of my fav ocs), my neurons are activated and I'm gonna happily go on a long ramble ^^
Marco surprisingly didn't plot Mila against you! If anything, he only encouraged her habits of being anti social!
With you and Mila, you two were never really close in that friend group during your college years. You would only talk to each other when there were others like Angela or Matheias to hype up the conversations. Otherwise, when it was just the two of you alone, you just never clicked with each other. Conversations with Mila never seemed to go anywhere, and hangouts with you didn't feel as fun as it did with the others.
Now don't get me wrong, the two of you didn't hate each other! You were just awkward together..
So Marco didn't really have to do much with what the two of you already had (which was nothing). So really, all he had was not mention your name to Mila, and that was it! Mila simply just forgot about you ever since she moved on from the friend group.
Now, will he try to poison your relationship in the present? (The present being that the two of you are kept hostage in his apartment.) Probably, but not intentionally. He will play favorites which will cause the both of you to feel a discomfort towards each other. (Either due to stockholm syndrome or just a general disgust of "The way they are together is gross").
And yeah..Regarding fist fighting Marco and dying in the process, you would die a idolized warrior in the eyes of his previous victims- hell you'd be given a medal for being able to sucessfully take him down by the them! Unlike poor Angela..
Like everyone who's crossed Marco's path has been defamed, at the brink of death- fighting for their life as he inflicts the most gruesome beatings to their body- giving them a dramatic death as the cops have to fight the urge to gag when they see the aftermath..And Angela just dies by a bootleg foreign brand convience store snickers bar.
(I'm not joking, this is canonically how she dies in the og timeline and obstacle au)
He was literally like, "Nah she's not worth the effort." Got the bar from his local shady convience store, knowing full well that it had some form of peanuts and that the text on the wrapper was in a another language (she wouldn't know what was in the bar at the moment or bother checking at the moment since why would Marco give her something with peanuts, right?) while making sure to take her Epi-pen away, then geniuely forgot about it the next day.
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yandere-collections · 2 years
First Time Meeting Angela Scenario (Bookworm!Reader)
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Man, this is such bullshit, Angela thought. She glanced around the library trying to figure out where she could even begin to look.
“I don’t even need this class, it’s just some stupid gen ed credit,” she muttered to herself. She glanced around to make sure no one  “English Lit is such bullshit.”
She scowled down at her phone, trying her best to search the library’s online catalog for a suitable pair of books for her class project. Yep. It was only the first week of classes and already her professor assigned the entire class a semester long project worth over half her grade. You know, the kind of assignment almost everyone puts off doing until they have to make a mad scramble the week(end) before, or maybe even the night before for the true unlucky procrastinators. But Angela figured she would be responsible for the first week of classes when everything was easy and she would at least find the two books she could at least try to read.
What proved even more annoying was that she didn’t even get to choose her own genre. Instead, the professor had passed around a hat with scraps of paper in it that all had a different kind of book written on it. So too bad if you decided to skip the first day or join class later in the week. At least she got “dystopia”, something she at least sort of recognized (she had at least seen The Hunger Games movies). Some unlucky guy had gotten “western boddice rippers”. The assignment was to compare one classic (read: old) novel of the genre and one contemporary. She didn’t know why they couldn’t just pick their own genres so they could at least get books they actually wanted to read. 
But then, the professor just had to throw another spanner in the works. Not only did they assign a project, it was a presentation. A group presentation. So she had to coordinate with the other students who also drew dystopia from the hat and then they would also have to compare your two books with their books. And yeah, if you think eight books is a lot to fit into a class presentation, you would be right. Each student would have to give a mini presentation halfway through the semester in a video submitted online about their two books to the professor and their group members.
She glared at the group chat her three classmates had made. One of them, Xavier, already claimed two books, both of which Angela didn’t recognize either of the titles or the authors. She sighed and glanced up at the entry way, contemplating whether or not she should just leave. She was only in the lobby anyhow, it’s not like very many people had seen her yet. The only other person in view was you, who had just entered. You stopped at the display in the middle of the room, browsing through the librarian’s choices of the week.
You ultimately left without taking one off the podium and walked over to the drop off bin. She noticed the large tote bag by your side with a rectangular imprint. You pull out a stack of books, depositing them one by one in the slot. She subtly counted five books and two dvds. Walking past her, you made brief eye contact, both of you scanning the other. Cute, was her first thought. Deep down she had always had a little bit of a thing for nerdy types.
You walked past and Angela had to catch her breath. 1, 2, 3,4, she counted just like when she did breathing exercises before a game. She waited a few more beats and then turned the corner to follow you. She crept through the stacks behind you, staying just out of your line of sight. You seemed to care more about the book instead of your surroundings. Your fingers stroked to book spines, causing Angela to shiver as she imagined her spine in their place. Sure, maybe not her proudest moment but she couldn’t help herself. Besides, the way you moved with such confidence was so enticing; you were clearly comfortable in this place, your domain. She wondered whether your demeanor would transfer over outside the library or if you needed someone (her) to take control.
But she was getting ahead of herself. First she needed to approach you, get you talking. She waited until you ended up at the back corner, unoccupied and dimly lit. She cleared her throat behind you, waiting for you to face her. You turned, taking a step back at her closeness your back hitting the shelf behind you and clutched your stack of books to your chest. She was quite a tall woman, over six feet at least (she’s 6’3”/190 cm). 
“Can I… help you?” 
Her smile remained frozen on her face, hiding the fact her heart was beating over time. What was she doing? Swallowing her nerves was tough but she needed help. And if she got said help from a cutie like you, all the better. Now all she needed was to be able to talk to you and not look like a complete idiot.
“I hope so. You read a lot, yeah?” 
Your brow furrowed. “...Yes? I come here fairly regularly.”
“Good! Good. Well, I… don’t.” She cringed as you raised an eyebrow at her. “And I kind of need some help finding books for a class project.” She hoped she wasn’t imagining you looking more relaxed at that. Maybe she could make a connection with you over this.
“And you want me to help?”
Her eyes lit up. “Really? Hell yeah, let’s go!”
Your lips turned up at her enthusiasm, giving an awkward yet still genuine smile. You beckoned her to follow and lead her back into a private corner of the library. It contained a cozy little reading nook tucked away behind a wall out of sight from the other patrons. There were a few oversized leather chairs and couches, each with a side table with its own lamp and two large coffee tables. The best part was that it was entirely empty, giving you two complete privacy. You lead her to one of the couches
She made sure to sit next to you on the couch, close enough for you to smell her perfume. Slinging an arm across behind your shoulders, close enough that leaning back would cause you two to touch. You didn’t seem to notice, chatting about the books you recommended.
“Of course, if you’re looking for classic dystopia then I highly recommend 1984. It’s one of my favorites. The themes of conformity and surveillance which are later reinforced through the ending is heartbreaking after everything Winston goes through. But you could also read Brave New World. It has some similar themes like government control.”
She flashed a smile at you, glad to have an opening. “Oh yeah, someone in my group already said they were going to read that.”
“So you can’t choose that one then… And you said you’ve read Hunger Games? That’s a good choice.”
“Does watching the movie count?” she laughed.
You breathed out a chuckle, stopping her heart once again. “I mean, it’s basically the same story but I don’t know if your professor would let you get away with that.”
It took a second for her brain to restart. Never mind hookups, never mind dating, she was going to become your wife. So precious, she would do anything keep you by her side.
“So,” she said, slapping her knee and standing up. “1984 and Hunger Games. You wanna help a girl out?”
“Sure. They’re fairly common books so they should at least have a copy available. Otherwise, you can put them on hold or go somewhere else. Let’s go look them up on the catalog.”
You lead her to the pair of computers by the checkout desk. Angela trailed behind you, making sure to use that time to drink in your appearance, appreciative of the view. You leaned over, typing into the search bar. She left you too it and pulled out her phone, shooting a text off to her group members about her choices while you located the books for her. You seemed to understand what the numbers assigned to each went and walked off, not even checking to see if she was following. Within five minutes, she had both in hand and you showed her how to use her school ID to check them out, checking yours out at the same time.
She walked you to the entrance, blushing as she tried to steel herself once more for the question she had to ask you.
“Could I get your number? We could talk more about books if you wanted. I’ll probably need some help understanding them anyways.” 
You tilted your head at her, eyes soft. “I think you’d be fine. But sure, why not?”
“Great! Let’s trade phones!”
You each put your number into the other’s phone. After, she watched you walk away, phone clutched to her chest as if the warmth from your fingers would transfer over from the device. First step completed. Now that she had your number she was on her way to making you fall in love. Next was to find a way to see you more often without relying on chance. She looked forward to the long night of stalking your socials ahead of her.
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 10 months
did you ever get the screenshots of Simon's route when you choose "....."?
Oh, yes! Thanks to my friend and a fellow Colored Gaze theorist @mysticnebula, I also had the screenshots in the one big Simon post that had like 1k words but its a bit near the ending of it!
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lovesickletters · 1 year
𝒪𝒽 𝒮ℴ ℒℴ𝓋ℯ𝓁𝓎~💕
Angela (OC) x Fem!Reader | (𝒩𝒮ℱ𝒲, 𝒹𝓊𝒷𝒸ℴ𝓃,𝒹𝓇𝓊ℊℊ𝒾𝓃ℊ,ℯ𝒹ℊ𝒾𝓃ℊ,𝒷ℯℊℊ𝒾𝓃ℊ, 𝓇ℴ𝓊ℊ𝒽, 𝓉ℴ𝓅!𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉ℯ𝓇, 𝒷ℴ𝓉𝓉ℴ𝓂!𝓇ℯ𝒶𝒹ℯ𝓇)
Part 1 💜
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The sweet scent of lavender fogged your mind as you took a sip of the cloudy tea. It was delicate, but strong. Leaving a subtle taste you couldn’t quite name lingering on your tastebuds. Angela hummed approvingly, crossing her legs as she leaned forward, resting her elbow on the coffee table and drumming her nails against her cheek while looking at you in expectant curiosity.
“Well? How does it taste, sweetness?”
You opened your mouth to reply, but found it difficult to talk around the suddenly leaden weight of your tongue in your mouth. You felt biting panic arise in your chest, fluttering like an anxious butterfly fighting to be free of a net, but it was quickly subdued by a creeping blanket of calm falling over you, dulling your senses. The cup once shakily clutched in your hands fell out of your grasp and to the floor with a dull *thud*, that was just as easily dismissed by Angela as she pressed the back of her hand to her mouth, stifling a teasing chuckle.
“Tongue-tied are we? Not to worry dearest, I’ll take good care of you~” Carefully rising from her seat, she stepped around the table, picking her way over the tea-stained carpet before tenderly placing two pale hands against your cheeks, pulling your dizzy expression into a gentle, unyielding embrace. “Tsk tsk, it seems you’ve gone a bit dumbstruck. What am I supposed to do with you now?” Fingers glided their way across your cheeks, down your neck, and stopped to rest at the top buttons of your shirt. You attempted to move away out of reflex, only to find it was a struggle even staying upright. Your movements were sluggish and unbalanced, much to your newfound horror. Pulling you closer by your shirt collar Angela held your face still with one hand, smushing your cheeks uncomfortably in the process as her other hand moved deftly to undo your shirt buttons.
“You won’t mind if I make myself more comfortable, hm~?” She looked at you for an answer, almost mockingly. It was a struggle to move your lips in any way that made sense to your short-circuiting brain;
“mmm… d-don’t- don’t…” “You don’t mind then~? How considerate of you, sweetness.” Without waiting for your thoughts to catch up with your words she pushed you back against the backing of the plush chair, straddling herself on the newly arranged room on your lap. “Isn’t this better, sweetness? So much more comfortable.” Without hesitation she resumed her task of unbuttoning your shirt, quickly tugging it off halfway once she reached the bottom as your arms lay helplessly by your sides.
“Oh, my…” Seemingly lost for words, she reached forward to trace her fingers over your bare skin, sending a shiver down your spine as she slipped her hand beneath your bra to play with the plush softness beneath. Unable to hold herself back, she pounced forward, pressing kisses on every inch of exposed skin that evolved into nips and nibbles as time went on. Her hands explored your torso, pressing her nails into your skin and causing scratches that were sure to leave a mark. A gasp exited your lips as she sucked on one of these particularly nasty bites, staining it blue and purple to match the black splotches left by her lipstick across your upper body. Moving up to your jaw, you couldn’t help the further fluttering breaths and mewls you gasped as she peppered kisses and hickeys across your neck. Letting out a loud yelp as she smirked up at you, hand still poised in a pinching motion over your nipple. “God, I could listen to those fucking noises all day, darling. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” Subconsciously, you could hear a small voice in the back of your head trying to puzzle together how that could be so when you had just met recently, but it was quickly silenced by your own growing moans as she suckled on your lower lip, only doing so much in the way of shutting you up when she pulled you in for a breathless kiss.
It was only when you started to feel yourself slipping that she pulled away, allowing the colour to drain back into your vision as you gasped for air. Intoxicated lust clouded her gaze, finally allowing you a glimpse of the lovesick adoration she held in her gaze. A sharp yank on your scalp distracted you from your thoughts, her delicate fingers entangled in your hair unnoticeable until this moment.
“Don’t black out on me now dear, the fun is just beginning.” You followed her gaze down, where you finally noticed a flash of hot pink peeking out from beneath her skirt.
“Wait- please… W-Won’t fit-“ Your voice came out as a pleading whine, the begging look in your eyes doing nothing to deter the lustfully determined look in hers.
“If that’s the case then we’ll make it fit, dearest.” Angela hushed you, petting you comfortingly. She sounded so dismissive of your pleas, so focused on the way the tip of the strap-on pushed apart the lips of your cunt, already slick with your own wetness. Giving you a few moments to catch your breath before she pushed in without warning, tearing a strangled, high-pitched mewl from your lips as she filled you to the brim in one smooth thrust. You could feel your walls hugging to the sides of her cock so snugly, it felt you had no room to spare, and yet the smooth surface of the strap-on was only shoved into your stretched pussy halfway. Pathetic babbling was all your brain could hammer together in the moment, doing nothing to mitigate the way Angela continued to inch herself in bit-by-bit. Sharpened nails sunk into your skin, pinning you down from scampering away, not like you could if you tried, given the weakened state of your body and the growing heat in your nethers that begged you to stay.
Eventually you found yourselves closer than ever before as the base of her cock pressed flush to your clit. When you glanced down you could see a bulge in your stomach from how deep her tip was buried into you, which she immediately noticed, cooing humiliatingly. You were unbearably full, moulded to her will and shape as she began to thrust, the obscene noises made as a result only outdone by the groggy moans and whimpers torn from your mouth, complimented occasionally by her utterly unbothered hums of pleasure. “You’re doing so well sweetness, being such a good little slut for mistress~”
Your simpering, whining responses only drew a disapproving tut from her as she gave a painful, sharp snap of her hips before pausing, buried three quarters of the way into your quaking pussy. “Use your words, beloved. I want to *hear* you tell everyone who you belong to. Who these marks belong to, who this body belongs to, who this pussy belongs to.”
It took all your powers of comprehension to puzzle out what was being asked of you in these moments drifting in and out of blackness, but eventually your strap-drunk brain put two and two together as pleas began to rush from your lips like running water. “It’s yours, all yours! All of it belongs to you mistress! Please!”
She gave you a saccharine smile, eyes lidded and lovesick as she pressed a kiss to your navel. “Good girl~”
The screams that echoed through the room could be described as both torturous and blissful, but when they finally ceased your pants audibly slowed as your body finally gave out to the exhaustion and sleeping medication. “Sweet dreams dearest~ I’ll be right here when you awake.” Scooping you up and throwing you over her shoulder with little trouble as if she had rehearsed it a million times before, Angela quickly left without a trace. It would be a few weeks before anyone even declared you missing, after she finished with your close friends.
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femmepathy · 2 years
happy birhtdya!!
thanku!!!!! 💓💓
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
HIII i was wondering what you thought about a mercy from ow with an ex colleague? one that left overwatch before everyone tried to reunite and stuff. SORRY if this is too specific!!! you dont have to do this request i only want 2 know ur thoughts
Yeah, I'll see what thoughts I got on this! Been awhile since I wrote Mercy so I am trying to pull from my older concept.
Yandere! Mercy with Ex-Colleague! Darling
Short Concept/Reaction
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Anxiety, Overprotective behavior, Stalking, Motherly behavior/Babying, Isolation.
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Angela always got a bit uncomfortable when you got close to the others.
She felt they were a bit too violent when solving issues compared to her.
Angela's always been a peacekeeping healer who cares for the safety of others, just like she does for you.
Even if she had darker feelings for you, you never saw them come to the surface.
When Overwatch disbanded, she had mixed feelings.
She was never sure if you were in danger or not and worried frequently for you.
Angela was so used to seeing you in Overwatch it takes a toll on her.
When she is given the message Overwatch was reuniting, she could not hide her excitement.
She'd see you!
Just like old times, you and her could work together!
You make the healer so happy.
Although, imagine her reaction when she doesn't see you.
In an act of worry and desperation, she meets up with Genji.
An old friend she helped a long time ago....
"Greetings, Angela. You look worried... what is wrong?"
"Why isn't (Y/N) at Overwatch?"
"(Y/N) quit... you did not know?"
You quit?
How did she not know....
Such news devastates her.
Her excitement shattering as she sinks back into worry....
She needed to see you again-
"Is it possible to visit (Y/N)? For... old times' sake."
Angela felt guilty for asking around for your current residence...
But her worry weighed heavier in this moment.
It was healthy to worry in her mind.
It's quite the surprise for you when you hear a familiar knock pattern on your door.
You open the door in disbelief to see Angela smiling at you, eager to see you.
"Long time no see, (Y/N)."
"Angela...? How'd you get here?"
You're also subjected to her checking your health at uneeded times or babying you.
"Overwatch has info on all their heroes. It wasn't hard. Genji also helped."
"Right... what do you need?"
"It hurt me that you didn't meet with the rest of Overwatch, (Y/N)... I was just checking in."
Truth is, she was hurt you did not miss her.
She missed you!
To the point of even tracking you down....
You mean a lot to her.
Which is why she visits you from once a week to every day to see you!
You're then subjected to her asking about your health at uneeded times and babying you.
It's strange behavior from your past colleague.
Even when she's adamant it's normal.
Perhaps the distance affected her harshly....
That's the excuse you try to make to yourself-
She isn't doing any harm, why not let her visit?
Although, the more she visits the more time she takes up...
You're never alone in your house at this point.
Angela is always there, calm grin on her face.
"Doing well, angel? I sure hope so...."
You start to suspect she has darker intentions when you aren't allowed far from her sight any more.
Can you even get rid of her now?
"Hush now, heroes must look out for each other, angel."
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j5daigada · 6 months
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keyboard demon
commission for @yandere-angela
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rowretro · 2 months
𝕾𝖔 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖞
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✧warnings: Yandere themes, toxic themes, unhealthy love, mentions of blood, thriller, gore, death
♡synopsis: Y/n's not afraid of the dark... maybe she might be scared of what's in the dark. The ghosts? monsters? death hunting her down ready to grab her by its fist? of course not. She's scared of her ex.... he's so scary....
Y/n yawned as she walked down the creepy, dark hallways of the abandoned high school. Tables scattered here and there, blood splatters dried ones and even fresh ones, painting the ground and wall. Evidence of human life being tortured and tormented for days before being ripped into pieces and left on the ground, rotting into the floorboards. Y/n was rather more disgusted, shocked the police hasn't once come across this place... Oh wait- that's a dead officer from the 90's seems he died a few weeks ago. Why was she here exactly?
It's stupid of course. Her dear friend who had been acting weird lately, dragged her to this place, challenging her claiming she'll die of fear before the ghost even gets to her. Y/n was no idiot, denying any invitation to the murder house. Yet Angela Yin, her best friend, dragged her in, the doors shutting behind them, and jammed shut. Then Angela went missing. That's how y/n found herself wandering the empty classroom where the ugly thing was just a second ago. She groaned, grabbing a key she found as she walked toward a door that had a matching lock.
She's ran into the killer once, it left a fog of smoke, causing her trip over small thing. It's nails disgusting and long like claws, head snapped off, hanging backwards. Eyes gauged out and mouth wide open. It was disgusting. its arms reached forward, but it can only see behind itself. That helped y/n, it was so blind it didn't bother looking in the cabinet where she hid in pure silence.
Just as she was about to put the key in the lock, a thick black liquid, slid from under the door, taking over the big, thick wooden rectangle, that blocked whatever was in that room from her. She groaned, arms crossed, as her foot tapped against the tattered floor impatiently, she stared at the many creepy hands holding eyeballs and organs waving them around through the now blackened, inky door. "What do you want from my ghost?... In my 18 years the worst thing I'd ever done to hurt anyone was being sarcastic and throwing parties when I'm home alone, now did that hurt you?" she asked as the eyeballs glared right at her.
"na how bout we talk about what YOU did? kill everyone who tried to send you to a better place, figure out a crime, or at least run home to their family? I don't know why Angela dragged me here, but once I drag that bitch home she's getting it. And you listen to me. I know deep inside you know you did something wrong, hence you killed so many innocent people and are trying to haunt me. I'm not scared of you because you were once a human like me... So why don't you get out of my way, and I leave you alone if you leave me and possibly Angela alone too kay?"
Y/n said confidently as if negotiating with a person who's afraid of her. yet the thick inky liquid disappeared, and the door opened. "That's what I thought." she said, dragging her sharp rusty metal weapon along with her. Yet the doors closed, there stood Angela, eyes pure black, veins visible in her arms and face, no longer blue or purple but black. Her teeth grew sharp as she approached y/n, her bony hands wrapped tightly around y/n's neck, choking her. "Fuck- Angela- What the fuck?! stupid ghost bitch I thought I told you we had a deal." Y/n choked out.
However the girl let go of y/n impulsively, as she fainted, the ghost screaming as it was forced out of her. There she saw a sight that scared her most "Nishimura No......." she mumbled as Riki dusted himself off. "Yes.... Im back baby." he said with a smirk. She threw a table at him and rushed outside, now lost in the dark woods, there, vulnerable, and in the depths of danger, possible vampires and Werewolves that had escaped the military's hold, roaming around in need of blood. That's why she broke up with him.
"Wow babe, one way to say thank you for saving your life, and hi to your darling boyfriend" Riki's deep voice echoed as he walked out from behind the trees. She backed away from him. Her ex. Riki. She broke up with him after she saw her suck the blood of her cousin. "I told you already we're broken up." she said mustering up enough courage to at least try to sound like she was confident in her words. "No you made that decision. Not me, so sorry you're stuck with me." he said as y/n glared at him. He groaned running a hand through his hair, frustrated.
"Darling.... I only drink blood of a human when I need to, and I only suck the blood of those who do wrong in the world and you know what your cousin did to you..." he said as he gently grabbed her arm, scanning over the healing scars on her arms. She gently pulled away, feeling herself falling into his love trap yet again, like a moth to a flame. "You're not scared of my love.... you're clearly scared for me... y/n I love you and you're mine you can never change that. I don't understand why me being half demon half vampire scares you.... I'd never hurt you... you know it. They can't ever kill me, I'm practically immortal.... So please. take my hand and let me take you to OUR home." he said as he grabbed her arm... yet she pulled away roughly.
"Nishimura Riki. I may love you... but I don't trust you... I don't want you anymore.... Im over you..." she said, almost as if convincing herself, "Then you leave me no choice." He said, yanking her into his embrace, teeth stabbing into her collarbone.... He imprinted her, kissing her lovingly right after. There's no turning back now "I'll go home then-" Angela suddenly said walking toward her boyfriends car, as y/n was still dazed.
She was his now. She realized how too such perfect care of her, before their break up, and even now, as she stared at the permanent mark on her collarbone in the reflection of the mirror. She didn't find him so scary anymore. The comforting environment of his groans of annoyance every time he lost a game his comfortable room, his cologne intertwining in the air, the large white sweater that slipped off her shoulder, so comfortable as she hugged it closer to her skin, his sweater...He's not so scary after all...
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2smolbeans · 8 months
Part 1 Part 2 Part 2.5
About Marco In Love Me, Love Me Not! (Character info)
Yandere Bestfriend x Obstacle Reader
Disclaimer: I made changes to this since I changed a lot in the story while on my break, so things are a bit different.
ANOTHER EDIT 2024: I am rewriting both part 2, 3, & 4 at the moment while I take a break. Everything you see here does not apply to the story anymore! I made a lot of changes and will post when I am back from hiatus!
So this is kind of a quick detour or filler chapter to discuss our main yandere (Marco!).
Something I want to make clear about Love Me, Love Me Not is that the story is an AU of an already existing yandere story for Marco's side!
In Marco's original timeline, he's the COO of a successful makeup branch . In Love Me Love Me Not!: Marco never met the CEO (his half brother) of Beauty Point - instead continued to pursue his career in the police force.
(Basically, he never became that rich delusional man who was impulsive, irrational, and delusional - instead a corrupt cop who was more calculative, nonchalant, and saw people as little sheeps who doted on him. Think of it to a 'I NEED THEM' to 'THEY NEED ME' personality switch.)
In this timeline, Marco met you in college after bumping into one of your friends during student orientation day. He couldn't care about what you had to say, but regardless, he feigned interest as he listened to you ramble about something he forgot about.
Leaning close to you, nodding, letting out cheerful. "Uh-huh- ohhhh, I see. Thanks! Man, same here! Y'know, that reminds me of the time-" basic NPC type of small talks.
But once he got a good look at your group, one from all had caught his interest.
Matheias, Angela, You, and Mila.
She hadn't spoke, she didn't even have to try- but she grabbed his attention. With her arms folded and a curious look on her face as she tagged along, not saying a word- it was love at first sight.
Soon enough, he found purpose with staying in that little group.
Though when she started to dwindle away from your friend group, Marco had felt obligated to stick with the rest. I mean, sure, he didn't care too much, but that didn't mean he didn't love you guys. So he made memories with you and found himself genuinely being invested with each and one of everyone's personalities.
For some reason, he noticed that you often sticked around him like a lost puppy. (Which is hilarious to me because Marco, in his og universe, was more of a golden retriever eagerly following around anyone who gave him attention, but oh how the tables turn)
He found it cute, so of course he paid more attention to you from the rest of the litter of nobodies. You could say that you were his favorite from the rest - but of course you could never take her place.
The two of you became close, the sleeping overnight - type of close.
There were some moments where you would catch him off guard, making him blush, flinch, or chuckle whenever you were yourself around him. He would never love you the way he loved her, but by god, would he go through hell to give you what you wanted. After all, he knew you would do the same.
Huh, I guess that's what best friends were for..
Though as things were going smoothly, Marco would notice how Angela became a bit annoying to him with each day. He never had a problem with her before, but the way she would swoon over Mila made him go cold.
He wasn't the type to overreact. He knew he wasn't the type to get upset so easily. It was once, he swears!
But one thing led to the next, and Angela had died to an unfortunate allergic reaction. Of course, Marco had slipped some peanuts into a snack he gave her, and no one suspected a thing. I mean, something like that must've been an unfortunate accident on her end. She ate something that had peanuts, she was alone at the park, and she didn't have her Epi-pen! It was a tragic accident.
Matheias had his suspicions that Marco had done something.. There was no evidence or reason to think this, but he had a gut feeling.
Fast forward, and you and Marco were the only remaining people in that friendgroup. After graduation, Marco and you were still on talking terms, Matheias had completely cut you off after Angela's funeral, and Mila was still talking with Marco - but not with you anymore.
More time passes, and on that very night, Marco calls you crying on the phone, begging you to meet him somewhere. Of course, worried, you rush over there only to see him smiling with a body bag over his shoulder.
Forced to comply as you knew you would be the next body bag for him to drag if you said no.
Why, though? Why specifically did he call you on that night if he knew he didn't want any witnesses?
That's something that would probably be revealed with time..Or not if he decides to end your life the very next day.
It was only once you thought. But soon enough, you found yourself complying with more of Marco's requests.
And of course, once you showed hesitance and stood your ground, Marco took that as a threat and made you into one of his own victims.
Come the present day, there were you trapped in his apartment, not knowing if he wanted you dead, or if he had other plans...
The thing that hurt the most for you was the fact that even when you knew he had feelings for someone else, you still liked him. Even now, you still have a bit of a crush on him...Talk about a painful rejection..
But that's the basis of this AU!
If you have any more questions about Marco in his 'Love Me, Love Me Not' Au, feel free to ask!
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yumedoca · 1 year
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"It's a rumic world!!"
Day 7 of @rumicworldweek - Happy Birthday Rumiko Takahashi!! 🎉
Sadly, no art for today since it seems I've hit an artblock after drawing for almost an entire week 😭, but to be fair everything drawn for this week was for sensei's birthday after all. I wanted to draw art for Mermaid Saga, One Pound Gospel and Rumic Theatre, but unfortunately there's only seven days in a week (though I have drawn art for Mermaid Saga like a week earlier and I have drawn an art for one of the Rumic Theatre stories months ago. Sorry One Pound Gospel, eventually!!) And plus, when it comes to topic of Rumiko Takahashi and her works, I decided to talk about it rather than draw...
Rumiko Takahashi... Honestly, all her works mean a lot to me. Each have it's own reasons, reasons why they're more than just mere stories to me. I guess it's mainly because of how good of a storyteller she is. Here's a little tidbit from her which may show why:
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And boy, does it make me feel exactly how she wants it to. She knows what the reader looks forward to and she delivers just that while having fun. The amount of love and passion in her works in insane and the little details put to the story and characters are exactly what I love about her tales. Then there's the amount variety when it comes to her stories which I think is the most obvious when you pick up just one volume of the rumic theatre, one moment you're reading a hijinks story about a boy who just want to deliver newspapers but keeps getting interrupted by invaders and half- fishmen and the next moment you'll be reading a horror where this high school kid who knows archery is trying save his girlfriend from being murdered by his yandere cousin.
Honestly, just the amount of one shots she have is enough to prove how much as well as the number of chapters her serializations have is enough to show how much dedication and passion RT has for manga and this dedication is just what makes their quality so good. Urusei Yatsura makes me laugh and reminds me to have fun and enjoy life. Maison Ikkoku taught me about growing up. Mermaid Saga is a spine-chilling story which talks about the price of greed. Ranma 1/2 brings about the topic of familial love besides the romance itself. I've only watched the OVA for One Pound Gospel, but what intrigues me the most is the fact that the main pairing is a boxer and a nun, it's like the strangest pairing you could make but Kosaku and Sister Angela make it work and let's just say I love these kind of strange pairings, lol. Inuyasha talks about letting go from the past while still keeping the important within you. Kyoukai no RINNE is quite nostalgic to me as someone who grew up in a family who's very keen on saving money and a lot of moments make me laugh because I've been similar situations and it's nice to look back on them. And finally, MAO is the series I'm currently growing up with.
I know Rumiko Takahashi will never see this but.. Thank you so much for everything, your characters and stories managed to lift my spirits in the darkest of times and remind me that everything will eventually be okay. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this and all of what I've said is why I love Rumiko Takahashi and her stories.... ♥
I'm glad that I was able to participate in this year's Rumic World Week. Thanks to everyone who's liked and reblogged my posts and I hope everyone reading this has a great day ahead!! 🌹
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naomisilly · 5 days
ok, i am as angelars and jars shipper. I feel like people need to learn more about angela and stop mischaracterized her and they say "I hate angela for what she did"
you can dislike/hate angela for her crimes because i also do agree too but disliking to give an excuse to mischaracterized her as a "yandere obsessed, abusive ex-wife of lars" was...kind of childish...
angela still love her family though and like no..she will NOT be anti-homo to jack and lars and jack is not "uwu kitten" and lars will not leave her for jack.
i'm not trying sounds rude but i wanna explain more
i'm not very good at english at that much because it wasn't my first language and i'm trying to learn more so sorry if there's an error, you can correct me or help fill the information for me in the comment!
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