#yandere kunikuzuhi
lumincryo · 1 year
Midnight Contemplation
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✧ Tags: gn reader, yandere, slight cursing, mentions of captivity, pretty light overall, better at the end tbh
✧ Word count: 620
✧ A/N: This was originally just a draft, but I felt that I had to get something posted as I've been on such a long hiatus. Excuse the shortness.
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Scaramouche views emotions as a weakness. 
Following his abandonment by the Shogun and his relations with those he met prior to his involvement with the Fatui, he learned that feeling is trivial. In essence, it is pain, and he never wishes to undergo anything of the sort again. Mortals are weak, and he does not want to be perceived as such. After all, he is not a human, but practically a god.
The young man’s darling is included as one who should view him as a deity. You are expected to submit to him- To worship and exalt him, and to treat him with even more honor than others who will eventually devote themselves to him. 
Although when he is with you, he is nothing close to reaching his facade of desired divinity. 
Despite your ruthless habit of snapping back at his words, pushing and shoving and doing all sorts of things to just get the damn man away from you, he can’t find it within himself to give you what he would normally consider to be a proper punishment.
It’s almost as if his time in the Fatui never occurred. His cruel persona is relentless in its dissipation when he is in your presence. 
Although he does not wish to punish you, he must do something. This is why he retreats to more subtle discipline that is still just as effective. True suffering is psychological, not physical. He knows this better than anyone.
Thus, he plays you through his mind games, yanking and twisting on all the imaginary strings attached to your intellect until you give in to him, just like you should have long ago. But when did he, the puppet, turn into the puppeteer? 
The truth is, he never did change. You’ve been the one controlling him this whole time, he concludes one night while softly running his fingers along the arm of your sleeping form. You’re the one he looks to when he has nobody else- the only one that makes him put more consideration into the way he dresses, the way he talks, acts, all of it. The one that makes him want to look good, so you’ll love him just as much as he loves you.
If it weren’t for you being this new variable in his life, what would he be? 
It’s a disturbing thought for him, really. You have too much control over him, and he can’t have that. Though, at the same time, is it so terrible to have someone like you? Not at all, as there is a reason why he took you into his hold in the first place. 
Deep in thought, his fingers suddenly halt and your body slightly stirs from the pause in motion. He takes a moment to observe your face- It is drastically different from the expressions normally presented to him. Instead of a deep scowl, you look oddly tranquil. Moonlight glazes over you, highlighting every distinct feature your body beholds.
You're beautiful.
Just as his motions cease, so do his thoughts. His rambling is over for the night, he thinks. He should join the same peaceful state as you. 
And so, the man snuggles lower into your back and closes his eyes. Though he can not sleep, he can at least calm himself, and you’re all that he needs to be able to do so. You may not love him, but he has you, and that's all that matters as of now. 
He is a lost man at sea. The murky waters of Inazuma push and pull at his boat. Just before he is tipped over, you, his anchor, keeps him in place. All he needs is for that anchor to root itself forever.
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moonligyt1234 · 10 months
Dearest Manager
Sypnosis:You the manager of the six breeze but their attachment to you are so otherworldly.
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When you first started:
When you fist started it was just applies there was only Venti member during that time.
Venti was known on the social media for his melodious songs that he sing the many songs he have on cover.
He was so friendly to you something that gets away the stress that's been in you're heart the tightening grip was gone.
The next member that was recruited was Aether who is only a normal barista doing part time jobs with his sister.
How you two met: Well you and Venti usually stop by on the cafe he always work by where you planned things.
During that time the band that always play on the cafe was gone apparently something about one of the lead singer wife having their birth and the friends just tag along.
Aether was the one who stepped up to perform the voice it was so enchanting.
When you and Venti look at each other you both knew he have to get in.
Xiao was unpredictable coming off as a loner. But short.
Zhongli was one of the Venti's former coworkers on D. I. C. K. Z. weird name honestly.
They almost have a dirty mind.
Xiao was one of the guitarist he was a genius.
You and Venti seriously went on knees for him to join.
Aether was trying to stop you both.
The 4nemo was made.
During their first song there were chaos of course you have to be the peacemaker even though in reality you are the tiredmaker.
Until you meet someone.
"Hi there the names Jean this is Sucrose."
Jean a talented a female who is part of a rich family meanwhile Sucrose a colleague student who running low on money meet Jean by pure accident.
With that Jean become one of the managers a talented one Sucrose although a shy one was good at picking the tunes.
The first song was a hit.
Mainly towards at the female first.
A new members then joined two boys dragging a grumpy one.
Kazuha, Heizou and Kunikuzuhi.
Two sun shines and a grumpy one.
Of course with the new recruits and considering how the look like the fans immediately loved them.
Yeah you can practically hear the simping.
Faruzan your best friend become one of the managers when she saw how deep your eye bags were helping with the debut.
Another success.
Until your birthday came around.
At first you didn't pay attention to it until you noticed how not one of them are answering or reading your messages thats weird.
Considering how they quick they answer on your message.
When you went into the building it was so dark until you opened the lights.
Until a cake goes in your face courtesy of Wanderer causing for him to get chased by Xiao.
Where's Sayu?
Sayu is your little sister going to elementary school.
What Yandereness did they do?
Wandering on how you stayed as their manager for that long when in reality you are planning to quit after their debut?
Well they found out they're not very happy they threaten you're boss. It's not like someone will believe them though.
Heizou before joining the band was a detective so dealing with them is easy.
Every footage was deleted courtesy by Faruzan and Jean.
So there's no escape.
Do they have group chat about you?
Yes yes they do.
Bunch of it was pictures of you and learning you're favorite from the others.
Also looking after after you they see how worse your eye bags could get to.
They're so worried about you here have some bento and you're favorite drink.
Don't ask them how they know just eat you're making them so worried about you.
When they team up;
Why team up because it's so easy protecting you as a group. Plus fighting with one another is tiring.
Plus the other have advantage that they don't.
When they start picking up with the other becoming yanderes they wondered why not create a group to protect you.
It was Venti's idea.
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