#yandere minsung
lyramundana · 11 months
What about yan!minsung x sub!9th mem reader where they can't handle it when the whole world is able to see what's supposed to be only for them to see
Or just some yandere jealous head canons cuz I'm sucker for this shit
(Also can I be 🦋 anon and I luv u)
Omg omg, yandere minsung? 9th member?? Yes and YES. This is my shit. (luv you too my butterfly💕)
They knew they were made for each other from the second they met. Soulmates, people said, and they felt it was the truth. Their souls are one and the same, two sides from the same coin which can't co-exist without the other. And as time passed, these feelings started to part towards a new party, their precious 9th member. The three of them became one unit, bonded together and vowed to always stay like this, right where they belonged.
Of course, idol life isn't easy and is full of hardships. This is their long life dream, yeah, but there are times the sacrifices made feel too much. Luckily, they have each other for comfort and find strenght in this passionate, burning love they share. While the 9th member is beaming in happiness with them and does her best to improve on performances, they don't notice the growing darkness in the boys' gazes, and how their love is slowly becoming a twisted thing.
9th member works until exhaustion to be recognized and satisfy the fans. They want to success, to be admired and have the love of the crowds. They share this with their boyfriends, but they always tell her the same thing: "You already have our love, sweet thing? You don't need anyone else". Of course, this has led to arguments, because Han and Minho are among the most loved members by the fandom and obviously they don't feel the need for such attention whey they already have it. But 9th member doesn't give up, and so they began to climb their way to the top and gain more admirers.
The rest of members are extremely happy and proud for them, but there are two certain individuals that aren't so cheery...
What sucks about being an idol is that you have to be perpetually single for the fans, so they can enjoy their dellusional fantasies peacefully with you. They were all aware of these things before debuting and prepared themselves. But is one thing knowing the theroy and another witnessing it in real life. In the person they love the most and practically worship. They can only explore their love behind closed doors, and in front of the public, act like they are available for anyone. 9th member deals with it like a professional. Han and Minho...not so much.
They always knew their partner was full of talent, all grace and beauty, and they spent hours singing praises to them. So now hearing those same words coming from strange mouths and watching 9th member welcome all of it with a soft smile, the feel their blood boil. What the fuck? Why are they smiling and giggling like that?
When 9th member has a solo or wears revealing clothes, they feel the need to burn the entire agency with everyone inside. That skin is only for THEIR eyes. Those beautiful legs, that soft face, the beaming figure, the curves, it all belongs to THEM. Who do they think they are to go and display their propietry like that for anyone to see? But they can't say anything against it, for this is the jon they chose, and so they have to bite their tongues.
Once they're done, they drag 9th member to a secluded area and teach them a lesson about showing off what's theirs. They cover 9th member in marks, bruising them, treating them more harshly they have never done. The rip off the stage outfit to pieces, leaving them all naked and exposed for them. Right how's supposed to be like. Han eats them out, biting their inner thights until they're red and painful, while Minho scratches them all over and bites. They manhandle 9th member and fuck them over and over until they are breathless, shaking and dumb. Minsung had never been this way before during sex, not this rough and crude. But you know the worst part?
They have enjoyed it. Every.Second.
They realize how good it feels fucking their little sub dumb and fill them with their cum after they had to endure sharing them for the world to see. All those pathetic fuckers can stare and fantasize all they want, but their precious members belongs to them at the end of they day. And during the next couple of days, their body will be filled with the physical proofs of it.
Now, the thing about k-pop industry and relationships is that, if it happens between members from the same group, handling it's very difficult. Even more if they're toxic. Even if 9th member notices how dangerous and toxic the boys are becoming, they can't escape. They can't act on it without jeopardizing the whole group and their career, and the boys are aware of it. So there's no other choice but endure it.
Endure knowing they're not allowed to have friendships outside the group. Endure they can't touch someone else but them and viceversa. Endure they have to be compliant and low their head when Han and Minho are there, let them do all the work. Endure the endless night of rough, harsh fucking because they are jealous of everyone and everything and need to lash out somehow. Endure the lack of solo activities and collabs, because they're not supposed to do anything without them. Oh, and if you wonder, yes, the rest of boys notice this dynamic, but same. They can't do shit without risking everything they've worked so hard for, and Han and Minho make sure to hide the gruesome parts from them. Endure the v-lives where they make a show of placing 9th member on their laps, being utterly touchy with them to the point it's almost inapropiate.
An idol tries his luck? He got into a scandal mysteriously. An stylist suggests 9th member to wear flashier clothes to enhance their body? Fired.
They both control every single aspect of 9th member's life. If they can't keep their partner away from the stage, they have to make up another way.
@sweetracha because she might like this
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linlinaert · 6 months
The last soulmate : chapter 2
Yandere! ot8! Skz x soft! fem! reader
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Minho's POV:
We took off into different areas, aiming to find our last piece, and as I went into the direction I aimed for, I felt as if a piece of me is drifting little by little, that led me to know that they are not here, I tried so hard to hold myself from sprinting in another direction to look for them. I interacted a little with the fans then went to hannie. A bit later Chan hyung came looking on edge, it doesn't appear too much on his face but I can pinpoint it when his angry or stressed or any other emotion, cause that's what we're here for after all.
He came to where I was standing and laughed with the fans a little bit, he then came closer to me and whispered in my ear.
"I've found her, min." Chan whispered which made my eyes widen for a fraction of a second then quickly composed myself, remembering that I'm still Infront of fans, then I looked at him.
"Her? She? A girl?" I asked cautiously as if someone will hear us and understand, it was shocking to me to hear that our last piece was a girl, cause we just predicted that since the eight of us are males, the last one would also be a he, but i guess fate has other plans, and I was getting exited.
"Yes, min." Chan-hyung said, he smiled at me, "she's over there, go and see her and I'll tell the rest, and she doesn't know that we're soulmates, she didn't understand the pull, oh, and I'm warning you, she's too beautiful you might get blind" he added, then I raised my eyebrows at him, he's already smitten, even though he didn't even get to talk to her yet. I nodded then took off into the direction he came from, as he went to hannie and the rest.
I stopped and waved to the fans, I felt it, she was here, I looked around and saw it, the most enchanting (e/c) orbs I've ever seen, there she was, our last piece, she looked at me with a cute little frown on her pretty face, oh god does she look so innocent and pure, she looks like the type to get hurt from even the wind, how did she survive in this cruel world without us, i can't believe she lived all those years without our protection and care, I can't imagine how many hopeless guys tried to court her, I felt a vein pop in my head, she's always been ours, even if we weren't there with her, no one has the right to be near her, then I saw a hand wrapped tightly around her shoulders, my eyes widened, i looked to her side only to see a guy in his twenties glaring at me with his hand around MY soulmate, MY GIRL, how dare he, the audacity he has to glare at me while touching our girl, i glared at him back, then a hand on my shoulder brought me back to reality, I turned to see changbin and Felix, who looked at me with a look that says "don't forget that we're in a concert", so I turned back then posed with them for the fans, as they looked at her, they had the same reaction as me, who can blame them, no one expected our last soulmate to be a beautiful lady, i helped them to stay in touch with reality and not get too carried away, and one by one we all had seen her, and we all had one thought in our mind, what the hell is that guy to her?
Y/N pov :
As the concert went on I was certain that all eight of them had eye contact with you, I can't help but think that they are coming in this direction way too much, but maybe I'm only overthinking, but whenever they came this way, my heart feels like a ball of emotions, I feel so happy, and whenever they made eye contact with me, I felt like blushing and hiding somewhere.
Through out the concert, I felt jack's hand wrapping tightly around me, I looked at him, I didn't know why he was acting like this, but maybe it was because of the stares I was getting from the boys, he brought my head to lay on his shoulder or chest more than once, not that i complain, it was comfy.
After the concert ended,we headed home, we ordered dinner and ate, and the next morning, we went to the fanmeeting, jack was tagging along with us, me and Lucia were discussing yesterday's performance, with jack laying his head on my shoulder, and playing with my fingers.
The fanmeeting started and we were going down the line to get to the boys, my turn came and I sat Infront of the first one that I had learnt his name was Han Jisung, he was looking down at first, and then when he looked up and looked me straight in the eyes, I felt as if my whole body was on flames, beautiful flames, electric shocks went down my body, i couldn't take my eyes off of his, they looked like they hold the whole universe and more, Jisung was like me, but he looked like he knew what was happening, he then smiled softly.
"Hi there, pretty." He said softly, getting me out of my daze, I blushed hard making him chuckle, and I looked down.
"Hi" I whispered, as he took the album from my hand to sign it.
"And what is this beauty called?" He asked looking at me smugly, and I blushed, it's so hard not to when a handsome man is flirting with you like that.
"Y/N" I said, then he quickly signed it writing a bit more on the page then proceeding to close it and put it aside, while I was playing with my fingers, he then looked at me and took my hand in his, this sent a jolt of electric shocks through me, I looked at him shocked, and he only smiled.
"So Y/N do you have a boyfriend?"
Jisung's POV :
"Bye~~~" I said to one of the fans as she moved to hyunjin beside me, I looked down at my bracelet playing with it a little until I felt someone sitting Infront of me, I looked up only to freeze, it was her, our last piece, our girl, she really came, we were going to go look for her after the fanmeeting, but she's here now, I felt my body burning up in flames as her beautiful orbs stared into mine, she's more beautiful up closer, I smiled softly at her.
"Hi there, pretty." I said with a soft tone, unlike the hyper tones I use most of the time, something in me is telling me she's a big sensitive softie, she blushed, oh my gosh, she's so cute, I couldn't help but chuckle at her cuteness, I'm barely containing myself from getting overhyped as to not scare her away, my leg is bouncing under the table from my excitement, then I heard a small voice, and i realised it's hers, and oh my god isn't it so sweet.
"Hi" she said barely as a whisper and I literally felt myself melting, I gently took the album from her hands, I opened it to sign then I realised that I still don't know her name, so I looked at her and asked her for her name flirtatiously.
"And what is this beauty called?" I looked at her waiting eagerly to know the name of my last soulmate, I saw her blush and say "Y/N" I didn't waste time and signed the album for her, our Y/N, even her name is beautiful, I felt someone glaring daggers at me so I subtly glanced at my right side only to find that it's the same guy from yesterday, the one who dared to put his hands on our girl, I returned the glare without anyone but him noticing then I wrote my number on her album with a "your handsome soulmate" on the side then I closed it and looked up at her again, she was playing with her fingers on the table, not looking at me, ah i think I'm gonna die from her cuteness, I took her little hand gently in mine, and I instantly felt as if I was in heaven, she looked at me shocked so I smiled at her, then I felt the glares again so I asked her, hoping that I get a negative answer.
"So Y/N do you have a boyfriend?" I said knowing that her being alone for too long, could make her think that she's alone and she could get a boyfriend, and the thought alone makes me rage, but who can blame her, the blame is on us for not finding her earlier and on the said boyfriend, if there's any, to think that he can take somebody else's soulmate.
I felt hyunjin's leg hitting me underneath the table, but I didn't care, not when that damn motherfu-ker has the audacity to touch my girl and challenge me in public, I heard her pretty voice denying that she has any.
"N-no, I don't, why are you asking?" She said softly, her eyebrows frowning in confusion, then I smiled, thinking of how to break it to her.
"I wouldn't want my sweet soulmate to have a boyfriend now would I ?, and neither would want the rest of us" I said winking, and I saw her stop functioning for a second, then she blinks and looked at me with a shocked face
"What---" she said but she was cut off by the manager as he said that the time was up, and ushered her to hyunjin a bit harshly making both me and hyunjin glare at him, but before I opened my mouth to knock some sense into his head, another fan sat Infront of me, so I forced a smile on my face and made a note to talk to him later.
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Author's note : hi there everyone!!! It's a little chapter showing our dear minsung's thoughts 🤭🤭, I feel like it's a bit plain but I really hope you will like it and love you all 💕
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 month
⛧ 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝙱𝚘𝚛𝚗 𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙸𝙸 ⛧
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⛧ Pairing: poly!slasher!minsung x chubby!fem!reader
⛧ Genre: slasher au/horror/angst/smut
⛧ Summary: It's Halloween 1996, you've just broken up with your toxic ex, and there's a killer on the loose. When you go to the local video store to find your next distraction, you run into your longtime crushes who have their hearts set on looking after you. But you must be careful. Not everyone's who they appear to be.
⛧ Word Count: 2.k-ish
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⛧ Warnings: If you don't like horror turn back now. This isn't graphic by any means but there are horror elements! Slight sadomasichism, full blown yandere vibes, mentions of toxic ex, mention of dead body w/ tame description, shallow knife wound (you don't get stabbed. no worries), knife/blood play, a lil smut because there's kissing/fingering/nipple play, pet names (babe, baby) a threesome happens but is only referenced, slasherfucker reader, reader's kinda losing it
⛧ A/N: This is part 2 in a series. I linked the first part in the summary. Part 1 was dark and fluffy while this one is really dark and angsty. There's still romance but said romance is kinda psychotic. For the record, I'm in no way encouraging you to go out and have sex with two psychokillers. But if they're Minsung hot? I meaaaaan....
💀 <<< Rewind to Tape 1 or Keep Going to Tape 3 >>> 💀
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Han laughs, bringing his arms around your waist, “Oh but sweetie, we’ve played your game. Don’t you wanna play ours now?”
Street Fighter is a game. Monopoly is a game. Minho forcing you to hold a knife to his throat in the middle of their kitchen? This is unlike any game you’ve ever played before. Against your better judgment, you throw caution to the wind and ask the million dollar question.
“And what are the rules to this game of yours?” 
Minho clicks his tongue, delighted at your morbid curiosity, “It’s simple really. If I can make my lips touch yours without the blade slitting my throat open I get a kiss.” 
“And if he doesn’t—” Han muses, “I’m down a roommate I suppose.” 
“Kiss or death, baby” Minho says, leaning into the tip of the blade so that it's agonizingly slow to witness. He stops when it pricks his skin, a scarlet drop of blood rising to the surface. Your fingers tremble around the handle of the knife, your body running ice cold at the realization that this is actually happening. 
“You’re both fucking psycho!” you shout, twisting free of them with reckless abandon. You stumble backward into the kitchen counter, the blade still in your hand. When you regain your footing you notice tiny droplets of blood decorating the white tile floor. You trace their source to the much larger cut in the side of Minho’s neck.
Han stares at you with a Milky Way galaxy of stars dancing behind his eyes, “So she does have it in her.” 
Time itself seems to come to a halt when you register what you’ve done. You hadn’t meant to do it but, accident or not, you did it. “Oh god, no, I didn’t mean it. I’m so sorry. I…I…” you stutter, tossing the knife into the sink. Minho takes a deep breath, running his fingers across his wound as he approaches you. “It’s okay. I’ll live” he smirks, applying blood to his lips like some luxurious lipstick, “Now about that kiss.” 
Minho’s close enough to you that you can feel his shallow breaths against your face. His bottom lip brushes yours and your mouth falls open without hesitation. The voice of the girl you were before you came here whispers for you to run—leave this place and never come back—but it’s far too late for that. Minho locks you in a kiss, metallic and sweet, that makes you a stranger to yourself. 
It’s not you hungrily kissing Minho, blood staining his collar as he takes greedy handfuls of your plush body. It’s not your cheek that Han cups, tilting your head to the side to steal kisses and taste that last bit of blood on your tongue. Only…it is you and you’re loving every second of it. So much that when Han unbuttons your jeans, slipping a hand inside to tease your clit, you’ve already managed to soak through your panties.
“Aah, I knew it” he whispers, lightly stroking your entrance, “I told you she was the one. That she was special.” You moan into Minho’s mouth when Han’s fingers sink into you, your cries of pleasure echoing within his cheeks. “It’s true. You’re our special girl, aren’t you?” Minho hums, his thumb circling one of your nipples through your shirt. 
The praise goes to your head in the worst way, setting a once cold body ablaze with lust. Your walls contract with every mention of how special you are—of how long they’ve waited to have you here. Han’s never had his fingers this drenched before, his mind’s already running wild with thoughts of licking your juices from them once you come. The noises you make are so melodic, so splendid, that they'd burn them into their memories if they could.
Minho’s sharp eyes lock onto yours, fingers toiling away at the delicate hooks of your bra. “Can we keep you?” he asks like a demon masquerading as a child. Innocence with something darker lurking beneath, waiting to tear you to pieces. The answer comes easily, driven by your thirst to be devoured.
“Yes,” you moan, exhaling at the relief of being freed from your bra, “I’m yours.” Han licks up the side of your neck, softly nibbling at your earlobe as his fingers pick up speed.
“All ours,” he whispers, “Forever.” 
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Grainy black and white dots dance across the TV screen, casting a white glow across the bed where you lay naked cuddled up beneath the blanket with Han’s childhood teddy bear. It’s 3AM and Camp Counselor Sleepover Murder Party 4 ended an hour ago. Not that you were paying an ounce of attention to it. Your focus was placed entirely on being bent into a series of unholy positions by the two men you expect to see when you open your eyes. But when you finally do—limbs still tingling from your last orgasm—they’re nowhere to be found.
Yawning, you force yourself up in bed, squinting at the light from the TV. Holding your hand up to shield your eyes, you notice the dried up blood on your fingertips. The events of the night come back to you gradually like a fuzzy radio signal sorting itself out. Your mouth is saturated with that same metallic taste from before, the sweetness of it having long faded. Finding it too nauseating to tolerate, you retrieve your underwear from the floor and set out in search of something to wash the taste away.
Stepping out into the hallway you find yourself in near pitch black darkness. The only guiding light is the glow of a lamp from the bottom of the staircase at the opposite end of the hallway. “Minho!” you call out, taking slow cautious steps down the hall. You extend your arms out on both sides, feeling around for anything you might bump into. You hold your breath, listening for even the faintest sound of his voice but it never comes. Finally reaching the staircase, you grab onto the sides and make your way down.
You call out again, this time trying another name for good measure, “Han! Where are you guys?” It suddenly occurs to you that this is the moment in slasher movies where the girl wanders downstairs and gets sliced up by some masked psycho killer. You stop halfway down the stairs, glancing up at the darkness you left behind. “Fuck that” you huff, jogging the rest of the way down the stairs to find safety in the light.
Finally you’re back in familiar territory. To your right you spot the kitchen and your heart jumps at the thought of the Halloween candy left untouched on the table. But your tooth rotting dreams are derailed by the sound of whirling somewhere to your left. You turn to spot a heavy wooden door left slightly cracked. It’d look like any other door if not for the two deadbolts drilled into the frame. Off to the side sits a black garbage bag, the kind contractors use on construction jobs, and it’s stuffed full of…something.
Hearing the low chattering of voices, you drift towards the door whispering to yourself the whole time. “Why are you freaking out? Nothing’s wrong. They’re probably just taking out the trash. Don’t be so—” You choke on your own words as you stare down into the trash bag. It is full of trash. There’s pizza boxes, empty soda cans, and crumbled up chips bags all from last night.
And then there’s something else.
The tip of something red poking out from between the pizza boxes. You lean in closer and make out deep wrinkles carved in plastic. Pinching the end of it you pull it from the trash and you feel even more nauseous than before. It’s a mask. Not just any mask. The same mask your ex had on when you saw him at the video store. A chill runs down your spine, making you let out an unexpected squeak that brings all of the background conversation to a halt.
“Hello?” Han’s voice rings out, seemingly from beneath you. You crack the door a little more, peeking in to find another set of stairs leading down into the basement. “Everything okay up there?” Minho asks, his tone oddly suspicious of you. You clear your throat, tucking the mask back into the trash bag, “I’m—I’m fine. Just got a little snack craving is all. Are you guys good?”
You’re met with silence reminiscent of the moment before Minho forced you to cut his throat. “Why don’t you come down?” Han insists, bubbling with joy, “We have a surprise for you!” You pull the door open all the way, shuddering at the creaking sound the old wooden stairs make when you step on them.
“A surprise? What kind of surprise?”
“One you weren’t supposed to see yet” Minho pouts, “But you’re here now so whatever.”
Minho’s adorable tendency to whine gives you the sense of normalcy you needed to get you to the bottom of the stairs. But when you reach it you wish you hadn’t. The basement is nothing like the welcoming warmth of the rest of the house. It’s pristine and white, the polished floor icy against your bare feet. In each corner there’s a large cabinet stocked with all sorts of medical supplies. It reminds you of an operating room in one of those medical dramas.
It is an operating room and at the center of it, in a pool of blood that leaks between the cracks in the tiles, is the partially dismembered body of your ex boyfriend. “Hi, baby” Han waves with the hand not currently holding a cordless saw. Still in his underwear, he’s dressed in a long black apron with the gloves to match. Minho’s dressed the same and both are slick with blood.
Before you can think better of it, you’re screaming at the top of your lungs and bolting back up the stairs. All the while images of torn flesh and fractured bone flash in your mind. You couldn’t stand that man, hated him in fact, but you’d never wanted to see him in pieces.
Spotting your purse by the front door, you make a mad dash for it clueless to the two figures gathering behind you. Your vision clouded with tears, you fight with the front door locks to get out. “I knew it was too soon” Minho sighs in disappointment, “We should’ve waited.” Han slips his gloves off, coming over to kiss you on the cheek.
Your body recoils, shaking in fear, “Don’t hurt me. Please.”
“Hurt you?” he scoffs, flipping the lock open, “I’d never hurt you. You just seemed like you needed a little help.”
Minho flops down in a chair near the door, messy hair falling in his face, “Take my jacket at least. It’s cold out.”
Their calmness is odd to say the least, making you reevaluate the fear that you feel. “You’re letting me go? Just like that?” Han plucks a wool trench coat from its hook, draping it over your shoulders. He pulls the door open and a slight autumn breeze blows through the door. “I told you. We don’t want to hurt you. We’re here to protect you...and maybe teach you how to protect yourself.”
His sincerity makes you uncomfortable and you feel yourself splitting in two again. This time the old you wins and throw yourself out into the night, scanning the street to find where you parked your car. The block is as dark as the upstairs hall, giving you the sense that you’re on some terrifying island all your own.
You can't make sense of why they’d let you go. Any normal person would drive straight from here to the police station. You know their faces. Their names. Where they work. Where they live. Do they want to get caught?
“You can’t run from who you are forever, pretty girl!” you hear Minho taunting. You look back to see them watching you from the doorway, smiling lovingly in your direction.
Minho winks at you, blowing you a kiss, “See you real soon, babe.” 
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
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Bang Chan
What If I Love You? {Angst}
When Reader Doesn’t Feel Good {Angst}
Not Yours {MinChan Angst} -> All Mine {MinChan Angst}
Distracted {Angst} -> Focused {Angst/Fluffish}
Snippets of Life {Fluff}
Miss You More {Angst/Fluff}
Secret Secret {Angst/Fluff}
Seo Changbin
Because You Told Me Not To {Fluff/Angst-ish}
Wasted Tears and Wasted Time {Angst/Fluff-ish}
You Coming? {Angst/Fluff}
When Reader Doesn’t Feel Good {Angst}
Headache {Angst/Fluff}
Snippets of Life {Fluff}
Stolen Joy {Angst} -> Life Goes On {Angst-Happy Endingish}
Lee Minho
Yandere!Lee Know Part 1 Yandere!Lee Know Part 2 {Smut} Yandere!Lee Know Part 3 {Angst/Smut} Yandere!Lee Know Part 4 {Angst/Smut} Yandere!Lee Know Part 5 {Angst/Smut}
Always With You {Comfort}
Cut Like Knives {Angst}
When Reader Doesn’t Feel Good {Angst}
Fight or Flight {Yandere!Angst}
Okay… And? {Angst/Fluff} -> Welcome To The Family {Fluff}
Not Yours {MinChan Angst} -> All Mine {MinChan Angst}
Two For One {MinSung Angst}
Snippets of Life {Fluff}
Dad Minho Headcanons {Fluff}
Make You Stay {Yandere!Angst}
Hwang Hyunjin
Soft!Yandere!Hwang Hyunjin {Smut}
And The Leaves Will Fall {Angst}
A Sea of Green {Angst}
When Reader Doesn’t Feel Good {Angst}
Snippets of Life {Fluff}
Little One {Angst} -> Daddy’s Girl {Angst}
It’s Just That Time {Angst/Fluff}
Purely Accidental {Angst/Fluff}
Han Jisung
When Winter Turns To Spring {Angst}
Mommy!May Collab {Smut}
What Happens In College {Angst}
When Reader Doesn’t Feel Good {Angst}
Congratulations {Angst/Fluff}
All Work and No Play {Smut}
Two For One {MinSung Angst}
Time and Space {Angst/Fluff}
Snippets of Life {Fluff}
No Mistakes {Angst} -> Happy Accidents {Angst}
So The Story Goes {Angst/Fluff}
Anonny {Angst/Fluff}
Lee Felix
Someday We’ll Both Be Happy {Angst/Smut} -> One Day We’ll Both Have Each Other {Angst}
Home Is Where The Hurt Is {Angst} -> You Are My Home {Angst/Fluff}
Me or the PC {fluff/suggestive}
When Reader Doesn’t Feel Good {Angst}
Glass Ashtrays and Nicotine Kisses {yandere!angst}
Welcome and Goodbye {Angst} -> Erase and Rewind {Angst}
Snippets of Life {Fluff}
Order Up {Fluff/Angst}
Kim Seungmin
When Reader Doesn’t Feel Good {Angst}
He Said She Said {Angst/Fluffish}
Purple and Blue {Angst}
Go Tell Him {Angst}
X’s and O’s {Yandere}
Catchup {Angst/Fluff}
Snippets of Life {Fluff}
Looking {Slight Angst/Fluff}
Besties {Little Angst/Fluff}
Yang Jeongin
Pins and Needles {Yandere!Angst}
Pieces of You {Angst}
When Reader Doesn’t Feel Good {Angst/Fluff}
One Sided {Angst/Fluff}
Snippets of Life {Fluff}
Father?With Benefits {Angst/Crack} -> What Brings Us Together {Angst/Fluff}
Ot8 Headcanons
When Their GF Is Followed Home {Angst/Fluff}
24 Hours After S/O’s Death {Angst}
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noah-shin · 2 years
Ateez Yeosang - yandere type + A to Z moodboard
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<3 ^⁠ ⁠〰〰⁠ ⁠^I̍̅̀̎̊ w̦̺̐̐͟ỉ͔͖̜͌l̙͖̑̾ͣl̙͖̑̾ͣ c͕͗ͤ̕̕ḣ̖̻͛̓ā̤̓̍͘ṇ̤͛̒̍ĝ̽̓̀͑ẹ̿͋̒̕ t̲̂̓ͩ̑ḣ̖̻͛̓ẹ̿͋̒̕ f̵͖̜̉ͅā̤̓̍͘t̲̂̓ͩ̑ẹ̿͋̒̕ ỉ͔͖̜͌f̵͖̜̉ͅ y҉̃̀̋̑o̯̱̊͊͢ư̡͕̭̇'r̴̨̦͕̝ẹ̿͋̒̕ ṇ̤͛̒̍o̯̱̊͊͢t̲̂̓ͩ̑ ḑ̴̞͛̒ẹ̿͋̒̕s̠҉͍͊ͅt̲̂̓ͩ̑ỉ͔͖̜͌ṇ̤͛̒̍ẹ̿͋̒̕ḑ̴̞͛̒ t̲̂̓ͩ̑o̯̱̊͊͢ b̬͖̏́͢ẹ̿͋̒̕ ḿ̬̏ͤͅỉ͔͖̜͌ṇ̤͛̒̍ẹ̿͋̒̕
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Genre: yandere
Pairing: yandere idol Yeosang × idol female reader
Content warning: gaslighting, manupulation,toxic relationship,yandere themes, obsessive behavior, abducting
If you are not comfortable with these , please don't read
Sorry for any type of grammatical mistake
Wc:3.8 k
Yandere types + background + A to Z
Haijo-gata (排除型)- removal type.
Shuuchaku Gata - obsession typeɢᴀᴛᴀ- 執着型
You sat on the floor exhausted as soon as the song ended. It's been one week since you and Yeosang are practicing your upcoming cover. It's a collab between you and him. Debuting under KQ entertainment, your producer thought it will be a good idea if you/your group do a collab or cover with Ateez as it will give you all more exposure and help you to be famous. Your group agreed and shockingly you were the chosen one to do a cover along side your group mate Iseul.
As you were panting Yeosang said, " We have done a lot of improving today.". You nod and looked up to your choreographer who said, " Aight, you both are dismissed. We only need to learn the bridge and the later choreography, then you two are ready to perform Inception". You and Yeosang nodded, bowed towards him and left the practice room. While going out Yeosang called you from behind and said, " Hey!" You turned around and gave him a questioning look. He stood in front of you and said, "Are you free tonight, maybe we could hang out?" "Yeah, sure." You said and went away to your dorm. From that day you two become good friends and he fall in love with you. After a year he proposed and you accept him thinking he was such a nice guy and was always caring to you. No other person would be more better than him, right…....... Right?
↠____________________________________ ↠
You recalled those moments regretting going out with him. If only you rejected and became distant with him, this day wouldn't have came. You were locked up in his room as you had a huge argument with your boyfriend for threatening Minsung to stay away from you. During the fighting you accidentally said out that you regretted dating him and accused him of manipulating you to stay away from other people as you may get in trouble. Hearing this he got furious and locked you in his dark room as a mild punishment taking away your fucking phone. You sarcastically laughed thinking about how he said he did all this to keep you safe, Meanwhile the main trouble was him. He was always controlling and jealous about you. So jealous he prohibited you to talk with any other male idol as you may have controversy and it can ruin your image. He also made sure you will always remember to not be too touchy with any other person and have least amount of physical interaction with your fans.At times your bandmates would get pissed at him for keeping you under his control. You wanted to cuss at hin for gas lighting you like this and making you feel restless but he would alway shut you down saying all he wanted was good for you and you are the one being selfish and ungrateful. He would manupulate you saying what he did was protective towards you and any other girl would die to be in your place.He would have all your social media password to see with whom you talked and interacted. Some minutes without your attention would make him restless (after the worktime).ᴛʜɪs ᴛʏᴘᴇ of yandere ᴡɪʟʟ ᴛʀʏ ᴛᴏ ʟᴇᴀʀɴ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ your ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇsᴛs, ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅɪɴɢ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ʜᴏʙʙɪᴇs, ʀᴏᴜᴛɪɴᴇ ᴇᴛᴄ. ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴡɪʟʟ sᴇɴᴅ ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇs ʀᴇɢᴜʟᴀʀʟʏ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ/you, ᴀsᴋs ᴡʜʏ you ʜᴀᴠᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀᴇᴅ, ᴡᴀɴᴛs ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ'ʀᴇ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs. It drained you out as after working you ass off the whole day, all you wanted was to hop in your bed to sleep but instead you have to deal with your boyfriend who was too obsessed to care about your mental health.
"ɪ sᴇɴt kiᴛ ʏᴏᴜ 𝟻𝟶 ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇs, ᴡʜʏ ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ? ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ? ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ?"
You knew your relationship was toxic but didn't have the courage to do anything remembering the last time how he tried to self harm after you blocked him. Obviously you couldn't bear the responsibility of seeing someone dying. He would remove everyone he thinks you don't need, which means everyone else. This can include things like excluding your contacts and messages to even murdering everybody who approaches. His love was constantly suffocating you and you were too submerged to get out of it. He obsession with you was too much for him to let you go, from the moment his eyes fall on you. He was mesmerized. You were his angel in this world and at any cost you're gonna be with him till death. You become his the moment he laid his eyes on you.
"You don't need other people, you have me"
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yandere a⇝z hcs:
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
- Yeosang shows his love by showering his s/o with compliments and gifts. He knows it will always cheer her up. He’s joyous and happy, he’s so loving towards you, smothering you with kisses and hugs, telling you you’re the best thing in his life untill you disobey him. He will describe how every day is so much brighter since you got here, how there’s no world for him without you. He'll treat you like an angel/pet, feeding you your favourite foods and treating you so delicately. He may even have you name tattooed on his body if it wasn't for the toxic fans.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
- As an idol, Yeosang has an certain image to uphold. So he can't just threat every person to stay away from you. He will manipulate you to stay away from those whom he doesn't like or even block them in your phone. If someone confesses to you to be their partner, he will advise you to reject them or he may just hire a hitman to take care of them. He is pretty cunning. So there's a big chance that he gets rid of people secretly behind your back and you will never find out. So bloodshed is actually non existent in front of you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
- Yeosang would less likely kidnap his darling as his darling is too so much passionate about her career. And he knows it will hurt her if he just abduct her. If his s/o is smart enough to realize he's dangerously obsessed with her and it's bad for her to keep up with him. She will/may break up with him. But it will be a turn off for Yeosang as he can't even imagine to live without his s/o. So he will lash out angry on the fact that after doing all these things for you, you have the audacity to leave him behind. He may hurt you in fit of rage and lock you up in his basement. Besides that he will remove all the evidence so it will look like you just vanished out of nowhere.
Yeosang would try to make his darling understand that it was necessary for him to kidnap her and will treat her nicely. Although he will keep her restrained, he will make sure his darling has everything she needs.
No, he would never mock his darling.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
- Yes, he will try tame his s/o if they try to disobey him. Most of the days he will put a chain on his darling's leg incase she tries to run away. He will also try to do all her activities and sometimes choose what she will do or wear. He also likes to be in control of his s/o's life as It satisfies his dark fantasies seeing how submissive his darling is.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
- Yeosang poured his heart out for his s/o. Yn is his first love and also his last. Before her, he never felt this much attraction or infatuation with someone. So he will go to greater lengths to just achive his s/o. He is open about her in every aspect as he thinks it's necessary to live with him. He may feel awkward to talk about his jealousy but after a long time, it's possible for him to open up about these.
For most part he is never vulnerable (he's open not vulnerable) in front of his darling. He think it's his weakness and yn may try to use this to escape him. But he easily becomes vulnerable if someone tries to hurt his s/o or she gets hurt somehow. Those time even if Yeosang tries to keep a stoic face, he becomes worried for yn which is visible.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
- He will be shocked as he is or was her boyfriend before kidnapping him and didn't expect this sort of action from his s/o. He would just retrain her to make sure she doesn't do something terrible to him. Besides that if she actually manages to harm him badly, he may raise his hand on you and use drugs to put you in sleep. But it's less likely to happen as Yeosang is strong enough that you can't overpower him without fully killing him. So good luck with that.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
- After abduction it will never be a game for him. He wants to keep his s/o by his side till you both become old. So he will never take the risk of playing the shitty game of freedom with yn. 'What if they actually get away?' 'What if they commit suicide' these thoughts will haunt him down to never try this even it sounds thrilling enough.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
- Their darlings worst experience with him would be seeing her close people becoming distant from her, all thanks to him. It will hurt her as she doesn't realize why they were ignoring her. After she gets to know that they were told to stay away from her by Yeosang, she will feel betrayed. It will be much more terrible when Yeosang will try to rationalize with her saying her friends are bad and the only person she needs is him. All he is doing is to protect her. She might actually believe this and will completely become lonely at the end without even noticing. In that time it will be hard for her to ignore Yeosang's antics or to break up with him as he is the only person remaining so close to her except her band mates. So she will be very much depended on him talking wise. Yeosang's manipulation will also add fuel to his darling's insecurities and misery. His darling would be trapped in his prison of love not realizing it is harmful for her mental health.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
- If his darling stays with him as his gf, he wants her to stay in the industry as much time as she wants to. But if she wants to break up with him, he doesn't have any choice but to abduct her. After abducting he will take her to his secret apartment which is apparently secluded. Overall he wants to live a not so happy life with his s/o in a country side place where nobody would disturb them and his children will grow up living there. He will sure go out or in vacation with his if his s/o accepts him as her life partner. He wants to live the rest of his love with his darling by his side.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
-;Yes, Yeosang gets jealous. It also come into his disadvantages that his darling is an idol. So she gets proposal, compliments,vulgar words and all that shit all the time. He will try to keep an eye on her when he is with her incase someone tries to make a move on her. Moreover,He will make sure his darling stays away from those people who attempts to flirt with her and complain saying she has a bf to pay attention. He will try to threat or kill those who is in love with his s/o if they don't leave her alone.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
- Before his yandere tendencies showed up, Yeosang is pretty caring to his s/o. He always makes sure his s/o is eating healthy, taking good sleep and overall great.
Yeosang acts compassionate and loving towards you. He gently pecks you on your forehead when he wakes up before you in the morning. He never takes his anger out on you, even though you might occasionally take yours out on him(until he gets jealous and possessive). He's calm in the storm and you feel safe around him. Overall,He acts like a dream guy. He will shower his darling with unending love and devotion. As he is obsessed with them he will try observe all their likes and dislikes and try to act as them to impress her. Without being possessive he is pretty good with his s/o. (Btw it at the starting of their relationship, so I didn't mention his bad sides that much)
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
- He first got to know about his darling through a collab. He became mesmerized the first time he saw you and it was an advantage that he got to spend a lot of time with you during the collab. Those time he would make short conversations with you and took your number to contact with you out of work related hours. Basically he approached you to become friends and then things escalated. You both were close friend untill one day he proposed to you during a walk to the park. He was always so caring and compassionate to you, so you didn't have the heart to reject him.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
- This will vary from when you are with him. If you are with him in, yes, his true colors are different from how he acts around other people. He is not as loving and open to other people as he is to you. It also comes in fact that he will never feel the love and compassion he feels for you and will not go to big lengths to protect someone else. He is also pretty uninterested to talk with someone else with any reason except his band mates and stuffs.
Yeosang loves his darling a lot and want her to stay with him by 24/7. He thinks that he deserves all the attention from his s/o and gets angry if it doesn't go by his plan. His true color doesn't change in the fact that he cares for you from the bottom of his heart. It's just his jealousy and insecurities with makes your relationship toxic and suffocating. He is also not that sort of yandere to basically kill everyone around you. He will try to keep everything in his control untill he has no option than to get rid of someone.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
- He is a not much physical with his punishments. He will only use this when he can't manipulate you into something or you throw absurd fit. His punishments will vary because your offenses do. If you refuse to eat, he pins you to the ground and shoves the food down your throat. You try to assault him, he breaks whatever bone you were trying to hit or kick him with. If he thinks you’re going to try to escape, he starves you so you can’t leave from weakness. But he also tells you what he’s thinking. Yeosang speaks lowly, and tells you what he will do to you if you try to flee, all this to make sure you don't make a move to escape.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
- He wouldn't take that much rights from his s/o except freedom. He will spoil her with food, dress, good sleeping place and all this and maybe even let them go out if his darling agrees to stay with him.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
- He is pretty patient with his darling as he thinks it's enough if they are just in a relationship unless his s/o tries cheat on him. But if they were not in a relationship he would try to make some moves on you and try to win your heart. If all of his advances to you went unnoticed he would force you to be with him or kidnap you.
Again if you broke up with him, he would try to get back with you again and again by talking and trying to make you understand from his point of view which is twisted.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
- No, he wouldn't. Yeosang took it as a vow to love nobody else but you as his lover for his whole life. So if you leave. He will be devastated and try to find you as soon as he can. He will make sure he got you in his arms again.
On the other hand if you die, his whole world will be shattered. What's the meaning of living in a world where you don't exist anymore? He would be depressed and become alcoholic from all these misery. Soon he will succumb to death from pain in hope of meeting you in the after life even though it's impossible. He wants to be with you whether it's in this world or in afterlife. So dying would be it.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
- No, he wouldn't. Yeosang saw it coming knowing how obsessive he can be. So he would never feel guilty for abducting his darling. Moreover he may even try to justify his bitchy acts.
Nah, he wouldn't let his darling get away from his clutch.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
- As an introvert Yeosang never really had that much friend. He was close to only a handful of people, the same goes for his love life. It was yn who caught his eyes for the first time in his life and also in the most dangerous way. As it was his first time falling for someone, he didn't realize when he became obsessed. When he did understand, it was too late to make it right. So his surrounding played a big part in this side of his personality.
He wasn't yandere at first but soon discovered his hidden feelings.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
- It would pain them. But he wouldn't do something stupid in this situation as he darling may actually be in pain or had become mentally unstable after dealing with his bullshit. He will try to calm them down and wipe her tears saying calming words like he isn't the reason of her misery.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
- He has some very bad yandere tendencies but he is not the type to kill someone out of rage. He is more on the manipulative side. So nothing special.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
- Being sick. Yeosang really loves his s/o and wants to live the rest of his life with them. For this their s/o must need to be healthy and happy. If they're not healthy how are they gonna keep up with Yeosang's toxicity? If they get extremely sick or pretend to be sick, he will most likely take them to the hospital. But he isn't that dumb. He will have his eyes on you 24/7. He will stay with you in the hospital room or outside gourding the room like an eagle. Even then if you can escape, then congratulations to you
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
- Yes, if necessary. Yeosang roots for his s/o very much. He is very deep and intimate about it. He wants his darling to love him like he does and willingly live with him(which she did at first). But if she disobeys him, he is not hesitant to hurt her. He will still be sad and worried for you but at the end he thinks you deserve it for hurting him too. He will probably threaten to kill your parents or other family members as a sort of punishment or physically punish you. Likes to see you being submissive to him during punishments.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
- To any length. Yeosang have pinned for you for quite a long time. So losing his s/o to someone or rejection is not on his book. First Yeosang would have a normal relationship like others. But day by day it will go worse as his yandere tendencies shows up. If there's a obstacle in his path, he will be frustrated and warn them to stay away from his girl.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
- Yeosang would pine after his s/o for weeks. It's not that he didn't enjoy his time with yn as a friend but he wanted to be more than that. It also made him mad if someone tried to make a move on her while he was her friend as he didn't have a say her life. But after they announced their relationship to some close people, these insecurities subsided at first but then it went downhill.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
- No. Yn would be confused about if she should stay with Yeosang or not after all this. In this case Yeosang will surely kidnap her if they broke up but he wouldn't necessarily try to break her cause he loves his s/o just the way she is. By breaking her he will lose a big part of her personality. His darling may never be the same again after this type of trauma. So it's a big no no gor him
Reblog please 🥺
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lino-jagiyaa · 2 years
StrayKids masterlist
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portions without links are wips/tba
do NOT interact with my 18+ content if you're a minor, ageless, default or empty blog.
𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬. 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞.
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key: 🥟 - fluff • 🫖 - smut •❤️‍🔥 - angst
- smut 🫖
thoughts & drabbles
11:27pm - bang chan
chan ‘helping’ you with homework
11:56pm - changbin or felix
subby changlix thoughts
changbin hard thought
Perv Jisung thoughts
desire - seungmin
seungmin is the sweetest guy you’ve met in a while. but you end up finding out more about him than you ever could’ve imagined.
daydream - seungmin
part 2 to desire
truth - seungmin
- fluff 🥟
prompts & drabbles
this moment - bang chan
spending his birthday with him
Boyfriend material - jisung
underneath the tree - hyunjin
spending christmas with him
far yet together - hyunjin 🥟
short drabbles
stealing his hoodie - seungmin
chords - seungmin 🥟
seungmin makes you feel better after being stressed over a piano competition
- angst ❤️‍🔥
forget me not - lee minho
minho had broken your heart, but maybe there was something deeper behind his cold behavior.
skater boi - bang chan
you start to fall for your childhood best friend and he falls just as hard
behind the mask - masterlist | lee minho 🫖
behind the mask - introduction | lee minho 🫖
behind the mask - “okay. what do i do now?” | lee minho 🫖
- series
safe - yandere series | jisung 🫖
all to myself - yandere series | felix 🫖
only - yandere series | bang chan 🫖
Hoodie season - hyung line
Hoodie season - maknae line
Late night drives - Hyung line
Stargazing - part two from ^ (maknae line)
Minsung drabble
[february birthday event]
silk - hwang hyunjin 🫖❤️‍🔥
stay where ith me - lee minho 🫖❤️‍🔥
play - lee felix 🫖
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sweetracha · 1 year
I saw that yandere!minsung x reader won..will it be a series with multiple chapters or a one shot?
Hello sweetie!
As of right now our plan looks like a one shot with some moodboards and text posts to go with!!
That being said, if everyone really likes it who knows what it can become!
Thank you so much for the question
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cutiedwaekki · 2 years
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I'm so much happy to be here for such a long time , even if this comunity is small i'm glad to be here and met such adorable and kind person </3
So here's my two big surprise ! :
I open a Q&A so if you guys have any questions you can ask it on my "Ask me" box ! (Just don't ask too much personal stuff pls)
And last but not least , i'm gonna do something that probably haven't been done here. You're gonna help me to write a big imagine ! Basically for the next few days you'll have to do a choice as the next of each part of the imagine , your choice will influence the end of the story and the course of things! things go further because I even let you choose the theme you prefer from the list below! (it is important that you give me your opinion otherwise I would choose myself!)
here is the list of the imagine you can chose :
-Minsung ; slice of life , SFW
-Seungbin ; a bit of angst , SFW
-2min ; enemy to lover , SFW
-Jilix ; fairy AU , SFW
-Minchan ; inspired by their song "drive" , NSFW
-Changlix ; 90's AU , SFW
-Seungsung ; Hybrid AU , SFW
-3racha ; Superhero AU , NSFW
- Jeongchan ; Yandere AU , SFW
-OT8 ; Idol AU , SFW
So here it is i hope y'all wil enjoy this ! I'm glad to be here even after leaving this area twice i just like to be here so thank you <3
Anyways take care of you guys i'm sending to all of you love and a lot of good vibes <33
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lyramundana · 11 months
What if yandere minsung got jealous of how sub! Fem! Reader act with other people ?????
Thank u ❤❤❤🌹
👀 That's a nice question, my friend (how did you know I'm a sucker for jealous minsung?) By how she acts, I'll take it that she's friendly with other people and that.
Ohh, they won't take it well, I assure you. Indoors, Reader is their compliant doll and lets them do whatever they wish to her because they all enjoy it. She has no problem letting them in control. But in public, she's actually a very outgoing person, who can make friends everywhere, and you couldn't everguess she's so submissive and docile in private. They can't stand the sight of some unworthy, pitiful hands taunting her beautiful skin, the sight of those pathetic dogs crawling to have her attention and get close to her (they're exactly the same but shhh)
They would do everthing in their power to show people that Reader belongs to them and only them. If this is before she's "added" to their relationship, they'll be more subtle about it because they don't want to scare her off, and they're still dealing with these feelings. They'll probably snap eventually and act on their jealousy, doing something they can't take back..
They know the way she acts in the bedroom with them doesn't reflect how she truly is, obviously, but they wish it was. They wish she was always this soft, this vulnerable with them. Only them. Maybe she wouldn't look at anyone else this way.
The moment they see her acting so friendly and welcoming with other people, they're mad. She's supposed to be like this only with them. Depending of what you had in mind, maybe Reader is not dating them and she's a situationship right now, a friend with benefits, and so she doesn't feel the need to be exclusive. She thinks she's just a stress reliever for the boys, something to spice up their relationship, ignoring their dark intentions. When they see her flirting her way around, they see red and agree to teach her a lesson.
They're usually soft and gentle when they fuck her, but not this time. No, right now, they have to teach her a lesson.
They want to unleash all their jealousy and anger on her, but they adore her too much to seriously hurt her (for now). They agree the fault is of those disgusting leeches who tried to get a hold of what wasn't theirs. Still, they have plenty of time to deal with them, because right now they have her naked and trembling under their control and they really need to at least remind her of your position. The small hint of fear in her eyes is new, but it makes something inside them purr in delight.
They tie her up at first, saying she's not allowed to touch any of them after her little stunt from earlier. She claims she doesn't know what they mean and that she's done nothing wrong, but gets spanked in result because "dolls don't speak". They tease her to the point of tears, touching her in all her sensitive places but never quite where she really needs them. They edge her until she's outright sobbing, and it's then when they decide to untie her, but now using their own strenght to keep her still. She can only touch what they allow her to. Then they make her cum again and again, until she starts to thrash around and scream, desesperatly trying to get away from the overwhelming sensations of pleasure and pain combined. They chuckle cruelly, enjoying seeing her beg for them and only them. It's exactly how things are supposed to be.
By the end of it, she's covered in cum and bruises all over her skin, still spasming ocasionally from the remnants of her last orgasm. She's drooling on the pillows and on the brink of unconsciousness, eyes rolled back and with dried tears in her cheeks. The boys then give her the softests, most attentive aftercare ever. They ask her if she's learnt her lesson, but she's so fucked out she can't respond. They take it as a yes and happily began to take care of her like they usually do. The three of them shower together, Reader between them so they can hold her and clean her properly. They kiss all her bruises, her lips, her cheeks, whispering praises of how she was, and treating her like a piece of glass. Then they carry her to bed and dress her up with their clothes, one of Han's oversized shirts and a pair of Minho's pants. She falls sleep as soon as her head hits the pillow, and they spent the night tracing the marks they left with their fingers and lips, glancing at them with a bit of pride in their hearts. Those are the unwavering proof of their claim over her.
She's theirs forever. To love, to worship, to touch, to break.
Later, while she's still recovering from the punishment, they go after the worthless pests that tried to take her away. They make sure they never lay their hands on anyone else again..
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linlinaert · 10 months
The last soulmate : chapter 1
Yandere! ot8! Skz x soft! fem! reader
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It was a friday night and the boys were going back home from practice, as they were in the van, Jisung spoke up sad
"Are we ever going to be able to find them , it has been years since we've begun searching, and still there's no clue about them" He sighs and looks up to his soulmates trying to find some comfort and reassurance. He felt minho's hand wrapping around his shoulder.
"Of course we will sungie, don't you ever doubt that, I'm sure we'll find them in this world tour" Chan said smiling, trying to lift the boys' spirit up as Changbin brought seungmin and hyunjin, who were sitting on each side of him, into his embrace, chan and Minho doing the same to Jisung, felix and jeongin, trying to find comfort in each other.
The boys were with each other for years while trying to find their last soulmate, years passed and they're going on tour in hopes to find them, and now they're at the first destination of their tour, during the concert and fanmeeting they tried to shake hands with every fan possible, maybe their soulmate is a fan and is in among the crowd, but that failed, so they tried going out and looking for them as they were sure they would feel that pull when they see them just as they felt with each other, but that failed too, and that went on for three month straight, until their plane landed in "your city name", they felt something tugging at their hearts, urging them to run and find the last piece of their puzzle, they were sure that you're here and they're not gonna leave until they find you.
You were sitting in the living room of you and your best friend's shared apartment. His name is jack, you've known each other since you were in diapers, you've stuck in each other through thick and thin until you ended up buying your own apartment together, you literally promised each other that if you didn't find your own soulmates by the age of 27 you would marry each other, he didn't find his and neither did you. You were trying to find a good outfit for the stray kids concert your friend lucia technically forced you to go to, you were trying to get jack to help you but he refused.
"Cmon jackie please help me, you're my only hope in this cruel world" You whined pleadingly trying to faze the ever unwilling jack but he still looked at you with that blank expression on his face .
"As i said im not ganna doll u up for some boys to eat u up with their eyes" Jack said with a scary blank face, he had always been super protective over you as you both grown up he was always there whenever any boy tried to flirt with you or coax u into going in date with him he doesn't like u having any male attention on u as he says as long as you're not with your soulmate your his responsibility and he's gonna take care of it.
"Jackie baby they're not gonna even look my way--""you're way too beautiful to not look at every body's eyes are gonna be on you " You tried convincing him softly but you couldn't even finish as he starts rambling again about why you can't go.
"but what if my soulmate is there " You said barely as a whisper and he fell silent at that, he wanted you to find your soulmate and be happy but at the same time he didn't, he was afraid they would hurt you, but you deserve the happiness of finding your soulmate, he sigh .
"Ok kiddo come here we're gonna dress up this beauty" He said after taking a deep breath, he felt his heart warm up seeing your eyes shine and a small smile adorning your features.
He took your hands gently leading you both to your room, sitting u on the bed and then going to your closet picking up an outfit for you and then handing it to you urging you to change as the concert was just around the corner. You came out dressed and he was left speechless yet again, your hair over flowing through your back (yes its long and yes im feeding into my insecurity) , he knows you're gorgeous but he can't help but be shocked everytime.
You took your purse going up to jack hugging him while burying your head in his chest, mumbling a little thank you, you felt his hands wrap around you while cooing at you.
"Ok then let's go young lady or else we're gonna be late" He said breaking the hug and grinning at you, you looked up at him confused.
"What do you mean?? Are you coming?? " You asked confused, cause as you know so far he isn't coming .
"Of course dummy, how can i let you go alone" He said smiling softly at you, "so let's go" And with that he took your hand leading you to his car .
You're currently at the concert hall with your friends waiting for the concert to begin from your seat , foundling with Jack's fingers trying to pass the time. Time went by and the concert started and even if you weren't a fan you surely were enjoying yourself, you took a mental note to check their songs later on.
As the concert went on, you started feeling tingly feels in your heart, you didn't know what was that, but you felt it more in the encore, every time one of the boys come close to your direction, and you're sure as hell that you got eye contact with all of them multiple times by the end of the concert.
Chris' pov:
We were waiting for the concert to begin, i had a feeling that something's going to happen, and as we went on the stage I felt it, we all felt it, our last piece, our soulmate is here, I had to physically restrain myself from running to find them, and I can tell that my boys are in the same situation.
The concert begun and we forced Ourselves to get the performances right, we're trying to wait for the encore to be hopefully able to find them .
When we went to change our clothes for the encore we all shared a look, and we all understood each other, this is our last chance, we need to at least see their face, cause nobody knows if they would come to the fanmeeting after, and with that we went up to the stage, each going in different directions with the same target , finding our last piece.
As I came close to the edge the stage, I felt that sensation grow more and more than ever, and I knew they were there in the crowd, I tried to entract with fans as to not rise any unwanted suspicion, at the same time I was looking through the crowd, and then I saw her, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life was looking at me and I felt my heartbeat rise, I felt as if I could sink into those beautiful e/c orbs, I saw her face crunches in confusion, and I realized that she didn't know what we are, I forgot myself as I was looking at her and then felt someone glaring daggers at me, and then I looked for the source, only to find it's a Man in his twenties sitting beside her, when he noticed that he got my attention he wrapped his hand around her shoulders while still looking at me, and I felt a vein popping in my forehead, how dare he touch OUR soulmate, then I remembered that I am still in the concert, so I tried to calm down and look in other directions And then I went to see the others to tell them about the news.
I hope this is a good start ☺☺☺
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planet-dusk · 1 year
Wait drop your requests queue 👀
sub!hyunjin + masturbation
dom!jisung + dollification
minsung + somno/free use
seungmin or minho + perversion
hyunjin darkfic
yandere!chan + abduction
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bandgie · 9 months
K-Pop List
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Stray Kids
Pretty Boy Series ONE | TWO | THREE [REQ] Yandere [REQ] Choking ONE | TWO I Know Who You Are Hate You So Kitty ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
none yet :( ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
Agora Hills Bath Time The Other Ωmega ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
[REQ] Piss Ugly Duck (sfw) [DUB] Quietly The One That Got Away ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
Liar ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
A+ Student ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
[REQ] Perv & Yandere ONE | TWO Jealousy On Your Knees ONE | TWO ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
Ghost in the Night Cursed ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
Language Barrier - OT8 [REQ] First Time Domming - OT8 Reactions to you Pissing During Sex - OT8 [REQ] High With Them - Chanlix x Jisung Ghastly Ghosts - Changbin x Jeongin Milking Farm - Minsung x Chan [REQ] Calling Them a Diff Name - OT8 Two's a Company - OT8 Who Dun It? ONE | TWO | THREE - OT8 ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
little skz!asks here!
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OT8 MTL Pussy Eating
Desperate Drabble - Wooyoung
Cat and Mouse - Wooyoung
Subby Thoughts - Yeosang
ateez drabbles/asks!
As Above So Below - Jongho x Seonghwa
Desire - Jongho
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[REQ] Dark Vampire [REQ] Hate Sex ONE | TWO ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
it's empty here
[REQ] Distractions ONE | TWO ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
it's empty here
Before Class Series ONE | TWO | THREE The Spell of the Night ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
none yet :( ☾𖤓☾𖤓☾𖤓 Drabbles/Asks Here!
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Munch Drabble - Jay
Bratty Head Drabble - Sunoo
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seungiee-sunshine · 9 months
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𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘱 𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘥 :3
𝘈𝘭𝘴𝘰, 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘥, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 𝘪𝘵, 𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘳𝘨𝘦 𝘪𝘴.
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ dreamescapeswriting Mafia Skz Reblog
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ sugermelin Mafia/yandere "Would you Look at that..." Skz Reblog
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ 2chopsticks2eyes Minsung "The Feeling is Mutual" Reblog
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maatryoshkaa · 5 years
young god | chapter 9
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chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11| 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
word count: 5.6k
warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, frequent mentions of mental disorders, suicide, child abuse and trafficking, foul language
description: You confront Minho about his connections to the Miroh Heights Murders -- and something about you makes the quiet, cunning coroner finally agree to share his part of the story. As you remove the layers of his mask piece by piece, you’re finally given the first bitter taste of the darkness behind Han Jisung’s past. 
watch the trailer here!
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Medical examiner Lee Minho leaned back in his chair, blinking slowly at the single cassette tape sitting on his desk. 
The moment he’d arrived at the scene of the crime, his eyes had caught the glint of black plastic a few feet away from the corpse, and he’d swiftly shoved it to the bottom of the evidence pile before the rest of his team had gotten close enough to see -- along with the bloodstained rock he’d found at the foot of the body. Sneaking it back out was easy enough: the rest of his team -- save for the driver -- had stayed behind to write statements for the officers. The van ride back to the hospital had been more than enough time for Minho to leisurely slip the plastic bags into his coat pocket before walking briskly up to his office.
The rock he’d rinsed with hydrogen peroxide and thrown into the pond, but the tape -- that was what had caught his attention. 
There was sure to be fingerprints, DNA evidence, maybe even incriminating voice recordings -- Minho’s gut twisted thinking of what would have happened had it fallen into the police’s hands.
There was only one problem.
It was blank.
The moment he had inserted it into the tape player, nothing but white noise sputtered out. The only fingerprints he’d found had been Yang Jeongin’s, and the cotton fibres stuck to its surface indicated it had been in the delivery boy’s hoodie pocket -- before it had fallen out, anyways, when the boy had received the blow to his head, and the impact had sent the stray tape skittering. 
Minho had seen the infamous delivery boy in passing -- glimpses through his car window, Minho turning out of the hospital and Yang Jeongin waiting to cross the street on his rusty bike. Come to think of it, he couldn’t remember a time when Jeongin didn’t have his earbuds in, listening and recording his tapes on-the-go.
If this tape was blank, Minho thought, then Jeongin had to have had the rest of them in his pocket.
And one of those tapes could have been recording that night.
Kicking his chair back and throwing on his lab coat, Minho flung open the door to his office, making his way to the elevators. Intensive Care Unit: Second Floor. He nearly flinched at the bright artificial light when the elevator doors opened again, shaking his head lightly before stepping out. Most of the staff were on their break, a single nurse filing paperwork inside the office. With a quick sideways glance, Minho headed for the cot in the corner, ducking under the privacy curtain. 
Sure enough, on the bed lay the delivery boy -- eyes still as a statue’s, his blond wisps of hair fanned out on the pillow like a dull halo. Someone had tucked the covers up to his chest. Another, taller boy seemed to have been keeping him company. He had fallen asleep, upper body sprawled across the foot of the mattress, back rising and falling gently. Hwang Hyunjin, Minho remembered vaguely, from flashes of the dark-haired boy’s terror-stricken face at the crime scene. He looked even worse now, dark circles ringing his closed eyes, and a pasty cheek pressed against the white linens.
Minho’s gaze flickered back to Jeongin, fingers beginning to tremble involuntarily. It was a simple task: check the boy’s pockets, dispose of any evidence found. If anybody asked, he had an ID and could pose as a doctor easily enough -- most people couldn’t tell the difference. Still, his body refused to move -- his feet suddenly felt rooted in place, hands stiff and frozen.
Keeping a wary eye on the sleeping Hwang Hyunjin, Minho sucked in a breath before gingerly prying the covers back. With a furtive glance behind him, he slowly slipped his hands into the baggy hoodie pocket, freezing when Hyunjin gave a drowsy groan and turned his head away. Heart pounding, Minho looked back down at Jeongin -- and his brow furrowed in confusion when his fingers felt nothing but gritty cotton and empty space. His empty grasps grew frantic. Impossible. The tapes. Where could they have gone? Were they still at the scene of the crime? Or, Minho felt a chill run down his spine, had someone already--
“What are you doing?”
Minho’s eyes snapped up, a cold sweat forming at the back of his neck when he turned and saw you standing at the curtain, eyes blazing with horrified confusion. “Y/N,” he managed, straightening and brushing his hands off on his lab coat. “What brings you here?”
His voice was as smooth and cool as you remembered it, eyes blinking slowly at you as you stepped between the coroner and Jeongin. “I should be asking you that,” you shot back, fighting to keep your voice steady. Something about Minho had always thrown you off -- his features were always chillingly emotionless, flat as a mask. The flash of surprise on his face when he’d seen you was already smoothing over, a small smile spreading on his lips instead.
“It seems like you have a lot to say,” Minho began carefully. “Would you like to talk in my office? I would hate to...disturb your friends.” With that, he let his eyes fall purposefully on the sleeping Hyunjin behind you.
You eyed him warily, the tense silence growing suffocating before you finally gave a terse nod. With a polite incline of his head, Minho lead you out of the ICU and into an open elevator. 
When the mirrored doors slid open again with a hiss, you followed him silently down a hallway and into a wider room. Tall windows spanned the walls, letting in washes of golden sunlight. A sliding door led to one of the hospital’s rooftop balconies. A single desk and chair sat in the corner -- all the shelves either held plants or dusty certificates, empty picture frames hanging from the walls. Nothing personal -- no family, no pets, no friends. It reminded you of Jisung’s room, you realised with a start, fists clenching.
Minho’s strides were brisk and long, and you nearly bumped into him when he came to a sudden halt and turned around to face you. “Would you like a coffee?” His fingers were already on the machine. When you blinked back at him, bewildered, he shrugged and filled two cups, handing you one.
“What…” It was like your tongue had turned to dust, all the thoughts and words you had burning in your head melted into an incoherent mess before his piercing gaze. “Tell me what’s going on.”
At this, the coroner smiled again, leaning back on his desk. “Nothing’s going on. What do you mean?”
You took a sip of the coffee -- the bitter taste made you wince, but at least your head felt clearer. “You’re the chief coroner -- chief medical examiner, whatever -- of the Miroh Heights Murders case.”
“These crime scenes are known for being strange, violent -- some injuries couldn’t have been inflicted without murder weapons.”
Minho was studying you curiously, eyes unreadable as ever. “What are you trying to say?”
You swallowed hard, steadying yourself. “How is it, then, that a chief medical examiner can’t deduce a single piece of evidence from the most brutal murders Miroh Heights has ever seen?”
A weighted silence fell on the room, the dripping sound of the coffee machine matching your erratic heartbeat. After several long moments, Minho cleared his throat. “Did Detective Bang send you? I know he’s been stressed about the lack of evidence, but we’re still processi--”
“No one sent me,” you interrupted indignantly, struggling to keep your voice level. “You had your hand in Jeongin’s hoodie pocket just now, but you’re not -- you’re not a doctor. You were looking for someth--” your eyes fell on the blank tape on Minho’s desk, and your voice all but died in your throat. “Is--is that--is that one of Jeongin’s tapes?”
“Y/N,” Minho interjected, holding out a hand when you tried to reach for it -- but the exasperation in his tone only made you more agitated.
“No,” you shot back, “Minho, I heard -- I heard everything. What happened that night, I heard it in his tapes, Minho. It’s not some serial killer doing this, some psychopath. It was Jisung. Han Jisung.” Your eyes searched his face wildly, for what, you weren’t sure -- surprise? Anger? Fear? And yet all you found was the same still, pale face staring back at you; the same, horribly uneasy feeling stirring in your gut.  
Mouth dry, you finally managed to choke out, “Did you--know?”
The coroner’s silence confirmed your worst suspicions, and threw what little self-control and rational thought you had left out the window. “You’ve been helping him this entire time, then,” you said, the words bitter as poison in your mouth.
As you stared him down, Minho felt himself freeze -- your eyes were steady and demanding, and yet your cheeks were flushed with anguish and emotion. The stark contrast stunned the thoughts from his head, the lies from his tongue -- no one had ever dared challenge him like this before, no one had ever suspected the quiet, standoffish coroner. They were always put off by his cold demeanour, the mask he always put on to distance himself from the rest of the world. Only one other person had ever tried to break past this facade; only one other person could see past it.
Something about you reminded him of Han Jisung.
And that something was what made him slowly nod, despite a thousand raging rational thoughts in his mind telling him to lie like he always did, to cover it all up, to drive you out of his office no matter what the cost. 
The slight incline of Minho’s head felt like you had been punched in the gut. Clenching your fists again to keep them from trembling uncontrollably, you demanded, “Why are you helping him? No, why is he -- how did this begin?”
Minho turned his head away, chestnut eyes stormy. Just when you thought he had finally fallen silent for good, he let out a heavy sigh. 
“Do you want to go to the roof?” 
He jutted his chin towards a pair glass sliding doors. Confused, you nodded slowly, and followed him out onto the balcony. 
His office -- along with most other ones -- were at the top floor of the hospital, with a door leading out onto a rooftop garden. Minho stopped at the edge of the railing, flat eyes looking over the city. It really was a breathtaking view -- the Hospital was the tallest building on campus, and from its roof you could see the entire sprawl of the city until it reached the gates. There was the thick stretch of the Yellow Wood, the bustling streets that joined at the older part of town where Mia’s Diner and Young Wings Record Shop stood their ground. And, with a pang, your eyes found the winding alleyways you’d taken when Jisung had walked you home; you spotted the dark cluster of dormitories where -- just this morning -- you had found the first piece of a dark, ugly puzzle.
“You know everything, then?” Minho’s quiet voice shook you out of your thoughts, and you looked at him, surprised at the sudden lack of fight in his voice. Only moments ago, back in his office, he had seemed so prepared to deflect your questions and suspicions you had begun regretting coming to him in the first place. Now, though, his eyes were glassy, not looking at you -- it was like he was far, far away.
You were beginning to know that look very well.
Shaking your head, you stammered, “No. I mean -- I know it h-has to be him, I heard...there were so many signs, little things he told me, but I -- I just didn’t want to believe --” You took a shaky breath, squeezing your eyes shut. Stop rambling. Stay calm.
“Why come to me, then?” A dark look had sunk into Minho’s features when you turned to look at him. “If you already knew about what he was doing -- what I’m doing.” He cocked an eyebrow. “Aren’t you afraid, y/n?”
You stepped back instinctively, suddenly very aware of the cold metal railing pressing against your waist -- and of the empty rooftop, of the thirty stories that separated you from the busy streets below. 
Mouth dry, your eyes flickered apprehensively to the coffee in your hands, then back to Minho, who was watching you with an unfathomable gaze.
After a moment of suffocating silence, the coroner finally broke into a flat smile. “Relax.” He turned back towards the railing, tilting the coffee cup to his lips -- as nonchalantly as if you were simply making smalltalk. “I may clean up after murders, but I don’t enjoy causing them.”
You watched him warily, heart still thudding against your rib cage. “Then -- Jisung -- does he enjoy causing them?”
The coroner sighed again, shaking the coffee cup absently. “What has he told you?”
You racked your memory, straining to remember all the therapy sessions, your little dates that seemed like they were from eternities ago. “I--I know something happened to him -- when he was younger. During his childhood, something that left a mark on him after all these years. He said his family is -- they’re...gone.”
At this, Minho let out a short laugh devoid of any humour. “Gone? What do you think happened to his family?”
You threw up your hands in exasperation, a splash of hot coffee tipping onto your fingers. “I don’t know, Lee Minho, would you care to tell me?”
The coroner was silent for several moments, face strained as if all his thoughts were clashing violently in his head. “That part of his story isn’t mine to tell.” When you opened your mouth to protest, he continued, “What I can tell you begins from the moment my life grew tangled with his.” For the first time, Minho’s gaze was fixed on your own. “Only if you’re sure…that you want to know.”
Above you, the sky had darkened to a deep orange, clouds bleeding into a saturated sunset and casting looming shadows over the entire city. 
The golden hour washed everything it touched, and when you looked back at Minho, you suddenly realised why his presence had always seemed so...strange. Outlined in light for a fleeting moment, liquid golden eyes filled to the brim with heavy thoughts and repressed memories, Minho looked as if he were were fading away; as if his mind was forever trapped in another place, another time.
Although the darkness in Minho’s eyes was only a fraction of what Jisung’s held, you still found yourself helplessly rooted in place, as if you were peering into a bottomless abyss -- always too terrified to move closer, and yet too hypnotised to look away. But a small part of you supposed that maybe this was what had ultimately brought you to this very moment, what had lured you to the edge of the cliff -- and now, the only thing left to do was to take the final plunge.
You nodded as steadily as you could muster, and Minho turned back towards the edge of the railing. Bringing the coffee to his lips, his eyes glazed over with the fog of distant memories, and he began.
The autumn Minho turned nine years old was a memorable one.
Many children his age would remember it as a time when the air was always crisp and smelled of candy apples, and the sun-bronzed streets were filled with the laughter of children diving through fiery fallen leaves.
Minho remembered it as the autumn his mother’s heart finally failed from the disease it had been fighting, the flatlining monitor ringing through his ears like the persistent drone of a cicada. He remembered it as the autumn he found his father dead on the bathroom floor, empty pill bottles clasped in his bloodless hands. Years of his mother’s treatment had buried them in debt until his father had finally lost his job, and, left alone in the world without his wife or his work, with nothing but a wide-eyed nine-year-old to feed, his father had chosen death.
It was around that time that Minho stopped seeing the world in colour.
Everything passed by him in blurs of grey: the social workers’ gaunt faces, shuffling him between foster homes, the endless paperwork filed for his parents’ sudden deaths.
 And then there was the orphanage -- or ‘children’s home’, as they called it: a tall, stone building with grey walls, white lights, surrounded by black trees. The students’ faces were grey and miserable. The nurses’ eyes were flat and colourless. 
Until Han Jisung. 
When the scrawny boy stumbled into the dormitories for the first time, he brought with him a wide-eyed wonder and life the other children hadn’t seen for years. He carried an old, beat-up camcorder wherever he went, the psychologist having given specific instructions never to confiscate it. This was hardly a problem, since the boy seldom used it. Despite this odd idiosyncrasy, the other children were attracted to Jisung like moths to a flame -- the young boy spoke thoughtfully and made clever jokes; he was a walking contradiction that was equal parts charming and clumsy. At times, he was a natural-born leader, able to command the attention of an entire classroom if he wanted. Perhaps this charisma was what had inevitably drawn Minho to the younger boy -- Minho, who had both parental figures ripped cruelly from his grasp; Minho, who had been blindly searching for a sense of family ever since, and had finally found it in this strange, charming boy.
But they say there are always two sides of the coin: a dark side to the moon, and the whispered rumours that followed Han Jisung wherever he and Minho went. 
Demon child. Pyromaniac. Father-killer.
Jisung’s face always twisted when Minho asked him about the rumours, or what his camcorder held -- and eventually, he stopped pressing altogether. After all, he had already lost his entire family -- he was willing to do anything to make sure Jisung wouldn’t abandon him, too. Perhaps this was how they became such inseparable friends -- and when Jisung began stealing matchsticks and coins from peoples’ pockets, Minho looked away. On nights when Jisung would ramble on and on about strange things -- life, and death; pain, and murder -- Minho stayed silent. And as Jisung’s dark, unfathomable looks slowly morphed into inexplicable, violent episodes, Minho did everything he could to cover his tracks.
Nothing, however, truly escalated until the year Jisung turned twelve, Minho thirteen. It was a dark time for Miroh Heights, a year filled with child trafficking cases and skyrocketing rates of depression. 
It happened one winter’s day, when Minho and Jisung had wandered too far into the town to find their way back. The sun had gone down, the city gates were closed, and the streets were barren and covered in sleet. 
Shivering, the two boys stumbled down winding alleyways, their empty stomachs growling louder and louder with each step. Even the families living in the slums had boarded up their doors in preparation for the winter, not a single living soul in sight.
Nothing, until--
“Are you hungry?” They jumped and looked up at the owner of the voice -- a gangly middle-aged man hunched behind the gates of an old house. He had on a wrinkled dress shirt and stained trousers, coal-black eyes ringed with red.
Minho nodded miserably as Jisung continued shivering uncontrollably, hands shoved into his pocket and gripping his camcorder.
The man’s mouth stretched into a wide, yellow-toothed smile. “Need to warm up and have a bite to eat, eh? Say--come on in, then, it’s warmer inside--wouldn’t hurt to sit down for a bit--”
Their feet and stomachs ached too much to protest. With a large hand on each boy’s shoulders, the man ushered them inside the rickety house -- all the while with an odd glint in his eyes that Minho was too tired to process. They had entered what seemed to be a basement, but a couple floorboards had been torn out, not a flicker of light coming from the broken lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. A rusted crowbar leaned on one cracked wall, the air as stale and cold as an icy breath.
“This way, then, c’mon,” the man growled gruffly, gesturing towards a darker corridor. Confused and growing more and more uncertain, Minho and Jisung’s steps ceased, the two children peering at the dirty shadows dubiously. 
Stomach twisting uneasily, Minho turned around to tell the man that they had changed their minds, that they should probably get going -- but all he saw was a flash of grey before something smashed straight into his face. 
Minho immediately crumpled to the ground, hot blood gushing into his mouth. He twisted his head and saw that the man had seized the crowbar when their backs were turned, hands shaking so hard bits of rust fell from the metal onto the stained ground. Through the haze of his own blood, the last thing he saw was the man swinging the bar at Jisung, the boy’s spine folding from the impact before sliding to the floor next to Minho. 
When Minho came to, his arms and legs were crudely bound with duct tape, cable ties biting into the skin of his wrists and ankles. His skull felt like it was on fire, joints pulsing violently with every heartbeat. He heard soft, laboured breathing, and turned with a start to see Jisung in a much worse predicament -- although the younger boy had been tied up like Minho, his entire face had been badly beaten: both eyes puffy and bruised, cheeks scratched up, and nose clotted with blood. 
Only years later did Minho learn that the man hadn’t beaten Jisung bloody for no reason -- it was because the scrawny boy had enjoyed putting up a fight.
They sat in a cramped storage room, rusted scraps of metal and slabs of crumbled brick digging into their legs beneath them. Before Minho could open his mouth to speak, the door creaked open. A crack of dirty yellow light illuminated the mousy-haired man standing in the doorway -- and when Minho’s gaze travelled downwards, he realised with a sick feeling that the man was holding a black shotgun.
“I’ll make this as quick ‘n’ painless as possible,” the man croaked, inching closer as Minho shrank back. His next words sounded almost as if he were mumbling them to himself. “This’ll be my revenge -- my revenge on ‘em all.”
Afterwards, they had learned that the man was one of many blue-collar workers who had been laid off that year. He’d had a history of mental instability, and losing his job -- along with his wife, who had deserted him upon finding out -- had solidified his crazed hatred towards the entire town. Minho had heard stories like these on the news -- people who would kidnap and kill their families or innocent strangers before committing suicide.
Minho felt Jisung suddenly shift beside him and a loud clang rang through the cramped space. Turning his head, Minho saw that he had been struggling against the restraints, and Jisung’s damned silver camcorder had slid out of his pocket. Immediately he looked back up at the man, a cold sweat forming at the back of his neck when he saw the man’s red eyes land on the device and pointer finger tighten on the gun.
Instead of pressing the trigger, though, the man grinned and scooped it up. He threw a sharp slap across Jisung’s face, who had shot up in protest and was trying to reach for his camcorder with both hands tied behind his back. Eyes glinting in a way that made Minho’s stomach flip, the man punched the faded ON button before pointing the camcorder at the boys.
“Ah, now this is jus’ perfect. The cops’ll love this, yes, they will.” He raised his eyebrows, tongue swiping over cracked lips. “Now, boy -- I want you to beg for your life -- go on.”
Jisung only stared back at the man, as if he hadn’t heard him at all. Confused, Minho’s eyes wandered down to Jisung’s hands behind his back -- and watched in muted horror when he saw that the boy had quietly picked up a piece of scrap metal and was pressing it against the cords around his wrists.
Minho’s heart skipped a beat as the man raised his gun, holding it up in front of Jisung’s face as if it were as harmless as a toy. “It’ll break ‘em when they see this. Two of their precious kids, killed for -- for no reason. Jus’ like how she -- how they left me to die -- for no. Fuckin’. Reason.”
Minho watched, eyes transfixed as Jisung’s fingers worked furiously behind his back, a small tear beginning to form in the bonds. Still, the younger boy said nothing, only watching the gun curiously, as if it were a small problem he was contemplating.
The man scowled, dropping into a squat before pressing the gun to Jisung’s forehead. “Beg for your life, you little brat. Beg, I sai--”
Everything happened in a flash. There was a small click, and Minho wasn’t sure if it was the trigger pulling or the cords finally snapping, but he saw Jisung’s hands break free and his entire body lunge forward, metal scrap flashing in his grasp. The man gave a yell of surprise and fumbled with the trigger -- and dropped the gun when Jisung drilled the metal straight into his throat. 
The pistol clattered and slid a few feet away from Jisung, but the boy made no move to grab it. Instead, his hands wrapped around a slab of cracked brick, and as the man raised his hands in a feeble attempt for mercy, throat gurgling in an unheard cry for help, Jisung slammed it downwards in one savage motion.
Again. And again. And again and again and again, until nothing but a bloody mass lay before the young boy, Minho frozen stiff with shock. Jisung’s back was turned, but a few times Minho caught a glimpse of his expression when he shook the blood off of his face. His eyes were impossibly wide, dark pools -- as if he weren’t even seeing the man at all, as if there was something else, much, much more horrible he was fighting against in his mind.
It was gruesome, and yet Minho couldn’t look away -- the boy looked like a fallen angel, wings torn out as he fed on a man three times his size. The camcorder had clattered a few feet away and was now crudely pointed towards the hellish scene, red recording light beeping like the eye of a demon.
Finally, the awful noise ceased, Jisung growing still. After a long moment, he turned around, and Minho flinched. His face and hair were dripping with flecks of blood, pupils slowly dilating and focusing like a broken camera. Lurching a bit, Jisung got to his feet, staggering over to him. Minho scrambled backwards, horrified as Jisung reached again for the scrap metal -- and felt the younger boy sever the ties around his wrists. Looking up, heart still hammering wildly in his throat, Minho felt his mouth go dry at the expression on Jisung’s face.
Eyes warm, features still, brow furrowed -- just like any young child’s would be. His voice came out small and vulnerable, and somehow, this chilled the older boy to the bone. 
“Minho? Can we go home, please?”
When the police arrived, the boys were swept up in shock blankets and hot tea, not a soul suspecting foul play. The man had always been known to be unstable, and his house was falling apart. The poor young boys, the tragic victims, had, luckily, fought back in self-defense, and one loose, falling brick had done the final blow. 
No one even noticed Jisung quietly slipping the bloody camcorder back into his pocket.
This was the version of the story revealed to the public, and the version Minho had wanted to believe -- but it was no use. Flashes of the incident -- the bloody, rusted crowbar, the man’s deranged smile, Jisung’s blood-covered, wide-eyed face -- haunted him, the smallest things sending him into a full-blown relapse. The school psychiatrist had diagnosed him with PTSD, but had done little else to treat it. It took years for Minho to stop waking up screaming from the nightmares -- they had seeped into his everyday life, lurking in dark corners, dirty alleyways, scrap metal and rusty crowbars.
But if that incident had been traumatic to Minho, it was the matchstick to the fuse for Jisung. He walked around like a nuclear bomb, ready to blow at any moment.
When Minho met Han Jisung, he was introduced to one more colour: red. 
The first ones seemed almost like accidents, really. A bloated body floating beneath the bridge. Another, bled-out and propped up in the back alley of a brothel. A fire in a home. Always people with dirty histories -- drug addicts, abusive partners, mistresses. People who wouldn’t be missed. 
Minho had wanted to believe they were accidents. Until Jisung began coming to him, eyes lost and blank, cheeks and hands stained with so, so much red. “I killed him, Minho -- I killed another one. And I--I felt good.”
And that was when Minho’s life took another turn he could never take back.
Watching Han Jisung kill was as hypnotizing as watching a wildfire blaze across a city -- and in that way, Minho supposed he was a bit of a pyromaniac, too. He spat out alibis when Jisung went missing on school nights, washed the blood from his hands, burned the stains from his clothes. And, when he was old enough, he began studying in forensic sciences.
It was sick and twisted, but Minho convinced himself it was for the boy’s own good -- his own release. Each time Jisung came back covered in blood, a small, desperate part of Minho hoped it would be the last -- that eventually, the boy would finally find his closure and stop. Until then, Minho would stay by his side -- whether it was out of obligation, fear, or something that ran much deeper, the coroner had stopped thinking about it years ago.
You felt as if someone had yanked your head out of ice-cold water when Minho finally finished and fell silent oncemore. A rattling breath you hadn’t realised you were holding left your lungs, heartbeat thudding wildly in your throat as your pounding head tried to process all that he had said. “That...that incident, when you were kidnapped. I-is that what...made him like this? Is that why h-he--”
“No.” Minho shook his head. “The real reason -- goes much further back, before I first met him.” He sighed. “I told you. That one...isn’t my story to tell.”
You tried to open your mouth in protest, but nothing came out and you closed it again in defeat. Minho was right. At some point, you needed to find Jisung again. Finally, you stammered shakily, “I-I...I have to stop this. Stop him, help him, there has to be a way--”
“There is little you can do with people who don’t want to be helped, Y/N.”
His words sent a chill down your spine, and you sputtered, “Have you read the papers? They’re talking about a death penalty. We can’t -- I can’t just do nothing, they’ll find him, the last victim is still alive--”
“And what are you going to do? Kill him?” Minho smiled faintly, the expression not quite reaching his eyes. “Trust me, Y/N, I was in your position, once, too. You’re just like how I was.”
Your cheeks burned in indignation, mind spinning at how careless his voice seemed -- entirely rid of any worry or concern. Minho only sounded tired, as if he had given up. And maybe he had, years ago. You turned your body to face him, eyes narrowing. “No. That’s where you’re wrong. I’m not like you at all, Lee Minho.”
You saw him raise his eyebrows slightly in surprise, but you didn’t let him answer, turning instead and striding towards the door. Forcing yourself not to look back, you stormed through and slammed it shut with a heavy bang.
Minho stared after you, watching you swipe the blank tape off of his desk and disappear from his office. An odd, unfamiliar feeling was stirring in his chest, and it made him slightly dizzy. 
Was it hope?
It had been so long since he’d felt like there was hope.
He thought of your face, cheeks flushed with emotion, eyes blazing as you spoke defiantly back at him. In some ways, you really were like him -- you were such an open book. He’d known from the moment he glimpsed the expression on your face when you had come to him how much you genuinely cared about Jisung. You wore your heart on your sleeve, and that was why you were so kind, so vulnerable -- so easily hurt. Just like he had been, thirteen years ago.
But you were right -- in other ways, you weren’t like him at all.
You were stronger, braver than he had ever been, refusing to leave even after his endless subtle threats. You had risked your life, demanding to meet someone who could have -- no, would have, hurt you. The moment you had stood your ground against the railing, as if daring him to make a move, Minho had been at a loss for words. 
He could see why Han Jisung had fallen for you.
He raised his coffee cup to his lips but it was empty, the last bitter drop splashing onto the railing. His cloudy eyes were cast over the city -- Miroh Heights, the city he had loved and lost, the city that had always seemed too cold in the evenings. The sun had gone down and windows of neighbouring buildings and shops were lighting up one by one like fireflies.
There was something different about you.
And, knowing this, he felt something infinitely heavy lift ever so slightly off of his shoulders.
Maybe Han Jisung could be saved, after all.
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honeyypjm · 4 years
He's so hot I can't even
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jisungs-tummy · 4 years
This is just a little set of rules and things to consider before requesting something!!
last updated; 7/26/21
Requests are OPEN
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I write only for Stray Kids. I do not write for Woojin as he is no longer part of the group and I, personally, do not support him.
I mostly write for dominant Stray Kids. The only members I will write as a submissive or switch are the following: Jisung, Seungmin, Felix, and Hyunjin. Maybe even Minho if you're lucky and help me with ideas.
Please be patient with me, I get writer's block often and it sometimes takes me a while to come up with ideas on how to write something
Please be respectful of myself and everyone you interact with
Please do not send in hate. Criticism and ideas/tips for my writing is okay
Please do not get upset if I choose to not write for your request. As a writer, I have the choice of what I want to write and what I don't want to write
That being said, if I feel uncomfortable writing about a certain topic or (smutwise) kink, I will not write it. Please keep that in mind.
I will not tolerate any form of discrimination. 
It is okay to spam my inbox. I haven't been getting notifs from tumblr recently. Just make sure it's not aggressive spam. That can get me a little overwhelmed.
I'm very unorganized, so I'll probably be working on a ton of stuff at the same time, which will add to me taking my time when writing and doing requests
I'm still a student,,, just want you to keep that in mind, too
I might make some jokes that come off as insensitive or offensive. If I say something that goes too far or say or do something ignorant or hurtful, please please PLEASE, call me out and educate me on what I have done wrong. I do not ever want to hurt anyone. I want to be the best person I can be and I want to stay updated.
This is a safe place. Be yourself here and embrace it. I won't judge you.
Accept my love :)
I will write yandere prompts, however, I do NOT condone romanticizing mental illness. As someone who has a mental illness, I do not think it is right. I view Yandere concepts and prompts as angst and I will only write yandere concept if I feel comfortable with it.
Please use tone indicators with me if I ask for them to be used. I have trouble with interpreting the tone of a text and I tend to take things the wrong way. If you don't know what they are, feel free to ask me for the reference with all of the indicators. I have it saved on my phone.
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I will not write anything involving
hardcore bdsm. 
member x member (actually,,,, this might change sometime in the future. Minsung is just too OBVIOUS to not ship and think about)
male reader (Only because I do not think it would be appropriate because I am a woman because I do not identify as a male, therefore I do not feel like I am qualified to write for that specific point of view.) I will however, try to use gender neutral language in some fics. I don't want to limit my work to just a female/feminine audience. This should be a safe space for everyone.
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