#yandere polar bear hybrid x reader
suiana · 4 months
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(yandere! polar bear hybrid x gn! reader) (CW: slight gore description/murder description)
if it's brown, lay down.
if it's black, fight back.
and if it's white, say goodnight.
especially if it's a male hybrid who developed an infatuation with you.
"shit shit shit! get away!"
you scream at the polar bear hybrid, running away as fast as you can. your lungs burn, chest heaving as you hear the male hybrid chase after you.
you were a researcher sent to antarctica to research about the wild life and how they coped with climate change. you saw arctic foxes, penguins, seals, all of which you were ecstatic to see. they eere just the cutest after all!
unfortunately, you had also garnered the attention of a polar bear hybrid.
you knew that polar bears were carnivores. you knew that it was dangerous. but you were curious about him, especially because he looked friendly. you should've turned your back on him and ran away when you had the chance.
you first met him a few months back when you were observing some seal hybrids that came up to land to bounce about. he was standing a few feet away from you, your eyes wide as you felt your heart freeze up.
you had thought you were going to die that day. after all, meeting a polar bear was not a coincidence. not with their keen sense of smell and their history with hunting humans down.
but you saw him outstretch his hands towards you, holding a fish as his cheeks flush red, trying to communicate with you with random sounds.
"for me?"
he nods his head, trying to nudge the fish towards you. you were hesitant to accept, but you eventually did. which led to you two talking often, growing closer and closer by the day.
you had taught him english, basic english at the very least so you two could communicate. he was eager to learn, listening intently. and in return, he taught you about himself and his way of life. much was gained from your exchanges with one another.
you found him endearing with how he always chirped and repeated your words, english rolling off his tongue with a heavy accent. you thought it was cute for him to call you 'his' and for him to say he loved you.
rightn he was just testing out new words! perhaps he found it interesting to say and repeat like a newborn child! that's normal, isn't it?
"love... love. mine."
"yeah, you love me, don't you?"
you tease, bumping his shoulder as you teach him a few new phrases, not noticing the faint blush he always had on his ethereal features. he probably meant it in a joking or friendly manner after all.
little did you know, he was not joking when he constantly told you he that he loved you.
nor did you remember that he was still a hunter at heart.
screams of pain awoke you from your deep slumber that fateful night. you immediately sit up in your bed, looking around before quickly wearing your thick coat and venturing out of the research base. what was that shouting? did your fellow researchers see something crazy?
well, you definitely did.
and it was a horrific sight. the sight of your polar bear friend ripping one of your researchers to shreds, scarlet blood staining his skin as he rips the poor guy to pieces. that's not even the worst part, for you saw two of your other team members laying not too far from the polar bear hybrid, bodies unoving and mangled beyong recognition.
you instinctively let out a scream at the sight, eyes widening as you bolt out of the base. your heart thumped loudly with each step you took, tears brimming at your eyes as you hear the polar bear hybrid chasing after you.
was he hungry? did he finally decide that he was going to kill you?
no, it was a fate far worse than that. and you finally realized that as the weight of what he called you hits you hard.
"mate! no run!"
he shouts at you, chasing after you on all fours as you run away as fast as your human body would allow you to. adrenaline ran through your body as you did your best to escape nature's natural hunter. but it wasn't enough.
"shit shit shit! get away from me!"
you shout, whimpering as you trip on your laces, falling face forward into the cold snow. you immediately try getting back up to run away. but by the time you pushed yourself up, the hybrid was already standing over you, eyes filled with an expression you wished would not exist.
"mate... mate... scared? no need scared... no hurt mate."
he mumbles gently, face softening as he bends down beside you to rub your cheek reasuringly. but it was hard to be reassured with how his mouth and body was stained with your team members blood.
"n-no don't touch me! you're going to kill me too aren't you?!"
you shout, shivering as you try backing away from him. your words cause the hybrid to pause, his sharp eyes narrowing at you as his grip on your face tightens ever so slightly.
"said... won't hurt mate. no scared."
he mumbles, staring at you before pressing his forehead against yours.
"only get rid of trash."
he sighs happily, looking at you with adoring eyes before rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
your heart stopped at his words, realization settling in. shit, so he wasn't lying when he said he loved you, nor when he was saying he only wanted you to himself.
you could've prevented this.
guilt seeps into your veins, tears finally rolling down your cheeks as you let the polar bear hybrid cradle your body in his arms.
"no... you didn't have to kill them-"
you sob, weakly wiping away your tears as the male tilts his head at you. confused, he doesn't understand why you eere crying or why you wished for him to not killyour teammates. why was his mate so sad? he should probably cheer you up!
"mate no cry... why? was... going to eat them since start. was watching you since the start. hate the way you always go back to... them. mate is mine since then. since mate... take offering."
the male hybrid says in an attempt to reassure you. but obviously, it did the opposite of just that.
oh. so he really was watching you since the beginning. that offering with the fish wasn't just him being curious. did he fall for you at first sight? shit, you knew you should've just ran away at the sight of him!
"the fish was an offering?"
"yes. offering for mate."
he nods his head, smiling slightly as he reminisces his first actual meeting with you. after all, he had been observing you for quite a bit before that. he just finally got the courage to meet you that day! and you accepted! unknowingly of course.
you look away from the hybrid, shaking slightly as some of the guilt leaves your system. ah, so maybe this wasn't fully your failt. you couldn't have predicted that it was actually an offering, could you?
"bring mate home now. mate tired."
the polar bear hybrid hums, goving you a bloody smile as he stands back up, cradling you in his arms. but you start flailing about, squirming as fear enters your mind. wait what? home? were you getting kidnapped by him?
the male says nothing for a bit continuing to walk back in the direction of his home. but as you continue to struggle and shout at him to be let go, his patience grows thin and he looks down at you with a warning look.
"stop moving."
he grumbles, glaring at you as he grips you tightly. blood drips down onto your face as he talks, your eyes widening in fear before you quietly obey not wanting to upset him.
no, you were just reminded of how brutal he could be. and you didn't want to be at the end of his anger. not at all.
the both of you remain quiet for a bit, the only sounds being heard were the sounds of his feet coming into contact with the snow with every step he took. thatw as until he broke the silence.
"love mate. mate so precious."
the hybrid mumbles, looking down at you with a longing expression before he sighs softly.
"mate mine now. all mine."
he giggles, cradling you closer to him before stopping in front of an igloo looking thing. was this his home? you weren't sure, but seeing as he was staring at it, it most likely is.
"temporary home. will build mate nicer house soon."
he mutters, placing you down on a makeshift bed made using... what looked like seal and fox fur.
you sit uncomfortably on the fur, not moving as the hybrid sits down beside you, holding you close to him. silence fills the air as he looks at you fondly, not saying anything at all.
he leans his head against you, rubbing your hand affectionately before sighing again.
"love forever. only us."
he mutters before pressing a blood stained kiss onto the back of your hand. you could only stare quietly, unsure of what to say. on one hand, you didn't love him. i mean he's not even fully human! but on the other hand... you didn't want to trigger his anger by trying to escape or refuse him.
oh well, you guess this is your new life now.
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Rough Winter | Yandere Polar-Bear Hybrid Pirate
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There was something oddly eerie about the stillness of a biome meant to remain frozen. It was far too cold to hear the screech of even the most resilient birds; who wouldn’t migrate here if they could. Far too frigid for the reaching branches of any tree, with no soil beds for any determined sprout. 
No natural force would stay in the Arctic Wastelands. 
No one but Captain Poal.
Captain Poal and the crew he’d chained to his cursed vessel. 
“Land-Ho! We’re home, boys!”
The word felt like salt in the wound. You hadn’t been able to go to your home…your real home in what felt like ages. But what would be left? For a crew from a frigid biome, they had quite the fascination with fire. 
“Aw is the pup getting homesick?” 
Sen had a cruel and broad smile across his face as the ship sped forward to the floating fortress. The boat rocked with the jostling waves. You no longer needed to clutch the sides, easily maintaining your balance. It hurt to know this was no longer foreign to you.
“Senfried! Don’t be so rude. (Y/n)’s never been to this home before. This will be their first real welcome home.”
“Ooops~I forgot~”
Sen didn’t forget. He was just cruel like that. 
Despite his cruelness, he didn’t strike you as a kindred spirit to Poal. You wondered if he would have said the same if he had been there. Feeling the alcoholic buzz of the Summer festival, the sauntering joy of many living beings. Only for it all to dissipate in the suffocating haze of a burning inferno. And if it wasn’t enough that the sound of your home caving in on itself wasn’t enough then the helpless screams of all of those trapped inside would do it for you. 
The enflamed ashes skim your face as your eyes fight the smoke to burn the images of the late escapees into your mind's eye. Burning bodies both sprinting for water and falling out in a desperate call for death; it was a horrifying scene. 
Would he still be laughing then? 
Laughing as he watched the melting hands reach out to you one last time. 
Would he do that?
“(Y/n)? Are you alright?”
You let yourself return to the present, to Flynn placing a large hand on your back. The comforting gesture does the opposite, as you recall the same action being done that same night. You stepped away, ignoring those downcast expressions behind his glasses. Even Sen seemed to hesitate as you turned to woefully look at the rushing, raging waters.
Sen opened his mouth to speak, closing it as the Captain’s presence appeared with a thud. Booming footsteps commanded their attention and should have garnered yours. There wasn’t a need to look up when you already memorized the clinking seal-skinned boots. 
“Oi Oi is there an issue over here?”
Sen scrambled with a quick response. 
“Yes, Cap’n we’re all good here! Just excited to be home is all!”
His tone was light as usual, with no evidence of his previous pestering. Flynn on the other hand didn’t bother to let his hazel gaze point to you, before discretely pushing his spectacles up his nose. 
“Yes, we are all…ecstatic. ”
The Captain’s round and furry ears flicked in annoyance; silently communicating with his trusted first mate. Who nodded with the bow of his head. The Captain nodded upwards–a proper dismissal among friends.
“Well me and Senfield will prepare the rest of the crew. While our treasures may be compartmentalized they have yet to be moved.”
“Wait why do I have to come?”
“Don’t Senfield me! You always ack–! Hey”
Flynn dragged the hybrid by the stump of a tail before shifting to simply nudge him forward; effortlessly launching Sen ahead. Sen wasn’t a particularly big guy, given his species but not many could hold the line against a walrus hybrid. Especially not one as big as Flynn was.
Needless to say, your privacy was gifted by their absence.
Leaving you and the Captain alone on the deck of the ship. 
“What’s the problem, Snowball?”
You snarled at the nickname refusing to look up at him. He was probably smiling; casually flaunting the pearly razors so often stained with blood. 
“Don’t call me that!”
His fishy and sweltering breath fanned against your ear. When he had moved closer you’d never know. Speed and strength weren’t the traits he was lacking; that title belonged to his emotions. His sense of empathy and compassion was either nonexistent or skewed so much that it didn’t matter. 
“I’ll call you whatever I want.”
It wasn’t cold anymore. It was hot. Suffocating. 
His unclothed front was pressed into your back, his jacket-covered arms trapping your front. He was so insatiably warm. It felt like a fever had taken hold of you—an unnatural heat incurred by the chilling atmosphere.
“This is all your fault…I hate you Poal.”
The heat shook behind you. Vibrating with his stifled giggle. He clutched onto you tighter; muscles constricting you into his shaking embrace. His pointy nose dug into the top of your head, nuzzling into the woolen hat he gifted you before. 
“No, you don’t.” 
He let a steaming hand into your coat, shoving past the layers of cloth you’d put in place. You didn’t fight him, you couldn’t stop him as he reached for the skin above your heart. 
“You’re just mad that you lost.”
Retreating his hand from your protective layers he let you weakly cover up; before holding you by your cheeks. Turning your head to look up at the increasing size of the pirate’s fortress he squeezed at the resistance of your frown.
“Look at it. It’ll be one of your homes.”
“It will never be.”
“Don’t be coy. You’ll have a favorite eventually.”
“And you think it will be here?”
He turned you to him, pressing you into the side of the boat, clutching your face with a new ferocity. His head was already leveled above you coming closer to cast a shadow on his pale face framed by his unruly white locks as he looked down at you. In a fierce aquamarine glare, he doesn’t smile, looking as desperate as he is frustrated.
“I think it will be me.”
It wouldn’t help to struggle against his grip risking the pricking of his claws. So you simply returned his gaze knowing full well that backing down now would be your downfall. He backed his head away letting the light of the sun illuminate his face as he spread his mouth into a dastardly grin.
“You’re such a hurricane!”
He smashed his lips against yours. Quickly sucking on your pouting lips just barely nibbling before pulling away. He released you,  giggling to himself once more as he watched you recover. You rubbed your hand over your lip checking for any punctures glaring at him nonetheless. That seemed to make him smile wider, dashing away to knock on the door to the ship’s hold. 
“Buckle up Baby! We’re headed home to the fortress!”
Muffled shouts and hollers sounded from below. This would be your roughest Winter yet.
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suiana · 1 year
✎ masterlist part 2 . . .
yandere villain x gn reader x yandere hero part 2
yandere general
yandere celebrity
yandere side character
yandere octoman
yandere drider
yandere teacher
yandere janitor
yandere sugar baby
yandere sugar daddy
yandere slasher
yandere fiancé
yandere auctioneer
yandere vampire
yandere milf
yandere cosplayer
yandere hero
yandere ex crush
yandere monster
yandere rich girl
yandere boss
yandere blade oneshot (hsr)
yandere tomie
yandere platonic grandpa
yandere sahsrau
yandere academic rival
yandere female best friend
yandere twins
yandere food delivery driver
yandere immortal
yandere god
yandere sleepy bf
yandere imaginary friend
yandere yoga teacher
yandere wedding planner
yandere burger chef entity
yandere figure skater
yandere cannibal
yandere dad's loser bestie
yandere french fry chef entity
yandere platonic clown
yandere catboy
yandere loveless loser
various yandere mr loverman drabble
yandere detective
yandere mean boy
cute classmate
soft girl
soft boy
yandere female lead
yandere camboy
yandere lucky fella
yandere rich guy
platonic yandere himbo
yandere mobile phone plan shop worker
yandere younger brother's best friend
yandere killer harem
yandere cringe loser harem
yandere one eyed monster
yandere prison warden
yandere rental boyfriend
yandere tsundere
yandere foreign exchange student masterlist
yandere masseur
yandere teddy bear
yandere "good boy"
yandere genius
yandere shortie arsonist
yandere golden retriever
yandere death god and yandere life god
blue eyed yandere
yandere infected harem
yandere sweetheart
yandere manager
yandere influencer
yandere first date
yandere singer
yandere enemy
out of pocket yandere
yandere argenti (hsr)
yandere fwb
yandere seller
yandere t-rex hybrid
yandere lifeguard
yandere sunday (hsr)
yandere bounty hunter
yandere jingyuan (hsr)
yandere co actor
yandere criminal
yandere polar bear hybrid
yandere ghost husband
yandere gym rat
yandere beast
yandere demon harem
yandere casino owner
yandere malewife
masterlist part 3
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