#yandere telugu cinema
likely-moony · 1 year
One way, or another ~ Siddhant Nandan Saaho ~
One Way, Or Another
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Paring: Yandere Siddhant Nandan Saaho x GN Reader
Type/Words: Headcannons ~ 800
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Synopsis: Just some Yandere Hcs for siddhant from the telugu movie: Saaho.
TW!!!: Yandere-Themes, Yandere Characters, Abuse Of Power (Intellectual, Popularity, and financially), Mentions Of Death, Minor Character Deaths, Unhealthy Obsession, Force, Forceful Relationships, Mentions Of Threats, Black-mailing, Obsessive Characters, Unhealthy Feelings, Manipulation, please let me know if I missed something :>
You have been warned ⚠️
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Rules For Requesting
Saaho/ashok/Siddhant is a very complex yet straightforward person.
No matter where, when, or how you meet him, he'd fall head over heels for you within no time.
It would take a while for him to realise what he feels towards you isn't just lust, but once he does, it's game over for anyone else who wants you.
Not that it was easy for anyone else in the first place.
He'd purposely be a dick to whoever likes you, and constantly out smart them to make them look dumb.
If you meet him for the first time as ashok in the police operation, within a few days, he'd already be planning his next steps with you.
His steps on what would happen after his identity is revealed.
He knows you'll find out eventually, so he plans.
Maybe he'd hold you hostage to escape and take the chance to kidnap you as well, who knows?
But if that did happen, he'd keep you safe in a little room away from everyone and everything.
But don't worry, it's only until he regains his wealth.
After that, you'll be treated like a queen, whether you like it or not.
If you were to meet him as Siddhant, which is after he reclaims his seat, it would take very little time for him to really fall for you.
You could be anyone, and yet you'd still catch his eye.
A waiter/waitress/server, another wealthy person attending one of his parties, the offspring of one of his business partners, hell you could even be just a random person that took care of him as a child and he'd still fall for you.
After you do catch his eye, there isn't much left for you to do, as he can easily access all your information with just a few words.
And through that information, he'd start sending you little gifts like flowers, cards, which eventually escalate into bigger things like necklaces and shoes.
And depending on how you react to his courtship, decides how he moves forward. 
If you reject him, he could do many things depending on who you are.
If you're his employee or a server, he could easily put you in financial misery till you have no choice but to crawl back to him for help, where he'd have his arms wide open.
If you're the offspring of someone he works with, there's a billion ways to tie you to him.
Like shoving a gun into your father's head for your hand in marriage, threatening to put your family in financial debt, just the dirty stuff that you shouldn't be able to see :)
But if you were his childhood friend when he was living a poor life, he'd simply demand every person who works under him to search for you, and when he finds you  he expects you to run into his arms and feel overwhelming joy like he would feel.
But if you don't, and simply wave at him like he was just another random man, he'd be crushed.
And if you reject his courtship, oh boy.
Siddhant is willing to do absolutely anything to get you married to him right away.
Even if you don't want to, he's afraid he has no other choice.
After marriage, he'd be extremely gentle with you.
If you were the one person who took care of him, he'd pay you back a billion times over. 
He loves you too much.
But either way, in the end, you'll be his bride/groom and he'll be your happy husband. 
He'll treat you like gold.
If it was a valuable thing to him, that is.
If you were to meet him while he was undercover as saaho, it would be like a normal romance.
It's not easy to pique his interest, but if you do somehow manage, there's no way out.
He's a stalker and is obsessive.
You're the only one constantly on his mind.
He'd stalk you,24/7 and would Install a tracker on your phone and keep you safe all the time.
But when an incident occurs where you lose your phone and find yourself in danger, nothing is going to stop saaho from knocking you out from the behind, installing a tracker in you, and admitting you to a hospital.
And after all that work, if you still reject him, he'd kidnap you straight away.
There's no way out, because in no time he'd be one of the richest people in the world, so even if you escape, it's not for long.
He has all the resources In the world to make you his.
At the end of the day, you'll always be his, one way or another.
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Hope you enjoyed it! :>
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