#telugu yandere
allari-ammayi · 9 months
Butta Bomma
A. Bahubali x Reader x B. Deva
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The Interesting Perspective
Synopsis: In the heart of Hyderabad, Y/n tends to her grandmother's antique store, a time capsule hiding stories of the past. Her routine is disrupted when she joins friends to watch the movie "Baahubali," a decision that is set to have an unremovable stain on her life.
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In the vibrant and bustling streets of Hyderabad, India, nestled amidst the chaos of modernity, there existed a quaint and almost forgotten treasure trove of history. It was a little antique store with an intriguing story of its own, now entrusted to the care of a young woman named Y/n. 
Each morning, the sun cast its gentle rays upon the old wooden door of the shop, signalling the beginning of another day. 
Y/n, with an air of quiet determination, unlocked the weathered door and stepped into a world frozen in time. The antique store, a relic itself, carried the weight of decades, its wooden beams groaning softly with age.
As the door swung open, a cloud of dust danced through the air, catching the soft glow of the morning light. Y/n took a moment to inhale the musty scent of history and nostalgia before she proceeded with her daily ritual.
Y/n's routine was as predictable as the sunrise. She gingerly dusted off the display cabinets, each one containing a piece of history that had been carefully preserved for generations.
Once the store was tidied up, Y/n took her place at the ornate wooden register. It was a perch from which she watched the world go by, albeit one that rarely saw any visitors. 
The store, hidden away in plain sight amidst the chaotic streets of Hyderabad, seemed to exist in its own tranquil bubble. Despite the city's ceaseless movement and vibrant energy, it was as if the shop was invisible to the outside world.
With the day's quietude embracing her, Y/n reached for a vintage novel, a companion she had grown fond of. The pages rustled softly as she lost herself in tales of bygone eras, immersing herself in the words on the pages. 
The store was once her grandmother's, and before that, her great-grandmother's, and before that her great-geart-grandmother's. No-one knew exactly how old it was, but it was a family relic that was passed down to Y/n.
Y/n had always been more inclined toward the pages of modern literature than the silver screen. In a world captivated by the magic of movies, she found her sanctuary in the written word. 
But as fate would have it, a new cinematic sensation swept across India, leaving a trail of fervour in its wake, bearing the name 'Bahubali.' 
It was as if a fever had taken hold of the nation, and fans had gone berserk over this cinematic marvel. People had lost their minds, raving about the epic storytelling and jaw-dropping visuals that this movie promised.
Y/n, ever the outlier in her circle, hadn't quite fathomed the craze.
Her friends, captivated by the Baahubali frenzy, hadn't understood how she remained immune to its charm.
They had pestered her relentlessly, urging her to give it a chance. Perhaps, they had thought, Y/n might just find a new love in the world of cinema.
“Come on, Y/n!!” 
“It’s really good!! We’ve already been to the movies three times this month purely because it was so good!”
“And we’ve had two movie nights where we watched the first and second movies together!”
Y/n grimaced, unsure of what to say.
“I don’t know, guys…”
“Ohh, please, Y/n!” They continued to persist, wearing down the girl.
“If it’s not as good as we promise, I swear on my life I’ll start reading that one book you told me to!” Y/n’s ears perked up at this comment as the others quickly joined in.
“In fact -  we all will!” The three girls looked at each other and began nodding in unison and urging Y/n. 
“Mmm…” Y/n’s face remained in deep thought.
“Y/n, if you come to watch the two movies with us, we all promise to immediately start reading the books.” One of the girls spoke up, finally, desperate to get her friend in front of the silver screen. Y/n craned her head to look past her friends at the deserted and empty shop. 
Y/n’s features softened and she looked at their eager faces. She let out a low sigh and looked at her friends, a smile starting to form on her lips.
“I guess it couldn’t hurt to leave the store unattended for one night,”
Finally, Y/n had relented, agreeing to accompany her friends to the movie theatre. She had been willing to set aside her literary pursuits for an evening if only to unravel the mystery of what had driven the entire nation into a state of euphoria.
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As the lights had dimmed and the colossal screen had flickered to life, Y/n's curiosity had mingled with a hint of scepticism. The opening scene had unfolded, and the grandeur of Bahubali had begun to unfurl before her eyes. 
She had watched in awe as the story had unfurled, the characters had come to life, and the visual spectacle had swept her into its embrace.
As the credits rolled and the applause of the audience resonated around her, Y/n understood why the nation had succumbed to Baahubali‘s enchantment.
Leaving the theatre, Y/n wore a smile that mirrored the newfound appreciation for the magic of movies. She might have been a devotee of modern literature, but in that moment, she had experienced the transformative enchantment of cinema. 
Y/n held a unique perspective on the characters.
Y/n possessed a deep respect for Bahubali, his qualities of honour, bravery, and selflessness impressed her. Bahubali had been a shining example of the qualities Y/n had admired most in people.
Even when it came to the character of Bhallaladeva, who had been universally despised by viewers, Y/n had found herself harbouring a different sentiment. Instead of hatred, she hadn't been able to help but pity him. 
Beneath the layers of villainy and treachery, she had glimpsed a tragic figure, consumed by ambition and insecurity, his actions driven by a thirst for approval.
While the general populace had harboured hatred and disgust for Bhallaladeva, she possessed a unique and empathetic viewpoint. Y/n had peered beneath the layers of cruelty and ambition, recognizing the tragic figure that Bhallaladeva had truly been.
In her eyes, Bhallaladeva hadn't been just a villain; he had been a product of his environment, a victim of his father's ruthless influence.
Y/n believed that if he had grown up in a different setting, devoid of the poisonous presence of his father, he could have evolved into a different, more compassionate person. 
“I can’t believe you feel sorry for Bhallaladeva, Y/n! He’s the ultimate villain!” Gowri, Y/n’s closest friend, argued as she sat across Y/n in the little coffee shop, as Y/n took a sip of her drink and continued looking down at the newspaper.
“Gowri, I know it’s hard to see, but there’s more to his character than just being a villain,” Y/n said, taking another sip, and making Gowri groan, her hazel locks swaying with her dramatic disdain.
“More to him? He’s a murderer, Y/n! He killed his own brother and lusted for his brother's wife, how can you pity someone like him!?” Gowri's grey eyes were full with a sense of determination to prove Bhallaladeva to be a vilian.
“Everyone’s a murderer in this movie, Gowri. Besides, I’m not condoning his actions, but just think about it. He grew up in a toxic environment with a father like Bijjaladeva. The constant pressure, the endless manipulation, the unhealthy influence…” Y/n shuddered, just thinking about what Bhalla likely grew up with.
“That’s no excuse for his treachery. He betrayed his family and his kingdom, he’s disgusting!” Gowri spat. Y/n sighed, finally placing her mug down on the table and laying her paper flat, looking up at Gowri.
"I get that, but I can't help but wonder if, under different circumstances... He might have turned out differently," Y/n said, softly, in a comforting voice. Gowri gaped at her, her mouth open and eyes wide.
"Are you serious? He's power-hungry and ruthless. He deserved the fate that came to him."
"It's just that the complexity of his character intrigues me. What if he felt trapped, burdened by the expectations placed upon him?" Y/n said thoughtfully, “What if he was feeling betrayed by his own mother? That everything that belonged to him was being shared with his cousin? Even that thought wouldn’t be his fault, it would be his father’s.”
"Y/n, he had a choice! He chose evil, plain and simple." Gowri said with a huff, crossing her arms.
"I'm not saying he didn't make terrible choices. It's just that I can't help but feel a sense of pity for someone who may have been a victim of his own circumstances." Y/n’s tone remained gentle.
"I can't believe you're defending him, Y/n," Gowri said in disbelief, shaking her head.
"I'm not defending him, Gowri. I'm just trying to understand. Stories like Baahubali make us question the complexities of human nature and the choices people make." Y/n said, calmly.
“Well, I still think he’s the worst.” Gowri childishly puffed out her cheeks and looked out of the window as Y/n lightly chuckled, shaking her head.
"And that's the beauty of storytelling. It sparks conversations and lets us see things from different angles." Y/n said with a clever smile, eyeing Gowri as she took another short sip of her drink.
Rather than hating Bhallaladeva, Bijjaladeva, the conniving and power-hungry uncle, had been the object of her disdain. Y/n had loathed him for his nefarious influence over his son, Bhallaladeva. 
The sick thoughts and twisted desires he had sown in Bhallaladeva’s mind for his own greed had been inexcusable.
Y/n's fascination didn't stop at the cinema. She had felt compelled to dive deeper into their psyche, to unravel the intricacies of Bhallaladeva and Bahubali’s dynamic, lives, and the forces that had shaped them.
This curiosity led Y/n to embark on a literary journey of her own. She had poured her thoughts, insights, and emotions into a twenty-thousand-word analytical essay, meticulously dissecting the characters and their intertwining destinies. 
Her essay had become a labour of love.
'If I were ever magically given the chance to change the fate of Bhallaladeva and assist him to tread a path of light and goodness, I would value the opportunity and do my best to secure him a good future.'
Little had she known that her writings would soon become more than just words on a page, as destiny had had a mysterious plan in store.
Taglist: @vellipo-mellaga, @mellaga-karagani, @vayari-bhama, @bitchy-bi-trash (To join the taglist, let me know in the comments, and you will be added to future ones!)
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likely-moony · 1 year
One way, or another ~ Siddhant Nandan Saaho ~
One Way, Or Another
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Paring: Yandere Siddhant Nandan Saaho x GN Reader
Type/Words: Headcannons ~ 800
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Synopsis: Just some Yandere Hcs for siddhant from the telugu movie: Saaho.
TW!!!: Yandere-Themes, Yandere Characters, Abuse Of Power (Intellectual, Popularity, and financially), Mentions Of Death, Minor Character Deaths, Unhealthy Obsession, Force, Forceful Relationships, Mentions Of Threats, Black-mailing, Obsessive Characters, Unhealthy Feelings, Manipulation, please let me know if I missed something :>
You have been warned ⚠️
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Rules For Requesting
Saaho/ashok/Siddhant is a very complex yet straightforward person.
No matter where, when, or how you meet him, he'd fall head over heels for you within no time.
It would take a while for him to realise what he feels towards you isn't just lust, but once he does, it's game over for anyone else who wants you.
Not that it was easy for anyone else in the first place.
He'd purposely be a dick to whoever likes you, and constantly out smart them to make them look dumb.
If you meet him for the first time as ashok in the police operation, within a few days, he'd already be planning his next steps with you.
His steps on what would happen after his identity is revealed.
He knows you'll find out eventually, so he plans.
Maybe he'd hold you hostage to escape and take the chance to kidnap you as well, who knows?
But if that did happen, he'd keep you safe in a little room away from everyone and everything.
But don't worry, it's only until he regains his wealth.
After that, you'll be treated like a queen, whether you like it or not.
If you were to meet him as Siddhant, which is after he reclaims his seat, it would take very little time for him to really fall for you.
You could be anyone, and yet you'd still catch his eye.
A waiter/waitress/server, another wealthy person attending one of his parties, the offspring of one of his business partners, hell you could even be just a random person that took care of him as a child and he'd still fall for you.
After you do catch his eye, there isn't much left for you to do, as he can easily access all your information with just a few words.
And through that information, he'd start sending you little gifts like flowers, cards, which eventually escalate into bigger things like necklaces and shoes.
And depending on how you react to his courtship, decides how he moves forward. 
If you reject him, he could do many things depending on who you are.
If you're his employee or a server, he could easily put you in financial misery till you have no choice but to crawl back to him for help, where he'd have his arms wide open.
If you're the offspring of someone he works with, there's a billion ways to tie you to him.
Like shoving a gun into your father's head for your hand in marriage, threatening to put your family in financial debt, just the dirty stuff that you shouldn't be able to see :)
But if you were his childhood friend when he was living a poor life, he'd simply demand every person who works under him to search for you, and when he finds you  he expects you to run into his arms and feel overwhelming joy like he would feel.
But if you don't, and simply wave at him like he was just another random man, he'd be crushed.
And if you reject his courtship, oh boy.
Siddhant is willing to do absolutely anything to get you married to him right away.
Even if you don't want to, he's afraid he has no other choice.
After marriage, he'd be extremely gentle with you.
If you were the one person who took care of him, he'd pay you back a billion times over. 
He loves you too much.
But either way, in the end, you'll be his bride/groom and he'll be your happy husband. 
He'll treat you like gold.
If it was a valuable thing to him, that is.
If you were to meet him while he was undercover as saaho, it would be like a normal romance.
It's not easy to pique his interest, but if you do somehow manage, there's no way out.
He's a stalker and is obsessive.
You're the only one constantly on his mind.
He'd stalk you,24/7 and would Install a tracker on your phone and keep you safe all the time.
But when an incident occurs where you lose your phone and find yourself in danger, nothing is going to stop saaho from knocking you out from the behind, installing a tracker in you, and admitting you to a hospital.
And after all that work, if you still reject him, he'd kidnap you straight away.
There's no way out, because in no time he'd be one of the richest people in the world, so even if you escape, it's not for long.
He has all the resources In the world to make you his.
At the end of the day, you'll always be his, one way or another.
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Hope you enjoyed it! :>
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 month
Ik you’ve got most the hp charecters with an Indian reader, but what about yan. Blaise zabini with an Indian reader lol?
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If this offended anyone I apologize in advance, my intention was not to offend you and if you feel offended by it, I'll take it down
He was supposed to hate you and loathe every single part of you, he hated the way you sounded so melodious when you spoke in your native language with someone or when he saw you in those beautiful Ghagra cholis and sarees and lehangas. He hated the way his heart grew soft and warm when it came to you and yet he finds himself getting drawn towards you. He's appalled at himself for taking an interest in you and yet he despises seeing you hanging around those gits from Gryffindor and his eyes narrow to slits whenever he sees you laughing at something that blood traitor Weasley said. It infuriates him even more when you speak to other people about your culture except for him, it's like you're indirectly telling him that he's not good enough for you. How dare you give your attention to someone else other than him? He doesn't really make an issue and a scene about it though, he just broods with a stoic yet seething rage bubbling inside him whenever you interact with someone that's not him
One day during the Potions class, you got berated by Snape for messing up the potion and your eyes prickled with tears as you huffed under your breath. "Vedhava...gadidha mokhamoda(Translation from Telugu to English: Donkey faced fool) '' you grumbled to yourself under your breath and Blaise was intrigued by what you said. Of course, part of him felt slightly bad and somewhat sympathetic when he saw your eyes prickle with tears but his feelings of sympathy was thrown out the damn window when he spotted one of your pesky friends telling you that he'd tutor you later in Potions. After a somewhat polite yet life threatening chat which involved Blaise threatening to use the unforgivable curses on your annoying friend after slamming him against the wall, he found you in the library reading as he smirked to himself, feeling proud that he was finally able to have his moment with you
However he managed to compose himself and maintained his usual stoic demeanor and approached you as he pulled a chair next to you and sat next to you coming up with an instant excuse for his actions. "Professor Snape asked me to tutor you in Potions since you're absolutely deplorable at it'' he replied as you rolled your eyes but sighed as you accepted your fate. You expected him to be condescending and rude because of the way he was with the other people but with you, he was surprisingly patient. His eyes would often trail towards your hands which was covered in Mehendi designs to your arms and he couldn't help but think that your hands looked stunning with those intricate floral patterns on your hands. "What's that on your hand?" he asked you and you told him about your cousin's wedding that you attend a month ago and he seemed quite interested in listening to more about your culture and traditions
At the end of the tutoring session, he asked you what exactly you'd muttered during the Potions class and when you told him about it, his lips tugged upwards into an amused grin and let out a soft chuckle. You definitely were an interesting one in his eyes. As a way of thanking him for tutoring you, you decided to treat him to some of your favorite Darjeeling tea and he watched your beautiful mehendi designed hands prepare some Darjeeling tea for him. He took one sip and was instantly impressed with the enriching taste and flavor and let out a quiet approving hum of contentment while the two of you sat in comfortable silence drinking Darjeeling tea. You told him you'd visited Darjeeling when you were a kid and spoke of the lush greenery there and how it's mainly known for its tea and the scenic breathtaking views of especially the Kanchenjunga mountains. He listened to your every word with rapt attention and his mind started wandering and thinking about scenarios of the two of you heading to Darjeeling one day. There was no denying it anymore, he was growing infatuated with you
He adores seeing how flustered you get when he picks up speaking in Hindi just to see your embarrassed expressions. He'll pick up speaking those romantic quotes called Shayaris to see you blush and he finds it endearing how you're at a loss for words. He has a smirk on his face as he caresses your cheek and spouts out a Shayari like "Gulmohar, Harisinghar aur Palash ke phool jis mausam mein din raat barsenge, barrish ki tarah main milunga tumse...(Translation from Hindi to English: Like the flowers of the Gulmohar, the Harisinghar and the palash that shower on you day and night, the same way my love for you never fades away just like the continuous rains of the monsoon. Taken from the TV show Prithvi Vallabh which is one of my FAVORITE shows of all time in Indian TV shows). You just stare at him and he loves the way you look so surprised and caught off guard
He's very interested in knowing more about your culture and traditions and will do some research and read books to know more and is pleasantly surprised when you can even speak in Hindi as well. He's very fascinated with the Indian epics such as the Mahabharata and the Ramayana and tales of Indian gods and goddesses as well. He likes to hear about Arundhati and Vashishta as the perfect couple and thinks very highly of the pure spiritual love Lord Krishna and Radha have for each other. You've introduced him to Indian delicacies such as Chole Bhature(It is a combination of fried bread called Bhatura and spicy chickpeas which are called chole), Dosas(A dosa is a thin, savory crepe in South Indian cuisine made from a fermented batter of ground white gram and rice. Dosas are served hot, often with chutney and sambar), Vada Pavs(A vegetarian fast food dish native to the Indian state of Maharashtra. The dish consists of a deep fried potato dumpling placed inside a bread bun sliced almost in half through the middle. It is generally accompanied with one or more chutneys and a green chili pepper) and such but his favorite would have to be the Aloo Parathas(North Indian whole wheat flabreads with a spiced potato filling), he loves the way the spices blend together and likes the savory taste of the cold curd to go along with it
He can understand why Chai(Tea) is an emotion for you, he looks forward to having garam masala chai with you during the evenings especially when it rains, while the two of you listen to songs of popular singers such as Arjith Singh, Armaan Malik, Sid Sriram and Anirudh Ravichander while there's only the light of the Diya(An Oil lamp) to illuminate the room to make it more romantic and serene
He's somewhat amused with you complaining about the lack of logic in Indian movies sometimes but likes watching them with you. He likes the detail and cinematography that goes into making such films, especially RRR and Padmaavat. As much as he'd never admit it to you out loud for the sake of his ego, he actually likes movies which have sentimental meanings behind them such as Taare Zameen Par, 12th Fail, Chhichhore and 3 Idiots and such. There are Indian TV shows he likes watching with you as well such as Yeh Un Dino Ki baat hai, which he thinks is quite a nice love story between Naina and Sameer, Operation MBBS, Kota Factory and such. The two of you like making fun of the illogical scenes that take place in TV shows that defy the laws of physics and humanity like a lady literally falling into a suitcase, someone literally picking off a piece of the moon and such which amuse him greatly but likes to listen to you rant about it while he has an amused smile on his face. He also thinks it's quite adorable and cute whenever you switch to cussing in Hindi
When you tell him about the burden you've faced as a kid from your parents and relatives and how they always expected you to be the so called golden child of the family, he could sense your sadness which made him infuriated with your family. His expression instantly soured when you told him about your struggles regarding your education before you arrived at Hogwarts and his jaw clenched slightly in anger. He simply held your hand and traced gentle patterns on the back of your hand while you both sat in comfortable silence. He didn't like the way your parents compared you to other people, frankly he thought they were quite blind and silly not to realize how talented and precious you were. His heart truly does go out for you when he hears about how you've questioned your self worth plenty of times just because you got horrible scores before which fuels his obsession to protect you and keep you safe from such nonsense and toxicity
Of course, there are times when he does get insanely possessive as well and for a completely IRRATIONAL reason too. He heard you play the Veena and the flute and he felt himself getting lost in the magic of your melodious tunes, it was like you played the songs of the gods. He had a soft smile on his face, reserved solely for you when he saw your face etched in concentration while you created the most soulful music he'd ever heard. His mind started thinking of other people hearing your music which filled his heart with a cold fury. No one else deserved to hear your melody, it was meant and reserved only for him, the rest were all undeserving scumbags and prats in his opinion. The first time he saw you in a Bharatnatyam or Kuchipudi dance getup, he swore to Merlin his heart almost stopped beating. You looked like a goddess or an apsara who descended from the heavens above as you looked ethereal and had that radiant glow on you with your jewelry, your dress, your makeup and the jasmine flowers adorning your silky smooth hair. He couldn't take his eyes off you as his eyes followed your every movement when you danced, you were truly an Indian goddess, the way your eye movements coordinated with your leg movements and the Mudras when you performed your dance with the sound of the anklets resonating around you...you looked divine. After your dance was done, he told you that you did a wonderful dance and complimented you for it. If you're struggling to remove your anklets he'll put your foot on his lap and smirk in amusement at your bashful expression while he helps you take off your anklets
You'll invite him to one of your cousin's weddings at some point and he's very intrigued by everything that happens there. He'll be dressed in a gold and green kurta while you're dressed in a green Ghagra choli or a green saree with intricate gold borders and your body would be adorned with gold jewelry and you'd have the traditional maang tikka(An ornament worn on the forehead) and he'd just stare at you unable to say anything for a few seconds as he drinks in your elegance and radiant divine beauty. While your cousin is dressed in the red bridal saree, he can't wait for you to be dressed in a red bridal saree as well getting married to him. He pays close attention to detail and all the traditional customs and rituals, he likes the way the bride and the groom go around the holy Yagnam 7 times, he thinks it's a nice way of offering vows in the presence of the fire to unite the couple. After the wedding ceremony was finished, you and Blaise were at the banquet hall for the dinner and you mentioned that you were heading to the food counters to get some desserts. No sooner had you gone there, some guy snuck his arm around your waist and started hitting on you with all sorts of cheesy pick up lines. Blaise spotted this and his eyes narrowed to slits as he strode towards you and the guy and twisted his hand. If you think he'd be spared, you thought wrong. He'd personally deal with the bloody git who dared to touch you by cornering him in a secluded area away from the guests and use the Sectumsempra spell on him and feels sadistic pleasure course through his veins as the guy is now convulsing and twitching on the ground losing liters of blood while you remain blissfully unaware of his dark twisted tendencies he terms as love for you
If someone decides to ever make fun of your culture or hurt you in any way, they better hope and PRAY that lord Shani is in a decent mood because Blaise will NOT take such things lightly. He won't give them the satisfaction of a quick death, he'll make it slow and agonizing as possible taking his own sweet time while he has a sadistic grin etched on his face, relishing in the screams of agony of the schmuck who made the mistake of tormenting you. After light of the world finally leaves their eyes, he'll be satisfied and to cheer you up, he'll bring a box of your favorite assortment of sweets such as the Kaju Burfi, the coconut laddoos, the kalakands and a few packets of your favorite snacks such as the iconic Haldirams mixture packets and such where the two of you would spend time in each other's company listening to your favorite Indian songs
It was only a matter of time before he would 'save you' from all the darkness of society in the Wizarding World by taking you for himself and having a traditional Indian wedding to marry you, even if he has to stain his hands with more blood to ensure this dream of his turns into a reality...
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youraverageaemondsimp · 8 months
Are you tamil? Cuz the robot!aemond reminds me of a tamil movie. Love your writing btww ❤️❤️❤️
No I'm telugu! AND YES IK THE MOVE YOU'RE TALKING IT'S ROBO/ENTHIRAN BY RAJINI KANTH RIGHT??? Like it was a hit in telugu and tamil as well! IT WAS KIND OF INSPIRED FROM IT!!! (I was listening to the movie playlist whilst writing it HAHAHAA) AND ALSO MANY OTHER FACTORS, IT WAS MY FAV CHILDHOOD MOVIE!
Like I remember mentioning that I wanted to study robotics in my childhood when one of my moots asked me for the directors cut for it, which is why I had the inspo, but the reason I wanted to study robotics was because of that movie I watched during my childhood! I obviously am not studying it cause uhm my math is..... yikes but yeah!!
Edit: cause I wanna add something more
So like evil chitti kinda awakened something in my childhood, LIKE I LIKED HIM???????? BUT I WAS ALSO SCARED OF HIM, maybe I just like villains... which is why I always liked the idea of corrupted robots, AI!Aemond was a slight manifestation of that! And also all other movies I watched about scary robots and THAT GODFORSAKEN YANDERE AI ASMR THAT PUSHED ME TO WRITE IT 🤪
The dialogue Aemond says is from the movie cause I SAW THE CHANCE AND TOOK IT BECAUSE I WAS MAKING HIM INTRODUCE HIMSELF ANYWAY and I was like "let me put this in hehehehehehe" and I waited if someone would catch on AND I'M GLAD YOU DID
SORRY FOR THE LONG ASK I'M JUST SO PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS HAHWJA (and extremely happy if you can't tell)
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allari-ammayi · 9 months
Butta Bomma
A. Bahubali x Reader x B. Deva
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The Angel Lady
Synopsis: When Y/n finally wakes up, following her sudden magical appearance in Mahismati, panic washes over her as she struggles against servants to escape. Bhalla is informed of Y/n's panic and when he appears, matters get worse but are quickly cooled when Bahubali interferes, suggesting that Y/n be left alone in the room to gather her thoughts. Y/n recalls her grandmother's words and realises her mission. Meanwhile, she butts heads with the kingdom's elder prince.
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As Y/n slowly began to regain consciousness, she found herself in a room that was entirely foreign to her. The soft glow of candlelight cast unfamiliar shadows on the walls, and the ornate furnishings surrounding her felt like relics from another era.
Her disoriented state was further compounded by the presence of unfamiliar faces – servants who had been sent by Bhallaladeva to attend to her.
Confusion and fear surged within her as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings. Y/n leapt up on the bed and crawled backwards till her back hit the headboard, instantly gaining the attention of all the worker ants scampering around in the room. 
Was she the victim of a kidnapping? Had she unknowingly become the subject of a prank by some tv show?
The very idea that she might be in an ancient kingdom like Mahishmati felt utterly surreal, like a scene from a fantastical dream.
As much as she wanted to deny it, her surroundings looked a little too similar to what she saw on the silver screen.
Y/n's heart raced with anxiety, and she was seized by a sudden panic that eclipsed all rational thought.
Without pausing to consider the consequences, she made a desperate attempt to flee the room.
Her movements were frantic, and she pushed past the bewildered palace servants who had been dispatched to assist her. Chaos erupted in her wake, with the attendants struggling to contain the turmoil.
“Please, my lady!”
“Stay calm!”
“We mean no harm!”
Two of the male servants, their hearts pounding with urgency, hastily exited the room and dashed through the corridors of the palace. They sprinted across the vast expanse of the palace grounds, heading toward the area where Bhallaladeva was leading his hunting party.
Their arrival was met with a mixture of confusion and concern. Bhallaladeva sensed that something unusual was afoot. His soldiers, accustomed to swift and unwavering commands, awaited his direction.
“What is it?” Bhallaladeva asked, turning to the servants.
“Your- Your Majesty, the girl- She’s awake!” Bhalla’s eyes widened and he swiftly jumped off the horse.
“Good news,” Bhalla said,
“But unfortunately, the lady doesn’t seem to be taking the news well…” The servant’s words caused Bhallaladeva’s eyebrows to scrunch.
“The lady seems to be under the impression that she is being held captive and that she’s been taken hostage!” Bhallaladeva turned to the other servant, interested.
“She’s trying to run away, Your Majesty, she seems to be under the impression that we intend to harm her!” Bhalla quirked an eyebrow at the servant.
As the servants relayed the events transpiring in the palace, Bhallaladeva's curiosity was piqued. Though he remained stoic, an undercurrent of intrigue coursed through him.
It was not merely a concern for the situation that spurred him into action; there was something else, something that drew him toward this stranger.
Without hesitation, Bhallaladeva issued orders for his soldiers to maintain a watchful eye on her. 
“Try to calm her, and make sure she doesn’t leave.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Bhalla entered the chambers with caution, peeking in only to find the figure of the girl being held down by several servants as she struggled in a state of pure panic.
“Please! Let me go!” The girl pleaded, “I promise I’ll give you as much money as I have!”
Approaching the disoriented Y/n, Bhallaladeva found himself drawn into her gaze. Their eyes met, and in that instant, a peculiar sensation washed over him. It was as though he had glimpsed a fragment of his own past or encountered a presence he had long forgotten.
An uncanny recognition surged through him, a connection. He could not explain this strange phenomenon, nor could he articulate the depths of his emotions.
But in that fleeting moment, Bhallaladeva felt as though he knew Y/n from somewhere deep within as if their souls had shared a secret bond, even though they had never crossed paths in their respective lifetimes.
In the midst of her panic and disbelief, Y/n's disoriented mind suddenly made a chilling connection. Her wide eyes locked onto the imposing figure before her, and she recognized Bhallaladeva.
“Rana?” Y/n said, tilting her head, “Rana Daggubati?”
“What did you call me?” Bhallaladeva asked, the confusion on her face evident and honest. The blood drained from her face as the realization crashed over Y/n like a relentless wave of horror.
It was a nightmarish revelation. She wasn't in her own world anymore; somehow she had been transported into the world of Baahubali.
The palace, the kingdom, the very air she breathed – all of it was real, and the characters she had admired on screen were living, breathing beings.
Terror seized Y/n's heart, and she felt her voice tremble with panic as she addressed Bhallaladeva.
"Where am I? How did I get here?" She questioned fiercely, her eyes wild with terror and confusion.
Bhallaladeva quirked an eyebrow.
“You- You were the one who somehow materialised out of thin air in front of my hunting party, it is I who should be asking who you are and how you got here.” Bhallaladeva established his authority and his voice boomed with power.
“That doesn’t answer a single thing,” Y/n said, her eyes narrowing.
“You will receive the answers you seek in due time, but for now, you are a guest in my kingdom, and you will show respect,” Bhallaladeva announced.
"Oh, forgive me, Your Highness, for not rolling out the red carpet and bowing before you the moment I materialized here." Y/n spat, her frustration and confusion reaching a bubbling point.
The sudden appearance of this mysterious girl had not gone unnoticed by Amarendra Baahubali. 
Amarendra Baahubali, a figure of both strength and wisdom who had been an observer within the hunting party, chose this moment to step forward.
He had watched the unfolding interaction between Y/n and Bhallaladeva with a discerning eye, a mixture of curiosity and concern etched upon his noble countenance.
His intuition detected the distress in Y/n's demeanour.
Bahubali sensed the need for a gentler approach. His voice, a soothing and resonant presence, carried the weight of his concern as he addressed Bhallaladeva.
"Let her breathe, Bhalla," Bahubali suggested gently, his words a calming influence amidst the tumultuous sea of emotions. “The poor lady very clearly seems heavily distressed.”
Bhallaladeva, ever the strategic thinker, recognized the wisdom in Bahu's words. With a subtle nod, he conveyed his agreement.
Bhallaladeva motioned for the guards to stand down, and he took a step back, creating a respectful distance between himself and the bewildered Y/n. It was a moment to collect her scattered thoughts and make sense of the situation.
“Leaver her be,” Bhallaladeva commanded to the servants and the soldiers and they all bowed and one by one, filtered out of the room.
“And let us depart as well, Bhalla,” Bahubali said, and with a curt nod and a reluctant look, Bhallaladeva and his brother, too, left, closing the door behind them and leaving, but not before ordering two guards to keep watch of her door, lest they want another panic-stricken escape attempt.
As the tension in the room began to ebb, Y/n was granted a moment of respite amidst the watchful gaze of the kingdom's rulers.
Left alone in the room, the echoes of her grandmother's cryptic words coursed through Y/n's mind. Her grandmother's words, once shrouded in mystery, now seemed to hold some meaning for the amulet's power.
She recalled those words with clarity, each syllable carrying weight and significance. "This amulet you hold carries the whispers of forgotten worlds. In time, it may become your guide to a realm where dreams and destinies entwine. When the stars align, trust the heart that beats within. Decipher the path it chooses."
As understanding dawned upon her, Y/n's gaze drifted upward, her eyes fixating on the ornate ceiling of the room. She raked her fingers through her hair. It was as though the pieces of an intricate puzzle were falling into place.
In that moment, Y/n's emotions found an outlet, and she couldn't help but direct her frustration at an unlikely target – S.S Rajamouli, the creator of Bahubali. Though he had no connection to her journey, he became a convenient scapegoat for her anger.
With a mixture of exasperation and anger, Y/N muttered under her breath, 
"Blame it on Rajamouli."
As Y/n was left alone in her thoughts, Y/n began to piece together the cryptic message of her grandmother.
"'Dear one, this amulet you hold carries the whispers of forgotten worlds,'" Y/n mused aloud, her voice tinged with a sense of wonder. 
This meant that the power of the amulet was not confined to their world but had connections to other realms or dimensions.
The next segment of her grandmother's words drew Y/n's attention. 
"'In time, it may become your guide to a realm where dreams and destinies entwine,'" she recited slowly, recognizing the possibility that the amulet's true purpose might unfold gradually.
But it was the final portion of the message that remained the most enigmatic and thought-provoking. 
"'When the stars align, trust the heart that beats within, for it alone can decipher the path it chooses,'" Y/n pondered. 
Perhaps it suggested that a specific moment or circumstance was required for the amulet's power to be activated.
Trusting the heart within seemed to imply that Y/n's own intuition and emotions would serve as her guiding compass on this journey. And the phrase, 
"decipher the path it chooses," hinted at a unique and uncertain path that she would need to navigate in the world she was transported to.
Outside Y/n's door, confusion reigned among the soldiers who waited. They exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of what was transpiring behind closed doors.
Inside, Y/n's frustration bubbled to the surface. She ruffled her hair in exasperation and let out a shouted curse directed at S.S Rajamouli. 
“Ohhh, damn you Rajamouli!” She cursed, loudly.
Y/n realised that the amulet would only return her to her own world if she could fulfill this extraordinary mission. It was obvious what her mission was.
Y/n vividly recalled the words she had written in that essay, words that had once felt like mere musings but now held a profound weight of destiny.
'If I were ever magically given the chance to change the fate of Bhallaladeva and assist him to tread a path of light and goodness, I would value the opportunity and do my best to secure him a good future.'
She had written about Bhallaladeva's tragic fate, about his descent into darkness under the shadow of his father's sinister desires. In the real world, it had been a topic of speculation, a hypothetical scenario born from her deep empathy for a character who had been vilified by most.
But now that hypothetical scenario had become her reality.
Y/n realized that her mission had been a seed sown long before her arrival, a mission she had unwittingly pledged to undertake when she penned those words.
It was a mission to change Bhallaladeva's fate, to rewrite the narrative of his life, and to save him from the tragedy that had befallen him.
Y/n let out a sigh.
Now how in the world was she going to change the fates of both brothers? How would she keep Bhallaladeva from the path of evil and betrayal, Bahubali from the path of death and Devasena from the path of being a prisoner for twenty years?
Y/n thought for a moment. Perhaps it would be wise to deal with Bhallaladeva first. Fixing his problem would automatically prevent the rest from happening.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Hours had passed since Y/n had been left alone in the room to gather her thoughts. The room's stillness was only broken when the door to her chamber creaked open, revealing Bhallaladeva standing at the threshold.
His posture radiated defensiveness and caution as if he sought to convey to Y/n that he harboured no hostile intent. However, as he stepped into the room and his gaze met Y/n.
"Have you calmed down, yet?" The prince inquired. He seemed uncertain of how to approach the situation after their earlier encounter, where Y/n had been fraught with panic. Y/n, her expression one of perplexed composure, regarded him with a furrowed brow. 
"I've always been calm," she replied matter-of-factly, her tone tinged with a hint of annoyance.
Bhalla's response was a satirical comment that sliced through the air. 
"Ah, I see," he remarked dryly, his words carrying a trace of sarcasm. "So, the earlier display was just a routine for you, then?"
Y/N scowled at his thinly veiled mockery, her patience wearing thin. 
"What do you want?" she demanded, cutting through the tension that hung in the air.
Bhalla, taken aback by her sharp tone, met her gaze with a scowl of his own. His words were clipped and carried a hint of authority as he spoke. 
"You will be taken for an interrogation," he declared, his voice leaving no room for argument.
Y/n and Bhallaladeva stood on opposite sides of an invisible divide.
Taglist: @vellipo-mellaga, @mellaga-karagani, @vayari-bhama, @bitchy-bi-trash (To join the taglist, let me know in the comments, and you'll be added to future ones!)
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likely-moony · 1 year
Hi im new to your blog and i saw that you do telugu movies sooo
Can you do 'saaho' main character (siddhant) as a yandere if you don't mind
I wrote it separate to the ask I'm so fucking dumb lmao.
Anyway, it's up, I hope you enjoy it!!
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