#yandere x readear
demonboidies · 5 years
𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝔂 - 𝓶𝓲𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓲, 𝓳𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓸𝓴, 𝓴𝓲𝓶 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷
pt. 5 
word count: 2,775
<this is a yandere story, therefore this is a trigger warning for emotional abuse, manipulation, toxic relationships and overall unhealthy obsession towards the reader/mc/yn>
tag list: @taezeus​ @jooniescupcakes @aesthetically-messed-up @okpoke​  @aysha489​ @iwannabeanidol (comment under this post to be added, if you comment anywhere else i won’t see it) 
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➣min yoongi
      producer, song-writer, and lyricist. 25 years old and enjoys his own personal times as much as he enjoys naps. has dark brown hair and pale skin. (similar to his wings era looks but brown hair)
you locked the door after dropping the boys off. on the journey to the college, you discovered how energetic the trio really was. you figured they would've been as tired as you were to be up at 7 am when you were in college.
checking the paper that was still in your hand, you saw the name Min Yoongi next. walking back to your room, you unlocked the cabinet door with your key and saw a pill bottle with the patient's name on it.
you knocked softly on his door and a grunt was the only response you got. entering the room you took note of how much darker the aesthetic was prior to the previous male. his walls were painted gray and his sheets were gray and black. everything matched a minimalist aesthetic and you appreciated the chill music that was playing from the record player in the corner of the room.
"yoongi?" you called out softly, shutting the door as quiet as possible.
"hng..." was the only response and you smiled softly at his relatable tone. no one in your book enjoyed waking up so early.
"i have your medication you have to take." at your words he slowly, very slowly, sat up with his hand sticking out. you placed the capsule in his hand and looked for water for him to take it with. "ah. sorry. please wait as i get you the water."
he dismissed your worry, swallowing the pill right down, a sigh leaving his lips afterward. "what time is it?" he asked quietly in a meek voice.
"its 08:45." you answered, peaking down at the schedule in your hand. it was really short for this individual. simply turn on his desktop and switch his record playing to a hip hop album. then get him a fresh cup of instant
so you did as it said, not noticing the trailing eyes that were on you the whole time. yoongi watched with a small smile as you diligently worked, even if you only had to shake the mouse awake. he loved the smile on your face when it finally turned on. but your expression faltered at the sight of his lock screen.
"uhm. yoongi? who's your lockscreen?"
his one eye peeked open, trying to hide his panic. he had forgotten to change it before you came. "uhm, no one. i got it off of the internet."
he threw the covers aside, softly moving you aside from the desktop. "just-just could you change the record and get me my coffee..." he smiles weakly, trying to hide his nerves, "i can't function without it. especially in the mornings." he explained to try and cover himself up. you nodded, letting it slide. you probably were the one at fault anyway, why did you even question him? ugh, you were being so stupid.
there was no way that it was actually you as the lockscreen...that's impossible considering you only met the lot yesterday. your eyes were probably just playing a game with you.
you delicately switched the music, hearing the crackly, yet relaxing beat of a rapper you didn't know the name of. you went to the kitchen and came back up to his room a few minutes later with a steeping cup of hot coffee. he smiled thankfully to you, taking the mug from you.
"thank you." he said and you turned away, about to leave. but the light pressure around your wrist made you turn around with a confused expression. the expression on his face looked as if he was hurting as he touched you, like your contact of skin on skin was burning him.
"so-sorry if I offended you earlier. i-you just caught me off guard with that question." he retracted his hand and scratched a spot behind his ear, a habit you assumed was formed out of anxiety.
"oh, don't worry about it. I should've watched my own mouth. it's not my business what your lockscreen is anyway." you said with a light chuckle. he shook his head with a small pout, which was the cutest thing in your opinion.
"don't blame yourself. it really is my fault." he retorted with the shake of his head. almost like he was disappointed in himself.
"why don't we meet in the middle and say it wasn't any of our faults?" you proposed, deeming it useless if you continued arguing about whose fault it was.
he chuckles at the proposition and nodded. "fine." a smile graced your lips and you continued to take your leave from his room.
"have a nice morning, yoongi." you said softly and he returned it with a grateful smile. shutting the door behind you, you didn't hear the breath of relief he let out.
"such an oblivious girl~~" was the tiny mutter he let out as he clicked away on his desktop, getting right to work.
➣jung hoseok
      choreographer, dancer, and produces and raps occasionally. always working although he does enjoy joking around with the maknae line and being goofy with them. he's a child at heart, beaming with energy and curiosity, although he does get a switch in aura due to his mental disabilities occasionally. has a light tinge of red in his hair although the undertones are true brown color (DNA era). 25 years old.
the giddy dancer was the next to be confronted. upon entering his room, you saw the immediate difference and contrast between the two.
his room was painted a bright, but not obnoxious, yellow. it was dulled down a bit and he had an eccentric colorful poster on his wall, just above the headboard of his bed. reading the color font, you made out the words 'HOPE WORLD.' perhaps it was a movie that you haven't heard of.
as for the male you were supposed to wake up, he was already sitting in front of the large screen of his room.
"good morning hoseok." you said cheerfully, almost like your mood had brightened by the mere sight of his wallpaper.
"ah, good morning!" his eyes didn't leave the screen. "sorry, unfortunately, i can't pause Tetris 99 and i'm ranked pretty high right now..." his voice was fading as he continued to focus on the colorful blocks on his screen.
you maneuvered around him, making sure not to cover his vision from his intense game. you sat at his desk, placing the pills labeled with his name into your hand. you had to wait until he was finished until you could give him his pills.
so you watched and got unreasonably attached to his game as well.
"shit..." he cursed lowly under his breath when it showed he was eliminated. honestly, you were yelling at which directions to put the blocks and how to edit their position, but for the sale of professionalism, you held that urge to yell back.
"better luck next time," you said with an encouraging smile. his annoyed expression was washed away immediately like he had taken off an invisible mask, and a wide smile spread his face.
"yup! thanks for the encouragement. it means a lot!" he took the pills on his desk, swallowing without a problem. "have the others been treating you well? the little ones aren't causing trouble right?"
you chuckled at the reference of the maknae line, shaking your head. "everyone is super sweet and nice~ no one has caused trouble." you pushed away the thought of the minor bump in the road at yoongi's room.
"i'm a good boy too right? i don't act up~~" he put his hand under his chin and pursed his lips cutely. he surely was cute. you held back the urge to pinch his cheeks. so all you could do was laugh with a light blush and nod.
"yes, hoseok. you're a good patient." you ruffled his hair slightly.
"awe, am i only a patient to you?" a cute pout now was on his lips, putting his hand on his sides as an upset child would.
"well, hopefully, we become closer as friends." you said in a sing-song voice stepping towards his door. "would you like me to come back to remind you of your studio opening? or do you think you could manage?"
hoseok thought. he always remembered when his studio opened, he was the owner and couldn't let his students down by being late. usually, he was a good 20 minutes early just to clean up. but that would mean you would come back and see him. so, with the two options, he obviously chose the latter.
"just for safety precaution, please come back around to remind me." you nodded in understanding.
"have a nice morning then, and see you soon hoseok." you were about to shut his door before his voice called out to you.
"wait!" he rushed to the doorway, opening it wider as he smiled, "call me hobi from now on. after all, we are gonna wanna become comfortable if you wanna be close friends! i hear nicknames are good ways of doing so. so call me hobi from now on, okay?"
you couldn't say no, especially when he was beaming with a smile like a little puppy. he was so unreasonably cute, it was unfair.
"alright then, hobi, have a good rest of the morning." you made sure to exaggerate the new nickname, thinking it would make him happy. and it did and it showed through his bright smile.
this time you shut the door without him interrupting, continuing on with your job and going down the hallway a bit more to namjoon's room.
meanwhile, hoseok was on his bed, face down in the pillows. in his arms was one that was suffering from his tight hug that he was enveloping it with. he had to bite back a squeal knowing you were only a few feet away from his room.
'i'm a good boy, she said so herself.' he said with a light blush, kicking his feet in ecstasy. 'i can't let her down now, i'll be good for her and only her.'
➣kim namjoon
      online college courses so most of his mornings are spent in his office doing work. very smart and excels in most of his classes. occasionally will accompany jin on his out of country trips, just to be a helping hand if needed. blondish, blonde hair, usually exposing his forehead. he's 25 years old and does also confide in his lyrical book to relieve stress.
you stopped a moment in front of the door, leaning your head against the door. your eyes were widened a bit, seeing how long his list was. you soon realized that is was like that because it contained his school schedule (which was several pages long, he didn't keep out details.)
suddenly, the door was swung open, leaving you to fall out of balance. luckily, namjoon acted fast enough to catch you. he was careful with his hands, not wanting to intrude on your personal space. he kept his arms stiff as he caught you from your underarms.
"oh my go-! i'm so sorry namjoon," you bowed profusely, trying to hide the embarrassment in your voice. although, it didn't help much. his familiar chuckle left his lips as he shook his head.
"it's fine," he said with a sweet smile, "i suppose i should apologize too for scaring you. sorry, i had just seen someone's shadow by the door, wanted to see who it was." he explained, keeping the same sweet smile on his face.
you nodded in understanding, digging into your small bag for his dosage. "would you like water?"
"ah, yes. i do need water, unlike the others, i have trouble swallowing these pills down."
rushing to get water, you came back upstairs with a full small glass and a tired smile. "sorry, i should've added that to your notes. i'll be sure to add that on later." he said before swallowing his dose.
"well, i would hate to cut our conversation short but i do need to continue on working. duty does call, unfortunately." he said with a heavy sigh. he didn't want to leave you prescence, but he needed to finish his work before anything else. maybe if he worked hard enough, he would get to spend alone time with you before lunch.
so as you nodded and shut his door, he dashed to his desk and worked as fast. but effectively as possible. without taking a second glance at the click the whole time, he was clicking through pages of pages of articles. at with all this rushing to get finished, he was done at a new record speed of an hour and forty-five minutes.
that was half his time than usual. and he was giddy and excited to have some personal time spent with you. he left his room, shutting the door and bringing his cup of water with him as he walks down the stairs.
however, his rushed feet paused as he heard you laughing. along with a familiar laughter mixed in with yours.
"hobi! stop, i won fair and square!" giu exclaimed as hoseok stomped his feet childishly. he was acting like a child and that was what triggered your laughter. meanwhile, namjoon was scowling at the scene.
of course, he had to ruin the moment. he was supposed to talk to you for some time longer. whatever, he would get his way with you eventually, he told himself.
"what are you two doing?" namjoon voiced, walking closer to you two. in the center of the room there was a giant flat screen TV and it displayed the image of mario kart. "ah, nevermind. i'll let you two have your own time."
hoseok smirked victoriously seeing namjoon's disheartened attitude. "no! come on join us! hoseok had to leave for his studio anyway."
the younger of the two lifted his head hopefully, the cutest smile basking his features.
"hobi, we can have a rematch mater. you have to go to your studio remember?" you reminded the male, who slouched on defeat. his victorious smile long gone as he stood from his position on the couch.
his bag was already packed for the studio and he hid you two a farewell, not without glaring at namjoon when you weren't paying attention. the other simply smiled innocently, waving bye almost mockingly to hoseok's retreating figure.
"to be honest, i'm kinda scared to go against you. hoseok is second best to jin in this house, so you must be really skilled."
you smiled confidently, "not to toot my own horn, but i've been playing since i was a kid." the newfound fact about yourself made namjoon smile fondly at you.
"well let's hope lady luck is on my side today."
she wasn't. he just all the races you two played, leaving you to pat his shoulder reassuringly even though a prideful smirk was on your lips.
"i demand a rematch, that was not fair!"
tou checked your phone, standing up with a smile. "afraid not at this moment. i've got to get the younger ones from school."
namjoon stood up and followed your walking figure, that was getting closer to the door. "we can send a driver to pick them up, come on just one more."
"sorry, duty calls, like you said earlier." namjoon let out a weak chuckle, not liking how his own words bit him in the butt.
"fine, but i expect a game when you come back."
"we will see namjoon, see you later." you waved and departed, leaving the male to slouch where he stood.
as you drove off to the college, jin sat in his wheelchair as yoongi leaned against the stairwell railing observing Namjoon.
"he's smart, but too selfish." yoongi noted, glaring at namjoon's figure.
"you're one to talk, you maniac."
"oh shut up, poser."
"ah, yoongi, you know I prefer romancer." the eldest winked as the other rolled his eyes at the statement.
| and that's the hyung line! sorry for the long wait =/ maknae line coming up next, apologies for any typos|
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Considering how unstable yandere Sasuke was after he learned the truth about Itachi, how would this affect his "relationship" with his s/o, does his delusions double? How can his s/o survive the mess their in?
Subject: Naruto: Shippuden, Sasuke Uchiha
Title: To Survive (Headcanons) 
Trigger Warning: Delusions, possessive behavior, 
One word: feral
If Sasuke had any sense of politeness and preservation, it's gone now
He’d spent over a decade building a foundation of hate against his brother
And now it turns out, he’s the GOOD GUY
There’s nothing else he can do but go feral
Those delusions? Doubled and even more dangerous
Getting up for water in the night? You must be leaving him for another man
Asking Suigetsu for help? You’re secretly sucking his dick, aren’t you?
You and Karin getting along? The two of you are plotting against him
He’s even more controlling and mean 
Keeping you at his side constantly, chaining you to the bed
No meals without him knowing, no bathing without his presence, NOTHING without him
Of course you have to appease him to even see the sun, 
Holding him, quietly going along with his delusions, always apologizing and taking punishment for things you haven’t done
All to keep yourself safe 
At least, that’s what you keep telling yourself
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So sorry to @enchantedrose1 for messing up your request. I totally forgot who Cho was and thought that "chos" was a typo. I'm so embarrassed. Below I've re-written the request; I hope you like it.
Subject: Castlevania, Adrien Alucard Tepes Title: Cho's Daughter Trigger Warning: Death mentions, Kidnapping
Traveling from Japan to Europe was to next to impossible for a vampire, but your mother had done it. Cho had been far from weak, in fact, she was the terror of Japan's nights. So when you received word that she'd been killed, the news had felt fake. No one but Dracula should have had the power to kill the demon mist vampire. You tried to keep the rumors away from the humans, your mother's precious playthings, but information spreads fast amongst the disenfranchised. Other vampires would soon prey on them all. Within days, her empire had fallen apart and you were left alone in the ghost of a building with only a name to know who killed your mother; Alucard.
You knew of him, after all, dhampr were rare in a world where humans saw mating with vampires as necrophilia and vampires saw mating with humans as unnecessary. Even the idea of mating with them was seen as some sort of sick bestiality. Your mother hadn't been much different, conceiving you in a night where blood lust and lust had become the same. But Alucard was different; Dracula had seen his human pet as a woman and married her. Alucard had been born from love and he'd destroyed the vampire hierarchies across the world over night, inspiring hate that would live on for eons.
Even with a weaker version of Cho's ability to become mist, traveling was difficult, but the long journey would be worth it kill him.
Finding Dracula's castle was the easy part; it was big and monstrous in the forest, disturbing in its design and decor. You could smell the bodies in front of the castle, both of which you recognized from the compound. Both fools who had snuck away the moment they heard of Cho's death. They must have come to him for the opposite reason you had.
You grabbed the top of your katana and stepped toward the castle. A quiet approach would be far more beneficial than to announce yourself. Quiet as a mouse and swift as a monster.
From one step to the next, your body dissolved into mist and slipped under the door. A tingle shot through you and you reformed on the other side. A barrier along the door. Alucard must have put it in place, you would not be able to leave the same way you had come in. That was fine, you weren't leaving until he was dead anyway.
"Who's there?" You didn't know what Alucard would look or sound like, but seeing him in the shadows of his own castle, long honey blond hair and  golden eyes, he was far from what you were expecting. You'd seen the paintings of Dracula, black hair and abyssal eyes filled with darkness, but his son was the opposite. He's was the light where his father was dark.
Well, it didn't really matter when he was going to be ash, soon. "Your reckoning."
Alucard stepped into the hall, carefully eyeing you. "And what have I done to earn your wrath?"
"You don't know who I am?" You hissed. Your grip tightened on your blade.
"Based on that sword... You must have come from Japan." He crossed his arms, "If you have a grievance with the corpses out front, you should know they tried to kill me first."
Your blood boiled. "Who cares about a couple of humans? My mother! Cho, the demon mist of Japan and its most powerful vampire lord." How dare he not even bother to remember her.
Alucard turned away and you shot after him, ready to bury your blade in his heart, but something hit you instead. Burning hot pain seared through your abdomen. You looked down to see a sword through your stomach. "What?"
"I made to sure to miss any vital organs. You'll be fine." Alucard faced you, swiftly disarming you in a matter of seconds. "Dhampr are rare, so I don't think I'll kill you. plus, its quite lonely in this castle. Maybe it would be good to keep you here. You can be my pet, help me with the Belmont library."
"Kill me! Like you killed my mother. I hate you more than anything in this world!" The wards on the doors would keep you from leaving. He had you trapped, set to become either his prey or pet. "Just kill me!"
"Don't worry." His hands, cold as ice, gently touched your cheek, "I'll treat you so well you won't to die." Something clicked around your throat. You couldn't see it, but you could feel it. All of your otherwordlyless pushed away. You couldn't shift into mist, it was like your powers were too far to reach. "Now, let's get you fed."
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