#yassen had a very good breakdown in mammals and his vissage was blasted into my minds eye
abrielarnold · 1 year
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The lights overhead sputter.
Danny doesn’t look at either of them. It’s still cold in the room, despite the warm air now running.
Alex’s chest is hollow.
“Your parents work for the Foundation,” he says softly. “That’s why you’re on the run, isn’t it? Because they would turn you in?”
Danny pulls into himself even closer. “No—I—I don’t know,” Danny snaps. He has that same wild animal look in his eye that Alex saw on their first day together. “You don’t—It doesn’t matter now.”
more more MORE art for Things That Bleed by @dp-belongs-in-a-hoodie @kkachis and @artistfingers
(every chapter is good so so good. loosing my miiiiiind. devouring this fic with both hands)
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