#yavs camp nano 2023
dogmomwrites · 1 year
Camp NaNo Update
Camp Nano April 2023 Day 25 Words written today: 7 lmao Total word count: 21,334/25,000
The past few writing sessions have all been interrupted, so I have daily numbers like 120,, 513,, 633,, 126,, 2,110,, and today's 7. No idea what numbers were for what days. Or how I managed to forget to update at all for nearly two full weeks...whoopsie
I have 3,666 words left to complete Camp NaNo and five days remaining to do it. Tonight, however, I will be playing Minecraft with my 20+ dogs and maybe hopefully find my first kitty (spotted an ocelot, but it fled from my 20+ dogs and also I had no fishes to befriend it). I am fully aware I should be writing rather than gaming, and yet it is apparently my conscious decision to play the game instead.
Why? Cuz *sobs* that's why!
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dogmomwrites · 1 year
Camp NaNo Update
Camp Nano April 2023 Day 27 Words written today: 3,666 Total word count: 25,000/25,000
How bizarre that I wrote the exact amount I needed to hit the word goal. It's uncanny. I almost want to write more just to mess it up, but the odds of it happening are holding me back. It is what it is, and let it be at peace.
I slept like shit last night, so I'm actually a little surprised I got any writing done. Been disassociating pretty hard all day and couldn't focus on anything at all, but that's okay because now I've got a successful Camp NaNo under my belt (my first!) and I get to snuggle up in a comfy bed with my two precious pups. Not a bad way to end a night
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dogmomwrites · 1 year
Camp Nano Update
Camp Nano April 2023 Day 13 Words written today: 8,427 Total word count: 19,224/25,000
My brain feels a lil bit like an egg that's been frying over such low heat that it's still a little runny even after frying for eight hours. I just hope everything I wrote today isn't as bad as that line.
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dogmomwrites · 1 year
Camp Nano Update
Camp Nano April 2023 Day 10 Words written today: 5,352 Total word count: 10,797/25,000
Yo so easter plans fucked me up lmao went out and did stuff with the family and just??? forgot?? that I had intended to update daily to help keep me accountable. Now it's been a couple days and gosh. Just gosh
also i may be spending more time playing video games than writing but shh
I wrote a little bit the...eighth? I think? It was only about 200 or so cuz I was continually interrupted and people kept breaking my train of thought, but I'm adding them to my total. They count even if I forgot to update that day. Not gonna make a whole extra post for it though.
Ngl tho, I was starting to wonder if I was gonna fail the camp; today certainly helps. I'm gonna complete the goal in four days, but it's gonna take me all month to get those four days lmao
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dogmomwrites · 1 year
Camp Nano Update
Camp Nano April 2023 Day 7 Words written today: 1,663 Total word count: 5,231/25,000
I am,,,,only about,,,,,500 words behind schedule but that's alright. I didn't expect to hit par every day the first week. I've only worked on the one WIP so far, so maybe switching it up a little will help. I'm not really enjoying what I've written so far; it'll probably end up staying, with some minor editing, but it'll be a kinda boring chapter lmao
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dogmomwrites · 1 year
Camp Nano Update
Camp Nano April 2023 Day 6 Words written today: 0 Total word count: 3,568/25,000
Okay, listen. Listen. I was gonna do some writing, but then I read a book, got a sunburn, watched Star Trek, and played video games instead. The intentions were there. So...that's basically the same thing, right??
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dogmomwrites · 1 year
Camp Nano Update
Camp Nano April 2023 Day 4 Words written today: 0 Total word count: 500/25,000
yooooo I'm doing awful this first week apparently lmao
Spent my day organizing some boxes and bags of stuff to give to a local school—some classroom stuff like pencils, paper, crayons, glue sticks, but mostly pencils. There were a lot of pencils. I don't even know how many, but it was definitely triple digits. Then we went to dinner and watched John Wick Chapter 4 with a friend. While I'm not having a great start for Camp NaNo, I can't say I'm displeased with how the day went. The movie is absolutely fantastic!
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dogmomwrites · 1 year
Camp Nano Update
Camp Nano April 2023 Day 3 Words written today: 500 Total word count: 500/25,000 I thought I was gonna have a much bigger number than that, but then I remembered that I cut just as much, so my starting and ending word counts may not be reflecting my efforts so well lol and anyway, I got more written than expected once I was told a friend was coming over this evening. It's been so long since his last visit that we were still holding onto his Christmas gifts
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dogmomwrites · 1 year
Camp Nano Update
Camp Nano April 2023 Day 2 Words written today: 0 Total word count: 0/25,000
That's not what I wanted for today. Then again, the sudden I-have-no-hot-water-and-several-loads-of-laundry issues were not what I wanted for today either. Spent the whole day at family's house, which means today still felt like a fun day even though I wasn't able to write at all.
Tomorrow, please cooperate 🤞
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dogmomwrites · 1 year
Camp Nano Update
Camp Nano April 2023 Day 1 Words written today: 0 Total word count: 0/25,000
Zero writing will be done today, but that's okay. I was busy running errands with A today, and I got some new stuffies! (they're under the cut for anyone who wants to see). Now just having a chill evening at home with the guys, playing video games and listening to the lovely sounds of the dogs eating their chew sticks. I'll worry about word count tomorrow.
Hamish the donkey, Rúna the chocolate lab, and McKinley the german shepherd
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dogmomwrites · 1 year
Camp Nano Update
Camp Nano April 2023 Day 5 Words written today: 3,068 Total word count: 3,568/25,000
Not as strong of a start for this month as I wanted, but I'm not gonna lie, I needed today. I did good today. That chapter was kinda a bitch to get started, but once I got it going, it was pretty easy to finish. Also learned some stuff about the WIP lore that I had no clue about lmao
Now to get the interruptions toned down...(my dog asks me to play with him a hundred times a day, but it's so hot and humid that he doesn't wanna play long. Just long enough to get me out of my rhythm, so when I sit back down while he cools off, I have to get back into the writing. It kind of sucks, but I'm never gonna tell him playing isn't allowed or anything)
idk if anyone wants it, but here's a very small excerpt of what I wrote today
“Maybe you haven’t been familiarized with the stories yet,” Aika began, but Susan stopped her with a shake of her head.
“I know them as well as you do. Bad things have always happened in the wilds, and then they took the fey. Slowly, with madness and blood and horror. And screams that echo still.”
“And you still want to go in there?”
“I think we should at least try."
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