googlyeyesonmagiccards · 10 months
Have you done Eyetwitch?
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Something about this just makes my eye...twitch.
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markrosewater · 4 years
Hello Mark, today happens to be my birthday! As an amateur linguist, I'd love to hear some trivia about foreign language magic in recent years, or if you don't know enough about that (you're only human, after all!), some trivia about the continuing collaboration between the magic and d&d parts of wizards
My favorite translation story was that the Japanese translator originally translated Yawgmoth’s Agenda as Yawgmoth’s Day Planner.
Happy Birthday!
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edh-a-to-z · 7 years
Dominaria Predictions & Hopes
So...Rivals of Ixalan is here. The analysis done. 9 creatures added to my to-do list. (I’m never gonna get them all, sweet heavens, theres still 700+ left).
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Future sight will be where I try to guess at what’s coming. Kinda new to this, so let’s try it out!
(1) A return of the Three cycle.
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The “3″ cycle was one of the most iconic parts of Old Magic. I believe that we’ll get a reprinting of some of the old cards, with cards reminiscent (in name and function) to older cards.
Healing Salve. Weak enough to see as a common reprint. But it sucks. A lot.
Healing Salve 2.0 - have the option (choose one or both) to do both for W
Ancestral Recall - Okay, this one is actually OP as heck. And reserved
Ancestral Recall 2.0 - Maybe Draw 3, discard 2-3?, or reprint Ancestral Vision
Dark Ritual - Probably too powerful for standard. But if Bolt can come back, so can this. But really no.
Dark Ritual 2.0 - Sac a permanent, add BBB. Basically Culling the Weak changed for Standard and Limited
Lightning Bolt. The Red player’s favorite card. Powerful and fun. And if I see another Shock reprint, or a godforsaken Open Fire, I’m gonna cry. Kick it to uncommon and it’ll work in limited.
Giant Growth - a classic, way better than the 20 other variations of Instant G buff cards
An alternative is they make a completely new cycle that references them, as IMO only Bolt and Growth could be possible reprints. Or maybe they’ll save it for the Core Set that’s in the work.
Probability: Average.
Dominaria should be a powerful set, to shake off the dust that is Kaladesh’s energy. Every new set should start off new decks, not just offer “strictly better” cards for extant Standard decks.
However, given the sheer power on most of these (except the salve), It’d be hard to sell for 
(2) Surviving Characters
Amazingly, for a place known for being destroyed a dozen times, there are people living in Dominaria.
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Key art from Dominaria, Unknown 
Shown here we have the fan favorites Jhoira, Teferi, and Karn. 
Of them Jhoira has a card (Jhoira of the Ghitu) and IS NOT a planeswalker whence last we saw her. Teferi has a creature card and a Planeswalker card, and was depowered (from being a ‘walker) whence we saw him last. WOTC could do a reprint of Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir, but I’m hoping for something new.
And Karn.
We last saw him on New Phyrexia after being saved by Venser, and it looks like he’s back home. Hopefully we can have a Karn walker that’s not broken as all heck.
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Jaya Ballard Art, Yongjae Choi
But let’s not forget everyone’s favorite Red Mage (bite me Chandra), Jaya.
Other Dominarian Characters I hope are around:
Sisay - STILL ALIVE!!! Orim - b/c every Star Trek style crew needs a doctor Cho-Manno - an unfortunate reminder of Mercadian Masques Oriss - Possible descendant of theirs who may be alive Squee - Basically immortal Tahngrath - Probably chilling with Sisay and Squee on the Victory
Other Dominarian Characters I hope aren’t around:
Liliana Vess - So much screentime elsewhere Nicol Bolas - As above
Probability: Basically Guaranteed. It’s in the art
(3) The Hive
Slivers Slivers Slivers
So yea, we’re back on Dominaria. 
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Sliver Queen, by Ron Spencer
I’m guessing it’s not a return to the 1.0 slivers that say “All Slivers get X”, but more like the M14 & M15 slivers. A mix of new slivers and reprints.
Probability: Like 1 to 20 odds. Slivers and standard feels like a pipe dream for me, and a nightmare for everyone else.
(4) Classic Tribes
Not a big part, but will be nominally mentioned. Maybe (good ol’ Cabal), Soliders, Elves, classic looking Goblins, Zombies, and Wizards. Less printed tribe like Clerics, Kavu/Beast,  Tribal representation and some weak tribal support.
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Tribal support can link up with other sets in standard, like Zombies or Merfolk, so there’s already some groundwork for potential tribal decks in standard.
Probability: Like 1 to 2 for weak mechanics, and 1 to 20 for some serious tribal support.
(5) Story Connections
How did we get here?
Well, after the Gatewatch was scattered to the wind, and we saw Jace on Ixalan (plus that Ugin had planted the location in his mind to check out), why do we -the audience -  end up on Dominaria?
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Liliana, Heretical Healer, by Karla Ortiz
We know Liliana Vess hails from here, so perhaps this is where she ended up post-Amonkhet.
I also hope that the Gatewatch will take a backseat this round. I love ‘em, but for heck’s sake I can’t take 9 blocks of them being in the spotlight. Keep ‘em in the background. Those Story Spotlights should not be about the new characters, but instead reach back for more nostalgic characters.
I’m hoping we don’t get the view of locals. I like the Vamps, Merfolk and Pirates of Ixalan, but I don’t have to really care about them - only the Planeswalkers are important long term.
Probability: like 50/50. We need the story somehow. I’m just hoping the way we tell the story is with characters we know (unlike Ixalan’s non-Jace/Vraska character) but haven’t heard from in a while (the Gatewatch).
(6) Old Artists
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Bitterblossom, by Rebecca Guay
Rebecca Guay. Phil Foglio. Melissa Benson, Ron Spencer. And so many more.
Bringing back artists famed for their work in older sets would be a great treat. We got to see John Avon and Rebecca Guay back for Commander 2017, maybe this is the start of bringing them back for more art.
Probability: 1 in a 100. While nice, it’s a lot harder to get older artists back than it is to do all of this stuff on Creative’s side.
 (7) Phyrexia
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Slay, by Ben Thompson
So, after the Legacy was fired off, Urza, Gerrard, and Yawgmoth bit it. The Phyrexians on Dominaria folded after that. 
BUT!!! We can still have Phyrexian holdouts, lurking around Dominaria! Sure, most of them were killed after Yawgmoth died, but what if some survived? And are working with maybe the Cabal. You know, being villains and all.
Probability: 1 in a 100.
I don’t think that’ll Phyrexians will be a plot focus, as it seems we’re going to Dominaria to pick up the rest of the cast and fight Nicol Bolas on Ravnica.
(8) Masterpieces
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Picture this, but with a fancy frame
Now that they’ve become “lets make the set special” after the thrashing of Amonkhet, I think Dominaria can have some really great masterpieces.
Masterpieces of stuff we associate with Masters sets, like Alpha powerhouses of Birds of Paradise, Sinkhole, Swords to Plowshares, all would be great choices to get as masterpieces. With new art or old art, new frames or old frames, I’d love me some masterwork of 
Probability: 1 in a 10. I don’t know when WOTC will bring the Masterpieces back, and they may consider Dominaria good enough on it’s own
Easy bets:
No Vehicles (for the love of god please no)
No artifact/equipment/enchantment block focus
No Bird of Paradise, or any Masters power-level reprints ( we don’t get to have nice things in Standard).
Reprint of old Painlands like Caves of Koilos as the set’s dual lands. Apocalypse had the first batch and we haven’t seen them since Origins. They made Blood Sun for a reason. Maybe reprint time?
Artwork that references older cards. Maybe showing updated locations, like Academy Ruins did for Tolarian Academy.
Well, that’s all I got campers.
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What do y’all think? What are you hoping to see? Let me know what you think.
Wonder how accurate these’ll be. 
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neingel · 7 years
Amonkhet Commander Review: Part 1
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Hello everyone and welcome back to today’s article. With Amonkhet’s spoiler season over with the set fully spoiled, it is now time to look at what new toys are in store for Commander players and the format as a whole. This 2-part article will go through the top 5 cards in each color for Commander. The first part of these series will go through the colors White, Blue, Black and Red, while the second part of the article will go through the colors Green, Multi-color, Colorless and Lands. Without further ado, prepare to start playing like an Egyptian with your Commander playgroup soon!
Before jumping into the colors, I’ll first like to mention at the release of every new set, the new Legendary creatures that are introduced for General play in Commander. Amonkhet has brought back Gods as the Legendary creature type, though not similar to the Gods of Theros, the Gods of Amonkhet share a small trait with the Theros gods. Having Indestructibility as a Legendary creature is always nice, but the new Gods do come with a slight downside, and that is not being able to attack/block unless a certain condition/criteria is fulfilled.
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Also, Cycling has seen a comeback, with new cards for Commander players to experiment with as well as some small form of synergy with counters(*Atraxa players rubbing their hands in glee perhaps*).
Enough rumbling from me then, let’s get started with the first color!
Anointed Procession
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Finally White has a Parallel Lives effect, Anointed Procession will definitely see play in Commander in existing Green/White token strategies, especially for a small handful of players not being to afford Parallel Lives effect, grabbing this would probably save a couple of bucks. Mono-White generals that rely on token strategies such as Brimaz, King of Oskeros or Darien, King of Kjeldor. Overall, not a bad card designed by Wizards to push play for BW Zombies in Standard as well as tokens in Commander.
Gideon’s Intervention
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Gideon’s Intervention is a pretty niche card, it might see some fringe sideboard play in Standard, but I believe it’s truth potential lies in Commander. At 4cmc, Gideon’s Intervention seems costly as it’s effect stops 1 card from potentially being cast/dealing damage to you. However, it does seem to fair particularly well after your opponent has tutored for a card or has an infinite damage combo the following turn. It also fairs extremely well against Voltron, being able to halt your opponent’s Voltron plan before they even cast their general.
Approach of the Second Sun
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Weird? High costed? Exactly what Commander asks/screams for. On paper, Approach of the Second Sun is a card you would probably find in your best friend’s shoe-box or your store’s 50 cent box of jank rares. However, it’s groundbreaking ability to win off casting a 2nd copy is something many Commander players would try to break in the format. Many have been talking about it’s “value” interaction with Remand, as well as a bunch of decks that abuse copying spells. Weird card, but could see play as a simple/efficient wincon.
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Dawn//Dusk is an interesting card, it does remind me a lot of Austere Command. The first mode is quite powerful at 4 mana, though not on par with Wrath of God or Day of Judgement. The card pays off at the 2nd mode, where decks like Alesha or some form of Aristocrats would love to cast it’s Aftermath effect. Niche cards like these are definitely going to see some good amount of play in Commander.
Regal Caracal 
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Ah look! Some Cat tribal support in Amoncat! 
See what I did there? No..? :/
With that lame pun aside, Regal Caracal is actually quite a flavourful inclusion in the set. A 5-drop that’s a 3-for-1, makes 2 other Cat Tokens and acts as a Lord with additional Lifelink. Cats do not have that much of support in Commander, other than Anthem effects in form of Enchantments/Artifacts, but having a Lord now is quite the upgrade for any Cat Tribal deck.
As Foretold
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We’ll start with the bad stuff. As we all know, As Foretold has been on everyone’s radar recently and many have been trying to experiment with it in many formats. Reason being spells that have a cmc cost of “0” can be casted for free. Such spells include from simple things such as a free Evermind or even worse a free Ancestral Visions, which basically makes As Foretold an extremely powerful card being able to cheat a lot of spells into play. It also can play pretty well with decks such as Jhoria, something that already runs a host of powerful spells with the slight downside of Suspend. Or in an Atraxa deck, with the right curve and counter synergy, can work wonders. Only time will tell how soon someone is to breaking this in Commander.
Vizier of Many Faces
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Vizier is just like any other clone effect, 4 costed and having the ability to copy a creature, but it does have Embalm for a slightly higher cost of 5. Meaning even after it has been destroyed, players still have a backup clone effect for only 5 mana. Also, it makes a token after being Embalmed, which could open up some cool and unique token strategies.
New Perspectives
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Ah...another one of those really niche cards nobody would ever play anywhere else other than Commander. New Perspectives could actually push Cycling as a serious mechanic, due to the fact that it could potentially make Cycling cost 0. Although Fluctuator already makes Cycling free, some cards still require colored mana in order to Cycle. New Perspectives however, makes all cards regardless of their Cycling cost free to cycle, coming with a slight upside of drawing 3 cards as well. Cards like these in the set might actually push people to experiment more with Cycling in Commander.
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Commit//Memory might seem costly for what it does at first glance, but many have seen that Commit is already better than Venser, Shaper Savant. While Memory does seem like an overcosted Time Reversal, the card is already has value when you have used Commit or discarded it to use Memory more efficiently. Either way, the card is very versatile for Blue and I can’t wait to have it in my deck.
Glyph Keeper
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Now that is my definition of annoying! Glyph Keeper is actually a pretty simple card at first, but very troublesome to deal with. A 5/3 flyer is quite a beater, but combined with the fact it has a small built in protection and Embalm afterwards is good value. Your opponents are guaranteed to waste at least 2 cards getting rid of him, and another 2 after you Embalm it back.
Liliana, Death’s Majesty
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Starting off strong in Black is the new Liliana, and many Zombie-Tribal players are already in love with this set. There are so many new toys for Zombies to play with in Commander! Liliana is no exception of course, having the ability to create more Zombies while churning your graveyard, reanimating a big creature to make it a Zombie and of course, a 1-sided boardwipe for anyone not running Zombies. At 5 cmc, she is meant to carry Zombies a long way upwards.
Liliana’s Mastery
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If we haven’t got enough of Liliana and Zombies, you better get used to it soon. Black seems to me like full of cards specifically meant to pushing Zombies in Standard. And these cards are definitely going to see play in Commander. Liliana’s Mastery is a 5 costed Enchantment that is essentially a 3-for-1, giving 2 Zombies but acting as a effective anthem effect at the same time? Liliana and her Zombies are really partying good in Amonkhet after all!
Archfiend of Ifnir
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Probably one of the few big evil baddies in the set that isn’t a Zombie. Archfiend seems simple at first, but build it around a shell that likes discarding cards? Yep, decks such as Nekusar or Leovold could abuse their “Wheeling” cards and Archfiend to create an artificial but powerful 1-sided boardwipe. Other than that, Archfiend seems like it might stay in Commander for long due to it’s strong potential to easily clear an opponent’s board if he’s left unanswered.
Shadow of the Grave
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Now these type of cards are my favorite. Spicy, powerful in the right shell and low costed as always. Shadow of the Grave reminds me a lot of Yawgmoth’s Will, which is seen by many as a potential 10th piece of “Power” in the game, the raw power of playing the same set of cards a 2nd time is always overwhelming. Shadow, unlike Will, requires the player to discard/Cycle cards in order to recast them again, this is pretty easy to accomplish with again..Wheel Effects...being able to cast this, hold priority to discard your current hand, draw your new hand and get all your cards back? Sounds pretty fun to me!
Lord of the Accursed
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And surprise surprise! Another Zombie card to round off Black! As if anyone hadn’t knew it yet, Amonkhet is literally filled with strong Zombie cards. Lord of the Accursed is no stranger to round off Black as his childhood colors, at 3 cmc, he’s able to hit the table quickly as a cheap lord. His 2nd ability however can be used to finish someone with a low creature count off. Having another lord in Zombies really isn’t enough when they already have like....I don’t know? 7?!
Glorious End
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This card might very well read, “Stop whatever your opponent’s doing, and I’ll need to win the game NOW”. We’ve seen plenty of effects in Red where they do broken things such as Extra Turns, but requiring the player to win the next turn to avoid losing. Such cards include Warrior’s Oath and Final Fortune. It is pretty interesting to see an “End the Turn” effect in Red though, where the only 2 cards possible of doing so are Time Stop and Sundial of the Infinite. Overall, a pretty interesting card I would love to see being abused in Commander together with cards like Hive Mind.
Combat Celebrant
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Extra combat phase effects on creatures are always amusing. Combat Celebrant excels here due to the fact he just needs to attack, and activate Exert on him. Meaning even if he’s killed afterwards, you’ll still get the additional combat phase he gave you, even better when after he’s exerted, he need not attack again with the risk of being killed through combat damage. Fun card overall, with many players soon to break it.
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Insult does a lot for a measly cost of 3 mana, being able to not prevent damage and double your damage from any source this turn? Sign me up! Injury is not really good but can be activated late game to kill off anything small and poke a little at your opponent’s life total. I would love someone to try and play this around Storm, making each Grapeshot hit for a ton of damage :>
Hazoret’s Favor
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Hazoret’s Favor is an ideally good card for decks that love placing in big creatures and swinging immediately. I could see this card working better when paired with a 2nd/3rd color, decks such as Xenagos, Omnath, Animar and many others would love to have this. Low costed at 3 mana, generally Commander playable overall.
Harsh Mentor
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Many have begun the hype where Harsh Mentor would see play in formats such as Legacy, where it can pick off opponents for numerous strategies/decks. Harsh Mentor isn’t too bad in Commander too, many activated abilites in Commander require tapping,sacrificing creatures or simply paying mana. Harsh Mentor only targets opponents, which is definitely a huge upside considering it’s a 2/2 for 2 mana. Powerful card overall, and I could see many people seeing this as a formidable threat in a few formats soon.
Amonkhet does bring a lot of new toys for Commander players thus far, and I can’t wait for the set release to be able to experiment with some new strategies. That’s all for this week’s article, stay tuned next week for Part 2 of this Commander review-where I go through the remaining colors/cards for: Green,Mulitcolored,Artifacts and the Lands of the set. Until next time, happy brewing with Amonkhet!
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