#yay drunk hijikata
nollatooru · 6 years
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This is my secret santa present for @flower-dragon, I hope you like it. Your wishlist had snow fun and I merged the silent night with s/o and we got really drunk on eggnog into short comic.
Since you didn’t specify characters I tried to put as many as possible in the first picture. Though Sannan-san was added kinda extra extra when I realized they indeed should be wearing winter clothes :P
Also I have never heard of eggnog before, I hope the knowledge I got from wikipedia was good enough for the comic. PLEASE READ THE COMIC FROM RIGHT TO LEFT. I don’t know what crazy idea it was but when I started to sketch this I just suddenly decited “hey I should do this from right to left”, even though all my rough sketches and plans were from left to right. I used Hijichi pairing as eggnog definitely sounded like something Otori would offer, and he’s mainly on Hijikata’s route.
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hakuoki-dreams · 5 years
Yay!! The ask box is open!!! Do you mind doing some general drinking headcanons for the bachelor's? Any will do!! Thank you for all that you do!! You run an amazing blog!! 💙💙💙
Thanks for the kind words, dude! I did a random assortment of the boys 😉
Prefers to keep a nice, steady buzz when he’s drinking. No more, no less
Souji might know his limits best out of the whole bunch. Always stops before he’s had too much
He overindulged once or twice back in the Edo days. Waking up with the realization that he couldn’t recall what he did last night was a terrifying and uncomfortable experience for him, and one he never wanted to repeat
Even worse was the fact Saito couldn’t (or wouldn’t?) tell him exactly what happened. He swore him to secrecy just in case
Once Souji gets sick and his appetite lessens, sake is one of the only things he can still stomach. Dr. Matsumoto practically wrote him a daily prescription for it to keep his strength up, to Shinpachi’s jealous dismay
Loves to drink and hasn’t learned self-control
He’s still young and bounces back pretty fast the next day, so he usually feels like he can get away with it
Has a super unrefined palate
Will drink practically anything if it’s offered, although Sano is trying his damndest to teach him to be more discerning
Tends to be a loud and happy drunk; he’s the guy who kicks off all the drinking songs
Will laugh at any joke, no matter how stupid
Poor Toshi. Everyone knows about his lightweight tendencies at this point
He grew up in a very health-conscious family, and both his parents firmly abstained from alcohol, so he never got much practice drinking as a young man
By the time he met Kondou and joined the Shieikan dojo, he found himself far behind his peers in terms of tolerance. He struggled to avoid social outings for a while until finally confiding in Kondou. After that, the two of them would often stay behind on those nights to share tea and talk together
At this point in his life, he’s stopped caring so much about getting teased about it, even by captains under his command. Couldn’t really give a fuck anymore. If he wants to go for a drink, he’ll go for a damn drink
It even works in his favor sometimes. When you really need to let off steam and be able to say some outrageous shit, it helps to have a reputation as a weak drinker to blame it on the next day
Possibly the highest tolerance in the Shinsengumi
His liver must be some kind of medical miracle. Or maybe it’s the way he can always keep himself composed even when he’s three sheets to the wind
Gets less inhibited when drunk though
Sometimes lets slip a savage or sarcastic remark in response to the rest of the captains’ antics
Usually ends up sharing a bottle of sake with Okita, since they both drink at a similar speed and can pace themselves better than the Baka Trio
Strictly a social drinker
He’ll go along with drinking outings if it’s a special occasion, but he really doesn’t enjoy the taste of sake or the feeling of being tipsy and unguarded
Usually tends to be a sad, nostalgic drunk
Waxes poetic about his life’s work for the Shinsengumi, or talks about his childhood, or just leans on the shoulder of whoever will listen
It usually falls to Sano to try and get him back in the party spirit
If they’re at Shimabara, his boyish looks and gloomy mood tend to attract some extra attention from the geisha, who always want to try and cheer him up
Would have something resembling an alcohol problem, if it weren’t for the fact that he hates to drink alone
He instigates well over half their outings to the red-light district
He’s the type to drown his sorrows in sake whenever he can
Shin tends to feel things really strongly, but he’s a little emotionally repressed and hasn’t learned the healthiest ways to work through his issues
Grew up in a big family with several brothers, so he’s been able to hold his liquor since adolescence
He’s learned good hangover prevention methods over the years and always encourages everyone else to get some water before bed
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atopearth · 5 years
Destined to Love Part 10 - Yamazaki Susumu Route
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Yamazaki is really cute! So caring to watch out for the heroine and especially check up on her to see if she’s well. He seems like a shy boy considering how much he blushed when she took a cherry blossom petal out of his hair haha. Lmao at Okita teasing them for being so awkward and blushy with each other hahaha, you just can’t help it when Yamazaki is so shy and cute though hahaha!
Yesss I would love my man to jump down from a few floors up to save me and then jump across rooftops pls, dream man. But seriously, it was cute because of how considerate Yamazaki tried to be of her, telling her to close her eyes etc haha. It was rather exciting and cute when she bandaged him up but lmao at Okita coming just to tease them again lol. But really, I love how caring and thoughtful Yamazaki is. When she went on that scouting trip with them and Yamazaki always walked ahead of her to clear out stray branches etc that might hurt her, I was just like omg, he’s so considerate, and even when there was some noise, he immediately stood in front of her to protect her, he is like legit the perfect boyfriend that will always put you first before anything haha. Lmao that a little bear appeared from the bushes and now it’s just following Yamazaki everywhere so everyone calls it Kumazaki🤣🤣
I’m glad that since Yamazaki is so shy, the heroine is a bit more proactive, I was like yay when she had to courage to ask him again whether he was uncomfortable around her or not since they got interrupted by Soji last time lol. And he replied saying she’s special!☺️ It’s so cute that Yamazaki is a ninja so he’s accustomed to sleeping anywhere and at any time, but now that he’s lovesick (as Okita has told all the guys🤣), he’s lacking sleep! Guess the heroine can be a ninja too, she just fell asleep sitting there waiting for him hahaha. She’s probably so tired from working and then cooking for the Shinsengumi haha.
Lmaooo that Yamazaki thinks she’s in love with Okita, nooo wayyyyyy dude, considering those reactions🤣 I love how Okita set him up to go to Shiki so that the heroine could confess her feelings to him. They’re so cute though omg, it’s like seeing a cute high school first love finally blossom hahahaha, they’re so innocent! Honestly thought their next step was going to be holding hands, but I guess being alone in the restaurant at night and her expressing that she doesn’t mind him touching her as much as he wants made him slowly touch her cheek and then go for the kiss!😘 They were so adorable~~
So Yamazaki was betrayed by Todo and he feels responsible that Todo got away after he left the Shinsengumi because he couldn’t bear to kill Todo? That’s normal, Yamazaki! They’ve probably been comrades for so long, how could it be easy to kill him! Dressing the heroine in a courtesan outfit always gets the guys riled up huh?! Lmao, it’s nice and steamy though😍 Yep, their first night together was pretty fast but it was niceee, I support it hahahaah. I can’t believe he’s leaving the Shinsengumi to take care of Todo since he feels responsible… But I guess that’s okay, since he said that he’d wait for the heroine no matter what, that was so sweet, I guess that means the heroine will just have to wait for him to come back then hahaha. They’re both so stubborn for each other, they’ll never give up on the other. So now he just needs to come home safely and hope that the heroine doesn’t forcefully get teleported back to her world I guess lol.
I usually go with the His Affection route so let’s go~~ Glad Kyo is going with the heroine to search for Yamazaki since he isn’t back yet. Dangerous for her to even think about going alone! I felt so terrible for her when she was forced to go back to the modern era. I think this was the only time I felt as strongly as the heroine to want to go back asap to find Yamazaki and tell him that she’s safe. Although it happened mostly when she was drunk, seeing the heroine more aggressive than Yamazaki at kissing etc was refreshing.
I love how Yamazaki tries his best to find as much time as he can to spend with the heroine. He really works hard for that. As Hijikata says, I guess Yamazaki really does protect the Shinsengumi and the heroine protects Yamazaki, so she’s got a very important role hahaha. It’s nice to see time and time again how both their existences serve to soothe the other and how much they both need each other. Btw Kumazaki is the cutest “pet” in terms of all the different ones for each guy, I mean technically it led the heroine back when she was sent back to the present etc hahaha.
Glad to see in the epilogue that Okita and Yuki have teamed up to give time off for Yamazaki and the heroine to go to an onsen together!! That sounds so relaxing and nice~ So funny how the heroine is still embarrassed with Yamazaki seeing her naked when she fainted from staying in the onsen for too long, I like that he knew and took consideration of that though. It might be silly since they’ve done much more than that but having a guy that understands that you’re still shy and tried his best to accommodate that is very thoughtful and sweet.
Overall, I really enjoyed Yamazaki’s route. His and Okita’s are my absolute favourite routes. I think maybe for some, his shyness may come off as repetitive, but for me, it was really adorable and cute. Also, I think he’s probably one of the most considerate, kind and thoughtful guys in this game and they spend nice steamy moments together as well, so I think it was a great all rounder route that would satisfy most as well. I really liked it☺️
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oh-my-otome · 7 years
Hello again dear! I see that you also play Dtl and I was wondering if any of the birthday stories are worthy buying 😭 which one can you recommend me? (My favourites are Okita, Takasugi and Okubo but only Keiki's birthday gifts seem appealing to me)
Louis-lover Lena! Yay, you’re back!
And I see you’ve brought your excellent taste in suitors with you.
I have bought all of the birthday stories except Katsura’s newest one, because I’m still mad it’s not out until tomorrow, and Okita’s, because there’s some other things that I want to buy first.
I also don’t usually like the attire or decorations that are paired with the birthday stories, and the letters don’t matter to me, so I buy the sets that have the regular story and the POV, since I love those.
I recommend Yamazaki’s A Sweet Morning with You, Okubo and Takasugi’s You’re My Everything, Sakamoto’s Lovedrunk, and Saito’s Your Amazing Kiss.
The other birthday stories are nice, but some don’t really have anything to do with celebrating the suitor’s birthday. Instead, it just so happens to be their birthday, such as Hijikata’s Hold Me Now, Keiki’s All I Ever Need, and Kirisato’s Sultry Midnight Promises.
I’ll give a head’s up to Kyo’s More Than Friends because he’s been body-snatched by SLBP’s Inuchiyo and is uncharacteristically drunk-talking in that story. I liked his A Night to Remember much better.
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