#yay ilovedoingthese
camemy · 7 years
32 things about myself game :D
Tagged by: @jaimeejaeger yay!! Thanks, this is awesome because I'm stuck in a car for a couple days :D 1) Name: Chelsea 
2) Nickname(s): small, chi, chels 
3) Zodiac sign: leooo 
4) Height: 5 and 1/4. The quarter inch really counts okay?! Haha 
5) Ethnicity: white 
6) Birthplace: Minneapolis, MN 
7) Sexual orientation: pansexual 
8) Favourite fruit(s): strawberries...and more strawberries :D 
9) Favourite season(s): fall! I love all the pretty colors and sweatshirt weather!:3 
10) Favourite song(s): okay I have a long list that mainly consists of epic anime themes but my most favorite not anime opening has to be falling slowly by Glenn Hansard :D but the anime themes I MUST dance and scream to are all of the SnK openings; Ready steady go, period and rewrite (FMA); unravel and the season 2 ending in TG, and the opening to yuri on ice along with his beautiful piano song that plays when Yuri skates :3 11) Favourite flower(s): bleeding hearts <3 
12) Favourite book(s): I love most manga and novels but right now I'm trying to catch up on SnK so as of right now I have to say that (but ouch my soul at the same time holy crap) but really anything with a crazy twist! 
13) Favourite animal(s): ferrets!!! Omfg they melt my heart 
14) Favourite beverage(s): 7up is something I must have everyday XD 
15) Favourite fictional character(s): ahhhhhh okay where to even start haha. From FMA, both of the Elric brothers. But also envy. And greed. And Riza Hawkeye. And Maes Hughes (ok I'll stop for that fandom). From Tokyo ghoul, Juuzo, Takizawa, Hide, Kaneki/Haise. In SnK, Levi, Mikasa (okay but her in the manga..they change her so much in the anime), Eren, and potato girl! Haha these are my top 3 animes and I could make a 10000 page list from all my fandoms so I'll stop here :p ok but I do have to add that recently Yato has stolen my heart tooo ahhh <3 
16) Dream trip: Washington, California, Canada, Germany, Japan, and alllll the pretty waterfalls and allll the pretty mountains. I'm actually on my way to see Niagara Falls after going through the smokey mountains (wooo~ :D) 
17) Killed people: I mean sometimes I try to copy Levi and kill people with my eyes >:D (I try this to all the sexist assholes I encounter at work and so far it's going pretty well) 
18) Siblings: I'm an only child :c 
19) Horror films?: yaasss especially zombie ones and end of the world ones! 
20) Reason to smile: my wifey :3 anime. Video games. Adventures!!! And marble cake. 
21) Questions you are always asked: "are you actually 23?" "Haha how tall are you even?" "Are you sure you aren't 16?" 
22) Favourite food(s): pastaaaaaa<3 
23) A gift you currently want to receive: a piano!!! Plz help me with a house for it tooo 
24) OTP: Levi x Eren and Hide x Kaneki <3 there's no way I can choose between the two they both give me life 
25) One thing that changed about you: anime and manga. It turned me into the crazy awesome fan girl I am today :'D 
26) Your first ship: from cardcaptor sakura, Sakura and Li! Waaay back in the day before I knew what ships even were haha 
27) NOTP: honestly I don't even wanna post it cuz I know I'll get lots of hate XD 
28) Fear that you want to conquer: my anxiety. I would really love to conquer that .__. especially when it comes to talking to awesome new people! 
29) Favourite fanfiction(s): this is so hard because there's so many amazing ones how am I suppose to choose? (are you guys noticing I suck at choosing between favorite things cuz I have too many? Haha) 
30) Favourite sport(s): umm...nothing? Sports kill my soul so much but I like anime sports haha 
31) Birth of your blog: this last November or December once I discovered all the beautiful fandoms on here :3 32) Followers: like how many I have? I think I have around 20 and that makes me so happy because my blog is so random I didn't expect many people to follow me :3 I'm tagging @mnlollipop @infamousfujoshi @ricebunnyari @whatthehalefire @moldymountain-chan @kyxshi @shiraginshi @juuzou-is-my-god @owlfwolfpossum :D!!
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