#yay this year it's an avatar fest + gullveig
randomnameless · 2 years
I don't understand why Bernadetta fans feel entitled enough to claim she was robbed from CYL. It's not like she was an important character, her dad has more plot relevance than she does. I'm not crying "Robbed!" because my favourite secondary character hasn't won.
Were you around during the A!Tiki redshiter who cried and ranted and made a general fuss everytime Y!Tiki received an alt?
Let's say the feh redshit is full of people who love their favourite characters, and some are prone to throw a tantrum whenever their fave isn't released.
Something Jugdral fans came to learn and accept during the past 20 years lol, that's why there's less outcries at "when the fuck is oldvis going to be released".
also, I'm not here to say whether Bernie's blazing performance in her base game has anything to do with how ardently some people rally behind her, but given the prevalence of 3H characters in the CYL picks, crying for Bernie is like pouring oil on a bonfire.
However, I'm also genuinely pissed at "Boobs'n'snakes" getting the first place, or how someone who appeared for 5 seconds and was only revealed to have assets and to simp for the self-insert, with hints of a "tragik backstory" is apparently the most popular female character of the franchise.
My fwend @crushednugget made an OC prediction and I hate how right it was ; I remember a time where the FE series weren't just a glorified dating sim, and as of February 2023, Gullveig winning CYL just hammered the fact that now, FEH at least, fully embraced the dating sim aspect.
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