#yayyyyy for me no longer being in high school
bi-and-bewildered · 1 year
In honor of my graduation, here are my favorite stories to tell about my high school experience
In my first week of freshman year, I watched a kid snort cocaine off his desk. To this day, that is the most blatant in-class drug use I’ve ever witnessed.
Freshman year, ancient literature class, our teacher had a week where he was in a bad mood. We brought in his favorite candy to give him as we walked in the door. He was completely baffled and claimed he was never in a bad mood to begin with.
Sophomore year, AP Biology, I wrote a lab report on mitosis. I wrote the phrase “cells divide during this process.” My teacher counted me points off and wrote back “Cells can’t do math.”
Sophomore year, AP World History, our teacher mentioned she once had a class with a pet fish. She said as long as we took care of it and she didn’t have to deal with it she didn’t care. I brought a fish and a fish tank into school and our fish, lovingly named Frank, remained our class mascot for the rest of the semester. Name suggestions included: Beta Mussolini (vetoed), Beta Male, Sparta-fish
Sophomore year, our spring musical was High School Musical. The day of opening night, our male lead (playing Troy) got hit by a car walking to get food before the show. He still went on that night and our director didn’t even find out about it until two weeks later when the show was over.
My junior year APUSH teacher said that she wouldn’t panic if I died in her classroom (lightheartedly playing off a joke I had made), I thought it was hilarious. 2 months later, I had seizure on the floor of her classroom. Low and behold, she was perfectly calm the entire time.
Same year, same class as the above story. A girl in my class (a friend of mine) witnessed a guy get shot point blank at an intersection on her way to school. She came in was like, “I just saw a guy get shot😐.” Teacher sent her to the counselor.
my senior year calculus teacher had pet lizards and decided to start breeding cockroaches for them. in his classroom. sometimes he’d throw cockroaches at kids to scare them. he also accidentally bred an albino cockroach and that was pretty cool.
in a single day of school senior year, a student got run over on the crosswalk in front of our school in the morning, a teacher had a heart attack during first hour, and a fight broke out during lunch and the kid jumped on a lunch table and kicked the other guy in the face. (no one died btw) (it was also the day i got rejected from my dream school lmao)
another day in second semester, in the morning there was a four car accident in the school parking lot that took out an entire light pole. not one to be out done, three hours later our senior class president drove through a wall like three feet to the left of the first accident.
love a good american public school🤘🏼🤘🏼
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imagine-that-100 · 4 years
Holiday | Part 14 |
Description of Part 1: Alex Turner x Reader (Female) | You’ve been friends with Alex Turner and the other boys from Arctic Monkeys since you were 13. You never for a second thought that Alex would release a song about you though. From late night phone calls and almost constant texting and teasing, you’ve managed to stay close with him over the years. When a pact is established and a holiday is arranged, life seems to be treating you very well. But a month in LA will either make or break you.
Word Count: 13.7K
A/N: Yayyyyy we have another part of Holiday! Sorry it’s slightly later today. Been a long day and I couldn’t really focus when editing it so I’m sorry about the inevitable mistakes. Really hope you all enjoy though! (Note: I’m sure Rita Ora is lovely really. Don’t come for me please) Taglists are always open. Thank you for reading x
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Flying back to LA was an emotional experience. On one hand you were devastated because you were leaving your comfortable life and your family, but at the same time you were excited to go back and start a life with Alex.
At the airport you were emotional because Y/B/F dropped you off. You said goodbye to your precious car, which was an emotional experience in itself. But obviously saying goodbye to your best friend hurt a hell of a lot more.
You probably hugged each other with tears falling down your face saying you loved each other over and over again for like 5 minutes. For on lookers you both probably looked crazy but to you two it wasn’t long enough.
You found it funny though when you both released each other to wipe your faces and she gave Alex a hug goodbye too.
She started crying on him too which was funny to see as you could tell that they had actually bonded in the time together in your flat. But you felt a little bad as she was now losing two friends instead of one.
Alex tried his best to calm her down and he did pretty well. But her tears stopped completely when he distracted her with information. He tried to sooth her by saying that you’d both be back before she knew it, as you were both coming back home for Christmas.
It seemed to settle her a bit and she was over the moon when Alex told her that he’d already booked her plane ticket for the following summer so she could come and stay with you both for a month.
He also told her that as soon as she knew when her school’s Easter Holidays were, to let him know so he could get the ticket booked so that she could come then too.
So, it was needless to say that you definitely be seeing her a lot and there was no way she’d be forgotten.
After she’d thanked him for all of that, she kissed him which made Alex pause but you laugh at his reaction. It was only a peck on his lips, but you could tell that she was just completely overjoyed that she just needed to thank him.
It was just funny that Alex wasn’t expecting it.
She then gave him the talk that a father would usually give his daughter’s boyfriend, which was extremely comical. She told him that he better take care of you, or he would have her to deal with and she would not hesitate to batter him despite him being a part of her favourite bands.
Alex didn’t doubt her for a second. But he had no intention of ever hurting you, so he was glad he would never have to feel her wrath.
Because he knew she was being deadly serious.
So that was emotional but the night before was on another scale completely. Saying goodbye to your family was really hard.
It was foolish of you to think beforehand that you could handle saying goodbye to your family. It was really difficult, and you wish you hadn’t put eyeliner on beforehand.
But you didn’t want to look like a tramp when you went to say goodbye to Alex’s Mum and Dad before you went to see your family. So that ended in you looking like a raccoon when you inevitably cried.
Thankfully your Mum had some make up wipes and you sorted yourself out before your face got out of hand. Thankfully your sister hadn’t shown up to dinner, so you didn’t have her to say goodbye to.
You’d happily never see her for the rest of your life. You were glad you’d be halfway around the world from her.
But saying goodbye to Zoe was a heartbreaker.
She’d seen you get upset when you gave your brother a hug goodbye which made her a bit upset to whilst she was giving Alex a cuddle. She started tearing up on Alex’s lap which for the first few minutes you didn’t even notice because Alex was handling it so well.
It was only when Alex waved you over when he needed you to confirm for her that the both of you wouldn’t be gone forever. You held back your own tears when you saw the tears in her eyes.
She said that she didn’t want you to go which broke your heart, but you told her that she could FaceTime you whenever she wanted. That you’d be back for Christmas and that you’d promised to take her to the cinema when you got back so you could both see the new Disney films.
It made her really happy when Alex said that she could come and see the both of you in the school holidays at some point next year. Alex suggested that everyone in your family (Not your sister) could come over at the end of summer which you’d spoken to him about a few days before.
And you were pretty excited for it because he suggested that his Mum and Dad could come over too and have a week overlap which you thought would be a great idea. You knew both your Mum’s got on because there had been multiple times in school where the both of you had parent’s evenings and they would chat for ages.
Something which you and Alex never minded about because it meant that you could chill out with each other for a while longer. From what you could remember both your Dad’s got on well too, so you think that a summer holiday where everyone came over would be a great idea.
It wasn’t like the house wasn’t big enough for you all to coexist peacefully.
Thankfully Zoe was happy again by the time that you were leaving to go back to the flat. You said your goodbyes to your Mum and Dad at the door and let a few more tears fall but you hid them away from Zoe.
You wanted to leave with everyone having a smile on their face. And thankfully everyone did, it was just that you had tears in your eyes.
Your Mum and Dad were excited for you and that made you really happy.
So, when both you and Alex got into the car and got waved off by your family you felt a bit better. Still emotional but who wouldn’t be in the same situation.
Alex was the best too he was there any time you needed a hug or any sort of comfort so that was definitely a bonus.
Alex had elected to drive back home because he didn’t want you driving upset which you thanked him for. As you both made your way back to your flat, you had to pass his parent’s house again and you also had to pass the park that once upon a time you used to spend every evening you could at.
So, as you started to approach the gates of the park, you asked Alex, “I know it’s really weird, but can we walk around the park?”
The sun was just setting so you thought it was a beautiful time to have a little walk. Clear your mind after your emotional afternoon.
“Yeah course” Alex says and so he pulls to the side of the road and parks up. Back in high school the unspoken rule was that after you finished school at 3:15pm, all of your friendship group would reconvene at this park for 4:30 or 5 at the latest, before you all moved on to another spot further into the park.
Then you would all sit and chat the night away until your groups started dissipating because people had to venture home to have their dinner. Thinking about it, that was probably the reason why you and Alex liked having dinner late now.
That being because your subgroup of friend tried their best to stay out later so you could be in each other’s company for longer. That was the only reason you didn’t like going to your Mum’s for Sunday roasts now, because she serves the food at like 5 and you were used to eating around 7 or 8.
Both you and Alex got out of the car and made your way into the park hand in hand and you couldn’t help but smile, seeing everything was exactly the same as you remembered.
“We going to our spot?” Alex asked you and you nodded.
“Where else?” You grinned.
You both remembered the way to where your group used to spend their spare time surprisingly well. They were some of the best days of your life, some shit too but you did love being around all your mates.
As you walked, Alex asked you a question that took you by surprise.
“Are you sure you wanna come back to LA?”
You looked at him immediately your eyes wide. He just had a sad smile on his lips.
Shocked by his question you tell him quickly, “Yeah. God yeah. If you want me there anyway”
“Course I do, I just understand if you don’t want to leave your family” Alex told you truthfully.
He felt bad that it was basically his fault that you’d been upset all afternoon. He just didn’t want to anyway force you to do something that you’d regret.
You smile at him, “Well I always knew it was going to be difficult, but I definitely want to go.
“I just don’t want you to feel like you have to because I asked you too. Like I don’t want you to come because you feel like you have to” Alex tries and explains to you.
You smile at him and give his hand a squeeze before telling him, “No I promise I do. I’m ready for that another adventure… And I wanna be wherever you are”
“Why’s that?” Alex asked you with a cheeky grin on his face.
He felt a little better knowing that you did actually want to move.
You rolled your eyes knowing that he was only asking because he wanted to hear you say it again.
“That would be because I love you” You say with a grin.
“I love you too” Alex chuckled, before he dipped his head, so his lips caught yours.
You kissed him back for a second before you had to pull away because you were both still walking towards the hidden field you spent most of your youth in. It wasn’t a long walk to the field that was mostly surrounded by trees, but it was a fair few minutes, so you just spoke your mind as you walked.
“I’m so glad that you’re not leaving before me and that we’re on the same flight” You told him.  
Alex looked at you curiously and asks, “Why?”
“I don’t like it when you leave here” You say as stop for a second to zip up your coat.
“How come?” He wonders.
“Reminds me of a bad day” You say as you link Alex’s arm this time as you begin to walk again.  
He looks at you slightly confused, not really remembering a bad say on this park.
You continue to explain, “The day you were all going down to London and then you secretly told me that you’d be heading to New York”
Alex remembered that day. It was after the Whatever People Say I Am tour.
You’d all come home, and he remembered telling you that him and the lads were only having another month back home before moving down to London. So, you all decided that the day before they were going to leave, you were going to do everything that you all usually did.
At that point though, the group had just dwindled down to you, the boys and Andy too, because he was still mates with them, despite leaving the band.
“But the last day here we all spent it together. Did everything we usually did but just said our proper goodbyes at the end. And then I walked you back home like I usually did” Alex asked you, double checking he remembered correctly.
“Yeah” You nodded. “But that day was up there with the worst ones of my life”
Alex looked confused at that revelation. He remembered it being a really good day, so he didn’t know what had happened to make you think that.
“But I thought that w-“ Alex started but you thought it was best to interrupt and explain.
“I was losing all my friends… I was losing you” You tell him.
Both of you then turn onto the path that isn’t really a path that will take you to your field.
You continue on as you do so, “And I know I couldn’t have been with you like we are now, because you were with Alexa, but that was still a hard day for me”
You smile as the field opens up in front of you both. It was like it hadn’t changed at all.
The only difference was that it wasn’t full of teenagers anymore.
“But I swear you said how much of a good day you had?” Alex said sceptically with furrowed eyebrows.  
“Yeah, the day was good, but in the evening, I wanted to cry for most of it... As we were all messing about all I could think is that I wasn’t going to get this ever again” You tell him as you both sit down on the grass where you used to.
And you weren’t wrong. That was the last time you’d come to this field.
“You don’t know how much effort I put in to keep smiling that day” You smile down at the grass and pick at a few strands of it with your free hand.
Alex grabs your attention again and says, “Y/N, you’re too strong for your own good. You were allowed to be upset. God knows we all were. Do you not remember Matt’s mini breakdown?”
You smile and look at him when you say, “Yeah but I had to be more positive after that. He wouldn’t have gone easily if I had a breakdown, would he?”
“Probably not but that doesn’t mean it should have been down to you to stay happy for us all” Alex throws his arm around your shoulders as you say that.
“Al, I think I would have cried the whole day away. I was so proud of myself after I hugged you goodbye at my door that I’d actually got through the day without slipping…” You tell him as you lean into him and look up to the sky that’s turning a deeper shade of orange.
“Because god knows I cried when I got inside” You smiled at the embarrassing memory.
“Noooo” Alex looked round at you.
“Oh yeah. Like cried myself to sleep sort of crying” You laughed at yourself a little bit as you looked into Alex’s brown eyes.
“Come here” He says and practically pulls you into him to give him a sideways hug.
“I’m sorry” Alex murmured before kissing the top of your head.
“Don’t be sorry” You say as you release him from the hug. “I was happy for you all, like so unbelievably thrilled that you’d made it. I was so happy for you”
“But you were still upset” He pouts which makes you smile.
He was so cute feeling bad for something that had happened years before. You’d never resented him at all for it at all.
He was doing what he needed to do to be successful and you were happy it all paid off for him in the end.
“Well yeah. Isn’t everyone when their world changes completely?” You say looking at the pretty man beside you.
“You’re making me feel worse” Alex says as he runs a hand through his hair.
“Stop feeling bad” You chuckle before nudging him with your shoulder. “You were living your life. God knows if I had the money coming in that you’d all had; I would have moved too”
Alex grabs your hand again and gives it a squeeze, “But that can’t have been nice for you”
“It wasn’t but it was for the best in the end. I ended up not being obsessed with you anymore and found a decent job to get me through Uni and I got myself a boyfriend” You smile at the memories of what once was.
It was mad how things changed over time. Yeah, you’d always fancied Alex but not for a second did you ever think that you would end up with him.  
“Mad how we both fancied each other but kept it to ourselves for so long, ain’t it?” Alex has a little chuckle before looking at ever changing colourful sky too.
“Not like we could have aired it at certain points” You can’t help but smile.  
Alex chuckles at what you said too, “Nah, I think our other halves would have been a bit annoyed to say the least”
“I’m so glad we drunkenly arranged that holiday” You say as you look back around at him.
He’s already smiling at you when you turn to him. You grin when he says, “Literally the best decision either of us has ever made”
“I’m so glad Matt got Bre preggers too, or I’d have been at Matt’s” You say as you lean your head onto his shoulder.
You feel him shrug his shoulders just before he says, “I think Matt would have wing-manned me and got you to stay at mine anyway… He was literally trying to get us together the whole time you were over”
That was a revelation to you.
You hadn’t picked up on that at all.  
You asked with furrowed eyebrows, “Wait Matt knew before anything happened?”
“Yeah” Alex says like it was obvious, so you pick your head up to look at him as he spilled the truth.
“Y/N I’ve been on the phone to you almost every night for the last two years. Everyone knew” Alex tells you with a smile as he tucks your head behind your ear.  
You needed a full second to process that.
You thought back through the entirety of your holiday and still didn’t quite see Matt wing-manning him. But it definitely made Miles’ actions a bit more understandable.
The constant innuendos, the trying to get you to reveal things that you definitely didn’t want to. Even him silently suggesting you kiss Alex at the bar.
“I guess Miles’ jokes make a bit more sense now” You shake your head with a smile on your lips.
“Yeah, he was trying to get under my skin, not yours. Especially when we watched Fifty Shades” Alex nudged you with his shoulder and you laughed.
“Well I got the best outcome, so I’d go through it again” You tell him with a grin.
Alex looked from your beautiful eyes down to your lips as he said, “So would I” before he kissed you.
How was it that you still felt nervous kissing him after all this time? You’d definitely had your fair share of kisses at this point but the way he made you feel when he took over your lips with his was like nothing else.
When Alex pulled away you lent your head down on his shoulder for a few minutes in silence. You both savoured the feeling of being home for a while longer.
You liked that you were sat in one of the places that you both felt most free. Other than your friends, there were no prying eyes to the shenanigans that you all got up to.
And you were all always so happy here.
Well maybe except for one time.
“Want to know something funny?” You ask your boyfriend as your head still rests on his shoulder.
“Go on” Alex says as he kisses your head.  
“Last day of high school, I had a meltdown right there…” You say pointing just to the left of you, to a spot about 5 meters of so from you.
You continue, “Because I saw you and Jennifer get off like just in front of me”
Jennifer was just some pretty girl in school. You didn’t mind her usually but after you saw that interaction, you went right off her.
“You’re joking?” He says and you can hear the shock in his voice.
“No. I so upset” You smile at your childishness as you pick your head up to look back at Alex. “Millie had to pull me to the side and make sure I was okay”
Alex asked you, “I’m assuming Millie knew you liked me?”
Millie was your best friend throughout the whole of high school. You both told each other everything back then.
You were gutted when her parents moved down to London after she’d finished high school.
You still spoke to her sometimes. Always messaged each other on birthdays and sent each other little presents.
The last time she’d messaged you was when you announced that you and Alex were official on your Instagram. You’d had a good catch up with her that night and you were happy that she was happy for the two of you.
“Yeah” You confirm, “And I remember that she’d been telling me all that night that you’d been looking over at me, so she reckoned you liked me too… But then I saw you get off with Jennifer and I was gutted”
“Aw Y/N/N” Alex smiles at you and gives your hand a squeeze.
“It’s alright though because I joined in that game of spin the bottle and got my first kiss with Max” You grin a little proud of that.
Not everyone could say that they had their first proper kiss with the fittest guy in their school year. It certainly made you feel better that night.
“That was your first kiss?” Alex asks you and you nod at him with a smile on your face.
Alex furrowed his eyebrows at you followed up with, “Why are you grinning?”
“Because he was fit at the time” You admit.
Alex scoffs at that which makes you laugh. He starts chuckling too, only faking disappointment in you, until something clicks in his head which makes him stop laughing.
“Wait, so your telling me you had your first kiss to spite me?” Alex asks you.
You press your lips together having been caught out, “You know I’m petty like that”
“I can’t believe you got off with my mate because you were fuming at me” Alex shakes his head at you.
The faking disappointment may have worked better for him if he didn’t have the smile creeping onto his face.
You just shrug and giggle a little bit. Alex then throws his arm back around your shoulder and you think he’s going to kiss your head again but your surprised when he starts speaking.
“Just as good that I kissed Jennifer to make you jealous then, wasn’t it?” He whispered in your ear and your gasped the loudest you ever had.
“You didn’t” You look at him completely shocked.
You could see on his face that it was true.
He nods and tells you, “Matt suggested that to see if you liked me at all to kiss someone else to see if you’d be jealous or not afterwards”
Well that was a fucking stupid idea. You didn’t get jealous though, so that was a stupid idea.
“Well that was pointless. You could tell if I liked you or not by you kissing me and see if I kissed you back”
“Same could be said for you” Alex fairly points out.
You go a bit shy on him when you admit, “I was never that brave”
He then smirks at you, “So, something changed in fifteen years then? Because you had no trouble doing it at that bar”
“Yes Al, it’s called growing up” You giggle.
At that though, Alex stands up and offers you his hands so he can help you stand up too. You grab his hands and he pulls you up with a big grin on his lips.
“What are we doing?” You question.
“We’re doing what we should have done back then” Alex says as he drags you over to the spot where you had your meltdown years ago.
“Stay there for a second” Alex says patting your shoulders before walking into the field a few meters.
“I think I was somewhere over here, right?” Alex estimates and spins himself back round so you can confirm it for him.
You chuckle and nod at him.
“You’ve got to be your old self. You can’t be cocky mister confident even when we’re messing about” You tell him.
Alex raises his hands in an innocent way which makes you giggle. You then watch as he sits himself down onto the grass and gets himself into a relaxed position.
He acts for a minute and looks around the field and pretends he’s chatting to people. You hold back your laughter as you watch him. After a few seconds of that he looks over to you and a smile immediately makes its way to his face.
“Y/N/N come over here?” He calls.
You see that he’s literally got all his defences down as you see the cheeky grin that he used to have on his face all the time is back. Just how you remembered him in school.
You press your lips together to hold back the smile on your face and walk over. Once you reach him you sit down in the same way that he was sat but so you were facing him instead.
Your faces were about a foot away from each other and you smiled at him innocently, waiting for the little sketch to carry on.
“Why aren’t you playing spin the bottle?” Alex asks you, nodding to somewhere behind you as if there actually was people playing it.
You shrug your shoulders. You think what you back then would have said and end up coming up with, “Because I don’t want to kiss any of them”
“Not even Max?” Alex asks you with a smile sneaking onto his face.
You let out a little giggle before you regain your composure and shake your head, “No, not even Max”
“That’s a shame” Alex says before brushing off his jeans but not making any attempt to move away from you.
“Why’s that?”
Alex says as he looks down to the little bit of grass that was between you as he says, “Because maybe I could have kissed you if we played”
Smooth fucker.
You doubted he’d say that to you back then, but you went with it anyway. When his dark eyes flicked back up to meet yours, you held back most of your smile, so you weren’t grinning like an idiot.
“Well, there’s nothing stopping us right now?” You say as innocently as you can.
And then Alex proceeded to lean forward and kiss you sweetly for a few seconds before it progressed into something more heated. Which you were sure would have made you completely obsessed with him back then.
“That was fun” You say just after you took a deep breath.
“Yeah it was…” He says before looking back to you with a full smile now. You know he’s leaving the charade behind when he says, “Maybe we could do it again sometime?”
“Yeah… Maybe in a pub in LA thirteen years later” You offer with a grin.
“That’s a bit too long” Alex says before he grabs your face and pulls you back in for round 2.
You’d been back in America for just over a month now and you’d settled in nicely just like you did when you originally went. You settled into a routine over there which was pretty fun to get used to but there wasn’t really much difference from your holiday.
So, in the free time that you had before you had to start work you got used to driving over there. You would need to be comfortable heading into the city for work in just over a month’s time, so Alex was coming out on little drives with you.
He definitely helped you out as you were initially nervous about everything being the opposite way around. But you seemed to get the hang of it pretty quickly.
You even ended up dipping into some of your savings so you could get yourself a car as you definitely did not want to be driving Alex’s fancy ones around all the time. He initially was against it saying you could just use one of his because he obviously couldn’t use them all at one.
However, you twisted his arm and made him take you to the Mini garage and you got yourself a Mini with a convertible roof. Because if you were going to live in a country where it was sunny most of the time you may as well make the most of it.
You loved your little car and you loved your first month living with your boyfriend. And you were having the best time.
For the moment you were all hanging out together in each other’s houses because Alex and Miles had pretty much finished their album. Matt was going in and helping them on occasion to do backing vocals and Breana was resting herself as she was getting close to her due date.
So, for the first 4 weeks you were over there, it was all very relaxed, and you were enjoying it. You’d spent a lot of time with Breana who you really loved, and she was already becoming a really close friend.
You both gossiped with each other a hell of a lot which was always fun. And you both had serious chats as well which was good because you knew you could trust her with anything that you’d say, and you could tell her in confidence.
Most of the time though you were listening to her worries about the baby, but you had every faith in her, and you knew that she was going to be the best Mum. If she could take care of Matt, she could definitely handle a baby.
It was about a week into October when you and Breana were having a day to yourselves whilst the lads were in the studio adding some extras into their songs. Matt was with them to add more backing vocals, so you and Breana were making the most of their absence and glamming each other up.
You had lazily driven down the long road to Matt and Breana’s with your makeup bag and a bag of nail polishes. You ended up trying out different eyeshadow looks on each other which was really fun.
You’d given her a really cute pink look that she seemed to love. And she’d given you a darker look but with a pop of colour under your eye.
After you’d done each other’s nails and make up, you both just have a relaxing afternoon. You watch some shitty TV that the boys would never let you watch without complaining the whole way through and you gossip a lot too.
Breana had just gone out of the room you were both set up in when you heard her shout you. You thought nothing of it and got yourself up heading just into the other room where you saw that she was stood.
“Yeah?” You said.
She turned to look at you and her eyes were completely wide.
“My waters just went… I’m gunna have my baby Y/N/N” Breana smiles at you, shock clear on her face but also happiness was radiating from her.
“You are” You giggle before you give her a hug because you can see that she was excited as well as being nervous.
“Right come on. Let’s get you to the hospital” You say and take her hand and lead her towards her front door.
“Wait I need to get the bag I prepped that’s in the nursery” She says pulling back a second.
“You get in my car I’ll run up and get it” You say before fishing your keys out of your pocket and hand them to her.
Once you were running up the stairs to grab the bag for her, you were also immediately calling Matt. You called him about 3 times before you made it to your car after getting the bag and locking up their house and there was no answer.
So, at that point you tried to call Alex as Breana was next to you trying to phone Matt. You were both getting annoyed as the ringing carried on for ages and you were going to bollock them about having their phones on silent when you saw them.
In the car Breana also had her first contraction, so you also had to keep an eye on the time to see how long they lasted for and how fast they were occurring. So needless to say, it was the most stressful car journey that you’d ever experienced.
After you’d called Alex another 10 times you decided he was useless and decided to give Miles a call instead. And thank god he answered his phone the second time you called it.
“Hello” You hear the Scouse accent come through your car speakers.
At that point both you and Breana released a sigh of relief that you’d got through to them.
“Miles, thank fuck. Tell your fucking mates to answer their fucking phones” You say absolutely fuming.
“What’s up? Is everything okay?” He questions hearing how frustrated you sounded.
You nod even though he couldn’t see you and start to explain, “Yeah everything’s okay but we’re on our way to the hospital. Bre’s waters have gone. The baby on the way, so get your arses to the hospital now”
Miles stupidly then asked you in shock, “Are you being serious?”
“Why would you think I was joking, you melt!? Get in your cars now!” You almost shout over the phone.
You knew Alex had picked Matt up this morning and you also knew Miles would have driven himself like usual.
There is no hesitation when you hear Miles sternly tells your boyfriend, “Al get your car keys now”
“Why what?” You hear him say through the phone.
Miles ignores him though telling the soon to be father, “Matt you’re having your baby mate”
“What? Is that Bre? Is she okay?” You can both here the panic in his voice.
“It’s Y/N but Bre’s with her. Her waters have gone” Miles calmly tells him as you turn into the car park for the hospital.
Matt can be heard panicking saying, “Let me speak to her”
“Bre, baby, are you okay?” Matt’s voice then becomes clear on the phone
“I’m okay Matt. I need you” Breana tells him.
By the looks of her, you think she was just relieved to hear his voice.
He’s a little flustered when he says, “I’m coming, we’re just leaving”
“Okay well were at the hospital now. Get here quick” She instructs him.
“I’m on my way” Matt tells her reassuringly.
Breana asks him, “Call my Mom and Dad for me Matt please” as you park up the car in a spot.
“I’ll do it now. I love you Bre”
“Love you too” She tells him, and in your peripherals, you can see her smile.
Once she’s finished her declaration of love, you interrupt with, “Right Matt I’m taking her in now. Tell Al to hurry the fuck up”
“Keep her safe for me Y/N/N” Matt tells you and you smile.
“Always. Now hurry up” You say before you end the call and get the both of you out of the car.
The longest half an hour of probably all of your lives then took place whilst you waited for them to get to the hospital. You try and keep Breana as calm as you can though throughout her contractions.
Thankfully they were still pretty far apart so she definitely wasn’t going to be giving birth just yet, so Matt had time. But of course, she would want him here over you.
But that didn’t mean she didn’t make the most of you being with her.
“You know Y/N, I thought I was going to be coming into this hospital looking like a pig when this baby was coming but thanks to you, I feel pretty glam. Or I did before I was put in this gown” She had a little giggle which you joined in with.
You tell her honestly giving her hand a quick squeeze, “Bre you could have walked in here with your hair in a messy bun, no make-up or nail polish or anything and you would still have looked beautiful”
“Wow can I marry you instead of Matt?” She jokes with a smile.
You just giggled. But then you see someone run past the window and you both could tell that it was Matt.
“I think he’s excited Bre” You giggle to her as you stand up.
“Thank you for getting me here Y/N/N” Breana says as she gives your hand a squeeze.
You smile at her before you lean down to give her a hug. “It was my pleasure. You’re going to do amazing Bre. And I can’t wait to meet little Helders soon”
“Neither can I” She giggles as you pull away.
“Right, I’m going to go slap our men and tell them to never put their phones on silent ever again before I send him into you” You joke with her as you make your way to the door.
She laughs at that and says that she’ll do the same once her little boy or girl has made an appearance.
“Love you Breana” You look back to her as say with a big smile.
“Love you too Y/N” She tells you and just before you leave the room you smile at her and blow her a kiss.
You find Matt and Alex a minute later where Matt traps you in a quick hug thanking you loads of times. You tell him that everything fine and explain what’s happened which in truth wasn’t a lot, but you were all thankful for that because at least Matt was here for her now.
You and Alex then go to the private waiting room as you were in the private section of the hospital and you both wait there for further news. Matt asked if you would both wait, which you of course would do for him.
In that time, you and Alex were in contact with Matt’s parents and Breana’s parents making sure they could both get here okay. Alex had booked Matt’s Mum and Dad them tickets to get on the next plane over here so they could come and meet their grandchild.
Breana’s Mum and Dad were in a different state so they were driving over as quickly as they could. They said they would be with you in about 3 hours or so.
When you and Alex sorted all of that stuff out there wasn’t much left to do but sit and wait. And as you did that you’d got chatting.
He informed you that on their way to the hospital Miles got a puncture in the tire of his car, so he’d had to stop and wait for breakdown to come and get him. So, it was it was lucky that they both went in separate cars after all.
Then you got chatting whilst you were both waiting. The conversation went from you jokingly telling Alex to never but his phone on silent again which made him laugh but also apologise.
He then commented that you looked very nice and gestured to your eyes which made you laugh. You forgot that Breana had given you like a smoky eye shadow look but then added a touch of teal under your eye which made your Y/E/C stand out.
The teal also matched your nail polish which you applauded Breana for coming up with. You weren’t that observant usually, but you really liked the vibe.
After she’d done your make up to match your nails, you ended up doing her make up to match her nails too. She’d chosen a baby pink nail polish so that was what you’d gone for with her eyeshadow. You did a soft pink look on her which came out really well.
After you explained that you were doing each other’s make-up just before Breana’s waters had broken, different topics of conversation arose. And unsurprisingly you chatted about the situation you were both currently in came up.
You both started talking about the both of you waiting and how important it was that they both had the two of you there as support if they needed it. Especially considering none of their other support networks were around them.
“Yeah definitely, I’d want him to be here if it was the other way around” Alex tells you with a smile, even though he knows you couldn’t see his face because you were resting your head on his shoulder.
He continues, “Makes me happy thinking about the possibility of us going through this at some point”
“You want kids?” You ask him, picking your head up off his shoulder to look at him.
“Well not right away, but yeah I definitely do” Alex tells you and that was a relief to you.
The one thing that you wanted in life was to be a Mum. So, him saying that made you so happy.
You ask, not being able a keep the smile off your face, “Really?”
“Yeah” Alex nodded and asked, “Is it that hard to believe I wanna have kids with you?”
You’re beaming at that, “No. I’m just happy that you actually do”
The grin that breaks out on Alex’s face was like nothing you’d seen before. “We can wait a while though, right? I want a bit more than just the three months alone with you”
You giggle but nod, “Yeah. I want another album out of you at the very least before we even think about it”
“Well the next Puppets album gets released next year” Alex grins at you.
You laugh at his efforts. Absolutely not.
You shake your head, “Nope I want a Monkeys one. You’re not just leaving me with AM. I know you’ve got songs in that head of yours already written for it”
“Okay okay” Alex laughs.
“But yeah I’ll have your kids Alex. It’s a cross I’ll be willing to bare” You joke, and he chuckles before kissing you quickly.
You kiss him back and the grin at him stupidly for a moment. “Oh my god. Jamie’s, Nick’s, Matt’s and our kids will be called the Little Monkeys. Oh my god. Call Domino now” You joke.
“I hate you” Alex laughs shaking his head at your sense of humour. You’re so easily impressed it never fails to make him laugh.
“But you want my little monkeys?” You furrow your eyebrows at him playfully.
Alex nods chuckling, “I really do”
After that you and Alex just sit in a peaceful silence for a few seconds just grinning like idiots as you look around the room.
After staring into space for a solid minute Alex turns back to you and asks, “Can we continue practicing trying for kids though?”
You burst into giggles and nod.
“Yeah we can practice all you like” You laugh before kissing his cheek and resting your head on his shoulder again as you intertwine your hands.
About two hours later Matt walks into your private waiting room and he has the cutest smile and the glossiest eyes. You’ve never seen Matt close to tears before, but you can tell they are happy tears.
“I’ve got a baby girl Al” Matt says as soon as he makes eye contact with Alex and you both stand up.
Alex is over to Matt in mere seconds and you watched as they gave each other the biggest hug. And because of this emotional day you started tearing up just at that, if you got to see the baby today you didn’t even want to imagine your reaction.
“Are they both okay?” Alex asks him as they still hug each other.
“Yeah they’re amazing” Matt is smiling, and you can see the tears running down his face.  
“She came about fifteen minutes ago…” Matt starts explaining that she was healthy and that she came quickly once it was time and how much she weighed.
You were just getting emotional hearing that both Breana and their baby girl were okay and from watching as both men just looked at each other with massive smiles on their faces.
You can hear Alex’s smile as he gives Matt another hug telling him, “I’m so happy for you mate”
“Thank you” Matt gives him a tight squeeze before letting him go when he makes eye contact with you.
Matt smiles at you, telling you, “Don’t you cry, you’ll set me off even more” as he wipes away his own tears.
“They’re both okay?” You double check with tears still brimming your eyes.
“They’re great” Matt nods and he pulls you into a hug.
“I’m so happy for you” You say into his shoulder.
Matt chuckles and says, “Thanks Y/N/N”
He hugs Alex again once he’s lets go of you, and it’s like he’s clinging to him for dear life. They were such fucking cute best mates.
“I’ll come and get you when you can see her” Matt says sort of excitedly.
“Okay” Alex says as Matt heads back to the door but then he remembers to ask.
“You heard anything from Bre’s Mum?” He asks you.
You inform him on the conversation you had with her about 20 minutes ago, “They are stuck in traffic. The motorway is at a standstill, but they are on their way”
“I’ll get someone to tell you if they show up. And you’re Mum and Dad are on a flight over too” Alex tells him.
Matt nods and says, “Thank you” and has a second to himself where he looks like he doesn’t know if he should stick around here a bit longer or go back.
So, you make the decision for him.
“Go and see your baby” You tell him as he’s hovering.
“Okay” Matt smiles at the both of you, “Love you guys… Thanks for staying”
“We love you too, now go” Alex says as Matt’s obviously itching to get back.
You turn and hug Alex and let out a breath as his arms go around you. You were so relieved everything was alright.
You ended up meeting the gorgeous baby girl that was Amelia Helders about 40 minutes later. She was gorgeous just like her Mum and Dad.
Both you and Alex got a little cuddle of her which was amazing. You don’t think that you’d ever been the fourth person to hold someone’s new-born baby before.
As Alex held her before you did, you chatted to Breana telling her how amazing she was and even playfully scorned her for looking just as beautiful after childbirth as she had beforehand. She had done absolutely amazing.
You were holding little Amelia in the chair just next to Breana’s bed, Matt was on a chair just in front of you and Alex was on the chair to the side of you. It was like you were all forming a protective circle for the little angel that had just graced you all with her appearance.
As you were looking down at the beautiful little girl, Matt took up your attention by asking his best mate, “Al, how would you like to be her godfather?”
“Really?” Alex asked, completely taken aback.
“Yeah we were talking about it the past few months and think you’d spoil her rotten like a good Uncle should” Matt grinned at him.
Alex’s smile literally couldn’t get any bigger when he said, “I’d be honoured”
You watched with a massive smile as he gave Matt another hug and then gave Breana a kiss on the cheek. She smiled at him before she then said, “Right so her Uncle Alex is going to spoil her rotten, so I think that her Aunt Y/N/N should be the more responsible godparent”
“Are you?” You had to double check looking between the both of them that you weren’t reading into anything, but Breana started nodding at you.
“Are you sure?” You ask completely shocked.
Never for a second would you have thought that you would have been asked to be their baby’s godmother.
“Y/N/N the amount you’ve helped me over the last few months was enough for me to know that you’re going to love her just as much as me and Matt” Breana speaks honestly.
She adds on the end in jest, “And as long as you promise to tell me if she comes to you to asking for condoms when she’s a wild teenager then you’re definitely the perfect candidate”
She had you laughing at that. It was funny as well when Matt almost gasped saying, “Don’t want to think about that just yet, thanks Bre”
That makes all of you have a little giggle, but you start welling up again. God you didn’t think you were this emotional.
“Stop or I’m going to cry on your little girl” You say tilting your head back, so no tears fell.
The whole room had a good little giggle at that, and you handed Breana her beautiful little Amelia back.
After that day, life seemed to get a bit more hectic for everyone. You were prepping for work in the week that followed and also going around to see Matt, Breana, and Amelia when you could. However, you did want to give them some space because they did have a house full of people as both Matt’s and Breana’s parents were staying there.
Eventually the time came for you to start work and you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t excited. Because you really really were.
Literally the only productive things you’d done the past month was arrange your wardrobe how you wanted it, get your own car, and shag Alex. And whilst all that was fun, especially the latter, you were really excited for getting creative again.
And even after your successful first week in work you got to be just as creative on the Saturday following it because it was Halloween. Alex had arranged your costumes and as it turns out you were all going as DC characters.
Alex was being The Riddler which you never thought you would find attractive but as soon as he put that suit on you were extremely turned on. Especially when he asked you to put on his eyeliner for him.
Alex had got you a full-blown Cat Woman outfit, which was skin-tight for a start, but you had to say he chose well because it made you look good. You had on leather heeled boots and leather gloves too, along with the eye mask, ears and the utility belt.
Needless to say, when you walked out in its Alex’s jaw dropped to the ground.
It was definitely the sexiest you’d ever felt on Halloween but also at the same time you were in an expensive costume for it, so you didn’t think that you were being a slut. Your suit was zipped all the way to the top and it would be staying that way until Alex unzipped it for you when you got back home.
You’d done dark eyeshadow for it with a winged eyeliner to add to the overall look and you’d also straightened your hair and styled it back like Anne Hathaway’s was in the film.
Miles had come round dressed as Heath Ledger’s Joker which was fun, and you had a little giggle at. Both suits looked really good on them.
Matt was meant to be going as Superman and Breana was meant to be going as Poison Ivy but of course they had Amelia to look after now and she was only two weeks old, so you didn’t blame them skipping the party.
You ended up having a really fun night. It was even amusing when Miles kept handing you joker cards all night thinking he was funny and Alex telling people, but mostly you, riddles all night.
Some of the riddles Alex was telling you were mostly innocent ones that you hated yourself that you didn’t get. But you put it down to you drinking doubles all night.
You did pick up on a few of his riddles though, some which you were pretty proud of. Others you wish you didn’t get as they were whispered to you because you knew the answer was suggestive.
“I have four legs and a head but can’t walk, what am I?”
“Tell me the place where we confirmed we were going out. It’s a place where the lights are sometimes turned out”
“Some people prefer being on top, other prefer being on the bottom and it always involves a bed. What am I?”
Bunk bed.
But then he was teasing you to a new extreme when he started with the dirtier ones.
You were stood at the bar with Alex’s hand around your waist watching as the bartender who was dressed as a zombie poured your drinks. You were paying attention to the guy serving your drinks instead of Alex which made him pull you into his side unexpectedly.
You weren’t exactly shocked by what he did, but you also weren’t expecting it which made you turn to look at him. You could already see the mischief in his eyes before he lent towards you and whispered into your ear, “Riddle me this love… What’s long and hard and has cum in it?”
Immediately something comes to mind and you look to him with your eyebrows raised suggestively. Alex runs his tongue over his bottom lip which you later realised was a ploy to make you look at his lips which you really fell for.
You see his lips twitch into a half smirk before you look back up at his dark eyes which looked even darker because of the eyeliner you’d done earlier. You were practically drooling for him at this point and picturing how you were going to undress him later on.
“Darling, the answers cucumber. Don’t look at me like that” Alex tells you and the smirk on his face gets bigger.
You shake your head at that and pay the bartender before only grabbing your own drink off before you go and dance with Miles on the dance floor. You made sure that you strutted away in a way that would make him look at your arse.
If he was going to tease you, you would tease him right back.
The next time he does it was about two hours later, so you weren’t expecting it again. You were watching him smoke his cigarette as you were hoping to cool down.
You were leant back against the wall of the building, willing the coolness of the bricks to seep through the material you were wearing. As you did that, you were looking at that beautiful suit he was wearing and shamelessly looking at his arse.
It wasn’t your fault though it just looked so good. Whoever had fitted him for that suit needed a medal because wow.
“Hey” Alex caught you looking at him which made you press your lips together coyly.
“You know I never thought I would be attracted to the Riddler. But here I am?” You say with a smile as he stubs his cigarette out and walks towards you.
His hands run up your body like he’s tracing the outline of it before they eventually rest on your hips. He stands that close to you now that your forced into the wall which made your smirk get bigger.
You brought your hands up to wrap them around his neck and as you did, you fixed his hair as a few strands were coming loose which you knew he would hate. As you did that for him, he told you in a low voice, “Well you know, when I watched Anne Hathaway as Cat Woman, I didn’t expect the character to get any better but here you are proving me wrong”
It was at that point that you laced your fingers in the back of his hair and pulled in towards you because you needed your boyfriends’ lips on your own. And like you expected he wasn’t holding anything back. He was fully taking on the role of a villain and he was torturing you by pressing you into the wall, tightly gripping your hips and biting down on your lip until a quiet moan slipped from your mouth.
It was like you both forgot that other people surrounded you. But you both didn’t seem to care at all.
Especially when he broke away from your lips and started kissing down your neck. You made an effort to keep silent when he started doing that because he knew exactly what to do to make noises slip from your lips when he started attacking your neck.
He started nipping at it your skin and you tried to distract yourself by saying between ragged breaths, “Shouldn’t it be me biting your neck? You should be telling me a riddle”
“I can do both love” Alex says before he looks back up at you taking your breath away once more when he attaches his lips back to yours.
He doesn’t keep them there for long though as he then kisses down your jaw until he’s teasing the other side of your neck. You almost miss his riddle as you were struggling to hear him over the sound of your heart thudding in your ears.
“What four letter word begins with F and ends in K, and when someone can’t get one, they use their hands instead?” Alex says in a suggestive voice before he kisses just underneath your ear in that way that he knows you love.
“Something we’ll be doing later?” You hope.
You can feel him smile against your skin before he pulls away and you get to see that smirk again. He cups your jaw and tilts your head up, so you’d be looking into his eyes.
He was such a tease though because his were staring at was your lips.
“Such a dirty mind love” Alex shakes his head as his thumb runs over your bottom lip. “The answers a fork” He tells you looking from your lips back up to your gorgeous eyes.
“You’re a prick” You say as you catch your breath back.
Alex cockily says back to you, “You love me”
“I do” You smile because you couldn’t lie about that at all.
“I love you too” Alex gives your lips one last kiss before you’re both shouted back inside.
You hoped that the previous riddle would have been his last, but you were incorrect about that. He decided to throw you one more when you’re practically pressed together on the dancefloor.
Alex grins at you when you turn around to face him and he says into your ear, “I go in hard but come out soft and I never mind if you want to blow me. What am I?“
You were taken aback by what he said but before you even get a chance to guess he puts a finger over your lips, “Before you answer if you get it right, I’ll give it you”
You looked at him fairly innocently, but Alex could feel you trace the top of the waistband of his trousers and he smirked at you again. He had you exactly where he wanted you.
“No, my love” Alex said before kissing you quickly.
You kiss him back but when you try and carry it on, he pulls away. He shakes his head at you before he dips his hand into inside his blazer pocket and pulls out a packet of chewing gum.
Fuck. That was the answer. Chewing gum.
He takes one out of the packet and puts it in his mouth that is again smirking at you with the most mischievous look you’d ever seen on his face. He then proceeded to wink at you before he innocently went off and started laughing with Miles and a few others.
You end up doing shots at the bar and dancing with Lana Del Rey who had come as Morticia Adams. She looked amazing like usual and you ended up having a really good night with her and her friends.
When Alex stole your attention again about an hour later you decided to tease him back and make his mind dirty just like he’d been doing to you. This time he was getting your drinks at the bar and you stood close to him taking up his attention.
“I have a riddle for you” You say as you pull him closer by the lapels of his blazer.
“‘M listening” Alex responds to you confidently smiling at you.
You ask him, “What’s the difference between sin and shame?”
He thought about it for a second, but he ended up shaking his head at you, having no idea.
You smirked and kissed just under his ear before telling him, “It’s a sin to put it in, but it’s a shame to pull it out”
When you move back to look at him then, his eyes had turned darker in lust and you saw that he wasn’t playing anymore. The smirk on your face stayed as you picked up your drink that had just been served to you.
You don’t give him a second thought as you move out of his grip and head back over to your new friends.
About an hour later you’ve gone back outside with Alex and Miles so they could have another cigarette where Miles was teasing him because he couldn’t think of anymore riddles.
You smiled at the pair before saying, “I’ve got one for the both of you”
“Let’s hear it then” Miles smiles at you as you take a sip of your drink.
Once you swallow the strong liquid in your mouth you tell them, “Why is air a lot like sex?”
Miles immediately smiles at the topic of riddle, but you again see that Alex narrows his eyes at you. You just smile knowingly at him because you were giving everything right back to him.
“Erm” You hear Miles wonders out loud, but you’re just focused on your man in his green suit, watching as he puts his cigarette between his lips. You had no idea how such a bad habit like smoking could look so fucking good when he was doing it.
It made you want to be a cigarette.
“I’ve got no idea Y/N/N” Miles tells you, drawing you back to the real world. “Al, you got any ideas?”
He shakes his perfect head and says in a voice that sounds disinterested, “Nah, why don’t you enlighten us Y/N” but he couldn’t take his eyes off your lips, so you knew all his attention was on you.
“Air is like sex because it’s no big deal unless you’re not getting any” You say, and Alex’s face then holds the cockiest smirk you’d ever seen.
“Suddenly I’m jealous of Alex” Miles laughs giving you a cheeky grin.
You decide to wipe that smirk right off Alex’s face by walking up to Miles saying, “Just because he’s in a relationship with me Miles, doesn’t mean he’s getting any”
“Oh” Miles smirked at you and you smiled back before kissing his cheek.
You then didn’t give Alex a second glance when you started to walk away, and you could immediately hear Miles start teasing his best mate.
Miles knew you were joking but he was all for getting Alex worked up.
2 hours later was when you told Alex your third and final riddle of the day. Since you’d said he wasn’t getting any when you got back home, he’d done his best to tease the fuck out of you and succeeded.
You were sat on Alex’s lap in a booth full of people around 3am and the party was still going on. You’d just about had enough though because you were too warm in what you were wearing and really wanted it off.
So, you lent down and gave Alex your last riddle, “What’s the difference between light and hard?”
“Riddle?” He asks you and you can see that his eyes are getting to that drunk tired stage. Yet they still looked as beautiful as ever.
You nod at him keeping your cool just running your fingers through the hair on the back of his head. After a minute of thought Alex gives up and tells you as your kissing his neck that he didn’t know.
“You can sleep with the light on” You tell him the answer and you feel his hands grip your hip and thigh tighter.  
You were pleased that he understood that it was a dirty riddle and you gave him a little hint as to what you were after.
You playfully bite his earlobe before seductively saying, “Take that as a warning unless you take me home in the next ten minutes”
It was needless to say that when he saw you were stone cold serious about what you’d just said, he immediately started saying bye to those around him.  And that night you were both awake till daylight fooling around.
And Alex made it very clear who was in charge.
Everything was going amazingly well in LA over the next few months. It felt like you were meant to be over there.
Everything seemed to be slotting itself very neatly into place and life was really really good.
The Helders household was doing amazingly well. Both Matt and Breana were giving little Amelia the best welcome to the world a little baby could ask for.
She was being spoilt rotten left, right, and centre, as every baby should be. She had so many toys and clothes now, thanks to all of her family, that their house was slowly being taken over.
Matt was doing an amazing job as being a Dad. You never imagined him so relaxed doing everything, but he’d taken to his new role extremely well which you think was amazing because it definitely gave Breana a chance to relax when she needed it.
You knew her pregnancy had been a difficult one from a lot of morning sickness to a whole load of other pregnancy related issues later on. Nothing which she didn’t handle expertly though.
You could just tell that she was thankful her beautiful little Amelia was here now, so all her struggles had been worth it.
You and Alex definitely spoiled her rotten too. You got her loads of toys and clothes and your favourite item of clothing that you gave them was a pink top that read ‘Little Monkey’.
Alex laughed when you showed him that you’d bought that, and Breana and Matt had the same reaction too. Nothing better than a little music humour when you were mates with the people in the band.
Life seemed completely perfect with no complications or upsets at all. You were loving work over there as even though you were doing the same job, everything was exciting and new.
You were on your little adventure and you were loving it.
The only thing that marginally ruined your time in LA in the first 5 months of your relationship was when you both had an unexpected visitor knocking at the front door.
You were fast asleep in your spot on the settee when Alex heard knocking start. Alex got himself up quietly from the other sofa as you were stretched across the one you normally shared.
Before heading to the door though, he kissed your head on his way past which he absolutely adored doing every chance he could. God, he loved you so much.
Alex made his way to the door where there were now endless knocks, so he moved a little faster so they wouldn’t wake you up. But when he opened it and saw who was there, Alex wished he’d ignored it completely.
The door opened to reveal a face that he could have happily gone the rest of his life without looking at again.
“Hey” Rita Ora said cheerfully as she moved around Alex, so she was stood in the foyer.
It was needless to say she did not get the welcome she was expecting.
Alex’s reply was, “What are you doing here?” And it wasn’t in a pleasant tone.
She just smiles and ignores his question though and talks about what’s on her own agenda.
“You didn’t say bye the night of my party” She says as she takes off her jacket and throws it over her arm.
The coat revealed that she was wearing baggy ripped jeans and an extremely low cut V-neck top that was obviously meant to be eye catching.
“Yeah there’s a reason for that. Get out” Alex instructs, still holding the door open.
Rita looks back at him extremely confused and says, “What? Why?”
“Are you having a fucking laugh?” Alex says, now getting annoyed.
Who the fuck did she think she was turning up to his house after saying all that shit about him?  
“Oh Alex, what’s got you all agitated?” Rita asked sweetly seeing how annoyed he seemed.
“You being here” Alex says outright as he gestures towards her being stood in his house.
“I’m only here to see why you didn’t come to mine last week. You missed my birthday” She pouts at him.
Alex had to process what he was hearing for a second.
Had she actually drove all the way here to ask why he didn’t attend her home on her birthday as if she hadn’t said all those nasty things?
“Why for a second would you think I’d come to that?” Alec asked her.
His brown eyes showing no remorse for his tone of voice. He was getting angrier by the second.
“Because were good friends” Rita says like it was obviously common knowledge.
Alex just chuckles to himself before shaking his head saying, “No were not. That friendship ended the night of your party”
“What? Why?” She asks him, her expression showing she was hurt by what he said.  
“Because I don’t associate myself with backstabbing people. I don’t have time for it” Alex tells her completely seriously.
Rita again looks hurt by what he was telling her, and she asks Alex in an innocent voice, “What have I done?”
“You really think that I wouldn’t find out what you’d said?” Alex asks in a challenging way.
He actually wanted her to lie to his face now. Just so she wouldn’t have a leg to stand on when he revealed the truth.  
“What do you mean?” She asks.
“Oh, you know, all the shit you spouted about me basically fucking around” Alex says, and she can see the anger bubbling on his face.
So, Rita again innocently asks, whilst faking confusion, “What?”
Alex just ends up scoffing and asking, “Did you really think that your conversation with Y/N would just stay between the two of you?”
“Oh don’t listen to whatever shit she’s telling you” Rita shakes her head sounding annoyed.  
She then pointedly says, “You know I wouldn’t say anything like that…”
Rita concluded her mini rant with the statement, “She’s just jealous of our close friendship”
‘Wow. She’s deluded’ was all Alex could think.
“So, what you’re calling my girlfriend a liar?”
“Yes, because you know I wouldn’t say something like that” She again lies like it’s second nature.
“Get the fuck out of my house” Alex says absolutely fuming now.
He let the door stay half open and just moves away from it as he begins to pace back and forth.  
“What why?” He hears Rita ask again as if it wasn’t fucking obvious at this point.
“You’re lying straight to my face, and even worse you’re lying about my girlfriend” Alex says as he points to himself.
“Girlfriend Alex… Really?” Rita then asks pulling a face at him. “Are you seriously that attached after a few fucks?”
Alex was ready to blow after that.
An infuriated Alex then tell her in a firm voice, “She is not just some fuck! How dare you even say that, I love her”
“Love, really?” Rita laughs as is he’d just told her a joke.
“Yes” Alex states. “I don’t know whether it’s a concept that you don’t grasp but I love her, and you need to go right now”
She just completely disregards him telling her to leave though and asks him with raised eyebrows, “How can you love her? You don’t even know her”
“Are you fucking real?” Alex laughs as he rubs his temples. “I’ve known her since we were twelve and like she told you on the fucking night Rita, she’s been my best friend for half my life”
“You don’t need to lower yourself to the standards of a nobody” She came back with.
“She isn’t a nobody! She’s everything. She’s my girlfriend, my best friend and she also wouldn’t ever say the shit what you said about me, even if she was jealous like you are” Alex ends up calling her out.
Rita just rolls her eyes and calmly says, “Whatever she’s told you I said was a lie”
“I fucking heard you say it” Alex snaps and shouts at her.  
Rita just scoffs and laughs, “How has she tricked you into believing that we were there when we chatted?”
“All we chatted about down by the pond was if she’d enjoyed the party” She continued on.
“You are a fucking piece of work” Alex says before taking a deep breath.
He wasn’t a violent person but right now he wanted to go upstairs and beat the shit out of the punching bag in his gym.  
“Why? I’m telling you the truth”
“You’re telling me the truth?” He asks her.  
Rita nods, “Yes”
“Swear on your life” Alex says, wanting to see how long she’d lie for.
“Yes, Alex I swear. I’ve literally got nothing against her, I don’t know why you’re this angry”
“Nothing to say about me cheating then?” Alex asks with his arms folded, ignoring what she’d said.  
“Alex I would never say that about you. I don’t know what she’s been saying but you know me, I would never say that…” She says looking straight into his eyes.
Rita continues on to paint you in a bad light when she says, “I honestly can’t believe she’d even made that up. You know if someone could make that up then that usual means they believe it, so I would watch your back if you keep her around for any longer Alex”
“You’re actually a horrible person” Alex blankly states.
“I can’t believe you’ve just lied to my face like that” Alex shakes his head absolutely seething, “Maybe you should just stick to being an actress”
She starts, “Alex I don’t und-“ But Alex very quickly interrupts her.
“I was on the phone to her. When you said all that shit, I was on the phone to her” Alex reveals the truth and he watches as her hard face slowly falls away.
“Yeah got nothing to say for yourself now have you” Alex says almost triumphantly.  
“Fuck off and don’t come back here” Alex says before pointing towards the door. Rita goes to move towards the door that was still wide open when they both hear you in the kitchen.
“Hey Al, is everyt-“ Your words die in your throat when you see who’s stood in you in your doorway.
You just woken up from your nap feeling a little bit cold as the weather was slightly cooler than you were now used to over here. But it was early December, so you weren’t completely surprised by it.
You’d sat up from your position on the sofa and when you tuned back into real life, you were certain you could hear voices coming through the house. And they sounded like they were coming from the front door.
You didn’t know you were expecting any guests, so you got up so you could politely say hello to your visitor. As you got closer to your front door though, you could hear that the voices you were hearing seemed to be in a very heated conversation.
Which was why you started to ask before you’d even turned the corner to the foyer if everything was okay. You could clearly see that it wasn’t though.
Alex looked fuming, like he could tear his hair out at any given second. Rita looks like she was about to cry until she saw you walking towards Alex.  
“Oh, so the whores still here?” Rita says, her expression now holding one that screamed that she was appalled to see you here.
“Call me that again” You dare her and change who you were walking over to.
You headed straight towards her instead. She could say that to your face now.
If you were willing to cut ties with your sister for calling you shit like that then you would sure as hell make someone else that you despised look into your eyes and say it to your face.
“Y/N/N” Alex catches you by your waist so you can’t get any closer to her. He was quite literally holding you back.
You try once to get out of Alex’s grip, but it proves useless as he just holds you back tightly with one arm.
“No come on, call me that again” You egg her on because you were ready for a scrap at this point.
“What are you going to do?” Rita asks you smugly as if she held the upper hand.
“Whatever I fucking like because you’re in our house and there’s no cameras watching our every move here” You say absolutely fuming that she had the nerve to come to where you both lived and call you that.
“‘Our house’?” Rita asks you. She obviously wasn’t expecting that one
“Oh, so your ears do work, good to know…” You sarcastically smile at her.
You continue to say, “So you can hear me when I tell you to get the fuck out”
Her ears must have just magically lost their ability to pick up audio as she doesn’t move at all. She just looks from you to Alex, who was still holding you from behind.  
“Are you joking?” She asks him. “You’re really going to let her scrounge off you after being with her, what, five months?”
“Rita, just fuck off” You hear Alex tell her and you can hear the anger in his voice. You didn’t even want to imagine the expression on his face.
“No Alex, are you actually deluded?” Rita shakes her head at him.
“No Hun, that would be you” You interrupt.
She sends you an evil glare as she says, “Can you just fuck off. I didn’t come here to speak to you”
“No evidently not. You came here to try and get with my boyfriend” You call her out on it.  
“But from the way he’s told you to fuck off numerous times it seems like he’s not really that into you, is he? So, I’ll do him a favour, so he won’t have to tell you again” You say, and you break through Alex’s grip on you and walk towards her.
Something which seemed to surprise both him and Rita and she took a few steps back towards the door with wide eyes, as you walked towards her.
“So out you go” You say watching as she turned around and made her way out of the door.
You encourage her to keep going through, “Yeah that it, just a little bit more so the door doesn’t hit you on your way out”
You hear Alex chuckle a little from behind you then. You hadn’t even done it for humour purposes though. You were literally just seeing red.
“Oh Rita, forgot to tell you something” You call her just before she steps off the entrance to the house.
She turns back to look at you expectantly which makes you smirk because you know that she’ll regret doing it completely.
“Just to make you aware, after this door closes, I’m going to do something you’ve never done and never will” You tell her.  
She glares at you again before saying, “What’s that? Finding someone else to beg and steal from?”
“Oh no, I’m sure you’ve already done that. I mean something you won’t ever do…” You say as you hold the side of the door so you can close it when you want to.
She looks to you expectantly at that point then. You’re surprised she wasn’t tapping her designer heels, waiting for you to speak.  
“I’m going to fuck Alex Turner” You say victoriously.
And just as she’s about to say something else, you slam the door in her face.
You’re fucking raging when you grab Alex’s hand and drag him back through the house.
“I fucking hate that witch” You say as you practically speed walk through the kitchen to get to the lounge. Alex hot on your heels.
“Where are we going?” You hear him ask you.  
“You’re going right there” You say before you push him down, so he’s sat in your usual seat on the settee.
“Y/N” Alex says as you straddle him. He helped you down onto him where he knew you were usually comfortable, but he could see how worked up you were.
“Alex, I’m gunna fuck you right now, so would you like to undress yourself or let me rip your clothes off like I want to” You told him and you felt him grip your hips that bit tighter so you knew he wanted this too.
You saw his Adams apple bob before he just nodded at you. You then attached your lips to his and start to shed off items of clothing.
After you had the most possessive shag of your entire life, you felt completely satisfied. Making Alex tells you that he was yours and halfway through, when he got his brain back into gear and flipped the both of you over, he was making you tell him that you were his.
Something which neither of you would ever forget and the fact that the sex ended with ‘I love you’ kisses just made everything better.
You loved him with everything you had, and you were glad even someone toxic like that could never come between you.
You knew you were endgame, and nothing made you happier.
Taglist: @the-girl-before @murderousginger @minigranger @turnertable @bastillewolf @slothgiirl @billskarsgard-is-gorgeous @watashi-no-namae-wo-yonde @fookingsummertime @marvel-avengers01 @shibuikelsi @toolateformcrtooearlytoleaveemo @gretavanbobatea @chocolatecig @iamnotjesha @rachaeljayne15 @edgythought @when-the-darkness-comes @angelicnobody @marveious @liviasaugusta @boysinskirts @musicmania100 @he4rtbre4khotel @innocte @beckauhhh @whoknowswhatimeant @tony-starks-ego @tobarmaidswhodontcount @elektranxtchiios @bettyschwallocksyee @alexsvacuumcleaner @cornerstqne @halfofwhatisayismeaningless @juicebox-baby @yousuck-marina @nrldswita @dot-writes @skullag @arctic-bloe @babyhoneystvles @timchalamxt @writingismybiggestlove​
Other parts in Masterlist in bio x
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plantanarchy · 7 years
do you think you could talk a little about being autistic? im wondering if i might be autistic and im still not sure bc i like pass as neurotypical rlly well so far and i thought it would help to hear about actual people's experiences. you don't have to though and im sorry if this is weird!!
This has been in my inbox for a bit, I’m sorry! But yeah, I can talk about it. Keep in mind that everyone’s experience is different and its less of a “spectrum” from mild to severe/low to high functioning and more of a complex where different people have different experiences. A lot of people use functioning labels to dismiss the experience and opinions of “high functioning” folk when it comes to being autistic because tjey “don’t seem autistic” or “aren’t like those other low functioning autistic people”, but really “function” is relative and can even change day to day… on someone’s bad days they could be totally nonverbal rocking back and forth and on good days pass better at neurotypical than I do…
Ok so, I was diagnosed with Aspergers when I was ~10. I was essentially non-verbal in school and other high stress social situations and had been since I was very very young. This was interpreted as “very shy!” despite me having severe difficulty from a young age in saying anything at all to teachers, doctors, church people, even many of my peers, etc and often feeling like i was physically unable to speak but you know… because I spoke at home and with my neighborhood friends, I wasn’t considered non-verbal at all. Or I guess selective mutism is the correct term which is something I definitely still struggle with. Like when I was in middle school, I spent a few years literally being known by my mom’s friends and by some people at school as “Meep” because thata fuckin all I could physically say when somebody tried to talk to me haha
BUT ok that got away from me, point being: i was diagnosed with Aspergers at a young age which is a diagnosis that no longer exists/has been absorbed into the greater Autism diagnosis. Aspergers was separate for a long time because it was basically used to say “these kids are high functioning and different than those low functioning non communicative kids!”. Basically because I had most of the “cool and good” autism traits, my “not as cool and kinda crippling” autism traits and needs got shoved aside and essentially ignored for a long, long time. Which I think happens to a lot of kids! Even to the point of not getting a diagnosis at all or getting a wrong diagnosis and only realizing later in life what may be going on and what was missed.
Whoops before this becomes a bitter tangent, back to my experience of autism I guess. Ok, so on top of still being selectively verbal/mute (some days are worse than others and sometimes it isn’t even directly anxiety related it’s just a mostly mute day), my other symptoms include 1) it’s almost physically painful to make eye contact with anyone 2) formal social situations are beyond me, I never know what is correct or what’s coming next and usually I survive informal social situations by cracking jokes and making weird references to shit or being obnoxious and just accepting the label of “weird ass obnoxious kid but that’s just bre” 3) usually feel like I’m just two steps away from understanding what’s going on in some social situations lol like sometimes i have good intuition, can read people, can guess at what they’re thinking and then something happens that makes me question my entire interpretation of the situation and I realize maybe I wasn’t reading them correctly the whole time!!!! It’s the social equivalent of being the only one to get a wrong answer on a math problem and frantically rechecking your work lol 4) sensory overload yayyyyy when too many things happen at once (which can be like… 2 thing), I zone out and feel like my environment is unreal or blurry (fun and cool dissociation) and I can never predict what will cause that overload or when but also a lot of people have the very dramatic “autistic child screaming from sensory overload” image in their brain and thats not always accurate… my overload results in shut down 5) also along with that, I have sensory issues such as texture, sounds, etc. Certain fabrics as a kid would legit make me cry if I touched them or if my mom made me wear them (WINDBREAKERS ARE SENSORY HELL) and that still happens lol also with stuff like… chewing sounds, shoes that touch my toes in any way, loud music/bass, etc 6) along with that and with sensory overload… stimming. Stimming is basically a self-regulatory response to overwhelming stimuli and plenty of non-autistic people also do similar things when faced with high anxiety situations. Like foot jiggling, pencil tapping, nail biting, pencil chewing, etc it’s basically a soothing compulsion and not always something many autistic people can control without great effort and that control comes at the cost of not regulating anxieties or sensory overload well. I’ve got and always have had a lot of verbal/language stims and am very reptitive in my speech and writing patterns (y'all and lad anyone???) which is kinda self soothing. I have literally always had catchphrases. When im on my own i also do rock baxk and forth and other repititive body motions, also fidgeting with objects, especially cool round objects 7) catalog all the useless info in my brain!!! I can memorize information very well (not numbers though) and when I was a kiddo that got me labelled as #gifted and I was “savant” level in reading and writing but that is less cool and fun to people than beinf a math or science savant or something. 8) anyway related to that, as evidenced by this blog, I get VERY INVESTED in certain topics/ “special interests” to the point that it eclipses all other thoughts in my brain yay!!! Which isn’t a bad thing, I mean it gets me through and also if you have “good” special interests, people think you’re smart and interesting and ask your advice about stuff lol
Symptoms I don’t have that a lot of people think of when they think of an autistic person 1) I am horrendous at math I fuckin hate it numbers are the devil!!!!!! 2) 99% of my humor is sarcasm and I can understand it and figures of speech lol though sometimes i do get it wrong if i can’t read you otherwise 3) I don’t have “zero empathy”, I can feel for the plights of others VERY strongly, and can usually see any (most) POVs if it’s explained to me
There are others probably and there are certainly autistic people who have thise traits and who have different traits than I have. There are LOADS of different ways to be autistic. But also, there’s a lot of overlap between autism and between other things like ADHD, anxiety disorders, etc! So keep that in mind. Some people are strongly anti-selfdiagnosis of autism but knowing how easy it can be for kids who don’t present 100% stereotypically to slip through the cracks, I am all for it. I pass a lot of the time as neurotypical and can do most society things ok, though I have a steep learning curve compared to others… and with passing as neurotypical comes the frequent dismissal of my opinion on autism related topics and the lack of acknowledgement that actually I often DON’T pass as neurotypical and at those times my lack of passing is interpreted as rudeness, deliberate lack of effort on my part, stubbornness, lack of intelligence, lack of professionalism, an assumption that I’m angry with someone or don’t like them, etc etc. It’s an endless, awful cycle!
And I don’t really have too much personal advice for figuring out if you’re autistic or not… I did go through a point in time where despite being diagnosed I strongly denied that I was autistic and kind of had to come back to that as a near adult and realize nope… definitely autistic. And then knowing what to do with that info once youve figured it out is just… I mean there’s not much. There are little to no resources for autistic adults, very few support groups made up of autistic people and led by autistic people, very little resources directed at autistic people themselves in general, usually the focus is on the parents or guardians and talk aboit autistic people as abstract concepts… whoops, can you tell I’m bitter haha gonna end this before I go full “mental health professionals failed me and I’m a mess” etc
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