sueboohscorner · 7 years
#Empire: S4 Ep8 *Cupid Painted Blind* #Empire #OMG
Episode Rating Scale: (10) Exceptional
The season is (1) episode away from it's fall finale. Diana Dubois has broken the Lyon cubs down. Between Hakeem, Jamaal and Andre; she broke Andre the worst. It's time for Cookie to end this battle but she can't do it alone. Lucious is needed. Never thought we would be craving for the monster and evil that lives inside of Lucious. However, Lucious always protected his family by any means necessary. They can even use Mama Leah right about now; she has no problem ending lives. Cupid Painted Blind, what does that mean? Let's recap and figure it out. 
After beating Warren badly, Thirsty discovers it's a warrant out for Jamaal's arrest. The entire family is at Jamaal's condo. Cookie makes it's clear Diana is taking her sons down one by one. Andre is next. At the same time, Cookie is looking for alcohol and pills in Jamaal's cabinets. She fears this heartache will cause him to relapse. He has worked too hard to fight that demon. I pray he doesn't relapse. Love hurts when it ends but doesn't mean you can't get over it.
The injuries Jamaal gave Warren was unbelievable. Angelo rubbed it in Warren's face. Angelo admits he knew Jamaal had it in him but didn't think Warren wouldn't fight back. It's funny to me how Angelo feel falling for a Lyon is a bad thang. Angelo fell for Cookie knowing her past and her family lifestyle. He could have walked away from Cookie. Warren could have been honest with Jamaal once he fell in love with him. Them Dubois need to accept some responsibility in their broken hearts. And Angelo, you aired your dirty dealings for the world to hear. So get off the blame game. But I am confused, how is Warren a Dubois? The fact that Angelo stated, "Mother, will still take care of your father. " So is Warren's father her brother or her husband's brother? I am kind of confused about that.  I felt sorry for Warren tho. He lost everything helping Diana. She blames him for falling in love not her need for revenge. Diana is heartless indeed. At this point, I don't feel it's about Angelo's career being ruin. I genuinely think it's deeper than that. 
Cookie drill Andre about any new things happening in his life. Andre insists he hasn't met anyone new, but that's a lie. He met Detective Pamela Rose. Lucious stops Andre as he was very sarcastic. He nails Diana's tactics perfectly. As Lucious stated, "she moves pass your brain and goes for your heart." Indeed she does. She snatched Hakeem's heart with his daughter and snatched Jamaal's heart with a good relationship. How is she going to snatch Andre's heart? That's what Cookie and Lucious are trying to figure out, but Andre is not honest. Hakeem is tired of the repeated denial from Andre. Jamaal is tired of them being in his house, and Andre is just tired of being questioned. Cookie is looking at all three of her sons like they lost their minds.  She calls them three stupid blind ass mice. Lmao. Cookie is genuinely trying to protect her family, but they instead drown in the sorrows of Diana's damage to their hearts. Andre and Hakeem head to Empire. Jamaal puts Lucious and Cookie out his condo. Cookie sees the hurt from Warren's betrayal in Jamaal's face. As she stares at him, she has a flashback of when she was in jail. Her most significant enemy in prison became her friend. Her friend in need.  She got pregnant by a CO. She went into labor and had a baby. Cookie helped her through it all. The memory was about that feeling of protection the first time you see your child. Protecting her kids is all Cookie is focused on. Cookie can't let Diana get away with the pain she has caused her children. 
Cookie needs Lucious back to his old ways. She makes it clear if he can't help her, paint a symphony somewhere. She can avenge this war for her family. Lucious is doing the best he can under the circumstances. Divide and conquer is his plan. He tells Cookie to let him deal with Andre because he is hiding something. Cookie takes off to find Warren. Warren is the only person that can keep Jamaal out of jail. 
Cookie pays Diana a visit. She brings Diana the engagement ring Angelo gave her. The ring is a family heirloom for the Dubois family.  However, the ring was just a distraction for Diana and her bodyguards. Cookie throws the ring in the street. Diana's bodyguards all run to secure the piece of jewelry. This was a distraction for Thirsty to take pictures of all of Diana's bodyguards. The plan worked perfectly. 
Back at Empire, Tiana is in the studio recording her song for 20/20 with Shine. Hakeem enters the studio. This the first time we see Tiana since Bella's trial. Shine calls Hakeem to the studio because he wants to put Hakeem on one of his tracks for the five albums he has to release on 20/20. I guess Shine wasn't informed that Tiana and Hakeem are no longer together. He tells Hakeem, " I thought your girl could talk you into it." Hakeem makes it's clear Tiana isn't his girl and he not interested in doing a track. See, this is the bratty side of Hakeem. Tiana didn't cause him to lose Bella. He lost his daughter all by himself. Instead of apologizing, he acts like a spoiled, entitled kid. I thought this part of Hakeem was gone and he grew beyond that. I guess some habits are hard to break. Tiana comes out the booth, and Hakeem tells her to put some auto-tune on her track. Enough was enough for Tiana. She smacks Hakeem with ones of those grandma cock hand smacks to your face. You go girl. Tiana doesn't deserve Hakeem's disrespect. She gives him a piece of her mind as well. Good job Tiana. Shine takes Tiana's side. Hakeem vows not to date anyone because it ruins everything. I like this scene because we see another side to Shine. Shine steps up to help Hakeem learn it's more about manhood and fatherhood. He tells Hakeem to come with him. What does Shine have to show Hakeem? I hope it's nothing shady. You never know with Shine. One minute he seems over the past with Lucious and Cookie, but then it's revealed he still in his feelings. 
Thirsty has all the pictures of Diana's bodyguards. He explains to Lucious that one bodyguard is on her payroll but doesn't be with Diana. That's the guard who is watching Warren. Diana knows Warren is in love with Jamaal. She also doesn't want her plans for the Lyons revealed. So, she has Warren in hiding. According to Angelo,  it's for his protection from the Lyons. But it's really for Diana's protection in my eyes. Love will make you turn on family sometimes. It looks like that's the dilemma Warren is in. Anyway, Lucious puts Thirsty on another project. I swear Thirsty gets the information and job done. What does Thirsty have to do now?
Andre approaches Pamela about her role with the Dubois. He makes it clear someone is after his family. He tells her about how Diana is destroying his family through their hearts. Pamela denies any involvement with the Dubois. She is hurt that Andre would even think she would play him. She walks off but not before letting Andre know; she felt they had something special. I guess Lucious asked Thirsty to watch Andre. After Pamela leaves, you see Thirsty calling Lucious telling him to meet him at the restaurant. He tells Lucious something is up with Andre. Andre sits at the table, apologizing to the customers at the restaurant for his outburst with Pamela. It just seems to be no love in the air for Andre since Rhonda's death.
Lucious and Thirsty walk up on Andre at the restaurant. Andre is shocked to see them. Lucious asked Andre is everything okay. Andre tries to hide the fact he was just there with Pamela; however Thirsty told Lucious Andre was yelling at someone. Andre finally tells Lucious about Pamela. He admits he is seeing her and explains she is a cop. That's why this has been his secret.  He describes how she is kind and beautiful. He tells Lucious it's over because he accused her of working with the Dubois. He tells his father, he didn't think he can feel this way about another woman after Rhonda. So he didn't have feelings for Nessa? Andre leaves, and it looks like his heart is broken. Does Pamela work for Diana? Is she there to take Andre down for the bombing that almost killed his father? Does she truly have feelings for Andre? So many questions about Detective Pamela Rose. Lucious tells Thirsty to find out all he can about Pamela. Will her secret now become exposed to Lucious?  
Back at Jamaal's condo, he is listening to  his song Love is Drug. Unfortunately, Warren is on that track. He hears Warren's voice and slams his laptop. Jamaal ends up with a bottle of wine and some pills he has hidden in his kitchen. I can't believe he is about to relapse over this. No, no, no Jamaal. Don't give Diana what she want.
Hakeem and Shine end up in a suburban neighborhood. Looks like Shine had a family of his own. It appears Shine has some sister wives set up for his kids and kid's mothers.   He also has alot of kids. Three sets of kids with three different women. Wow Shine. However, he gives Hakeem some good advice. Never eat where you lay, never let anyone come between you and your kid, keep your business out the streets and the only real connection you will ever have is family. As Shine said, tattoo that on your eyelids. It makes a lot of sense to me. Hopefully that wisdom helps Hakeem 
Back to Jamaal. He is in his condo hurt and facing his biggest demon; his addiction. What he is listening to Love is a Drug and reminiscing about that moment with Warren. He really shouldn't be alone, but he kicked his parents out.  He loved Warren. He felt he was the one. Making that song was the moment Warren first said I love you.  Jamaal is truly hurt, but pills and alcohol won't erase the pain. Thank God, Jamaal tossed the pills. He took a drink instead even though drinking was apart of his rehab as well. A drink is better than popping pills, so I am not too mad at him for that.  However, I feel Warren and Jamaal can work this out. Yes, Warren's intentions started wrong. Yes, Warren lied to Jamaal. Once he realized his feelings for Jamaal was real; he should have confessed. The Lyons isn't angels so Jamaal can understand family loyalty, secrets, dysfunction and lies. I hope this isn't the end of Warren and Jamaal's relationship. 
He caused damage but not to the point it's unforgivable with time. Love is more powerful than revenge. Warren broke trust. Now if that's Jamaal's deal breaker; then yeah this couple is done. But, if Cookie can forgive Lucious for everything he has done, why can't that be the case for Jamaal and Warren? A Dubois in the Lyon's family would be kind of interesting.  
Cookie has face to face with Warren. She enters Warren's room with a loaded gun. She is loaded, cocked and aimed.  She tells Warren they are going to have a little talk while pointing a gun at his face. Cookie wants answers. Hopefully, Warren gives her answers. She told Warren he would tell the police he threw the first punch. Basically, self-defense to clear Jamaal of assault charges. Because Warren truly loves Jamaal, he agreed to do it. However, his quick response to agreement shocks Cookie. Cookie not new to this game but Warren assures her, she has his word. Cookie said, 'Like my son had your word when you said you loved him." Warren admits Jamaal was the love of his life and he lost him. He feels clearing his name is the least he can do for the hurt he caused. For the first time, Cookie sees Warren does love Jamaal. However, she not there to feel sorry for Warren. She is there for answers. Warren asked Cookie to do him a favor, but Cookie makes it clear; he not in a position to ask for favors. But I believe she will do a favor for Warren. You could see Cookie believe his sincerity. She puts the gun away, that says a lot. She also finds out what Diana has brewing for Andre; thanks to Warren. 
Hakeem visits Anika. Unfortunately, he gets told Anika isn't home; she is at her boyfriend's house. Anika and Angelo is a couple now? When did that happen? Was that the deal she made with Diana for her help with the custody hearing? Anika just loves having whatever Cookie loved. Lucious, Hakeem and now Angelo. Anika, Anika, Anika!! Do you want to go down with the Dubois? Please set Ma Leah free to handle Anika aka Boo Boo Kitty. Hakeem misses his daughter. What will he do to get his daughter back?
Warren gave Cookie the information she wanted. Cookie tells Andre and Lucious that Diana was messing with his mind. The doctor Andre sees works for Diana. Andre was shocked to hear that. He gives Cookie the higher dose pills that were prescribed for him to take. Apparently, Diana had something heavy on the doctor for him to risk his career for her. Cookie drills Andre to remember what he told the doctor. The doctor has had Andre so high off them pills; he doesn't know what he told the doctor. All he remembers is telling the doctor he couldn't get an erection. Andre is happy to find out Pamela isn't playing with his heart. Cookie tells Andre to get a new doctor as soon as possible. Yes, he needs a new doctor. Andre is off the chain when off his meds. However, he just focused on fixing things with Pamela. He takes off to find Pamela. Cookie has another flashback to jail. She is looking for Pound Cake, and she questions the CO that got her pregnant. Pound Cake was forced to give up her daughter. Cookie promise to make the CO-pays. This flashback is because Diana is destroying everything she loves; her kids.  The same thing the CO need to Pound Cake.
Hakeem shows up to check on Jamaal. He can't believe his brother is drinking. Jamaal doesn't want a lecture and Hakeem agrees he is not trying to give him one. Hakeem tells Jamaal about Anika moving in with Angelo. He doesn't want to watch another man raise his daughter. Hakeem doesn't want to watch Jamal drink his self to death over Warren aka Trick. Jamaal has Love is a Drug playing. Hakeem like hell no when he hears Warren's voice. He erases Warren's verses off the track. Birthed is another hit from Jamaal and Hakeem. I swear when them two do a song together it's always fire. I love "Trapped." Yassss! It feels good seeing Jamaal and Hakeem together, doing music and being brothers regardless of the Dubois war. 
The last 15 mins of this episode revealed the best OMG moment this season could ever have. Then again, this was the best OMG moment of the entire series of Empire.
Andre is at his place calling Pamela. He is apologizing for everything he said. He wants to explain everything to her. He tells her how much he needs her. Then, there is a knock at the door. It's Pamela. She comes in and puts a gun on the table. Apparently, the gun is the weapon she used to kill the unarmed suspect. Pamela tells him to turn her in. Andre asked, "why would I do that?" Andre tries to explain, but she plays on the fact she did something awful and got away with it. She tells Andre he doesn't understand how it feels to carry a huge secret of guilt. At this moment I was yelling at the TV, "don't you tell her nothing, Andre." In my eyes, Pamela can't be trusted. She is only in Andre's life to find out who is responsible for the car bombing. Apart from me feels, she already knows Andre is behind it; however, she has no proof. She needs a confession from Andre. Andre is about to give her what she wants.... a confession. 
Thirsty arrives at Lucious mansion with some awkward news. Apparently, Pamela Rose isn't a cop. She has never been heard of in the NYPD. So who is Pamela? Is she a Dubois after all? Cookie calls Andre but he doesn't answer. Her and Lucious heads to Andre's apartment. 
Back at Andre's apartment, he let his feelings for Pamela cloud his judgement. He confess to the car bombing. Nooooo!!!! The look on Pamela's face said it all. As Andre tells her, " we understand each other". She responds with ....
Pamela makes her own confession. WTH? I knew it! She confesses to being an undercover cop, working for Las Vegas police. She has been after Andre all this time. She calls Andre the dumbest criminal. She admits to knowing about the car bombing and all the details behind it. She points a gun at Andre and tells him he is under arrest. Andre loses his mind. He attacks Pamela. Pamela ends up dead. Andre is freaking out. He is trying to revive her, but she is dead. Then comes a knock at the door. It's Cookie and Lucious.
Cookie and Lucious let themselves in Andre's apartment. They find Andre very hysterical and tripping out. He is rambling about killing her, trusting her and saying she was no good for me. He tells Cookie, she was right. She was a cop, and she was lying to me. Lucious tells him to calm down. He tries to help Andre. Andre yells, "how you going to help me Pop." For the first time Dwight, not Lucious, see Andre in a bipolar episode. The look on Lucious face was like amazement and unbelievable. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He never saw Andre like this before. Andre tells Lucious, "Look at what I did. Look at what I did". He tells Cookie, "I am sorry ma. I didn't mean to hurt her". Cookie tells Andre, "It's going to be okay." Andre just keeps saying, I killed her. I am a murderer." Cookie moves the curtains. Now, I am thinking she is going to use the curtain to cover and dispose of the body. But then, Lucious tells Andre...
OMG!!!! My mouth hit the floor.  What just happened? What is going on? Then Cookie starts yelling, "There is nothing there Andre." I was so confused for a second. What about you?  Cookie gets through to Andre. She finally gets him to see there is no dead body on his floor. Andre looks around. He is confused as ever. OMG!!! Diana Dubois didn't mess with Andre's heart. She messed with his mind. Pamela isn't real. All this time, the guilt of trying to kill his father and his meds being tampered with caused Andre to go insane. All this time we saw a figment of his imagination. Cookie and Lucious stared at their son, who is lost and trapped in his mind. They see him on the floor, in tears and confuse. They see him as a victim of Diana Dubois revenge against Cookie. This entire scene explains why this episode was called "Cupid Painted Blind." Diana Dubois just elevated her gangsta.  At the same time, Diana Dubois just went too far.
Diana Dubois has to go down. Hakeem can get his daughter back. Jamaal can get over a broken heart and love again. Andre may never get his sanity back. Was Angelo losing his career and getting his heart broke worth that kind of destruction? I don't think so. What is Cookie and Lucious next move? Was seeing Andre out his mind enough courage to bring Lucious entirely back to himself? Stay tuned in because the fall finale is this Wednesday, December 13. Does Diana finally get exposed to her two faces? I can't wait until Wednesday. Hail to the Empire.
Catch up on episodes of Empire on Comcast On Demand, Hulu or download the Fox Now app.
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Editor: Lattice Johnso
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invadingmars · 7 years
Its been a MINUTE since I've enjoyed a moment on #empire but this song was hot‼️ I always watch cause I hate to see black shows get cancelled but 🙄#yazthegreat #fox
0 notes
sueboohscorner · 7 years
#Empire~S4 Ep9: Slave to Memory ~ Recap & Review~ #fallfinale
 Episode Rating Scale: (10) Exceptional
The finale was on fire. The Lyons shut the Dubois family down. Then ended with a bomb dropped confession from Andre. Followed by the coo-coo coming from Claudia. Yes, Claudia is back. It's one thing after another. The Lyons has more battles to fight and more demons to overcome. It's recap time.
The episode opens with DJ Flex introducing Empire number one artist. Then comes Andre to the stage. Now was Trai singing? Was anyone else wondering that same thought? Andre is truly off in his world. Andre becomes agitated. Lucious is by his side. The doctor tells Lucious that Andre may not be the same was all the drugs is out his system. Lucious checked her very quickly. "You do understand my son is going to be perfectly fine, right," Lucious told her.  Now Lucious bid seeming like his self in this scene. He tells a comatose Andre, "the people who did this to you is going to pay." Is Lucious truly back? 
Lucious keep saying he back. As Cookie is getting ready to attend Eddie's party, Lucious wants to know which Dubois he can take down. Cookie is still skeptical about Lucious return. She denies his involvement. Who is he going to be when the war comes to an end? Dwight can't handle violence but Lucious can. Cookie needs Lucious not Dwight right now. However, he again claims he is back. Cookie puts the conversation off until after Eddie's party.
Diana is preparing her Captain's Ball. She has top-notch security and she having background checks on all employees working the event. Angelo questions his mother about her timing. He feels she shouldn't be having this event. Angelo is a smart man. Nothing is going to keep the Lyons from that ball. Diana told Angelo she is at war with anyone. I like to know what she called all the treacherous moves she speaking. It all seems like war to me. The same part is Anika is team Dubois now. What is she Diana's assistant? I mean she gave Anika things to do like she an assistant. I am just saying. 
At Eddie's party, the Lyons family tries to talk him into staying. With Lucious being back to himself, Eddie doesn't feel he is needed any longer. Cookie asked Eddie, "Do you think he back?" Eddie said let's find out. He called Lucious out. Lucious said, "he the worst man on the land. " Sounds like he back to me. Eddie and Lucious sit at the piano and sing a song. Now, is that Forest Whitaker is singing? Lol.
After the party, the Lyons have to strategize taking down the Dubois family. Cookie ready to give Lucious back his throne in his office but Lucious tells her to take her seat on her throne. Thirsty arrives. He tells Cookie Diana got it shut down. They will not be getting in there. Cookie thought they could pull the same scheme they did in Vegas. Remember when trying to take down Guliana; they used the catering service because Cookie was barred from the casino.  While they are trying to come up with a plan, Lucious is on the piano playing music. I guess. Cookie couldn't think of him playing that music. Cookie doesn't feel Lucious is back, so she is keeping them out the loop. Lucious gives Cookie the plan she needs to get into the Captain's Ball. Everyone love music so why not use music to get into the Captain's Ball; that's Lucious plan. Them bougie people don't know nothing about music Empire puts out. We all know Diana party is going to be bougie. But Cookie like Lucious plan. After the meeting, Thirsty runs into Becky. She is sitting at the bar crying. At Eddie's party, we saw Becky get nauseated from the smell of shrimp. When Thirsty mention hormones; Becky gets offended. She smacks Thirsty. Thirsty is very smart and figured out that Becky is pregnant. Will she tell JPoppa she is pregnant? 
Jamaal gets an unexpected visitor. His back is turned, he doesn't see Warren just entered his condo. Jamaal gave him some bruises. Hearing Warren's voice, Jamal picks up at the knife.  Warren paid the doorman $10,000 just to see Jamal. That must be love. Instead of taking the money and leaving town, Warren used it to see Jamaal instead. Jamaal is trying to act like his feelings for Warren is dead, but you can tell he still loves Warren. Warren admits to deserving the beat down Jamaal gave him. Because he loves Jamaal and hates his aunt, he gives Jamaal some information that will bring Diana down to her knees. Warren truly messed up. I think Andre suffered the worst thanks to Diana. Warren should have told Jamaal once he fell in love with him. However, I feel they can work it out with time. Warren shouldn't give up on him. 
Cookie and Lucious are headed out. Lucious feels his leg is causing people to feel he is less of man. He tells Cookie regardless of his leg and half of the memory, his family, is being an attack. He wants revenge. This all started with Cookie. Cookie broke Angelo's heart.  Because of that, Diana came after Cookie and her sons. Vengeance belongs to Cookie. Angelo gets in his car to find his driver isn't who he expected. Cookie and Lucious take over. Maybe Lucious is back. When Angelo doesn't agree to sign a confession about his mom actions against the Lyons; things get ugly. Lucious pistol whip Angelo and use him to get in the Captain's Ball. 
Angelo gets Cookie and Lucious on the ball. He warns his mother the Lyons was at the ball. Before you know, Cookie and Lucious are dancing with an audience watching. Afterwards, Jamaal and Hakeem take to the stage and perform the son Trapped. Diana secrets come to light. Warren drops the bomb on Diana kidnapping Bella. Then Cookie revealed everything Diana has done. Now, I wanted this takedown to go differently. I feel Cookie should have gotten a few smacks in there. Remember that smack she gave Nessa. Yeah, Diana needed a few of those. 
The OMG moment for me was the news Hakeem dropped. Anika was apart of Bella's kidnapping. Unbelievable. I am confused about Anika. She wanted Bella to be the heir to Empire. That's why she pushed Rhonda downstairs. So why team up with Diana Dubois? Anika should know by down you can't keep the Lyons down too long. Now, she lost it all AGAIN. But, you truly see Hakeem's growth in this scene. He could have sent Anika to jail, but he didn't. However, she better hope Diana doesn't throw her under the bus to save herself. So happy Hakeem got his daughter back. Bella will continue to make an honest and decent man out of him. 
Cookie continues to throw Diana under the bus at the Captain's Ball. Diana shows her to true colors. She calls her guest pathetic. As Diana tries to leave the ball, she is stopped by the police. She thinks they are there for Cookie but boom; Diana is arrested for kidnapping Bella. Angelo arrives at the hotel where Warren is waiting for Jamaal. Warren thought he was opening the door for Jamaal, but unfortunately, it's a gun-packing Angelo. Warren gave the Lyons clan everything they needed to destroy the Dubois family. So Warren put love over family. I hope that means him and Jamaal are going to try to work past his deceitfulness in the beginning. Angelo has lost his mind. Sadly, he really could have to rebuild his life.  Jamaal arrives and sees Angelo pointing a gun at Warren. Angelo shoots Warren. Jamaal and Angelo wrestle with a loaded gun. I was hoping Jamaal didn't get shot again. Boom, Angelo goes down. Is Angelo dead?  Will Jamaal go to jail? Will Warren still be in the picture? How is Diana going feel when she finds out her son is dead? Sometimes revenge backfires. Unfortunately for Angelo, his need for revenge didn't end as he expected. 
The ball is over. Lucious is headed to see Andre. After the takedown of Diana, Cookie is exhausted. She heads home instead. Lucious wants to know if Cookie is moving out or in his bedroom. Cookie decides to move out. She feels they need to take things slow this time. I think that's a good idea. As a family, they have been through a lot. Then Lucious is still battling with identity issues. I don't feel Cookie made the wrong decision. Her and Lucious have a love that has been tested with plenty trial and errors; it's best for them to take it slow. Rekindle a place of new found love. 
Back at Empire, Eddie is about to leave. But his ex-wife storms in and dropped a bomb on him. It looks like Eddie invested all his money into a scam. Bad investment equals broke for Eddie. His wife who appears to be living an expensive life wants answers. How is Eddie going to fix this and take care of multiple families? Whatever his plan is, I hope it doesn't include betraying Cookie and Lucious. Eddie has been helping Cookie at Empire. He has some ideas in his head. That's what he told his ex-wife. I have to say; Nicole Ari Parker gets more beautiful with age. I would love to see more of her on Empire. Cookie needs a best friend it something. Lol.  Whatever Eddie have in mind, it better not be betrayal is all I have to say. Shine already is unworthy and has no loyalty to Cookie and Lucious. They don't need anything old friend with secret intentions.
Back at the mansion, Cookie was moving out back to her place. She changes her mind and stays at the mansion. At the hospital, Shine visit Andre. Lucious walks in just in time. Shine was about to kill Andre. Shine knows Andre is breaking down. It's only a matter of time before Andre tells the truth. And boom he did.  Once Shine leaves, Lucious tells Andre they clapped back on the Dubois family. Now, Andre is very sedated.  He says out loud, "Pop, please forgive me." He then says, " The bomb. I tried to kill you." Can you say the look on Lucious face was a pure shock? But what did Lucious expect? Every change they had to take Anika down for the killing of his wife and child; Lucious saved his self. Before Lucious could respond, he was injected with a needle in his neck. Claudia is back, and a woman scorned but in love with Dwight. Lucious waked up and trapped with Claudia. Cookie wakes up to Lucious being MIA. 
The Lyons family just can't get a break. The plot has thickened. The Dubois family has been taken down, but they left scars on the Lyons cub. Hakeem lost Tiana. Can he get her back? Jamaal found and lost love. Will Warren and Jamaal remain a couple? Jamaal killed Angelo (maybe). How will he regroup from murdering someone? We all saw what happened to him when he got shot.   And then there is Andre. Will Andre return to his full brain? Will he be affected physically in any other way? Healing takes time but these some heavy wounds to carry. How will Lucious get away from Claudia? How will Lucious deal with Andre's confession? How will Cookie find Lucious?  
Empire ended the fall season on a high note. You can help but wish it was Spring already. The questions we have, we want answers. Unfortunately, we have to tune in Spring 2018.  Take a SNEAK PEEK at what to look forward to next year. 
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Editor: Lattice Johnson
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sueboohscorner · 6 years
#Empire S4 Ep10 ~Birds in the Cage~ Recap & Review
Episode Rating Scale: (10) Exceptional
Empire is back on. Yeahhh, baby. This episode was better than what I expected it to be. What's in store for us to see this season? I can't wait to find out. Lets recap!!
This episode opens with life after the Dubois takedown. Who survived to move on with life? Looks like Jamaal, is having a hard time accepting he killed someone. Cookie, Lucious, and Thirsty arrive at his condo. Jamaal doesn't know how to put behind him; he killed Angelo. Cookie makes a good point, Jamaal is alive. Angelo would have killed him and Warren.  That's a fact. Cookie tries to reassure Jamaal everything will be alright. Somehow, this will not be alright for Jamaal. Once Jamaal goes to get some rest, Cookie tells Thirsty she can't find Lucious. She shows Thirsty a strange text from Lucious. Now last we saw, the family was unsure if Lucious was 100% back. So it's fair to say, anything Lucious does unexpected could be Dwight, not Lucious. But in this case, it's neither one; it's Claudia.
Lucious wakes up to find Claudia standing over top of him. She had him drugged and chained up. Lucious is furious. He asked Claudia,"Do you know who I am?" He then makes it clear the pain he will do to her. Now, Claudia is a crazy ass all outdoors. She has convinced herself that Lucious doesn't exist. Seeing her Dwight enraged, she shoots him with something to calm his nerves. How will they take the coo-coo out of Claudia?
I like when they do the flashbacks. We get to see more of what happened with Cookie in jail. Cookie and the other inmates made a plan to kill the Correctional Officer who raped and took Poundcake's daughter. The plan didn't go as planned. Cookie in up in solitude. Cookie's thought was interested in Thirsty. Thirsty discovered footage that shows Claudia at the hospital where Andre is currently. Unsure if Lucious/Dwight contacted her, Thirsty and Cookie don't know what to believe. But, they know something isn't right. Cookie tells Thirsty to reach out to Gloria. Gloria is the doctor that recommended Claudia to Cookie. With Thirsty not being able to contact Claudia on any of her numbers, they have to seek other sources. One fight after another for the Lyons. 
Lucious wakes up again. He is trying to get free from the ball and chain on his good leg. Lucious asked her why she is doing this. Claudia has convinced herself that Lucious doesn't exist. Lucious makes it clear he doesn't know Dwight. He makes it clear; his name is Lucious Lyon. Maybe Lucious is 100% himself again. Unfortunately for Lucious, Claudia believes he is traumatized. She makes it clear; she is getting Dwight back. That means, she will do whatever to bury Lucious. 
Even in crisis, Empire still has to conduct business. Tori and Hakeem does the first performance of the season. Backstage, Porsha tells Becky, Cookie doesn't want Tori doing any interviews. Not good for Becky being that, it's a host if reporters waiting. Becky on her phone. She doesn't understand where Lucious is at. Porsha reminds Becky, Lucious has a son in the hospital and the other at the precinct; his plate is full. Too bad Lucious doesn't know Jamaal killed Angelo. Becky and Porsha doesn't know Lucious been kidnapped. But, Becky problem isn't the Lyons. 
Thirsty brings Gloria to see Cookie. Cookie waste no time digging for answers about Claudia. All she wants to know, "does she has something to worry about with Claudia?" Cookie, you most definitely do.
Claudia is trying to get Lucious to cooperate. If Lucious doesn't cooperate, she has a gun and another weapon to sedate him.   Back to Gloria, Cookie, and Thirsty. Gloria shares a story with them about uncomfortable behavior from Claudia in the past. In that story, they learn about a cabin Claudia have. That's the cabin she using again to hold Lucious captive. Feeling uncomfortable with the situation, Gloria stops talking. She knows yet friend is up to no good. She has seen Claudia crazy before. 
It seems like Hakeem is the only Lyon moving on from the Dubois takedown. He arrives at Jamaal's condo in darkness. Jamaal has no sunlight shining inside his condo. He is sitting on the couch, in the most profound remorse. No, I get it, you took a life. But would he instead, his life been taking? I don't understand why he is beating himself up over killing Angelo. Angelo was trying to kill him and Warren.  Hakeem shows him no pity. He makes it clear; the Dubois came after them with all they had. They survived it. They survived with a few scares apparently. But, it is nice to see Hakeem growing more mature each season. He is giving his big brother some courage at this point. 
Porsha catches Becky in the bathroom. She points out she spent a lot of time in the bathroom. She calls Becky out on being pregnant. Becky didn't plan to get pregnant, but she did. She took a few pregnancy tests hoping they were wrong. As she breaks down in tears, Porsha comforts her. The funny part is, all Becky wanted to do was wash her hands lol. 
Back at the cabin, Lucious is playing the piano. He puts on a good performance to get Claudia close to him. See, Claudia has marked off a certain area to not go into. If she crosses those boundaries, Lucious will be able to grab her. Lucious fake tears and break down, get her to cross that boundary. He had a fooled for a moment. She hugs Lucious. He hugs her back but then grab her by the throat. He almost had her where he wanted. But, Claudia had everything figured out. She managed to break free of Lucious. She turns on this red light with music playing. She made a gadget of Lucious song layered on top of each other with color. The one thing that helped Lucious gain his memory; she was now using against him to cause him pain. It looks like an unbearable pain.  Claudia is one crazy doctor.
Thirsty located the cabin. Cookie tells him to text her the address. Thirsty try to get Cookie to wait for him, but she insists on going alone. Cookie never felt Lucious was 100% back, so she doesn't know what to expect. She tells Thirsty if he is Dwight, she wants to talk to him. But we all know, Cookie communication isn't the best. She heads upstate to the cabin. These emotions bring back another flashback. Cookie is in the hole losing her mind. The CO brings Poundcake to visit her. Poundcake explains why she betrayed them. The same CO who raped her and took her baby; offered her baby back to her for information. Poundcake told him about the plan to kill him. Now, why would she trust him? Why would she betray Cookie? It looks like Cookie endured a lot those 17 years. You can only wonder what else happened to her in jail. 
Jamaal and Hakeem visit Andre. Andre awake and looking better than we last saw him. He sitting in a wheelchair but he is alert.  Andre was surprised to see them. The Lyons cub has endured some pain and anger. Andre heard what Jamaal did. He asked him was he ok. Hakeem comments, "Jamaal took him out." That comment brought Jamaal's guilt more present.  Jamaal recap the destruction Diana brought to everyone; even the death of her son. Jamaal is hating being called the hero in this situation. He doesn't want to be patted on the back. He doesn't want the high five for killing Angelo. Yes, he wanted this war with the Dubois to be over but not at the cost of him taking a life. Snap out of it Jamaal.  You could be the one dead. Angelo wouldn't be this remorseful for killing Jamaal. I hope this guilt doesn't cause him to relapse. The Lyons cub comes together as brothers. Andre, Jamaal, and Hakeem comfort each other once again. I love to see them like this. Leaning on each other, loving each other and supporting each other through a rough patch in life.
Lucious is awake again. How many times she is going to sedate him! Geesh!!! Claudia is sitting at the table patching her burn wound. A car pulls up. Claudia sees it's Cookie. Lucious starts yelling, but Claudia grabs a knife. She tells Lucious, "You better get rid of her or I will slint her throat." Claudia stands there with a knife behind her back. Lucious tells Cookie he did what she asked. He helped her take down the Dubois. He wants to be a better man and finish what he started with Claudia. He is playing the piano and Claudia is listening for clue droppers. At this moment, Cookie believes Lucious. She believes he is where he wants to be and she left. Lucious put on a great performance. I think I would have believed him too. 
On her drive back, Cookie is hurt by Lucious once again. The melody Lucious was playing is playing in her head. Cookie is having flashbacks of jail. Cookie wrote music while in jail. The melody Lucious was playing was the song she wrote. Cookie realized Lucious was lying. He needs her help. This Cookie and Claudia showdown has been long overdue. Time for Cookie to put some paws on Claudia. This just got me excited. Now, I am the crazy one lol. 
Porsha and Becky discussed her plans. Becky is experiencing what most women experience all the time. We live in the moment. We don't think about the outcome. She is just building her career. She has finally been promoted to head A&R. A baby wasn't in her plans. On top of that, she wants nothing to do with Jay Poppa at least that was the last scene we saw. Call me crazy, we only seen one lovemaking scene with them two. But Becky said eight times. Were that eight times in that one interrupted studio session? Did they hook up after the let's keep it a professional conversation? When did Becky get pregnant? Is Becky going to tell him? Is baby keeping the baby? 
Claudia doesn't understand Lucious love for Cookie. She is not fazed at all by Cookie's unexpected visit. She asked Lucious to play her song. He quickly denied her request. His inspiration for music just walked out the door. He makes it clear to Claudia, he will kill the world for Cookie. Then calls Claudia a broken bitch. Well, choose your words wisely Lucious. Claudia is crazy in the worst way. Not happy with Lucious response, Claudia turns on the red light special she created. She brings Lucious to his knees again. Balled up in pain. Then the power shuts off on everything. Claudia goes to fix the electricity and Cookie shows up behind Lucious. She tries to take Lucious out of there but learns he is chained up to the piano. Cookie looks for something to free him, but unfortunately, Claudia has other plans. Claudia smacks Cookie with a pan. Not good at all. Why hasn't Thirsty showed up yet? He knows Cookie should have been back. I mean it was daylight when she left. Now, Cookie and Lucious are in trouble. 
While knocked out, Cookie remembers another jail experience. She didn't break from being in the hole even though that was the plan. When she wakes up from being on conscious, she finds herself tied to a table. Crazy Claudia is standing there. "Dwight told you he doesn't need you," Claudia told Cookie. Who will save them now? 
Cookie asked Claudia what's her plan. Claudia thinks she can erase Lucious and create Dwight. She believes Lucious loves her. Claudia thought Lucious was talking to her when he said I love you. I must say this crazy therapy session just might help Cookie and Lucious. I mean, Cookie and Lucious are learning some inner feelings that haven't been mentioned. Guliana name was brought up. Then Angelo was brought. Lucious and Claudia learn that Angelo is dead. Claudia lightbulb finally was lit. She now gets it. Anyone who tries to break up or threatens Lucious and Cookie's bond; ends up dead. Cookie and Lucious find their life together funny. Claudia doesn't find it funny at all. All she sees is toxic in Lucious and Cookie's relationship.  She tells them that don't have love. They only have toxic.
Claudia brings up her prison time. Claudia brought up how Lucious abandoned Cookie in jail. We never once heard Lucious reason for leaving Cookie in jail. Lucious doesn't feel he abandoned Cookie. His manhood was put on trial and found guilty. He can't protect his woman from jail. He couldn't defend from a life of an inmate. I guess seeing Cookie's scare wounds was too much for him. He felt hopeless. It's understandable, but you still don't abandon the woman who took jail time for you. First-time Cookie hearing why she was abandoned for 17 years.  Then Claudia brought up Cookie's release from prison. Claudia is digging deep. Sadly, she doesn't release she is helping them vs. tearing them apart.
Claudia asked Cookie did Lucious give her half of Empire once she was home. Lucious said yes, but Cookie reminded him that he didn't. Lucious was starting beef with his sons over Empire. He was forcing them to stand up and take the crown to Empire. Three kids, one winner. Lucious excuse for that was he thought he was dying. Which he did think that? But why not be fair? Give all three Empire. Cookie didn't feel it was right then or now. She brought up her 17 years of sacrifice again. Lucious is tired of hearing that. He is so tired of Cookie saying she gave up 17 years for their family. He so tired of hearing it, he tells Claudia to stab him in his neck. Lucious describes his pain and his struggle since Cookie was jail. He said it was hard raising three sons and building a company. Despite his pain, Cookie didn't buy it. She reminded him of the help and support around him. She even brought up Bunky. She talked about Bunky not deserving to be dead. She brought her father died of a broken heart. Cookie feel like Lucious took her from Barry. But Lucious breaks it down. Cookie and Lucious both wanted bigger and better out of life. They both saw opportunity in each other. You know the saying, "  Game recognize game." That's what brought them together. Leave it to Claudia to twist his words. She tried to convince Cookie that Lucious doesn't love her and she doesn't love him. Claudia stated, Cookie loves Empire, not Lucious. The look on Lucious face. I guess that was an eye-opener for him. He sat there looking like he was waiting for Cookie's response. 
Cookie makes it clear that she loves all her family, including Lucious. Despite everything they been through, she chooses Lucious over Dwight. Lucious belong to Cookie.  Claudia is in between a dangerous game of love. Looking Claudia dead in her face, Cookie lets her know she is not leaving there without Lucious. As Cookie points out, Claudia doesn't know her. Nor does she know what Cookie is capable of doing? Cookie doesn't feel threaten by Claudia. Claudia feels threaten by Cookie. Now, Lucious has to choose. Claudia gets up and put the knife to Cookie throat. I mean, Cookie did tell her to do what she has to do. 
Lucious begs Claudia not to do this. Cookie keeps taunting her to do it. Cookie is crazy as all outdoors. Claudia is crazy and has a knife to her throat. She crazy enough to slit her throat. Cookie seems not to realize that, but Lucious knows. He begs Claudia not to do. Then they are interrupted by a car pulling up. I thought it was Thirsty, but it was Gloria. Gloria confronts Claudia about having Lucious. Claudia tries to get rid of her, but Gloria insists on going on. Claudia takes the ax and hit her friend in the head. Wow!!! WIth friends like that who needs enemies.
While Claudia is dealing with that, Cookie finds a way to get free. Prison has given her some new tricks. Cooking pulls a razor blade out her wig. Which I must say, the bob Cookie rocking looks good on Taraji. Claudia walks back to the cabin to find Cookie free. This episode is just got real in this scene. Who doesn't like a good girl fight? Claudia asked Lucious, "where is she?" Lucious says," She gone to get the police. I told you this wouldn't work out".
Claudia turns on her red light special and looks for Cookie. I feel cheated. It wasn't a real catfight because Claudia used the taser. I was disappointed. Claudia and Cookie were overdue for a catfight. Knowing that Claudia would kill Cookie, Lucious finally freed himself. He got free just in time. Claudia was about to kill Cookie.  Lucious hits Claudia with something then grabs the ax to finish the job. Well, Lucious didn't kill her. Will that be his most significant mistake? Claudia gets arrested. What enemy is coming next?
The episode ends with Dre waking up from a bad dream. His guilt is preventing him from healing. Dre has to tell Lucious he tried to kill him. What will Lucious reaction be? Has Lucious changed enough to forgive him? Stay tuned in to find out.
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Author: Lattice Johnson
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#Empire S4 Ep5 The Fool, Recap & Review* #luciousback
Episode Rating Scale: (10) Exceptional
 Yasss! I finally got super excited watching Empire. The turn up got real this episode. The thing I love most about this episode; every character had their shining moment. But, of course, Lucious memory returning was the OMG moment. The way Lucious memory returned was beautiful to watch, let's Recap time!
This 20/20 project has to be successful. Empire has no room for errors. Unfortunately, Anika has a Lyon in a roar at the wrong time. Hakeem has stepped up to the plate and matured for his daughter. Anika seeking sole custody is a bold move. She judges the Lyons Clan as if her hands aren't dirty. Lucious gave her $25 million for her troubles. Why is she bringing fire for no reason? Mama Leah did an awesome job setting her up for murder; however, no one knew she did that. Anika blackmailed Cookie to get her out of jail.  You come home, get jealous of Tiana being mommy to your daughter and file for custody. The dumbest thing she can do. Hakeem, Thirsty, Tiana and Cookie is discussing the family history with Anika to Hakeem's lawyer. I guess conflict of interest prohibits Thirsty from being his lawyer. So here comes Skip, a new lawyer. Porsha calls Cookie and tells her to turn on TMZ. The Dubois strike again. The story of Lucious condition has hit the news.  How will Cookie clean this up? 
Andre is playing with fire sleeping with this detective. Her motives are not clear. Is she undercover or is she feeling Andre? Andre better watch out. She wants a confession from pillow talk. Why else is she sleeping with a suspect?
Claudia has fallen for Lucious. Lucious still saying he doesn't want to remember. Lucious tells Claudia the only thing about Lucious he wants; is his music. In walks Cookie. She tells Lucious they can't hide it or put it off anymore. The board is up to her ass about the recent news media. Cookie drags Lucious to Empire. At Empire, Lucious and Cookie have a meeting with the board. Lucious seemed like his self. However, the press is all over the Empire building wanting answers. Cookie comes up with a plan to have them follow Lucious for 48 hours. That idea is extremely risky, but Lucious can pull it off. At least he gave that impression. Claudia is no help in this matter because she refuses to lie about his condition. How will this end for Empire? 
Jamaal is sleeping with the enemy. He truly trusts Warren, but Warren is a Dubois. As Jamaal cancel breakfast plans, he explains he has to be there for his family. Little does he know; Warren created this problem. Warren sits there like he so innocent. Warren and Jamaal were about to part ways; then they run into Angelo. Angelo gives Jamaal a subpoena to appear at Bella's custody hearing. Warren jumps in to defend Jamaal. Angelo throw shades Warren way. He asked Jamaal has he thought about who leaked Lucious condition to the press. The sign of guilty read all over Warren's face. Angelo walked away but not before taking another shot at Warren. He tells Jamaal, " this one looks thirsty." Preferring to Warren. Lmao. Angelo is something else. His love for his career must have been deeper than his love for Cookie. Why else would he be okay trying to destroy her family and bring an innocent baby in this drama? Jamaal paid Angelo no attention and suggested to Warren to do the same.
Back at Empire, Claudia tells Cookie this 48 hours following Lucious is risky. Claudia calls Lucious, Dwight, which is shocking to Becky. Becky has to walk around with Lucious and help him get through the press. Becky doesn't have faith she can help him pull this off. But, Lucious, Cookie, and Andre believe she can. Claudia tells Cookie she will stay by his side this time. Cookie doesn't care about anything at the moment but pulling off her plan. Will this blow up in her face? Or will Cookie's plan be successful? Thirsty drops more info to Skip about the family history with Anika and the Dubois. He informs Skip that Angelo, Anika's lawyer once dated Cookie. Skip asked Hakeem is there anything else he needs to know about the family history between the two families. Hakeem lies and says that's it. He left out a lot if you ask me. We still don't know what Diana had Hakeem doing against his family. I guess the court hearing will reveal all that.
The press has ​arrived. The press, Porsha and Cookie walks into Veronica's studio session. As Veronica's sings, Lucious sees a ray of yellow around her. He sees it as a door opener and give Veronica some musical advice. For a minute there, he seemed like his old self.
Andre meets with the detective. Andre thinks it's for sex, but she mentioned Shine. She tells Andre they met with Shine and he threw shade his way. She also tells him, they know Shine was at the garage by Lucious car. Now she wants to talk about Lucious case when she didn't know at first. She just can't be trusted. Andre needs to walk away and stay away from her. She seems to know Andre blew his father up and Shine helped. How can Andre continue to keep this secret? The Lyons secret always comes out and always at the wrong time. When will Andre's secret be exposed? Please don't say the custody hearing. Enough secrets will be revealed that day. Too bad, one side is just as dirty as the other. The press arrives at Jamaal's studio session, but he isn't ready. A female reporter asked Lucious does he stand behind the lyrics of the song Jamaal will be singing.  Lucious makes it clear; he stands behind all his music. Jamaal asked them to come back. Becky suggests they visit Shine. Claudia doesn't seem to know her place. She suggested they put off seeing Shine. Which makes the press think they are hiding something because of the tension. However, Shine's music triggers bad memories for Lucious. May not be a good idea after all.  Cookie tells Shine not to play her as he did in the boardroom. Becky reminds Lucious that he calls him by Shine not Moonshine. Lucious tells Shine to play what he has for him. Since Shine knows Lucious isn't himself, he plays the grimiest beat he got. Lucious begin to see Shine circled in crimson red. Claudia sees his discomfort and talks him through it. Without having a flashback and severe outbreak, Lucious say, "Turn the music off." Shine didn't succeed in shaking Lucious up in front of the press.
Lucious take off after the session with Shine. I guess it was too much for him. He tells Cookie, he knows what he is doing and has to get his people. He takes off with Claudia following him. Cookie tells the press this is all off the record. The press is giving a break. Who is Lucious going to get? What help is he reaching out to be that he has no memory? Interesting!! 
The press is still waiting. Lucious hasn't returned yet. Cookie is trusting Claudia to bring him back. Andre and Thirsty inform Cookie of the board's latest message. If the album doesn't drop as scheduled and Empire takes another hit in the press, Cookie will be asked to step down. Amazing how someone else money detects your actions of a company you started. Feels like Empire belongs to the board, not Cookie and Lucious. Cookie needs Lucious to be Lucious right now, but unfortunately, she doesn't have him. At least not who he used to be. She finally gives the okay to Andre and Thirsty to send the press home.  But before that happens, Lucious walks in with Eddie played by Forrest Whitaker. Cookie's acts like she knew Lucious plan by telling the press, "I told you Lucious was pulling together some incredible producers to finish the album." Cookie is always on top of her toes even when she is in the blind. Lol. The next studio session is with Tiana and Hakeem. Hakeem is MIA. So the session starts without him. Eddie and Lucious clown Cookie about loving this song. Hate the Game is a song Cookie produce.  Lucious starts to see colors again. Eddie notices his discomfort and pats his shoulder. He guides him back into the music. Lucious say out loud, y'all don't understand what happens when I hear the music. Seeing what he see is very beautiful. I admit to that.
Warren pays Angelo a visit. Funny how Angelo calls Warren a prostitute. He trying to help revenge the family for him. But they seem to hate each other. Angelo tells Warren he suppose to be pretending to fall in love but looks like he is in love. Like a punk, Angelo threatens to tell his mother. Warren doesn't seem too bothered by his threat. He tells Angelo," ain't nobody scared of your mama but your bitch ass." Oooooooouuuuuuu, feisty. Could there be some truth in Angelo's words? Has Warren falling for a Lyon's roar? Lol.  Warren calls Angelo a mama's boy. Looks like Warren has some hidden anger build up towards Diana. Seems like he feels she has the family messed up. What's the story there? Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. Hakeem shows up to see Diana. Angelo provokes him enough to make Hakeem angry. In that anger, he hits Angelo. Hakeem just gave Angelo more leverage against him in court. Neither one of them has lived a suitable, healthy life to raise a child. I mean Anika is a double murderer. She killed an unborn child then later killed the mother. She isn't innocent.  Sadly, I pray this blows up in Anika's face. Never go against a Lyon. She hasn't learned that yet. Bring Mama Leah home to deal with Anika. Lol. I hope they air her dirty laundry like she about to air theirs. But I have a feeling, Anika or Hakeem will end up with custody of Bella. Diana will end up getting Bella. Interesting!!
The detective got Andre on fire. He approached Shine about talking to the police. Now, in Andre defense; he did try to call the bombing off. Shine acted on his own if you asked me. However, if Shine goes down so does Andre. I guess enough was enough for Andre. He told Shine to go ahead and tell his family what they did. Has the guilt eaten at Andre enough? Or, has Andre decided to embrace his family? He seemed to be envious of his brothers, but without Andre, business savvy Empire would be lost. I wish he would see just how much he is apart of his family and Empire. 
Hakeem refuse to lose his daughter or let Diana retake her. With the help of his friends, he has passports, money and a jet. He is about to run with Bella, but he wants Tiana to come along too. She said she is going to meet him at the airport. But the look on her face said differently.  
Eddie and Lucious is back listening to Veronica. Eddie reminds Lucious of when he wrote the song and building this Empire to show Cookie how much he loved her. As Veronica sings, rays of color reflect in Lucious eyesight. 
Lucious takes a break. He meets with Claudia. He asked her why does he see colors when he hears the music. She said it's called Sinestesia. She has paint and a canvas waiting for Lucious. She plays one of his songs and tells him to tell her what color he sees. As the music play, Lucious begins to paint. He paints all the colors he sees. He so in a zone. Cookie walked in and asked, "what's going on." Lucious is no longer painting on a canvas. He is painting on the glass of Empire's boardroom. Claudia explains to Cookie, Lucious has Sinestesia. He sees colors when listening to music. She tells Cookie he's listening to music in his head. There is no music playing. Cookie calls his name, but Lucious doesn't respond. Cookie has seen this side of him, plenty of times before. She has seen him completely zoned out. Claudia says he is listening to music. Cookie flashback to every time Lucious has zoned out. She tells Claudia, he isn't listening to music; he is making music. She then smiles. The artwork Lucious is making is adorable to me but what is it. Lol.
Jamaal completes his version of his father's song. Eddie wasn't feeling the remake of the song. Eddie tries to get Jamaal to understand the lyrics of the song. Jamaal doesn't want to sing Lucious song as is but he agreed to redo his version more geared around Freedom of Speech.  Can't remake everything, Jamaal. 
The 20/20 project is live streaming, and Cookie shares the album cover with the board. Shine brings the negativity to the meeting. He quotes a negative comment from a blogger about Lucious. Andre tells Shine, " It's getting tired!" Cookie comes clean with the board about Lucious having a traumatic brain injury. Even though she assures them that Lucious will be recovering soon, the board still want to bring someone in from the outside to run Empire. Cookie is not having that. She gets up and brings Eddie into the board meeting. She announces that Eddie will be working beside her. Eddie will be the Special Advisor to the CEO.  The board was very pleased with that decision.
Back at Lucious mansion, he is painting and remembering his life. He is looking at Claudia and seeing Cookie. He say your my muse thinking he is talking to Cookie. He say I love you, thinking he is talking to Cookie. The music connected him back to his memories. He then has sex with Claudia thinking it's Cookie. 
Tiana dropped the bomb on Hakeem. She told Cookie about Hakeem about to run with Bella. Cookie reassured Hakeem they are Lyons and they fight together. Hakeem mentions again, he did some things. What did Diana have Hakeem to do? I swear I am curious. But I am glad Cookie stopped him from running. Somehow, I feel this is going to come back and bite them in the butt.
And reality comes full circle with Claudia. She confesses she loves Dwight. However, she doesn't see a difference in him. She soon learns Dwight is gone. She tells him she is happy to be his muse. She is talking about writing a book about his journey. Poor Claudia. He breaks her heart. He tells Claudia Cookie is his muse, and he loves Cookie. Claudia tries to say to him he is confused. She continues to call him Dwight. He tells her, his name is Lucious. Claudia said Lucious is gone. No, Claudia, you are looking at Lucious honey. Then, you hear the door open. Boom, Cookie walks in. She wants to know what's going on. Of course, Claudia tries to get rid of Cookie before she learns the truth. Lucious is back!!!!! She tells Cookie, he is confused right now. Lucious set the record straight. He tells Claudia, she is the only one jumble right now. Lucious thanks her for her services, said he will send her a check and tells Claudia to leave. Which is music to Cookie's ears I guess? Cookie is too distracted to hear the change of tone in Lucious voice. Claudia stood there in disbelief and hurt. Cookie is snapping her fingers at Claudia and yelling for Ms. Juanita.  Claudia is gone, and Lucious is back. He tries to tell Cookie, but she has no time to hear it. The court hearing for custody of Bella is about to happen, and they have to get to the court. She tells Lucious to get ready and tell her the news in the car. Lucious shares a smile and says, I'm back. Yassssssssss!!!!
Will Lucious let people know he has his memories back or will he use this to his advantage? Empire has turned up and got lit. I can't wait to see what's about to happen. Judging from the previews, Tiana turned on Hakeem? Did that cost him, Bella? Why Tiana switch sides? Stay tuned because Empire just brought the heat to the Lyon's den!!  
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Author: Lattice Johnso
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