#yea i was that person who was obsessed with izaya but listen
zirkkun · 4 years
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henlo, it is I, zircon, who cannot focus on one project at a time to save my life /hj
But I was struck with a Need to make a character for @alch3mic‘s yandere!fairy tale AU. I didn’t even have any ideas going into this. I just went. “I need to make a character.” For some reason. Hell, I actually know next to nothing about either Dancetale or Twelve Dancing Princesses -- I literally did research for this upon waking up this morning, and then when I scrapped through enough ideas, I finally settled on this!
Also, I know Dancetale!Sans technically has a blue color scheme, or indigo in some depictions; but there already being a two chars in the AU with blue (huntsy and prince) and captain with purple, I figured I should pick something that stuck out a little more. So I went with a blue-green lol. (and injected some mint colors bc... favorite color lol)
More info with my rambling about this skele if you’re interested, but fair warning, there will be some yandere themes given the AU ^^/ -->
Soldier!Sans - goes by “Soldier” in many cases. Was given this nickname for his loyalty to doing every job he’s assigned without question as an information broker.
+ he took up being an information broker after his music composition career began to tank. figured he might as well get money somehow
+ still does music composition when he can. he can play violin and keyboard. usually doesn’t bother with lyrics
+ does not have loyalty to any specific person (... that is, for his job) and will do (nearly) any job without fail.
+ soldier works differently from huntsman and cheshire, who are in similar positions in a way. he doesn’t lack emotions (unlike huntsman), but he has an emotional disconnect with the informational work he does (unlike cheshire) ... y’know, most of the time.
+ his brother has a dance studio called “Enchanted Dancing.” his brother often tries to offer him a job at the studio, since soldier used to be a dancer, but he refuses
+ also refuses to drink alcohol. it makes him sick. frankly, he doesn’t eat much at all because he can get sick really easily... though, whether or not that comes from a lack of eating, he isn’t sure
+ usually does work for the richest parts of the city -- that’s where the most money is
+ isn’t unfamiliar with doing some thievery here and there and selling his findings to his clients. usually they are small but expensive items, like jewelry
+ doesn’t sleep much between working both day and night, but struggles with sleeping regardless. he mostly just takes short breaks from time to time
+ overall is probably the least yandere of the yanderes, since he’s not as likely to kill as he is protect and run away... but he’s very protective
+ physically, he’s fairly tall compared to the rest of the “tiny” skeletons (huntsy, captain, prince, cheshire) and stands a few inches taller than mc. he’s also a lot thinner and a lot more fit, since he did use to be a dancer, although he isn’t anymore
+ he’s quick on his feet and very quiet. his stealth is well-known amongst his former clients, as he’s yet to be spotted by anyone, almost as if he’s completely invisible at night
Basic story concept - loosely based off of Twelve Dancing Princesses, set in the city of the yan!fairytale AU with the rest of the characters.
+ soldier plays the role of well... the solider. he is eventually hired for a long-term job of keeping an eye on one of the Kings’ (a large, extremely wealthy family in the city) adopted children whose siblings say disappears during the night
+ according to the Kings, their child is nearly about to graduate college, but is borderline failing their final semester for reasons the family can’t comprehend. they wake up late in the morning and go to bed oddly early, and the Kings never see them doing their school work and are upset. this is why they hired soldier
+ when soldier does tracks them down inevitably, he’s met with the discovery that they’ve been leaving every night to go to varying different parties. surprisingly, they’re not typically the drunk college parties one would expect. rather, they’re more involved and populated dance parties
+ the first couple of times he finds them, they’re at typical raves, but later on, he finds they’re doing other things as well, such as late-night dance classes. but it always involves dancing. sometimes soldier catches himself critiquing their moves... or sometimes imagining walking up to them and teaching them himself... but then he immediately shuts down the thought and returns to his work
+ soldier eventually reports back to the Kings, who are furious at the news. they, without telling him until much later, end up locking the dancer away. soldier waits a few nights, expecting to follow them again, only for no one to come from the mansion. when he discovers out they’ve been locked away by their own family... something clicks. he isn’t sure what. but something does.
+ solider crosses his usual “loyal to his job” code and breaks into the mansion, not only allowing the dancer to meet him, but bringing them out for the night. bringing them outside so they can dance as they please
+ he isn’t sure the motivation for his actions. it’s as if a spell has been cast on him
+ If you brought me out to dance, why don’t you join me? they ask. soldier refuses. for now. maybe.
+ he is sure of one thing;
+ if they’re going to be locked away anywhere, it’ll be under his protection, not anyone else’s... but he doesn’t want it to come to that. for now, he supposes he’ll assign himself a new job of sorts -- a soldier to protect the aspiring midnight dancer
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