#mc is barely built so lol
stromuprisahat · 6 months
Beware! Potential growth's peaking out!
Siege and Storm- Chapter 11
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Alina doesn't know anything the Darkling himself didn't tell her.
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Forget artist!
Modern!Alina would be a member of doomsday cult!
Just... what does she built her hypotheses on? Baghra's words about Aleksander and her own fatalism?!
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Frodo, halfway to Mordor:
Yeah, I shouldn't talk much about the Ring. Sam doesn't want to go to Mount Doom already. What if he turns around and bails on me? I'd have to abandon my quest alongside him...
For a person certain the world's about to end, unless she "stops" the Darkling, Alina sure lacks determination.
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No, you only wanted her to inform her rapist about Darkles' plans... I'm sure that would result into heartfelt apology and her promotion from a cocksleeve to respected member of household.
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Alina, repeat after me: There's nothing wrong with becoming flushed, when an attractive man touches your bare skin, especially on parts not used for casual contact. It doesn't make you a wanton whore or fallen peasant girl, and it doesn't mean you're provoking further intimacies.
Gods! I so wish to shake her or at least watch her overcome her prudish upbringing.
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Thought 1- Genya might be in trouble.
Thought 2- ... and what about poor lonely Alina?!
Subtle, but I'd more appreciate spiralling due to Genya's possible fate. Alina believes the Darkling to be heartless monster and theoretically understands mechanics of offence and punishment. Yet Genya's situations is a possiblity, Alina's feelings regarding herself certainty.
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Alina's sense of duty's quite something. Especially for a lowly peasant. Instead of learning, she's learning new excuses she can use to get away with bare minimum.
I don't think actually poor person with no real status (lineage AND money) would attempt such thing. She constantly treats her "betters" as nuisances, equals at best. While not perhaps actively insulting, she's hardly behaving properly. Exactly in a way that cannot be ascribed to her origin.
Perhaps Nikolai should try acting like a Royal Prince towards her sometime. Remind her of their priorities, instead of tactfully insinuating she's forgetting to be discreet about her preferences of company.
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Darling, uniforms have their purpose. And it's not only to make people hate you. Sure, a lovely LITTLE pin will make it obvious, who belongs to your retinue...
I didn't want uniforms.
The uniform in itself distinguishes members of the military from civilians, but also from one another (infantry, artillery, navy, and later air force).
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I've read "they" and immediately went back, because that didn't sound like Alina at all. It seems too little sleep might conjure caring heroine, yet not even that's enough for the rest of the brain to believe it.
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Oh dear, how shall Tolya cope?!
Look! A place for character development! Now's the time to set up for realization the Darkling was right to require his subordinates' obedience. Yes, that incudes you, Alina...
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It's shocking to see Alina act as the voice of reason. If only her perception remained at all times.
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Surprisingly sound logic on Alina's part.
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Sleeping under the same roof as potential assassins?!
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What's the point of all these parallels or at least similar situations offering them, if Alina won't connect the dots and change her worldview?
Why should I admire Alina's courage to accept and offer protection to possible traitors without granting the same courtesy to Aleksander?
Because she's the MC? Because she's the Sun Summoner, therefore a greater target?
Yeah, and Sasha's The Black General, the most powerful Grisha alive AND a living amplifier...
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She ain't completely stupid! I'm officially rooting for THIS Alina to stick around!
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johaerys-writes · 21 days
pls pls pls pls pls drop more lore on WMD!
Oh gosh can I just tell you how much I love you for asking me more about this alsfhdj original fic writing is so much lonelier than fanfic because you can't really scream about your OCs the same way you would about a well known character, but so much of my brainpower has been going into writing & plotting this one lately so YEAH anyway thank you thank you 🥹🙏 Here's a few tidbits of lore:
1. WMD is short for "watch me drown" which is the temporary title of the doc, both because I've had "Oh No" by Biig Piig on repeat for this story, but also because part of the story has to do with eldritch horror-type entities that pull your mind into a separate plane which is like an abyss/the bottom of the sea 👀
2. The main character is a human/synthetic hybrid who was recruited as a child into a company/organisation that created super soldiers essentially, so he was vigorously trained and he also underwent a series of procedures to give him extra abilities (resistances to the elements and certain kinds of damage, having a sort of built in "interface" in his head so he can communicate with others in his team without risk of interference, being able to scan and map out places quickly etc). People like him are often used as mercenaries or members of private armies or are hired by the actual army or the police force for sticky and difficult situations. When children start disappearing under mysterious circumstances and their bodies are found under more mysterious circumstances, he and a few members of his team were hired as extra guns and also to investigate the places where evidence was found as reconnaissance experts. After years of fighting bullshit wars and seeing ppl in his crew dying over and over again, he sort of becomes obsessed with that case and makes it a personal mission to find those kids and stop whoever is behind the abductions/rapes/murders. Only he does a little TOO well, he gets too close and sees things he shouldn't have and his team is wiped out, but he manages to save one kid and take it to relative safety before fleeing (of course after that he is blamed for everything that had been going on and the media goes on a sort of crusade against synths)
3. The other protagonist, the kid, grows up barely scraping by and basically fending for himself in the Big City, blending into anonymity as much as he can. Eventually he gets involved with the underworld in order to survive and he makes some questionable connections, but he manages to track down the main character, and together (alongside a crime boss whom the kid has befriended and who is helping them for his own nefarious reasons LOL) they try to find whoever was behind that ring because the abductions never stopped.
4. Needless to say the kid has a MASSIVE crush on the MC and has been thinking about him for years at this point LMAO he definitely has a saviour kink and no one else could ever compare 😩🙏 The MC is way more sceptical bc the boy is like half his age and also despite how full of horror and tragedy his life has been he has little to no experience with love/romance since so much of it was spent either following orders or surviving. So he definitely has a crisis right there the moment he sees the skinny and terrified little creature he'd rescued back then all grown up and drooling after him ahah. They end up having their fair share of awkward sex and complicated feelings for each other, in the process of dismantling that child trafficking ring (/unhinged eldritch monster loving cult 😬)
Anyway lol I'll stop here but once again thank you so much for letting me ramble about this story 🙏💙
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linkbetweenlinksau · 2 years
What are each of the links relationships to their respective Zelda’s? Friends? Lovers? Strangers? Enemies? Family?
I hope you’re ready for an essay cuz that’s what you’re gonna get!
Sky: his Zelda is his lover! Idk how I’m gonna do their relationship… cuz the Sky arc that I’ve been working on is outdated and doesn’t match the new story of lbl so that’s super complicated lol. But he worries over her constantly and gets nervous when they’re apart. Separation anxiety am I right?? Groose is his best friend and they mean the world to me guys. They’re both himbos but groose is at least a smart himbo so he keeps Sky safe from doing super stupid things. He’s also really good friends with everyone in skyloft! Tho he had some rough patches with some of them after the events of skord for reasons, he’s doing fine now! And Sky is kinda awkward around strangers. He’s friendly and curious around them but compared to skyloft he’s never met them before so he says and does weird stuff, but he’s also chill so it doesn’t matter all that much. And Sky doesn’t have a family. Gaepora is an honorary father figure but overall his family is dead. So rip. His enemies are dead now but they were the only people he hated.
Minish: he and his Zelda are very very close! Best friends! Minish cares a lot about her and her well-being. Minish is good friends with all the Minish and with his Malon! Now… I’m kinda stuck on the lovers thing… cuz idk if it’s right to have Minish with someone? He’s the same size as an 8 year old and I’ve been trying to at least make his face look more 17ish, but I might make him a little bit more muscular since he’s a blacksmith and is very strong, but idk if I’d even be comfortable having him be a couple with someone else. Idk. I’ll see how you guys feel about it tho. Minish struggles with strangers, they think he’s kinda strange cuz he’s built like an 8 year old but is actually 17. He’s nice enough to them and he tries to be friendly but overall he keeps to himself. The major enemy that has affected him terribly was Vaati. He was 8 when he faced Vaati and he almost died (Hylia was the reason why he lived), and then he faced Vaati again during Four Swords (he was the first four swords guy, the one that takes place after MC). So Vaati is a bad subject for him.and then the only family that’s alive is his grandfather and while he is strict and scary, Minish loves his grandpa and they’re very close.
Time: his relationship with Zelda is complicated, cuz the Zelda in the adult timeline was someone he was super close with and was also in love with, however the Zelda in the child timeline is not the same person he loved. They barely know each other, and while the Zelda is nice, Time doesn’t know how to talk to her, plus when he told her about Ganondorf, he was more focused on finding Navi, so he didn’t stick around for that long. But he does care a lot about her, after all her influence helped him in Majoras Mask. Time doesn’t really have any friends, he never had the motivation to rekindle the friendships he had after what had happened. The only reason why he’s with Talon and Malon is cuz Talon was nice enough to take care of him when he was sick and alone. Aaaand cuz of that he fell in love with Malon and was able to accept that the timeline he is in is one he’s gonna be in for the rest of his life. He loves Malon a lot and he tells her everything, Talon doesn’t believe everything he says (but he will with my dumb crack au lol). Time is pretty intimidating around strangers but really he’s just as intimidated as they are. With enemies… the major one he’s looking out for is the FD, everyone else is either dead or suffering the consequences of their actions.
Legend: his relationship with Zelda is also pretty complicated. They are very close and have a lot in common, however, Tulip really loves Legend, but he doesn’t know how he feels since he hasn’t moved on from Marin. He’s confused around Tulip to say the least. I haven’t played enough of Legend’s games to think of anything for friends lol. Every enemy he has is dead, but he’s still upset about Ganondorf and Aghahim (idk how to spell his name bruh) since they killed his uncle. And last but not least, he has no family left, his uncle was murdered right in front of him
Hyrule: I’m taking a lot of creative liberties with him lol. He and Peony are super close and Peony has a HUGE crush on him. Hyrule respects Rose, and she is a lot older than him but she’s still a good friend to him. Hyrule is good friends with that secret Moblin, and he overall is a lovable himbo so a lot of people like him. The biggest enemies are the monsters trying to sacrifice him to Ganondorf, but luckily Ganon is dead so he doesn’t worry about him (or does he???) and he does have a living family! He just doesn’t know them or remember them! And he hasn’t met them in this au so he doesn’t know that exist! This is just a personal headcanon of mine so you can ask about his fam like… later or on my main blog.
Twilight: he and Zelda have a rooough relationship. They’re both so different from each other and Nebula comes off as cold and blunt which drives Twi crazy. They only really got along when they needed to and because Midna was a mutual friend, but overall they don’t like each other all that much. I’d say twilight has some good friendships, except he’s been isolating himself from everyone, but the resistance still talk to him and he’s still best buds with Fado, and Illia is still his best friend. For lovers, he still loves Midna and hasn’t really thought about anyone else. He kinda felt pressured to get with Illia so he doesn’t end up with her since she deserves someone who loves her the same way she loves him. Twi is pretty kind to strangers, all I can say. All his enemies are dead and the biggest enemy he’s facing rn is heartbreak. And family. Ah. I love his family more than life itself. His biological family is not alive but he was adopted by Rusl and Uli and they are such doting parents who try to help him feel better about what happened and stuff. And Colin adores him still and Rela (his new baby sister) is a baby and doesn’t know what’s going on but yeah. I love his family and Twi loves his family too. He’s just struggling with life rn so he hasn’t been with them a whole lot.
Four: ok, all the colors care a lot for Lily, Green has a crush on her however the others just see her as a really good friend. They grew up together since Four’s mom died when he was 3 months old, and the king was kind enough to let him be raised with Lily while his father was working, so they’re super close. Red has a BIG crush on Erune (from the manga), Blue is too focused on his teenage angst rn and Vio just does not care about love atm so it’s really only Green and Red with crushes lol. I suppose after lbl they’ll have their own friends except for Blue (who again is going through teenage angst rn) but ye. Green is polite and kind to strangers, Red is happy and joyful around strangers, Vio is rude but respectful enough towards strangers, and Blue is just pissed off all the time so strangers are scared of him. Their main enemy is gone now so they’re just kinda dealing with the affects of the four sword rn. And lastly family, their father. My absolute beloved. Their father is a very strict and serious man but he’s very worrisome and doting over his children (and Lily too. He kinda looked after her when he father died). They look up to him and want his approval, mostly Blue is struggling with the relationship tho (I just have a lotta thoughts on Blue ok??)
Windy: he wants to get maaaaaarrieeeeeddddd to tetra cuz he loves her so much and is such a loveable ray of sun shine around her while she looks pissed off all the time and I ADORE them. Telink is TOP tier. Windy is good friends with everyone since he’s just so sweet and mature but also very goofy and fun and strangers adore him cuz he’s polite around them. The biggest enemies rn are just dumb pirates and stuff, but Ganondorf really affected him negatively, so that’s a guy he hates. And family! I’m kinda basing his relationship with Aryll on my relationship with my older brother. Aryll looks up to him and Windy just looks out for her. His relationship with grandma is good and he adores her very much. Now for my favorite character friggin LINEBECK. He BASICALLY adopted Windy and Aryll, and Windy loves him very much cuz he’s a father figure who was able to stay, since his other father figures kept dying, but Linebeck is here to stay so he loves being around him. He’s also pretty anxious about his well-being cuz you know, father figures are always dying. Actually Windy is very happy on the surface but he’s EXTREMELY anxious about everyone’s wellbeing and feels responsible for them constantly. So oof
Spirit: he and phantom have such middle school crushes on each other and they’re very close and are best friends and they mean the world to me cuz they are so frigging cute and chaotic and yeah. I don’t think Spirit has too many friends except for Phantom, Niko and Alfonzo but they’re more like mentor figures than anything and Phantom is his Zelda but yeah. He’s kind and respectable around strangers except with his mutism it’s hard for him and others to communicate with him, and some rude people don’t have the patience for him to write everything down. He doesn’t have any major enemies and he doesn’t have any family so there’s that.
Age: he and Rune are good friends, tho they had an awkward moment since Rune had a one sided love for him, but now they’re close friends. Age is close with the champions and they’re all just vibing together, plus we can’t forget his friendship with Impa! They’re bffs! His lover is Mipha and they are engaaaaged and he loves her very much and it’s cute. Age is very proper and polite so strangers respect him enough. And then enemies are just random monsters or rogue yiga clan members and he’s mostly annoyed by them at this point. And he might have a living family, but Nintendo won’t explore him or his life so we’ll see when totk comes out with his family. If they still refuse to explore his life then I’ll just go with some headcanons. I do know that he def has a grandfather and a little sister, but it’s unknown if his father is alive, but I like to think he is.
Wild: Wild cares a lot for Poppy, it’s mostly just an instinct in him to care about and protect her even tho he doesn’t remember her all that well. Wild is kinda doing his own thing and vibing and he’s good friends with a lot people, like Beedle, Teba, Riju, Sidon, and Yunobo, so he’s not entirely friendless minus the champions that… you know… died. He doesn’t have any lovers, he would love Poppy but he can tell that there’s something there that’s keeping it from happening, that being him not being the same person he was 100 years ago, that guy being the person Poppy did Love, so he doesn’t dwell on it too much. He just vibes. Wild is fun with strangers cuz he’s sarcastic, punny, and weird and people like that fhdkdbjdbdkdb. Wild’s major enemies are yiga who are still trying to kill him and stuff, and tho they’re annoying they are still a threat to him. I’m not gonna go too much into it since totk needs to come out but yeah. And the family situation? Yeah they’re def dead by now. Kass is kind enough to invite him over for dinner from time to time tho so he greatly appreciates that.
Warriors: he and Queen Zelda are always pining after each other but they don’t actually do anything about it so they’re just super awkward and flirty and it drives everyone crazy like just KISS already. But Queen is really the only person he can comfortably open up to, and same thing with her. Around each other, they aren’t tied to any status or anything, they’re just people, friends hanging out, so they care deeply for each other. Warriors has a lot of good friends but he’s not super close with them, but he wants to be, he just doesn’t know how to. He actually used to have a stutter but with Proxi there to speak for him and with other help he’s able to talk normally, but he’s still very anxious around people. My warriors isn’t very smooth or confident he just looks pissed all the time but is socially anxious lol. He’s just like Time fr. He is good friends with Impa and Lana tho and he misses the people from different eras. His biggest enemies are dead however one major enemy that is still alive is Cia, who is really the only person he despises, but Cia doesn’t at all remember the details of what she did, so his hatred towards her is confusing for him cuz is it ok for him to hate her so much? She doesn’t remember anything and she’s good now so should he just move on? But yeaaah it’s a rough situation. And the only living family member is Linkle! His twin sister who he did not remember existing. They’re close enough, he gets annoyed with her sometimes but he still cares about her
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s1ithers · 1 year
stolen throne screed. trying to reserve judgment in case this is going somewhere, but good god why'd they make maric such a dweeb. it's killing me. i have to talk shit.
this is such a bizarre character introduction, i can't tell how we're meant to take it. he's the son of a rebel queen growing up on the run with this guerilla army, but he treats it like his mom's boring job. he knows fuckall. when people declare fealty to him he doesn't know what to say. this guy who's been a prince all his life doesn't have (1) appropriate stock response drilled into him. he barely remembers how to knight a guy. he can't ride a horse. ask him anything about the war he's like wuhhh idk, mom does all that. sucks we have to march so much :(
like i hate him? his (mother's) followers are described as ragged & starving for this cause. our man cannot be bothered. i hate him so much
sure, 'hapless idiot = Relatable(tm)' is....a school....of protagonist design. 'naive young hero grows into leadership role' is a time-honored arc. but what hits so weird is the lack of splashover from this to the rest of the world, fine & good to make your protag a spoiled little shit but where's the in-universe logic for why he's like this?
moira is set up as a great queen and so far it seems like we're meant to take this description at face value. so this great ruler, whose goal is specifically the restoration of her bloodline to the throne, just couldn't be bothered to train her heir to even the most basic level. so the queen's characterization starts to fall apart. which makes the dedication of her followers less convincing. so you get this chain reaction of characterization issues that hollows out the whole thing
or maybe the queen intentionally sheltered her son to the point of uselessness for (???) reasons, which you'd think would take serious effort considering he grew up literally in army camps shoulder to shoulder with hardened guerrillas who're suffering all these hardships & risking their lives & apparently cool with the grownass adult prince mooning around just like, plugged into his gameboy in the back seat. which would set up an interesting dynamic! if it felt like the book was doing it on purpose. if that turns out to be the case i'll eat this post lol
but it's like, 'feckless princeling' is a type, and 'beloved warrior queen' is a type, and 'scrappy rebel army,' and they're all just sort of plucked out of the genre bag without much thought for how they interact or what meaning they create when juxtaposed yknow. and i feel like so often when the writing in DA falls down for me, it's because of this, the narrative locks into treating a character as the type or genre figure they represent, rather than respond to what they actually do or how they're situated in diegetic context
gamlen might be the ur-example of this to me. he absolutely got shafted by their parents. it's 100% fair to ask your relatives who've been crashing in your shitty apartment for a year to help out with rent and food. but he's designated Surly Deadbeat Uncle so he's not allowed to have a point. anders is the healer, what does he do in his free time? eh, he heals. running a nonprofit clinic for 7 years has no bearing on his role as the Preachy SJW Friend. it's writ large in da:i
it breaks the illusion of a living world bc background characters aren't allowed to react authentically. they have to look at this dipshit and be like ~ yay our beloved prince :) ~ they're just narrative puppets. it cheapens the MCs for obvious reasons
it's interesting bc da:o is so consciously built around inverting genre tropes and how that carries forward or doesn't as the series goes on. what gets identified as a Trope for that treatment and what seems to go unexamined
i think TST is suffering from the franchise's awkward genre transition. it sets up a story about rebellion & occupation, i went in wanting/expecting... obviously not realism, but at least as heavy stakes as da:o mostly tried to orient itself around. but maric (& rowan) feel more like characters from d&d-type light fantasy where that kind of thing really is meant to be a backdrop for the player characters to romp around in
AND. also from the series' long-running weirdness about what it is exactly the nobility are and do. but i think i've hit my daily word limit for bitching about DA lol
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proceduralpassion · 11 months
Side Eye
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Day 26 of Narcoctober- Pick a quote from the show that you love and use it as inspiration for your fanwork. Then share what the quote is at the end of your post.
Character(s): Walt Breslin x Sal Orozco; Walt Breslin x Dani
WC: 403
A/N: Something humorous and fluffy bc I'd love to see Sal as a low key wingman for Walt.
“...So, you’re not gonna do anything special?” 
An awkward silence had hit the car about thirty seconds earlier and Sal’s question didn’t do too well in relieving the tension.
Walt finally shrugs in response, his eyes jumping as his mind runs a mile a minute. His words are unsure when he speaks, “I mean, dating anniversaries don’t really count anymore once you get married, does it?”
Sal sighs, “I give your marriage six months.”
Walt grunts with indignation, “Who the fuck still celebrates their dating anniversary after they’re married?! My friend’s parents have been married for decades and I’m pretty sure they don’t celebrate two separate anniversaries.”
“Well, you haven’t been married for decades, that’s one,” Sal pops in, “And two: you even said that Dani’s been sad with the both of you working all the time. Maybe, a nice dinner out or something special might put her in a better mood?”
Walt gives a tired sigh as his reply because he doesn’t have any useful ammo to shoot back at him with. He’s right, Dani has been a little down in the dumps for the past week or so. He can tell that she’s not trying not to complain, but with her job and barely getting to see her new husband, she’s been craving more time and attention from Walt. 
The quiet remains in the car and Walt’s unsure of how to navigate the dialogue. Conversations like this weren’t commonplace in the bond that the two have built as partners. The fact remains though that Sal brought up a point that Walt cannot contest and so he’s not opposed to hearing more from his perspective. 
After a beat, Walt finally speaks up again, “...So what should I do?”
Sal glances over at him wearing a look of slight impatience, “She’s your wife. What do you think would make her smile?”
“She liked it when I cooked that one time…”
Walt swears he hears Sal mutter “Can’t imagine why,” under his breath but opts to pretend he doesn’t hear it. Instead, he only acknowledges Sal’s second statement, “Then, you should cook her favorite meal. Maybe light some candles. Play your wedding song or some shit.”
“Good idea, good idea..” he mutters.
The way Dani lights up when gets home tonight is a sight worth a hundred stars. Walt thinks to himself that maybe, just maybe, that Sal knew what he was talking about.
A/N: The "I give your marriage six months" quote is a funny comment from an episode of Chicago PD that I watched yesterday and it just kinda stuck in my head bc the dynamic between Antonio/Ruzek kinda reminded me of Walt/Sal lol. Click here if you wanna be added to my taglist. Taglist: @drabbles-mc @ashlingnarcos @asirensrage @narcosfandomdiscord
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aroaessidhe · 10 months
sorry for sending two asks back to back but this request is my white whale and I ask most book people if they’ve got anything for it
anyways, do you know of any adult sci fi or fantasy novels that are written in the last 10 years that have a government that is actively trying to improve the lives of its people and is overall a force for good?
all good! I'll answer this one first anyway.
Honestly my first thought is, is that possible, lmao - but for real, I feel like in most books it's either Government Bad or it just theoretically exists but isn't relevant to the narrative? Or otherwise is barely recognisable as a government ie more community based systems. I'm not sure I can think of much where the government is good and also significant in the narrative, other than I guess HotE as you mentioned.
important point also: I simply don't remember the finer details of these things. here's some that come to mind, but probably aren't quite what you're looking for:
The Thread That Binds & The Tale That Twines by Cedar McCloud are set in a present day & 70s inspired fantasy world, and the government of the country that the MCs live in is good-ish? at the very least, they don't have police.
A Half-Built Garden by Ruthanna Emrys, if I remember, has the MC living in a co-op community area, but there's other bad corporate governments
I would say Pet by Akwaeke Emezi, but that's MG. and also I guess the main plot is that the utopian system still fails people sometimes
A Psalm for the Wild-Built - I can't remember how much whatever the governing system is mentioned in here or what it's like? the broader worldbuilding is a bit iffy but the concept is more or less 'even in a utopia people can be lost or depressed' so
Foxhunt by Rem Wigmore is also a solarpunk future - I think still with somewhat flawed leadership.
Na Viro by Gina Cole - I can't remember finer details, but I remember it being a Better Future (aside from climate change), but also I vaguely remember some systemic issues as part of the plot, I just can't remember if they come from the academy or govt lol
The Seep by Chana Porter is about mind aliens who invade and make earth into a utopia, essentially. Again, I can't remember the governmental situation specifically.
basically all of these are in a solarpunk direction and like...moving away from a traditional government, and the story isn't necessarily focused on that, so maybe not what you're looking for anyway, haha
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dogtoling · 2 years
OK. I am back with the questions about Phoenix MC egg gobler
Wouldn't needing the fetus serum (I hate typing that) be like. Needing stemcells?
Also. How like. Moraly ambiguous is it bc wouldn't a lot of vertilized eggs be. Intentionally not taken care off in like. A species that probably? lays too many to take care off anyway?
Also please don't mind me if this was a weird question, it just randomly popped into my dumb brain
thanks, i hate that this name is sticking.
first of all... Probably yes? i'm not going to get into making sense of what's actually happening because it doesn't make sense, it's literally sci-fi, and also because i barely know anything about cellular biology (which may change if i get into university...) but probably. there's some really weird stuff going on in there. "Life" isn't really something we can measure but that's what's being extracted.
As for the second question it's true we have NO IDEA what the deal is with the Splatoon world and the amount of eggs that people have. Typically when you have intelligent and social animals, there is a much lower amount of offspring because that allows for parental care (whereas having 12,000 feral babies doesn't when youre literally one person). For example, cephalopods in Splatoon seem to have a very manageable number of kids similar to humans, instead of the dozens or hundreds or even thousands of eggs that they have in the ocean.
But we also know that some fish can have like, clutches of 100 kids (DESPITE BEING SAPIENT) and salmonids seem to be the same way considering the raw amount of eggs that are gathered in salmon runs. Like, the egg quota of 156 that you just hauled out in one shift? That's 156 CHILDREN. I have no idea if there'd be a lot of species that intentially left most of their kids to die, that seems really vile... it's technically VERY POSSIBLE but I think it's more likely that societies are just built in a different way to accommodate the sheer number of fish babies. I don't think species that lay a metric fuckton of eggs take care of their kids alone, it's probably a community effort?
so tl;dr based on how cold Splatoon world parents are about their offspring, it might actually be really easy to track down fertilized eggs. considering no one seems to care about the VERY OBVIOUS IMPLICATIONS of golden eggs, the reality honestly MIGHT be that no one gives a shit, lol. There's got to be a black market for fertilized eggs, a lot of species might even eat those, they might not even NEED to be in a black market. So basically using fertilized eggs to make mysterious serums is extremely morally dubious, but getting those fertilized eggs might be surprisingly easy or even just... best/worst case scenario, just walk to the grocery store
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imreszekeres · 2 years
When I make the Pierce game (I say when, not if, because game making has been a very long term goal for me and Pierce is a good guinea pig for things)
Do you think people will like it 🥺 first of all LOL
I guess it’d be a pretty bare bones one for a starter game so I’d start off small, maybe two or three bgs, 5-7 endings/CGs, maybe a max of like 10 sprites. It’d take place mostly in Pierce’s basement. I was thinking I’d bypass the kidnapping by making more of a willful entrance for the MC into his home somehow as Pierce isn’t the strongest/most built for kidnapping LOL so maybe MC goes on a tinder date with him. ends up somehow at his house (he’s not smooth enough to get you to want to fuck him on the first date dont look at me like that) and BAM knocked out and in the murder basement uh oh!
and you basically . just either deceive your way into getting him to uncuff you or get killed in various ways LOL I can’t see Pierce forcing anyone to stay, he can’t overpower people much and he doesn’t have a fancy house collar for em either
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transtetia · 1 year
what do you think of nightbringer so far?
Lots of people have a lot of mix feelings about it but I'm genuinely enjoying it so far (Probably because I didn't have high expectations and I'm easily entertained lmao)
I was always curious about this part of the timeline for their story (they really undersold the whole fallen angels/losing a family member/belphie's deep hatred) so I'm glad we are able to explore it more this time while gaining more out of it (Like Solomon's character and hopefully Barbatos in future chapters!!)
I keep telling this to my friends but for a game about demons, there's barely any nefarious or questionable undertones, I wish they give us something that truly makes MC (by proxy, us) question their choices and have consequences (I mean, I know they said it will this time but I doubt it will have the same effect like most visual novels do lol) HOWEVER! I do like how some are a bit more different like Satan's rudeness, Solomon's overt brashness, and Lucifer's losing his composure when it comes to his brothers at times (a neat detail that they should amplify more imo)
My only issue is the pacing in the plot! RAD felt like it was built too quick on the spot (I assume they didn't want to change the models' outfits too much) and the brothers seem to assimilate too quickly to their new environment more than I expected? (I always imagined it to be a bit more difficult, especially for Luci and Asmo mostly, but if most of the brothers were already willing to kiss a demon, you can't help to be a little lost about it)
Something about this timeline feels off, but considering we are in the past, it might be on purpose??? (Unless the devs are thinking this far ahead, which I doubt, it would be interesting to see what they are planning by making all this happen in just 11 chapters) Then there's the whole rewriting of some plot points of the og game but since I'm waaay behind the og game (Lesson 61), it doesn't affect me as much lol
Anyways tl;dr: I talk too much but I'm having fun! :]
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
FR im glad that probably won’t happen for a while for BLLK since there’s still a lot of material that needs to be made before it can be over…
THATS WHAT I SAID??? I wanna know what editor sat through reading it and approved it for publication like??? And what compels people to put this out there like….imagine having to see this in a bookstore like oh my
Ooooh you’re so right…I think it was the hype from s1 and the gap in between the release (plus the movie!! Almost forgot that existed) that really built up s2 especially since the beginning was very gojo centric….speaking of I almost forgot you consume jjk too, are you caught up with the manga? I have some thoughts…(only some because although I’m technically caught up I got so confused for a very large chunk of it that I barely pieced together what happened for a good section…)
So real he’s way too yolo for the elite life!! He would not give af about social status or keeping up the status quo, maintaining reputations etc. LOL Something about yuki always having some position of status in the social hierarchy as like a side character is something I love like….no wonder he’s a model in canon he definitely gives off these really poised elegant vibes like he is DEFINITELY a noble I’m very excited to see the diff dynamics in hollyhock!!!
Morally grey assholes are my personal fav LMAOO when I first read that y/n offers up hiiragi I was like rubbing my hands together (there needs to be a better phrase for this?? Like when villains go hehehe and rub their hands together ykwim?) I love the way y/n isn’t your cliche mc where she just seduces Otoya on spot or something I CHEERED when I read that like let’s go??? I’m so excited to see her selfish side like I feel like in these settings it’s such a unique way to go about the mc?? I remember watching/reading some series with more historical settings (like my happy marriage which I mean. It’s a romance so I guess I should’ve expected it LOL) but the mc is usually very…submissive…? I get how that fits into the contexts of the time too (eugh misogyny) but it’s refreshing to see more bold characters than your token shoujo protag LOL
Also every time you write Itoshi bros crossed out I giggle LMAO honestly yeah their tag is alive and kicking comparatively too and I do see many similar if not identical tropes and prompts (no hate to any of the writers because I have found some gems in there too! Just bc of their popularity and characters very susceptible to similar tropes and ideas lolol)
We love a writer that does research?? I’ll speak on behalf of all your readers when I say we definitely feel the effort you pour in <3 everything’s thought out so nicely I love how your stories develop!!
Umm speaking of developing SLOW BURN I’m a SUCKER for slow burn maybe that’s also why I love your writing too…I feel like you give the story and characters proper time to develop and evolve without rushing them through to a conclusion which makes it sm nicer honestly….like even if some pieces have more open endings I feel like the stories are much more complete because it felt sometimes more slow burn esque? Compared to just jumping straight into a relationship after a few sentences or something
AWW ILL BE YOUR NUMBER ONE YAPPER HAHA It’s honestly hard not to get invested like I need to know what happens next…this kinda just piggy backs off the paragraph above this one LOL also side characters ALWAYS grow on me like it’s a given and BLLK has so many interesting ones ill gladly absorb more content for them…so trust I’m not going anywhere soon!! (Also I think YOURE the one doing the Otoya nation a great service LMAOO)
-Karasu anon
nah because that got APPROVED LMAOAAO maybe the author self-published it?? idk i guess everything has a niche audience so maybe some people are into that…
yes i am all caught up!! i keep up w leaks too so i know everything that’s going on. to be honest i don’t 100% love how the story’s been going and i def have felt my interest in jjk waning as of late but i’m sure gege has some kind of end game planned that will be interesting. reading weekly has def been disheartening as it’s hard to invest when the same fight has been going on for SO long yk?? i feel like things that would’ve gotten me hyped before now just feel like…okay…like not enough is happening chapter to chapter or smth idk. once the arc is finished and it’s animated i’m hoping the pacing feels a bit more natural!!
YES otoya is almost like irreverent i think?? he’s not immature but he just truly does not care he’s doing his own thing. whereas karasu is very concerned w what people think of him and yuki has an innate classiness and dignity to him so i think they could pull off the noble vibe well. though quite honestly karasu gives me more knight/samurai (in this au) vibes — still a fighter, but a more honorable one who has a moral code he strictly follows compared to otoya’s willingness to do wtvr
MORALLY GREY CHARACTERS WHO ARE ACTUALLY MORALLY GREY MY BELOVED 💖 oh yeah 100% if i was going a bit more cliche i could’ve had y/n try to seduce him or smth but i tried to avoid that (although eita does make one slight joke of a sexual nature during their convo but he’s just being goofy so i think it’s okay) as i really wanted to set her up as someone who’s not afraid of being brutal/ruthless to get what she wants. and i agree there’s a lot of more subdued fmc in historical aus but honestly it’s an au so why not give my female characters agency??? i’ve def written the more stereotypically “weak” fmc before but i didn’t want to go that route this time given who she’s inspired by. plus a lot of it is rooted in westernization i think — people view the history of other countries through a european lens when a lot of the time that doesn’t apply. for example y/n being a bastard wouldn’t be a huge problem in japanese society as bastards/cheating were actually relatively common back then!! and even accepted…if a lord didn’t have legitimate heirs he would adopt his bastards and that was that 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s why y/n being “cursed” and the daughter of a maid, as well as reiji being the legitimate heir, is important to her backstory and why she suffers in the way she does, as well as an explanation for some of her later actions. in a european-based story, just being a bastard would be enough of an explanation for all of that, but in something based on sengoku-era japan, there needs to be further context. but also even setting that aside if i can have ninjas in my story (who i am trying to keep more accurate than their general portrayal in fiction but i’m still going to take liberties with) then why not a ruthless selfish fmc who goes to war and takes over the kingdom?? anyways there’s records of empresses in japan, china, and korea alike, so long story short i think that writing y/n like this makes sense and is about as historically accurate as the rest of it, so why not?? plus it makes for a more fun story
HAHAHA the itoshi bros are like the only bllk characters who i see with a tonnn of fics!! the others don’t have quite as many (although kaiser is getting up there i think). i do think that a lot of the stories have similar tropes due to the nature of the characters…they both feel like very “stuck” characters in that you can’t do too much w them or change them a lot — they’re so into soccer that putting them in an au for example would fundamentally change their characters, so you most likely won’t catch me writing more than a one shot or two abt them. whereas as we’ve discussed tabieitaken, kaiser, nagireo, and even hiori all feel like they have characters outside of soccer so it’s easier to put them in other scenarios and play around with how they’d react to them
I LOVEEEE A GOOD SLOWBURN!! even stories where the characters get together quickly in terms of time i try to really show the buildup. i always want the relationships i write about to feel believable, so i need to write every step of them falling in love or else it doesn’t feel accurate to me. that’s actually an issue i had with peregrine — because it started in the future, after that buildup, i felt weird writing nagi being in love w the mc because it didn’t feel “earned” yet.
oh you can never keep me from my research LMAOAO i’ll take any excuse to do it!! even white butterfly had me googling the flora and fauna of japanese fields to ensure i didn’t mention any animals that wouldn’t natively live in y/n and hiori’s field HAHA
OMG YAYYY I’M GLAD TO HAVE YOU!! i agree side characters always end up growing on me and the bllk ones especially there’s just so many i love and am constantly chatting about…proud to be supporting the otoya nation 🫡 i’m hoping we get a few members of otoya nation and karasu nation alike after season 2 (and yuki nation even though i don’t talk abt him hardly as much as i do abt tabieita)
also i did see your request posts hehe let me finish up my current karasu one shot and a couple of my event requests and then i will get to them 💖 i loved all of your ideas though!!
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the-missann · 1 year
So this time, I'm gonna talk about a world I actually have built. I had the chance to have a beta reader give me a few ideas, but it was more solidifying the lore.
The Demonic Repentance is as the title suggests, a repentance for a demon. What sin has he committed? Well, maybe one day you can read and find out ☺
But, I'll still talk about the atory in a spoiler-less manner.
I was OBSESSED with the Rinmaru OC Maker/dress up games and made tons of makers. I would make around 2 or 3 with every new story I made. These are with the MC Akuma and his love interest (you guessed it) Cassie.
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(Btw, just in case, the plot for the vampire AU, aka the above image, is the typical human x monster and their offspring is hunted down)
Cassie looks nothing like she's supposed to (she's African American), but the demeanor is still there so I'm still okay with these and don't mind attaching them.
But, the world building in here was mostly done out of a need to attach Akuma and Cassie.
Cassie is an Angel and Akuma is a Demon, so I wanted them to have more "opposites attract" kind of thing and added a pecking order.
Angels have 3 attributes
These three attributes are ordered in a way where there are naturally strong Angels and naturally intelligent Angels.
"Strong" can be physical or mental
While "intelligent" can be general or emotional
Ice Angels are typically intelligent emotionally and their Ice works in a way to regulate emotions. Ice Angels usually don't have need to fight and are comparable to the "healer" role, barely any Ice Angels actually know how to fight. They usually suffer from lack of confidence, low strength, and low self image, but have a high EQ and are easily befriended.
Fire Angels are more adept physically and usually have an immense power to them. Not only do they have strong flames, but they also have a commanding presence. They are usually well liked and have personalities that are hard to hate. However, they are usually are head strong and make enemies with Light Angels. It's common for Fire Angels to also lose themselves in the heat (lol) of battle.
Light Angels are a mix of both. Some can be very powerful, while some can choose to be studious. Either way, Light Angels have a way of getting what they want and are stubborn about changing that goal. While they can't control Light, they act as a guide for it. They are also very flexible and can do multiple things in their field of focus. They focus so much on what they want that the usually unintentionally tell off someone who has no ill intent. Light Angels are also very opinionated and often find themselves in arguments with their peers.
Meanwhile Demons can only be Fire (cuz Lucifer was a Fire Angel in my world), but they have different Sins attached to them. For ex. Akuma has the sin of Pride and that makes him very resilient and willing to fight to the end. Something like that exists for all the seven brothers sins.
These attributes can also come with a personality trait:
Ice Angels are attractive to every Angel and Demon.
Ice Angels are very picky, but are also helpless romantics
Fire Angels and Demons are more likely to fall in love with Ice Angels
Light Angels usually don't marry or form many close attachments
Light Angels are quick to form a hatred for Demons
Ice Angels are compassionate to everyone, including Demons
The physical part of the world is something I enjoyed making. Both Angels and Demons have wings, but they're only visible to other angels and Demons or Humans who no longer have a soul.
While Angels and Demons don't have a set ethnic group, most Ice Angels are women while most Fire Angels and Demons are men.
Abilities do exists, but it hinges more on the individual and what they want to do. So an Ice Angel can make a weapon or a Light Angel can manipulate the very light around them.
Tbh, if you can't tell this is my favorite world 🙆
< All the Screams
??? >
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zirkkun · 4 years
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henlo, it is I, zircon, who cannot focus on one project at a time to save my life /hj
But I was struck with a Need to make a character for @alch3mic‘s yandere!fairy tale AU. I didn’t even have any ideas going into this. I just went. “I need to make a character.” For some reason. Hell, I actually know next to nothing about either Dancetale or Twelve Dancing Princesses -- I literally did research for this upon waking up this morning, and then when I scrapped through enough ideas, I finally settled on this!
Also, I know Dancetale!Sans technically has a blue color scheme, or indigo in some depictions; but there already being a two chars in the AU with blue (huntsy and prince) and captain with purple, I figured I should pick something that stuck out a little more. So I went with a blue-green lol. (and injected some mint colors bc... favorite color lol)
More info with my rambling about this skele if you’re interested, but fair warning, there will be some yandere themes given the AU ^^/ -->
Soldier!Sans - goes by “Soldier” in many cases. Was given this nickname for his loyalty to doing every job he’s assigned without question as an information broker.
+ he took up being an information broker after his music composition career began to tank. figured he might as well get money somehow
+ still does music composition when he can. he can play violin and keyboard. usually doesn’t bother with lyrics
+ does not have loyalty to any specific person (... that is, for his job) and will do (nearly) any job without fail.
+ soldier works differently from huntsman and cheshire, who are in similar positions in a way. he doesn’t lack emotions (unlike huntsman), but he has an emotional disconnect with the informational work he does (unlike cheshire) ... y’know, most of the time.
+ his brother has a dance studio called “Enchanted Dancing.” his brother often tries to offer him a job at the studio, since soldier used to be a dancer, but he refuses
+ also refuses to drink alcohol. it makes him sick. frankly, he doesn’t eat much at all because he can get sick really easily... though, whether or not that comes from a lack of eating, he isn’t sure
+ usually does work for the richest parts of the city -- that’s where the most money is
+ isn’t unfamiliar with doing some thievery here and there and selling his findings to his clients. usually they are small but expensive items, like jewelry
+ doesn’t sleep much between working both day and night, but struggles with sleeping regardless. he mostly just takes short breaks from time to time
+ overall is probably the least yandere of the yanderes, since he’s not as likely to kill as he is protect and run away... but he’s very protective
+ physically, he’s fairly tall compared to the rest of the “tiny” skeletons (huntsy, captain, prince, cheshire) and stands a few inches taller than mc. he’s also a lot thinner and a lot more fit, since he did use to be a dancer, although he isn’t anymore
+ he’s quick on his feet and very quiet. his stealth is well-known amongst his former clients, as he’s yet to be spotted by anyone, almost as if he’s completely invisible at night
Basic story concept - loosely based off of Twelve Dancing Princesses, set in the city of the yan!fairytale AU with the rest of the characters.
+ soldier plays the role of well... the solider. he is eventually hired for a long-term job of keeping an eye on one of the Kings’ (a large, extremely wealthy family in the city) adopted children whose siblings say disappears during the night
+ according to the Kings, their child is nearly about to graduate college, but is borderline failing their final semester for reasons the family can’t comprehend. they wake up late in the morning and go to bed oddly early, and the Kings never see them doing their school work and are upset. this is why they hired soldier
+ when soldier does tracks them down inevitably, he’s met with the discovery that they’ve been leaving every night to go to varying different parties. surprisingly, they’re not typically the drunk college parties one would expect. rather, they’re more involved and populated dance parties
+ the first couple of times he finds them, they’re at typical raves, but later on, he finds they’re doing other things as well, such as late-night dance classes. but it always involves dancing. sometimes soldier catches himself critiquing their moves... or sometimes imagining walking up to them and teaching them himself... but then he immediately shuts down the thought and returns to his work
+ soldier eventually reports back to the Kings, who are furious at the news. they, without telling him until much later, end up locking the dancer away. soldier waits a few nights, expecting to follow them again, only for no one to come from the mansion. when he discovers out they’ve been locked away by their own family... something clicks. he isn’t sure what. but something does.
+ solider crosses his usual “loyal to his job” code and breaks into the mansion, not only allowing the dancer to meet him, but bringing them out for the night. bringing them outside so they can dance as they please
+ he isn’t sure the motivation for his actions. it’s as if a spell has been cast on him
+ If you brought me out to dance, why don’t you join me? they ask. soldier refuses. for now. maybe.
+ he is sure of one thing;
+ if they’re going to be locked away anywhere, it’ll be under his protection, not anyone else’s... but he doesn’t want it to come to that. for now, he supposes he’ll assign himself a new job of sorts -- a soldier to protect the aspiring midnight dancer
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springatito-moved · 3 years
why are ppl so adamant on talking abt c!karl when they dont watch tales or after the tales? you people understand nothing and yet think ur sooo in the right here. its annoying.
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nextinline-if · 2 years
I also kept thinking about what if C returned but someone beat me to it *pouts* Can I still send my scenario? 👉👈
So I thought of C being presumed dead as soon as he leaves and MC just gives up on love altogether after this second failed attempt (F first love route) and focus on the kingdom and it's a pretty good ruling. 10 years pass. The mission was successful and C only lost a couple people but it's a really slow and harsh way back home, trying to stay hidden and using secrets paths.
C's group show up, all dirty and ragged and with long hair and grown beards and such. MC receives them as if nothing is wrong, full ruler facade. Everyone is taken care of and sent back to their home/families, except for C. Their loved ones can see MC is shell shocked, almost catatonic from the impression even while addressing people and giving orders.
Until it's only them and C. The door of their chamber barely closes when MC throws themselves at him and cry and cry and cry.
of course you can send your scenario, im not going to deny OG Harbinger gloomcat aha
aha but TEN YEARS???? fuck lol is Constantine actually Odysseus or something? 👀
below the cut!
Every day's the same. Well, it's not. But your thoughts are. No matter what you're doing for the kingdom, your mind always takes you back to him.
Of the life you could have had if he hadn't left. If he hadn't died.
But today's thoughts are interrupted by James bursting into the council meeting, eyes crazed at they land on you.
You remain calm but nausea rolls through your stomach.
"He's back - he's really back." You don't miss the tears in your brother's eyes.
"Who?" you ask, although you suspect the answer. And hope that you're right.
"Constantine," he whispers.
For a moment, it's hard to move. But all eyes in the room are on you. You slowly rise and look around at everyone gathered. "This meeting is dismissed. Let's reconvene next week." Then you exit the room, each agonizing, slow step needed to prepare you.
James quietly walks alongside you to the throne room, where the returned party is waiting. Before the guards open the door, you instruct a servant to prepare a banquet, warm baths, and fresh clothes for them all.
When you enter, you resist the urge to look at Constantine. But you can feel his gaze on you. You can see him from the corner of your eye. But no - you can feel yourself slipping. You must stay strong.
You glance around at the brave group who has returned and address them. "Welcome home. You will be fed, bathed, clothed, and sent on your way to your families. And then next week, we will hold a large celebration in your honor, where you will be given everything that you have earned - titles, gold, and property. For now, please, rest. And please know, I am truly grateful for the sacrifices you've made for Castelon."
Speech over, you slowly inch toward a corner, needing the support because it feels like the walls you've built are crumbling around you. After a while, you glance up and meet the gaze of your concerned mother as she talks to James. You can't handle being looked at that way so as voices grow loud and servants pile in under your orders, you quietly slip out and head toward your chambers.
As the door starts to close, your head is down, lost in thought, and a voice causes you to jump.
"Look at me, love," a deep voice commands. Not a voice, his voice. The voice you've dreamt of hearing again.
You look up into those blue eyes that came to haunt you each night. Before you know it, your arms are wrapped him, causing him to stumble a bit. Tears fall from your eyes as his strong, warm frame wraps you in the love you've longed for.
And he holds you for hours as you sob. Until finally, you can't cry anymore. That's when he kisses the dried tears on your cheeks and leans his forehead against yours.
"I love you," you hoarsely whisper.
He smiles softly. "I know. And I love you, meum cor."
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sadisthetic · 2 years
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covers face/// im biting the bullet im finally posting the ocs ive had in my head for a few years but never freaking shared with anybody. this is all work i did for my final for my character design class last term. i took the opportunity to redesign my ocs............. this was literally so much work. really fun but it was so much goddamn work. luckily we only had to focus on 3 characters from the lineup for expressions and turnarounds (DOING TURNAROUNDS IS HELL.) but it was still a lot lol. they arent perfect but i like how they all turned out....
anyways. these are my guys from my story “take two”. theres more characters i want to do. and the story still needs a lot of development. but these are my precious guys okay?
design explorations, character summaries, non gif versions of the turnarounds, and an EXTREMELY CONDENSED story summary under the readmore. its a lot. and also very indulgent. maybe embarrassing. or maybe im just embarrassed from the act of sharing this all aukhlbgmgnk
very condensed summary this story is actually so fucking complicated and i barely figured the plot but ANYWAYS..... this is mostly copy pasted from what i shared to my class
Take Two is a story about a guy in college who is an actor in his amateur film-making club who gains the ability to go back in time 4 hours at time by taking two pills of a drug.
The drug was developed by his university's research department as an "performance enhancing" drug (think study drugs) and students were enticed to become volunteers for testing with a high pay reward. The day the drug was distributed on the first day of testing, chaos broke out as many students were unable to control their new untold powers. People were harmed and some were killed, including MC's friends. Unable to tolerate the loss, MC takes the drug himself to turn back time to fix things and save people (to preserve the persona he built up). In his second take of the hours before the disaster, he realizes there's a more complicated conflict behind these events. After he prevents the worst, he becomes embroiled in a conspiracy. And every time something goes wrong he goes back in time again and again. MC suffers as he struggles to keep things together, to preserve the status quo, to protect the character of himself that covers the fragile nothingness underneath. the title has a double meaning: dosage and film shooting
its a fucked up super indulgent timeloop meta narrative with superpowers essentially. with a lot of potential for whump. and also overdose. but thats a plot point. involving how MC’s powers work..... my sketchbook page where i wrote down his freaking power breakdown and how the drug works is such a mess. but its all worked out on that front (mostly) trust me
when your limited time reversal powers has a cost youre not gonna have a good time you know?
anyways. theres some more bullshit in my head but its hard to get out all at once.... take the rest of this now
character summaries/exploration/beta redesigns
-mickey, nicknamed “MC”
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Third Memories of Death RO
Chrissy/Chris/Criss | 46 | Height Selectable | Gender Selectable | The Former Spouse
When they initially met in college the MC and Chrissy hated each other and constantly competed to be top of their class, fought over partners, and even over a promotion at work. Their constant competition was known across campus and everyone joked about how they were secretly in love with each other, with some people even making bets on who would admit it first and when. The professor who won the bet in their third year when the two showed up to campus holding hands was harshly reprimanded.
The few years the two shared were compared to something of a fairy tale by their friends and family, but like many fairy tales, it did not end in a happily ever after. The two had only been married for a month when the apocalypse began. Chris and the MC managed to escape from their high-rise apartment in the middle of the city and escape into the country. They survived for nearly a year, alongside a gathered group of survivors but when the group had to flee a horde the MC sacrificed themself so their partner could survive.
Since that day Criss has been quiet and withdrawn, drinks nearly constantly, and has frequent night terrors. Though among survivors this is by no means rare or unusual. They no longer wear their wedding ring on their finger, but instead have it on a chain around their neck, they couldn't bare to see it every time they looked down at their hand.
Most of the time Chrissy tends to keep to themself and avoids the rest of the townsfolk. However, they are beloved by the town regardless of their need for solitude as they are always willing to help in a crisis, have no issues going scavenging, and make the best homemade candy on the island. When there is a crisis and they have to fight they tend to use their custom-made Colt 1860 Army replica the MC gave them as a gift on their wedding day due to Chris's love of old westerns. The revolver cost an arm and a leg to have made, but the way Criss's eyes lit up when the MC gave it to them made it all worth it. The gun itself is built to use six modern .357 magnum pistol cartridges while keeping the original design.
The spouse is highly customizable.
Damn, I am being rather productive today, but the RO’s are speaking to me ya know? When that happens you have to let them out. When it comes to the Spouse their physique and appearance are highly customizable. There is a bit of me in the spouse with the whole loving old westerns and wanting a functional 1860 Army replica 😁😊 just some Happy facts for ya lol
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