#yea so i thought this tiktok sound was silly and the timing was perfect so
cfrog · 1 year
It's LEDD's bday too :]
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trentlvrr · 1 year
Best I ever had - TAA
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Summary- your friend set you up with a random guy she met at the club. Will he be the one aka the best you’ve ever had or the complete opposite? Keep reading to find out! ;))
Info and warnings: cursing, fluff, this is my first fanfic so Ntm on me 🙁
Chapter 3: departure
*ping* *ping* *ping*
‘Who tf is texting me this early’ I thought to myself as I picked up my phone and looked at the bright screen.
*3 messages from ‘bestie 💗’*
I then looked at the time.
*5:00 am*
I groaned but unlocked my phone to see what leia wanted.
Bestie 💗: y/n
Bestie 💗: Y/N
Bestie 💗: Y/N M/N L/N WAKE YO ASS UP
I chuckled at the message and replied to her
Y/n: girl it is 5 in the morning
Bestie 💗: ik ik but I just can’t stop thinking about Jude
I gasped.
Y/n: call me.
Leia then FaceTimed me and I picked up. “So tell me what’s going on” I said amused. “Okay okay so I just can’t stop thinking about that day with Jude and we’ve been texting ever since then and he’s just perfect” she says sighing. I laughed. “You have a boyfriend lei” I said. She groaned. “I know but Toby has been distant these past days and he’s stopped checking up on me and whenever I grab his phone even to take a silly little picture he snatches it back and looks at me nervously” she says with her head hung low. “What?” I said with my brows furrowed. “That son of a bitch” I cursed. “What?” Leia asked confused. “What do you mean “what”? He’s cheating on you lei.” I said with a frown. Leia looked horrified. “What?” She said with a cocked eyebrow. “He’s cheating on you girl.” I said crossing my arms. “Where’s the evidence” she said crossing my arms getting defensive. “Girl wdym where’s the evidence, the signs are right there” I said. “I guess you’re right” she replied sighing. She looked down to the floor, sad. “You alright?” I asked with a worried tone.
“Am I alright?” She said looking up at me. “Girl I’m perfectly fine” she said laughing. I was shocked at how fast her mood changed. “What?” I said. “Tbh I’m glad” she started. “Let hot girl summer commence” she said throwing a fist up and jumping up on her bed. “You can not be for real” I said holding back a laugh. “I’m as real as I can be” she said smirking, looking like she’s about to do something mischievous. “What are you about to do?” I asked amused. “I’m about to text Jude, I’m going out tonight” she winked. I laughed. “Have fun bae” I said. “Oh yk I will” she said giggling. I laughed. “Alright bye, call me later” I said. “Okay!” She blew a kiss. I caught it then I hung up.
Since I was wide awake now, I went to the kitchen to get a quick snack, pop tarts. I was scrolling through TikTok when a call came it.
*FaceTime call from “Trent ❤️”*
I answered the call.
“Good morning beautiful” he said smiling. “Good morning handsome” I said biting back my smile. “How are you?” He asked. “Im great, how are you?” I asked eating the rest of my pop tart. “I’m great now that I’m seeing you” he smirked. I rolled my eyes. “What do you need Trent?” I asked. “What do you mean? I can’t just call my beautiful girlfriend?” He asked. I almost choked on my pop tart from shock. “Girlfriend? Trent we just met” I said laughing. “Yea but you know…” he started. “I know what?” I asked curiously. “You know I like you a lot” he said looking at me. He sounded so genuine and his slight smile and dreamy eyes almost made me melt on the spot. “Oh stop it” I said hiding the blush creeping up on my face. “I’m for real y/n, I like you a lot, I don’t care if we just met, I know you’re my soulmate” he said. I looked at him with a straight face. “Be so fr Trent” I said laughing. “I am fr.” He said seriously. His tone and expression kinda scared me but he looked so fine. “Oh okay.” I said nervously. “I want to see you y/n” he said. “Okay, when?” I asked getting up to throw away my trash. “Right now.” He responded. I whipped my head back to look at him. “Right now? Trent it’s 7am” I groaned. “I know but I want to see you so get ready, we’re going out” he said. “Trent, stuff doesn’t open til like 11 or 12” I said chuckling. “Oh right” he said quietly. I laughed. “You can come over though and we can hang out til then.” I proposed. “Alright, I’m coming over” Trent said getting up from his bed. We said our goodbyes and I hung up.
After a while Trent arrived at my house and we hung out
My legs were spread across Trent’s lap as we watched keeping up with the kardashians. I didn’t like the show but the drama made me watch it. Trent then looked at his phone. “It’s 10:30, get ready babe” he said. “Can’t we just stay here Trent” I said moving my legs and hugging him from the side, my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead. “I would love to but I really wanna take you out” he said. “Why?” I asked looking up at him. His expression changed from amused to sad. “I’m leaving for England tomorrow” he said looking down. “Tomorrow?” I said getting up. “Yea” he said also getting up. “Oh.” I said looking down at the floor. There was silence. “Fine, I’ll go get ready” I smiled up at him. He smiled back. “I’ll be waiting for you” he said. I then headed to my bathroom.
I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. My eyes started watering. ‘Y/n you cannot seriously be crying over a man you just met’ I thought to myself as I wiped my eyes. I then showered and fixed myself up. “Even though im sad at least I look good” I said to myself while looking in the mirror. I then went out and put in my shoes and accessories then looked at myself in my full length mirror. “Perfect” I whispered.
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I walked out of my room and headed to the living room where Trent was waiting for me. “Woah, you look gorgeous” Trent said walking up to me and putting his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him. “Thanks” I said smiling and resting my arms over his shoulders. He looked into my eyes then my lips and kissed me. I deepened the kiss, running my fingers through his dark brown locs. He then pulled away. “Well at least this time we didn’t get interrupted this time” I laughed. He smirked. “You are so so gorgeous y/n” he said. I smiled. He then gave me a peck on the lips and let go taking my hand in his and we left my apartment and headed to the car.
The car was silent but it was a comfortable silence. I just looked out the window looking at the beautiful scenery before I turned to talk to Trent. “Trent” I started. He hummed. “Where are we going?” I asked. “It’s a surprise” he said smiling, keeping his eyes on the road. I huffed and crossed my arms. “Don’t be like that” he said putting his hand on my thigh. I smiled and relaxed my arms. “Can I play some music” I asked. “Yea of course” he said. I connected my phone to the car and pressed shuffle on my playlist. *now playing: pink + white - Frank ocean*. “This song is so calming” I said getting comfortable in my seat. “It is” he said. “Wait yk this song?” I asked. “Yea i listen to Frank sometimes” he says nonchalantly. I looked at him shocked. “Omg I literally love you” I squealed, planting a kiss on his cheek. He smiled.
We then stopped at a red light. “Put this on” Trent said checking his gps and pulling a white blindfold out of his pocket. “Uh okay” I said taking the blindfold and putting it on. I heard Trent chuckle but thought nothing of it.
The car then came to a full stop. “We’re here but don’t take off the blindfold” he said as he got out the car. I nodded. I then heard the passengers door open up. Trent took my arm and gently led me out the car. He then held me by the shoulder leading me to our destination. “Here we are” he said. “You can take your blindfold off” he added.
I took the blindfold off and gasped. “Omg Trent this is beautiful” I said looking at the picnic set up in front of me. “Do you like it?” He asked smiling. “Ofc I like it, I love it baby, thank you” I said hugging him tightly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and chuckled. He then looked and me and pecked me on the lips. We then separated, one of trends arms still on my waist. “When did you have time to do this?” I asked. “Well Jude, Leia and some of my other friends helped me out” he said. “Wait Leia helped you?” I asked shocked that Leia could keep that secret hidden from you. “Yea” he said chuckling. “Wait how were Jude and leia acting when y’all were preparing all of this” I smirked. “They were really touchy but I didn’t really think about it” he said. I laughed. Then grabbed Trent’s hand. “Come on, let’s sit” I said smiling.
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After a while of chatting and eating me and Trent both picked up and canvas. “Let’s draw eachother” I suggested. “Yea let’s do it” Trent said. I smiled. “I’m not really good at drawing though” he said nervously. “That’s okay” I said as I started drawing. Trent tried peeking at my canvas. “Stop!” I said playfully pushing him. He laughed and started on his
“Okay we show our drawings in one…two…three!” I said as we both turned our canvases around. “Trent!” I said laughing. “What?” He said amused. “A stick figure? Really?” I smiled. “I told you I’m not good at drawing” he said. I chuckled. “It’s cute” I said smiling. “No it’s not” he said pouting. “Yes it is” I said reassuring him. “No it’s not, at least yours looks like me, mine is just a stick” he huffed. “It’s okay Trent, now stop acting like a big baby” I laughed.
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He smiling and pounced on me. Hugging me as we rolled around on the picnic blanket. “Trent stop, I’m messing up my hair” I said smiling. He then lifted his head up and looked at me. He was on top of me and he looked so gorgeous in the sunlight, the light hitting his delicate bit soft features made him look more handsome than he already was. I lifted my head and kissed him. Gripping his back with one hand and toying with his locs with the other. He deepened the kiss. The kiss was filled with so much passion and hunger than when we broke it off we were both out of breath. “I love you y/n” he says looking at me and putting a hand on my cheek. “I love you too trent” I said smiling up at him. He then kissed me and again, this kiss more passionate but gentle. He then got off of me and sat me back up. He fixed my hair and I smiled. After a while me and Trent packed up everything in the picnic basket and decided to take a walk.
After a while the sun started to set. There was a lake at the park we were at so we decided to sit at the benches near it. The sunset was beautiful. “Hey we should take a picture” I said. “Alright!” He agreed. We sat my phone down on the bench, Set the time for ten seconds and stood in front of the sunset. “Quick what pose should we do?” I said. Trent just grabbed my face and kissed me. I melted into the kiss. *click* the picture was taken. It came out perfectly.
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“I love you so much trent” I said looking at him. “I love you more” he said smiling. He then kissed my forehead. After that we walked back to the car and headed to my apartment.
Once we got inside, Trent decided that he wanted to sleep over so we both changed into comfier clothes and decided to watch a movie. After a while I fell asleep.
I woke up to Trent being asleep next to me. I was in his arms and I didn’t want to wake him up so I stayed. I picked at my phone and looked at the time.
*1:00 am*
I sighed. I opened Instagram and tapped through stories til one caught my attention. I gasped and jolted up which caused Trent to wake up. “What happened baby?“ he asked. “Look” I said shoving my phone into his face. He looked at it which squinted eyes then relaxed his eyes, his face shocked. “Oh my days” he said. I laughed. “Leia really went partying with Jude, I thought she was just joking” I said. “Wait she told you she was going to?” Trent asked. “Yea” i said. Hé chuckled. “I’m glad she’s having fun though” I said smiling as I tapped through leias story. “Me too” Trent said.
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Later that day I woke up. Trent was still asleep so I left the couch and went to get ready for the day. Today was the day Trent was leaving. I wiped the tears forming in my eyes. Even though I’ve only know him for a few weeks, I really like him. I started doing my skin care to take my mind off him.
I left the bathroom after I finished getting ready and woke Trent up. “Come on, let’s go” I said grabbing Trent’s car keys. “Go where?” He asked groggily. “To your place, you’re leaving today Trent” I said. You’re leaving today Trent. I looked down at the floor. “Oh right” he said. Trent went to the bathroom and freshened up. When he got out, I passed him his car keys and we left to go to his house.
Once we got there someone familiar opened the door. “Leia?!” I shrieked. “Hey y/n, hey Trent” she said opened the door wider revealing Jude behind her. He waved. “Oh my-“ Trent started. “- god” I finished. Leia and Jude just laughed. “Come in” Leia said. Once we got in, I grabbed Leia and dragged her away from the boys. “What’s going on here?” I asked. “What? I can’t be at a friends house” she said folding one of Jude’s shirts that was in her hand. I looked down at the shirt. “What happened last night?” I asked. “Nothing, we just partied and I crashed here.” She said nonchalantly. “Nothing happened? You’re literally folding his clothes rn” I said. She looked flustered. “Okay maybe we did kiss but nothing more” she said. I looked at her sternly then relaxed my face and laughed. “Alright Leia” I said rolling my eyes. She giggling and put her arm over my shoulder and walked back over to the boys.
The boys flight was at 3 and we finished packing at 12. “We should go out and grab brunch” Jude suggested. We all agreed and out. I begged Trent to drive his car, he hesitated but let me drive it in the end. Brunch was fun, we joked around the whole time and the food was great.
“Alright time to go” I said looking at the time, it was 1:25 pm. We packed up our things, thanked the cashiers and headed out. We took some pictures outside then we got in the car. Trent drove this time and we headed to LAX airport.
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We got out the car.
*1:45 pm*
Me and Leia helped the boys get their luggage out the car. After we did, Leia ran to Jude and hugged him. Leia cried and it made me start tearing up. Jude hugged Leia so tight and his eyes started tearing up too. I then looked at trent. His eyes started watering. “Trent..baby” I said as I walked over to him and hugged him. “I’m going to miss you y/n, so so much” he said hugging me to tight. “I’m gonna miss you too trent” I said hugging him just as tight, fighting back my tears. He then let go of me and grabbed my face and kissed me. “I love you so much y/n” he said. “I love you too.” I responded. We both smiled and gave eachother another peck on the lips. We then separated and both looked at Jude and Leia. Jude was now holding Leia like she was a baby. Leias legs wrapped around Jude. They both looked like they didn’t want to let go. Me and Trent laughed. We then walked over to him.
“Come on guys” I said. Jude and Leia then separated and looked each other in the eyes for a moment. After that we came together in a big group hug. “I’m gonna miss you guys” Leia said, her voice shaky from crying. “We’re gonna miss you too” Trent and Jude say in union. We then separated and I went to hug Jude and Leia went to hug Trent. Trent then handed me his car keys. “Why’re you giving me these?” I asked. “The cars yours my love” he said. “Wait are you serious?” I asked. He nodded. It was my dream car. I squealed and hugged him tightly. “Thank you baby” I said. “No problem babe” he said. We did a quick peck on the lips and then me and Leia sent the boys off. We yelled goodbye and waved at the boys watching them leave. Leia cried and I held her.
Me and Leia headed back to my apartment. She decided to sleep over and we just hung out, talking about our memories with the boys and talking about our lives. We hugged, we cried and we laughed.
I woke up to two messages from Trent
Trent ❤️: we made it home safe
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I smiled.
That’s it, hope you enjoyed!
Pt. 4 coming soon 🤭🤭
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