#yea this is also based on one of the frames from the opening sequence
marsuro · 2 years
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Songctober day 11: Lupin III Theme, vocal version (Yuji Ohno, Akiko)
He walks the line, one fine line Though danger lies, he’ll be just fine
Going for the Alcatraz Connection opening version specifically because it’s my all time fave special and the amount of times I’ve watched it is frankly embarrassing
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hiddleyheh · 2 years
I finished the movie for Totsukuni no Shoujo and
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i am so normal mmm good movie
Rambles under cut, fair warning for spoilers and mentions dark topics
This is just gonna be me screaming and yelling so yea
While I wasn't expecting the movie to be a direct play-by-play of the manga, I didn't think it would go too dark
But it somehow did??? Like yes, the manga did have Shiva nearly killed by the king, but the movie straight up had a minor character end themself off screen which I was definitely not expecting
Overall, the movie was still lighter in terms of angst, thriller, and horror elements but was still able to to stay pretty faithful the characterizations and arcs that Shiva and Sensei went through in the manga.
The only major difference I noticed was how Sensei's yearning to hold and comfort Shiva was even further emphasized in the anime while the role of the Outsiders and Knights were lessened.
Shiva still witnesses a death first hand, Sensei still faces the dilemma of his past and accepting who he is now. Hell, there was even mentions of the Gods of Dark and Light in the movie, with Mother being an integral part of the ending.
That underlying fear of not belonging, to be transformed and warped into something far beyond your own recognition was present throughout the entire film. And the use of an uncertain and open-ended resolution (although different from the manga) is still present.
Being that the movie is a little longer than an hour, I'm not upset that the full dynamic and history is fleshed out between Sensei and Shiva, or major antagonists and side characters being given little to no screentime. Yes, I'm a little disappointed that Auntie didn't show up, but I see this more of a story that can be watched separately from the main series and still be enjoyed heavily.
The animation style is absolutely stunning. Like. Just look at this:
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Now imagine watching this move for an hour.
The watercolor-based coloring and textured line art fully encapsulates that child-like, dreamy feel. The entire time, I was getting nonstop waves of nostalgia because of how much it reminded me of picture books I used to read as a kid or kids shows I used to borrow on VHS tapes from the library.
And this is only the main art-style used. Multiple were utilized, and MAN were they used so well to emphasize the mood.
One of the other art styles used was a rough sketch on paper? I don't know how to explain it fully, but imagine rough gesture drawings on yellow post-it notes. It's only used twice in the film but MAN does it emphasize the panic and rush that Sensei was feeling to rush and save Shiva.
A slightly more abstract style that was more slightly based on either dry gouache or pastel was also used for its dream sequences.
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Besides the art style itself, the transition from when a character is grounded to thinking/dreaming is made easy to read to the audience when it wants be easily read. The dreams carry really heavy symbolism and foreshadowing for what's to come. Shiva's "true" form even makes a brief appearance in one of them.
The only time that abstract style abruptly stops is near the end of the movie. And it is the one time you can't tell whether the sequence that had just happened was a dream or real, neither or both. It really helps build up to that open-ended interpretation of the end of the movie.
Framing was another absolute delight from the movie.
From the beginning, Shiva and Sensei and posed to be near and facing each other, side to side.
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There is always a distance between the two and you know that both want to comfort and hold the other. This type of set up is also meant to have the audience associate the flatness of the framing with comfort and familiarity.
This is flipped when the dutch angle is used to introduce this scene:
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You know something is up, besides the dangling clothes in trees.
There were also other great instances of composition. such as the time skip, the use of the door frame when Shiva was gifting Sensei the flower crown, and also this:
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(The headless outsider my beloved)
To be honest, I was suprised that the Outsiders were less aggressive and antagonistic in the movie, but I'm not complaining. The Canines were especially cute with that little tidbit of Shiva leaving the bed sheet for them to play with.
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I won't ramble about the minor symbolism in the story but MAN when I saw the white chrysanthemums I felt DREAD KSJFLSDF
This was a very enjoyable movie and I highly recommend to watch :]
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dc41896 · 3 years
It All Makes Sense
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Another quick Christmas idea I had based on the first instastory of him watching a Christmas movie with Dodger☺️. Probably super cliché lol but hope you guys like it!
Pairing: Chris EvansxBlack Reader
⚠️: None, all fluff💕!
“Look who finally decided to join us bubba,” Chris smirks watching you get settled under your blanket propping your phone against one of your pillows.
“I know, I’m late I’m sorry,” you yawn making him laugh.
“You’re gonna be out within the first 15 minutes.”
“No I’m not, it was just a little yawn.”
“Sure, just like last weekend when that same little yawn left me watching Home Alone by myself.”
“Whatever. Are you gonna play the movie or what?,” you smirk back picking up your remote.
Counting to three, you both hit play on your respective TVs starting the opening sequence of the Grinch. For the past month this had been a weekend routine where one of you would pick a movie and you’d both FaceTime each other as if you were watching it side by side. Of course it didn’t compare to him physically being there, lazily dragging his fingers up and down your spine as your head lied on his chest gently rising and falling with every breath. It’d have to do for the time being though.
Having his phone further away, you could see his full body clad in a navy sweater and jeans lying beside Dodger who looked to be falling asleep himself with his droopy eyes.
“Are you watching me or the movie?,” he asks catching your gaze.
“For a second I thought I was looking at my grandpa since you have the same sweater and slippers,” you retort causing his head to tilt back on his pillow in laughter.
“This sweater and these slippers are very comfortable, so if me liking them makes me a grandpa then so be it.” Now was your turn to laugh at him sticking his tongue out at you as if he was a little kid. Sinking the side of your face deeper into the pillow, you sigh as you both adoringly look at each other softly smiling.
“I miss you.”
“I miss you too,” he replies bringing the phone closer.
“Actually I was talking to Dodger, but yea you too I guess,” you joke making him gasp.
“I should hang up on you.”
“But you won’t. You love me too much.”
“Yea,” he sighs bringing his free hand behind his head. “You got me there.”
Throughout the movie, you caught up on each other’s day and how your families were doing along with your plans for Christmas Day. Continuing tradition, he’d be at his mom’s with the rest of his siblings and their families, who he couldn’t wait to see. Being with his family was the main reason he loved the holidays, and seeing his face light up at the mention of them or when he’d talk with them over the phone, you couldn’t help but smile yourself.
Not hearing you laugh at the Grinch trying to find something to wear, your favorite part, Chris looks at his phone to find your eyes closed and lips slightly pouted making him snort as he shakes his head.
At this point, it’s me and Dodger having the movie nights😆 he types attaching the screenshot of your sleeping form to his text before hitting send.
“Come play!,” Stella giggles pulling Chris’ much larger hand trying to get him to move from the couch.
“Okay, in a minute,” he laughs at her adorable efforts trying to use all the strength her tiny body could muster. “I’ll meet you outside.”
“Kay.” With a tiny huff, she turns on her heel running to her mom so she could help put on her winter coat and boots leaving Chris on the couch once again checking his messages.
He called you as soon as his eyes opened to wish you a Merry Christmas, only to immediately be sent to your voicemail. He didn’t worry too much at first, thinking maybe you forgot to charge your phone overnight since you fell asleep early. However as the day progressed and you had yet to call back or reply to any of his messages, he grew a little hurt.
“Maybe she’s just busy with family,” he thought standing up to retrieve his hoodie and coat from the closet before being stopped by Scott coming through the front door motioning for him to come outside.
“Hey there’s another package out here for you.”
“Scott come on, you’re not gonna get me like that again,” he counters still trying to head towards the backyard before having to be turned around by his brother and guided outside.
“It’s not a trick! I’m telling you, it just got delivered.”
Walking outside with a sigh, he scans the wooden floor of the porch not finding any sort of box but instead being pleasantly startled with smile growing on his face seeing you rise from behind the bushes. Equally bright smile tugging at your lips as well.
“I hope I’m not too late. Shipping took a bit longer than expected.”
He immediately picks you up crashing his lips onto yours as your legs wrap around his waist and arms around his neck not wanting to let go. Burying his face in your neck, the sensation of his nose and beard nuzzling against your skin makes you giggle.
A string of “aww’s” coming from the front door surprises both of you, taking a moment from your tender reunion to look up and see his immediate family all smiling at the sight of the both of you.
“Get a room!,” Scott shouts leaning against the frame and earning a playful smack to the arm by his older sister.
“So this is why you weren’t answering,” Chris smirks as you softly nod with your fingers grazing his beard. “Did you have this planned the whole time?”
“Well yes and no..”
“Don’t hurt baby!,” Stella shouts only to be hurriedly shushed by those around her and mouth covered by Scott only making her giggle more. Slightly panicked, you and his family both look at Chris hoping he didn’t hear what she just said. Judging from his confusion as he looked between all of you though, you knew hoping was futile.
“Baby? Is she calling you baby?,” he chuckles thinking maybe she’d somehow picked up his pet name for you from overhearing your conversations.
“No...she means baby as in our baby.” Sliding out of his grip to stand on your own, you unzip your carryon backpack removing the Santa themed gift bag to hand to him. His heartbeat quickens in anticipation for what he thinks you’re saying pushing the tissue paper aside to lift up a silver picture frame with four separate squares. There was only one empty slot left with the rest having pictures of the two of you cuddled on the couch, Dodger tilting his head with wide smile on his furry face, and an ultrasound of a small body. In the empty slot was a note that read “can’t wait to meet my family!,” making him quickly wipe his eyes as a soft laugh escapes his lips.
Smiling at you also trying to wipe your tears before they could pass your lids, he kneels down in front of your tummy as one hand roams where your protrusion would soon be and the other stays attached to your side.
“And you must be the reason mommy’s been so tired huh? Well more than usual, between you and me she could never watch a full movie without knocking out.”
“Hey,” you laugh smacking his shoulder. “Just for that, I should go back home.”
“But you won’t,” he chuckles, standing up with thumbs rubbing back and forth near your bellybutton. “Because you love me too much.”
“No, definitely.”
“Possibly,” you giggle as you peck his lips nearly touching yours.
“Absolutely.” Connecting your lips once more, he rests his forehead on yours loving the feeling of his arms around you, body fitting perfectly against him.
“Merry Christmas Chris.”
“Merry Christmas Y/N.”
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for (can be found in my masterlist), or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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the-real-xmonster · 7 years
I've been seeing people say H&L is wayyyyyy more complex than seimei for a while now and I don't really understand what that means? So I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a comparison post? You make such lovely gifs, and your explanations are always so funny and easy to understand, so it would be nice to see the comparison!
Thank you for the kind words, and please strap in for another one of my never-ending rants. At least this time I know it’s gonna be long because this topic is of special interest to me, so I will have the foresight to make use of a read-more link :D
Okay here we go. For a start, I wouldn’t say Hope and Legacy is way more complex than Seimei, for no other reason than the fact that Seimei was already pretty much pushing all imaginable boundaries of complexity. What I can tell you about these 2 programs though, is this:
H&L is more technically and physically demanding. From base value alone, H&L is worth 103.43 compared to Seimei’s 95.79, with the main difference coming from Yuzu swapping in a quad loop for a triple loop. Base value doesn’t tell you the whole story though, because what makes H&L truly demanding is not just in how many difficult elements are included, it’s also in how those elements are distributed. See below the layout with time stamp for both programs (Tumblr doesn’t like anything but tiny text so I have a bigger clearer version of this image here):
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You can easily see how the jumps in H&L are distributed more evenly throughout the program’s duration. Compared to Seimei, the triple flip is moved to after the first spin and the step sequence, where it’s almost effectively in the second half. Same with the triple Lutz: in Seimei, Yuzu finishes all his jumps around the 3:30 mark, whereas in H&L his last jump happens a mere 10 - 15 seconds before the end. It’s worth noting that these two changes actually don’t have any added value on the score sheet so they are purely structural adjustments to complement the music arrangement. Then there is obviously the addition of another quad to the second half, which, besides being physically taxing by itself, has the effect of pushing the timing of the 2 triple Axel combos out by about 20 seconds. These delays may seem insignificant when considered in isolation, but together they present an exponential drain on energy. For our Yuzuru in particular, who (bless his light frame and his elegant physique) is never going to be one with an abundance of stamina to spare, this sort of layout also constitutes a massive risk. That is why you saw, at NHK and at GPF, where he had to deal with a fall midway through and lost a lot of stamina because of it, he ended up making unthinkable mistakes like doubling the triple Sal and singling out the triple Lutz. 
The structure of H&L doesn’t just differ from Seimei, it’s also a deviation from the formula Yuzu had been using in all his free skates from the 2012-2013 season. Notre Dame de Paris, Romeo & Juliet 2.0, Phantom of the Opera, and Seimei all share the same basic jump layout: 2 quads to open, followed immediately by a triple flip, 5 successive jumping passes in the second half of the program, starting with the 3 combos and ending with a triple Lutz somewhere around the 3:10 - 3:30 mark. In fact, the last time he had his final jump as late in the program as in H&L was in Romeo & Juliet 1.0 (a triple Salchow before the final spin). Skating is a sport of rhythm and pattern, and to have such a drastic change from one season to the next is, again, both incredibly challenging and extremely risky. And let’s not forget the fact that, goodness me, he’s also bringing in a new type of quad (yea the last season undoubtedly added to my risk of stomach ulcer, thank you very much, Mr Hanyu).
Yet, despite all that, there is no compromise in quality in H&L compared to Seimei.   
For example, these two quad toes, one executed 40 seconds in and the other 2 minutes and 50 seconds in:
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For example, these two triple flips, both entered on three successive three-turns, one exited with a change of edge into a counter and the other with a twizzle:
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There are also the little details, like how from Seimei to H&L, for the final spin, he dropped his signature skate-over-head position but traded in a jump to switch foot and position (camel to sit):
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Moreover, all those points above only scratch the surface of the technical. IMO H&L is also a more complicated program in terms of presentation. One of the major advantages and big selling points of Seimei is that it is a music easy to understand and easy to interpret. It has a character, a story line, and the music comes with a thematic arrangement that lends itself to theatrical expressions in the choreography. Any casual viewer can listen to the music and identify the crests and falls, the poetic and the climactic. Again, same as with the basic jump layout formula, this quality is something Seimei shares with most of Yuzu’s past programs, from R&J1 to NDP to R&J2 to POTO. We, as the audience, are used to Yuzuru Hanyu assuming a specific character and telling us a concrete story with his free skates. Yet again, H&L broke out of this mold, which probably explains why not a few people find it hard to connect with the program. H&L doesn’t have a story to back it up, its theme is in an idea rather than a plot, so to “get” the program you don’t have anything to go on other than the skate itself. Now consider, for one moment, the fact that if for the audience it’s already that tough, what must it be like for the skater himself to interpret this piece of music? All us fans know how fond Yuzuru is of keeping his programs in a constant technical evolution as the season progresses, but for H&L in particular, as I watch and rewatch all its performances last season, it looks to me as if in the early iterations, Yuzu himself was also a little unsure about what he wanted to make out of this music. And so his season turned into a search for the perfect balance between warmth and gentleness, passion and delicacy. I am very, very glad that he found it just in time for the World Championship and I count myself extremely lucky to have been able to witness the whole journey :)
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P.S. I love Seimei too!
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I picked the melted cheese from my tacos, trying to keep every bit of chicken safely contained in the tortilla. The TV off in the distance, playing the endless cycle of breaking news, talking heads trading quips about the demise of black and brown people in Gaza with unsurprisingly unflinching detachment. Anderson Cooper’s faint reflection in the dining room table as I leaned over to more closely inspect my culinary surgery, carefully navigating the small mound of al pastor. Rye’s fingers tapped across the keyboard as she periodically paused to glance at the screen, each sequence of key presses firing off tweeted rebuttal to people needlessly defending R. Kelly with nonsense like “Follow the money,” implying a Soros plot, or “Why now?” as if accountability and justice are time limited.
Rye closed the laptop, sighing. “I’m sorry.”
“No worries. You OK?”
“Yea. I don’t know why I even entertain that bullshit.”
TV analysts droned on in the distance about Ivanka Trump’s outfit during the U.S. embassy opening event in Jerusalem, suddenly flashing to a breaking news update; her father’s administration announced plans to hold children of immigrants at military bases. My heart sinks, and I finish my last bite of mostly cheese free tacos. I always forget to ask for no cheese. I probably subconsciously want to catch a stray taste, despite my best judgement.
“I need to walk more,” Rye says.
“Let’s go for a walk.”
Outside is beautiful. I am continually taken aback by how many stars one can see in the LA night sky. Back home in Detroit, the city government boasts about how, when viewed from satellite, the city is visibly brighter than other city in the region. Nevermind the light pollution, the birds, the animals. The underfunded educational system. The tens of thousands of people being deprived of water. All that seems to matter to Duggan and his cronies are the superficial talking points of brighter streets. It’s virtually impossible to see any stars there. I am surprised to find that in LA, I can even make out some constellations.
“Do you think you’d be able to survive some place rural if you had to?” Rye asks.
We occasionally talk about emergency plans, especially in the aftermath of the most recent presidential election. What happens in the case of societal collapse? What happens if the big earthquake hits? Where do we go? How do we survive? At first I wonder if maybe it’s a Detroit thing... that’s of course been my only frame of reference until recently. No, it’s a global concern.
“I think I could, if I had to. I grew up pretty much indoors on a computer, so I’d need to make sure to have some choice books, like Lauren suggested,” referring to Lauren Olamina’s suggestion to Joanne to look for survival tips in books in Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower. I’m grateful my close friends are also very into Octavia’s books. “I probably won’t be able to look things up on the internet, either because of lack of reception or because everything has collapsed.”
Rye nods. “I have some good books for that.”
I think about my go bag, how it’s only half ready. There’s only so much space. I need room for water, food, clothing, light, batteries. My first thought is that books are needlessly heavy, but only in a digital paradigm. 
I remind myself, what could be more priceless than knowledge of how to survive?
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