#yeaahhhh this is probably gonna get rewritten too
pandoriasbox · 5 years
Healing (DR AU) - Dreamdragon Drabbles
(The Dark Rider AU has mature themes not suitable for younger readers.) 
Since Azalea’s recapture by the druids they had shown no signs of letting the rider and her soulmate go. Lisa tried everything she could to convince them but not even the other soul riders agreed with her. It angered her to see them treating her friend like a wild animal, something that couldn’t be controlled and tamed so she was locked in a cage. Of course Lisa understood why the others didn’t trust her but they didn’t know what she went through. They didn’t want to know. 
Out of all of them Anne should have been able to relate the most after losing Concorde but even she seemed to struggle with reconnecting with the filly. Lisa couldn’t see herself falling as far as Az did but she knew of the pain when she had been separated from Starshine. She remembered how mad it drove her to be locked in Pandoria. Most of all Lisa feared the experience had hardened the sun rider’s heart but she wouldn’t allow that to happen to her. She was the element of the stars, she would heal what was hurt.
Lisa paused outside the newer cottage that acted as Azalea’s prison. It was late, enough so that the day shift was getting ready for bed and the night shift was just getting up. She clenched her fists and made a break for it. The spare key clicked in the lock and she let herself inside. The interior was neat and tidy as always, looking like an average home to anyone unaware of its use. Eversong was looking at her with his huge duo colored eyes, the moonlight shining on the white patches of his fur making them almost shine. Lisa smiled and lifted a finger to her lips to shush him as she quietly moved closer. She let the foal nuzzle her hand before she kneeled at the bedside.
Azalea was sound asleep for once, likely having one of her first peaceful dreams in a long time. The musician smiled and wished things could go back to normal and that Az was back home in Mistfall instead of trapped here. A gentle nudge and the sound of sniffing brought Lisa out of her thoughts as Eversong was inspecting her coat. She pet the foal’s head and gently nudged his nose out of the way. Pulling the fragment of Aideen’s light from her pocket Lisa stared at it, her mind wandering again.
Lisa didn’t think of herself as a miracle worker but something happened back on the oil rig and she knew she was the conduit for it. She just prayed maybe Aideen had one last trick up her sleeve and given enough magic she could maybe make another miracle happen. Taking a deep breath she rested her hand on Eversong’s shoulder and focused on the sleeping young woman before her. Lisa’s heart still hurt for Az and she knew the rider needed to be healed, somehow, someway.
She gripped the shard tightly, ignoring how it dug into her palm she poured her magic, her soul and her desire to heal into it. She felt tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes shut tight against the blinding light as energy whipped through the cottage. Lisa knew she might not be getting out of here unnoticed but she no longer cared. She opened her eyes and looked down at the small foal beside her, his eyes glowing white like the fragment in her hand. She could feel his innate star magic mingling with her own and their desire to heal, to save the one laying upon the bed directed the chaotic whirlwind of magic.
Lisa felt more than saw Azalea looking at her, looking back she couldn’t really see anything when it happened as the entire cottage was brighter than the midday sun. When her sight was restored there was no sign of horse or rider. The shackles that had held her back were a disintegrated pile upon the bed and she smiled even as the druids rushed in to grab her by the arms and haul her out. Her lost love was safe, she could feel it and she knew they wouldn’t dare do anything to a soul rider. Faintly in the back of her mind she felt Starshine’s panic course through their bond. Things would work out though, Garnok was gone, Aideen and Nimbus released and now Azalea was finally free again.
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