#yeah I never want to hear tha Chiron would never lie to Percy ever again
I have never wanted to tell almost a whole entire fandom "I told you so", more in my entire life then I do at this exact moment!
( ⚠️Percy Jackson TV show spoilers under the cut! ⚠️)
The whole conversation between Grover, Chiron and Mr.D that happens outside of Percy’s POV in episode 2? Yeah, we’re gonna talk about that for a minute.
Because all I’ve been hearing and seeing from most people in the fandom now is that Chiron would "never lie to Percy". Well now we have explicit proof that Chiron was lying to Percy and was genuinely upset at the suggestion of just telling Percy very critical things that Percy should know!
Then let’s get to the fact that Chiron absolutely knew that Percy was at least Poseidons son, and that he knew that Percy would be the one to go on that quest for the bolt! And this whole conversation happens before Percy is claimed by Poseidon at capture the flag!!
If Chiron and the Gods aren’t allowing Percy to know things that he need to, or should know… how many other demigods have they done that to?
How many had Chiron sent off on quests only for them never to come back because they didn’t know what they needed to know??? Chiron isn’t this nice and friendly entity that genuinely cares about those kids. He is someone put in place by the gods to keep the powerful demigods who could possibly overthrow them if they were powerful enough and knew enough, under surveillance and under their control. This is also probably why, in the books, Chiron told Grover to not worry about bringing Annabeth and Luke to camp and only bring back Thalia. Because he believed that a mere daughter of Athena or Son of Hermes wouldn’t be powerful enough to overthrow the gods.
Chiron is not this great guy! He lies to the demigods so much and doesn’t seem to spare a second thought to what he’s doing.
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow: day 1
Day 01/25 Days of Christmas: Charcter A ad Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas party,, percabeth
Annabeth doesn’t bother hiding the sneer that forms across her face at the sound of their voice. As Percy slides in front of her, his face is all too bright and cheerful. Her eyes linger on his torso, covered in a green Christmas sweater with plastic ruffles hanging off of it that makes her want to throw up.
“Why the face?” Percy asks. He leans over onto the desk she’s standing behind, carelessly shoving aside her blueprints. She nearly smacks him as she watches the papers go flying. Annabeth’s pretty sure he has a degree in marine biology, so what he’s doing working for an architecture firm, she will never know.
“It’s because I have to look the devil reincarnate in the eyes,” she deadpans.
“Oh, that’s not nice.” Percy grins wider. “I prefer to be called the Grinch. Christmas festivities, and all that.”
“I have a few words I could call you,” she agrees. “The Grinch is generous.”
“So grumpy.” Percy’s fingers wander around her desk, plucking an ornament off of the company’s mini tree. “So I need to talk to you.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“I’ll have you fired,” he threatens, but he doesn’t seem the slightest bit upset. Annabeth will never understand how he is able to keep such a calm façade when he’s around her. From the moment he walked into that office, she has hated the arrogance with which he walked, and she had no trouble making it known. There hadn’t been a specific starting point to their rivalry, but it was there, and it burned brighter than the North star.
“What do you want?”
“You see, I was talking to Chiron,” he starts, and the twinkle in his eye has her terrified, rightfully so. “And he mentioned that he’s not prepared for the company Christmas party. I was all oh yeah, I can help out, and he was like you should totally do it, and I was like oh, sure thing, but then, get this—”
Annabeth has an inkling as to where this is going.
“He says you have to help me.”
“Would you like be murdered so close to Christmas? Never get to see your poor mother again?”
“I would not like that, no, but I hardly think you’re capable of homicide.”
“You’d be surprised what I’m capable of,” she says. “Something about Christmas transforms me into Rudolph with rabies. It’s bad.”
“You’re too cute,” he coos.
She is tempted to bite him, and she has to retrain herself from doing just that when he pokes her on the nose.
“Anyways, you don’t have a choice. He said you have to.”
“Why me? Why not literally any other employee here.”
“I have no idea,” he says. “I tried talking him out of it.”
Her eye twitches. “Why do I get the feeling that you didn’t?”
“You always get the feeling that I didn’t, or I did, or whatever the wrong choice is. You just have it out for me.”
She doesn’t think that’s necessarily true. She only points him out when he does something wrong, which is all the time. And sure, maybe she spends extra time pointedly looking for anything she can call him out for, but she likes to call that keeping him on edge. Someone had to keep this kid in check if he wasn’t going to himself.
“So once your shift is over, don’t leave. Meet me in the conference room on the third floor, West wing.” “I will not be meeting you there.”
“Yes, you will because Chiron says you have to.” He suddenly sets the ornament back onto the tree, ever so gently, and leans in close. She is too stubborn to move away so he ends up whispering in her ear, his warm breath tickling her. “You may not listen to me, but we all know that you’ll do whatever he says. So. Five o’clock. See you there.”
Annabeth promises herself throughout the rest of the day that she won’t go. She doesn’t always have to listen to her boss, and it’s not like he’d fire her or anything if she didn’t show — she worked too hard to get where she is, and he is well aware of the rivalry going on between them.
Still, as she walks down the hall to the conference room, she can’t say she’s surprised. Chiron has done so much for her, and if she has to succumb to a few hours of torture to make up for it, then that’s exactly what she’ll do.
As she enters the room, she is met with the sight of Percy in the middle of the room, surrounded by the largest assortment of rainbow lights and garland that she has ever seen in her entire life. For a moment, she forgets about the fact that she is forced to be here. Instead, she focuses on the sparkle and joy she can just feel in the room, and the smile of pure excitement that is on his face.
“Where did you get all of this?” she asks, stepping inside. She has to make her way over a few glass decorations splattered about, but she makes it without completely dying.
“I went shopping,” he says, gleeful. He picks a string of lights up, inspecting it closely before dropping it back down onto his lap. Annabeth sits near him, but still far away that he can’t ‘accidentally’ choke her with Christmas lights.
“You paid for all of this?”
“Stole the company card. Where do you think I’ve been all day?”
And it dawns on her that he really hasn’t been there for most of the day. It’s no wonder it had been so quiet; he hadn’t been pestering her every two seconds.
She hums. “So what am I supposed to do?”
“Desperate to leave?”
“With you here? Of course.”
Percy frowns but doesn’t say anything about it. “Just make this place look pretty.”
She tries her best, but it’s admittedly not very good. It kind of looks like Santa Claus and his elves threw a very messy tantrum. She stands next to Percy to inspect the final product. She can feel her ears tinging red.
“I don’t understand what happened here,” he says, baffled.
“I think my decorating skills were corrupted by your severe incompetence.” Percy smirks but turns to face her. “My severe incompetence?”
“May I ask what I did this time?”
“You’re always insulting me. Why?”
“Because—” She gestures vaguely. “You’re you.”
“I’m me?”
Her mind blanks. “Uh… ugly.”
Percy guffaws, but he doesn’t seem offended. “All this time I thought you hated me, but it’s actually because I’m ugly?” He whistles. “I don’t know whether to feel relieved or depressed.”
“Bit of both, perhaps.” Annabeth knows for a fact that her face is redder than the mistletoe along the edges of the room. Everything she could complain about and has complained about, and she says that he’s ugly? The one thing that he’s actually not? She may not like him, but even she can appreciate his sharp jawline and striking eyes.
“So if I were less ugly, you would stop calling me incompetent?”
“Ah.” Percy elbows her, and she squirms. “And here I was, thinking we were mortal enemies.”
“Oh, we are. I can’t be associated with ugly monsters.”
“Damn, Annabeth. Way to put salt in the wound.”
“You could always just insult me back.”
“Why would I do that?”
“You always do.”
At that, Percy faces her again, alarmed. “I do not.”
“Yes, you do!”
“I’m careful with my words. I may tease you, but I have never called you names.”
She tries to prove him wrong, but she suddenly can’t think of a single instance where he’s actually said something blatantly rude. It turns out she’s just a raging asshole.
“Call me ugly.”
Percy blinks. “What?”
“Now you made me feel bad, so say something mean. Make me cry. You have full permission.”
“I wouldn’t want to lie to you.”
It takes a second before she gathers what he’s saying, and she’s suddenly blushing from something entirely different than embarrassment. “You think I’m pretty?”
“I thought that was obvious.”
“I— no?”
Percy stares at her for what feels like an eternity. “I’ve been flirting with you since forever.”
She snorts. “I like to poke you on the nose and play with your hair. I wink at you, like, every day!”
“I thought you were just bullying me.”
“I’m sorry, but that does not qualify as bullying.”
“You made Chiron demand I decorate for a Christmas party.”
“Yeah, he never said that. He actually has no idea you’re here right now.”
“You did this!?”
“I wanted to spend time with you?” he tries in excuse.
“But we don’t like each other!”
“I thought we were always messing around. I didn’t know you actually despised me.”
She doesn’t know that she despises him. Strongly dislikes, maybe, but she doesn’t think she actually hates him. Now that she’s here, staring him in his green eyes, feeling like a kicked puppy is staring straight at her, she doesn’t know if she actually even disliked him, or was just too stuck to her pride to acknowledge that he wasn’t a terrible person.
“I don’t hate you.”
He sniffs. “Well now I don’t believe you.”
“Oh, you toddler.”
And somehow, Percy still smiles. She’ll never know how he keeps with the cheer. “So what I’m hearing is that we’re friends.”
Percy is too good for her. She insults him to his face and he just smiles through it. He doesn’t hesitate to reassure her, and now that she thinks of it, he never has. When she’s struggling to walk through the halls, Percy is always the first to help her carry her things, even when she hurls her nasty words his way. And the one time she was sick, he was the one to sit her down and drive her home. He’s always been so generous even when she doesn’t deserve it, and she doesn’t understand why she’s never seen it before.
It’s like something inside of her has shifted, like these few hours spent alone with him have suddenly erased everything she thought in the past. It makes sense, now that she realizes that the past was nothing more than an image she was too stubborn to replace.
“No?” Percy smiles. “I get it. You want to be my girlfriend.” She holds up a hand. “Wait a second—”  
“Even better! My wife!”
She chokes, laughing. She thinks this might be the first time she let herself genuinely smile at something he’s said. It’s a nice feeling. “Let’s start with friends.”
Percy steps forwards, towering over her. “Oh, I’m so going to make you my girlfriend.”
Annabeth wants to protest, but with the look that he’s giving her now, making her legs go weak, she thinks that it just might be possible in this Christmas magic.
“Guess what,” he whispers, now directly beside her.
She trembles, a foreign chill shooting down her back. “What?”
She looks up, expecting to find the small plant being held above her head, but instead she is met with the sound of Percy laughing. “Made you look.”
She laughs along with him, shoving his chest playfully. “This is why I hate you.”
“Except you don’t hate me,” he says, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her in for a side hug. “You love me.”
“Sure,” she says.
“So you should kiss me then. If you love me, and all.”
If it had been two hours earlier, she would’ve said not a chance, but something’s changed. She isn’t sure what it is or when exactly it had happened between then and now, but something seemed to click. It has her reaching onto her toes to press a sweet kiss to his cheek, right on the dimple that appears as his face morphs into the kindest, gentlest smile.
“There,” she says softly. “A kiss.”
Percy bites his lower lip and shakes his head. There is a look on his face — adoration, she thinks. A voice whispers love. “I’m going to make you fall in love with me, Annabeth Chase.”
It doesn’t take long at all.
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