#yeah I went crazy with the song of achilles quotes
vulcan-spicetea · 4 months
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SPIRK TOS: Soulmates
Star Trek: City on the Edge of Forever/ Madeline Miller/ Emily Bronte/ Madeline Miller/ Anne Carson (translator)/ Madeline Miller/ Madeline Miller
Inspired by this post.
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dorkydiaz · 3 years
Ahhh I see you liking and reblogging the song of Achilles content so now I gotta ask, what’s your favourite moment from the book 😭💕💕
THE ENTIRE THING??? ITS SO BEUTIFUL I CANT, MADELINE MILLER WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME??? Clearly you are new here if you think I can just pick one, so here we goooo....( these are really in no descernable order cause this book made me lose all sense of coherence) (not that I had much previously but ignoring that)
- When Patrocles decides to chase after Achilles, and then just when he's about to give up Achilles finds him- like i nearly went crazy from this.
-Patrocles finding Achilles at Skyros and their time there.
- Briseis' whole arc- i love her, I want a book just about her.
- From the moment that Patrocles convinces Achilles to let him go into battle disguised as him until the end.
- "Cleopatra, Patroclus. Her name built from the same pieces as mine, only reversed." this simple moment, that may feel like one of the less poetic moments of the book because she spells it out, which makes it stick out a little more ig, which to me makes it all the more poetic. <- does that make any sense? (see opening statement)
some quotes that make me feel things-
"We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake loving him in silence." -- this made me feral where i stood
"In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood like a hundred golden urns pouring out of the sun." -- how could i not include this??? cause like this ending just wow- i am suing madeline miller for emotional damages (jk)
"I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world." -- I TELL YOU IM SUING
This is the passage from Chapter 20, that I may need to make a gifset for-
"I woke to his nose on mine pressing insistently against me as I struggled from the webbing of my dreams. He smelled sharp and strange, and for a moment I was almost revolted at the creature that clung to me and shoved its face against mine. But then he sat back on his heels and was Achilles again. His hair damp and darkened, as if the morning sun had been poured out of it. It stuck to his face and ears flattened and wet from the helmet. He was covered in blood, vivid splashes, not yet dried to rust. My first thought was terror that he was wounded, bleeding to death.
"Where are you hurt?" I asked. My eyes raked him for the source of the blood. But the spatters seemed to come from nowhere. Slowly my sleep stupid brain understood. It was not his."
I am sure I missed something but this is already long so yeah, that's all for now.
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okimargarvez · 5 years
 Original title: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
Prompt: Penelope and Luke visited Las Vegas and the BAU team wants to know if it’s happened something.
Warning: none.
Genre: funny, family, romantic.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, BAU team.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: part 79 in Garvez canon Life.
Legend: 💑🔦.
Song mentioned: none.
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 Their entrance is announced by a shower of laughter. -Really, we should really do it again, if it were not completely impossible.- the man comments. She just nods and smiles, just glancing at him and then giggling.
They have hardly crossed the threshold that separates them from the bullpen that they see JJ walks towards them. -Welcome back, lovebirds.- she crosses her arms. The others are also arriving. -Have you enjoyed the weekend?- everybody notice an exchange of looks, suspicious.
After a pause, they both nod. -Yes.- they answer in unison.
-Mmm, you are hiding something.- the boss comments, looking first at her friend and then at the man, deciding then that the latter is the weak link on which to insist.
Tara supports her. -Yes, there is definitely something strange.- Luke bends over Penelope.
-They are trying to watch if we wear wedding rings, but without paying too much attention.- he pretends to whisper, but he speaks loud enough that everyone can hear him.
-I heard you, Alvez.- Prentiss reproaches him severely.
Luke doesn't seem scared at all, so much to chuckle, until Penelope pats him on the back. She shakes her head like a tired mother from his son's pranks. But that doesn't stop loving him.
-So, let's not talk around: has anything special happened in Las Vegas?- Rossi goes straight to the point, joining the three women and apparently obstructing the road to them.
Luke certainly doesn’t lose heart. -Right you should know it well, Rossi.- he winks and the older one looks at him badly, causing a series of giggles in his colleagues.
-This seems to be a typical response of those who want to push their interlocutor to go crazy with curiosity.- Spencer points out with his usual phlegm and imperturbability.
And he manages to get a grimace from the Latin. -Compliments to our genius.- he studies a way to get around them without being noticed.
-Seriously.- JJ insists. -Did something happen?- they both look at her and remain motionless. -You know what I mean. Come on, don't be mysterious.- she takes a step towards the blonde. -Pen?- everyone has his own Achilles heel.
-You all are profilers.- the IT technician replies. -Use your skills.- a satisfied smile appears on her lips. She turns to Luke. -Did I say it well, love?- she stands up like a perfect circus acrobat.
-Perfectly, light of my eyes.- he answers her, supporting her with one arm behind her back and giving her a brief kiss on the mouth. They are used to their mushy stuff, although usually outside of federal buildings. Fortunately, there are no strangers in sight.
-I'm so nauseated now that I think I'll have to drink coffee without sugar, today.- Tara comments, wrinkling her nose in a false expression of disgust.
Matt positions himself right in front of Luke. -Brother, don't pull your luck too much.- exchange of looks in western movie style. Missing just one bale of hay is rolling in the background. -Do you forget how many interrogation techniques I know?- he asks.
-Guys, forget it.- Emily tries to bring order back. -If they don't want to talk, we can't force them.- JJ looks disappointed.
-Are you sure?- she even asks. Everyone laughs, including the two "suspects".
-And if they were just playing with us?- Reid's theory seems convincing, as usual. But both Luke and Penelope remain indifferent, not even showing a clue with their body language. It's clear that the undisputed king of undercover work and pursuits taught her all his tricks.
-You are right.- Tara agrees. -According to me, nothing happened in Las Vegas.- she challenges them, crossing her arms.
-You said that.- Penelope answers with the Mona Lisa's smile.
-Hey, don't quote the Gospel with me.- Rossi answers in her place. Another chorus of laughter follows.
The chief resumes the floor. -Listen, let's put it this way. You don't necessarily have to tell us what happened in Las Vegas.- she explains in a condescending and conciliatory tone. -We are also content to know only if something has happened in Las Vegas.- she performs in a smile that she hopes can at least hit her friend. -You could at least answer that.- Luke looks at Penelope.
-I'd say yes, what do you think, love?- she shrugs, then nods.
But JJ is not very patient. -Then?- she asks for the umpteenth time, puffing.
Penelope takes the burden of placating colleagues' curiosity. -The answer to your question is yes.- but as soon as she has concluded, there follows the umpteenth exchange of complicit glances.
-Mmm, she seems sincere.- judges Matt. -And he too.- Luke gives him a friendly wink. -But give him to me in an evening for men only and you will see if I don't pull out of him the whole truth!- he exclaims, convinced. Especially the girls still burst out laughing. Then the interrogation of the squad ends, and everyone returns to their duties.
They remain silent also in the elevator, greeting their friends with a smile beneath their mustaches. He opens the door for her, as always. Only once they are in the car they look at each other and don’t hold back a loud laugh.
-Have you seen their faces? They were really convinced that we were getting married.- it is the first time that Luke manages to joke about a similar topic. To the point of worry. Is he getting used to the idea that this is an impossible dream? Would he no longer wish to make her Mrs. Alvez?
-It would have been too trivial for me.- she replies, looking up.
-Yeah.- here, here is that thin veil of melancholy arrived. The man breathes a sigh of relief. All normal.
-Hey, Lu.- they haven't left yet. He turns to look at her. -We'll never tell them, the truth about what happened in Las Vegas?- he simply asks.
-We already did, in a certain way.- Penelope pushes him away.
-You know the girls will try again. Do you think they gave up? It's just the calm before the storm.- Luke starts the engine and she handles with the radio in search of the perfect station.
-Even Matt will try to catch the truth out, with the good or the bad ways.- he changes gear. -But think about how disappointed they'll be when they find out that the truth is that we went there the only time there were no free rooms and we had to go back.- he says.
-You are right. It’s better if what happens or doesn't happen in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas.-
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