#yeah ao3 is pretty good but what about the stories written in the ever-shifting sand of my dreamscape
lanymme · 7 months
bro i just remembered the most amazing fgo blackbeard fic, the kind that raise your like, neuron activation about a character by two full tiers because whoever wrote it is clearly an Understander.
It had this absolutely top-tier banter and this really unique and compelling image of his worldview and then I woke up and realized IT WAS A FUCKING DREAM and my like, review of it was ALSO a dream. and I forgot its contents immediately.
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glorious-spoon · 5 years
Nothing Fancy, Nothing Much
Title: Nothing Fancy, Nothing Much Link: On AO3 Fandom: Agent Carter Pairing: Rose/OFC, Rose/Michael Warnings: None Other tags: Character Study, Wistful Summary:  Rose Roberts takes a job in L.A., and eventually finds her feet and her place in the world.
Written as part of the Fandom Supporting Migrants fic exchange for @musiclmaiden who donated to RAICES.
What with one thing and another, Rose has been in LA for more than a month before she actually makes it out to the beach. Surprisingly, she doesn’t actually mind that much, even though the beach was half the reason she decided to take the job when Agent--well, Chief, now--Sousa offered back in July.
Okay, more like a third of the reason. She really does like Chief Sousa, and it was becoming increasingly obvious that whatever Peggy managed to pull off back in New York, the options for a gal like her were...well. Limited.
Besides, LA is like a dream. Scorching hot, sure, but it’s a dry heat, and the shop down the street from her new apartment sells these adorable little parasols to keep her from breaking out too badly in freckles. She’s been able to relax her wardrobe a bit, she’s stocked up on bathing suits, and even Chief Sousa has taken to wearing a string of increasingly outrageous Hawaiian shirts, although she’s pretty sure that pretty blonde he’s been stepping out with has something to do with that.
Hard luck on Peggy, but that’s just how the cookie crumbles sometimes.
Anyway, it’s mid-September before she makes it out to Will Rogers Beach. In New York, it would be getting too cold for swimming this time of year, but here in California it’s just as scorchingly hot as ever, and by the time she gets her towel and umbrella and picnic lunch arranged on the white sand, she’s all over sweat and ready for a dip.
Despite the heat, the ocean is still icy; she’s not quite sure what she was expecting. She shrieks, splashes, and topples over on her fanny, and someone laughs nearby, a small warm hand reaching down to help her up before she can be too put out about it, and she looks up to see warm brown eyes sparkling in a pretty sun-browned face, blonde curls pulled behind a bright red bandanna.
“You all right?” the woman asks, white teeth flashing bright.
“Fine,” Rose says faintly. She feels a little faint, and she’s pretty sure it’s not the heat or the tumble she just took.
And that’s how she meets Doris.
Here’s the thing. Rose has always had an eye for a good-looking fella. She always figured that after the war was over she’s find a man, settle down, raise a family.
That was before she joined up with the WAC as a switchboard operator and… well. Got her horizons expanded just a touch by a string of pretty hard-edged gals in uniform.
Of course, none of those affairs were ever going to last, but it was good to have a little bit of fun in a miserable situation, especially since none of that sort of fun was going to end up with her in a family way. Just about everybody got up to some kind of nonsense over on the front. Half the men, too, although of course she wasn’t meant to know anything about that.
The point is, she never expected any of it to follow her back home, but with Doris… well. One afternoon of splashing in the shallows and sharing the large picnic lunch Rose packed under her umbrella turned into two, and then three, and then before she knows it they’re meeting for shopping trips down in Studio City, and lunch dates that ramble into dinner dates without anyone paying attention, and by the time two weeks later when Doris leans across the towel they’re sharing on the empty beach at dawn and kissed her on the mouth, Rose already knows she’s done for.
It can’t last. She knows it can’t. But Doris is here, and she’s beautiful, and Rose didn’t survive the war without learning how to hang onto any good thing she can get with both hands for as long as she can.
She knows it’ll hurt when it ends, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth having while it lasts.
She’s right. It hurts.
It’s not even a fight that does it, which might have been easier. Doris’s mother back in La Crosse gets sick, and Doris goes home to take care of her. She even offers for Rose to come with her, but Rose has the SSR, and she knows, she knows that if she gives that up she’ll end up resenting Doris until she poisons everything between them and is left with nothing.
Doesn’t make it hurt any less, but she kisses Doris before dropping her off at the train station, and smiles through her tears when Doris turns to wave with one white-gloved hand, her polka-dot skirt swirling around her legs, and she knows she’s made the right choice.
It’s just going to sting for a while, but Rose is a big girl and she’s lived through worse. She knows how to move on.
She never means to tell anyone, after. She doesn’t really date much--or, well, she does, she goes out dancing for a night, lets the other agents and scientists and the occasional civilian buy her a drink and spend a few minutes spinning her across the dance floor to Duke Ellington, but it’s never any more than that. She’s learned her lesson, she thinks. Spinsterhood is starting to look mighty fine.
And then Michael happens.
He’s the last thing she ever expected. None of them, even Peggy, were expecting him to be alive, so that’s a shock, and then he’s tall and blond and handsome and...gentle in a way that Peggy isn’t. Rose figures it has to be an act. She’s read his service files, after all. She knows what he’s done. What he’s capable of. She’s watched Peggy slap him across the face in the middle of the SSR bullpen and tell him that she never wants to see him again.
She’s sure as hell not expecting him to ask her out to dinner a few weeks later when he stops by the office. She’s definitely not expecting to say yes.
Rose Edith Roberts is not known for making smart decisions when it comes to her personal life, though, so she doesn’t exactly know why she’s surprised at herself.
He’s charming at dinner and over cocktails later. He doesn’t ask her to dance, which is probably to be expected. He doesn’t use a crutch like Chief Sousa, but he’s still got a stiff leg, a limp that he hides well enough that she’s not even sure anyone else notices it.
“You can go,” he says, smiling, and nods his chin at the dance floor. “Honestly. I don’t mind. I’m just not one for dancing these days.”
Rose gives him a long look, then lies cheerfully, “Yeah, well, me neither. You wanna buy me another gin and tonic and finish that story about the faked briefcase instead? You didn’t really jam some stiff into army clothes and dump him for the Krauts to find, did you?”
“You know, that’s really supposed to be top-secret,” Michael says, but he’s smiling.
Rose shrugs. “I have clearance. If you don’t want to tell me, though, you can just buy me another drink.”
“What about both?” Michael asks, and the way he’s smiling leaves her no choice but to smile back.
So, yeah. Michael Carter. Didn’t see that one coming.
She doesn’t let him kiss her that first night, or the next date when he takes her out to the boardwalk and buys her a cotton candy like they’re a couple of school-kids enjoying their summer break instead of a rather battered pair of spies. Former spies, in Michael’s case.
He doesn’t mention Peggy, and she doesn’t bring it up. Peggy herself has been tight-lipped about the whole business, which isn’t unusual for her, and Rose has a pretty good nose for figuring out when to push and when to leave it alone. This is a time to leave it alone.
But Michael is charming, and when he helps her into a cab later and asks if she’d like to take a picnic to the beach sometime later in the week, she barely even hesitates before she says yes.
She’s been over Doris for a while now, but something about picnics at the beach just always get to her. But she looks at Michael, his blond hair gleaming under the street lamps, his soft blue eyes and the curl of his smile, and she thinks, yeah. Yeah, she can do this.
“Sure thing,” she says. “Maybe I can teach you how to surf.”
“Oh, I don’t think you’ll have much luck with that,” Michael says, but he’s smiling. As the cab pulls away onto the street, she leans out the window to wave, and then to watch the shape of him grow smaller as they pull away until the cab turns a corner toward her apartment and he’s gone.
She takes him out to Will Rogers Beach that weekend. It hasn’t changed much in the year since she’s been there. Still choked with tourists, the white sand shifting beneath her bare feet as she slips her sandals off. Michael offers her his arm and she takes it, but she doesn’t let him take the picnic basket. He doesn’t protest, which is a point in his favor.
It’s not until they’re sprawled out on the red and white checkered blanket, their picnic lunch demolished between them, passing a bottle of wine back and forth like a pair of teenagers, that Rose leans back on her elbows and looks over at him, at his bare feet buried in the sand and his sunglasses tilted on his nose and the pink beginnings of a burn across his shoulders, his blonde hair disarranged by the salt breeze, and thinks— oh.
She never really has noticed the fall, has she? Not until it’s too late.
Michael glances over at her, quizzical. “Have I got something on my face?”
“No,” Rose says. Michael is still looking at her, the beginnings of a smile starting to curve his mouth, and it seems like the easiest thing in the world to lean across the blanket and kiss him.
It’s just a kiss, nothing special. Just a sweet first kiss, entirely proper because they’re out in public. There’s no reason for her heart to flutter like it does when they pull apart, when Michael cups her cheek and smiles at her, when he says, “I’m so glad you did that. I don’t think I would have had the courage.”
“Aren’t you some kind of war hero?” Rose asks, grinning.
“Hardly a hero.” Shadows flicker in his eyes, then vanish as if they were never there at all. She doesn’t ask. She’s got a good idea at their causes, and she was in the same war as him. She knows how it is.
And anyway, they’re both here now, on this warm beach full of tourists with the ocean spread out before them and Michael’s hand still warm on her cheek. He’s close enough that she can smell his cologne, see the faint crinkles in the corners of his eyes, and there’s really nowhere else in the world she’d rather be right now.
“Thank you,” he says, “for coming out with me.”
“Thank you for asking,” Rose murmurs, and closes her eyes when he kisses her again. It’s another soft, sweet one, but there’s a hint of promise there now that makes her flush. When they break apart, she says, “I haven’t been here in so long. Not since—”
She breaks off. She’s not ashamed of everything that happened with Doris, but it’s not exactly the kind of thing you bring up on a third date. Even if she gets the feeling that Michael might actually understand. He has that look about him.
“Not since what?” he asks softly.
Finally, she opens her eyes. He’s so close, and his blue eyes are so pretty, his expression gentle.
You can trust him, she thinks suddenly. You can tell him.
So she does.
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darkhymns-fic · 6 years
As a Chosen, Lloyd will be expected to take on the journey to complete the World Regeneration. Of course he would rather stay in the village with Colette and live his life alongside her. 
At the very least, he could give her something to remember him by.
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Characters/Pairings: Lloyd Irving/Colette Brunel, Raine Sage, Genis Sage, Dirk Rating: G Mirror Links: AO3 Notes: This was written for @frayed-symphony for a Secret Santa exchange! This fic was based off her Chosen Lloyd concept which she has drawn fantastic art for (here and here). I’m so glad I was given the opportunity to write something for you and for this idea also! (And over 8000k, I’m sorry haha). You’ve been an awesome friend and this story is just a small way of saying thank you!!
On one of Lloyd’s past birthdays – 14 to be exact – Colette had seemed surprised that he was getting her a present instead.
“But, it’s your birthday! I should be getting you something…” Although she couldn’t take her eyes off the little carving of a doggy figure he was just finishing up. They were far from the Church, far from Colette’s house even, in a part of Iselia’s forests where few others would stumble upon them. At least not yet.
“Hm, I don’t really care about my birthday that much,” he said once, and maybe that had already been too much. But just then, he had just finished his gift, remembering what the dwarf had taught him when the pastors weren’t paying attention. “And it’s more fun making stuff for you!”
He would never forget the way Colette’s eyes lighted up. How happy she seemed to be at one of his first attempts at crafting. But as long as Dirk kept visiting the church, and as long as Colette kept being his friend, he wanted to give her even more.
In the distance, they heard some voices call out to Lloyd. Although not by his name.
“Ah, I’m sorry,” Colette said then. “I hope I don’t get you in trouble.” She held the doggy statue safely in her palms.
Chosen, Chosen One the wind kept repeating. Lloyd shook it away.
He took her hand then, the one free of the statue, and smiled. “Hey, if you want to get me a present, you should take me exploring! I don’t think we’ve done much of it lately.”
Colette had smiled too, gripping the boy’s hand tight. Once they rushed away from the voices, Lloyd had sometimes imagined that they were both running away from those voices forever…
“Chosen! Chosen One!”
Lloyd had been trying to work on the necklace for the past three weeks, but there was always something interrupting him. The knock on his door, along with the insistent calling, was just another one of those.
He instantly put away his tools and the nearly finished necklace in a small tin box. Doing it fast enough while also not scratching up the jewelry proved to be a bit challenging, and he probably just made more noise that way. He could already hear the pastor grumbling outside his door. “J-just a minute!” he called out, going to a nearby cabinet.
“Chosen, this is the fourth time this week you have been late for your lessons. Punctuality is highly important-”
“Yeah, yeah, no problem!” Lloyd was trying to fasten up his outfit. It always felt so stiff and hard to move around in, but just getting away with the shirt and pants he slept in never cut it. (He tried). Once everything was set, he finally opened the door, totally not looking like he had been up half the night working on his project. “Okay, I’m set!”
Even after a lifetime of being at the Church, he never knew how to talk to the pastors, always so proper and formal in their speech. The old man looked at Lloyd with a certain air of disapproval – just a little bit, for he was still to be the savior of their world after all. He inclined his head slightly to Lloyd, maybe too much. Lloyd thought the big hat he wore would fall off from the action, and even shifted a little to catch it if it did.
“You’ve been doing so well lately in your memorization of the scriptures, Chosen. It would be beneficial of you to simply focus on that than on other, less vital pursuits.”
…Crap, did the old man already find out what he’d been doing? Lloyd shifted nervously on his feet, which probably didn’t help his image. “I just overslept a little! Sleeping is pretty important!”
The pastor didn’t argue, because it was frowned upon to argue with the Chosen. A little loophole that Lloyd had found out about when he was little, and may have used it to his advantage numerous times.
Well, until his dad got involved.
Lloyd pushed that thought aside and was more or less nudging the pastor away from his room’s door to get going. “Anyway, uh, let’s go! Got a lot of books to get through!” And man, was there a lot of books. He could read fast and well with all the years of book-reading he was forced to do. Not like he enjoyed it, but what else could he do?
“My, I must apologize then, Chosen. It is good to see you eager for a lesson!”
Lloyd put on a big smile until the pastor turned away to head for the stairs. Once unseen, he was back to frowning. The old man really was old and had not noticed Lloyd had long stopped following him. The Chosen watched him descend the steps, then leaned back against the wall, sighing so deeply it pulled at his chest.
Was there really a point in having more lessons?
As a Chosen, there wasn’t much Lloyd was allowed to do, and there weren’t many places he was allowed to go either. He was salvation itself, so he needed to be safe, and to stay safe, he needed to remain within the Church at nearly all times until he went to school. Going to school had always been something he’d look forward.
But as time passed, it was getting harder to enjoy much of anything.
Anything except the necklace, which he had been working on day and night – whenever the priests weren’t paying attention. At the very least, he could leave something behind for her, hoping that was enough.
And… if he had to choose, he would rather go through all this than anyone else… He imagined briefly of another dealing with the role of Chosen and it only made the ache inside him worse.
It was better this way.
Down the stairs’ corridor, he could hear the confused mutterings of the priest. He rolled his eyes and quickly followed after. Just something he would have to go through. Again.
…Still, these lessons dealt with way, way too many books.
Living at the Church did have some benefits though.
For one, it was right by the beach, which Lloyd had definitely snuck off to on more than one occasion. Colette had worried if it was okay for him to go, and Genis had worried he would trip against one of the rocks and crack his head open, thus ruining Sylvarant’s one chance at salvation. But that had only nearly happened one time! Making highly detailed sand castles with Colette, and burying a napping Genis in the sand, were things he didn’t ever want to trade away for just being safely cooped up in his room.
Another was that he got to see Dirk a whole lot.
Just after another mind-numbing book lesson, he made his way down to the atrium, the place more wide, the walls helping reverberate the sounds of his footsteps. He was glad to see the dwarf there, already setting up another work sculpture of Martel. Or maybe it was Mithos? Lloyd still had trouble telling the difference sometimes. He really, really tried to keep that fact hidden from his instructors. It had worked so far!
The dwarf turned to him, his bushy beard hiding half of his face, but not his grin. Hands were on both of his hips, eyes angled up at the boy that was slightly taller than him.
“Ah, Lloyd! Ya look ready to fall asleep on yer feet!”
“Ehehe… I’m fine! Really!” A tiny stumble against one of the pews but Lloyd more or less righted himself up. The dwarf merely shook his head.
“Well! I was just finished with my work. Need anything?”
Sometimes Lloyd wondered what made the dwarf come back here so much. He had been here ever since Lloyd was little, seen much more of him than of… Anyway, he was always traveling around so much, working on crafting commissions, sometimes even bringing back a souvenir he had bought on the road. Lloyd still had some of them; one of the famous Palma Potions from Palmacosta, some pottery from Triet, and even a cool-looking wooden figure of a swordsman! Dirk hadn’t specified where he got that last one, making Lloyd think he had made it himself.
He had thought about asking him many times before. But the years kept passing, and the day for when he would leave was only getting closer. He figured there was really no point in asking now.
Instead, he reached into his pocket, pulling out the necklace he had poured everything into. He held it up for Dirk. “You think this looks any good?”
The dwarf placed a hand on his chin, mock-deep in thought. “Hm, I don’t think that color works on ya.”
“Not for me!”
Dirk laughed loudly, his voice bouncing across the walls of the Church. After so much stress on being quiet within these walls, the dwarf’s laugh was welcome. He held out his hand. “Here, let me see.”
Excited to show off his work, but also worried on being judged, Lloyd gave it to him quickly. “I, uh… kinda had to rush through it this morning. But I think I got the size right this time! And, I didn’t waste the metal like you said and-”
“Hold on a bit, Lloyd.”
“Right, sorry.”
Dirk was holding up the necklace by its chain. The sunlight from the stained windows glinted off its pendant, a deep red jewel embedded in its center. After a brief look, the dwarf was grinning. “Really outdone yourself for this one.” He gathered it back carefully in his palm. “The chain work is strong, and the pendant is much more even this time. Not completely! Still need some work on that.” He handed it back to Lloyd. “She’ll be very happy with it.”
With Dirk’s praise, Lloyd felt something lift off his shoulders. The weight of everything else was still there… but this one thing, it gave him some lightness.
He held the necklace in both his hands before putting it away. “Thanks!”
“Yer welcome, lad. But.. I gather you still have more on your mind?”
Man, was he this easy to read with everyone now? Lloyd shook his head. “Nah, not really. Just bored with the same things, like always.”
“But your training should be giving ya some excitement.” Dirk crossed his arms, finally resting his legs by seating on a nearby stool. “And ya still got that sword I gave ya? The one the priests said was lost?”
Lloyd scratched at his cheek, grinning. “Hey, I did lose it! But then I found it again. Who knew it was under my bed this whole time?”
Dirk grinned back, laughing into his beard. “A shame it was not before they asked me to make you another one to continue with your training. But I suppose it’s good that you have a spare.”
Lloyd nodded at that. “Yep! And, well, can’t leave your other sword to waste. So it’s only better to use both, right?”
Both Dirk’s and Lloyd’s plan for him to use dual blades should have been so see-through, but once Lloyd started training with his double weapons, the priests couldn’t find much to argue with. The Chosen had to know how to defend himself, after all. And… his logic did make some sort of sense to them. Wouldn’t two weapons be better than one?
The dwarf shook his head. “Mighty clever thinking there! I’m sure that will help on your journey.”
The mention of the journey put a dark cloud in Lloyd’s head suddenly. Right. In the end, that was the point of the swords anyway. To protect himself until…
“Also!” Dirk’s voice broke through, and he watched as the dwarf reached around him towards a satchel, bringing it towards the front. “Got my latest commission done! And no worries. The Church will take care of the bill when they see it later.” He handed the folded clothes to Lloyd.
His eyes widened in glee at the design. “You already made it! Nice!”
“Fitting for a master swordsman and a Chosen, right?” Dirk seemed pleased as well. “At the very least, these would help you move around better, and has a place for your swords.”
Lloyd would have gone to hug the dwarf if he could – or if that wasn’t a bit weird. “I’m definitely wearing these from now on!”
Even as Dirk looked very pleased, he stared at Lloyd with another expression, one that Lloyd couldn’t place. “You’ve been doing a lot lately, lad. I hope you remember to rest in between all your work.”
In all fairness, this was a first that he ever heard come from an adult. Usually there was always something do, another thing to learn… “Ah, I’m okay enough. Besides, I’m taking your advice on things!”
“Oh, that so?”
“Yep!” Lloyd nodded. He had his new clothes underneath one arm, standing proudly. “Dwarven vow #4! Don’t depend on others. Walk on your own two legs.” He then grinned, glad he could remember that right! He only knew a few of the vows Dirk had mentioned to him, but some like those stood out. “I’m taking that as my mortal from now on!”
Dirk raised a bushy eyebrow. “Think you mean motto there, lad.”
“…Huh. That does make a lot more sense.”
“I thought ya read a lot.”
“I did! I do! Just, after a while of non-stop reading, all the words start to look the same…”
Still, the dwarf smiled. “Anyway… I’m glad you think my old sayings are of any interest. However, here’s another for ya. Dwarven vow #7! Justice and love will always win!”
“…That doesn’t sound as cool at all!”
It was easy to talk with Dirk, easier than most other adults. His dad sometimes just… well…
He saw the light in the sky in a nearby stained-glass window and flinched a little. “Oh, shoot. I gotta go. I’ll wear these though!” He held up the clothes then made his way back to his room, waving back at the dwarf. “I’ll see ya later!”
“Don’t trip over the stairs again!” Dirk called out, his bellowing voice finding every nook and crevice in the room. The pastors would have hated such a sound, but Lloyd was ecstatic. At least for now.
“…Is that a new outfit?”
Lloyd had been waiting forever for someone to comment on it, and Genis was never one to disappoint. He put his hands on his hips, knowing the euphoria he felt would be brief but trying to take as much as he could. “Yeah! Special tailor-cut for me!”
Genis looked to his Chosen best friend with a curious air. And maybe some suspicion. “Huh. Suits you better. Even those weird suspenders you have seem to work.”
“What do you mean weird?” Lloyd asked with a small frown.
“Nothing! I said they worked. I don’t get those white strips on your collar but… they also work, too.” Genis stared at Lloyd with more thought. “Yeah, this literally wouldn’t look good on anyone else.”
“Remind me to never come to you for compliments.”
Even as the younger boy laughed, Lloyd was grateful for Genis’ honesty. It was hard finding that in most people around him when they spoke with him. It was harder finding that in himself. He pulled at the, high collar in his new outfit, hoping someone else he knew would like it too. Or at least like it enough.
“You haven’t been to school in a while,” Genis hedged. Lloyd had just come back to Iselia as he walked from the Church, both of them meeting right by the schoolhouse. The day was already late, classes long over. Easier this way. Less people to speak with, less incredibly boring phrases to recite. “Chosen duties getting too much for you?”
It was meant as a joke. Lloyd didn’t really have it in him to laugh along to it though. He pulled at his collar, feeling an anxiousness to him that he had been stemming down for so long, but was slowly beginning to rise the past few months. “Just things. It’s nothing really.”
When Lloyd was quiet like, his friends always noticed. Genis raised his head, noting the tone. “Sorry. That was stupid to say.”
“It’s fine. Really!” He grinned, glad that the collar of his new outfit could hide away some of the strain there. “There’s been a lot of things lately anyway. I only had time now to even leave.”
Genis stared a little, but gave Lloyd some relief when his young eyes lost some intensity. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell them you snuck out again.”
“Heh… thanks.”
“Anyway, I know you’re not here to see me.” It was then Genis grinned, much brighter than Lloyd’s, much more hopeful than Lloyd could ever imagine to be. “Colette’s been talking about you all day. I don’t know how or when you got Noishe to deliver her a letter, but she was real happy about it.”
Noishe was his father’s dog first and foremost, but the creature always did him favors. And with Kratos having been gone for so long lately, it just made it easier.
“Shut up,” Lloyd muttered jokingly, and Genis only laughed again, the awkwardness about his duty of being a Chosen momentarily forgotten.
He wished it could be forgotten completely.
When he was younger, Lloyd had always wanted to travel the world, to see what it had to offer. When he was younger, the Church told him that he would someday, and he had looked forward to it, excitement lighting up his mind.
But on his eighth birthday, all that excitement went away.
Lloyd sat on the outskirts of Iselia, the grass around him still a bright green, the sky darkening as the sun began to set. He had been there early – a first for him. But for Colette, he would go the extra mile.
He heard her trip over the ground before he even saw her.
“Ah, s-sorry! I messed up.” He turned, finding Colette brushing away the grass stains from her dress, just a few feet away. Her blonde hair was a bit frazzled from her fall, but she still smiled.
Gloomy thoughts instantly went away at the sight of her.
“You’re such a dork. You didn’t need to rush here, you know.” Still, he couldn’t take his eyes off her as she sat next to him. She was always so cheerful and bright, and it made the world a little less scary to Lloyd when she was near him.
But it also made him feel bitter over the things he would miss as well.
“I know! Just, um..” Colette fiddled with her hands. “It’s been really boring the last few weeks without you. I was so happy seeing Noishe show up to my house! Though I think my grandmother’s sneezes might have scared him a little, sorry.”
“Oh. Oh right! I forgot she’s allergic..” Gah, why did he have to be stupid about these things? That explained why Noishe was all frantic when he came back. Even the sound of a twig snapping put the dog in a panic. “I guess I should have sent a person instead…”
“No, no! I was really glad to get it from Noishe… I missed petting him, hehe.” She pulled in her knees, looking at Lloyd with such curious eyes. “You said you got a new outfit from Dirk! It looks so cool on you!”
“Heh, yeah, it does make me cool, doesn’t it?” He smiled, sitting up straight. “It’s even got the Church of Martel symbol on it, see?” He pointed at his vest. Dirk had suggested it as one way to curb away any disdain from his pastors. With this symbol, it was still Chosen-appointed clothes. And with Dirk’s many, many work contributions to the Church, the pastors couldn’t deny him either. “It’s way better than the robe things they always make me wear.”
Colette nodded. “Yeah! You even have these cute ribbons.” She played with one now, always reaching out to Lloyd with little reserve, and Lloyd always glad she did. He was not someone far off or otherworldly like so many other people would view him as. “Are they meant to do anything?”
Lloyd thought about this. “Um… to make me look cool!” Just saying that made him laugh, and made Colette laugh too. It had been weeks since he felt this relaxed, and happy. It would be weeks that he would not feel this again.
He thought the time away would make him forget, but it only brought everything out in full force.
Lloyd was already handing her the necklace before he thought too hard about it.
Colette stared. “Lloyd?”
“I… I’ve been working on this for a little bit. Just to keep busy.” Just to make the days bearable. “Probably not as good as Dirk does it… but he can’t really teach me stuff for very long because of..”
Colette carefully took the necklace in both hands, eyes shining. “It’s so pretty! You… you always make such beautiful things, Lloyd.”
There was always something in her voice that stopped him, that made him wonder… While Genis and Raine always called him by his name, the way Colette does so was always different. It always pulled at him in a way that was sweet and painful. It had gotten too painful lately. Raine had already let him know today… only a month left before he would need to go.
“Is this really for me?” she asked, surprising Lloyd out of his thoughts.
“Yeah! This can replace the that other one I made for you a few years ago. That was all uneven anyway.”
“Oh, I still have that too… and the doggy figure! It’s still on my bookshelf!”
As Lloyd was momentarily stunned at that information, Colette circled the chain around her neck, the red jewel glinting in the waning sunlight. “I know you have so much to do lately. But I’m so happy!”
Some of that happiness got to him too. He wished he could keep it. “Heh. I wanted to give it you before I-“ He stopped.
“Before you what?”
He had nearly told her then. Lloyd had been trying so hard to keep quiet about things, about what will happen, about what he would have to face. But Colette was looking at him, and suddenly he was ready to tell her everything.
That wouldn’t have been fair though. At least one of them should be happy?
“Before I go on my journey, I mean.” His voice was quieter, which was hard to change. “I’ll probably be gone a while, so I wanted to give that to you first.”
At that, Colette was quiet too. Again, something that made him wonder. She looked ready to ask him a question. He anticipated it, unsure if he could keep lying.
Then she smiled. “I’ll miss you so much.” She kept holding the necklace in her palm, the sun making her hair shine. “I’m glad you wanted to come out here with me today.”
Lloyd wanted to hug her, and he did. That was one thing he would let himself do. He brought her close to his chest with a strong grip, and Colette held him back, her hands holding tight onto his new outfit. He didn’t care if it was wrinkled or whatever.
“Of course I wanted to,” he said softly. Then he pulled back, a smile on his face. “And once I regenerate the world, I’ll come right back again, okay? So don’t worry about anything!”
Colette kept one hand on Lloyd’s arm, while the other clasped the necklace again, pendant going between her fingers. At least, she would have something of him left.
“You don’t have to go back so soon, do you?” she then asked. The sun was nearly past the horizon, and the stars blinked up from their places in the sky. “Maybe, you can tell me what you’ve been doing? Not much happened in the village though.. so I’m sorry if I’m a little boring.”
Lloyd laughed. “Colette, I usually just stay inside and read old books all day. Believe me, nothing is more boring than that. And definitely not you! So no more apologizing, okay?”
If a pastor heard this – if his dad heard this – he’d have been in trouble. The most would have been a stern lecture, but he had heard nothing but lectures for weeks. Colette’s happy voice was such a difference for everything.
He could enjoy things for one day.
Colette was smiling again, looking beautiful as she always did. “Okay!”
So they both sat back, and they talked. Once the sun had long set, they were still seated by each other. Through all that time, Colette had not let go of the necklace. He wanted to keep that image of her for as long as he could.
“Colette… are you sure this is even the right way?”
Having never been out of Iselia her entire life, Colette didn’t know much about the world or which road led to where – especially to Triet. She sighed within the desert heat. The clothes she wore were different from her usual outfit for school, made of thicker material, with hidden compartments to sheathe away her chakrams. But it was doing her no favors in this sandy place where the sun beat down relentlessly.
“I… I’m not sure. Not anymore, I guess. I’m sorry, Genis.”
Genis sighed too, but out of exasperation. “You really don’t need to apologize… We probably should have brought a map before we left.”
“But, that nice caravan family pointed us to here! I don’t think they would lie to us..”
Genis shrugged. “I know. I’m just saying maybe we shouldn’t have rushed.”
There were a million things Colette could have argued on why they had to rush, but, she kept them to herself. She pulled at her shirt which was getting sticky with sweat, and she checked to see that her chakrams were indeed still on her.
Lloyd had left Iselia the other day. It had been so sudden, before she had time to prepare. Even Raine had not given her any indication that they would leave so soon. Or maybe that was the reason she hadn’t said anything…
“But it is weird, isn’t it?” Genis said aloud, following Colette still. “Lloyd and sis just leaving in the night like that.”
Colette wanted to say what she knew, but Lloyd had kept it a secret for a reason. She didn’t feel comfortable revealing it. Not yet at least. “Yeah,” she simply agreed. “They must have had to go right away.”
“…And Lloyd said you were supposed to go?”
“Uh huh!” She nodded, then giggled. A little difficult with how hot it was, but she managed. “I already told you that, Genis!”
“Yeah… I know.” His tone was low, unconvinced, or really, it could have just been the heat. “Well, sis was obviously supposed to bring me along too. Her and Lloyd really don’t pay attention to things sometimes.”
Colette inwardly sighed, feeling relieved. That was why Genis overlooked her obvious lie – he had one of his own. The people most important to them have left them alone, so there was no choice but to follow. Even if they were probably lost, and very, very dehydrated.
But I have to keep going, she thought to herself. As she plodded through the sands, she felt a familiar weight hitting her chest. She had not taken off the necklace ever since Lloyd first gave her a month ago. Then before his birthday had even come, the Church said he had already gone on his journey.
Colette fervently wanted to be with him, and with barely a word to her family, she had gone, leaving them a letter instead. She hoped her father and grandmother could forgive her.
“Oh! Is that it?” Genis was saying, and though still dizzy with heat, Colette was able to understand what he meant. Because just ahead was a walled city, standing so far apart from the sandy dunes. There were the figures of people walking by its entrance, and before she knew it, Colette was hurrying towards it. Any worries about maybe being a mirage from the desert did not cross her mind.
She heard Genis shouting after her, also giving chase, but she had to find Lloyd. Each day before he left, she had thought about telling him so many things. She knew she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if he had gone and then finished his journey. Once she entered Triet, the amount of market stalls were new to her! People in turbans shifted past her, not minding this pale girl with the light-colored hair. She started to walk off in a random direction, hoping to ask someone if they had seen… the Chosen around. She would have to call him that if they were-
“Lloyd!” she shouted, finding him at the edge of her vision. She hadn’t expected him so soon, seeing the boy to the far side of the plaza, trying to usher in a whining Noishe in one of the stables. He was already looking exhausted doing so. He still had on his new outfit, but now wore belts that held his weapons. She knew of them – it was why she had started using two of her own!
Colette grew excited, waving her arms to him. It took a moment before she saw Lloyd peer through the distance, and then his eyes widened. She started to go to him.
“Lloyd, I-!” And then she had tripped. She tripped so frantically that she had completely turned around, trying her best to avoid surprised passerby. Unfortunately, the only way to avoid them was to go straight into a wall.
She heard Lloyd shout her name back once she finally fell.                                  
“You know… you need to be more careful.”
Colette nodded silently as Lloyd pressed a small bandage on her forehead. It was only a minor scrape, that was what she usually got out of her falls. Although the stall she had fallen into had not been so lucky.
Once Colette had gotten out of the rubble, Lloyd had been rushing to her, eyes wide with surprise. The owner of the stall had been furious, seeing a Colette-shaped wall in his property… until Lloyd tried to calm the man down. There had been murmurs and stutters of the boy being the Chosen.
“Uh, yeah? That’s me,” Lloyd said, still trying to placate the man. “Anyway, she didn’t mean it! Colette just-”
“But why would such a hole be important to the Chosen?” the owner had continued. That had given Lloyd pause, slow in understanding, but then recovering quickly enough to avoid any further trouble.
“Because… it’s an important Church.. landmark?” Lloyd had winced at his own explanation, but no one seemed to notice besides Colette. “Yeah! To mark my pilgrimage… and junk. I, uh, I bless this thing!” He patted against the mark perfectly shaped like Colette’s falling body – the imprint of her arms raised high to try and avoid the inevitable. “It’s really important! It was made by my companion on the journey! So don’t be mad at her or… risk the wrath of Martel! Wait, is that right…?”
Yet even with Lloyd’s shaky explanations, that had been enough to send the crowd surrounding them into gasps of wonder. Soon people were touching the hole in the wall, now blessed by the Chosen, and that was when Lloyd took Colette’s hand and got them out of there fast.
She had seen Genis with a frowning Raine earlier, and wondered dimly if she had only gotten both herself and her friend in trouble. “I’m sorry,” she said, still seated on the chair.
“What? No, it’s fine! Someone would have tripped there sooner or later!” Lloyd had taken her into his room at the inn, worried about any injuries she may have had. “It’s not too bad. Just I guess the Professor should see later and then we can get someone to take you home-”
She knew he had been about to suggest that, and took his hands, gripping them tight. “I’m staying with you, Lloyd.”
She had expected a lot of reactions from Lloyd. Surprised at her determination, confused at why she would do so, and maybe even happy that she would go to him. But she didn’t expect the silence that followed suddenly. He didn’t grip her hands back.
Colette floundered for a moment, then instinctively reached for the necklace he gave her. It was hidden underneath her shirt, but she pulled it out, both to be reassured as well as to show him. “I want to help protect my friend on his journey… I’ve wanted to for a long time! My friend who makes wonderful things like this, and who’s always been kind to me. If I can just repay it back-”
“Colette, I didn’t ask you to come with me.”
She stopped, surprised by the sharpness in his voice. Lloyd blinked, then looked to the side.
“Lloyd, um…”
“I would have told you if I wanted-“ He bit his lip, then sighed. “This journey is supposed to be dangerous.”
Colette also looked away. “I know. That’s why I had to come.” A pause. “You’re mad at me.”
Lloyd dug a hand through his hair. “I’m… Just a little.” He sighed. “I didn’t want you to go through this too.”
Colette tried to search for a correct response. The best she could come up with, “Now you don’t have to be alone with it.”
“I have the Professor with me! Why do you-”
She gripped his hands tight, tight enough for the both of them. “I want to stay by your side, Lloyd! As.. my friend. And… I can help you. I won’t be a burden, I promise.”
“I didn’t… I didn’t say you would be.” She felt him finally hold her hands, at least slightly. “But it would be dangerous, I told you. You don’t even have an Exsphere or anything like it to-”
“I do!” Colette said suddenly. She calmed after. “I mean, I do. Look, it’s…” She rolled up the sleeve covering her right arm, showing a small key crest just on her forearm. It glinted blue, inlaid with polished metal. “I’ve been using this so I can fight off the monsters better.”
Lloyd looked at her Exsphere with complete surprise. “When did you get that?” Exspheres were not common to come by – it was mainly used by Desians or mercenaries.
“I… Dirk made me one. I saw him a while back and asked him if he could make me something. I told him I wanted to help you and he seemed really happy to do it.”
“…So.. he just had Exspheres lying around? He never told me!”
Colette blinked. “Oh. He said he’d been carrying one around for a long time.. It was the only one he had. I didn’t… ask him for an Exsphere exactly. Just if he had something that could help me.”
Lloyd continued to look surprised, confused, and a little betrayed. “But where would he just find one?” he asked, mainly to himself.
Colette wasn’t thinking about that now. She rolled down her sleeve, looking to Lloyd sternly. “I want to stay. And I know I can help you. So… please don’t turn me away.”
She saw him continue to struggle with his decision. His hands still held hers, a thumb rubbing across her palm. That somber look that she had seen Lloyd have lately – it was there again. There was once a time she didn’t know what would cause such a look in him.
He sighed again, but then small laughter left his throat. “Geez, Colette, you’re more stubborn than me.” He raised his head to her with a smile, even though it looked a bit sad still. She held his hands tighter in comfort.
“So, does that mean I can stay?”
“You’d just come back, I bet. You and Genis. I definitely didn’t expect him though!” He grinned wide then. “Missed his bestest friend, huh?”
Colette giggled, loving that grin of his. It was so rare now. “Well, he did say he missed Professor Sage…”
“Hey! What about me though?”
“It’s okay! I’ll miss you enough for the both of us!”
She wondered then, if that was a poor choice of words but Lloyd was still smiling. He even laughed.
“Heh, actually, um… does that mean Genis will be cooking for us now? The Professor keeps… wanting to do that lately.” Lloyd shuddered. “I could barely get through the first week.”
Oh no. Colette remembered the times their teacher had made the school lunch a few times. She giggled at Lloyd’s look. “I’m so sorry, Lloyd. I really am!” But she couldn’t stop laughing.
He smiled at that, even as he mocked sighed. “Are you making fun of me? Imagine the Chosen failing the journey because of indigestion. That’s embarrassing!”
It only made her giggle more, and soon Lloyd was laughing with her again.
Colette hoped she could keep him laughing throughout this journey.
Before Colette had left Iselia, she had decided to not mention what she knew to Lloyd. Even as she went over the knowledge in her head, searching for other ways, she knew it was not her place to say. But she could never fight off the feeling of wanting to be with him still. Once they had fought the guardian in the Fire Seal, she believed she could be useful while also being selfish.
A Chosen needed protectors, and she could even feel Raine’s gratefulness in having an extra pair of hands helping keep Lloyd from danger. He did run into monsters an awful lot…
Then Lloyd had nearly collapsed on the sands. She had never seen him so pale.
“Lloyd!” She caught him around the shoulders, and then he had just… kept slipping through her arms, making her hold on tighter. “Lloyd! Lloyd, wake up!”
“Wh…what?” He blinked dazedly at worried faces, leaning into Colette’s hold. “I was just… taking a nap.”
Genis’ expression went from worried to annoyed. “Are you serious?”
“Lloyd, how long have you been feeling faint?” Raine walked up to him, gripping her staff tight. “We may need to take you to a doctor.”
“I.. I’m fine! It’s fine!” Lloyd stood up again, gently moving away from Colette’s arms. “It’s just…the trial… I guess?”
Colette noted how quiet his voice had gotten then.
Raine was considering. “If that’s so… then we should at least make camp and let you rest. There’s an oasis not too far ahead. Genis, get started on dinner when we get there. Colette, please keep an eye on him.”
Lloyd stared at his Professor with some irritation. “I told you I’m fine. I’m not gonna run off!” Still, his voice was low.
But Colette knew there was something wrong.
After settling for the night, Lloyd had wanted to walk, and Colette hoped her presence wasn’t annoying him. But he seemed happy to have her near. They sat on the cool sands, the stars as outstretched as ever in the desert. Maybe they could find the same constellations here, too?
“Hey! Wanna see them again?” he asked her with a grin.
Colette’s smile must have been obvious, because Lloyd already summoned his wings. Great things that unfurled from his back in a great shift of azure light. Just like they had back in the Fire Seal. They framed him in a beautiful way that she wished she could say aloud without making it sound weird.
“That’s so cool!” she said, clasping her hands.
 “Heh, yeah. Although…it’s kinda hard to get used to these.”
Colette tilted her head at him. “Your wings?”
He shrugged. “Yeah. I mean, they really do look cool! But… they’re kinda big, aren’t they?”
The night made his wings appear that much brighter. They were so much like a bird’s wings, nearly as large as Lloyd was tall. Colette was seated on his right side, and his right wing was curled around them both. She had been tempted to reach out to them, wondering if that glow would make sensations across her skin.
He shrugged. “I guess this is just what it means to be an angel or something.”
Colette pressed her lips together, not saying anything at first. She still remembered when Lloyd had paled, falling to his knees, and not responding to her at all…
“Well, you’re still you, Lloyd. Just with wings!” Maybe there were better ways to say it, but she had never been as good with talking as he was. “And…” She risked something here, but she continued. “Even if you’re an angel, you don’t have to like your wings.”
Lloyd turned to her more fully. She could even feel the wind shift behind her, his wings flinching from his motion. “What?”
“I mean…” She tried again. “You don’t have to like them. Because… it doesn’t seem like you do.” Nervously, she reached up to her necklace, its weight comforting. “I think it’s okay to feel that. Or if you find them scary. I think I would, too.” Especially after a fall like that.
Lloyd kept staring at her. Soon, his wings dissipated into nothing, leaving only floating feathers of azure that also evaporated into the air.
His gaze shifted back to the sands. “It probably seems dumb… I’m a Chosen and I can’t stand the sight of my wings, heh.” His voice was hollow.
She dared once more. “Then… why did you want to show them to me?”
Lloyd took a moment. “Because I have to get used to it. Also… it’s easier with you, you know?”
She let go of her necklace to take his hand. Though she couldn’t see the Cruxis Crystal he wore, hidden away by the high collar of his jacket, she could feel it there. Maybe Lloyd had wanted to hide it from himself too.
“It’s okay, Lloyd.”
“Hm..” he said, unable to say anything more. But she felt him grip her hand back.
Sometimes silence was all that was needed. They stayed that way for a while before going back to camp.
Colette was not always so clever, or smart, or so self-assured. She second guessed herself on so many things, that even when she met a young Lloyd back then, it was his bright smile that got her to talk to him. She hadn’t even noticed at first that few others had talked to him either, that she had been one of the first friends he ever had.
But she never doubted she was Lloyd’s friend. And she never doubted that he meant so, so much to her.
When he fell earlier today, the doubt about telling him what she knew was beginning to fade away.
“Lloyd? Why are you up?”
He was looking up at the sky, standing on a small rise. He always liked connecting the stars – and showing her how to do it as well. There was only him and her awake now, while Raine and Genis rested by the campfire. Even Noishe was sleeping peacefully, with barely a whine leaving his throat.
He turned as she went to him. “Oh, it’s my turn to watch for the night, remember?” He smiled. “You should be sleeping though! It’s pretty late.”
The journey had been long and difficult, but it was what the Chosen had to endure – at least what Colette knew about it. Lloyd rarely talked about such things at all. Sometimes… the only way one could even tell he was a Chosen was at the seals, waiting for the angels to bless him. It was only then when he would look so different, but also so sad.
And each time, she could tell it was hard for Lloyd to hide that sadness.
“Lloyd… you collapsed today. Again. The Professor said you didn’t need to do that now. I was supposed to take over…”
He blinked, then turned away. “It’s okay. I feel a lot better now.”
She hesitated. Sometimes he did this, trying to shut himself away. Sometimes, she would let him, but not tonight. She couldn’t. “Lloyd, your hand. Is it feeling better?”
“Huh? Yeah.. yeah, it’s fine!”
She reached for it before she could think to ask him. Because she had a feeling he would say no.
After the Wind Seal, Lloyd had been fainting faster, too. Enough that she couldn’t catch him this time.
The scrape was deep in his palm, still bleeding a little. Looking at it made her own hand ache. “You didn’t get this checked by the Professor.”
He took his hand away from her quickly. “It’s fine.”
She shook her head. “It’s… it’s not, Lloyd. And you know that, don’t you?”
He didn’t say anything.
Colette reached for her necklace, the gift he had given her just a few weeks before he left. Its weight was a comfort that she held onto at night, and even during their fights against monsters, bandits and Desians, it had stayed strong. It was made by Lloyd who was strong himself, she knew. But even a strong person couldn’t be…
“You’re not eating much… and you haven’t been sleeping either.” Colette would sometimes wake and still find him staring up at the stars, all by himself. “Things aren’t okay.”
She felt cruel saying these things, but Lloyd could never lie so easy, not as well as he thought he could. And right now, no good lies were coming to him. He only looked away, eyes dark and his expression somber.
“Why are you…?” he started, but couldn’t finish. Still, Colette needed to tell him more.
“Lloyd, I… know about what happens.. on the journey.”
He turned back to her then. For a moment, she couldn’t read his eyes at all. She had to fill the silence.
“This necklace you gave me. It’s more than just a present… it was supposed to be a memento, wasn’t it? But, I don’t want it to be that. I really don’t.”
“You’re… not supposed to-” Lloyd stopped, realizing his mistake. “I mean, that’s not what…”
She moved closer to him, reaching for his hands again. She tried not to squeeze it tightly, even though she knew now he would not be able to feel a thing. “I… my grandmother knows a lot about the Church of Martel. She used to be a priestess actually. She never told me exactly, but her stories about other Chosen.. and the way you’ve been acting lately..”
Lloyd still wasn’t looking at her. Afraid she was just making things worse, she started to release him again. “I want to be by your side. I don’t want you to go away. I don’t know how to stop that but... I had to at least be here.”
Just as she let go, Lloyd went to embrace her. Like he had on the day he gave her the necklace, except so suddenly.
“Colette, I’m… I’m not doing okay. I’m not… They didn’t tell me this would happen.” He held her tighter. “Dad didn’t tell me anything at all.”
She held him back. “I’m sorry.”
He shook. When he spoke, his voice was a little harsh, but she knew it wasn’t aimed at her. “Why are you apologizing? It’s not… it’s never been your fault! I just can’t.. handle this. I can’t handle anything.”
Colette pulled away so she could see him. With the way he spoke, she expected tears. But none fell from his eyes. So he couldn’t… “I’ll help you find another way. There has to be one. Because I don’t want you to go.” It sounded so childish, the way she said it. Still. “I don’t want you to go.”
Lloyd looked so sad and lost that she wished she could comfort him better. Lloyd pulled her back in his arms, pressing his forehead to hers. “I don’t want to also. I just want to stay.”
Maybe it was the sadness there that made her want to kiss him. She wished she’d have done it sooner. She had been tempted to on the day he gave her the necklace, but held herself back. She was afraid doing it now would be cruel if he couldn’t feel it. But once her lips pressed against his, he kissed her back, fingers digging into her shoulders, desperation in his grip.
It had been fierce and deep. Lloyd pulled back with a little nervousness. “Um… I meant…”
Colette leaned in to take his lips again. Softer this time, finding ways to make him feel, at least perhaps a little. And maybe he could, in some way. Because he still held her so tightly, still tried to press against her mouth as much as he could.
I just want to stay, he had told her. Colette would find a way to make that happen.
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maternalcube · 6 years
i did an art summary so now im doing a fic summary. i was tagged by @jamthedingus also!! ive never done one of these before!! lets go!!!
Rest (13106)
Keith & Lance's Island Adventure (20631)
Atlantis (10014 words)
The Way to a Man’s Heart (6858 words)
nobody's business (2096 words)
leave, and take (557 words)
dead girl walking (1661 words)
the course of fate (1039 words)
who ya gonna call (465 words)
come here often? (806 words)
til kingdom come (1950 words)
stars in the sky (pt 2) (5404 words)
a song of falling (630 words)
Eyes to the Sky (3683 words)
Feet on the Ground (4050 words)
Divergence (6669 words)
homecoming (1426 words)
Window of Opportunity (11144 words)
along that wilderness of glass (3801 words)
string theory (2327 words)
Katt Week (1062 words)
The Pining-Plant (3860 words)
at the end of many worlds (21684 words)
you're my home (19646 words)
Believe Me (3177 words)
Starchild (3568 words)
Summer Heat (2285 words)
third time's the charm (5349 words)
Blackbird (59546 words)
The Sixth Planet (9444 words)
all the infinite realities (1197 words)
Total Fics: 31! (plus one i posted anonymously lmao) Total Words: 229999! (except parts of string theory and the sixth planet were actually posted last year... but still, what a number)
more under the cut!
Ship/character breakdown: i didnt filter out my prompt collection or abandoned wips here so /shrug Ship breakdown:
klance - 6 sheith - 5 shance - 5 katt - 4 heith - 3 pallura - 2 and one each of plance, kallura, allurance, shatt, shkatt, kidge, kidgance, and shunk. and keiths parents lol. let it never be said i am not a multishipper.
and i know gen isnt a ship but it tied with klance at 6 (plus whatevers in the prompt collection) which was a surprise
Character breakdown: man if theres a way to get ao3 to show me ALL the stats, i dont know it. but.
keith - 25 (shocker) shiro - 23 lance - 21 pidge - 17 hunk - 16 allura - 12 matt - 12 and then coran and sam are at 4, and zarkon ats 3 and presumably many others are at 3 or less
Characters that had the main focus: well ~9 were from keiths pov, and ~5 each from shiro and lances povs. i think i also had ~5 from multiple points of view. its safe to say that keith has my heart tho lol
Best/worst title? Best title: i still like “at the end of many worlds.” i weirdly still like “Blackbird” too even if it has nothing to do with anything... Worst title: “Rest.” :/ also like all of the abandoned wips bc i didnt care. and “Keith & Lance's Island Adventure.″ some of my zine fic titles were also... bad. im bad at titles.
Best/worst first line?
Best: Keith & Lance's Island Adventure. ok the title is bad but this line? this really sets the tone for whole fic. you know what youre getting yourself into here.
When Pidge invited Keith to a fully-funded graduation party aboard the Holt family boat (“the smaller one, anyway,” she’d said), this is not exactly what he'd pictured: three of them standing on a wobbly dock, packed bags at their feet, sky cloudy and gray, while the Holt siblings stand on a little ledge off the back of the boat and deny entry.
Worst: ive got two for this lol
at the end of many worlds: even i have to read this a couple times to figure out what i was trying to say. at least you know youre in for pain...
Keith’s mother shows up to interrupt movie night often enough that, this time, Keith almost doesn’t realize anything’s wrong. Almost, because she’s silhouetted by the movie, but she’s clutching her arm and panting for breath, and in the thin edge of light around her he sees a wet and vibrant red.
Divergence: because all your friends being dead is EXACTLY like losing at dodgeball. yeah, theres a reason i abandoned this one.
Hunk always hated playing dodgeball. Not because he was bad at it--though he was--but because he always ended up the last one standing, and therefore the only target for the entire other team. It was due to a tendency to hang unnoticed in the back, he knew, but that didn't change the sickening, empty feeling of looking around and realizing there's no one left but him, and there's no way he can win. Only wait for the inevitable.
This, Hunk decides, is a lot like that, only, like, a billion times worse.
Best/worst last line?
Best: The Pining-Plant. there are a few others that were cute too but this one is also good out of context so
And then the pod swishes open and he's scrambling to catch Pidge as she stumbles out. She clings to his arms to steady herself and his heart swells.
"Falling for me again, huh?" he asks, and she groans loudly.
"Let me go, I'm getting back in the pod," she says, and he laughs. He doesn't let go, and neither does she.
Worst: if im bad at titles, im worse at endings. most are bad. i suspect the ending to “Rest” is terrible but i cant bring myself to even open that shit again so: Believe Me. if weather were a recurring theme in this fic, itd be fine, but as is its just... a weird note to end the fic on lmao
Hunk rocks back on his heels. "We aren't counting this as our official first date, right?"
"I dunno," Keith says, and now he smiles at the rain instead of frowning. It shows no sign of easing up, but whatever—they're soaked anyway. "This seems pretty good to me."
“...All right.” If nothing else, it’ll make a good story. And, Hunk had to admit—he’s pretty happy with how it’s turned out, rain and all.
But next time, he's double-checking the forecast, just in case.
General questions:
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
more than i expected! considering ive been in grad school all year!! i wrote about the same amount wordcount-wise in 2017 which i spent only half in school so. idk how i managed it.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
the anonymous fic was a surprise but im not gonna talk about that lol. otherwise... nah, its all been my usual stuff.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
blackbird, probably. i like working on that one. summer heat was also fun, id sort of forgotten about it bc it was a zine fic but coming back to it, i really liked it. likewise with third time’s the charm. and i like t6p a lot even if i kinda hate drawing for it :’)
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
depends on your metric. window of opportunity has the most kudos, keith and lance’s island adventure has the most hits, and t6p has the most comments and subscriptions. 
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
AT THE END OF MANY WORLDS. oh man i killed myself over that fic. it was important to me. but i think the mcd scared everyone off :’)
Story that could have been better?
i realize “all of them” is kind of a cop out answer but like
Sexiest story?
i have written nothing sexy, ever, in my whole life
Saddest story?
i mean, ateomw. considering all the death. blackbird def has its moments too.
Most fun?
i feel like i answered this in the favorite story q lmao. you’re my home also gets a shoutout, that thing was,, super self-indulgent lmao. and id be lying if i said i didnt have fun with parts of ateomw, even if its mostly sad.
Story with single sweetest moment?
man i write a lot of fluff but so much of you’re my home is just tooth-rotting. heres part of the proposal scene lmao
"Lance!" Keith yelps, barely rescuing the ring from falling into the sand with them. Lance pushes himself up on his arms, silhouetted by the sun and glowing with it.
"Really?" he asks breathlessly.
"Yeah," Keith says, and maybe he should've prepared something to say, that's a thing people do, right? Hell, he's winging it. "I know we can't stay here on Earth forever, 'cause we're paladins, and there's still stuff out there we gotta do. And I know you probably want to stay because this is your home—but you're my home, and if we gotta go, at least you'll have me, good or bad." He grins crookedly. "Or rocket science. Whatever happens, I'll be there."
Hardest story to write?
well t6p gets a shoutout, but its not the writing thats the hard part for that. uhhh ive struggled with parts of blackbird. i remember k&l’s island adventure giving me a LOT of trouble, i think i posted late lol
Easiest/most fun story to write?
anything short uhhh for all the infinite realities, i kind of just sat down the other day (actually i was in bed but) and was like “im gonna write this” and then in the morning i just sat down and wrote it in one go. i dunno if id call it fun, but it was easy. t6p is super fun to write but, as mentioned, drawing it sucks.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
no... my perceptions probably have shifted but not due to anything i wrote in particular. i did talk myself into liking allurance with a prompt fill, though, but im not sure that was 2018...
Most overdue story?
all the infinite realities lmao. at the end of many worlds needed that happy ending. and another shoutout to t6p, because thats been going on over a year and im still nowhere.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
does posting my abandoned wips count? ive still got some of those hanging around... blackbird was a bit of a risk bc my last longfic was written while i was unemployed and out of school, so like i had the time for it, and now i kinda dont. still chugging tho. ateomw b/c of all the death but it turns out i really like writing whump woops. and writing any sort of kissing always feels like a risk bc i suck at it but im getting better lol... i hope...
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
write more! finish things! do more sheith! i really want to work on this sheith longfic i came up with the other day... but i want to get blackbird over with first.
Tagging: eh! do it if you want to!
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wonderdyke · 7 years
The Heart of a Good Woman Chpt 3
Chapter Three: Silver Tongue
Varric was used to people not noticing him, not looking him in the eye, scanning over him in a crowded room: it came with being a dwarf in a world meant for humans. Not being noticed was good for a lot of things: studying people both good and ill so he could use their personality quirks in his next novel, or overhearing conversations or ducking under a punch in a bar fight. So it was particularly unsettling that the Seeker made an attempt to look him in the eye. Clearly, his offhanded comment when she’d been apologizing she’d taken to heart.
She didn’t crouch to look at him eye to eye, nothing so crass. She merely pulled her eyes from whatever she was staring at to include him. Andraste’s tits that shouldn’t make his heart flutter like a schoolgirl.
Except, well… it did. That she was clearly made uncomfortable by it was all the more effecting. Not that he liked to see her uncomfortable but that she was making herself uncomfortable on his behalf… Shit. At some point his feelings on her had shifted; he didn’t know when, maybe after a night in a dark room filled with her soft sighs. It didn’t much matter when it had happened but it had. His feelings had changed from something sharp and carnal to something soft. Something that made his chest ache.
“May I join you?” the woman in question asked standing awkwardly at the corner of the table he’d long ago claimed as his.
Ever since they’d returned from the desert she’d gone out of her way to spend time with him, clearly investing in their newfound ‘friendship’. That all he could remember when he saw her was a stolen moment in a storage room, that every gesture of goodwill from her was twisted in his mind to something that it wasn’t was just further proof that she was a good woman and he was very clearly not a good man.
“Yeah,” he said, his voice sounding hoarse even to his own ears as he shuffled papers out of the way to make room for her.
He watched her nimble fingers as they plucked the gloves from her hands, peeling them off to set them at the table before she turned to him, a smile dancing on her lips, “I thought we could have lunch, I so often forget to eat. Is that same true for you, Varric?”
He nodded, the lump in his throat precluding actual speech. She’d said his name, not hard with derision hitting on the final ‘k’ sound like it was one of her practice dummies. No, she’d said it softly, like he might imagine she’d say it in his bed, her accent soft and lilting over the syllables, rolling the last sound til it hit his chest like distant thunder.
He watched in silence as she waved down a page to fetch something from the kitchens. He grabbed one of the empty mugs that were always perched on the tables waiting for someone to use them and poured her a glass of the honeyed mead he’d been drinking.
“So Seeker,” he began, clearing his throat when his voice choked off, “enjoy being back from the desert?”
She sighed, the sound so similar to the ones she’d made that night that his cock immediately jumped to attention. Void, but he needed to get laid. “I loathe the desert, sand gets… everywhere-” He could imagine the ‘wheres’ she was referring to. “and there’s little balance in temperature. The days are scorching, the nights freezing. Don’t even get me started on the poison springs. If there were a place less conducive to human life I cannot fathom it. Also, please call me ‘Cassandra’, Varric. My title is a bit formal.”
He couldn’t help that his jaw dropped, if only for a brief moment at her request. “Alright… Cassandra.”
“What of you, Varric?” There it was again, his name filled with gentle promises. “How have you been passing time since we’ve returned.”
“Doing a bit of writing,” he hedged, not wanting to tell her he spent his days writing awful letters he’d never send her and taking the edge off the desire which bubbled constantly inside him.
“Oh?” she said suddenly seeming very interested - wasn’t that odd? - before suppressing it. The page returned at that moment with a tray of cold meats and cheeses and some hearty crusty bread for them to munch upon.
She didn’t make much of an effort to hide the fact that she was trying to read the pages he’d set aside upside down. He hid his smile in a mouthful of ham, at least this one didn’t taste of despair.
“I was wondering, perhaps if you had any books I could borrow. I have finished all mine and Dorian mocks me when I ask him.”
He nearly choked on the mouthful of bread he was about to swallow. Apart from magical treatises Sparkler only read one kind of book… and he doubted the Seeker was interested in the more esoteric parts of magical theory. No… couldn’t be.
“Depends,” Varric said, “what kinds of books do you read?” Was she blushing?
“Literature.” He stared at her, that described literally anything. “I prefer things which are lighter in their content - less… depressing-”
She couldn’t possibly…
“Poetry mostly.” she finished awkwardly.
Varric didn’t believe a word. Oh, he believed that she liked poetry but you know who didn’t? The resident Tevinter.
“Have you ever written any poetry?” her voice was so soft as she asked that it was very nearly wistful.
“I’ve dabbled.”
“I would love to read it.” Cassandra said trying and failing to hide her eagerness.
Varric very nearly swallowed his tongue in shock. “Yes… well.” he cleared his throat, “it’s not something I’d really publish. But, I might have a book or two kicking around I could lend you.”
“I’d like that.” she smiled.
It wasn’t long before Cassandra returned to her duties and he retired quickly to his chambers. He spent that afternoon cursing himself for a fool even as he wrote her a poem, aging and wrinkling it before folding it into a book of poetry he intended to lend to her. He sighed, even as he looked at his handiwork.
“You’re a lovesick fool,” he muttered to himself.
That didn’t stop him from sneaking into her chambers and leaving the book beside her bedroll. Hadn’t she heard of a bed? Or at least a cot? He snuck back to his spot even as she smashed another helpless dummy into the mud.
It was several days before she returned the book without comment, it simply appearing on his table while he was absent. The poem within was not there.
Varric’s mind raced with a thousand questions, ‘Had she known the poem was for her?’, ‘Had she liked it?’, ‘Why keep it?’
Unfortunately only one woman knew the answers to those questions and he was not about to ask her.
“Hello, Inquisitor.” Varric greeted his mind still racing over the mystery of Cassandra and the poem. “What can I do for you?”
“Cassandra,” the young mage grinned, leaning far too casually against the corner of his table, “is waiting for the next issue of Swords and Shields.”
He was far too old for shocks like that, gripping his chest he muttered, “I must have heard that wrong. It sounded like you said ‘Cassandra’ read my books.”
“She’s a pretty big fan, in fact.” the young woman said, grinning.
“Are we talking about the same Cassandra? Tall, grumpy, Seeker? Likes stabbing things?” he asked, flabbergasted. “Wait,” he added as his brain stuttered to keep up, “did you say the romance serial?” Everything was starting to make sense, her interest in his writing. The kinds of books she borrowed from Dorian. “She’ll be waiting for a while then. I haven’t finished it and wasn’t planning to. That book is easily the worst I’ve ever written. The last one barely sold enough copies to pay for the ink.”
Evelyn gave a little pout, “Well, Cassandra seems to be hooked on it.”
“And I honestly thought a hole in the sky was the weirdest thing that could happen. So…” Varric mused, “You want me to finish writing the latest issue of my worst serial… for Cassandra?’
The Inquisitor nodded joyfully while biting her lip, likely to keep from bursting into laughter.
“That’s such a terrible idea, I have to do it. On one condition: I get to be there when you give her the book.”
“Deal.” she said, shaking his hand before quickly retreating.
She didn’t even hear him mutter to himself, “You know the fact that the book is terrible makes it more worthwhile somehow.”
He should have been ashamed how quickly the words flowed through him and onto the page, how easily he found words for the longing crawling under his skin and assigned them to a bard who’d tried to assassinate her that the guard captain turned into an ally. Was it too bold to have the bard pine for the captain the entire story as she had her heartbroken by a dashing handsome warrior? Then at the end, he couldn’t help himself, he had the bard confess his love in a hidden poem.
Half of him hoped she didn’t see the parallels, the other hoped she killed him for this. Even as he opened the package his publisher had returned and signed her copy there was no part of him that actually saw a future for himself and the Seeker.
Before he could give it to her the Inquisitor dragged them both to Halamshiral, Void take them.
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nspx · 8 years
Tumblr user Nina nspx’s star wars fic rec vol. 2
An anon asked me for an ahsoka/anakin fic rec and i accidentally deleted the ask (i’m dumb!!) BUT because i love ahsoka and i love anakin and i love their relationship and how they helped each other, i’m gonna do a completely separate fic rec for the anon (i hope u see this lmao sorry for deleting the ask). 
but anyway, since the last time i did a rec i had 22 bookmarks on ao3 (i did the last one on october 19th 2015?? how time flies) and now i have like 80+, i decided to do much more than just an anakin/ahsoka rec, but a general star wars fic res
DISCLAIMER: none of these fics feature anakin/ahsoka in a sexual relationship because i am Not About That BUT they do feature other pairings. anyhow. 
These are fics u need to read. need to. sorry, i don’t make the rules. this is gonna be so long. i’m sorry (not)
A River Flowing by Barkour
A shadow has left the force, but other threats remain as Padmé and Anakin prepare for the birth of their child.
Part 2 of Peachy
The only issue i have with this fic is that it hasn’t been updated in forever. It’s so good tho!! i’m pretty sure i read this one at least four times. anakin doesn’t go evil (which is something the anon asked for!! here u go) but not everything is perfect - duh, it is a star wars fic, we don’t know what happiness is here - and AHSOKA IS SO WELL WRITTEN!! so good. it also dives into life after the jedi, being a civilian, being dirt-poor and living on coruscant and ALSO!! padme/ahsoka is well developed in this. so good. so great. 10/10 must read
Assassination Attempt No. 23 by pieandsouffle
Tatooine's only senator (or, indeed, one of the only people from that desert planet who is capable of reading and writing, or actually understands what the word 'politics' means), Anakin Skywalker, seems to be one of those rare individuals who attract bounty hunters like flies zero in on a bantha corpse.
The senator!anakin au. what more do u need in life? shenanigans ensue
Old Shadows by Sildae for Windona
Ahsoka asks Anakin about his past after the events on Kadavo and Zygerria.
My babies. My poor heart. 
Obi-Wan and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad (Life) Day by wreckageofstars
It's Obi-Wan Kenobi's life day, but good luck telling the galaxy that.
Anakin and Ahsoka are little shits. obi wan and padme are drinking buddies?? sign me the fuck up. the end
hold on to me, 'cause i'm a little unsteady (ws!obi-wan au) by QueenWithABeeThrone
the one where Obi-wan falls off a ship and gets the Winter Soldier treatment, Anakin doesn't fall to the Dark Side but still loses his limbs, Ahsoka can fly with a one-of-a-kind wing-pack, and Padmé gives birth to twins and a Rebellion.
angels choking on their haloes QueenWithABeeThrone
Anakin hadn’t been lying, when he said he could never kill Obi-wan like he was being asked to, no matter what Obi-wan’s become.
or: Mustafar, in reverse.
Part 1 of hold on to me, 'cause i'm a little unsteady (ws!obi-wan au)
GO READ THIS. it’s unfinished (hasn’t been updated since early 2016, i weep) BUT. still worth a read. really worth it. the second part of this verse ends on the nastiest, most delicious cliffhanger. I WEEP
and hey, a honorary mention, since i haven’t actually read this fic but it was in my ao3 history 
Perturbations by the_dragongirl
Anakin makes a different choice, the day Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order. His actions will determine which of the many possible points of balance in the Force will become the new equilibrium
Part 1 of A Shift in Equilibrium
this has a lot of kudos so?? what the hell. give it a read and tell me what you think
this is it for the anakin/ahsoka part of the rec
Fundamental Force Carriers by tanarill
The Sith Lord Darth Vader lived his life. He probably didn't live it well, but he lived it as well as he knew how. At the end there, he'd even managed to woman up and kill Sidious. But he was dying, and at peace with the past.
The past wasn't at peace with him.
Part 1 of Probability Matrices
honestly, this fic is just SU CH a delight. it’s well written, it’s got some real cool science facts for your everyday nerd needs BUT IT’S ALSO THE CRACKIEST CRACKFIC TO EVER CRACK. like. vader dies and goes back in time and he’s got 0 fucks to give about the jedi’s opinion?? he’s here to make things right whether the jedi like it or not??? such a funny, amazing fic. 12/10 on this. nice. 
Echoes of Mortis by wreckageofstars
Post-Mortis Arc AU. In a universe where the Father failed to take away Anakin's vision of the future, the Hero With No Fear struggles with the knowledge of what he will become and the knowledge of who, exactly, is responsible. Drastic steps are taken and in the process things go a little bit...sideways.
tbh. so good. also a post-mortic fic (i’m a hoe for mortis). i won’t say too much about this one because i don’t want to spoil anything. i was on the edge of my seat while reading this fic AT ALL TIMES. AT ALL TIMES. I HAD TO READ THE LAST CHAPTER BEFORE READING ON TO MAKE SURE ANAKIN WOULDN’T GO ALL EVIL. i was so pleasantly surprised. it’s just so - poetic. anakin really does a lot of growing in this, i think. brilliant fic 
those immortal dead by notbecauseofvictories
I care more for that long age which I shall never see than for the little of Time that I hold
Padmé Amidala is forgotten, not gone.
This is a five times padme amidala’s legacy lived on, basically. it’s got poe in it as well!! and rey, my daughter. what more do you need from a fic? so well written, so poignant, so beautiful
Palpatine Ad Portas by izzythehutt
When the Emperor Palpatine moves the Empire Day Celebration to Naboo, Darth Vader is forced to confront a past he had thought better buried and forgotten. Admiral Piett becomes the reluctant confidante of the monarch, caught in the middle of a deadly Sith cat-and-mouse mind game. Meanwhile, the young Rebel who blew up the Death Star returns to his mother's home world to pay his respects on the anniversary of her death--unaware of his father and the Emperor's presence on the planet and the very grave danger he is in.
Part 2 of In Loco Pirates-Verse
fucked me up really bad, tbh. vader goes to naboo. luke is there. it’s brilliant, but so painful. read at your own risk (but do read it)
Hello From the Other Side by DarthNickels
Kylo Ren is destined to take up the mantle of Vader. The Force can be incredibly literal.
MY FAVOURITE IMPERIAL OFFICER PIETT IS IN THIS!!! and he hates kylo so much, he thinks he’s such a pale imitation of vader, he’s so disgusted by him. i live for it. 10/10
The Sith Who Brought Life Day by ophelia_interrupted for Binder-lover
An Imperial officer loses a bet and has to get Darth Vader a present for Life Day.
i feel like this is such a star wars fic classic that everyone’s already read ages ago except me. the style on this feels really like. (don’t judge me if i’m way off on this lmao) catcher in the rye. reminds me old american classics. that type of feel. it’s so good!!
Into the Archives by skygawker
After hearing the legend of Darth Plagueis the Wise from Palpatine, Anakin decides that his best chance to save Padme is to break into the restricted Holocron Vault of the Temple Archives to search for information about Plagueis. Predictably, all does not go according to plan. Revenge of the Sith AU.
My tiny son anakin is such a mess in this. and you can tell this is au because anakin and obi wan actually talk about anakin’s feelings?? what?? what are those?? anyway. so good. it hasn’t been updated since feb 2016 but like?? my fics havent been since july 2015. figures
for a hundred miles through the desert by wreckageofstars
[“There's no water, on Tatooine,” Luke said finally. “I mean, no large bodies of water, like you have on other planets. Pools, lakes. Oceans.”
“Well, yeah,” Han said, eyebrow raised at the sudden change of subject, tone still sharper than he meant for it to be. “Place is a dustball. So?”
The kid still wouldn't look at him.
“So,” he said, face carefully blank, like it so often was these days, “I never learned how to swim.”]
Han has a hard time coming to terms with Luke's fall to the dark side during Dark Empire; so does Luke. 
This is some serious EU shit, but it’s pretty good on its own as an AU scenario. I LOVE the meta on this. love
and rise, rise in the desert sand by hollytrees
Padmé and Anakin keep in touch after TPM.
(Or, the author has started writing Fialleril's Pen Pals AU, possibly because they hate themselves.)
THIS ONE IS SO PAINFUL AND HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL!! it’s got one chapter but it’s so worth it
Never Heed by dogmatix, norcumi
The Sith Emperor is dead.
A clone visits one more pyre in his long life.
Part 4 of Ghosts of 66
This is Rex coming to Vader’s pyre. fuck mE UP. like HONESTLY. THERE’S ONE BIT IN THIS THAT MAKES ME WANNA CURL UP AND CRY EVERY TIME. actually two bits. three bits. the whole damn story. anyhow
Mercy is the Mighties' Jewel by akathecentimetre for TheCrackedKatana
They've chased each other all over the world - yet somehow, they will always end up here. Modern-day spy!AU with illustration by JakartaInn.
The Obi-wan and Ventress spy au of your dreams. what more do i need to say?
to lie with your soul in the grave by plinys
Poe casts a glance at the door, he can see their mothers through the semi-transparent glass, it’s too quiet to hear them talk, but he knows whatever it is it can’t be good. The kid sitting next to him seems to have the same idea.
“So, who talks first?” Poe says, breaking the silence between them.
Tbh.. don’t judge but when tfa came out i liked kylo (i’m more.. conflicted about him now) and i read a lot of kylo fic in that time period. i was never a reylo, so i read a lot of other kylo fic, which was mostly either kyhux or kylo/poe WHICH THIS FIC IS ABOUT. THEY KNEW EACH OTHER GROWING UP. THEY WERE IN LOVE. all i remember from this fic is that it’s so well written. give it a read if you’re into this sort of thing
I read like three more kylo/poe fics that are also very good, so. anyway. here goes
saying that I love him but I know I'm gonna leave him byselenedaydreams
“This could be us one day.” Poe whispers half to himself as he finally turns towards Ben, finding a curious expression on his face. “This could be us.” He repeats, this time with more excitement. “You and me. Pilot and copilot. Traveling the universe together.”
Poe has never seen Ben smile at him the way he’s smiling now but Ben’s reaching for his hand and lacing their fingers together so it must be good. “Together.”
Lost To Me by red0aktree
Poe met Ben Solo when he was too young to even know what it meant to meet someone.
Poe met Kylo Ren years later.
Separating the prince of the First Order from the boy he grew up with proves more difficult than the pilot could ever imagine.
Melting Away by SF2187
Before he was Kylo Ren, he was in love with the best pilot in the Republic.
what i like about these fics is that (from what i remember) they don’t erase the fact that kylo is a raging asshole now. nice
excavate me (from all the girls I've tried to be) by Shadows_of_a_Dream
“Rise, Skywalker.”
“I told you,” Rey hisses through gritted teeth. “He’s gone.” Like everyone else. Like all the girls I’ve tried to be. Like all the girls I might have yet become, because I’m going to die alone on this unknown sea.
The mask returns his lightsaber to his belt. And like a crashing wave, like a renewed flame, like the weight of a planet falling squarely upon her shoulders, the mask looks at her and says, “I was talking to you.”
Part 1 of I never asked to tread the skies (but if I shall, I suppose I'll fly)
This one is so... intense. so intense. and so good. 20/10
need somewhere to begin by doubtthestars
Anthology of the War
1//The first time she officially meets Poe, she divulges secrets that aren't hers to tell. 2// If he had been born in any other family, Ben Solo would have been a soldier. 3// When she sees Rey, Leia only has a brief moment to reflect on all of their wrongs.
Read. That is all.
Trial by nymja
Kylo Ren kneels in the snow before her.
“Do it,” he demands.
Rey breathes in through her nose. Her hands are shaking. Her blade starts to burn the skin of his exposed neck. Do it for Han.
Luke takes Rey to face The Cave.
Part 4 of Do or Do Not
So cool.
Lessons Learned by nymja
“You’re never going to get anywhere if you don’t learn patience, first.”
“I’m the strongest knight here!”
The Jedi looks around the room, eyeing the skull of his grandfather with pointed distaste. “Yes, well. Good work.”
Part 1 of The Sad Grandpa Trilogy
Forceghost!obi-wan is so disappointed in kylo. it’s great. READ THE WHOLE SERIES BECAUSE IT’S GOLD!! it’s so good!! the next one is about rey and forceghost!anakin in the desert and that fic is so interesting because in it, anakin isn’t really as much of a grandfather figure as he is a friend figure and one of his corporeal forms is a warning to rey. like a mirror in the force (to her, to ren, it’s so brilliant). honestly i could talk forever about the next fic in this series because anakin is SO WELL WRITTEN. SO WELL WRITTEN. 
tbh @fialleril​‘s Double Agent Vader verse gets the biggest shoutout (love u fia you’re my inspiration) for sheer amazingness. i won’t list any of the fics in the verse because u need to read all of them. yes, all of them. get to it
ACTUALLY. you should read all of fia’s work. all of it. (on the offchance that fia actually reads this, i can’t wait for anabasis i am so pumped)
ALSO!! another must read is @phil-the-stone‘s pocket full of sand 'verse. it’s such an Iconic piece of star wars fanfiction!! like bye, everyone needs to read this
ALSO another one of hers because?? why not. nursery ‘verse!!! i’m so heart eyes over nursery verse. i’m forever flattered because some of my headcanons are in this!! best thing i’ve ever done. (phil writes mostly b99 and ouat now, but still check it out, her writing is so good)
other fandom must-read authors include:
irnan (all of their work, i’m not kidding, writer goals)
frodogenic (they wrote darth vader’s limplet and other hilarious fics, honestly, star wars humor at its finest)
a bunch of others, though you might find more in my previous rec 
Now. Since we’ve come to the end of this ridiculously long rec, it’s time for me to shamelessly plug my own blog. you can find more tumblr fic in my tag here, you can find my writing here and on ao3 *whispers* leave me a comment, you can find my bookmarks here (and find fics i did not include that are also very good)
have fun reading!!
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