#yeah his dislike list is populated both by world injustices and minor inconveniences
i-mybrunettelady · 2 years
It was cool seeing you again in-game today! (Even if both of us are awkward nerds :P) Out of curiosity, does El have any specific thoughts about charr or charr society, and/or are any of said thoughts influenced by having Liv as a partner? Or, alternatively, does he have a grudge towards any specific charr that have hurt Liv in the past? -- fractal-quadrilioquy
Hi! And yeah, it was cool seeing you too (I promise I'm usually more talkative and just so you know, you've been added to the friends list as a compensation for my less than stellar performance on the "communication" part today) <3
But yeah, El and charr society. Like with many things that aren't sylvari, it takes him a bit to understand it. By nature, he doesn't like systems as restrictive as the Legions, and he'd be a god awful soldier, even in the Vigil. Moral alignment chart: chaotic chaotic. Thusly, he always had a bit of a prejudice against the Legions from the get-go and though he likes their alcohol, it's basically the only thing he likes about 'em.
Cue Liv & his story and that prejudice blows into absolute dislike. What angers him the most, beside their treatment of Liv as an individual (and though he doesn't wanna admit, the potential other charr like Liv), is their dislike of magic to the point of making people be ashamed of having magic and thinking their lives are less meaningful because they're using spells (see that one NPC in the Bane in Black Citadel).
And he wanted to find a specific source to guide that anger towards, like he did with the whole Maguuma situation when he blamed it all on Nyra, but as Liv told him many times, you can't attack a whole system that is ruthlessly efficient and cannot change overnight. That only feeds into El's anger towards the world as a whole, anger that he's just now learning to aim at more tangible targets.
It's a highly lose-lose situation, highlighted by his still developing emotional maturity and the slowly developing knowledge that nuance is a thing. He sits at the crossroads of having a huge ego, feeling things deeply and sensing injustice, all with the maturity of a teenager. Who have this child a dagger pls
But he doesn't hate individual charr, unless they're a horrible person (DAI spoilers, possibly, but Iron Bull describes it perfectly here, from 5:24), though he is prejudiced against Iron Legion most out of the three (needless to say he dislikes Ash cause spies, and Blood cause military discipline so really, Legions can't win. Only Legion with a teeny tiny finger to stand on his good graces is Flame, because he's been lowkey fascinated by Flame elementalists.)
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