#yeah i have a new intrest (shakespeare)
fishfucker6969 ยท 2 years
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he is babygirl. to me
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dachi-chan25 ยท 4 years
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I finished my tbr but I didn't liked a lot of the books, I am so disappointed, I read 2 extra graphic novels to at least get something I did like so yeah.
1-Cinco Horas Con Mario - Miguel Delibes
Se que es un clรกsico de la literatura espaรฑola pero es que la mujer es insufrible de verdad que es una basura de personaje totalmente despreciable y prejuiciosa el concepto del libro me atrajo muchรญsimo pero de verdad que yo no puedo con el monรณlogo interno de esta mujer.
2.- The Young Elites - Marie Lu
I think I know what they were going for with Adelina, Marie Lu was going for an anti hero or a fallen hero but Adelina lacked so much depth for that to be the case, sadly the worldbuilding wasn't great either, again the premise seemed intriguing to me but I didn't like the characters or the plot and seeing as this is very character driven I couldn't enjoy it nor am I inclined to read the next books.
3.- A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
I was so disappointed, I became intrested in this after reading about the author and how this book came to be published. But I am sorry to say I just couldn't connect with any of the characters or the humor so yeah it wasn't an enjoyable read for me at all.
4.-Athena's Champion - David Hair/Cath Mayo
It was ok, I felt pretty luckwarm toward this, which is surprising as I loved the Moontide Quartet by David Hair, and this "prequel" to the Illiad certainly sounded like something I would enjoy but it felt so juvenile and again the characters annoyed me a lot, idk maybe I wasn't in the right mood for it.
5.-Four Dead queens - Astrid Scholtte
The worldbuilding made no sense to me. It was predictable and the villian was a caricature, the romance was bland and the relationship I did care about came to nothing because the title itself spoils the queens die, like I just don't get how a system that doesn't work for anyone literally even the rulers disliked the Queenly Law is still going on.
6.-Kingsbane (Empirium #2)- Claire Legrand
Whyyyyyy??? I really liked the first book, and unpopular opinion but I liked both queens, but this book was so wierd, Rielle felt like a whole new character like I was curious as to how she came to be the Blood Queen and it was such a disappointment I hoped for more, and Elena didn't fare much better, I just - I will not continue the series I just didn't like this book at all and i don't see how it will recover from the point it left us.
7.-The Kingdom of Cooper (Daevad Trilogy #2) - S.A Chakraborty
Finally some good food!!!! So by this point I pretty much thought I was brain dead and didn't like reading anymore but this book returned my faith. Why hadn't I read this??? Nahri goes through so much in this book and I really love how much Ali and she complement each other, how idelistic and caring they both are, like I really want them together not only romantically (I mean I know they in laws but let's be honest Muntadhir would rather be married to Nahri's brother, soooo we can work it out) Dara fucked up but I did feel for him, like I don't support what he is doing but the politics of it were complicated, and well Daevad is a mess rn so yeah I am dying to see what happens next.
8.-Candide - Voltaire
It was pretty funny and there is a lot of satire going on, I always appreciate that.
9.- La Senda del mexica - Joaquin Guerrero Casasola
Me encanto el concepto, una novela negra ubicada en Tenochtitlan es algo que de verdad me intrigaba, sobre todo porque utilizan el concepto de detective viejo que ya duda de sus habilidades, Opochtli no es un personaje que me agradara en particular pero lo disfrute como protagonista y la historia aunque bastante sencilla fue muy original y descriptiva, realmente me pude imaginar todos los sabores y colores que describรญa Opochtli y eso lo aprecio mucho.
10.- King Lear - William Shakespeare
This is a re-read for me, this play is one of my favorites and I enjoy a lot to read it every now and then.
11.- Bury what we cannot take - Kristen Chen
This book is about a family that seeks to flee China during the Mao regimen to go to Hong Kong where the father lives with his mistress, the mother is unable to get permission for all of them leaves San San her young daughter then faces horrors as she tries to catch up with her family as her brother who was very loyal to the party tries to go back. I thought it was a great read really moving, but the end felt too open for me I wanted more I wanted to go deeper and Stronger w some themes so it left me dissatisfied.
12.- The Priory of the orange tree - Samantha Shannon
I loved it!!!! The mythology surrounding the dragons and wyrms was great, the different realms w their different systems. The religion, in Virtudom especially where the ruler is believed to be a descendant from the Saint (and that plot twist), the characters and how well developed they were. Sabran and Ead! !!!! Like I was hoping they would be the saphicc romance everyone raved about cuz I loved their interactions, like I lost hope for a second there but then I was so happy when it came to happen, as a matter of fact the only reason why I didn't give this 5 stars is cuz I would have loved to have a prologue 10 years in the future to see them fulfill their promise.
13.- Verify - Joelle Charbonneau
It might be good to introduce dystopic to a young audience, like this takes from many classic dystopias that gives a nice fundation if you never read one before, but as someone who enjoys dystopias a lot for me this was pretty boring and unoriginal, I know it was supposed to be a retelling of Fahrenheith 451 but I didn't see ir that way, like we could argue Paper is deemed as illegal and stuff but tbh it wasn't great, the main character was very unappealing to me, so not reading the next one.
14.-Prosper's demon - K.J Parker
I really loved this one!!! Very short but succeeds in establishing the world and the characters, it was so good, full of morally grey characters, the ending left me shook like it really made me believe one thing and then boom!!!
15.-The Book of Lost Saints - Josรฉ Daniel Older
So this book is about a spirit taking possesion of her nephew's dreams so he will investigate what happened to her, how she died as she doesn't even remember her name, her memories are super vague. We unravel the story of a Cuban family in the middle of the revolution and institution of the communist rรฉgimen, how many people were prosecuted for fighting against Castro, among them Isabel and her sister Marisol. We get another amazing plot twist (for real it made me cry) intergenerational trauma and the search of identity as an immigrant pretty great stuff.
16.- Snow Glass Apples - Neil Gaiman
I loved it!!!! Dark retellings are some of my favorite things, and I have always liked Vampire!Snow White, this is just so creepy and good.
17. - Laura Dean Keeps breaking up with me - Mariko Tamaki
Lots of queer representation and drama!!!! For real I just wanted to hug Freddie and tell her Laura wasn't shit. So we get the Importance of friendship and a good support system how a relationship can be toxic even if there is love (codependence isn't fun kids) and lots of relevant topics.
Gosh i really wish next month goes better, I will do another unhaul.
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surveysonfleek ยท 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 19
1801. How many smurfs can you name? never really watched it. just smurfette and papa smurf. 1802. Do you keep track of your life using a planner or calendar book?Would you be lost without it? i have a planner that i only use for busy months. 1803. Have you ever fully eradicated a bad habit that you had? yeah. biting my nails. 1804. Where do snowflakes come from? the sky. 1805. What do these latin phrases mean? Et tu Brute: Congito ergo sum: no idea on both.
1806. You're writing a story. The super hot (guy or girl?): guy is about to kiss (who): a frog Just then they get interrupted by (what): the princess and somebody screams, (what):"wtf" but it is too late. Fortunately (who): the king walks by and does something (what): nothing and they all live (how): unhappily ever after. 1807. The radio is playing U2, The Defects, Echo & the Bunnymen, The Pointer Sisters, Staubkind, and Dr. Dre. on different stations. Which band are you most likely to listen to? dr dre. 1808. How do you feel about the tsunami that killed over 100,000 people in December 2004? itโ€™s actually quite shocking to reread the amount of people that lost their lives that day. crazy. 1809. What is the difference between madness and brilliance? brilliance is more of what society would find impressive. 1810. Write any random sentance here: you spelt sentence wrong. 1811. Say the sentence you wrote out loud. Did anybody answer? no. 1812. Turn on your TV if it's not on already, what channel is it? no thanks, remote is too far. 1813. If you were to hit redial on your phone right now, who would it call? work. 1814. Hit edit paste on your browser and paste the last thing you copied here: this survey... so no. 1815. Miracle on 34th street, original or remake? i forgot both tbh. 1816. Have you ever been in a parade? nope. 1817. Why don't people just walk up to each other and become friends? iโ€™m sure itโ€™s happened. 1818. Do you turn the bass up all the way in your car (or would you if you had a car) and blast the music? yeah itโ€™s on max. 1819. Do you care if what you do annoys others? to some extent. 1820. What keeps you from being happy? people bringing me down. 1821. If you could go back in time and talk to yourself five years ago what would you say to yourself(You can only stay in the past for FIVE MINUTES so make it COUNT!)? iโ€™d definitely give myself a direction to go career-wise. 1822. Write a surreal (Having an oddly dreamlike quality) sentance: no. 1823. Can you talk for one hour without using the word 'like'? possibly. 1824. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? no. 1825. Say something nice about: yourself: iโ€™m kind to the people i love. me: thanks for coming up with questions to help me kill time. your dad: he is the most generous person i know. your mom: sheโ€™s the best mother anyone could ask for. the one you love: very patient lol. 1826. Questions from random movies: Why is it that a fly can't bird but a bird can fly? You know what people are liking at night? cool. 1827. What is your favorite movie that Denzel Washington has been in? coach carter for sure. 1828. What websites are addictive to you? youtube, reddit, tumblr. 1829. Who do you love so much that you would clean live maggots out of their garbage pail just so that they didn't have to? ummmm. i donโ€™t know... 1830. Who do you think will read all 5,000 of your answers to this survey? no one. or someone whoโ€™s redoing them. 1831. Out of everyone reading your diary, how many people know your first name? not many. 1832. When you die and your tragic story is a human intrest spot on the news will you want your friends and family to say you were the greatest smartest and kindest person ever...or tell the truth? tell the truth. iโ€™m dead anyway. 1833. Have you filled out an organ donor card? no. 1834. Who do you never want to end up like? my boyfriendโ€™s mother. 1835. How many oxymorons can you think of? pretty ugly. microsoft works. haha idk. 1836. How many years old is your diary? - 1837. How could today get any worse? no. 1838. What will you never ever do again? not sure... 1839. What's the most terrible lie someone could tell you? something that i already know? 1840. Would you ever wear vinyl pants? probably not. 1841. What was the last thing that you printed out? tickets. 1842. What would you say to Flavor Flav if you saw him walking down the street? nothing. 1843. What are you dependant on? my mother. 1844. What do you look forward to each day? eating and sleeping. 1845. What did you think of the Columbine shootings? tbh i donโ€™t know much about it. 1846. Did you take lessons as a kid? what? gymnastics and karate. 1847. What's the best song to listen to after a break up? boyz ii men. 1848. The radio is playing Poison, Inxs, the Psychadelic Furs, Dio, and Matchbox 20 on different stations. What do you listen to? none. 1849. Do you know what it's like to take care of someone else? yes. 1850. Would you rather take care of someone or be taken care of? obviously be taken care of. but itโ€™s also nice and rewarding to take care of someone else that needs it. 1851. What is the worst 80's song in your opinion? idk. 1852. What song makes you so happy that just want to dance and dance and DANCE? haha plenty of songs. old school rnb i guess. God, does it even matter if you think you "can't dance?" nope. 1853. What has been your most beautiful magical memorable cloud nine manic ecstatic incredibly happy bouncy air-light moment of this life??? watching my boyfriend win on roulette with one single bet in the private section of the casino in monaco. 1854. According to Depeche Mode, "Everything counts in large amounts." According to the Crow, "Nothing is trivial." Do you believe this is true? idk. 1855. Are you enjoying this thrilling lucious roller coaster ride of a life as much as I am? sure. 1856. Do you know how improbable it is that life exists at all? haha donโ€™t get me started. 1857. Are you kind to strangers? most of the time. 1858. Do you go out of your way for other people? if i like them and if theyโ€™d do the same for me. 1859. Make a promise: iโ€™ll try and finish this 5000q survey. 1860. Will you keep it? keyword: try. 1861. What do you think of the author of this survey? idk. What's my gender? female? What's my age? this is 10yo so maybe youโ€™re 30+? What bands do I like(you must have SOME idea by now)? 90s stuff. Anything else?? no. 1862. What makes something "literature"? Also, what makes something "art?" to me personally, literature is basically any piece of written work and art can be seen/heard/felt/smelt/tasted in anything. 1863. Why are you even doing this survey?? Doesn't it TELL you something that you have NOTHING BETTER TO DO than fill out a 5,000 question survey??? iโ€™m incredibly bored. 1864. Has answering these questions been a learning experiance for you (writeing them certainly has been for me)? the spelling mistake though. 1865. Have you ever been so happy you could cry? yes. 1866. Do you know that the one you love is the one you will spend the rest of your life with?? haha no i didnโ€™t know that. 1867. Have you ever asked yourself, 'Is there any more to life than this?' yes. 1868. What did you answer yourself? nothing. 1869. Do you let the restrictions of society restrain you? nope. 1870. Or are you just too full of life to be stopped?? sure. 1871. We are spinning on a bright blue bulb that is bursting with life. How could you possibly feel alone? eh... 1872. Is there something you'd like to try? sure, first class! 1873. What makes your heart smile and your skin get all tingly-ish? any time iโ€™m happy. 1874. How long has it been since you danced the night away? quite awhile... 1875. Are you willing to do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to get the most out ofย life? at this stage in my life, no. but i want to. 1876. Are you willing to give the very best most beautiful part of yourself to the world? sure. 1877. Is there love in your heart? yes. 1878. Do things tend to go your way more often when you're happy? i guess so. 1879. What do you do while everyone sleeps? work or surveys lol. 1880. What is one thing you will you never ever ever get any more of? idk. 1881. What's your favorite short story? idk. 1882. Have do you feel about beauty pageants? theyโ€™re terrible for children and teens. it sets them up for an insecure mindset if theyโ€™re being judged on their looks all the time.ย  1883. If it ain't broke (say anything but 'don't fix it'): enjoy it. 1884. What is your favorite DIY related website? (mine is probably http://www.homeofthesampler.com) pinterest. 1885. Do you bruise easily? no. 1886. In William Shakespeare's play, "All's Well That Ends Well," the character Parolles makes an interesting speech about virginity, saying that "Virginity by being once lost may be ten times found; by being ever kept, it is ever lost...To speak on the part of virginity is to accuse your mothers; which is most infallible disobedience...virginity murders itself; and should be buried in highways, out of all sanctified limit, as a desperate offendress against nature. Virginity breeds mites, much like a cheese; consumes itself to the very paring, and so dies with feeding his own stomach. Besides, virginity is peevish, proud, idle, made of self-love, which is the most inhibited sin in the canon. Keep it not; you cannot choose but lose by't..." What do you think of this? tl:dr. 1887. Would you prefer to stay in a motel, hotel, inn, lodge, or resort? resort. 1888. Have you ever gone scuba diving? no, too scared. 1889. What kind of bread do you like? soft white bread. 1890. Do you usually behave the way you want to? yes. 1891. How does the idea in your head of what you want to be like match up to the reality of what you are like? no. 1892. Do you realize that in 111 questions this survey will have more questions than there have been years since christ was born? haha crazy. 1893. Are your air and water as pure as you want them to be? probably not. 1894. Would you ever visit an insect zoo? i guess i would. 1895. Can you enjoy life without stimulants (coffee, ciggarettes, drugs, alcohol)? i could. 1896. How many hours do you sleep every night? between 5-8. 1897. Is this survey your friday or saturday night date? yes hahaha. 1898. I go crazy when I'm without _______. sleep. 1899. Can you do the robot dance? no. 1900. How much thought do you put into your dance moves? not much at all. 1901. Are you able to recognize patterns, habits, routines and break out of them? yes.
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dachi-chan25 ยท 4 years
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I had books that I either loved or hated so idk maybe I need to do another unhaul to ensure I read books I'll actually enjoy.
1- OtherEarth (Otherworld #2) by Jason Segel
So this was a big disappointment. It started out fine, but I had this bad feeling about what the twist of this book would be about 50% into it, and then the twist comes and it was just as bad as I feared. Honestly I don't even know if I wanna continue with the last book, I have it but honestly I can't say I am looking forward to it, it wasn't just the plot that fell down but the characters felt pretty inconsistent and yeah not a fan.
2.- Fireborne (The Aurelian Cycle #1) by Rosaria Munda
The only thing I knew going into this was that it was inspired by Plato's Republic and that it was similar to Game of Thrones, so maybe that is why I found it pretty underwhelming. Like yeah I could see why it was based off the Republic with this system of education (tbh I still found it pretty basic and very much alike to other social systems I've read in other YA books) and there was some intresting tid-bits but not enough to keep me intrested. Now the characters, I liked both individually (unpopular opinion but I liked Annie more, I thought she had real potential but it was wasted because the moment she and Lee have this romance her character completely lost herself on thinking about him and what he did all the time) but I do not think they worked together romantically. There is some potential drama for book 2 but I am not intrested in reading it.
3.- The Mistress (The Original Sinners #4) by Tiffany Reisz
This book was so good. Yeah it was super predictable, but the drama tho. I really loved Layla, she gave us an outsider's insight on Sรธren and Nora's relationship, and she is just the sweetest that I instantly knew she and Weasley were gonna get together. I cried at that last confrontation scene with Nora and Marie Laure and I am so happy that Nora is back together with Sรธren because they are truly a good couple despide everything.
4.-Gods of Jade and Shadow - Silvia Moreno Garcia
I LOVED it. Ever since I saw the cover I was sold. This book I feel like it was meant for me. Like our protagonist Casiopea Tรบn is a dark skinned mexican girl of mayan descent in the 1920s who meets one of the lords of Xibalba and goes on a quest to help him retake his throne???? And on the way he falls in love with her so much he is about to forfeit his divinity to have a chance to be with her. I just, it was so beautiful, I felt my culture was really represented here, and it's so wierd to see the 1920's represented in Mexico I don't believe I had read something like this before and I will read anything Silvia Moreno Garcia writes from now on. Hopefully we will have a second book for this because that ending makes me wonder what adventures Casiopea will have.
5.-Little Gods by Meng Jin
This book blew my mind. The structure is perfect for the themes . Su Lan was a truly fascinating character though I felt very sad about her, always wanting to escape her past and thinking she was so undeserving for anything good in her life and still fighting to go on. The ending was so good, and all the cast of characters made an excellent conection between the past and the future.
6.- As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
Yeah I am a pretentious ho. I was very intimidated by this book (and anything written by Faulkner really) and I was really having trouble understanding the book at first because the prose is so particular (there are sentences that read like Shakespeare, some are almost Biblical stuff and then most of the dialogue is this very coloquial english with very poor ortography) and as English is not my first lenguage I struggled. But then we get to Addie's death and all this odyssey the family goes through to bury her, and it was so beautiful and exciting. I especially loved everything about Addie's chapter, she was so much better than her husband and she deserved better than what she got. I really liked Dewey Dell and Darl. While I hated Anse Bundren with a passion so the end really made me angry like waaaaat this selfish asshole gets everything he wanted and then some??? But I got why it made sense for the book. So I definitely recommend this, but my advice is to let yourself glide through the book, do not try to understand or make sense of it as you start it because then you become frustrated like it happened to me at first but it's a really beautiful book so I am really considering reading more Faulkner.
7.-Chosen (Slayer #2) by Kiersten White
I enjoyed this book so much. It's a very easy read and we get some growth on Nina and Artemis. I liked the idea of the Watcher's Castle being a refuge for inofenssive demons. And omgggg I fangirled SO hard when Oz, Harmony and Clem appeared (my fave characters, like literally I only need a Spike cameo in these books to be completely happy). I really wanna see Nina meet Buffy in real life and ahhh I am excited for whatever the next book will bring us.
8.-Out of Salem by Hal Schrieve
This is perharps my favorite book I read this month. It felt so relevant to things that are happening in the world, but escapist enough to bear it. For starters I love a good urban fantasy setting, and this was it. Z was a great non-binary protagonist (the fact the author is also non-binary also helps) like it was pretty original to make them a zombie when necromancy is viewed as wrong in their society and they get discriminated for it even though they knew nothing about how it happened to them. And their friendship with Aysel (lesbian muslim werewolf girl!!!) and Tommy (shapeshifter boy) was amazing. Like the way this book translates real life bigotry and social injustice to this magical creatures was truly amazing I recommend it to everyone of any age. Especially middle graders as this book is meant for that age group and I feel this is an amazing diverse read for that age group.
9.-El murmullo de las abejas de Sofia Segovia
Realmente este libro es precioso, soy una super fan del realismo mรกgico y este libro realmente me toco el corazรณn. Aunque he de admitir que entre a este libro sin saber nada, y bueno que este libro pega diferente en el 2020, yo no tenรญa ni idea que este libro nos presentaba la Pandemia de Influenza Espaรฑola de 1918, y bueno es bastante triste leer todo lo que paso cuando nosotros estamos pasando รฉpocas muy similares. Simonopio es un personaje divino, poseedor de una sensibilidad y una inocencia verdaderamente fuera de esta mundo, y la forma en que la familia Morales lo adopta y lo abraza tan profundamente dentro de la familia es realmente hermosa. Fue muy difรญcil leer acerca de Anselmo Espiricueta porque puedo ver de donde venรญa todo ese odio y esa ignorancia que terminaron en tragedia y no puedo dejar de sentir lastima por รฉl a pesar de todo el mal que hace durante el libro. Recomiendo mucho esta lectura.
10.-Riot Baby by Tochi Onyebuchi
A book so relevant in our current times. So powerful and impactful even if the book is pretty short. We get to see how the systematic racisim at work. We get to get a glimpse of this awful reality through Kev and Ella, two gifted siblings that have lived this experiences in different ways and they cope with this in vastly different ways.It was such an intimate read I cannot begin to describe how angry and sad it made me, but also very glad I got to read it because we need to keep being aware that this is the reality for black people all around the world and they don't get to shy away from it so we shouldn't either we should see, learn and fight as hard as we can to change things for the better.
11.-Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
I re-read this book to have it fresh in my mind before the new series airs on July. And I liked it better now than the 1st time. This world is so scary because I see so many realistic elements it shares with the present. I felt a lot for Lenina (for everyone who lives in this world really) because she wanted more than what the society had to offer yet was so deeply conditioned as to what was right that she could just supress her emotions with soma. This book is of course full of racist and sexist stuff (cuz woman and indigenous people can never win) but I feel it helps to get a feel about how fucked up society is as a whole. In the reservation woman are subjected to the usual slut shaming and gender roles we get in our society while in London we get a world in which woman are judged for not sleeping around and being happy and infantile. Like it seems controling woman and their relationship to intimacy and sex is always a bit theme is classic dystopic books which makes a lot of sense given it works like that in the real world too. Same thing with indigenous people being treated as savage to congratula te ourselves for being so much more "civilized" never stopping to think how deeply fractured and flawed this may be. We also get explotation and brain washing of working classes and all that fun stuff. Really and amazing book eerily accurate tho.
12.-Brick Lane by Monica Ali.
This is the story of 2 very different Bangladeshi sisters with very different temperaments making their way through life. Nazneen is a very dutiful daughter that marries the man her father picked for her, moves to London, though her husband doesn't make her happy she tries very hard in this foreign country with so many desires of her own she wishes that she always supresses because of her upbringing. Then we have Hesina, she was always beautiful and runs away with a guy she was in love with, later he abandons her and she gets jobs and loses them because different man keep making her fall for them to abandon them later. Different as they are this 2 Sisters keep relying in each other through letters. I thought it was very moving, and I really liked the ending for Nazneen while Hasina left me feeling worried and unhappy.
13.- Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
I was very hyped for this book and I am so sad I didn't like it. I just didn't feel the world building was cohesive (we have space travel but we don't have baths??? And rapiers as weapons??? Most of it felt like aesthetic decisions) the characters felt very one dimensional to me. And the plot was all over the place, just when I thought I knew what it was about it takes another turn and introduces so many generes but it did not feel natural at all so yeah I will not be reading the next one.
14.- Luces de Bohemia de Ramรณn Maria del Valle Inclan
Me pareciรณ una obra maravillosa. Definitivamente captura el espรญritu creativo bohemio.
15 .- Don Juan Tenorio de Josรฉ Zorrilla
Yo adoro el Tenorio, sin embargo si que he de decir que prefiero la versiรณn del Burlador de Sevilla de Tirso de Molina pues siento que el final es mรกs adecuado. Me parece que aunque la prosa es hermosa Doรฑa Ines pierde mucha agencia en esta versiรณn, me recuerda mucho mรกs a Angelina de la obra "El Honor del Brigadier" que la versiรณn que hizo de ella Tirso de Molina, definitivamente se romรกntiza mucho mรกs estรก figura de seductor canalla en esta versiรณn, aun asรญ es una historia arraigada en Mรฉxico, es una tradiciรณn para mi verla cada Noviembre, este aรฑo me temo que no serรก posible asรญ que disfrute muchรญsimo leerla.
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