#yeah i know i didn't have to give a lil blurb for everything but guess what? we are taking a mental health day and i am SAD
tirednotflirting · 4 years
okie dokie was tagged by @pixiegrl, @allsassnoclass, and @clumsyclifford to share ten songs i’ve been obsessed w recently : )
1. don’t come down - the maine
like VERY recently. like twelve hours ago-ish. thanks to pals in the club but also listening to rian being Very Cute about his love for the maine on this podcast i listened to last night. we are feeling sad today and this song is helping
2. six feet under the stars - all time low
this has become my new go to song on my drives home from work at 2am bc it’s a good scream into the highway song.
3. potential breakup song [explciit] - aly & aj
listen these gals were baby’s first concert in ‘06 and i’ve waited all of my adult life for the moment i get to hear aly and aj sing fuck okay
4. la on a saturday night - hearts and color
a couple months ago i asked bella if she had a playlist of songs about LA bc i was trying to write a thing (this thing that ended up being not really about LA in the end but ya know) and of course she did and then i decided that this song sounds like a prequel to the whohurtyou stages ep and i’ve been obsessed since
5. lesson in letting go and wish we never met - whohurtyou
yeah no i can’t pick just one of them but i feel like they should also be together. sad boy barakat and kevin fisher made the PERFECT ep like i will never get over how they wrote the PERFECT pop ep
6. long story short - taylor swift
everything taylor put out last year spoke to me in a way that her music hadn’t since 1989 honestly but the reflective(?) nature of this one really hits me every damn time. this one really reminded me that i’ve been lucky enough to have her lyrics as the soundtrack to most highs and lows in my life. (long story short i survived gives me CHILLS)
7. drug - simple creatures
on xmas eve i was alone and one point it just hit me and made me VERY SAD so i spent like probably an hour and a half dancing around my living room with a bottle of pink wine to this song until i felt happy again. simple creatures is SO FUN. also fun fact: i spent like a month when this was released also obsessed with it and then just? forgot about it? guess my subconscious wanted to save more of them and atl for 2020 lol
8. dancer - mali-koa
yeah it took me too long to listen to miss mali i KNOW but now i am JAMMING okay. another good living room dance party song
9. kicking and screaming - all time low
idk man it came up on shuffle the other day and i got hooked on it for awhile. 
10. house of memories - panic! at the disco
i got victorious on my time capsule playlist the other day (which is weird but whatever) and then listened through doab for the first time in a while and forgot how sick this song is. doab is So Good wtfffff
feel like everybody already did this buuuuuuut i’m tagging @haikucal, @mashlums, @calumcest, @ilovegolden, and @aspiringwildfire and anybody else who wants to share :))))
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mackenzielovee · 3 years
crazy love (part 10) - rafe cameron
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ma/n: ahhh okay this is it!!! im super sad but i already have so a couple blurbs written so it's not totally over! thank you all for all of your support with this story <3. this part is a lil shorter than the others, sorry about that (not my gif).
Summary: You and Rafe plan your future together, and you convince Rafe it will work out no matter what.
Warnings: swearing, suggestive content, slight mention of drug use
Word Count: 3.2k
series masterlist
my writing
"Are you sure we should do this right now?"
"Yes, Rafe."
"But- we don't even know where you're going, yet. This is pointless."
"It's not pointless. It's your future."
"I'm more concerned about our future."
"You don't get out of this by being sweet."
You roll your eyes and adjust your position on Rafe's lap, which makes him swear again. He had asked you to help him fill out a bunch of college applications, but he seemed to only not be fussy about applying to the ones you had already applied to.
"Okay," you huff, ignoring his fingers as they tuck themselves underneath the bottom of your shorts, "Do you want me to put business as your major on this one, too?"
"I guess," he shrugs.
You sigh and type it in. You lean forward, feeling your back start to cramp up, which makes you move against Rafe's lap. He groans softly behind you, moving his hands up to your hips to steady you.
"Baby, please stop moving. Respectfully."
You smirk and bite your lip, but obey. You scroll down on his fifth application, knowing it's only a matter of minutes before he will ask you to give up on this. Both of you glance up when Ward walks into the kitchen, you instantly feeling uncomfortable with your seat in front of your boyfriend's dad.
"Y/N, hello. I didn't know you were here," Ward gives you a gentle smile as he steps over to the fridge.
"Afternoon, Mr. Cameron," you greet.
You haven't seen Ward since the night of the party, and you had intentionally been avoiding him. It's been weeks now, but still hasn't become any less awkward. He doesn't seem phased by it, however, because he doesn't seem to be acting any different toward you than before.
"What are you two doing?" Ward asks absentmindedly.
Rafe tightens his grip around you waist, anxious about telling his dad what you two are doing. It had been you who convinced Rafe to send out applications, to have faith in himself and believe that he could get in somewhere. You turn your head and look at Rafe, giving him an encouraging smile.
"Um," Rafe starts, earning Ward's attention, "I'm applying to some schools, Dad."
Ward's eyes widen as he moves his glance from Rafe to you. He's sure Rafe didn't come to this conclusion all by himself, which is how Ward knows you're better for his son than he ever thought.
"Wow," Ward breathes, "Rafe, that's wonderful. What schools?"
Your face flushes, hoping it doesn't come up that they've all been schools you're thinking about, too. You know how adults feel about that, and you really don't think it would be good for Rafe to get that lecture right now.
"Georgia, UNC, USC, Duke."
Ward smiles widely, giving his nod of approval to his son. His eyes glance over to you, only briefly, but he hopes you catch his look. You do.
"That's fantastic. I'm sure you'll get in to all of them," Ward encourages.
"Yeah," Rafe grunts, moving his hands down to your thighs. You're thankful that Ward can't see from his side of the kitchen.
"What about you, Y/N? What schools are you thinking about?"
You look up at him and smile, debating silently what your best course of action is. Rafe moves forward, pressing his chest against your back.
"UNC," you reply, holding back the three others.
"Great school," Ward nods encouragingly.
"Yes, sir," you agree.
Rafe sighs audibly, signaling that he would like his father to leave now. Ward holds his hands up, as if to say he gets it, and picks his drink up from the counter.
"Anything I can do to help?" he asks, already inching toward the doorway.
"I've got everything I need right here, Dad," Rafe says quickly, grip tightening around your thighs.
You can't help but smile as you feel your cheeks heat up. Ward just smiles, giving you one final nod as a 'thank you' before he disappears. Rafe groans the second Ward is gone, throwing his head down on your back.
"That went well," you say to him, meaning it.
"I'm sure you'll get into all of them," Rafe mocks his dad, "I mean, what's he going to do when I get rejected from them all? Pay for a new library and buy my acceptance?"
"Rafe," you turn against him quickly, ignoring him groan that you're moving in his lap once more, "Don't say that. You're going to get in. Your GPA is good and your test scores are high-"
"That means fuck all when they ask what I've been doing for the past year. How do I write, 'Uh, working for my dad and getting high off my ass in my spare time'."
"They're not going to ask you that," you sigh, reaching up and stroking his cheek.
"Yeah? What if they do?" he grumbles, more or less loving the sweet look on your face.
"Then you tell them," you smirk, "That you've been a little wrapped up loving on a girl from the Cut. And as much as she loves you back, you're focusing on getting your shit together, now."
Rafe smiles, heart melting at your words. He leans forward and kisses you, first on your lips, then moving to your cheek.
"Can I focus on something else for a little bit?" he asks, his voice low as he moves down to your neck. You sigh and want to give in, but turn at the last second back to his laptop. Rafe groans, steadying your hips on his lap once again.
"Let's finish App State first," you tell him.
He grumbles and gripes while you type for him, attaching his transcripts and test scores to his application. You look over it one more time, verifying all of his information before you submit it.
"Which one do you think we'll end up attending?" he whispers, lips attaching themselves to your shoulder.
He had told you when you came over that he'd make you put a sweatshirt on if you started to distract him too much, and that it wasn't fair he had to think about school when you're dressed like that. You had just rolled your eyes, and chosen not to tell him about the way he gives you butterflies when he says things like that to you.
You pretend his little 'we' doesn't phase you, even though your stomach turns with excitement, "I don't know."
He smiles against your skin, "Whichever one you want, I suppose."
You bite your lip to contain your smile, pretending to be too focused on the computer screen to soak in his words. Really, your mind is going a mile a minute as you imagine how you'll decorate the apartment you and Rafe will share.
You hover the cursor over the submit button, checking off in your head everything you were trying to remember to put on there. Rafe groans and reaches over your shoulder, clicking the button before you can think any more about it.
"Rafe!" you whine, staring at the large, green check mark on the screen.
"There. All done," he smiles triumphantly, moving you around on his lap so you're facing him.
"Could you, like, not be horny for five seconds, please? What if I missed something?"
"Then I'm not going to App State, I guess," he shrugs, "Come here."
You sigh and shake your head, but allow him to grab ahold of your neck and pull you to him. He kisses you, soft and sweet at first, as a thank you for helping him with his applications. After a minute, he moves his head and deepens your kiss, letting his hands roam your body.
You both break away quickly, you turning around to see a surprised Wheezie standing beside the island. Rafe groans loudly, not being able to contain his frustration from his family not leaving the two of you alone.
"Hey, Wheezie," you say shyly.
You attempt to crawl off of Rafe's lap, but his grip is too strong and you aren't able to break away. He's too busy burning holes in his sister's head to notice your glance.
"Wheeze, don't you have, like, homework or something?" Rafe grumbles at her, flicking his eyes to the doorway when she looks at him.
"It's Saturday, Rafe."
Rafe mutters a string of curse words under his breath, which makes you squirm uncomfortably in his lap. You don't like him swearing in front of Wheezie, even though you know she's heard his mouth before.
"A girl scout meeting, then?" he questions, irritation heavy in his voice.
"I'm thirteen."
"They don't - how old are girl scouts?" Rafe asks, making you laugh.
"Forget it, baby," you whisper to him, then turn back to his sister, "How's school going, Wheezie?"
"Good," she nods, still uncomfortable with the current situation.
"Well, we're going upstairs if you're just gonna plant yourself in the middle of the kitchen," Rafe grumbles. He pushes you up slightly, making you stand and wait while he collects his laptop and stands with you.
"I'm baking," Wheezie defends, "Cupcakes."
"Who cares," Rafe mutters under his breath, earning a swat on the chest from you. You look up at Wheezie and can tell she didn't hear him, which you're thankful for.
"I bet they'll be delicious," you smile at her.
She smiles back, reaching up into the cabinets to collect the flour and sugar. Rafe sighs, feeling guilty for his previous comment.
"Call us down when they're done, okay, Wheeze?" he says, trying to earn a smile out of his little sister.
"I will," she assures.
You give her another smile and then take Rafe's hand, leading him upstairs to his room. You collapse on his bed the second you two step inside, watching as he sets his laptop on his desk before stepping over to you.
"Didn't mean to be a dick to Wheezie," he mumbles, "Just mad I can't kiss you in my own house for longer than five seconds without being interrupted."
"I don't think she heard you, anyway," you assure him.
He nods his head and settles in on top of you, placing his head on your chest and leading your hand to his back. You'd normally protest scratching his back, or at least setting a time limit, because once you start, he never lets you stop. But, given how stressful you know applying to schools had been for him, you do it without protest.
"Just imagine how many kisses we'll have when we go off to school," you say quietly, looking down to see his eyes closed and a soft smile on his face.
"Not damn near enough," he mumbles. You can feel his breath through the fabric of your shirt, warming your stomach.
"Hmm," you hum, "We'll just have to try."
He snickers, sliding his hands underneath your shirt and letting your skin warm them up. You two lay like that for a while, letting your eyes close as you relax with Rafe on you. You swear you could fall asleep, sure Rafe has, too, when he speaks up.
"I swear," he mumbles.
"I swear, even if I don't get into any of those goddamn schools," Rafe pauses when you move a hand to his hair, scratching his head, "This is all I want out of life. You're all I want out of life. So, I'm good. College will just be the cherry on top of all this."
"Rafe," you whine, swearing you could cry at his sweet words.
"Mean it," he whispers, "We'll make a good little lives for ourselves and have babies and I'll buy you anything you want-"
"A yacht?" you joke, laughing lightly against him.
"Anything," he repeats.
"Okay," you agree, smiling widely as you think about those 'good little lives'.
You never pegged Rafe Cameron to be someone who dreams of having a sweet little family and a nine-to-five job. It doesn't stop the way your stomach turns out of excitement, though.
"Where will we live, then, Mr. Cameron?" you ask him playfully.
"Here," he answers quickly, "Because my job will probably be here. I'll have to work for my dad forever if I don't get in-"
"You'll get in, Rafe," you assure him, voice harsher than it has been before. Rafe stays quiet at first, choosing to speak only after a few minutes of silence.
"Then we'll live wherever you want. It'll have to be close to Macy and Wheezie, though. I have a feeling they'll need us around."
You smile, feeling him smile, too, "Will we have a dog?"
Rafe sits up, looking up at you with playfully annoyed eyes. You stare back at him with raised eyebrows, waiting on him to explain his expression.
"How many times do I have to say it?" he huffs, "Whatever you want, baby girl."
You grin and nod your head, completely accepting his answer and allowing him to lay his head back on down on you again. Rafe's phone buzzes on the nightstand next to you, making him groan once more.
"Will you see who that is?" he whines.
You reach over and pick up his phone, smiling at the picture of you in Rafe's bed that he had taken while you had been sleeping. The first time you had seen it, you had groaned and told him it was inappropriate, and what if someone saw it, to which he replied, 'they'll probably be jealous as hell, then'." Now, it just makes you smile.
"Wheezie says she's done with the cupcakes," you tell him, setting his phone back down.
"Fuck, all right," Rafe sighs, crawling off of you and standing up, "Let's go, pretty girl."
Your acceptance letters to Duke and UNC come two weeks later. You had been nervous as hell to open them, and Rafe had been nervous as hell that he hadn't heard a thing from any school since you two applied for him. 'Of course you got in, baby', was Rafe's response to each, accompanied by a very long kiss and him letting you choose what you two had for dinner to celebrate.
You two wait another agonizing two weeks, until one night, Rafe gasps at the screen of his laptop. You're laying on his bed, watching your show on Rafe's TV, but sit up at his sudden noise.
"What is it?" you ask him.
He turns to look at you, an expression on his face you've never seen before. You stand up and walk over to him, crawling into his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck before he can even say anything.
"UNC," he whispers, hands gripping onto your waist like his life depends on it.
"Open it," you smile at him.
"I can't," he shakes his head rapidly, eyes filled to the brim with fear.
"Hey," you tilt his chin up, forcing him to look at you, "Whatever that says. We'll deal with it."
"God, baby," he leans his head down on your shoulder.
"Do you want me to open it?"
He just nods as best he can against your shoulder, not bothering to pick his head up. You reach around and move his laptop to the edge of his desk so he doesn't have to move from his position.
You look at Rafe's email account, staring at the email that had come in from UNC an hour ago. You two probably would've seen it earlier if you hadn't been distracting Rafe with the cute outfit you wore to dinner. Sending once last glance to your sweet boy, you let your shaky hand move the cursor over the email. You're nervous, of course you're nervous, because you know he wants this more than anything.
"Jesus, did you open it yet?" he asks, then immediately follows with, "I didn't get in. Oh, God-"
"I haven't opened it, handsome. Relax."
"What the hell are you waiting on, baby?"
His word encourage you, and just as he snuggles himself even closer into you, you read the word.
"Holy shit," you whisper.
Rafe's head shoots up from your shoulder, looking at you before he looks over at the screen. His jaw falls open slightly as he stares at it, rereading the email twice before he speaks.
"I- it says 'Rafe Cameron' at the top, right?" he asks, reaching over and scrolling to the top of the screen.
"Yes!" you cheer, "Of course it does, handsome! Oh, my God, Rafe, I told you! I'm so proud of you."
"Fuck, I-" he shakes his head at the screen, taking a deep breath.
"Rafe," you move his head so he's looking at you, "You did it. You're in."
"We did it," he whispers, "Both of us."
You smile and kiss him, making yourself more comfortable in his lap as he kisses you back.
"I'm hanging that up on my wall," he points to the screen, breaking your kiss only long enough to speak.
"You should," you nod, meeting his lips again.
"Wait, wait," he pulls away after a few minutes, the only light in the screen being the TV now that his screen has gone black.
"Are we- I mean, UNC, and you and me-"
"Yes," you stop him.
Rafe smiles before he can help it, his mind going right back to the night he had asked you to be his girlfriend and you kept interrupting him to say yes before he could even get the question out.
"Baby, you have to let me ask you."
"I don't have any flowers this time," he frowns, hands roaming shamelessly up and down your legs.
"I'll live," you shake your head.
"All right," he starts, taking a deep breath, "While I realize we're extremely young and you haven't even graduated high school, I would really love it if-"
"Could we, like, go to UNC together and get an apartment and start on that good little life we've been dreaming of?"
You bite your lip to hide a smile as you meet his eyes, running your hand through his hair. He's grinning up at you, already imagining how great it will be to be able to kiss you when he wants, where he wants, and however long he wants.
"Can I think about it?"
His voice is harsh and demanding, but you can still see the ends of his lips trying not to turn up into a smirk. You smile and give him a gentle kiss, then lean back.
"Okay," you sigh, "I guess we could make that happen. Unless, of course, I get a better offer."
Rafe laughs incredulously and shakes his head, "You won't."
"So cocky, Rafe Cameron," you smile, giving him another kiss.
When you lean back, you start to daydream. What your apartment will look like, the area rug you want to get for the living room, the shelves Rafe will probably have to install for your picture frames and fake plants.
"What?" he notices the look on your face, then sits back and sighs, "You're thinking about color schemes, aren't you?"
"Rose will have to help me decorate," you say quickly.
Rafe groans but can't help the smile breaking out across his face. You can't help your hands roaming his chest.
"Whatever you want, baby girl. Whatever you want."
Tags: @hollandsour @flowerkidlxrry @kookkyra @pogueslandia @sarahwasfound @sydmetry @fuzzyhumanpersontrash @rafecameronn @cmaisano14 @kaysturnt @rafeswh0ree @estacticheart @outerbankies @morganwilliams
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